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Reddit expand media and comments

Shows pictures and some videos right after the link, loads and expands comment threads.

< Reddit expand media and comments 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-09-17

Hi, WoxxOm

It has been awhile since we last chatted.

The script is still working great. I wanted to know if it was possible to add a way for the script to target and inline reddit galleries the same way it already does for imgur galleries.

Also, the script does not inline imgur galleries on old reddit, which results in either only showing one image by itself or creating the standard slideshow variation with the imgur logo associated.

Any fix for that, so it has the same effect on old reddit. I put some examples from subs below of reddit next to old reddit for comparison.

작성: 2023-09-18

Hey, I don't use reddit that much so I need links to see these posts myself...

작성: 2023-09-18

Thanks. Historically I didn't try to handle reddit's own UI for the posts because they show a special customized UI for all of that which is entirely different from the plain links in the comments. I guess some people may like it so I'll add an option for that, probably disabled by default.

작성: 2023-09-19

I see. That makes sense to have it disabled by default and leave the option to enable or disable it depending on preference. Thanks again

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