ppixiv for Pixiv

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< ppixiv for Pixiv 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-04-25

I've been using this script on desktop with no issues for months now; it's a fantastic and convenient script. However, I just recently installed it on my phone, and it's not registering swipes to move between works. Taps, double taps, and pinching all register just fine, but it's nigh impossible to get it to consistently register my swiping between works. Is there a trick that I'm not noticing? Or is there just an issue with my phone?

작성: 2024-04-26

The viewing UI is a bit unusual. Here's how it works:

- If you touch the screen and then swipe, it'll drag the image around (if possible, it won't drag if you're zoomed all the way out).
- If you swipe in one motion--don't touch and then swipe, just swipe--it'll be a swipe. Left and right to navigate, up to open the menu, down to exit to the search.

It's not obvious and probably should have some kind of tutorial, but it allows both dragging around the image around and navigating with a single motion. (I'd have preferred to just use "swipe from the left/right edge", but mobile browsers won't let me do that...) But once you see what's happening it should be easy to get used to.

Are you on iOS or Android? It works really well for me on iOS, but there's always more variance on Android so I don't know if it works as well there.

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