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Amazon Video - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video

< Amazon Video - subtitle downloader 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2023-05-21


Thank you for the script, I'm using it for years. Now I have a problem, could you please check it?

I wanted to download the subtitles of this show, but there's only S01E08 (the last episode) in the zip fil.

On the page of the show the script says "Download subs for this movie" so maybe this is the problem, because this is not a movie.
I tried to download other shows and the same happened. It always downloaded only the last episodes.

Thank you.

작성: 2023-05-21

I don't have a subscription but I checked the script and it should work fine. Line 400 has this code:

document.querySelectorAll('.dv-episode-container, .avu-context-card, .js-node-episode-container, li[id^=av-ep-episodes-]')

and depending on the result it adds "Download subs for this movie" button (when no elements are found) or buttons for season and episodes (when elements are found). And when I tried that code in browser console it finds 8 elements.

So either you have outdated version of this script or Amazon is testing a new design and only some people have it. So you'd have to send a HTML page for me to check.

Also, make sure it's not some other script/extension messing with mine.

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