Disable YouTube Video Ads

Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.

< Disable YouTube Video Ads 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-11-06
수정: 2023-11-06

It works as intended, but no autoplay sucks for me. Any chances to change ?

작성: 2024-02-01

add this code as a bookmark (written by chatGPT and been used by me for quite a while now) and then you'll just have to click on it on a yt page, when it skips to the next one you don't have to click on it again. If you open a new youtube page you will have to click on it again if you want it to autoplay

javascript:(function() { function skipToNextVideo() { var video = document.querySelector('video'); if (video && !video.paused) { var currentTime = video.currentTime; var duration = video.duration; if (duration - currentTime <= 1) { var nextButton = document.querySelector('.ytp-next-button'); if (nextButton) { nextButton.click(); } } } } setInterval(skipToNextVideo, 1000); })();

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