WaniKani SRS Level Progress

Review schedule explorer for WaniKani

< WaniKani SRS Level Progress 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2017-09-20

UserScript does not work for me :-(

I just installed your UserScript, but it does not show the numbers... (It creates some space in between the big number and the label underneath, but I don't see the broken-down numbers.)
This is the HTML that was created for the Apprentice section:




As you can see, it generates a space instead of the numbers. Any ideas?
BTW this is on Chrome with TamperMonkey.


작성: 2017-09-20

Oh, stupid me - the HTML gets rendered :-(
Here is a screenshot of the HTML:

작성: 2017-09-23

Now it works for me, thanks for the quick update!

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