Greasy Fork is available in English. Features by Donut

Hold down S to freeze. Press K to show/hide skins, N to show/hide names, M to show/hide mass, F to show/hide food, H to show/hide chat. For Team Scrimmage players: auto respawn in Team Scrimmage, "Team 2v2" is selected by default, press Enter to queue a match or leave a match that has ended, L to leave a match at any time. You can change the keys if you wish. You can also set custom keys for triple split, show/hide minimap, score panel, party panel, leaderboard, and auto decline party invites.

2017-08-22 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.

Simon24801님이 2021-01-08 게시
t0m님이 2021-05-18 댓글
나쁨 Line worked 50%50
sebastian seba님이 2020-05-24 게시
dada dadada
김성빈님이 2020-01-25 게시
ff dd
Nima _님이 2019-12-31 게시
Max Donut개발자님이 2020-01-08 댓글
Not updated 2v2 Extreme needs to be added to default gamemode
TJ Moloisgoed님이 2019-12-31 게시
Max Donut개발자님이 2020-01-07 댓글
나쁨 i * * * * * * * * * * How can i reset _**1. **_
김성빈님이 2019-12-21 게시
좋음 큐ㅣLxch good
김성빈님이 2019-12-14 게시
좋음 김성빈 B) *~~~~*
Randi Quoteser25님이 2019-10-18 게시
Randi Quoteser25님이 2019-10-18 댓글
좋음 RandiGG ****
Kačka Blecha님이 2019-10-01 게시
Max Donut개발자님이 2019-10-01 댓글
aaa556 this script not worked.i can install but he dont worket

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