GitHub Files Filter

A userscript that adds filters that toggle the view of repo files by extension

< GitHub Files Filter 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2020-07-11
수정: 2020-07-11

Please, update this script.

It doesn't work anymore since the last forced github redesign.

Edited: It works again already, thank you! (:

작성: 2020-07-11
수정: 2020-07-11

Hi! I just updated it, but GreasyFork isn't accepting the new code. Right now, you can update directly from either the GitHub or from OpenUserJS sites, but you'll need to wait a bit before GreasyFork gets updated. Sorry for the inconvience.

Go to this link for links to the other sources:

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