

< HTML5视频播放工具 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-07-05

Congratulations for your script, it's really helpful.
If I translate this in other languages (i.e. English and Italian), will you publish it on your Greasyfork account?
Otherwise, is it OK for you if I create my own account and publish it?

작성: 2023-07-06

Yes! I'll publish it.

작성: 2023-07-07
수정: 2023-07-07

Ok perfect. I translated it.

You can download it from:

This will adapt the script language depending by the user-defined browser language. Feel free to contact me if you need further translations if you add some new functions or edit the actual ones.

PS: Sorry but I just noticed I leaved transparency in volume settings on screen notification (which I prefer), please feel free to remove it if you don't like it.

작성: 2023-07-08
수정: 2023-07-08

Online Marketing??

작성: 2023-07-08

I'm terribly sorry :(
I shared with you a private document by mistake. Please delete it if you downloaded it.

Here's the correct link:

Please excuse me -_-

작성: 2023-07-10
수정: 2023-07-10

ready! Waiting for user commands.

Pronto! In attesa dei comandi dell'utente. It's OK?

작성: 2023-07-11

Yes it is, I already tested it in Italian and English and it seems to work properly

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