
show current ELO Rang in profile

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
 * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
 * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
 * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
 * http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */

// ==UserScript==

// @name        Elo-Rang
// @namespace   fussball
// @include     https://fussballcup.de/*
// @version    	0.1.5
// @description show current ELO Rang in profile
// @author 	Philipp, edited by mot33 / 2017
// @connect <value>
// ==/UserScript==

var timeout = 5000;

* Simply creates async html request with url theURL; calls back callback with result string as first parameter and args as second parameter
* Case of error; null is returned as result String
function httpGetAsync(theUrl, callback, args){
	var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

   	xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { 
		if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200){
			callback(xmlHttp.responseText, args);

    	xmlHttp.open("GET", theUrl, true); // true for asynchronous 

	// handle timeout
		if (xmlHttp.readyState != 4 || xmlHttp.status != 200){
			// something went wrong
			// cancel
			// call callback with error
			callback(null, args);
	}, timeout);

* 	really (like really really) simple logger :)
function logError(msg){
	console.log("ELO-rank show script: " + msg);

// make sure changes() isn't executed twice the same time
var lock=false;
// do not search for same name twice (if once failed, will probably fail again; performance!)
var lastName="";
function checkForSearchNameOrReturnNull(){
	// and that's just lots of text to make sure, this script isn't executed more than necesarry

	// make sure this function isn't executed twice at the same time
		return null;

	// make sure, rank must be added (= profil show page)
	var url = window.location.href;
		return null;
		return null;

	// make sure rank isn't allready sucessfully added
		return null;

	// make sure, profile-show exists
	var profile_show = document.getElementById('profile-show');
	if(profile_show == null || profile_show.firstChild == null){
		// log something strange happend; actually profile page should have profile-show element
		logError("Something strange happended! Recognized profile page but no profile-show element to extract name from!");
		return null;

	// extract profile name name
	// substring(11): String is "Profil von (...)". Extract (...) 
	var name = profile_show.firstChild.textContent.substring(11);
	// do not execute script for same name twice
	if(lastName == name){
		return null;
	lastName = name;

	// finally return result
	return name;

* 	Takes rank as attribute
*	Creates html elements and addes rank information to info box
function appendRank(rank){
	// create html frame
	  var s ='<br><li><strong id="rankshow" class="player-preview">Elo-Rang:&nbsp';
        s+=rank = " <font color='yellow'>"+ String(rank) + "&nbsp&nbsp</font></strong></b>";
	var div = document.createElement('div');
	div.innerHTML = s;

	// insert
	var elementsProfileBox = document.getElementsByClassName('profile-box-squad');
		// okay, that's strange
		logError("Strange error while adding rank information: No Element of class 'profile-box-squad' found! Don't know where to add information!");

	// unlock

*	gets resulst String
*	parses and extracts ELO rank
* 	checks, if it is ELO rank for args['name']
*	calls args['call'] with first parameter: rank
function fetchELOResults(requestResult, args){
	// check for valid result
	if(requestResult == null){
		logError("Error html request!");

	// parse result
		var parser = document.createElement('html');
		parser.innerHTML = JSON.parse(requestResult).content;

		// get right fieled
		var results = parser.getElementsByClassName(' odd');

		if(results.length == 0){
		// okay, no problem! Just no rank found: probably user doesn't have a rank
		results = results[0];

		// check if name is right
			// okay, no problem! Just not right user found: problably user doesn't have a rank

		// call callback with rank to handle everything else

		logError("Error parsing resulst String of ELO-rank request! Error: " + e);

*   searches ELO rang
*   will call back toCall with first paramter elo rang of player with name "name"
function searchELORang(name, toCall){
	// wrap parameters in set
    	params['name'] = name;
	params['call'] = toCall;

	// schedule html requst
	httpGetAsync('http://fussballcup.de/index.php?club=' + name + '&_qf__form=&module=rating&action=index&area=user&league=&path=index.php&layout=none', fetchELOResults , params);

*	Main function! Will check, if script execution is necessar; will lookup ELO rank and will append rank to profile
function changes(){
	// get name; will catch all cases where nothing has to be done
	var name = checkForSearchNameOrReturnNull();

	if(name == null){
		// nothing to do
	// set lock

	// Real script execution!!!
	searchELORang(name, appendRank);

window.setTimeout(function() { changes() }, 2500);
window.setInterval(function() { changes() }, 5000);