G-play show rating

Shows the rating as text next to the stars in Google Play app listings

< G-play show rating 피드백

리뷰: 나쁨 - 동작하지 않음

작성: 2021-11-06

Not worked. Mozilla Firefox 95.0b3 (64-bit), Tampermonkey 4.13.6136 (1 May 2021).

작성: 2021-11-06


작성: 2021-11-06


I confirm, now it works, thanks!

작성: 2022-07-31

Doesn't work again - doesn't display feedback rating distribution charts. Mozilla Firefox 104.0b3 (64-bit), Tampermonkey 4.17.6161 (11 June 2022).

작성: 2022-07-31

I don't see the need for this script anymore, the new site seems to show the ratings by default.

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