Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< Netflix - subtitle downloader 피드백


작성: 2020-04-24

don't work ~~~ 2020/4/25

don't work ~~~ 2020/4/25

작성: 2020-04-24

今天 插件 不能下载字幕了 等待作者发布新版本吧

작성: 2020-04-24
수정: 2020-04-24

On Google Chrome and Firefox you can use the two workarounds here to get the Netflix script working again.

On Opera install this extension manually and the Netflix script will work again.

Here are the instructions for how to install this extension manually on Opera.

On Opera turn off "Language Learning with Netflix" from the extension interface if you will only use it to get the Netflix script working again.

작성: 2020-04-25

it cannot download script

작성: 2020-04-25

Try with 3.2.2.

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