Youtube HD

Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.

< Youtube HD 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2022-01-12
수정: 2022-01-12


let me know if I was wrong, I can see that now the res running at 1080p@30 default, is that anyway I can get the best res for each video by setting it to the highest res and fps? It works fine for most vids but someetime theres vid support highest res and framerate.

I am looking for something like this auto HD is because recently youtube force me to watch low-resolution video 360/480p and I have to switch back every time which is annoying. I tried the chrome plugin but those didn't work really well. The youtube setting of performance is totally useless, just wondering if they are trying to cut the cost of streaming....

작성: 2022-01-12

problem solved, tested 4k@60 everythings good

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