

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        AposFeedingBot
// @namespace   AposFeedingBot
// @include     http://agar.io/*
// @version     3.71
// @grant       none
// @author      http://www.twitch.tv/apostolique
// @description    none  
// ==/UserScript==

var aposFeedingBotVersion = 3.71;

//TODO: Team mode
//      Detect when people are merging
//      Split to catch smaller targets
//      Angle based cluster code
//      Better wall code
//      In team mode, make allies be obstacles.

Number.prototype.mod = function(n) {
    return ((this % n) + n) % n;

Array.prototype.peek = function() {
    return this[this.length - 1];

var sha = "efde0488cc2cc176db48dd23b28a20b90314352b";
function getLatestCommit() {
            url: "https://api.github.com/repos/apostolique/AposFeedingBot/git/refs/heads/master",
            cache: false,
            dataType: "jsonp"
        }).done(function(data) {
            console.log("hmm: " + data.data.object.sha);
            sha = data.data.object.sha;

            function update(prefix, name, url) {
                window.jQuery(document.body).prepend("<div id='" + prefix + "Dialog' style='position: absolute; left: 0px; right: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; z-index: 100; display: none;'>");
                window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Dialog').append("<div id='" + prefix + "Message' style='width: 350px; background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 100px auto; border-radius: 15px; padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px;'>");
                window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Message').append("<h2>UPDATE TIME!!!</h2>");
                window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Message').append("<p>Grab the update for: <a id='" + prefix + "Link' href='" + url + "' target=\"_blank\">" + name + "</a></p>");
                window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Link').on('click', function() {
                    window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").hide();
                    window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").remove();
                window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").show();

            $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apostolique/AposFeedingBot/master/AposFeedingBot.user.js?' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) + 1), function(data) {
                var latestVersion = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"");
                latestVersion = latestVersion.substring(latestVersion.indexOf("// @version")+11,latestVersion.indexOf("// @grant"));

                latestVersion = parseFloat(latestVersion + 0.0000);
                var myVersion = parseFloat(aposFeedingBotVersion + 0.0000); 
                if(latestVersion > myVersion)
                    update("aposFeedingBot", "AposFeedingBot.user.js", "https://github.com/Apostolique/AposFeedingBot/blob/" + sha + "/AposFeedingBot.user.js/");
                console.log('Current AposFeedingBot.user.js Version: ' + myVersion + " on Github: " + latestVersion);

        }).fail(function() {});

console.log("Running Apos Feeding Bot!");

var f = window;
var g = window.jQuery;

Parse.initialize("nj3ycKuqW4k4CnzN1ZYtMYowoa97qNw7NafLimrF", "nh6arPQQxbE5rFOyR0dCgecQiDAN54Zgjsf7eAKH");

console.log("Apos Feeding Bot!");

window.botList = window.botList || [];

/*function QuickBot() {
    this.name = "QuickBot V1";
    this.keyAction = function(key) {};
    this.displayText = function() {return [];};
    this.mainLoop = function() {
        return [screenToGameX(getMouseX()),
window.botList.push(new QuickBot());*/

function AposBot() {
    this.name = "AposFeedingBot " + aposFeedingBotVersion;

    this.lastMasterUpdate = Date.now();
    this.MasterLocation = Parse.Object.extend("MasterLocation");

    this.toggleFollow = false;
    this.master = false;

    this.masterLocation = [100, 100];
    this.masterId = 0;

    this.keyAction = function(key) {
        if (81 == key.keyCode) {
            console.log("Toggle Follow Mouse!");
            this.toggleFollow = !this.toggleFollow;
        if (77 == key.keyCode) {
            console.log("Toggle Master!");
            this.master = !this.master;

    this.displayText = function() {
        var theText = [];
        theText.push("Q - Follow Mouse: " + (this.toggleFollow ? "On" : "Off"));
        theText.push("M - Status: " + (this.master ? "Master" : "Slave"));
        return theText;

    this.splitDistance = 710;

    //Given an angle value that was gotten from valueAndleBased(),
    //returns a new value that scales it appropriately.
    this.paraAngleValue = function(angleValue, range) {
        return (15 / (range[1])) * (angleValue * angleValue) - (range[1] / 6);

    this.valueAngleBased = function(angle, range) {
        var leftValue = (angle - range[0]).mod(360);
        var rightValue = (this.rangeToAngle(range) - angle).mod(360);

        var bestValue = Math.min(leftValue, rightValue);

        if (bestValue <= range[1]) {
            return this.paraAngleValue(bestValue, range);
        return -1;

    this.computeDistance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        var xdis = x1 - x2; // <--- FAKE AmS OF COURSE!
        var ydis = y1 - y2;
        var distance = Math.sqrt(xdis * xdis + ydis * ydis);

        return distance;

    this.computeDistanceFromCircleEdge = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, s2) {
        var tempD = this.computeDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2);

        var offsetX = 0;
        var offsetY = 0;

        var ratioX = tempD / (x1 - x2);
        var ratioY = tempD / (y1 - y2);

        offsetX = x1 - (s2 / ratioX);
        offsetY = y1 - (s2 / ratioY);

        drawPoint(offsetX, offsetY, 5, "");

        return this.computeDistance(x2, y2, offsetX, offsetY);

    this.compareSize = function(player1, player2, ratio) {
        if (player1.size * player1.size * ratio < player2.size * player2.size) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.canSplit = function(player1, player2) {
        return this.compareSize(player1, player2, 2.8) && !this.compareSize(player1, player2, 20);

    this.isItMe = function(player, cell) {
        if (getMode() == ":teams") {
            var currentColor = player[0].color;
            var currentRed = currentColor.substring(1,3);
            var currentGreen = currentColor.substring(3,5);
            var currentBlue = currentColor.substring(5,7);
            var currentTeam = this.getTeam(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue);

            var cellColor = cell.color;

            var cellRed = cellColor.substring(1,3);
            var cellGreen = cellColor.substring(3,5);
            var cellBlue = cellColor.substring(5,7);

            var cellTeam = this.getTeam(cellRed, cellGreen, cellBlue);

            if (currentTeam == cellTeam && !cell.isVirus()) {
                return true;

            //console.log("COLOR: " + color);

        } else {
            for (var i = 0; i < player.length; i++) {
                if (cell.id == player[i].id) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    this.getTeam = function(red, green, blue) {
        if (red == "ff") {
            return 0;
        } else if (green == "ff") {
            return 1;
        return 2;

    this.isFood = function(blob, cell) {
        if (!cell.isVirus() && this.compareSize(cell, blob, 1.33) || (cell.size <= 13)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.isThreat = function(blob, cell) {
        if (!cell.isVirus() && this.compareSize(blob, cell, 1.30)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.isVirus = function(blob, cell) {
        if (cell.isVirus() && this.compareSize(cell, blob, 1.2)) {
            return true;
        } else if (cell.isVirus() && cell.color.substring(3,5).toLowerCase() != "ff") {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.isSplitTarget = function(that, blob, cell) {
        if (that.canSplit(cell, blob)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.getTimeToRemerge = function(mass){
        return ((mass*0.02) + 30);

    this.separateListBasedOnFunction = function(that, listToUse, blob) {
        var foodElementList = [];
        var threatList = [];
        var virusList = [];
        var splitTargetList = [];
        var foundMaster = [];

        var player = getPlayer();

        Object.keys(listToUse).forEach(function(element, index) {
            var isMe = that.isItMe(player, listToUse[element]);

            if (!isMe) {
                if (!that.master && listToUse[element].id == that.masterId) {
                    console.log("Found master! " + that.masterId + ", " + listToUse[element].id);
                } else if (that.isFood(blob, listToUse[element]) && listToUse[element].isNotMoving()) {
                    //IT'S FOOD!
                } else if (that.isThreat(blob, listToUse[element])) {
                    //IT'S DANGER!
                    if ((!that.master && listToUse[element].id != that.masterId) || that.master) {
                    } else {
                        console.log("Found master! " + that.masterId);
                } else if (that.isVirus(blob, listToUse[element])) {
                    //IT'S VIRUS!
                else if (that.isSplitTarget(that, blob, listToUse[element])) {
                    drawCircle(listToUse[element].x, listToUse[element].y, listToUse[element].size + 50, 7);
            }/*else if(isMe && (getBlobCount(getPlayer()) > 0)){
                //Attempt to make the other cell follow the mother one

        foodList = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < foodElementList.length; i++) {
            foodList.push([foodElementList[i].x, foodElementList[i].y, foodElementList[i].size]);

        return [foodList, threatList, virusList, splitTargetList, foundMaster];

    this.getAll = function(blob) {
        var dotList = [];
        var player = getPlayer();
        var interNodes = getMemoryCells();

        dotList = this.separateListBasedOnFunction(this, interNodes, blob);

        return dotList;

    this.clusterFood = function(foodList, blobSize) {
        var clusters = [];
        var addedCluster = false;

        //1: x
        //2: y
        //3: size or value
        //4: Angle, not set here.

        for (var i = 0; i < foodList.length; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < clusters.length; j++) {
                if (this.computeDistance(foodList[i][0], foodList[i][1], clusters[j][0], clusters[j][1]) < blobSize * 1.5) {
                    clusters[j][0] = (foodList[i][0] + clusters[j][0]) / 2;
                    clusters[j][1] = (foodList[i][1] + clusters[j][1]) / 2;
                    clusters[j][2] += foodList[i][2];
                    addedCluster = true;
            if (!addedCluster) {
                clusters.push([foodList[i][0], foodList[i][1], foodList[i][2], 0]);
            addedCluster = false;
        return clusters;

    this.getAngle = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        //Handle vertical and horizontal lines.

        if (x1 == x2) {
            if (y1 < y2) {
                return 271;
                //return 89;
            } else {
                return 89;

        return (Math.round(Math.atan2(-(y1 - y2), -(x1 - x2)) / Math.PI * 180 + 180));

    this.slope = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        var m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2);

        return m;

    this.slopeFromAngle = function(degree) {
        if (degree == 270) {
            degree = 271;
        } else if (degree == 90) {
            degree = 91;
        return Math.tan((degree - 180) / 180 * Math.PI);

    //Given two points on a line, finds the slope of a perpendicular line crossing it.
    this.inverseSlope = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        var m = this.slope(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        return (-1) / m;

    //Given a slope and an offset, returns two points on that line.
    this.pointsOnLine = function(slope, useX, useY, distance) {
        var b = useY - slope * useX;
        var r = Math.sqrt(1 + slope * slope);

        var newX1 = (useX + (distance / r));
        var newY1 = (useY + ((distance * slope) / r));
        var newX2 = (useX + ((-distance) / r));
        var newY2 = (useY + (((-distance) * slope) / r));

        return [
            [newX1, newY1],
            [newX2, newY2]

    this.followAngle = function(angle, useX, useY, distance) {
        var slope = this.slopeFromAngle(angle);
        var coords = this.pointsOnLine(slope, useX, useY, distance);

        var side = (angle - 90).mod(360);
        if (side < 180) {
            return coords[1];
        } else {
            return coords[0];

    //Using a line formed from point a to b, tells if point c is on S side of that line.
    this.isSideLine = function(a, b, c) {
        if ((b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]) > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    //angle range2 is within angle range2
    //an Angle is a point and a distance between an other point [5, 40]
    this.angleRangeIsWithin = function(range1, range2) {
        if (range2[0] == (range2[0] + range2[1]).mod(360)) {
            return true;
        //console.log("r1: " + range1[0] + ", " + range1[1] + " ... r2: " + range2[0] + ", " + range2[1]);

        var distanceFrom0 = (range1[0] - range2[0]).mod(360);
        var distanceFrom1 = (range1[1] - range2[0]).mod(360);

        if (distanceFrom0 < range2[1] && distanceFrom1 < range2[1] && distanceFrom0 < distanceFrom1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.angleRangeIsWithinInverted = function(range1, range2) {
        var distanceFrom0 = (range1[0] - range2[0]).mod(360);
        var distanceFrom1 = (range1[1] - range2[0]).mod(360);

        if (distanceFrom0 < range2[1] && distanceFrom1 < range2[1] && distanceFrom0 > distanceFrom1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.angleIsWithin = function(angle, range) {
        var diff = (this.rangeToAngle(range) - angle).mod(360);
        if (diff >= 0 && diff <= range[1]) {
            return true;
        return false;

    this.rangeToAngle = function(range) {
        return (range[0] + range[1]).mod(360);

    this.anglePair = function(range) {
        return (range[0] + ", " + this.rangeToAngle(range) + " range: " + range[1]);

    this.computeAngleRanges = function(blob1, blob2) {
        var mainAngle = this.getAngle(blob1.x, blob1.y, blob2.x, blob2.y);
        var leftAngle = (mainAngle - 90).mod(360);
        var rightAngle = (mainAngle + 90).mod(360);

        var blob1Left = this.followAngle(leftAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, blob1.size);
        var blob1Right = this.followAngle(rightAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, blob1.size);

        var blob2Left = this.followAngle(rightAngle, blob2.x, blob2.y, blob2.size);
        var blob2Right = this.followAngle(leftAngle, blob2.x, blob2.y, blob2.size);

        var blob1AngleLeft = this.getAngle(blob2.x, blob2.y, blob1Left[0], blob1Left[1]);
        var blob1AngleRight = this.getAngle(blob2.x, blob2.y, blob1Right[0], blob1Right[1]);

        var blob2AngleLeft = this.getAngle(blob1.x, blob1.y, blob2Left[0], blob2Left[1]);
        var blob2AngleRight = this.getAngle(blob1.x, blob1.y, blob2Right[0], blob2Right[1]);

        var blob1Range = (blob1AngleRight - blob1AngleLeft).mod(360);
        var blob2Range = (blob2AngleRight - blob2AngleLeft).mod(360);

        var tempLine = this.followAngle(blob2AngleLeft, blob2Left[0], blob2Left[1], 400);
        //drawLine(blob2Left[0], blob2Left[1], tempLine[0], tempLine[1], 0);

        if ((blob1Range / blob2Range) > 1) {
            drawPoint(blob1Left[0], blob1Left[1], 3, "");
            drawPoint(blob1Right[0], blob1Right[1], 3, "");
            drawPoint(blob1.x, blob1.y, 3, "" + blob1Range + ", " + blob2Range + " R: " + (Math.round((blob1Range / blob2Range) * 1000) / 1000));

        //drawPoint(blob2.x, blob2.y, 3, "" + blob1Range);

    this.debugAngle = function(angle, text) {
        var player = getPlayer();
        var line1 = this.followAngle(angle, player[0].x, player[0].y, 300);
        drawLine(player[0].x, player[0].y, line1[0], line1[1], 5);
        drawPoint(line1[0], line1[1], 5, "" + text);

    //TODO: Don't let this function do the radius math.
    this.getEdgeLinesFromPoint = function(blob1, blob2, radius) {
        var px = blob1.x;
        var py = blob1.y;

        var cx = blob2.x;
        var cy = blob2.y;

        //var radius = blob2.size;

        /*if (blob2.isVirus()) {
            radius = blob1.size;
        } else if(canSplit(blob1, blob2)) {
            radius += splitDistance;
        } else {
            radius += blob1.size * 2;

        var shouldInvert = false;

        var tempRadius = this.computeDistance(px, py, cx, cy);
        if (tempRadius <= radius) {
            radius = tempRadius - 5;
            shouldInvert = true;

        var dx = cx - px;
        var dy = cy - py;
        var dd = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        var a = Math.asin(radius / dd);
        var b = Math.atan2(dy, dx);

        var t = b - a;
        var ta = {
            x: radius * Math.sin(t),
            y: radius * -Math.cos(t)

        t = b + a;
        var tb = {
            x: radius * -Math.sin(t),
            y: radius * Math.cos(t)

        var angleLeft = this.getAngle(cx + ta.x, cy + ta.y, px, py);
        var angleRight = this.getAngle(cx + tb.x, cy + tb.y, px, py);
        var angleDistance = (angleRight - angleLeft).mod(360);

        /*if (shouldInvert) {
            var temp = angleLeft;
            angleLeft = (angleRight + 180).mod(360);
            angleRight = (temp + 180).mod(360);
            angleDistance = (angleRight - angleLeft).mod(360);

        return [angleLeft, angleDistance, [cx + tb.x, cy + tb.y],
            [cx + ta.x, cy + ta.y]

    this.invertAngle = function(range) {
        var angle1 = this.rangeToAngle(badAngles[i]);
        var angle2 = (badAngles[i][0] - angle1).mod(360);
        return [angle1, angle2];

    this.addWall = function(listToUse, blob) {
        //var mapSizeX = Math.abs(f.getMapStartX - f.getMapEndX);
        //var mapSizeY = Math.abs(f.getMapStartY - f.getMapEndY);
        //var distanceFromWallX = mapSizeX/3;
        //var distanceFromWallY = mapSizeY/3;
        var distanceFromWallY = 2000;
        var distanceFromWallX = 2000;
        if (blob.x < getMapStartX() + distanceFromWallX) {
                [90, true],
                [270, false], this.computeDistance(getMapStartX(), blob.y, blob.x, blob.y)
            var lineLeft = this.followAngle(90, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            var lineRight = this.followAngle(270, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5);
        if (blob.y < getMapStartY() + distanceFromWallY) {
                [180, true],
                [0, false], this.computeDistance(blob.x, getMapStartY, blob.x, blob.y)
            var lineLeft = this.followAngle(180, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            var lineRight = this.followAngle(360, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5);
        if (blob.x > getMapEndX() - distanceFromWallX) {
                [270, true],
                [90, false], this.computeDistance(getMapEndX(), blob.y, blob.x, blob.y)
            var lineLeft = this.followAngle(270, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            var lineRight = this.followAngle(90, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5);
        if (blob.y > getMapEndY() - distanceFromWallY) {
                [0, true],
                [180, false], this.computeDistance(blob.x, getMapEndY(), blob.x, blob.y)
            var lineLeft = this.followAngle(0, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            var lineRight = this.followAngle(180, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5);
            drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5);
        return listToUse;

    //listToUse contains angles in the form of [angle, boolean].
    //boolean is true when the range is starting. False when it's ending.
    //range = [[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]

    this.getAngleIndex = function(listToUse, angle) {
        if (listToUse.length == 0) {
            return 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < listToUse.length; i++) {
            if (angle <= listToUse[i][0]) {
                return i;

        return listToUse.length;

    this.addAngle = function(listToUse, range) {
        //#1 Find first open element
        //#2 Try to add range1 to the list. If it is within other range, don't add it, set a boolean.
        //#3 Try to add range2 to the list. If it is withing other range, don't add it, set a boolean.

        //TODO: Only add the new range at the end after the right stuff has been removed.

        var newListToUse = listToUse.slice();

        var startIndex = 1;

        if (newListToUse.length > 0 && !newListToUse[0][1]) {
            startIndex = 0;

        var startMark = this.getAngleIndex(newListToUse, range[0][0]);
        var startBool = startMark.mod(2) != startIndex;

        var endMark = this.getAngleIndex(newListToUse, range[1][0]);
        var endBool = endMark.mod(2) != startIndex;

        var removeList = [];

        if (startMark != endMark) {
            //Note: If there is still an error, this would be it.
            var biggerList = 0;
            if (endMark == newListToUse.length) {
                biggerList = 1;

            for (var i = startMark; i < startMark + (endMark - startMark).mod(newListToUse.length + biggerList); i++) {
        } else if (startMark < newListToUse.length && endMark < newListToUse.length) {
            var startDist = (newListToUse[startMark][0] - range[0][0]).mod(360);
            var endDist = (newListToUse[endMark][0] - range[1][0]).mod(360);

            if (startDist < endDist) {
                for (var i = 0; i < newListToUse.length; i++) {

        removeList.sort(function(a, b){return b-a;});

        for (var i = 0; i < removeList.length; i++) {
            newListToUse.splice(removeList[i], 1);

        if (startBool) {
            newListToUse.splice(this.getAngleIndex(newListToUse, range[0][0]), 0, range[0]);
        if (endBool) {
            newListToUse.splice(this.getAngleIndex(newListToUse, range[1][0]), 0, range[1]);

        return newListToUse;

    this.getAngleRange = function(blob1, blob2, index, radius) {
        var angleStuff = this.getEdgeLinesFromPoint(blob1, blob2, radius);

        var leftAngle = angleStuff[0];
        var rightAngle = this.rangeToAngle(angleStuff);
        var difference = angleStuff[1];

        drawPoint(angleStuff[2][0], angleStuff[2][1], 3, "");
        drawPoint(angleStuff[3][0], angleStuff[3][1], 3, "");

        //console.log("Adding badAngles: " + leftAngle + ", " + rightAngle + " diff: " + difference);

        var lineLeft = this.followAngle(leftAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, 150 + blob1.size - index * 10);
        var lineRight = this.followAngle(rightAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, 150 + blob1.size - index * 10);

        if (blob2.isVirus()) {
            drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 6);
            drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 6);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob1.x, blob1.y, 6);
        } else if(getCells().hasOwnProperty(blob2.id)) {
            drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 0);
            drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 0);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob1.x, blob1.y, 0);
        } else {
            drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 3);
            drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 3);
            drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob1.x, blob1.y, 3);

        return [leftAngle, difference];

    //Given a list of conditions, shift the angle to the closest available spot respecting the range given.
    this.shiftAngle = function(listToUse, angle, range) {
        //TODO: shiftAngle needs to respect the range! DONE?
        for (var i = 0; i < listToUse.length; i++) {
            if (this.angleIsWithin(angle, listToUse[i])) {
                //console.log("Shifting needed!");

                var angle1 = listToUse[i][0];
                var angle2 = this.rangeToAngle(listToUse[i]);

                var dist1 = (angle - angle1).mod(360);
                var dist2 = (angle2 - angle).mod(360);

                if (dist1 < dist2) {
                    if (this.angleIsWithin(angle1, range)) {
                        return angle1;
                    } else {
                        return angle2;
                } else {
                    if (this.angleIsWithin(angle2, range)) {
                        return angle2;
                    } else {
                        return angle1;
        //console.log("No Shifting Was needed!");
        return angle;

     * This is the main bot logic. This is called quite often.
     * @return A 2 dimensional array with coordinates for every cells.  [[x, y], [x, y]]
    this.mainLoop = function() {
        var player = getPlayer();
        var interNodes = getMemoryCells();

        if ( /*!toggle*/ 1) {
            //The following code converts the mouse position into an
            //absolute game coordinate.
            var useMouseX = screenToGameX(getMouseX());
            var useMouseY = screenToGameY(getMouseY());
            tempPoint = [useMouseX, useMouseY, 1];

            //The current destination that the cells were going towards.
            var tempMoveX = getPointX();
            var tempMoveY = getPointY();

            //This variable will be returned at the end.
            //It will contain the destination choices for all the cells.
            //BTW!!! ERROR ERROR ABORT MISSION!!!!!!! READ BELOW -----------
            var destinationChoices = []; //destination, size, danger

            //Just to make sure the player is alive.
            if (player.length > 0) {
                if (!this.master && Date.now() - this.lastMasterUpdate > 5000) {
                    var query = new Parse.Query(this.MasterLocation);
                    var self = this;
                    query.equalTo("server", getServer());
                    query.first().then(function(object) {
                            if (typeof object != 'undefined') {
                                console.log("Previous Location: " + self.masterLocation);
                                console.log("Going to: " + object.get("location"));
                                self.masterLocation = object.get("location");
                                self.masterLocation = object.get("location");
                                self.masterId = object.get("cellId");
                                console.log("Updated Location: " + self.masterLocation);
                            } else {
                                console.log("No master was found... Let's be the master.");
                                self.master = true;
                        function(error) {
                            console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
                    this.lastMasterUpdate = Date.now();

                //Loop through all the player's cells.
                for (var k = 0; k < player.length; k++) {
                    if (true) {
                        drawPoint(player[k].x, player[k].y + player[k].size, 0, "" + (getLastUpdate() - player[k].birth) + " / " + (30000 + (player[k].birthMass * 57) - (getLastUpdate() - player[k].birth)) + " / " + player[k].birthMass);

                //Loops only for one cell for now.
                for (var k = 0; /*k < player.length*/ k < 1; k++) {

                    //console.log("Working on blob: " + k);

                    drawCircle(player[k].x, player[k].y, player[k].size + this.splitDistance, 5);
                    //drawPoint(player[0].x, player[0].y - player[0].size, 3, "" + Math.floor(player[0].x) + ", " + Math.floor(player[0].y));

                    //var allDots = processEverything(interNodes);

                    //loop through everything that is on the screen and
                    //separate everything in it's own category.
                    var allIsAll = this.getAll(player[k]);

                    //The food stored in element 0 of allIsAll
                    var allPossibleFood = allIsAll[0];
                    //The threats are stored in element 1 of allIsAll
                    var allPossibleThreats = allIsAll[1];
                    //The viruses are stored in element 2 of allIsAll
                    var allPossibleViruses = allIsAll[2];

                    if (allIsAll[4].length > 0) {
                        console.log("Found my real Master! " + allIsAll[4][0].id);
                        this.masterLocation = [allIsAll[4][0].x, allIsAll[4][0].y]

                    //The bot works by removing angles in which it is too
                    //dangerous to travel towards to.
                    var badAngles = [];
                    var obstacleList = [];

                    var isSafeSpot = true;
                    var isMouseSafe = true;

                    var clusterAllFood = this.clusterFood(allPossibleFood, player[k].size);

                    //console.log("Looking for enemies!");

                    //Loop through all the cells that were identified as threats.
                    for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleThreats.length; i++) {

                        var enemyDistance = this.computeDistanceFromCircleEdge(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, player[k].x, player[k].y, allPossibleThreats[i].size);

                        allPossibleThreats[i].enemyDist = enemyDistance;

                    /*allPossibleThreats.sort(function(a, b){
                        return a.enemyDist-b.enemyDist;

                    for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleThreats.length; i++) {

                        var enemyDistance = this.computeDistance(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, player[k].x, player[k].y);

                        var splitDangerDistance = allPossibleThreats[i].size + this.splitDistance + 150;

                        var normalDangerDistance = allPossibleThreats[i].size + 150;

                        var shiftDistance = player[k].size;

                        //console.log("Found distance.");

                        var enemyCanSplit = (this.master ? this.canSplit(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i]) : false);
                        for (var j = clusterAllFood.length - 1; j >= 0 ; j--) {
                            var secureDistance = (enemyCanSplit ? splitDangerDistance : normalDangerDistance);
                            if (this.computeDistance(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, clusterAllFood[j][0], clusterAllFood[j][1]) < secureDistance)
                                clusterAllFood.splice(j, 1);

                        //console.log("Removed some food.");

                        if (enemyCanSplit) {
                            drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, splitDangerDistance, 0);
                            drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, splitDangerDistance + shiftDistance, 6);
                        } else {
                            drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, normalDangerDistance, 3);
                            drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, normalDangerDistance + shiftDistance, 6);

                        if (allPossibleThreats[i].danger && getLastUpdate() - allPossibleThreats[i].dangerTimeOut > 1000) {

                            allPossibleThreats[i].danger = false;

                        /*if ((enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < splitDangerDistance) ||
                            (!enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < normalDangerDistance)) {
                            allPossibleThreats[i].danger = true;
                            allPossibleThreats[i].dangerTimeOut = f.getLastUpdate();

                        //console.log("Figured out who was important.");

                        if ((enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < splitDangerDistance) || (enemyCanSplit && allPossibleThreats[i].danger)) {

                            badAngles.push(this.getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, splitDangerDistance).concat(allPossibleThreats[i].enemyDist));

                        } else if ((!enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < normalDangerDistance) || (!enemyCanSplit && allPossibleThreats[i].danger)) {

                            badAngles.push(this.getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, normalDangerDistance).concat(allPossibleThreats[i].enemyDist));

                        } else if (enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < splitDangerDistance + shiftDistance) {
                            var tempOb = this.getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, splitDangerDistance + shiftDistance);
                            var angle1 = tempOb[0];
                            var angle2 = this.rangeToAngle(tempOb);

                            obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]);
                        } else if (!enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < normalDangerDistance + shiftDistance) {
                            var tempOb = this.getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, normalDangerDistance + shiftDistance);
                            var angle1 = tempOb[0];
                            var angle2 = this.rangeToAngle(tempOb);

                            obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]);
                        //console.log("Done with enemy: " + i);

                    //console.log("Done looking for enemies!");

                    var goodAngles = [];
                    var stupidList = [];

                    for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleViruses.length; i++) {
                        if (player[k].size < allPossibleViruses[i].size) {
                            drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, allPossibleViruses[i].size + 10, 3);
                            drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, allPossibleViruses[i].size * 2, 6);

                        } else {
                            drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, player[k].size + 50, 3);
                            drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, player[k].size * 2, 6);

                    for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleViruses.length; i++) {
                        var virusDistance = this.computeDistance(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, player[k].x, player[k].y);
                        if (player[k].size < allPossibleViruses[i].size) {
                            if (virusDistance < (allPossibleViruses[i].size * 2)) {
                                var tempOb = this.getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleViruses[i], i, allPossibleViruses[i].size + 10);
                                var angle1 = tempOb[0];
                                var angle2 = this.rangeToAngle(tempOb);
                                obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]);
                        } else {
                            if (virusDistance < (player[k].size * 2)) {
                                var tempOb = this.getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleViruses[i], i, player[k].size + 50);
                                var angle1 = tempOb[0];
                                var angle2 = this.rangeToAngle(tempOb);
                                obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]);

                    if (badAngles.length > 0) {
                        //NOTE: This is only bandaid wall code. It's not the best way to do it.
                        stupidList = this.addWall(stupidList, player[k]);

                    for (var i = 0; i < badAngles.length; i++) {
                        var angle1 = badAngles[i][0];
                        var angle2 = this.rangeToAngle(badAngles[i]);
                        stupidList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false], badAngles[i][2]]);

                    //stupidList.push([[45, true], [135, false]]);
                    //stupidList.push([[10, true], [200, false]]);

                    stupidList.sort(function(a, b){
                        //console.log("Distance: " + a[2] + ", " + b[2]);
                        return a[2]-b[2];

                    //console.log("Added random noob stuff.");

                    var sortedInterList = [];
                    var sortedObList = [];

                    for (var i = 0; i < stupidList.length; i++) {
                        //console.log("Adding to sorted: " + stupidList[i][0][0] + ", " + stupidList[i][1][0]);
                        var tempList = this.addAngle(sortedInterList, stupidList[i]);

                        if (tempList.length == 0) {
                            console.log("MAYDAY IT'S HAPPENING!");
                        } else {
                            sortedInterList = tempList;

                    for (var i = 0; i < obstacleList.length; i++) {
                        sortedObList = this.addAngle(sortedObList, obstacleList[i]);

                        if (sortedObList.length == 0) {

                    var offsetI = 0;
                    var obOffsetI = 1;

                    if (sortedInterList.length > 0 && sortedInterList[0][1]) {
                        offsetI = 1;
                    if (sortedObList.length > 0 && sortedObList[0][1]) {
                        obOffsetI = 0;

                    var goodAngles = [];
                    var obstacleAngles = [];

                    for (var i = 0; i < sortedInterList.length; i += 2) {
                        var angle1 = sortedInterList[(i + offsetI).mod(sortedInterList.length)][0];
                        var angle2 = sortedInterList[(i + 1 + offsetI).mod(sortedInterList.length)][0];
                        var diff = (angle2 - angle1).mod(360);
                        goodAngles.push([angle1, diff]);

                    for (var i = 0; i < sortedObList.length; i += 2) {
                        var angle1 = sortedObList[(i + obOffsetI).mod(sortedObList.length)][0];
                        var angle2 = sortedObList[(i + 1 + obOffsetI).mod(sortedObList.length)][0];
                        var diff = (angle2 - angle1).mod(360);
                        obstacleAngles.push([angle1, diff]);

                    for (var i = 0; i < goodAngles.length; i++) {
                        var line1 = this.followAngle(goodAngles[i][0], player[k].x, player[k].y, 100 + player[k].size);
                        var line2 = this.followAngle((goodAngles[i][0] + goodAngles[i][1]).mod(360), player[k].x, player[k].y, 100 + player[k].size);
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 1);
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line2[0], line2[1], 1);

                        drawArc(line1[0], line1[1], line2[0], line2[1], player[k].x, player[k].y, 1);

                        //drawPoint(player[0].x, player[0].y, 2, "");

                        drawPoint(line1[0], line1[1], 0, "" + i + ": 0");
                        drawPoint(line2[0], line2[1], 0, "" + i + ": 1");

                    for (var i = 0; i < obstacleAngles.length; i++) {
                        var line1 = this.followAngle(obstacleAngles[i][0], player[k].x, player[k].y, 50 + player[k].size);
                        var line2 = this.followAngle((obstacleAngles[i][0] + obstacleAngles[i][1]).mod(360), player[k].x, player[k].y, 50 + player[k].size);
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 6);
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line2[0], line2[1], 6);

                        drawArc(line1[0], line1[1], line2[0], line2[1], player[k].x, player[k].y, 6);

                        //drawPoint(player[0].x, player[0].y, 2, "");

                        drawPoint(line1[0], line1[1], 0, "" + i + ": 0");
                        drawPoint(line2[0], line2[1], 0, "" + i + ": 1");

                    if (!this.master && goodAngles.length == 0 && (player[k].size * player[k].size / 100) > 50) {
                        //This is the slave mode
                        console.log("Really Going to: " + this.masterLocation);
                        var distance = this.computeDistance(player[k].x, player[k].y, this.masterLocation[0], this.masterLocation[1]);

                        var shiftedAngle = this.shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, this.getAngle(this.masterLocation[0], this.masterLocation[1], player[k].x, player[k].y), [0, 360]);

                        var destination = this.followAngle(shiftedAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, distance);

                        destinationChoices = destination;
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, destination[0], destination[1], 1);
                    } else if (this.toggleFollow && goodAngles.length == 0) {
                        //This is the follow the mouse mode
                        var distance = this.computeDistance(player[k].x, player[k].y, tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1]);

                        var shiftedAngle = this.shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, this.getAngle(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[k].x, player[k].y), [0, 360]);

                        var destination = this.followAngle(shiftedAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, distance);

                        destinationChoices = destination;
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, destination[0], destination[1], 1);
                        //tempMoveX = destination[0];
                        //tempMoveY = destination[1];

                    } else if (goodAngles.length > 0) {
                        var bIndex = goodAngles[0];
                        var biggest = goodAngles[0][1];
                        for (var i = 1; i < goodAngles.length; i++) {
                            var size = goodAngles[i][1];
                            if (size > biggest) {
                                biggest = size;
                                bIndex = goodAngles[i];
                        var perfectAngle = (bIndex[0] + bIndex[1] / 2).mod(360);

                        perfectAngle = this.shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, perfectAngle, bIndex);

                        var line1 = this.followAngle(perfectAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, verticalDistance());

                        destinationChoices = line1;
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 7);
                        //tempMoveX = line1[0];
                        //tempMoveY = line1[1];
                    } else if (badAngles.length > 0 && goodAngles == 0) {
                        //When there are enemies around but no good angles
                        //You're likely screwed. (This should never happen.)

                        destinationChoices = [tempMoveX, tempMoveY];
                        /*var angleWeights = [] //Put weights on the angles according to enemy distance
                        for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleThreats.length; i++){
                            var dist = this.computeDistance(player[k].x, player[k].y, allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y);
                            var angle = this.getAngle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, player[k].x, player[k].y);
                        var maxDist = 0;
                        var finalAngle = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < angleWeights.length; i++){
                            if (angleWeights[i][1] > maxDist){
                                maxDist = angleWeights[i][1];
                                finalAngle = (angleWeights[i][0] + 180).mod(360);
                        var line1 = this.followAngle(finalAngle,player[k].x,player[k].y,f.verticalDistance());
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 2);
                    } else if (clusterAllFood.length > 0) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < clusterAllFood.length; i++) {
                            //console.log("mefore: " + clusterAllFood[i][2]);
                            //This is the cost function. Higher is better.

                                var clusterAngle = this.getAngle(clusterAllFood[i][0], clusterAllFood[i][1], player[k].x, player[k].y);

                                clusterAllFood[i][2] = clusterAllFood[i][2] * 6 - this.computeDistance(clusterAllFood[i][0], clusterAllFood[i][1], player[k].x, player[k].y);
                                //console.log("Current Value: " + clusterAllFood[i][2]);

                                //(goodAngles[bIndex][1] / 2 - (Math.abs(perfectAngle - clusterAngle)));

                                clusterAllFood[i][3] = clusterAngle;

                                drawPoint(clusterAllFood[i][0], clusterAllFood[i][1], 1, "");
                                //console.log("After: " + clusterAllFood[i][2]);

                        var bestFoodI = 0;
                        var bestFood = clusterAllFood[0][2];
                        for (var i = 1; i < clusterAllFood.length; i++) {
                            if (bestFood < clusterAllFood[i][2]) {
                                bestFood = clusterAllFood[i][2];
                                bestFoodI = i;

                        //console.log("Best Value: " + clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][2]);

                        var distance = this.computeDistance(player[k].x, player[k].y, clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][0], clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][1]);

                        var shiftedAngle = this.shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, this.getAngle(clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][0], clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][1], player[k].x, player[k].y), [0, 360]);

                        var destination = this.followAngle(shiftedAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, distance);

                        destinationChoices = destination;
                        //tempMoveX = destination[0];
                        //tempMoveY = destination[1];
                        drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, destination[0], destination[1], 1);
                    } else {
                        //If there are no enemies around and no food to eat.
                        destinationChoices = [tempMoveX, tempMoveY];

                    drawPoint(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], tempPoint[2], "");
                    //drawPoint(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], tempPoint[2], "" + Math.floor(this.computeDistance(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], I, J)));
                    //drawLine(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y, 6);
                    //console.log("Slope: " + slope(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y) + " Angle: " + getAngle(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y) + " Side: " + (getAngle(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y) - 90).mod(360));
                    tempPoint[2] = 1;

                    //console.log("Done working on blob: " + i);

                //TODO: Find where to go based on destinationChoices.
                /*var dangerFound = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < destinationChoices.length; i++) {
                    if (destinationChoices[i][2]) {
                        dangerFound = true;
                destinationChoices.sort(function(a, b){return b[1] - a[1]});
                if (dangerFound) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < destinationChoices.length; i++) {
                        if (destinationChoices[i][2]) {
                            tempMoveX = destinationChoices[i][0][0];
                            tempMoveY = destinationChoices[i][0][1];
                } else {
                    tempMoveX = destinationChoices.peek()[0][0];
                    tempMoveY = destinationChoices.peek()[0][1];
                    //console.log("Done " + tempMoveX + ", " + tempMoveY);
            //console.log("MOVING RIGHT NOW!");

            //console.log("______Never lied ever in my life.");

            if (this.master) {
                this.masterLocation = destinationChoices;
                this.masterId = player[0].id;
                if (Date.now() - this.lastMasterUpdate > 5000) {
                    var self = this;
                    var query = new Parse.Query(this.MasterLocation);
                    query.equalTo("server", getServer());
                        success: function(object) {
                            console.log("Done query");
                            if (typeof object != 'undefined') {
                                object.set("location", destinationChoices);
                                object.set("cellId", player[0].id);
                                object.set("server", getServer());
                                console.log("New location saved! " + object.get("location") + " ID: " + player[0].id + " Server: " + getServer());
                            } else {
                                console.log("We have a problem!");
                                var ml = new self.MasterLocation();
                                ml.set("location", destinationChoices);
                                ml.set("cellId", player[0].id);
                                ml.set("server", getServer());
                                console.log("New location saved! " + ml.get("location") + " ID: " + player[0].id + " Server: " + getServer());
                        error: function(error) {
                            console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
                    this.lastMasterUpdate = Date.now();

            return destinationChoices;
window.botList.push(new AposBot());

window.updateBotList(); //This function might not exist yet.