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SB Toolbar Auto

Automatically goes to the next video for SB Toolbar.

< SB Toolbar Auto 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2015-09-24


Seriously man, thank you so much for being willing to actually share your hard work with the rest of us, it has been so long since there was any update to the Swagbucks scripts that sadly almost none of them work at all, and most of the ones that do work only some of the functions work with tweaking. You are an absolute lifesaver, because of all the changes I haven't been watching many Swagbucks videos at all, and earnings are way down, but with this I can leave it going on my second monitor while I am sitting here and it will automatically cycle through them rather than just sitting there on a useless black square letting me know the video is over.

Obviously, nothing is perfect and this is brand new to boot, and I have been having some issues. I know that technically I should have marked my post with that color but pffft! No way in hell am I giving this anything but a thumbs up, because it does what it's supposed to do, the errors could always be on my side for all I know. And I just appreciate someone being willing to share their hard work with others!
The issues I'm running into is that for some reason it isn't counting a lot of the videos as I watch them and it isn't giving credit for them before moving on, and sometimes it doesn't matter how long it's on the page it still doesn't credit it, and has no choice but to move on. And so I end up having it running and not gaining from it. Any chance you know a way to fix it on my end? Or is there a preferred browser to use with your script that you've found to run smoothly because maybe I just am running it on the wrong browser?

If there is anything you need from the community, like actual bug reports rather than just a random discussion post, etc just let me know what I can do to help.

Do you have way to accept donations to say thanks? Despite the issues I'm running into I'd love to buy ya a cold one for taking the time to help us all out :D Thanks again!

Allen 2개발자
작성: 2015-09-25
수정: 2015-09-25

Why, THANK you! You're the first person to actually thank me on here. :D

Hmm, I remember having that problem in the first few tries of my script but I haven't encountered it ever since. It seems to have a built-in focus checker that checks if you're actually on that window/tab. Yet the fact that this script works for me negates that claim, because I'm always doing something else while the scripts run on a separate window.

Do you use Chrome?

Do you have it on a separate window and not minimized?

Do you have Chrome extension SwagButton installed? Since the Toolbar = SwagButton's Watch section, it might be in conflict. I don't have the extension installed so I can't confirm this to be an issue.

It takes exactly 30 seconds for the video to count and I set it to 45 seconds so it should always credit when possible. I did hide the video though since it credits even when you don't click on the video.

And yeah, bug reports are always welcomed. Haha, I don't need donations... yet? XD If I'm going to release my two most powerful scripts... maybe?

On a side note, are you also using my nGage Auto script? If so, how's it performing?

PS: I check Greasyfork like once every 6 hours every day so bug fixes come within 24 hours.

Edit: Just found a bug that might be related to your issue. It keeps looping the same video over and over again until that tab dies. Going to try to fix it.

Allen 2개발자
작성: 2015-09-25

And I just fixed the bug... hopefully. SB randomized the playlist videos so much that it actually defeated my video tracking part of the script. That's why people may experience looping of the same video over and over again. I know I did.

Anyway, that's fixed. And hopefully it stays fixed. I also hope that this fixes your not-crediting-problem. However, I think they are unrelated.

작성: 2015-09-27

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I hadn't noticed that you responded. I am downloading your updates now! Cant wait to check it out and see if it fixes the issue I was running in to, fingers crossed!

I'll be perfectly honest, I have worked in IT for a long time now yet I still know absolutely nothing about programming, beyond the basics you need for putting together simple batch scripts and stuff to make the hours of work you have that needs to be done, closer to the amount of hours in a day lol. I have always wanted to learn but for years it's been the thing I keep putting off because it is intimidating.

Because of that I have a metric ass ton of respect for people that not only have learned enough to make functional scripts but then share them on here to try and help other people. I know it may seem silly but it always just hits a nerve with me when I see a bunch of downloads on a script yet no one has said thanks. Even though that seems to be the norm online now, and the devs just know that people obviously appreciate their work. But I'm a rebel, and I don't care about "social norms" I am saying thank you and I don't care who it upsets! haha

Ooo I didn't see your other script that you mentioned, I will go and check that out right now too! Thanks a ton for working on the update, feedback to follow!

P.S. You know that you got the gears a'turnin now, I am sitting here wondering what your two powerful scripts are that you mentioned heh.

Allen 2개발자
작성: 2015-09-27

Yeah, all my scripts are on here if you click on my profile when you're not in forums (Greasyfork is weird)

^That's my profile with my scripts.

Oh and I mentioned my two most powerful scripts on Tjololo's feedback section:

It's basically the new Watch section and nCrave complete auto.

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