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Open links in new tab

Open links in new tab. Ctrl-click or Middle-click loads it in background

< Open links in new tab 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2020-05-15

Difference to [target="_blank"]

Hi. Could you please tell me why popup blockers like will block some a elements with [target="_blank"]?

I had a script which appends the next page content to the current page. The script adds [target="_blank"] attribute to all a elements. In a recent discussion here, a user told me popup blockers will block such kind of new tab. I tested it on greasyfork forum and it indeed happens. I have no idea why such thing happen. Thank you!

작성: 2020-05-15
수정: 2020-05-15

I have no idea because I'm not using neither this script (despite being its author) nor those other scripts you've mentioned. This script is utilizing GM_openInTab.

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