GreasyFork Bullshit Filter

Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.

< GreasyFork Bullshit Filter 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2020-07-28
수정: 2020-07-31

[ SOLVED ] ... Can you support the New forum design too?

Test link:

작성: 2020-07-28

If I'm not mistaken the script works ok in the new design as it is.

The URL you give is currently excluded from the script exclude rule. ('Discussion' matches 'Discussions')
In the right "sidebar" in the page you linked, all URLs there are discussions*.
Have you found any other URL patterns where the script also doesn't work?

Please check and I'll see what I can do.

작성: 2020-07-29
수정: 2020-07-29

To see if it work, I have tested this @include (and removed the others @include /@exclude):
// @include*/discussions/*

By example, on these pages, i don't see the filter menu:

It seems that the New Forum design is totally enable now
and the old links to forum are moved to discussions...
Old links:
New links:

Maybe i don't understand something ?

작성: 2020-07-29
수정: 2020-07-29

(please see next comment)

작성: 2020-07-29
수정: 2020-07-29

I just updated the script, please update to the new version.

작성: 2020-07-29

Work perfectly...

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