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Block Youtube Users

Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments

< Block Youtube Users 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-04-30
수정: 2021-04-30

Hey, thanks for this great script! One question though: I use this script mainly to filter comments from specific users, but unfortunately it seems that if you expand a comment's responses and one of the users who responded is in the block list, the parent comment itself gets hidden instantly until you reload the page, preventing you from reading the other responses. Would it be feasible to change that behaviour so that it only hides the response(s) from blocked users, or is it a limitation with Youtube's comment system?

작성: 2021-05-04

I should have fixed this problem in the last version of the script. Please tell me if it still occurs.

작성: 2021-05-04

Yep, works flawlessly now! Thanks again

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