Block Youtube Users

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< Block Youtube Users 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2016-10-23
수정: 2016-10-23

, in name

Ok everything's been great so far but I found someone with a comma in their name, and just can't block them, any way to fix this? the * only partially helps the i don't wanna stop auto-play.

작성: 2016-10-29

Sorry for the late reply.
I'll have to think about how to solve this problem, maybe permitting custom separators or something else. I'll let you know as soon as I fix it.

작성: 2016-11-22
Ok everything's been great so far but I found someone with a comma in their name, and just can't block them, any way to fix this? the * only partially helps the i don't wanna stop auto-play.

With the last update you can now choose the symbol for separating the usernames. Tell me if you encounter problems.

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