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Steam - Show nickname on badge page

작성: 2020-01-19

Steam - Show nickname on badge page


After many tries and fails, I decided to write here.

On Steam, if you go to any badge page (eg: Badge) for each card you miss, it shows all friends that have that card

I am trying to change their name to the nickname I set for them (if any).

I couldn't find any Steam API that gives you nicknames.

You can find the nickname on the page directly only if you mouse over their avatar, but if I do it this way, it takes too long to load.

Thank you!

작성: 2020-02-04

Hi, maybe you can try this: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/396069-steam-community-show-nicknames-on-badge-page

I've just written this script, haven't tested much but it seems to work ok on Firefox.

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