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Looking for auto click "Skip ad" Script

작성: 2016-01-29

Looking for auto click "Skip ad" Script

Looking for auto click "Skip ad" Script


After web page opened have any script can auto click "Skip ad" ? , If posible i don't want decode and bypass , I want only script can click "Skip ad"

Thanks , Best regards

작성: 2016-01-29
수정: 2016-01-29

Install AdsBypasser. Optionally install Handy Image to remove the target site's cruft and show just the image. You may also like Center Image to show the image centered in the tab.

작성: 2016-01-29

AdsBypasser not working

작성: 2016-01-29

It works, I've just tested it on that link.

작성: 2016-01-29

Okay now it's working , I have more questions
I want to known it's posible to create script working with api ? , I mean auto go to shorted url with api


Thanks , Best regards

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