게시판 » Greasy Fork 피드백

The property is named "scripts" when the URL is requested from Firefox, and "all_listable_scripts" when requested from Chrome.

작성: 2024-07-11

For some reason, when I request URL https://greasyfork.org/en/users/824432-notyou.json in Firefox I get different property, than in Chrome. There are screenshots:

(Chrome 101.0.4951.54) (Firefox 79.0)

작성: 2024-07-11

The results will be different based on if you're logged in or not. The fact that the property name is different is a mistake.

작성: 2024-07-11

This should be fixed now. The property names should be consistent, but if you're logged in, your own API results will still include private and deleted scripts.

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