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By-site Search Not Working for sub-domain

작성: 2023-08-15
수정: 2023-08-15
작성: 2023-08-15
수정: 2023-08-15

Correct Result shall be

작성: 2023-08-21

Greasy Fork intentionally only lists eTLD+1.

작성: 2023-08-21
수정: 2023-08-21


There are lots of sites having two different layouts (mobile & desktop) by the use of sub-domain.
If the script is specified for the sub-domain, and the user wants to find the script used in that sub-domain, Greasy Fork shall be able to find it.

The change would not affect the current practice, no results will get disappear.
Just an additional support to the subdomain searching.

작성: 2023-08-21

It's for simplicity's sake. Most of the time the subdomain doesn't matter.

작성: 2023-08-22

You can easily do search by code, so you cloud find all the scripts for, there is a link. That may be not the perfect solution because it sometimes doesn't find all the scripts, but mostly it works.

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