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Webhook triggered but script was not update

작성: 2022-09-05
수정: 2022-09-05

I've set up a webhook on my GitHub repo and should be triggered on the release event.
But when I did a release, the script in GreasyFork didn't get updated.
I've checked the webhook response and it was 200 but the body said {"message":"No scripts found for this release."}.
How could I fix this?
Here are the GitHub repo and the script page.
Below are the contents of the webhook request and response.


Request URL:
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{"message":"No scripts found for this release."}
작성: 2022-09-05

This is because the URL you used for syncing,, was not a recognized format by the site. I've fixed this and it should be working now.

작성: 2022-09-05

Still not working. I've tried another release but the script is still not updated.
The webhook response is here.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
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작성: 2022-09-06

Does actually exist in the repo or is this just the output of a build process? Because it's looking in git for the files.

작성: 2022-09-06
수정: 2022-09-06

It does not exist in the repo.
The link will always point to the latest release asset which is built by the CI process because I thought you would just easily re-pulling the sync URL when the webhook is triggered.
So that means I have to commit the built script in the repo?

작성: 2022-09-06

It can be fixed to work for your use case, but it's not working right now. It expects the file to exist in git, and it downloads it with git.

Normal syncing (once every 24h) should still work as that uses the actual URL you provide.

작성: 2022-09-06

Ok, guess I have to work around it. Anyway, thanks for the help.

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