Greasy Fork is available in English.

MouseHunt AutoBot Enhanced Edition UPDATED

Script automating MH horn sounding and areas. Fixed nevocaine's version. Original scripts from CnN and Ooi.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        MouseHunt AutoBot Enhanced Edition UPDATED
// @author      NobodyRandom
// @version    	2.3.7
// @description Script automating MH horn sounding and areas. Fixed nevocaine's version. Original scripts from CnN and Ooi.
// @icon
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @namespace
// @license 	GPL-3.0+;
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant		unsafeWindow
// @grant		GM_info
// @run-at		document-end
// ==/UserScript==

// == Basic User Preference Setting (Begin) ==
// // The variable in this section contain basic option will normally edit by most user to suit their own preference
// // Reload MouseHunt page manually if edit this script while running it for immediate effect.

// // ERROR CHECKING ONLY: Script debug
var debug = false;
var debugKR = false;

// // Extra delay time before sounding the horn. (in seconds)
// // Default: 10 - 360
var hornTimeDelayMin = 20;
var hornTimeDelayMax = 240;

// // Bot aggressively by ignore all safety measure such as check horn image visible before sounding it. (true/false)
// // Note: Highly recommended to turn off because it increase the chances of getting caught in botting.
// // Note: It will ignore the hornTimeDelayMin and hornTimeDelayMax.
// // Note: It may take a little bit extra of CPU processing power.
var aggressiveMode = false;

// // Bot automatically goes into sleep mode between min and max time. Set to true to enable
// // Note: Highly recommended to turn on. There are cases where hitgrab checks for sleep schedules and the bot continuously running 24/7 will result in ban
var sleepMode = true;
var sleepModeTimeMin = '23:00';
var sleepModeTimeMax = '06:00';

// // Enable trap check once an hour. (true/false)
var enableTrapCheck = true;

// // Trap check time different value (00 minutes - 45 minutes)
// // Note: Every player had different trap check time, set your trap check time here. It only take effect if enableTrapCheck = true;
// // Example: If you have XX:00 trap check time then set 00. If you have XX:45 trap check time, then set 45.
var trapCheckTimeDiff = 15;

// // Extra delay time to trap check. (in seconds)
// // Note: It only take effect if enableTrapCheck = true;
var checkTimeDelayMin = 15;
var checkTimeDelayMax = 120;

// // Play sound when encounter king's reward (true/false)
var isKingWarningSound = false;

// // Which sound to play when encountering king's reward (need to be .mp3)
var kingWarningSound = '';

// // Which email to send KR notiff to (leave blank to disable feature)
var kingRewardEmail = '';

// // Which number to send SMS to
var kingRewardPhone = '';

// // Verification code sent to this number
var kingRewardPhoneVerify = '';

// // Play sound when no more cheese (true/false)
var isNoCheeseSound = false;

// // Reload the the page according to kingPauseTimeMax when encountering King Reward. (true/false)
// // Note: No matter how many time you refresh, the King's Reward won't go away unless you resolve it manually.
var reloadKingReward = false;

// // Duration of pausing the script before reload the King's Reward page (in seconds)
// // Note: It only take effect if reloadKingReward = true;
var kingPauseTimeMax = 18000;

// // Auto solve KR
var isAutoSolve = true;

// // Extra delay time before solving KR. (in seconds)
// // Default: 10 - 30
var krDelayMin = 10;
var krDelayMax = 30;

// // Time to start and stop solving KR. (in hours, 24-hour format)
// // Example: Script would not auto solve KR between 00:00 - 6:00 when krStopHour = 0 & krStartHour = 6;
// // To disable this feature, set both to the same value.
var krStopHour = 3;
var krStartHour = 3;

// // Extra delay time to start solving KR after krStartHour. (in minutes)
var krStartHourDelayMin = 10;
var krStartHourDelayMax = 30;

// // Time offset (in seconds) between client time and internet time
// // -ve - Client time ahead of internet time
// // +ve - Internet time ahead of client time
var g_nTimeOffset = 0;

// // Maximum retry of solving KR.
// // If KR solved more than this number, pls solve KR manually ASAP in order to prevent MH from caught in botting
var kingsRewardRetryMax = 3;

// // State to indicate whether to save KR image into localStorage or not
var saveKRImage = true;

// // Maximum number of KR image to be saved into localStorage
var maxSaveKRImage = 75;

// // The script will pause if player at different location that hunt location set before. (true/false)
// // Note: Make sure you set showTimerInPage to true in order to know what is happening.
var pauseAtInvalidLocation = false;

// // Time to wait after trap selector clicked (in second)
var secWait = 7;

// // Stop trap arming after X retry
var armTrapRetry = 3;

// // Maximum number of log to be saved into sessionStorage
var maxSaveLog = 750;

// // Popup on KR or not, the script will throw out an alert box if true.
var autoPopupKR = false;

// == Basic User Preference Setting (End) ==

// == Advance User Preference Setting (Begin) ==
// // The variable in this section contain some advance option that will change the script behavior.
// // Edit this variable only if you know what you are doing
// // Reload MouseHunt page manually if edit this script while running it for immediate effect.

// // Display timer and message in page title. (true/false)
var showTimerInTitle = true;

// // Embed a timer in page to show next hunter horn timer, highly recommended to turn on. (true/false)
// // Note: You may not access some option like pause at invalid location if you turn this off.
var showTimerInPage = true;

// // Display the last time the page did a refresh or reload. (true/false)
var showLastPageLoadTime = true;

// // Default time to reload the page when bot encounter error. (in seconds)
var errorReloadTime = 60;

// // Time interval for script timer to update the time. May affect timer accuracy if set too high value. (in seconds)
var timerRefreshInterval = 1;

// // Trap arming status
var LOADING = -1;
var NOT_FOUND = 0;
var ARMED = 1;

// // Trap List
var objTrapList = {
    weapon: [],
    base: [],
    trinket: [],
    bait: []

// // Trap Collection
var objTrapCollection = {
    weapon: ["Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors", "Legendary KingBot", "Charming PrinceBot", "Circlet of Pursuing", "Circlet of Seeking", "New Horizon", "Golem Guardian", "Event Horizon", "Infinite Winter Horizon", "Droid Archmagus", "Chrome Grand Arcanum", "Chrome Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery", "Grand Arcanum", "Boiling Cauldron", "Anniversary Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery", "Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery", "Sprinkly Cupcake Surprise", "Arcane Blast", "Nutcracker Nuisance", "Obelisk of Incineration", "Obelisk of Slumber", "Circlet of Pursuing", "Circlet of Seeking", "New Horizon", "Event Horizon", "Infinite Winter Horizon", "Droid Archmagus", "Chrome Grand Arcanum", "Chrome Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery", "Grand Arcanum", "Boiling Cauldron", "Anniversary Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery", "Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery", "Sprinkly Cupcake Surprise", "Arcane Blast", "Nutcracker Nuisance", "Obelisk of Incineration", "Obelisk of Slumber", "Dragon Slayer Cannon", "Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista", "Storm Wrought Ballista", "Tulip Turret", "Dragonvine Ballista", "Blazing Ember Spear", "Ice Maiden", "Cemetery Gate Grappler", "Harrowing Holiday Harpoon Harp", "Dragon Lance", "Chrome Thought Obliterator", "Thought Obliterator", "Tome of the Mind\'s Eye", "Thought Manipulator", "Infinite Labyrinth", "Endless Labyrinth", "Crystal Mineral Crusher", "Crystal Crucible", "Festive Forgotten Fir", "Stale Cupcake Golem", "Scarlet Ember Root", "Tarannosaurus Rex", "Father Winter\'s Timepiece", "The Forgotten Art of Dance", "Anniversary Ancient Box", "Ancient Box", "Forgotten Pressure Plate", "Chrome School of Sharks", "Queso Fount", "School of Sharks", "Rune Shark", "Chrome Phantasmic Oasis", "Phantasmic Oasis", "Bubbles: The Party Crasher", "Chrome Oasis Water Node", "Oasis Water Node", "Haunted Shipwreck", "Steam Laser Mk. II", "Steam Laser Mk. III", "Glacier Gatler", "Heat Bath", "S.S. Scoundrel Sleigher", "Steam Laser Mk. I", "Paradise Falls", "S.U.P.E.R. Scum Scrubber", "Ice Blaster", "Ancient Spear Gun", "Holiday Hydro Hailstone", "Isle Idol", "Double Diamond Adventure", "Kraken Chaos", "Harpoon Gun", "Scum Scrubber", "Net Cannon", "Explosive Toboggan Ride", "Steam Laser Mk. II (Broken!)", "S.T.I.N.G.E.R.", "Ember Prison Core", "S.T.I.N.G.", "Meteor Prison Core", "Judge Droid", "The Holiday Express", "Limited Edition", "Engine Doubler", "Queso Factory", "Bandit Deflector", "Surprise Party", "Supply Grabber", "Christmas Cactus", "Law Laser", "S.L.A.C. II", "The Law Draw", "S.L.A.C.", "Charming PrinceBot", "Smoldering Stone Sentinel", "Chrome MonstroBot", "Sandstorm MonstroBot", "Sandtail Sentinel", "Chrome RhinoBot", "Rocket Propelled Gavel", "Warden Slayer", "New Year\'s Fireworks", "Enraged RhinoBot", "Chrome Onyx Mallet", "Carousel Charger", "Icy RhinoBot", "RhinoBot", "Warpath Thrasher", "Chrome DrillBot", "Onyx Mallet", "Digby DrillBot", "Chrome DeathBot", "Anniversary DeathBot", "Christmas Cracker", "Fluffy DeathBot", "Grungy DeathBot", "Mouse DeathBot", "PartyBot", "Birthday Party Piñata Bonanza", "Birthday Candle Kaboom", "NVMRC Forcefield", "Snowglobe", "Pneumatic Tube", "Ultra MegaMouser MechaBot", "Shrink Ray", "HitGrab Rainbow Rockin\' Horse", "HitGrab Rockin\' Horse", "Festive Gauntlet Crusher", "Swiss Army Mouse", "Wrapped Gift", "Ancient Gauntlet", "Mouse Rocketine", "Mouse Trebuchet", "HitGrab Horsey", "500 Pound Spiked Crusher", "Mouse Mary O'Nette", "High Tension Spring", "Mouse Hot Tub", "Chrome Tacky Glue", "Tacky Glue", "Chrome Celestial Dissonance", "Celestial Dissonance", "Timesplit Dissonance", "Mysteriously unYielding Null-Onyx Rampart of Cascading Amperes", "Focused Crystal Laser", "Biomolecular Re-atomizer", "Darkest Chocolate Bunny", "Rift Glacier Gatler", "Christmas Crystalabra", "Wacky Inflatable Party People", "Multi-Crystal Laser", "Crystal Tower", "Dark Magic Mirrors", "Chrome Temporal Turbine", "Cheese Seeking Lighthouse", "Temporal Turbine", "Goldfrost Crossbow", "Interdimensional Crossbow", "Moonbeam Barrier", "Clockwork Portal", "The Haunted Manor", "Anniversary Reaper\'s Perch", "Reaper\'s Perch", "Dreaded Totem", "Sandcastle Shard", "Clockapult of Time", "Clockapult of Winter Past", "Maniacal Brain Extractor", "Admiral\'s Galleon", "Terrifying Spider", "Cackle Lantern", "Soul Harvester", "Brain Extractor", "Gorgon", "Candy Crusher", "Creepy Coffin", "Soul Catcher", "Bottomless Grave", "Chrome Nannybot", "Pumpkin Pummeler", "Sinister Portal", "Ambrosial Portal", "Slumbering Boulder", "Gouging Geyserite", "Sleeping Stone", "Chrome Sphynx Wrath", "Sphynx Wrath", "Dimensional Chest ", "Cloaking Droid", "Chesla\'s Revenge", "Zugzwang\'s Ultimate Move", "Zugzwang\'s First Move", "Well of Wisdom", "Veiled Vine", "Horrific Venus Mouse", "Thorned Venus Mouse", "Blackstone Pass", "Obvious Ambush", "Anniversary Ambush", "Ambush", "Ninja Ambush", "Zurreal\'s Folly", "Rewers Riposte", "Giant Speaker", "S.A.M. F.E.D. DN-5", "2010 Blastoff", "2012 Big Boom", "Mutated Venus Mouse", "Zugzwang\'s Last Move", "Gingerbread House Surprise", "Venus Mouse", "Snow Barrage", "Mystic Pawn Pincher", "Technic Pawn Pincher"],
    base: ["Royal Ruby Refractor Base", "Adorned Empyrean Refractor Base", "Minotaur Base", "Clockwork Base", "Tidal Base", "Glowing Golem Guardian Base", "Spellbook Base", "Desert Heater Base", "Golden Tournament Base", "Thief Base", "Monolith Base", "Refined Pollutinum Base", "Attuned Enerchi Induction Base", "Polluted Base", "Prestige Base", "Fissure Base", "Depth Charge Base", "Living Grove Base", "Overgrown Ember Stone Base", "Forecaster Base", "Soiled Base", "Silver Tournament Base", "Papyrus Base", "Tiger Jade Base", "Dog Jade Base", "Ox Jade Base", "Pig Jade Base", "Rat Jade Base", "Gemology Base", "Electromagnetic Meteorite Base", "Molten Shrapnel Base", "Monkey Jade Base", "Rooster Jade Base", "Alchemist\'s Cookbook Base", "Bamboozler Base", "Chocolate Bar Base", "Deadwood Plank Base", "Hallowed Ground Base", "Sheep Jade Base", "Horse Jade Base", "Condemned Base", "Ice Cream Cake Base", "Birthday Ube Cake Base", "Birthday Confetti Cake Base", "Iceberg Boiler Base", "Spiked Base", "Birthday Banana Cake Base", "10 Layer Birthday Cake Base", "Dragon Jade Base", "Eerier Base", "Jade Base", "Mist Meter Regulator Base", "Remote Detonator Base", "Snake Jade Base", "Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Birthday Base", "Eerie Base", "Extra Sweet Cupcake Birthday Base", "Magma Base", "Cupcake Birthday Base", "Bronze Tournament Base", "Explosive Base", "Firecracker Base", "Skello-ton Base", "Ancient Booster Base", "Candy Cane Base", "Physical Brace Base", "Seasonal Base", "Vegetation Base", "Rift Mist Diffuser Base", "Living Base", "Rift Base", "Claw Shot Base", "Magnet Base", "Washboard Base", "Aurora Base", "Hothouse Base", "Aqua Base", "Signature Series Denture Base", "Gingerbread Base", "Dehydration Base", "2022 New Year\'s Base", "2021 New Year\'s Base", "2020 New Year\'s Base", "Tiki Base", "Tribal Kaboom Base", "Runic Base", "All Season Express Track Base", "Elixir Exchanger Base", "Fracture Base", "Polar Base", "2017 New Year\'s Base", "2018 New Year\'s Base", "2019 New Year\'s Base", "Ultimate Iceberg Base", "Bacon Base", "Hearthstone Base", "Crushed Birthday Cake Base", "Tribal Base", "Fan Base", "Birthday Cake Base", "Chocolate Birthday Cake Base", "Birthday Dragée Cake Base", "Carrot Birthday Cake Base", "Cheesecake Base", "Treasure Seeker Base", "Stone Base", "Labyrinth Base", "Black Widow Base", "Denture Base", "Enerchi Induction Base", "Furoma Base", "Compass Magnet Base", "Festive Winter Hunt Base", "Gift of the Day Base", "Seasonal Gift of the Day Base", "Wooden Base with Target", "Deep Freeze Base", "Wooden Base"],
    bait: ["Abominable Asiago", "Ancient Cheese", "Ancient String Cheese", "Arctic Asiago Cheese", "Ascended Cheese", "Bland Queso", "Bonefort Cheese", "Brie Cheese", "Brie String Cheese", "Candy Corn Cheese", "Checkmate Cheese", "Chedd-Ore Cheese", "Cheddar Cheese", "Cherry Cheese", "Cloud Cheesecake", "Coggy Colby Cheese", "Combat Cheese", "Creamy Havarti Cheese", "Crescent Cheese", "Crimson Cheese", "Crunchy Cheese", "Crunchy Havarti Cheese", "Cupcake Colby", "Dewthief Camembert", "Diamond Cheese", "Dragonvine Cheese", "Dumpling Cheese", "Duskshade Camembert", "Empowered Brie Cheese", "Empowered SUPER|brie+", "Extra Rich Cloud Cheesecake", "Extra Sweet Cupcake Colby", "Festive Feta", "Fishy Fromage", "Flamin\' Queso", "Fusion Fondue", "Galleon Gouda", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 2", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 3", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 4", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 5", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 6", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 7", "Gauntlet Cheese Tier 8", "Gauntlet String Cheese", "Gemstone Cheese", "Ghastly Galleon Gouda", "Ghoulgonzola Cheese", "Gilded Cheese", "Gingerbread Cheese", "Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese", "Glowing Gruyere Cheese", "Glutter Cheese", "Gnarled Cheese", "Gouda Cheese", "Graveblossom Camembert", "Grilled Cheese", "Gumbo Cheese", "Hot Queso", "Inferno Havarti Cheese", "Lactrodectus Lancashire Cheese", "Limelight Cheese", "Lockbox Limburger Cheese", "Lunaria Camembert", "Magical Havarti Cheese", "Magical Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese", "Magical String Cheese", "Maki Cheese", "Maki String Cheese", "Marble Cheese", "Marble String Cheese", "Marshmallow Monterey", "Master Fusion Cheese", "Medium Queso", "Mild Queso", "Mineral Cheese", "Monterey Jack-O-Lantern", "Moon Cheese", "Mozzarella Cheese", "Nian Gao\'da Cheese", "Null Onyx Gorgonzola", "Nutmeg Cheese", "Onyx Gorgonzola", "Pecan Pecorino Cheese", "Polluted Parmesan Cheese", "Polter-Geitost", "Pungent Havarti Cheese", "Radioactive Blue Cheese", "Rainy Cheese", "Rancid Radioactive Blue Cheese", "Resonator Cheese", "Rewind Raclette", "Rift Combat Cheese", "Rift Glutter Cheese", "Rift Rumble Cheese", "Rift Susheese Cheese", "Riftiago Cheese", "Rockforth Cheese", "Rumble Cheese", "Runic Cheese", "Runic String Cheese", "Runny Cheese", "Scream Cheese", "Seasoned Gouda", "Shell Cheese", "Sky Pirate Swiss Cheese", "Snowball Bocconcini", "Speedy Coggy Colby", "Spicy Havarti Cheese", "Sunrise Cheese", "SUPER|brie+", "Susheese Cheese", "Sweet Havarti Cheese", "Swiss Cheese", "Swiss String Cheese", "Terre Ricotta Cheese", "Undead Emmental", "Undead String Emmental", "Vanilla Stilton Cheese", "Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese", "White Cheddar Cheese", "Wicked Gnarly Cheese", "Wildfire Queso", "Windy Cheese"],
    trinket: ["2014 Charm", "2015 Charm", "2016 Charm", "2017 Charm", "2018 Charm", "2019 Charm", "2020 Charm", "2021 Charm", "2022 Charm", "Airship Charm", "Amplifier Charm", "Ancient Charm", "Antiskele Charm", "Artisan Charm", "Athlete Charm", "Attraction Charm", "Baitkeep Charm", "Black Powder Charm", "Blue Double Sponge Charm", "Brain Charm", "Bravery Charm", "Brilliant Water Jet Charm", "Cackle Charm", "Cactus Charm", "Candy Charm", "Champion Charm", "Charged", "Cherry Charm", "Chrome Charm", "Clarity Charm", "Compass Magnet Charm", "Crucible Cloning Charm", "Cupcake Charm", "Dark Chocolate Charm", "Derr Power Charm", "Diamond Boost Charm", "Door Guard Charm", "Dragonbane Charm", "Dragonbreath Charm", "Dreaded Charm", "Dusty Coal Charm", "Eggscavator Charge Charm", "Eggstra Charge Charm", "Eggstra Charm", "Elub Power Charm", "Ember Charm", "EMP400 Charm", "Empowered Anchor Charm", "Enerchi Charm", "Extra Sweet Cupcake Charm", "Extreme Ancient Charm", "Extreme Attraction Charm", "Extreme Dragonbane Charm", "Extreme Luck Charm", "Extreme Party Charm", "Extreme Polluted Charm", "Extreme Power Charm", "Extreme Queso Pump Charm", "Extreme Regal Charm", "Extreme Snowball Charm", "Extreme Spooky Charm", "Extreme Wealth Charm", "Factory Repair Charm", "Festive Anchor Charm", "Festive Ultimate Luck Charm", "Festive Ultimate Lucky Power Charm", "Festive Ultimate Power Charm", "Firecracker Charm", "First Ever Charm", "Flamebane Charm", "Forgotten Charm", "Freshness Charm", "Gargantua Charm", "Gemstone Boost Charm", "Gift Wrapped Charm", "Gilded Charm", "Gloomy Gathering Charm", "Glowing Gourd Charm", "Gnarled Charm", "Golden Anchor Charm", "Golem Guardian Charm", "Greasy Glob Charm", "Growth Charm", "Grub Salt Charm", "Grub Scent Charm", "Grubling Bonanza Charm", "Grubling Chow Charm", "Horsepower Charm", "Hunter's Horn Rewind Charm", "Hydro Charm", "Lantern Oil Charm", "Let It Snow Charm", "Luck Charm", "Lucky Power Charm", "Lucky Rabbit Charm", "Lucky Valentine Charm", "Magmatic Crystal Charm", "Mining Charm", "Mobile Charm", "Monger Charm", "Monkey Fling Charm", "Nanny Charm", "Nerg Power Charm", "Nightlight Charm", "Nightshade Farming Charm", "Nitropop Charm", "Oxygen Burst Charm", "Party Charm", "Pointy Charm", "Polluted Charm", "Power Charm", "Prospector's Charm", "Queso Pump Charm", "Rainbow Charm", "Ramming Speed Charm", "Reality Restitch Charm", "Realm Ripper Charm", "Red Double Sponge Charm", "Red Sponge Charm", "Regal Charm", "Rift 2020 Charm", "Rift 2021 Charm", "Rift 2022 Charm", "Rift Airship Charm", "Rift Antiskele Charm", "Rift Charm", "Rift Chrome Charm", "Rift Extreme Luck Charm", "Rift Extreme Power Charm", "Rift Extreme Snowball Charm", "Rift Luck Charm", "Rift Power Charm", "Rift Snowball Charm", "Rift Spooky Charm", "Rift Super Luck Charm", "Rift Super Power Charm", "Rift Super Snowball Charm", "Rift Super Vacuum Charm", "Rift Tarnished Charm", "Rift Ultimate Luck Charm", "Rift Ultimate Lucky Power Charm", "Rift Ultimate Power Charm", "Rift Ultimate Snowball Charm", "Rift Vacuum Charm", "Rift Wealth Charm", "Roof Rack Charm", "Rook Crumble Charm", "Rotten Charm", "Safeguard Charm", "Scholar Charm", "Scientist's Charm", "Searcher Charm", "Shadow Charm", "Shamrock Charm", "Shattering Charm", "Sheriff's Badge Charm", "Shielding Charm", "Shine Charm", "Shortcut Charm", "Small Power Charm", "Smart Water Jet Charm", "Snakebite Charm", "Snowball Charm", "Soap Charm", "Softserve Charm", "Spellbook Charm", "Spiked Anchor Charm", "Sponge Charm", "Spooky Charm", "Spore Charm", "Sprinkly Sweet Cupcake Charm", "Stagnant Charm", "Stalemate Charm", "Sticky Charm", "Striker Charm", "Super Ancient Charm", "Super Attraction Charm", "Super Brain Charm", "Super Cactus Charm", "Super Dragonbane Charm", "Super Enerchi Charm", "Super Lantern Oil Charm", "Super Luck Charm", "Super Nightshade Farming Charm", "Super Party Charm", "Super Polluted Charm", "Super Power Charm", "Super Queso Pump Charm", "Super Regal Charm", "Super Rotten Charm", "Super Salt Charm", "Super Snowball Charm", "Super Soap Charm", "Super Spooky Charm", "Super Spore Charm", "Super Warpath Archer Charm", "Super Warpath Cavalry Charm", "Super Warpath Commander's Charm", "Super Warpath Mage Charm", "Super Warpath Scout Charm", "Super Warpath Warrior Charm", "Super Wax Charm", "Super Wealth Charm", "Supply Schedule Charm", "Tarnished Charm", "Taunting Charm", "Timesplit Charm", "Torch Charm", "Treasure Trawling Charm", "Ultimate Anchor Charm", "Ultimate Ancient Charm", "Ultimate Attraction Charm", "Ultimate Charm", "Ultimate Dragonbane Charm", "Ultimate Luck Charm", "Ultimate Lucky Power Charm", "Ultimate Party Charm", "Ultimate Polluted Charm", "Ultimate Power Charm", "Ultimate Snowball Charm", "Ultimate Spooky Charm", "Ultimate Spore Charm", "Ultimate Wealth Charm", "Uncharged Scholar Charm", "Unstable Charm", "Valentine Charm", "Warpath Archer Charm", "Warpath Cavalry Charm", "Warpath Commander's Charm", "Warpath Mage Charm", "Warpath Scout Charm", "Warpath Warrior Charm", "Water Jet Charm", "Wax Charm", "Wealth Charm", "Wild Growth Charm", "Winter Builder Charm", "Winter Charm", "Winter Hoarder Charm", "Winter Miser Charm", "Winter Screw Charm", "Winter Spring Charm", "Winter Wood Charm", "Yellow Double Sponge Charm", "Yellow Sponge Charm"]

// // Best weapon/base/charm/bait pre-determined by user. Edit your best weapon/base/charm/bait in ascending order. e.g. [best, better, good]
var objBestTrap = {
    weapon: {
        arcane: ['Chrome Circlet of Pursuing', 'Circlet of Pursuing', 'Circlet of Seeking', 'New Horizon', 'Golem Guardian', 'Event Horizon', 'Infinite Winter Horizon', 'Droid Archmagus', 'Chrome Grand Arcanum', 'Chrome Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery', 'Grand Arcanum', 'Boiling Cauldron', 'Anniversary Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery', 'Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery', 'Sprinkly Cupcake Surprise', 'Arcane Blast', 'Nutcracker Nuisance', 'Obelisk of Incineration', 'Obelisk of Slumber'],
        draconic: ['Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon', 'Dragon Slayer Cannon', 'Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista', 'Storm Wrought Ballista', 'Tulip Turret', 'Dragonvine Ballista', 'Blazing Ember Spear', 'Ice Maiden', 'Cemetery Gate Grappler', 'Harrowing Holiday Harpoon Harp', 'Dragon Lance'],
        forgotten: ['Chrome Thought Obliterator', 'Thought Obliterator', 'Tome of the Mind\'s Eye', 'Thought Manipulator', 'Infinite Labyrinth', 'Endless Labyrinth', 'Crystal Mineral Crusher', 'Crystal Crucible', 'Festive Forgotten Fir', 'Golem Guardian', 'Stale Cupcake Golem', 'Scarlet Ember Root', 'Tarannosaurus Rex', 'Father Winter\'s Timepiece', 'The Forgotten Art of Dance', 'Anniversary Ancient Box', 'Ancient Box', 'Forgotten Pressure Plate'],
        hydro: ['Chrome School of Sharks', 'Queso Fount', 'Golem Guardian', 'School of Sharks', 'Rune Shark', 'Chrome Phantasmic Oasis', 'Phantasmic Oasis', 'Bubbles: The Party Crasher', 'Chrome Oasis Water Node', 'Oasis Water Node', 'Haunted Shipwreck', 'Steam Laser Mk. II', 'Steam Laser Mk. III', 'Glacier Gatler', 'Heat Bath', 'S.S. Scoundrel Sleigher', 'Steam Laser Mk. I', 'Paradise Falls', 'S.U.P.E.R. Scum Scrubber', 'Ice Blaster', 'Ancient Spear Gun', 'Holiday Hydro Hailstone', 'Isle Idol', 'Double Diamond Adventure', 'Kraken Chaos', 'Harpoon Gun', 'Scum Scrubber', 'Net Cannon', 'Explosive Toboggan Ride', 'Steam Laser Mk. II (Broken!)'],
        law: ['S.T.I.N.G.E.R.', 'Ember Prison Core', 'S.T.I.N.G.', 'Meteor Prison Core', 'Judge Droid', 'The Holiday Express', 'Limited Edition', 'Engine Doubler', 'Queso Factory', 'Bandit Deflector', 'Surprise Party', 'Supply Grabber', 'Christmas Cactus', 'Law Laser', 'S.L.A.C. II', 'The Law Draw', 'S.L.A.C.'],
        physical: ['Legendary KingBot', 'Charming PrinceBot', 'Smoldering Stone Sentinel', 'Chrome MonstroBot', 'Sandstorm MonstroBot', 'Golem Guardian', 'Sandtail Sentinel', 'Chrome RhinoBot', 'Rocket Propelled Gavel', 'Warden Slayer', 'New Year\'s Fireworks', 'Enraged RhinoBot', 'Chrome Onyx Mallet', 'Isle Idol', 'Carousel Charger', 'Icy RhinoBot', 'RhinoBot', 'Warpath Thrasher', 'Chrome DrillBot', 'Onyx Mallet', 'Digby DrillBot', 'Chrome DeathBot', 'Anniversary DeathBot', 'Christmas Cracker', 'Fluffy DeathBot', 'Grungy DeathBot', 'Mouse DeathBot', 'PartyBot', 'Birthday Party Piñata Bonanza', 'Birthday Candle Kaboom', 'NVMRC Forcefield', 'Snowglobe', 'Pneumatic Tube', 'Ultra MegaMouser MechaBot', 'Shrink Ray', 'HitGrab Rainbow Rockin\' Horse', 'HitGrab Rockin\' Horse', 'Festive Gauntlet Crusher', 'Swiss Army Mouse', 'Wrapped Gift', 'Ancient Gauntlet', 'Mouse Rocketine', 'Mouse Trebuchet', 'HitGrab Horsey', '500 Pound Spiked Crusher', 'Mouse Mary O\'Nette', 'High Tension Spring', 'Mouse Hot Tub', 'Chrome Tacky Glue', 'Tacky Glue'],
        rift: ['Chrome Celestial Dissonance', 'Celestial Dissonance', 'Timesplit Dissonance', 'Mysteriously unYielding Null-Onyx Rampart of Cascading Amperes', 'Focused Crystal Laser', 'Biomolecular Re-atomizer', 'Darkest Chocolate Bunny', 'Rift Glacier Gatler', 'Christmas Crystalabra', 'Wacky Inflatable Party People', 'Multi-Crystal Laser', 'Crystal Tower'],
        shadow: ['Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors', 'Dark Magic Mirrors', 'Chrome Temporal Turbine', 'Cheese Seeking Lighthouse', 'Temporal Turbine', 'Goldfrost Crossbow', 'Interdimensional Crossbow', 'Moonbeam Barrier', 'Clockwork Portal', 'The Haunted Manor', 'Anniversary Reaper\'s Perch', 'Reaper\'s Perch', 'Dreaded Totem', 'Sandcastle Shard', 'Clockapult of Time', 'Clockapult of Winter Past', 'Maniacal Brain Extractor', 'Admiral\'s Galleon', 'Terrifying Spider', 'Cackle Lantern', 'Soul Harvester', 'Brain Extractor', 'Gorgon', 'Candy Crusher', 'Creepy Coffin', 'Soul Catcher', 'Bottomless Grave', 'Chrome Nannybot', 'Pumpkin Pummeler', 'Sinister Portal', 'Ambrosial Portal'],
        tactical: ['Slumbering Boulder', 'Sleeping Stone', 'Gouging Geyserite', 'Chrome Sphynx Wrath', 'Sphynx Wrath', 'Dimensional Chest', 'Golem Guardian', 'Cloaking Droid', 'Chesla\'s Revenge', 'Zugzwang\'s Ultimate Move', 'Zugzwang\'s First Move', 'Well of Wisdom', 'Isle Idol', 'Veiled Vine', 'Horrific Venus Mouse', 'Thorned Venus Mouse', 'Blackstone Pass', 'Obvious Ambush', 'Anniversary Ambush', 'Ambush', 'Ninja Ambush', 'Zurreal\'s Folly', 'Rewers Riposte', 'Giant Speaker', 'S.A.M. F.E.D. DN-5', '2010 Blastoff', '2012 Big Boom', 'Mutated Venus Mouse', 'Zugzwang\'s Last Move', 'Gingerbread House Surprise', 'Venus Mouse', 'Snow Barrage', 'Mystic Pawn Pincher', 'Technic Pawn Pincher'],
    base: {
        luck: ['Dragon\'s Breath Opal Refractor Base', 'Prestige Base', 'Sorcerer\'s Sapphire Refractor Base', 'Royal Ruby Refractor Base', 'Adorned Empyrean Refractor Base', 'Minotaur Base', 'Clockwork Base', 'Fissure Base', 'Overgrown Ember Stone Base', 'Birthday Banana Cake Base', 'Rift Base', '10 Layer Birthday Cake Base', '2017 New Year\'s Base', '2018 New Year\'s Base', '2019 New Year\'s Base', '2020 New Year\'s Base', '2021 New Year\'s Base', '2022 New Year\'s Base', 'Alchemist\'s Cookbook Base', 'All Season Express Track Base', 'Ancient Booster Base', 'Attuned Enerchi Induction Base', 'Birthday Confetti Cake Base', 'Birthday Ube Cake Base', 'Black Widow Base', 'Chocolate Bar Base', 'Condemned Base', 'Deadwood Plank Base', 'Depth Charge Base', 'Desert Heater Base', 'Dog Jade Base', 'Dragon Jade Base', 'Eerier Base', 'Elixir Exchanger Base', 'Enerchi Induction Base', 'Festive Winter Hunt Base', 'Forecaster Base', 'Fracture Base', 'Furoma Base', 'Gemology Base', 'Gift of the Day Base', 'Glowing Golem Guardian Base', 'Hallowed Ground Base', 'Horse Jade Base', 'Ice Cream Cake Base', 'Labyrinth Base', 'Magma Base', 'Monkey Jade Base', 'Ox Jade Base', 'Papyrus Base', 'Pig Jade Base', 'Rat Jade Base', 'Refined Pollutinum Base', 'Rooster Jade Base', 'Seasonal Gift of the Day Base', 'Sheep Jade Base', 'Snake Jade Base', 'Thief Base', 'Tidal Base', 'Tiger Jade Base', 'Treasure Seeker Base'],
        power: ['Signature Series Denture Base', 'Dragon\'s Breath Opal Refractor Base', 'Prestige Base', 'Sorcerer\'s Sapphire Refractor Base', 'Royal Ruby Refractor Base', 'Adorned Empyrean Refractor Base', 'Minotaur Base', 'Clockwork Base', 'Overgrown Ember Stone Base', 'Tidal Base', 'Golden Tournament Base', 'Spellbook Base']
    throwAwayTrinket: ['Tarnished Charm', 'Unstable Charm', 'Torch Charm']

// // Fiery Warpath Preference
var commanderCharm = ['Super Warpath Commander\'s', 'Warpath Commander\'s'];
var objPopulation = {
    WARRIOR: 0,
    SCOUT: 1,
    ARCHER: 2,
    CAVALRY: 3,
    MAGE: 4,
    name: ['Warrior', 'Scout', 'Archer', 'Cavalry', 'Mage', 'Artillery']
var g_arrFWSupportRetreat = [0, 10, 18, 26];
var g_fwStreakLength = 15;
var objDefaultFW = {
    weapon: 'Sandtail Sentinel',
    base: 'Physical Brace',
    focusType: 'normal', // `normal` or `special`
    priorities: 'HIGHEST',
    cheese: new Array(g_fwStreakLength).fill('Gouda'),
    charmType: new Array(g_fwStreakLength).fill('Warpath'),
    special: new Array(g_fwStreakLength).fill('None'),
    commanderClearStreak: false,
    lastSoldierConfig: 'CONFIG_GOUDA',
    includeArtillery: true,
    disarmAfterSupportRetreat: false,
    warden: {
        before: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''
        after: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''

// // Living Garden Preference
var bestLGBase = ['Living Base', 'Hothouse Base'];
var bestSalt = ['Super Salt', 'Grub Salt'];
var bestAnchor = ['Golden Anchor', 'Spiked Anchor', 'Empowered Anchor'];
var bestOxygen = ['Oxygen Burst', 'Empowered Anchor'];
var wasteCharm = ['Tarnished', 'Unstable', 'Wealth'];
var redSpongeCharm = ['Red Double', 'Red Sponge'];
var yellowSpongeCharm = ['Yellow Double', 'Yellow Sponge'];
var spongeCharm = ['Double Sponge', 'Sponge'];

// GES Preferences
var supplyDepotTrap = ['Meteor Prison Core Trap', 'Supply Grabber', 'S.L.A.C. II', 'The Law Draw', 'S.L.A.C.'];
var raiderRiverTrap = ['Meteor Prison Core Trap', 'Bandit Deflector', 'S.L.A.C. II', 'The Law Draw', 'S.L.A.C.'];
var daredevilCanyonTrap = ['Meteor Prison Core Trap', 'Engine Doubler', 'S.L.A.C. II', 'The Law Draw', 'S.L.A.C.'];
var coalCharm = ['Magmatic Crystal', 'Black Powder', 'Dusty Coal'];

//var chargeCharm = ['Eggstra Charge', 'Eggscavator'];
var scOxyBait = ['Fishy Fromage', 'Gouda'];

// // Sunken City Preference
// // DON'T edit this variable if you don't know what are you editing
var objSCZone = {
    ZONE_CORAL: 2,
    ZONE_SCALE: 3,
    ZONE_BONUS: 9,
var bestSCBase = ['Royal Ruby Refractor Base', 'Adorned Empyrean Refractor Base', 'Minotaur Base', 'Fissure Base', 'Depth Charge Base'];

// // Spring Egg Hunt
var chargeCharm = ['Eggstra Charge', 'Eggscavator'];
var chargeHigh = 17;
var chargeMedium = 12;

// // Labyrinth
// var bestLabyBase = ['Prestige Base', 'Minotaur Base', 'Labyrinth Base', 'Treasure Seeker Base'];
var bestLabyBase = ['Minotaur Base', 'Labyrinth Base', 'Treasure Seeker Base'];
var objCodename = {
    FEALTY: "y",
    TECH: "h",
    SCHOLAR: "s",
    TREASURY: "t",
    FARMING: "f",
    PLAIN: "p",
    SUPERIOR: "s",
    EPIC: "e",
    SHORT: "s",
    MEDIUM: "m",
    LONG: "l"
var arrHallwayOrder = [
    'sp', 'mp', 'lp',
    'ss', 'ms', 'ls',
    'se', 'me', 'le'];
var objDefaultLaby = {
    districtFocus: 'None',
    between0and14: ['lp'],
    between15and59: ['sp', 'ls'],
    between60and100: ['sp', 'ss', 'le'],
    useShufflers: false,
    chooseOtherDoors: false,
    typeOtherDoors: "SHORTEST_FEWEST",
    securityDisarm: false,
    lastHunt: 0,
    armOtherBase: 'false',
    disarmCompass: true,
    nDeadEndClue: 0,
    weaponFarming: 'Forgotten'
var objLength = {
    SHORT: 0,
    MEDIUM: 1,
    LONG: 2

// // Furoma Rift
var objFRBattery = {
    level: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
    name: ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"],
    capacity: [20, 45, 75, 120, 200, 310, 450, 615, 790, 975],
    cumulative: [20, 65, 140, 260, 460, 770, 1220, 1835, 2625, 3600]

var g_arrHeirloom = []; // to be refresh once page reload

var g_objConstTrap = {
    bait: {
        ANY_HALLOWEEN: {
            sort: 'any',
            name: ['Ghoulgonzola', 'Candy Corn']
        ANY_MASTER: {
            sort: 'any',
            name: ['Rift Susheese', 'Rift Combat', 'Rift Glutter', 'Master Fusion']
        ANY_LUNAR: {
            sort: 'any',
            name: ['Moon Cheese', 'Crescent Cheese']
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Arctic Asiago', 'Nutmeg', 'Snowball Bocconcini', 'Festive Feta', 'Gingerbread', 'Brie Cheese']
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Arctic Asiago', 'Nutmeg', 'Snowball Bocconcini', 'Festive Feta', 'Gingerbread', 'Gouda']
        ANY_FESTIVE_SB: {
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Arctic Asiago', 'Nutmeg', 'Snowball Bocconcini', 'Festive Feta', 'Gingerbread', 'SUPER']
    trinket: {
        GAC_EAC: {
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Golden Anchor', 'Empowered Anchor']
        SAC_EAC: {
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Spiked Anchor', 'Empowered Anchor']
        UAC_EAC: {
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Ultimate Anchor', 'Empowered Anchor']
        'ANCHOR_FAC/EAC': {
            sort: 'best',
            name: ['Festive Anchor Charm', 'Empowered Anchor Charm']

// // Valour Rift
// Valour Rift Preferences
var objDefaultVRift = {
    defaultTowerCharm: ['Rift Ultimate Lucky Power'],
    useChampionsFire: 'always', // [ 'eclipseOnly', 'always', 'never' ]
    useUltimateEclipse: true,

// // Scaffolding Code for Auto QCGT Mapping Function. Automatically Snipes PP/CQ/QR/Corky. Requires Mapping Helper Script (

function check() {
    magic_dict_qr = ["Croquet Crusher", "Croquet Crusher","Pump Raider","Tiny Saboteur", "Sleepy Merchant",]
    magic_dict_pp = {"Bland Queso": ["Spice Seer","Old Spice Collector"],
        "Mild Queso": ["Spice Farmer", "Granny Spice"],
        "Medium Queso": ["Spice Finder","Spice Sovereign",],
        "Hot Queso": ["Spice Reaper","Spice Raider",]};
    magic_dict_cq = {"Bland Queso": ["Chip Chiseler","Tiny Toppler"],
        "Mild Queso": ["Ore Chipper", "Rubble Rummager"],
        "Medium Queso": ["Nachore Golem", "Rubble Rouser",],
        "Hot Queso": ["Grampa Golem", "Fiery Crusher",]};
    magic_dict_qg = {"Bland Queso": ["Fuzzy Drake"],
        "Mild Queso": ["Cork Defender",],
        "Medium Queso": ["Burly Bruiser",],
        "Hot Queso": ["Corky, the Collector","Horned Cork Hoarder"],
        "Flamin' Queso": [ "Rambunctious Rain Rumbler"],
        "Wildfire Queso": ["Corkataur"]};
    magic_dict_qg2 = {"Mild Queso": ["Warming Wyvern",],
        "Medium Queso": ["Steam Sailor",],
        "Hot Queso": ["Vaporior"],
        "Flamin' Queso": ["Pyrehyde"],
        "Wildfire Queso": ["Emberstone Scaled"]};
    if (true) {
        qg_bait = ["Hot Queso","Medium Queso", "Mild Queso", "Bland Queso"]
        let remaining_mice = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("tsitu-maptem-mapmice"));
        if (remaining_mice == null) return;
        console.plog("Mode = 2");
        if (user.environment_name == "Prickly Plains"){
            if (objBestTrap.weapon.arcane[0] == "" ) objBestTrap.weapon.arcane.shift();
            if(user.bait_name == "SUPER|brie+") checkThenArm(null, 'bait', "Medium Queso");
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
            console.plog("user in pp");
            qg_bait = ["Bland Queso", "Mild Queso", "Medium Queso", "Hot Queso"]
            for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
                console.log("checking", check_bait);
                if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_pp[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
                    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
                    console.log(check_bait, "present")
            for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
                if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_cq[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.shadow);
                    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
            console.plog(findCommonElements(magic_dict_pp["Bland Queso"], remaining_mice));
        if (user.environment_name == "Cantera Quarry"){
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.shadow);
            console.plog("user in cq");
            for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
                console.log("checking", check_bait);
                if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_cq[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
                    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
                    console.log(check_bait, "present")
            let temp = true;
            for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
                if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qg[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
                    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
                    temp = false;
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Mild Queso');
        if (user.environment_name == "Queso Geyser"){
            console.log("before", objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
            if (objBestTrap.weapon.draconic[0] == "" ) {objBestTrap.weapon.draconic.shift(); console.log("reached 2");}
            console.log("after", objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
            if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state != "collecting") {console.log("wrong stage"); return;}
            if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state == "collecting"){
                ext = ["Flamin' Queso", "Wildfire Queso"]
                for (const check_bait of ext.concat(qg_bait)){
                    console.log("checking", check_bait);
                    if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qg[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
                        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
                        console.log(check_bait, "present")
            if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state == "corked") {
                for (const check_bait of ext.concat(qg_bait)){
                    console.log("checking", check_bait);
                    if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.max_pressure == 35) {qg_bait = ["Mild Queso", "Bland Queso", "Hot Queso", "Medium Queso"]}
                    if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qg2[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
                        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
                        console.log(check_bait, "present")
            if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state == "collecting") {
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Bland Queso');
        if (user.environment_name == "Queso River") {
            if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qr, remaining_mice)){
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'SUPER');
            else {
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Bland Queso');
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Bland Queso');
        //console.plog(user.environment_name == "Cantera Quarry");

function Travel(location) {;
    window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to retrieve data. Reloading...", false); }, 5000);

function findCommonElements(arr1, arr2) {
    if (arr1 == null || arr2 == null) return;
    return arr1.some(item => arr2.includes(item))

// // Addon code (default: empty string)
var addonCode = "";

// == Advance User Preference Setting (End) ==

// WARNING - Do not modify the code below unless you know how to read and write the script.

// All global variable declaration and default value
var g_strHTTP = 'https';
var g_strVersion = scriptVersion = GM_info.script.version;
var g_strScriptHandler = "";
var fbPlatform = false;
var hiFivePlatform = false;
var mhPlatform = false;
var mhMobilePlatform = false;
var secureConnection = false;
var lastDateRecorded = new Date();
var hornTime = 900;
var hornTimeDelay = 0;
var checkTimeDelay = 0;
var isKingReward = false;
var lastKingRewardSumTime;
var baitQuantity = -1;
var huntLocation;
var currentLocation;
var today = new Date();
var checkTime = (today.getMinutes() >= trapCheckTimeDiff) ? 3600 + (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()) : (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds());
today = undefined;
var millisTillGWH = new Date(2022, 11, 6, 15, 0, 0, 0) - today;
var hornRetryMax = 10;
var hornRetry = 0;
var nextActiveTime = 900;
var timerInterval = 2;
var checkMouseResult = null;
var armingQueue = [];
var dequeueingCTA = false;
var dequeueIntRunning = false;
var mouseList = [];
var eventLocation = "None";
var discharge = false;
var arming = false;
var g_arrArmingList = [];
var kingsRewardRetry = 0;
var keyKR = [];
var separator = "~";

// element in page
var titleElement;
var nextHornTimeElement;
var checkTimeElement;
var kingTimeElement;
var lastKingRewardSumTimeElement;
var optionElement;
var travelElement;
var hornButton = 'hornbutton';
var campButton = 'mousehuntHud-campButton';
var header = 'mousehuntHud';
var hornReady = 'hornready';
var isNewUI = false;

// NOB vars
var NOBtickerTimout;
var NOBtickerInterval;
var NOBtraps = []; // Stores ALL traps, bases, cheese etc available to user
var NOBhuntsLeft = 0; // Temp for huntFor();
var NOBpage = false;
var mapRequestFailed = false;
var clockTicking = false;
var clockNeedOn = false;
var NOBadFree = false;
    ['Seasonal Garden', {
        first: 1283616000,
        length: 288000,
        breakdown: [1, 1, 1, 1],
        name: ['Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter', 'Spring'],
        color: ['Red', 'Orange', 'Blue', 'Green'],
        effective: ['tactical', 'shadow', 'hydro', 'physical']
    ['Balack\'s Cove', {
        first: 1294680060,
        length: 1200,
        breakdown: [48, 3, 2, 3],
        name: ['Low', 'Medium (in)', 'High', 'Medium (out)'],
        color: ['Green', 'Orange', 'Red', 'Orange']
    ['Forbidden Grove', {
        first: 1285704000,
        length: 14400,
        breakdown: [4, 1],
        name: ['Open', 'Closed'],
        color: ['Green', 'Red']
    ['Toxic Spill', {
        first: 1503597600,
        length: 3600,
        breakdown: [15, 16, 18, 18, 24, 24, 24, 12, 12, 24, 24, 24, 18, 18, 16, 15],
        name: ['Hero', 'Knight', 'Lord', 'Baron', 'Count', 'Duke', 'Grand Duke', 'Archduke', 'Archduke', 'Grand Duke', 'Duke', 'Count', 'Baron', 'Lord', 'Knight', 'Hero'],
        color: ['Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green', 'Green'],
        effective: ['Rising', 'Rising', 'Rising', 'Rising', 'Rising', 'Rising', 'Rising', 'Rising', 'Falling', 'Falling', 'Falling', 'Falling', 'Falling', 'Falling', 'Falling', 'Falling']
    ['Relic Hunter', {
        url: ''

// console logging
function saveToSessionStorage() {
    var i;
    var str = "";
    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(arguments[i]) && typeof arguments[i] === 'object') { // if it is object
            str += JSON.stringify(arguments[i]);
        } else {
            str += arguments[i];

        if (i != arguments.length - 1)
            str += " ";
    var key = "";
    var arrLog = [];
    for (i = 0; i < window.sessionStorage.length; i++) {
        key = window.sessionStorage.key(i);
        if (key.indexOf("Log_") > -1)
    if (arrLog.length > maxSaveLog) {
        arrLog = arrLog.sort();
        var count = Math.floor(maxSaveLog / 2);
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

    try {
        setSessionStorage("Log_" + (performance.timing.navigationStart +, str);
    } catch (e) {
        if ( == "QuotaExceededError") {
            for (i = 0; i < window.sessionStorage.length; i++) {
                key = window.sessionStorage.key(i);
                if (key.indexOf('Log_') > -1)
            saveToSessionStorage.apply(this, arguments);

console.plog = function () {
    saveToSessionStorage.apply(this, arguments);
    console.log.apply(console, arguments);
console.perror = function () {
    saveToSessionStorage.apply(this, arguments);
    console.error.apply(console, arguments);
console.pdebug = function () {
    saveToSessionStorage.apply(this, arguments);
    console.debug.apply(console, arguments);

function FinalizePuzzleImageAnswer(answer) {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN FinalizePuzzleImageAnswer()");
    if (debug) console.log(answer);

    var myFrame;
    if (answer.length != 5) {
        //Get a new puzzle TODO: This feature is broken right now, need to rewrite to properly get new image
        if (kingsRewardRetry >= kingsRewardRetryMax) {
            kingsRewardRetry = 0;
            setStorage("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);
            var strTemp = 'Max ' + kingsRewardRetryMax + 'retries. Pls solve it manually ASAP.';
            displayTimer(strTemp, strTemp, strTemp);
        } else {
            setStorage("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);
            var tagName = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
            for (var i = 0; i < tagName.length; i++) {
                if (tagName[i].innerText == "Click here to get a new one!") {
                    // TODO IMPORTANT: Find another time to fetch new puzzle
                    fireEvent(tagName[i], 'click');
                    myFrame = document.getElementById('myFrame');
                    if (!isNullOrUndefined(myFrame))
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 6000);
    } else {
        if (debug) console.log("Submitting captcha answer: " + answer);
        //Submit answer

        //var puzzleAns = document.getElementById("puzzle_answer");
        var puzzleAns = document.getElementsByClassName("puzzleView__code")[0];

        if (!puzzleAns) {
            if (debug) console.plog("puzzleAns: " + puzzleAns);
        puzzleAns.value = "";
        puzzleAns.value = answer.toLowerCase();

        //var puzzleSubmit = document.getElementById("puzzle_submit");
        var puzzleSubmit = document.getElementsByClassName("puzzleView__solveButton")[0];

        if (!puzzleSubmit) {
            if (debug) console.plog("puzzleSubmit: " + puzzleSubmit);


        fireEvent(puzzleSubmit, 'click');

        // TODO: how about incorrect puzzle answer
        kingsRewardRetry = 0;
        isKingReward = false;
        setStorage("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);
        myFrame = document.getElementById('myFrame');
        if (myFrame)

        // window.setTimeout(function () {
        //     CheckKRAnswerCorrectness(); // TODO: Dont think this does anything at the moment
        // }, 5000);

function receiveMessage(event) {
    if (debug) console.debug("RUN receiveMessage() Event origin: " + event.origin);
    if (debug) console.debug("Event data: ",;
    if (!debugKR && !isAutoSolve)

    if (event && (event.origin.indexOf("mhcdn") > -1 || event.origin.indexOf("mousehuntgame") > -1 || event.origin.indexOf("dropbox") > -1) && typeof === "string") {
        try {
            if ( &&"~") > -1) {
                var result =,"~"));
                if (saveKRImage) {
                    var processedImg ="~") + 1,;
                    var strKR = "KR" + separator;
                    strKR += + separator;
                    strKR += result + separator;
                    strKR += "RETRY" + kingsRewardRetry;
                    try {
                        setStorage(strKR, processedImg);
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.perror('receiveMessage', e.message);
            } else if ("#") > -1) {
                var value =,;
                setStorage("krCallBack", value);
            } else if ('Log_') > -1)
            else if ('MHAKRS_') > -1) {
                var temp ='_');
                console.plog(temp[0], temp[1]);
                setStorage(temp[0], temp[1]);
        } catch (e) {
            if (debug) console.debug("Invalid origin or data", e);

function CallKRSolver() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN CallKRSolver()");

    var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
    frame.setAttribute("id", "myFrame");
    var img;
    if (debugKR) {
        //frame.src = "";
        //frame.src = "";
        frame.src = "";
    } else {
        img = document.getElementsByClassName('puzzleView__image')[0];
        if (debug) console.log("Captcha Image fetched:")
        if (debug) console.log(img);

        var src = img.querySelector('img').src;
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(src)) {
            frame.src = img.querySelector('img').src;
        } else {
            if (debug) console.log("CallKRSolver: Unable to find puzzle image, would probably recommend a reload....");
    img = null;

function CheckKRAnswerCorrectness() {
    if (debug) console.log("CheckKRAnswerCorrectness(): exec")
    var puzzleForm = document.getElementsByClassName("puzzleView")[0];
    if (puzzleForm.classList.contains("puzzleView--state-solved")) {
        isKingReward = false;
        // KR is solved clicking continue now
        // RESUME BUTTON check is moved to Check resume button interval, it checks continuously so this manual single check is no longer needed

    var strTemp = '';
    var codeError = document.getElementsByClassName("puzzleView__error");
    for (var i = 0; i < codeError.length; i++) {
        if (codeError[i].innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf("incorrect claim code") > -1) {
            if (kingsRewardRetry >= kingsRewardRetryMax) {
                kingsRewardRetry = 0;
                setStorage("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);
                strTemp = 'Max ' + kingsRewardRetryMax + 'retries. Pls solve it manually ASAP.';
                displayTimer(strTemp, strTemp, strTemp);
            } else {
                setStorage("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);

    window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);

function addKREntries() {
    var i, temp, maxLen, keyName;
    var replaced = "";
    var nTimezoneOffset = -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000;
    var count = 1;
    var strInnerHTML = '';
    var selectViewKR = document.getElementById('viewKR');
    if (selectViewKR.options.length > 0) {
        // append keyKR for new KR entries under new UI
        for (i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) {
            keyName = window.localStorage.key(i);
            if (keyName.indexOf("KR" + separator) > -1 && keyKR.indexOf(keyName) < 0)
    maxLen = keyKR.length.toString().length;
    for (i = 0; i < keyKR.length; i++) {
        if (keyKR[i].indexOf("KR" + separator) > -1) {
            temp = keyKR[i].split(separator);
            temp.splice(0, 1);
            temp[0] = parseInt(temp[0]);
            if (Number.isNaN(temp[0]))
                temp[0] = 0;

            temp[0] += nTimezoneOffset;
            temp[0] = (new Date(temp[0])).toISOString();
            replaced = temp.join("&nbsp;&nbsp;");
            temp = count.toString();
            while (temp.length < maxLen) {
                temp = '0' + temp;
            replaced = temp + '. ' + replaced;
            strInnerHTML += '<option value="' + keyKR[i] + '"' + ((i == keyKR.length - 1) ? ' selected' : '') + '>' + replaced + '</option>';
    if (strInnerHTML !== '')
        selectViewKR.innerHTML = strInnerHTML;

function setKREntriesColor() {
// set KR entries color
    var i, nCurrent, nNext, strCurrent;
    var selectViewKR = document.getElementById('viewKR');
    for (i = 0; i < selectViewKR.children.length; i++) {
        if (i < selectViewKR.children.length - 1) {
            nCurrent = parseInt(selectViewKR.children[i].value.split('~')[1]);
            nNext = parseInt(selectViewKR.children[i + 1].value.split('~')[1]);
            if (Math.round((nNext - nCurrent) / 60000) < 2)
                selectViewKR.children[i].style = 'color:red';
        strCurrent = selectViewKR.children[i].value.split('~')[2];
        if (strCurrent == strCurrent.toUpperCase() && selectViewKR.children[i].style.color != 'red') {
            selectViewKR.children[i].style = 'color:magenta';

window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
if (debugKR)

// start executing script
if (debug) console.log('STARTING SCRIPT - ver: ' + scriptVersion);
if ( != window.self) {
    if (debug) console.log('In IFRAME - may cause firefox to error, location: ' + window.location.href);
} else {
    if (debug) console.log('NOT IN IFRAME - will not work in fb MH');

var getMapPort;
try {
    if (chrome.runtime && !isNullOrUndefined( {
        g_strScriptHandler = "Extensions";
        g_strVersion = chrome.runtime.getManifest().version;
        getMapPort = chrome.runtime.connect({name: 'map'});
        getMapPort.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) {
            if (msg.array.length > 0)
                checkCaughtMouse(msg.obj, msg.array);
    } else {
        g_strScriptHandler = GM_info.scriptHandler + " " + GM_info.version;
        g_strVersion = GM_info.script.version;
} catch (e) {
    console.perror('Before exeScript', e.message);
    getMapPort = undefined;
    g_strVersion = undefined;
    g_strScriptHandler = undefined;


function exeScript() {
    if (debug) console.log('RUN %cexeScript()', 'color: #9cffbd');
    browser = browserDetection();
    try {
        var titleElm = document.getElementById('titleElement');
        if (titleElm) {
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log('No past title elements found.');
    } finally {
        titleElm = null;

    try {
        // check the trap check setting first
        trapCheckTimeDiff = GetTrapCheckTime();

        // check the trap check setting first
        if (trapCheckTimeDiff == 60) {
            trapCheckTimeDiff = 0;
        } else if (trapCheckTimeDiff < 0 || trapCheckTimeDiff > 60) {
            // invalid value, just disable the trap check
            enableTrapCheck = false;

        if (showTimerInTitle) {
            // check if they are running in iFrame
            if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
                contentElement = document.getElementById('pagelet_canvas_content');
                if (contentElement) {
                    breakFrameDivElement = document.createElement('div');
                    breakFrameDivElement.setAttribute('id', 'breakFrameDivElement');
                    breakFrameDivElement.innerHTML = "Timer cannot show on title page. You can <a href=''>run MouseHunt without iFrame (Facebook)</a> to enable timer on title page";
                    contentElement.parentNode.insertBefore(breakFrameDivElement, contentElement);
                contentElement = undefined;
            } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
                contentElement = document.getElementById('apps-canvas-body');
                if (contentElement) {
                    breakFrameDivElement = document.createElement('div');
                    breakFrameDivElement.setAttribute('id', 'breakFrameDivElement');
                    breakFrameDivElement.innerHTML = "Timer cannot show on title page. You can <a href=''>run MouseHunt without iFrame (Hi5)</a> to enable timer on title page";
                    contentElement.parentNode.insertBefore(breakFrameDivElement, contentElement);
                contentElement = breakFrameDivElement = undefined;

        // check user running this script from where
        if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
            // from facebook
            fbPlatform = true;
            setStorage('Platform', 'FB');
        } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
            // need to check if it is running in mobile version
            var version = getCookie("switch_to");
            if (version !== null && version == "mobile") {
                // from mousehunt game mobile version
                mhMobilePlatform = true;
                setStorage('Platform', 'MHMobile');
            } else {
                // from mousehunt game standard version
                mhPlatform = true;
                setStorage('Platform', 'MH');
            version = undefined;
        } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
            // from hi5
            hiFivePlatform = true;
            setStorage('Platform', 'Hi5');

        // check if user running in https secure connection, true/false
        secureConnection = (window.location.href.indexOf("https://") > -1);
        setStorage('HTTPS', secureConnection);

        if (fbPlatform) {
            if (window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0 ||
                // page to execute the script!

                // make sure all the preference already loaded

                // this is the page to execute the script
                if (!checkIntroContainer() && retrieveDataFirst()) {
                    // embed a place where timer show

                    // embed script to horn button

                    // start script action

                } else {
                    // fail to retrieve data, display error msg and reload the page
                    document.title = "Fail to retrieve data from page. Reloading in " + timeFormat(errorReloadTime);
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, errorReloadTime * 1000);
            } else {
                // not in hunters camp, just show the title of autobot version

        } else if (mhPlatform) {
            if (window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0) {
                // page to execute the script!

                // make sure all the preference already loaded

                // this is the page to execute the script
                if (!checkIntroContainer() && retrieveDataFirst()) {
                    // embed a place where timer show

                    // embed script to horn button

                    // start script action

                } else {
                    // fail to retrieve data, display error msg and reload the page
                    document.title = "Fail to retrieve data from page. Reloading in " + timeFormat(errorReloadTime);
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, errorReloadTime * 1000);
            } else {
                // not in hunters camp, just show the title of autobot version
        } else if (mhMobilePlatform) {
            // execute at all page of mobile version
            // page to execute the script!

            // make sure all the preference already loaded

            // embed a place where timer show
        } else if (hiFivePlatform) {
            if (window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 ||
                window.location.href == "" ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {
                // page to execute the script!

                // make sure all the preference already loaded

                // this is the page to execute the script
                if (!checkIntroContainer() && retrieveDataFirst()) {
                    // embed a place where timer show

                    // embed script to horn button

                    // start script action

                } else {
                    // fail to retrieve data, display error msg and reload the page
                    document.title = "Fail to retrieve data from page. Reloading in " + timeFormat(errorReloadTime);
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, errorReloadTime * 1000);
            } else {
                // not in hunters camp, just show the title of autobot version

    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log('exeScript error - ' + e)

function GetTrapCheckTime() {
    // Check storage first
    var trapCheckFromStorage = getStorageToVariableInt('TrapCheckTimeOffset', -1);
    if (trapCheckFromStorage != -1)
        return trapCheckFromStorage;

    try {
        var passiveElement = document.getElementsByClassName('passive');
        if (passiveElement.length > 0) {
            var time = passiveElement[0].textContent;
            time = time.substr(time.indexOf('m -') - 3, 2);
            setStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset", time);
            return parseInt(time);
        } else {
            throw new Error('passiveElement not found');
    } catch (e) {
        console.perror('GetTrapCheckTime', e.message);
        var tempStorage = getStorage('TrapCheckTimeOffset');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(tempStorage)) {
            tempStorage = 0;
            setStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset", tempStorage);
        return parseInt(tempStorage);

function checkIntroContainer() {
    if (debug) console.log('RUN %ccheckIntroContainer()', 'color: #bada55');
    var gotIntroContainerDiv = false;

    var introContainerDiv = document.getElementById('introContainer');
    if (introContainerDiv) {
        introContainerDiv = undefined;
        gotIntroContainerDiv = true;
    } else {
        gotIntroContainerDiv = false;

    try {
        return gotIntroContainerDiv;
    } finally {
        gotIntroContainerDiv = undefined;

function getJournalDetail() {
    var strLastRecordedJournal = getStorageToVariableStr('LastRecordedJournal', '');
    var classJournal = document.getElementsByClassName('journaltext');
    var i, j, eleA, strTrap, temp, nIndexStart, nIndexEnd, nIndexCharm, nIndexCheese;
    var objResave = {
        trinket: false,
        bait: false
    for (i = 0; i < classJournal.length; i++) {
        if (classJournal[i].parentNode.textContent == strLastRecordedJournal)

        eleA = classJournal[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
        if (eleA.length > 0) { // has loot(s)
            for (j = 0; j < eleA.length; j++) {
                strTrap = '';
                temp = eleA[j].textContent;
                if (temp.indexOf('Charm') > -1) {
                    strTrap = 'trinket';
                    temp = temp.replace(/Charms/, 'Charm');
                else if (temp.indexOf('Cheese') > -1)
                    strTrap = 'bait';
                temp = temp.replace(/\d+/, '');
                temp = temp.trimLeft();
                if (strTrap !== '' && objTrapList[strTrap].indexOf(temp) < 0) {
                    console.plog('Add', temp, 'into', strTrap, 'list');
                    objResave[strTrap] = true;
        else {
            nIndexStart = -1;
            temp = classJournal[i].textContent.replace(/\./, '');
            temp = temp.replace(/Charms/, 'Charm');
            temp = temp.split(' ');
            if (classJournal[i].textContent.indexOf('crafted') > -1) {
                nIndexStart = temp.indexOf('crafted');
                if (nIndexStart > -1)
                    nIndexStart += 2;
            else if (classJournal[i].textContent.indexOf('purchased') > -1) {
                nIndexStart = temp.indexOf('purchased');
                if (nIndexStart > -1)
                    nIndexStart += 2;
            if (nIndexStart > -1) {
                strTrap = '';
                nIndexEnd = -1;
                nIndexCharm = temp.indexOf('Charm');
                nIndexCheese = temp.indexOf('Cheese');
                if (nIndexCharm > -1) {
                    strTrap = 'trinket';
                    nIndexEnd = nIndexCharm + 1;
                else if (nIndexCheese > -1) {
                    strTrap = 'bait';
                    nIndexEnd = nIndexCheese + 1;
                if (strTrap !== '' && nIndexEnd > -1) {
                    temp = temp.slice(nIndexStart, nIndexEnd);
                    temp = temp.join(' ');
                    if (temp !== '' && objTrapList[strTrap].indexOf(temp) < 0) {
                        console.plog('Add', temp, 'into', strTrap, 'list');
                        objResave[strTrap] = true;
    for (var prop in objResave) {
        if (objResave.hasOwnProperty(prop) && objResave[prop] === true)
            setStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(prop), objTrapList[prop].join(","));
    setStorage('LastRecordedJournal', classJournal[0].parentNode.textContent);

function getJournalDetailFRift() {
    if (g_arrHeirloom.length != 3)
    var strLastRecordedJournal = getStorageToVariableStr('LastRecordedJournalFRift', '');
    var classJournal = document.getElementsByClassName('journaltext');
    var i, j, eleA, temp, nIndex;
    for (i = 0; i < classJournal.length; i++) {
        if (classJournal[i].parentNode.textContent == strLastRecordedJournal)
        eleA = classJournal[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
        if (eleA.length > 0) { // has loot(s)
            for (j = 0; j < eleA.length; j++) {
                temp = eleA[j].textContent;
                if (temp.indexOf('Chi Claw Heirloom') > -1)
                    nIndex = 0;
                else if (temp.indexOf('Chi Fang Heirloom') > -1)
                    nIndex = 1;
                else if (temp.indexOf('Chi Belt Heirloom') > -1)
                    nIndex = 2;
                    nIndex = -1;
                if (nIndex > -1)
    setStorage('LastRecordedJournalFRift', classJournal[0].parentNode.textContent);

function eventLocationCheck(caller) {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN eventLocationCheck(" + caller + ")");

    var selAlgo = getStorageToVariableStr("eventLocation", "None");
    var temp = "";

    if (selAlgo != null && selAlgo != "" && debug)
        console.debug("Running " + selAlgo + " bot.");

    switch (selAlgo) {
        case 'Hunt For':
        case 'Charge Egg 2015':
        case 'Charge Egg 2015(17)':
        case 'Charge Egg 2016 Medium + High':
        case 'Charge Egg 2016 High':
        case 'Gnawnian Express(Empty)':
        case 'Gnawnian Express(Full)':
        case 'GES':
            // USING A SMARTER GES
        case 'Burroughs Rift(Red)':
            BurroughRift(true, 19, 20);
        case 'Burroughs Rift(Green)':
            BurroughRift(true, 6, 18);
        case 'Burroughs Rift(Yellow)':
            BurroughRift(true, 1, 5);
        case 'Burroughs Rift Custom':
        case 'Iceberg':
        case 'WWRift':
        case 'Halloween 2016':
        case 'Halloween 2015':
        case 'Winter 2015':
        case 'GWH2016R':
        case 'All LG Area':
            var objLGTemplate = {
                isAutoFill: false,
                isAutoPour: false,
                maxSaltCharged: 25,
                base: {
                    before: '',
                    after: ''
                trinket: {
                    before: '',
                    after: ''
                bait: {
                    before: '',
                    after: ''
            var objDefaultLG = {
                LG: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                TG: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                LC: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                CC: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                SD: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                SC: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
            temp = getStorageToObject("LGArea", objDefaultLG);
        case 'Sunken City':
        case 'Sunken City Aggro':
        case 'Sunken City Custom':
        case 'SG':
        case 'Zugzwang\'s Tower':
        case 'Fiery Warpath':
            // fieryWarpath();
        // case 'Fiery Warpath Super':
        //     fieryWarpath(true);
        //     break;
        case 'Iceberg (Wax)':
        case 'Iceberg (Sticky)':
        case 'Labyrinth':
        case 'Zokor':
        case 'Furoma Rift':
        case 'Valour Rift':
        case 'BC/JOD':
        case 'FG/AR':
        case 'Bristle Woods Rift':
        case 'Fort Rox':
        case 'Mountain':
        case 'Table of Contents CC Farm':
        case 'Table of Contents M1K':

function huntFor() {
    if (NOBhuntsLeft <= 0) {

function mapHunting() {
    var objDefaultMapHunting = {
        status: false,
        selectedMouse: [],
        logic: 'OR',
        weapon: 'Remain',
        base: 'Remain',
        trinket: 'Remain',
        bait: 'Remain',
        leave: false
    var objMapHunting = getStorageToObject('MapHunting', objDefaultMapHunting);
    var strViewState = getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestRelicHunter.view_state');
    var bHasMap = (strViewState == 'hasMap' || strViewState == 'hasReward');
    if (!objMapHunting.status || !bHasMap || objMapHunting.selectedMouse.length === 0)


function checkCaughtMouse(obj, arrUpdatedUncaught) {
    var arrUncaughtMouse = [];
    if (!(Array.isArray(arrUpdatedUncaught)))
        arrUpdatedUncaught = [];

    var bHasReward = (getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestRelicHunter.view_state') == 'hasReward');
    if (!bHasReward && arrUpdatedUncaught.length === 0) {
        var nRemaining = -1;
        var classTreasureMap = document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntHud-userStat treasureMap')[0];
        if (classTreasureMap.children[2].textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('remaining') > -1)
            nRemaining = parseInt(classTreasureMap.children[2].textContent);

        if (Number.isNaN(nRemaining) || nRemaining == -1)

        var temp = getStorageToVariableStr('Last Record Uncaught', null);
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(temp))
            arrUncaughtMouse = temp.split(",");

        if (arrUncaughtMouse.length != nRemaining) {
            // get updated uncaught mouse list
            arrUncaughtMouse = [];
            var objData = {
                sn: 'Hitgrab',
                hg_is_ajax: 1,
                action: 'info',
                uh: getPageVariable('user.unique_hash')
            if (isNullOrUndefined(getMapPort)) {
                // direct call jquery
                ajaxPost(window.location.origin + '/managers/ajax/users/relichunter.php', objData, function (data) {
                    if (!isNullOrUndefined(data.treasure_map.groups)) {
                        var arrUncaught = [];
                        for (var i = 0; i < data.treasure_map.groups.length; i++) {
                            if (data.treasure_map.groups[i].is_uncaught === true) {
                                for (var j = 0; j < data.treasure_map.groups[i].mice.length; j++) {
                        if (arrUncaught.length > 0)
                            checkCaughtMouse(obj, arrUncaught);
                }, function (error) {
                    console.error('ajax:', error);
            else {
                    request: "getUncaught",
                    data: objData,
                    url: window.location.origin + '/managers/ajax/users/relichunter.php',
                    objMapHunting: obj
    } else {
        if (bHasReward)
            setStorage('Last Record Uncaught', '');
            setStorage('Last Record Uncaught', arrUpdatedUncaught.join(","));
        arrUncaughtMouse = arrUpdatedUncaught.slice();

    console.plog('Uncaught:', arrUncaughtMouse);
    var i;
    var bChangeTrap = false;
    var bCanLeave = false;
    var arrIndex = [];
    for (i = 0; i < obj.selectedMouse.length; i++) {
    if (obj.logic == 'AND') {
        bChangeTrap = (countArrayElement(-1, arrIndex) == arrIndex.length || bHasReward);
    } else {
        bChangeTrap = (countArrayElement(-1, arrIndex) > 0 || bHasReward);

    bCanLeave = !bHasReward && bChangeTrap;
    if (bChangeTrap) {
        for (i = arrIndex.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (arrIndex[i] == -1)
                obj.selectedMouse.splice(i, 1);
        setStorage('MapHunting', JSON.stringify(obj));
        for (var prop in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&
                (prop == 'weapon' || prop == 'base' || prop == 'trinket' || prop == 'bait')) {
                if (obj[prop] != 'Remain') {
                    if (obj[prop] == 'None')
                        checkThenArm(null, prop, obj[prop]);

    if (bCanLeave && obj.leave) {
        var objData = {
            sn: 'Hitgrab',
            hg_is_ajax: 1,
            action: 'discard',
            uh: getPageVariable('user.unique_hash')
        if (isNullOrUndefined(getMapPort)) {
            // direct call jquery
            ajaxPost(window.location.origin + '/managers/ajax/users/relichunter.php', objData, function (data) {
                console.plog('Map discarded');
            }, function (error) {
                console.perror('ajax discard:', error);
        else {
                request: "discard",
                data: objData,
                url: window.location.origin + '/managers/ajax/users/relichunter.php',

function GetCurrentLocation() {
    var loc = getPageVariable('user.environment_name');
    if (debug) console.plog('Current Location:', loc);
    return loc;

function bwRift() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Bristle Woods Rift") < 0)

    var objDefaultBWRift = {
        master: {
            weapon: new Array(32).fill('Mysteriously unYielding'),
            base: new Array(32).fill('Fissure Base'),
            trinket: new Array(32).fill('Rift Vacuum Charm'),
            bait: new Array(32).fill('Brie String'),
            activate: new Array(32).fill(false),
        specialActivate: {
            forceActivate: new Array(32).fill(false),
            remainingLootActivate: new Array(32).fill(1),
            forceDeactivate: new Array(32).fill(false),
            remainingLootDeactivate: new Array(32).fill(1)
        gw: {
            weapon: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
        al: {
            weapon: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
        rl: {
            weapon: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
        gb: {
            weapon: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
        ic: {
            weapon: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
        fa: {
            weapon: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
        choosePortal: false,
        choosePortalAfterCC: false,
        minTimeSand: [70, 70, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, 40, 999],
        minRSCType: 'NUMBER',
        minRSC: 0,
        enterMinigameWCurse: false

    var objBWRift = getStorageToObject('BWRift', objDefaultBWRift);

    if (debug) console.log("RUN BWRift() using:");
    if (debug) console.log(objBWRift);

    var objUser = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods)'));
    var nIndex = -1;
    var nLootRemaining = objUser.progress_remaining;
    var nTimeSand = parseInt(objUser.items.rift_hourglass_sand_stat_item.quantity);
    var strChamberName = objUser.chamber_name.split(' ')[0].toUpperCase();
    var strTestName = objUser.chamber_name.toUpperCase();
    if (strTestName.indexOf('LUCK') > -1)
        strChamberName = 'LUCKY';
    if (strChamberName == 'ACOLYTE') { // in Acolyte Chamber
        var strStatus;
        if (objUser.minigame.acolyte_chamber.obelisk_charge < 100) {
            strStatus = 'ACOLYTE_CHARGING';
            nLootRemaining = 100 - objUser.minigame.acolyte_chamber.obelisk_charge;
        else if (objUser.minigame.acolyte_chamber.acolyte_sand > 0) {
            strStatus = 'ACOLYTE_DRAINING';
            nLootRemaining = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
        else {
            strStatus = 'ACOLYTE_DRAINED';
            nLootRemaining = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
        console.plog('Status:', strStatus, 'Obelisk:', objUser.minigame.acolyte_chamber.obelisk_charge, 'Acolyte Sand:', objUser.minigame.acolyte_chamber.acolyte_sand);
        nIndex = objBWRift.order.indexOf(strStatus);
    } else if (strChamberName == 'RIFT')
        nIndex = 0;
    else {
        if (nLootRemaining > 0)
            nIndex = objBWRift.order.indexOf(strChamberName);
            nIndex = 0;
    console.plog('Status:', objUser.chamber_status, 'Name:', objUser.chamber_name, 'Shortname:', strChamberName, 'Index:', nIndex, 'Remaining Loot:', nLootRemaining, 'Time Sand:', nTimeSand);
    if (nIndex < 0)
    var nIndexBuffCurse = 0;
    if (!(objUser.status_effects.un.indexOf('default') > -1 || objUser.status_effects.un.indexOf('remove') > -1) ||
        !('default') > -1 ||'remove') > -1) ||
        !('default') > -1 ||'remove') > -1))
        nIndexBuffCurse = 8;
    else {
        if ('default') < 0)
            nIndexBuffCurse |= 0x04;
        if ('default') < 0)
            nIndexBuffCurse |= 0x02;
        if (objUser.status_effects.ex.indexOf('default') < 0)
            nIndexBuffCurse |= 0x01;
    console.plog('Buff & Curse Index:', nIndexBuffCurse, 'Obj:', objUser.status_effects);
    if (nIndex === 0 || objUser.chamber_status == 'open') {
        // Choosing portal

        var classPortalContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('riftBristleWoodsHUD-portalContainer');
        if (classPortalContainer.length > 0) {
            var objPortal = {
                arrName: new Array(classPortalContainer[0].children.length).fill(''),
                arrIndex: new Array(classPortalContainer[0].children.length).fill(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
            var i, j;
            var arrPriorities = (nIndexBuffCurse == 8) ? objBWRift.prioritiesCursed : objBWRift.priorities;
            var nIndexCustom = -1;
            for (i = 0; i < arrPriorities.length; i++) {
                if (arrPriorities[i].indexOf('AL/RL') > -1) {
                    nIndexCustom = i;
            for (i = 0; i < objPortal.arrName.length; i++) {
                objPortal.arrName[i] = classPortalContainer[0].children[i].getElementsByClassName('riftBristleWoodsHUD-portal-name')[0].textContent;
                strTestName = objPortal.arrName[i].toUpperCase();
                if (strTestName.indexOf('LUCK') > -1)
                    objPortal.arrName[i] = 'LUCKY';
                else if (strTestName.indexOf('HIDDEN') > -1 || strTestName.indexOf('TREASUR') > -1)
                    objPortal.arrName[i] = 'HIDDEN';
                objPortal.arrName[i] = objPortal.arrName[i].split(' ')[0].toUpperCase();
                objPortal.arrIndex[i] = arrPriorities.indexOf(objPortal.arrName[i]);
                if (nIndexCustom > -1 && (objPortal.arrName[i] == 'ANCIENT' || objPortal.arrName[i] == 'RUNIC')) {
                    if (objPortal.arrIndex[i] < 0 || nIndexCustom < objPortal.arrIndex[i])
                        objPortal.arrIndex[i] = nIndexCustom;
                if (objPortal.arrIndex[i] < 0)
                    objPortal.arrIndex[i] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
            if (objBWRift.choosePortal) {
                if (nIndex === 0 || (nIndex > 0 && objUser.chamber_status == 'open' && objBWRift.choosePortalAfterCC)) {
                    var nIndexOld = nIndex;
                    var arrIndices = [];
                    var nRSCPot = parseInt(objUser.items.runic_string_cheese_potion.quantity);
                    var nRSC = parseInt(objUser.items.runic_string_cheese.quantity);
                    var nTotalRSC = nRSC + nRSCPot * 2;
                    var nIndexTemp = objPortal.arrName.indexOf('ACOLYTE');
                    if (nIndexTemp > -1) {
                        if (!Number.isInteger(nTotalRSC))
                            nTotalRSC = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                        console.plog('RSC Pot:', nRSCPot, 'RSC:', nRSC, 'Total RSC:', nTotalRSC);
                        var nMinRSC = -1;
                        if (objBWRift.minRSCType == 'NUMBER')
                            nMinRSC = objBWRift.minRSC;
                        else if (objBWRift.minRSCType == 'GEQ')
                            nMinRSC = objBWRift.minTimeSand[nIndexBuffCurse];
                        if (nTotalRSC < nMinRSC || nTimeSand < objBWRift.minTimeSand[nIndexBuffCurse]) {
                            arrIndices = getAllIndices(objPortal.arrName, 'ACOLYTE');
                            for (i = 0; i < arrIndices.length; i++)
                                objPortal.arrIndex[arrIndices[i]] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                    var arrTemp = ['TIMEWARP', 'GUARD'];
                    for (i = 0; i < arrTemp.length; i++) {
                        nIndexTemp = objPortal.arrName.indexOf(arrTemp[i]);
                        if (nIndexTemp > -1 && nTimeSand >= objBWRift.minTimeSand[nIndexBuffCurse]) {
                            arrIndices = getAllIndices(objPortal.arrName, arrTemp[i]);
                            for (j = 0; j < arrIndices.length; j++)
                                objPortal.arrIndex[arrIndices[j]] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                    arrTemp = ['GUARD', 'FROZEN', 'INGRESS'];
                    for (i = 0; i < arrTemp.length; i++) {
                        nIndexTemp = objPortal.arrName.indexOf(arrTemp[i]);
                        if (nIndexTemp > -1 && nIndexBuffCurse == 8 && objBWRift.enterMinigameWCurse === false) {
                            arrIndices = getAllIndices(objPortal.arrName, arrTemp[i]);
                            for (j = 0; j < arrIndices.length; j++)
                                objPortal.arrIndex[arrIndices[j]] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                    var arrAL = getAllIndices(objPortal.arrName, 'ANCIENT');
                    var arrRL = getAllIndices(objPortal.arrName, 'RUNIC');
                    if (arrAL.length > 0 && arrRL.length > 0 && nIndexCustom > -1) {
                        var nASCPot = parseInt(objUser.items.ancient_string_cheese_potion.quantity);
                        var nASC = parseInt(objUser.items.ancient_string_cheese.quantity);
                        var nTotalASC = nASCPot + nASC;
                        if (arrPriorities[nIndexCustom].indexOf('MSC') > -1)
                            nTotalASC += nASCPot;
                        console.plog('ASC Pot:', nASCPot, 'ASC:', nASC, 'Total ASC:', nTotalASC, 'RSC Pot:', nRSCPot, 'RSC:', nRSC, 'Total RSC:', nTotalRSC);
                        if (nTotalASC < nTotalRSC) { // ancient first
                            for (j = 0; j < arrRL.length; j++)
                                objPortal.arrIndex[arrRL[j]] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                        else { // runic first
                            for (j = 0; j < arrAL.length; j++)
                                objPortal.arrIndex[arrAL[j]] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                    nIndexTemp = objPortal.arrName.indexOf('ENTER');
                    if (nIndexTemp > -1)
                        objPortal.arrIndex[nIndexTemp] = 1;
                    var nMinIndex = minIndex(objPortal.arrIndex);
                    if (objPortal.arrIndex[nMinIndex] == Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || classPortalContainer[0].children[nMinIndex] == 'frozen')
                        nIndex = nIndexOld;
                    else {
                        if (objPortal.arrName[nMinIndex] == 'ACOLYTE') {
                            console.plog('Chosen Portal:', objPortal.arrName[nMinIndex], 'Index: Unknown');
                            fireEvent(classPortalContainer[0].children[nMinIndex], 'click');
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton small')[1], 'click');
                            }, 1000);
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 2000);
                        if (objPortal.arrName[nMinIndex] == 'ENTER')
                            nIndex = objBWRift.order.indexOf('GEARWORKS');
                            nIndex = objBWRift.order.indexOf(objPortal.arrName[nMinIndex]);
                        if (nIndex > -1) {
                            console.plog('Chosen Portal:', objPortal.arrName[nMinIndex], 'Index:', nIndex);
                            strChamberName = objBWRift.order[nIndex];
                            fireEvent(classPortalContainer[0].children[nMinIndex], 'click');
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton small')[1], 'click');
                            }, 1000);
                            nLootRemaining = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                            nIndex = nIndexOld;

    var objTemp = {
        weapon: '',
        base: '',
        trinket: '',
        bait: '',
        activate: false

    if (nIndex === 0)
        strChamberName = 'NONE';
    if (nIndexBuffCurse == 8)
        nIndex += 16;
    if (strChamberName == 'GEARWORKS' || strChamberName == 'ANCIENT' || strChamberName == 'RUNIC') {
        var nCleaverAvailable = (objUser.cleaver_status == 'available') ? 1 : 0;
        console.plog('Cleaver Available Status:', nCleaverAvailable);
        var strTemp = '';
        if (strChamberName == 'GEARWORKS')
            strTemp = 'gw';
        else if (strChamberName == 'ANCIENT')
            strTemp = 'al';
            strTemp = 'rl';
        if (nIndexBuffCurse == 8)
            nCleaverAvailable += 2;
        for (var prop in objTemp) {
            if (objTemp.hasOwnProperty(prop))
                objTemp[prop] = (objBWRift[strTemp][prop][nCleaverAvailable] == 'MASTER') ? objBWRift.master[prop][nIndex] : objBWRift[strTemp][prop][nCleaverAvailable];
    } else if (strChamberName == 'GUARD') {
        var nAlertLvl = (isNullOrUndefined(objUser.minigame.guard_chamber)) ? -1 : parseInt(objUser.minigame.guard_chamber.status.split("_")[1]);
        console.plog('Guard Barracks Alert Lvl:', nAlertLvl);
        if (Number.isNaN(nAlertLvl) || nAlertLvl < 0 || nAlertLvl > 6) {
            // Not alerted yet
            for (var prop in objTemp) {
                if (objTemp.hasOwnProperty(prop))
                    objTemp[prop] = objBWRift.master[prop][nIndex];
        } else {
            // Alert on
            if (nIndexBuffCurse == 8)
                nAlertLvl += 7;

            for (var prop in objTemp) {
                if (objTemp.hasOwnProperty(prop))
                    objTemp[prop] = ([prop][nAlertLvl] == 'MASTER') ? objBWRift.master[prop][nIndex] :[prop][nAlertLvl];
    /*else if(strChamberName == 'INGRESS'){
	else if(strChamberName == 'FROZEN'){
    else {
        for (var prop in objTemp) {
            if (objTemp.hasOwnProperty(prop))
                objTemp[prop] = objBWRift.master[prop][nIndex];

    if (debug) console.log("BW RIFT ARMING:");
    if (debug) console.log(objTemp);

    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objTemp.weapon);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objTemp.base);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objTemp.trinket);
    if (objTemp.bait == 'Runic/Ancient')
        checkThenArm('any', 'bait', ['Runic String Cheese', 'Ancient String Cheese']);
    else if (objTemp.bait == 'Runic=>Ancient')
        checkThenArm('best', 'bait', ['Runic String Cheese', 'Ancient String Cheese']);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objTemp.bait);
    var classLootBooster = document.getElementsByClassName('riftBristleWoodsHUD-portalEquipment lootBooster mousehuntTooltipParent')[0];
    var bPocketwatchActive = (classLootBooster.getAttribute('class').indexOf('selected') > -1);
    var classButton = classLootBooster.getElementsByClassName('riftBristleWoodsHUD-portalEquipment-action')[0];
    var bForce = false;
    var bToggle = false;
    if (objTemp.activate) {
        bForce = (objBWRift.specialActivate.forceDeactivate[nIndex] && nLootRemaining <= objBWRift.specialActivate.remainingLootDeactivate[nIndex]);
        if (bForce === bPocketwatchActive)
            bToggle = true;
    } else {
        bForce = (objBWRift.specialActivate.forceActivate[nIndex] && nLootRemaining <= objBWRift.specialActivate.remainingLootActivate[nIndex]);
        if (bForce !== bPocketwatchActive)
            bToggle = true;
    console.plog('QQ Activated:', bPocketwatchActive, 'Activate?:', objTemp.activate, 'Force:', bForce, 'Toggle:', bToggle);
    if (bToggle) {
        var nRetry = 5;
        var intervalPocket = setInterval(function () {
            if (classLootBooster.getAttribute('class').indexOf('chamberEmpty') < 0 || --nRetry <= 0) {
                fireEvent(classButton, 'click');
                intervalPocket = null;
        }, 1000);

function fortRox() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Fort Rox") < 0)

    var objDefaultFRox = {
        stage: ['DAY', 'stage_one', 'stage_two', 'stage_three', 'stage_four', 'stage_five', 'DAWN'],
        order: ['DAY', 'TWILIGHT', 'MIDNIGHT', 'PITCH', 'UTTER', 'FIRST', 'DAWN'],
        weapon: new Array(7).fill(''),
        base: new Array(7).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(7).fill('None'),
        bait: new Array(7).fill('Gouda'),
        activate: new Array(7).fill(false),
        fullHPDeactivate: true

    var objFRox = getStorageToObject('FRox', objDefaultFRox);
    var objUser = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestFortRox)'));
    var nIndex = -1;
    if (objUser.is_dawn === true) {
        nIndex = 6;
        console.plog('In Dawn');
    } else if (objUser.current_phase == 'night') {
        nIndex = objFRox.stage.indexOf(objUser.current_stage);
        console.plog('In Night, Current Stage:', objUser.current_stage);
    } else if (objUser.current_phase == 'day') {
        nIndex = 0;
        console.plog('In Day');

    if (nIndex < 0)
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFRox.weapon[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objFRox.base[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objFRox.trinket[nIndex]);
    if (objFRox.bait[nIndex] == 'ANY_LUNAR')
        checkThenArm('any', 'bait', ['Moon Cheese', 'Crescent Cheese']);
    else if (objFRox.bait[nIndex].indexOf('=>') > -1) {
        var arr = objFRox.bait[nIndex].split('=>');
        checkThenArm('best', 'bait', arr);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objFRox.bait[nIndex]);

    var bTowerActive = !(objUser.tower_status.indexOf('inactive') > -1);
    var nMana = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('fortRoxHUD-mana quantity')[0].textContent);
    console.plog('Tower Active:', bTowerActive, 'Mana:', nMana, 'Current HP:', objUser.hp, 'Max HP:', objUser.max_hp);
    if (nMana > 0 && nIndex > 0) {
        var classButton = document.getElementsByClassName('fortRoxHUD-spellTowerButton')[0];
        if (bTowerActive) {
            if (objFRox.activate[nIndex]) {
                if (objFRox.fullHPDeactivate && objUser.hp >= objUser.max_hp) {
                    // deactivate tower
                    fireEvent(classButton, 'click');
            else {
                //deactivate tower
                fireEvent(classButton, 'click');
        else {
            if (objFRox.activate[nIndex]) {
                //activate tower
                fireEvent(classButton, 'click');

function mountain() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Mountain") < 0)

    var objDefaultMountain = {
        'T1Bait': ["Brie", "Gouda", "Super"],
        'T2Bait': ["Chedd-Ore Cheese"],
        'T3Bait': ["Abominable Asiago Cheese"]

    var currentBait = getPageVariable('user.bait_name');
    var boulderBroken = document.getElementsByClassName("can_claim").length > 1; // Helper div is always there regardless can claim or not

    console.debug("RUN mountain(): Current bait=" + currentBait + ", boulderBroken=" + boulderBroken);
    if (boulderBroken) {
        if (objDefaultMountain.T2Bait.indexOf(currentBait) > -1 || objDefaultMountain.T3Bait.indexOf(currentBait) > -1) {
            console.debug("T2/T3 Bait found, claiming chedd-ore now");
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("mountainHUD-miniBoulder")[0].lastChild, 'click');
        else {
            console.debug("Assuming T1 Bait, claiming chedd-ore now");
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("mountainHUD-boulder")[0].lastChild, 'click');
    } else {
        console.debug("Boulder is not broken yet, continuing to hunt.");

function Halloween2014() {
    var currentLocation = getPageVariable("user.environment_name");
    if (currentLocation.indexOf("Haunted Terrortories") > -1) {
        var areaName = document.getElementsByClassName('halloween2014Hud-areaDetails-name')[0].innerHTML;
        var warning = document.getElementsByClassName('halloween2014Hud-areaDetails-warning active').length;
        var isWarning = (warning > 0);
        console.debug('Current Area Name: ' + areaName + " Warning: " + isWarning);
        if (isWarning) {
            var trickContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloween2014Hud-bait trick_cheese clear-block')[0];
            var treatContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloween2014Hud-bait treat_cheese clear-block')[0];
            if (trickContainer.children[2].getAttribute('class') == 'armNow active') {
                console.debug('Currently armed: Trick cheese, Going to arm Treat cheese');
                fireEvent(treatContainer.children[2], 'click');
            } else {
                console.debug('Currently armed: Treat cheese, Going to arm Trick cheese');
                fireEvent(trickContainer.children[2], 'click');

function Halloween2015() {
    var currentLocation = getPageVariable("user.environment_name");
    if (currentLocation.indexOf("Haunted Terrortories") > -1) {
        var areaName = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-areaDetails-name')[0].innerHTML;
        var warning = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-areaDetails-warning active').length;
        var isWarning = (warning > 0);
        console.debug('Current Area Name: ' + areaName + " Warning: " + isWarning);
        if (isWarning) {
            var trickContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-bait trick_cheese clear-block')[0];
            var treatContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-bait treat_cheese clear-block')[0];
            if (trickContainer.children[2].getAttribute('class') == 'armNow active') {
                console.debug('Currently armed: Trick cheese, Going to arm Treat cheese');
                fireEvent(treatContainer.children[2], 'click');
            } else {
                console.debug('Currently armed: Treat cheese, Going to arm Trick cheese');
                fireEvent(trickContainer.children[2], 'click');

function Halloween2016() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Spooky Sandcastle") < 0)

    var areaName = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-areaDetails-name')[0].innerHTML;
    var warning = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-areaDetails-warning active').length;
    var isWarning = (warning > 0);
    var trickContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-bait trick_cheese clear-block')[0];
    var treatContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-bait treat_cheese clear-block')[0];
    var bTricking = (trickContainer.children[2].getAttribute('class') == 'armNow active');
    var bTreating = (treatContainer.children[2].getAttribute('class') == 'armNow active');
    console.plog('Current Area Name:', areaName, 'Warning:', isWarning, 'Tricking:', bTricking, 'Treating:', bTreating);
    if (!(bTricking || bTreating))
    if (isWarning) {
        if (bTricking) {
            if (parseInt(treatContainer.children[1].textContent) > 0)
                fireEvent(treatContainer.children[2], 'click');
            else {
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Brie Cheese');
        else {
            if (parseInt(trickContainer.children[1].textContent) > 0)
                fireEvent(trickContainer.children[2], 'click');
            else {
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Brie Cheese');
    } else {
        var i;
        var nSquareMin = 0;
        var classContent = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-trinket-content clear-block');
        for (i = 0; i < classContent.length; i += 3) {
            if (classContent[i].children[3].getAttribute('class').indexOf('armNow active') > -1)
        if (nSquareMin === 0)
        i = (areaName.indexOf('Haunted Dream') > -1) ? 0 : 1;
        var stageContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('halloweenHud-progress-stage-row-container')[i];
        i = (bTricking) ? 0 : 1;
        var nSquareLeft = stageContainer.children[i].getElementsByTagName('i').length;
        console.plog('Min Square:', nSquareMin, 'Square Left:', nSquareLeft);
        if (nSquareLeft <= nSquareMin) {
            for (i = 0; i < classContent.length; i += 3) {
                if (classContent[i].children[3].getAttribute('class').indexOf('armNow active') > -1)
                    fireEvent(classContent[i].children[3], 'click');


// For G Express
function gnawnianExpress(load) {
    var currentLocation = getPageVariable("user.environment_name");
    if (currentLocation.indexOf("Gnawnian Express") > -1) {
        var onTrain = getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train');
        var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
        var trapArmed = getPageVariable('user.weapon_name');
        if (onTrain == 'false' || onTrain == 0) {
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Supply Schedule') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Roof Rack') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Greasy Glob') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Door Guard') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Dusty Coal') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Black Powder') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Magmatic Crystal') > -1)

            // TODO: Need to fix this
            if (trapArmed.indexOf('Supply Grabber') > -1 || trapArmed.indexOf('Bandit Deflector') > -1 || trapArmed.indexOf('Engine Doubler') > -1)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', ['S.L.A.C. II', 'The Law Draw', 'S.L.A.C.']);
        } else {
            var phase = document.getElementsByClassName('phaseName')[0].textContent;
            phase = phase.substr(7, phase.length);
            var nPhaseSecLeft = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestTrainStation.phase_seconds_remaining'));
            console.plog('Current Phase:', strCurrentPhase, 'Time Left (s):', nPhaseSecLeft);

            switch (phase) {
                case 'Supply Depot':
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', supplyDepotTrap);
                    var supplyHoarder = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('supplyHoarderTab')[0].textContent.substr(0, 1));
                    if (supplyHoarder == 0) {
                        console.debug("Looking for supply hoarder");
                        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Supply Schedule');
                    } else {
                        console.debug("Supply hoarder is present. Disarming charm now...");
                    if (load) loadTrain('depot');
                case 'Raider River':
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', raiderRiverTrap);
                    var attacking = document.getElementsByClassName('attacked');
                    for (var i = 0; i < attacking.length; i++) {
                        if (attacking[i].tagName == 'DIV')
                            attacking = attacking[i].className.substr(0, attacking[i].className.indexOf(' '));
                    console.debug("Raiders are attacking " + attacking);
                    switch (attacking) {
                        case 'roof':
                            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Roof Rack', 'disarm');
                        case 'door':
                            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Door Guard', 'disarm');
                        case 'rails':
                            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Greasy Glob', 'disarm');
                            console.debug('Bot is confused, raiders are not attacking?');
                    if (load) loadTrain('raider');
                case 'Daredevil Canyon':
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', daredevilCanyonTrap);
                    if (debug) console.log("Starting to look for " + coalCharm + " charm.");
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', coalCharm);
                    if (debug) console.log("Done looking for charm.")
                    if (load) loadTrain('canyon');

function loadTrain(location) {
    try {
        switch (location) {
            case 'raider':
                var repellents = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('mouseRepellent')[0].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
                if (repellents >= 10)
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('phaseButton')[0], 'click');
            case 'canyon':
                var timeLeft = document.getElementsByClassName('phaseTimer')[0].textContent.substr(10);
                // Fire only when time left is less than 16 mins :P (needs checking if works)
                if ((parseInt(timeLeft.substr(0, timeLeft.indexOf(':'))) == 0 && parseInt(timeLeft.substr(timeLeft.indexOf(':') + 1)) <= 16))
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('phaseButton')[0], 'click');
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('phaseButton')[0], 'click');
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.debug(e.message);

function ges() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Gnawnian Express Station') < 0)

    var i, j;
    var bOnTrain = (getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train') == 'true');
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable("user.trinket_name");
    var arrCharm;
    var nCharmQuantity;
    var objDefaultGES = {
        bLoadCrate: false,
        nMinCrate: 11,
        bUseRepellent: false,
        nMinRepellent: 11,
        bStokeEngine: false,
        nMinFuelNugget: 20,
        SD_BEFORE: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''
        SD_AFTER: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''
        RR: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''
        DC: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''
        WAITING: {
            weapon: '',
            base: '',
            trinket: '',
            bait: ''
    var objGES = getStorageToObject('GES', objDefaultGES);
    var nPhaseSecLeft = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestTrainStation.phase_seconds_remaining'));
    var strCurrentPhase = '';
    if (!bOnTrain) {
        strCurrentPhase = 'WAITING';
    } else {
        var classPhase = document.getElementsByClassName('box phaseName');
        if (classPhase.length > 0 && classPhase[0].children.length > 1)
            strCurrentPhase = classPhase[0].children[1].textContent;
    console.plog('Current Phase:', strCurrentPhase, 'Time Left (s):', nPhaseSecLeft);
    if (strCurrentPhase === '')

    var strStage = '';
    if (strCurrentPhase.indexOf('Supply Depot') > -1) {
        if (nPhaseSecLeft <= nextActiveTime || (enableTrapCheck && trapCheckTimeDiff === 0 && nPhaseSecLeft <= 900)) { // total seconds left to next phase less than next active time or next trap check time
            strStage = 'RR';
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES[strStage].trinket);
        } else {
            var nTurn = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('supplyHoarderTab')[0].textContent.substr(0, 1));
            console.plog("Supply Hoarder Turn:", nTurn);
            if (nTurn <= 0) { // before
                strStage = 'SD_BEFORE';
                if (objGES.SD_BEFORE.trinket.indexOf('Supply Schedule') > -1 && charmArmed.indexOf('Supply Schedule') < 0) {
                    var classCharm = document.getElementsByClassName('charms');
                    var linkCharm = classCharm[0].children[0];
                    nCharmQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('charms')[0].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
                    console.plog('Supply Schedule Charm Quantity:', nCharmQuantity);
                    if (Number.isInteger(nCharmQuantity) && nCharmQuantity > 0)
                        fireEvent(linkCharm, 'click');
                    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES.SD_BEFORE.trinket);
            } else {
                strStage = 'SD_AFTER';
                if (objGES.SD_AFTER.trinket.indexOf('Supply Schedule') > -1)
                    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES.SD_AFTER.trinket);

        if (objGES.bLoadCrate) {
            var nCrateQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('supplyCrates')[0].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
            console.plog('Crate Quantity:', nCrateQuantity);
            if (Number.isInteger(nCrateQuantity) && nCrateQuantity >= objGES.nMinCrate)
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('phaseButton')[0], 'click');
    } else if (strCurrentPhase.indexOf('Raider River') > -1) {
        if (nPhaseSecLeft <= nextActiveTime || (enableTrapCheck && trapCheckTimeDiff === 0 && nPhaseSecLeft <= 900)) { // total seconds left to next phase less than next active time or next trap check time
            strStage = 'DC';
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES[strStage].trinket);
        } else {
            strStage = 'RR';
            if (objGES.RR.trinket == 'AUTO') {
                // get raider status and arm respective charm
                arrCharm = ['Roof Rack', 'Door Guard', 'Greasy Glob'];
                var classTrainCarArea = document.getElementsByClassName('trainCarArea');
                nCharmQuantity = 0;
                var strAttack = '';
                for (i = 0; i < classTrainCarArea.length; i++) {
                    if (classTrainCarArea[i].className.indexOf('attacked') > -1) {
                        strAttack = classTrainCarArea[i].className.substr(0, classTrainCarArea[i].className.indexOf(' '));
                        nCharmQuantity = parseInt(classTrainCarArea[i].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
                        console.plog('Raiders Attack:', capitalizeFirstLetter(strAttack), ',', arrCharm[i], 'Charm Quantity:', nCharmQuantity);
                        if (Number.isInteger(nCharmQuantity) && nCharmQuantity > 0 && charmArmed.indexOf(arrCharm[i]) < 0)
                            fireEvent(classTrainCarArea[i].firstChild, 'click');
                        else {
                            for (j = 0; j < arrCharm.length; j++) {
                                if (j != i && charmArmed.indexOf(arrCharm[j]) > -1) {
                checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES.RR.trinket);

        if (objGES.bUseRepellent) {
            var nRepellentQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('mouseRepellent')[0].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
            console.plog('Repellent Quantity:', nRepellentQuantity);
            if (Number.isInteger(nRepellentQuantity) && nRepellentQuantity >= objGES.nMinRepellent)
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('phaseButton')[0], 'click');
    } else if (strCurrentPhase.indexOf('Daredevil Canyon') > -1) {
        if (nPhaseSecLeft <= nextActiveTime || (enableTrapCheck && trapCheckTimeDiff === 0 && nPhaseSecLeft <= 900)) { // total seconds left to next phase less than next active time or next trap check time
            strStage = 'WAITING';
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES[strStage].trinket);
        } else {
            strStage = 'DC';
            arrCharm = ['Magmatic Crystal Charm', 'Black Powder Charm', 'Dusty Coal Charm'];
            if (objGES.DC.trinket == 'AUTO')
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', arrCharm);
            else {
                var nIndex = arrCharm.indexOf(objGES.DC.trinket);
                if (arrCharm.indexOf(objGES.DC.trinket) > -1) {
                    var classCharms = document.getElementsByClassName('charms');
                    nCharmQuantity = parseInt(classCharms[0].children[nIndex].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
                    console.plog(objGES.DC.trinket, 'Quantity:', nCharmQuantity);
                    if (Number.isInteger(nCharmQuantity) && nCharmQuantity > 0 && charmArmed.indexOf(objGES.DC.trinket) < 0)
                        fireEvent(classCharms[0].children[nIndex], 'click');
                    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES.DC.trinket);

        if (objGES.bStokeEngine) {
            // get fuel nugget quantity
            var nFuelQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('fuelNugget')[0].getElementsByClassName('quantity')[0].textContent);
            console.plog('Fuel Nugget Quantity:', nFuelQuantity);
            if (Number.isInteger(nFuelQuantity) && nFuelQuantity >= objGES.nMinFuelNugget)
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('phaseButton')[0], 'click');
    } else {
        strStage = 'WAITING';
        arrCharm = ['Supply Schedule', 'Roof Rack', 'Door Guard', 'Greasy Blob', 'Magmatic Crystal', 'Black Powder', 'Dusty Coal'];
        if (objGES.WAITING.trinket.indexOf(arrCharm) > -1)
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGES.WAITING.trinket);
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objGES[strStage].weapon);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objGES[strStage].base);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objGES[strStage].bait);

function wwrift() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Whisker Woods Rift') < 0)

    var objDefaultWWRift = {
        factionFocus: "CC",
        factionFocusNext: "Remain",
        faction: {
            weapon: new Array(3).fill(''),
            base: new Array(3).fill(''),
            trinket: new Array(3).fill('None'),
            bait: new Array(3).fill('None')
        MBW: {
            minRageLLC: 40,
            rage4044: {
                weapon: new Array(7).fill(''),
                base: new Array(7).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(7).fill('None'),
                bait: new Array(7).fill('None')
            rage4548: {
                weapon: new Array(8).fill(''),
                base: new Array(8).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(8).fill('None'),
                bait: new Array(8).fill('None')
    var objWWRift = getStorageToObject('WWRift', objDefaultWWRift);
    if (isNullOrUndefined(objWWRift.factionFocusNext) || objWWRift.factionFocus === "")
        objWWRift.factionFocusNext = "Remain";
    objWWRift.order = ['CC', 'GGT', 'DL'];
    objWWRift.funnelCharm = ['Cherry Charm', 'Gnarled Charm', 'Stagnant Charm'];
    objWWRift.rage = new Array(3);
    var i;
    var temp = -1;
    var tempNext = -1;
    var nIndex = -1;
    var classRage = document.getElementsByClassName('riftWhiskerWoodsHUD-zone-rageLevel');
    for (i = 0; i < classRage.length; i++) {
        objWWRift.rage[i] = parseInt(classRage[i].textContent);
        if (Number.isNaN(objWWRift.rage[i]))
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable("user.trinket_name");
    var nBar25 = 0;
    var nBar44 = 0;
    var nBarMinRage = 0;
    var nIndexCharm = -1;
    var nLimit = 0;
    var bResave = false;
    if (objWWRift.factionFocus == 'MBW_40_44') {
        for (i = 0; i < objWWRift.rage.length; i++) {
            if (objWWRift.rage[i] >= 25)
        if (nBar25 >= 3) {
            for (i = 0; i < objWWRift.rage.length; i++) {
                if (objWWRift.rage[i] >= objWWRift.MBW.minRageLLC)
        nIndex = nBarMinRage + nBar25;
        checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.weapon[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.base[nIndex]);
        if (objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.trinket[nIndex].indexOf('FSC') > -1) {
            nIndexCharm = objWWRift.funnelCharm.indexOf(charmArmed);
            nLimit = (nIndex >= 3) ? objWWRift.MBW.minRageLLC : 25;
            if (nIndexCharm > -1) {
                if (objWWRift.rage[nIndexCharm] >= nLimit) {
                    temp = minIndex(objWWRift.rage);
                    if (temp > -1)
                        objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[temp];
                    objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.trinket[nIndex] = charmArmed;
            else {
                temp = minIndex(objWWRift.rage);
                if (temp > -1)
                    objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[temp];
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.trinket[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objWWRift.MBW.rage4044.bait[nIndex]);
    else if (objWWRift.factionFocus == 'MBW_45_48') {
        for (i = 0; i < objWWRift.rage.length; i++) {
            if (objWWRift.rage[i] >= 25)
        if (nBar25 >= 3) {
            for (i = 0; i < objWWRift.rage.length; i++) {
                if (objWWRift.rage[i] >= 44)
        if (nBar44 >= 3) {
            for (i = 0; i < objWWRift.rage.length; i++) {
                if (objWWRift.rage[i] >= objWWRift.MBW.minRageLLC)
        nIndex = nBar25 + nBar44 + nBarMinRage;
        checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.weapon[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.base[nIndex]);
        if (objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.trinket[nIndex].indexOf('FSC') > -1) {
            nIndexCharm = objWWRift.funnelCharm.indexOf(charmArmed);
            nLimit = (nIndex >= 3) ? 44 : 25;
            if (nIndexCharm > -1) {
                if (objWWRift.rage[nIndexCharm] >= nLimit) {
                    temp = minIndex(objWWRift.rage);
                    if (temp > -1)
                        objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[temp];
                    objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.trinket[nIndex] = charmArmed;
            else {
                temp = minIndex(objWWRift.rage);
                if (temp > -1)
                    objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[temp];
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.trinket[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objWWRift.MBW.rage4548.bait[nIndex]);
    else {
        temp = objWWRift.order.indexOf(objWWRift.factionFocus);
        if (temp == -1)
        nIndex = Math.floor(objWWRift.rage[temp] / 25);
        checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objWWRift.faction.weapon[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', objWWRift.faction.base[nIndex]);
        if (objWWRift.faction.trinket[nIndex].indexOf('FSC') > -1) {
            if (objWWRift.factionFocusNext == "Remain" || objWWRift.factionFocus == objWWRift.factionFocusNext)
                objWWRift.faction.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[temp];
            else {
                var nLastRage = getStorageToVariableInt("LastRage", 0);
                if (objWWRift.rage[temp] < nLastRage) {
                    tempNext = objWWRift.order.indexOf(objWWRift.factionFocusNext);
                    objWWRift.faction.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[tempNext];
                    objWWRift.factionFocus = objWWRift.factionFocusNext;
                    bResave = true;
                    objWWRift.faction.trinket[nIndex] = objWWRift.funnelCharm[temp];
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objWWRift.faction.trinket[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objWWRift.faction.bait[nIndex]);
        if (bResave) {
            // resave into localStorage
            var obj = getStorageToObject('WWRift', objDefaultWWRift);
            obj.factionFocus = objWWRift.factionFocus;
            setStorage('WWRift', JSON.stringify(obj));
        setStorage("LastRage", objWWRift.rage[temp]);

function iceberg(waxOrSticky) { // takes in string 'wax' or 'sticky'
    var location = getPageVariable('user.environment_name');
    if (debug) console.debug(location);

    if (location.indexOf('Iceberg') > -1) {
        var stage = document.getElementsByClassName('currentPhase')[0].textContent;
        var progress = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('user_progress')[0].textContent.replace(',', ''));
        console.debug('In ' + stage + ' at ' + progress + ' feets right now.');

        // Check if theres general
        if (progress == 300 || progress == 600 || progress == 1600 || progress == 1800) {
            console.debug('General encountered.');
            checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPowerBase);
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Super Power', wasteCharm);

        var icebergCharm;
        if (waxOrSticky == 'sticky') {
            icebergCharm = ['Sticky', 'Wax'];
        } else {
            icebergCharm = ['Wax', 'Sticky'];

        switch (stage) {
            case 'Treacherous Tunnels':
                // magnet base
                checkThenArm(null, 'base', 'Magnet Base');
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', icebergCharm, wasteCharm);
            case 'Brutal Bulwark':
                // spiked base
                checkThenArm(null, 'base', 'Spiked Base');
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', icebergCharm, wasteCharm);
            case 'Bombing Run':
                // Remote det base
                checkThenArm('best', 'base', ['Remote Detonator Base', 'Magnet Base']);
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', icebergCharm, wasteCharm);
            case 'The Mad Depths':
                // Hearthstone base
                checkThenArm(null, 'base', 'Hearthstone Base');
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', icebergCharm, wasteCharm);
            case 'Icewing\'s Lair':
            // Deep freeze base for the rest
            case 'Hidden Depths':
            case 'The Deep Lair':
                checkThenArm(null, 'base', 'Deep Freeze Base');
                var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
                if (charmArmed.indexOf('Wax') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Sticky') > -1)

        icebergCharm = null;
        stage = null;
    } else if (location.indexOf('Slushy Shoreline') > -1) {
        console.debug('Disarming cheese as wrong area now.');
    location = null;

function icebergV2() {
    var loc = GetCurrentLocation();
    var objDefaultIceberg = {
        base: new Array(9).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(9).fill('None'),
        bait: new Array(9).fill('Gouda')
    var objIceberg = getStorageToObject('Iceberg', objDefaultIceberg);
    var nIndex = -1;
    if (loc.indexOf('Iceberg') > -1) {
        var phase;
        var nProgress = -1;
        var classCurrentPhase = document.getElementsByClassName('currentPhase');
        if (classCurrentPhase.length > 0)
            phase = classCurrentPhase[0].textContent;
            phase = getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestIceberg.current_phase');
        var classProgress = document.getElementsByClassName('user_progress');
        if (classProgress.length > 0)
            nProgress = parseInt(classProgress[0].textContent.replace(',', ''));
            nProgress = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestIceberg.user_progress'));
        console.plog('In', phase, 'at', nProgress, 'feets');

        if (nProgress == 300 || nProgress == 600 || nProgress == 1600 || nProgress == 1800)
            nIndex = 0;
        else {
            phase = phase.toUpperCase();
            for (var i = 1; i < arrOrder.length; i++) {
                if (phase.indexOf(arrOrder[i]) > -1) {
                    nIndex = i;
    else if (loc.indexOf('Slushy Shoreline') > -1)
        nIndex = arrOrder.indexOf('SLUSHY');
    if (nIndex < 0)
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objIceberg.base[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objIceberg.trinket[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objIceberg.bait[nIndex]);

function BurroughRift(bCheckLoc, minMist, maxMist, nToggle) {
    //Tier 0: 0 Mist Canisters
    //Tier 1/Yellow: 1-5 Mist Canisters
    //Tier 2/Green: 6-18 Mist Canisters
    //Tier 3/Red: 19-20 Mist Canisters
    if (bCheckLoc && GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Burroughs Rift') < 0)

    var currentMistQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('mistQuantity')[0].innerText);
    var isMisting = (getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestRiftBurroughs.is_misting') == 'true');
    var mistButton = document.getElementsByClassName('mistButton')[0];
    console.plog('Current Mist Quantity:', currentMistQuantity, 'Is Misting:', isMisting);
    if (minMist === 0 && maxMist === 0) {
        if (isMisting) {
            console.plog('Stop mist...');
            fireEvent(mistButton, 'click');
    else if (currentMistQuantity >= maxMist && isMisting) {
        if (maxMist == 20 && Number.isInteger(nToggle)) {
            if (nToggle == 1) {
                console.plog('Stop mist...');
                fireEvent(mistButton, 'click');
            else {
                var nCount20 = getStorageToVariableInt('BR20_Count', 0);
                if (nCount20 >= nToggle) {
                    nCount20 = 0;
                    console.plog('Stop mist...');
                    fireEvent(mistButton, 'click');
                setStorage('BR20_Count', nCount20);
        else {
            console.plog('Stop mist...');
            fireEvent(mistButton, 'click');
    else if (currentMistQuantity <= minMist && !isMisting) {
        console.plog('Start mist...');
        fireEvent(mistButton, 'click');
    return currentMistQuantity;

function BRCustom() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Burroughs Rift') < 0)

    var objDefaultBRCustom = {
        hunt: '',
        toggle: 1,
        name: ['Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'None'],
        weapon: new Array(4),
        base: new Array(4),
        trinket: new Array(4),
        bait: new Array(4)
    var objBR = getStorageToObject('BRCustom', objDefaultBRCustom);
    var mistQuantity = 0;
    if (objBR.hunt == 'Red')
        mistQuantity = BurroughRift(false, 19, 20, objBR.toggle);
    else if (objBR.hunt == 'Green')
        mistQuantity = BurroughRift(false, 6, 18);
    else if (objBR.hunt == 'Yellow')
        mistQuantity = BurroughRift(false, 1, 5);
        mistQuantity = BurroughRift(false, 0, 0);

    var currentTier = '';
    if (mistQuantity >= 19)
        currentTier = 'Red';
    else if (mistQuantity >= 6)
        currentTier = 'Green';
    else if (mistQuantity >= 1)
        currentTier = 'Yellow';
        currentTier = 'None';

    if (currentTier != objBR.hunt)

    var nIndex =;
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objBR.weapon[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objBR.base[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objBR.bait[nIndex]);
    if (objBR.trinket[nIndex] == 'None')
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objBR.trinket[nIndex]);

function lgGeneral(objLG) {
    var loc = GetCurrentLocation();
    switch (loc) {
        case 'Living Garden':
        case 'Lost City':
        case 'Sand Dunes':
        case 'Twisted Garden':
        case 'Cursed City':
        case 'Sand Crypts':

function livingGarden(obj) {
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
    var baitArmed = getPageVariable('user.bait_name');
    var pourEstimate = document.getElementsByClassName('pourEstimate')[0];
    var estimateHunt = parseInt(pourEstimate.innerText);
    var strStatus = '';
    if (Number.isNaN(estimateHunt))
        strStatus = 'Poured';
    else if (estimateHunt >= 35)
        strStatus = 'Filled';
        strStatus = 'Filling';
    console.plog('Estimate Hunt:', estimateHunt, 'Status:', strStatus);

    if (obj.LG.trinket.after.indexOf('Sponge') > -1)
        obj.LG.trinket.after = 'None';

    if (strStatus == 'Poured') {
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.LG.base.after);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.LG.trinket.after);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', obj.LG.bait.after);
    } else if (strStatus == 'Filled') {
        var pourButton = document.getElementsByClassName('pour')[0];
        if (obj.LG.isAutoPour && !isNullOrUndefined(pourButton)) {
            fireEvent(pourButton, 'click');
            if (document.getElementsByClassName('confirm button')[0]) {
                window.setTimeout(function () {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('confirm button')[0], 'click');
                }, 1000);
                checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.LG.base.after);
                checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.LG.trinket.after);
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', obj.LG.bait.after);
            } else {
                checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
                if (charmArmed.indexOf('Sponge') > -1)
                if (baitArmed.indexOf('Camembert') > -1)
                    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
        } else {
            checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Sponge') > -1)
            if (baitArmed.indexOf('Camembert') > -1)
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
    } else if (strStatus == 'Filling') {
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
        if (!obj.LG.isAutoFill) {
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Sponge') > -1 || obj.LG.trinket.after.indexOf(charmArmed) > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf(obj.LG.trinket.after) > -1)
        } else {
            if (estimateHunt >= 28)
                checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Sponge');
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', spongeCharm);
        if (baitArmed.indexOf('Camembert') > -1 && baitArmed.indexOf('Duskshade') < 0)
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');

function lostCity(obj) {
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Dewthief');
    var isCursed = (document.getElementsByClassName('stateBlessed hidden').length > 0);
    console.plog('Cursed:', isCursed);

    //disarm searcher charm when cursed is lifted
    if (!isCursed) {
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.LG.base.after);
        if (obj.LC.trinket.after.indexOf('Searcher') > -1)
            obj.LC.trinket.after = 'None';
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.LC.trinket.after);
    else {
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Searcher');
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);

function sandDunes() {
    var hasStampede = getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSandDunes.minigame.has_stampede');
    console.plog('Has Stampede:', hasStampede);

    //disarm grubling chow charm when there is no stampede
    if (hasStampede == 'false') {
        if (getPageVariable('user.trinket_name').indexOf('Chow') > -1)
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Grubling Chow');
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.shadow);
    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Dewthief');

function twistedGarden(obj) {
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
    var red = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('itemImage red')[0].innerText);
    var yellow = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('itemImage yellow')[0].innerText);
    var nEstimateHunt = -1;
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
    var strStatus = '';
    if (Number.isNaN(red) || Number.isNaN(yellow) || document.getElementsByClassName('stateFilling hidden').length > 0) {
        strStatus = 'Poured';
        nEstimateHunt = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('pouring')[0].textContent);
    else if (red == 10 && yellow == 10)
        strStatus = 'Filled';
        strStatus = 'Filling';
    console.plog('Red:', red, 'Yellow:', yellow, 'Estimate Hunt:', nEstimateHunt, 'Status:', strStatus);
    var redPlusYellow = redSpongeCharm.concat(yellowSpongeCharm);
    if (obj.TG.trinket.after.indexOf('Red') > -1 || obj.TG.trinket.after.indexOf('Yellow') > -1)
        obj.TG.trinket.after = 'None';
    if (strStatus == 'Poured') {
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.TG.base.after);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.TG.trinket.after);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', obj.TG.bait.after);
    else if (strStatus == 'Filled') {
        var pourButton = document.getElementsByClassName('pour')[0];
        if (obj.TG.isAutoPour && !isNullOrUndefined(pourButton)) {
            fireEvent(pourButton, 'click');
            if (document.getElementsByClassName('confirm button')[0]) {
                window.setTimeout(function () {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('confirm button')[0], 'click');
                }, 1000);
                checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.TG.base.after);
                checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.TG.trinket.after);
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', obj.TG.bait.after);
            else {
                checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
                if (charmArmed.indexOf('Red') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Yellow') > -1)
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Duskshade Camembert');
        else {
            checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Red') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Yellow') > -1)
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Duskshade Camembert');
    else if (strStatus == 'Filling') {
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);
        if (!obj.TG.isAutoFill) {
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Red') > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf('Yellow') > -1 ||
                obj.TG.trinket.after.indexOf(charmArmed) > -1 || charmArmed.indexOf(obj.TG.trinket.after) > -1)
        else {
            if (red <= 8 && yellow <= 8)
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', redPlusYellow);
            else if (red < 10) {
                if (red <= 8)
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', redSpongeCharm);
                    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Red Sponge');
            else if (red == 10 && yellow < 10) {
                if (yellow <= 8)
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', yellowSpongeCharm);
                    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Yellow Sponge');
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Duskshade Camembert');

function cursedCity(obj) {
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Graveblossom');
    var objCC = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestLostCity.minigame)'));
    var curses = "";
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
    if (objCC.is_cursed === false) {
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.CC.base.after);
        if (obj.CC.trinket.after.indexOf('Bravery') > -1 || obj.CC.trinket.after.indexOf('Shine') > -1 || obj.CC.trinket.after.indexOf('Clarity') > -1)
            obj.CC.trinket.after = 'None';
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.CC.trinket.after);
    else {
        var cursedCityCharm = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < objCC.curses.length; ++i) {
            console.plog("i:", i, "Active:", objCC.curses[i].active);
            if (objCC.curses[i].active) {
                switch (i) {
                    case 0:
                        console.plog("Fear Active");
                    case 1:
                        console.plog("Darkness Active");
                    case 2:
                        console.plog("Mist Active");
        checkThenArm('any', 'trinket', cursedCityCharm);
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLGBase);

function sandCrypts(obj) {
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.shadow);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Graveblossom');
    var salt = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('salt_charms')[0].innerText);
    console.plog('Salted:', salt);
    if (salt >= obj.SC.maxSaltCharged) {
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.SC.base.after);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Grub Scent');
    else {
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.SC.base.before);
        if ((obj.SC.maxSaltCharged - salt) == 1)
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Grub Salt');
            checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', bestSalt);

function DisarmLGSpecialCharm(locationName) {
    var obj = {};
    obj['Living Garden'] = spongeCharm.slice();
    obj['Lost City'] = ['Searcher'];
    obj['Sand Dunes'] = ['Grubling Chow'];
    obj['Twisted Garden'] = redSpongeCharm.concat(yellowSpongeCharm);
    obj['Cursed City'] = ['Bravery', 'Shine', 'Clarity'];
    obj['Sand Crypts'] = bestSalt.slice();
    delete obj[locationName];
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable("user.trinket_name");
    for (var prop in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            for (var i = 0; i < obj[prop].length; ++i) {
                if (charmArmed.indexOf(obj[prop][i]) === 0) {

function ZTower() {
    var location = getPageVariable('user.environment_name');
    if (location.indexOf('Zugzwang\'s Tower') == -1 && location.indexOf('Seasonal Garden') == -1) {
        console.debug('Not in Zugzwang\'s Tower or Seasonal Garden.');

    if (location.indexOf('Seasonal Garden') > -1) {
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Amplifier');
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', ['Seasonal', 'Fissure', 'Golden Tournament']);

        var season = nobCalculateOfflineTimers('seasonal');
        console.debug('It is ' + season + ' in Seasonal Gardens right now.');
        switch (season) {
            case 'Spring':
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysicalBase);
            case 'Summer':
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestTactical);
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPowerBase);
            case 'Fall':
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestShadow);
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPowerBase);
            case 'Winter':
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestHydro);
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPowerBase);

        season = null;
    } else if (location.indexOf('Zugzwang\'s Tower') > -1) {
        var ztTriesLeft = 5;
        var intervalZT = setInterval(
            function () {
                if (mouseList.length > 0) {
                    if (checkMouse("Chess Master")) {
                        //arm Uncharged Scholar Charm & Checkmate Cheese
                        checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Uncharged Scholar");
                        checkThenArm(null, "bait", "Checkmate");
                    } else if (checkMouse("King")) {
                        //arm Checkmate Cheese
                        checkThenArm(null, "bait", "Checkmate");
                    } else if (checkMouse("Queen")) {
                        //arm another charm other than rook charm
                        checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Super Power");
                    } else if (checkMouse("Rook")) {
                        //arm rook charm (if available)
                        checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Rook Crumble");
                    } else if (checkMouse("Knight")) {
                        //arm Sphynx Wrath
                        checkThenArm(null, "weapon", "Sphynx Wrath");
                        checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPowerBase);
                    intervalZT = null;
                    mouseList = [];
                } else {
                    if (debug) console.log("Count down to ZT bot give up: " + ztTriesLeft);
                    if (ztTriesLeft == 0) {
                        intervalZT = null;
                        mouseList = [];
                        ztTriesLeft = null;
            }, 3000);

/* V2 SG + ZTower */
function seasonalGarden() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Seasonal Garden') < 0)

    var cheeseArmed = getPageVariable('user.bait_name');
    if (cheeseArmed.indexOf('Checkmate') > -1)
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');

    var objDefaultSG = {
        weapon: new Array(4).fill(''),
        base: new Array(4).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(4).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(4).fill(''),
        disarmBaitAfterCharged: false
    var objSG = getStorageToObject('SGarden', objDefaultSG);
    objSG.season = ['Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter'];
    var now = (g_nTimeOffset === 0) ? new Date() : new Date( + g_nTimeOffset * 1000);
    var nTimeStamp = Date.parse(now) / 1000;
    var nFirstSeasonTimeStamp = 1283328000;
    var nSeasonLength = 288000; // 80hr
    var nSeason = Math.floor((nTimeStamp - nFirstSeasonTimeStamp) / nSeasonLength) % objSG.season.length;
    var nSeasonNext = nSeasonLength - ((nTimeStamp - nFirstSeasonTimeStamp) % nSeasonLength);
    var nCurrentAmp = parseInt(getPageVariable("user.viewing_atts.zzt_amplifier"));
    var nMaxAmp = parseInt(getPageVariable("user.viewing_atts.zzt_max_amplifier"));
    console.plog('Current Amplifier:', nCurrentAmp, 'Current Season:', objSG.season[nSeason], 'Next Season In:', timeFormat(nSeasonNext));
    if (nSeasonNext <= nextActiveTime) { // total seconds left to next season less than next active time
        if (nSeason >= objSG.season.length)
            nSeason = 0;

    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objSG.weapon[nSeason]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objSG.base[nSeason]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objSG.trinket[nSeason]);
    if (nCurrentAmp + 1 >= nMaxAmp) {
        if (getPageVariable('user.trinket_name').indexOf('Amplifier') > -1)
        if (nCurrentAmp >= nMaxAmp && objSG.disarmBaitAfterCharged)
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objSG.bait[nSeason]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objSG.bait[nSeason]);

function zugzwangTower() {
    var loc = GetCurrentLocation();
    if (loc.indexOf("Seasonal Garden") > -1) {
        setStorage('eventLocation', 'SG');
    else if (loc.indexOf("Zugzwang's Tower") < 0)

    var objDefaultZT = {
        focus: 'MYSTIC',
        order: ['PAWN', 'KNIGHT', 'BISHOP', 'ROOK', 'QUEEN', 'KING', 'CHESSMASTER'],
        weapon: new Array(14).fill(''),
        base: new Array(14).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(14).fill('None'),
        bait: new Array(14).fill('Gouda'),
    var objZT = getStorageToObject('ZTower', objDefaultZT);
    objZT.focus = objZT.focus.toUpperCase();
    var nProgressMystic = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.viewing_atts.zzt_mage_progress'));
    var nProgressTechnic = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.viewing_atts.zzt_tech_progress'));
    if (Number.isNaN(nProgressMystic) || Number.isNaN(nProgressTechnic))

    var strUnlockMystic = getZTUnlockedMouse(nProgressMystic);
    var strUnlockTechnic = getZTUnlockedMouse(nProgressTechnic);
    if (strUnlockMystic === "" || strUnlockTechnic === "")
    var nIndex = -1;
    console.plog(capitalizeFirstLetter(objZT.focus), 'Progress Mystic:', nProgressMystic, 'Unlock Mystic:', strUnlockMystic, 'Progress Technic:', nProgressTechnic, 'Unlock Technic:', strUnlockTechnic);
    if (objZT.focus.indexOf('MYSTIC') === 0) { // Mystic side first
        if (strUnlockMystic == 'CHESSMASTER' && objZT.focus.indexOf('=>') > -1) { // is double run?
            nIndex = objZT.order.indexOf(strUnlockTechnic);
            if (nIndex > -1)
                nIndex += 7;
        else { // single run
            nIndex = objZT.order.indexOf(strUnlockMystic);
    else { // Technic side first
        if (strUnlockTechnic == 'CHESSMASTER' && objZT.focus.indexOf('=>') > -1) { // is double run?
            nIndex = objZT.order.indexOf(strUnlockMystic);
            if (nIndex > -1)
                nIndex += 7;
        else { // single run
            nIndex = objZT.order.indexOf(strUnlockTechnic);

    if (nIndex == -1)

    if (objZT.weapon[nIndex] == 'MPP/TPP') {
        if (objZT.focus.indexOf('MYSTIC') === 0)
            objZT.weapon[nIndex] = (nIndex >= 7) ? 'Technic Pawn Pincher' : 'Mystic Pawn Pincher';
            objZT.weapon[nIndex] = (nIndex >= 7) ? 'Mystic Pawn Pincher' : 'Technic Pawn Pincher';
    else if (objZT.weapon[nIndex] == 'BPT/OAT') {
        if (objZT.focus.indexOf('MYSTIC') === 0)
            objZT.weapon[nIndex] = (nIndex >= 7) ? 'Obvious Ambush Trap' : 'Blackstone Pass Trap';
            objZT.weapon[nIndex] = (nIndex >= 7) ? 'Blackstone Pass Trap' : 'Obvious Ambush Trap';

    for (var prop in objZT) {
        if (objZT.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&
            (prop == 'weapon' || prop == 'base' || prop == 'trinket' || prop == 'bait')) {
            if (objZT[prop][nIndex] == 'None')
                checkThenArm(null, prop, objZT[prop][nIndex]);

function getZTUnlockedMouse(nProgress) {
    var strUnlock = "";
    if (nProgress <= 7)
        strUnlock = 'PAWN';
    else if (nProgress <= 9)
        strUnlock = 'KNIGHT';
    else if (nProgress <= 11)
        strUnlock = 'BISHOP';
    else if (nProgress <= 13)
        strUnlock = 'ROOK';
    else if (nProgress <= 14)
        strUnlock = 'QUEEN';
    else if (nProgress <= 15)
        strUnlock = 'KING';
    else if (nProgress <= 16)
        strUnlock = 'CHESSMASTER';
    return strUnlock;

/* End V2 ZTower */

function balackCoveJOD() {
    var curLoc = GetCurrentLocation();
    var bInJOD = (curLoc.indexOf('Jungle') > -1);
    var bInBC = (curLoc.indexOf('Balack') > -1);
    if (!(bInJOD || bInBC))
    var objDefaultBCJOD = {
        order: ['JOD', 'LOW', 'MID', 'HIGH'],
        weapon: new Array(4).fill(''),
        base: new Array(4).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(4).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(4).fill('')
    var objBCJOD = getStorageToObject('BC_JOD', objDefaultBCJOD);
    var nIndex = -1;
    if (bInJOD)
        nIndex = 0;
    else {
        var i = 0;
        var objBC = {
            arrTide: ['Low Rising', 'Mid Rising', 'High Rising', 'High Ebbing', 'Mid Ebbing', 'Low Ebbing'],
            arrLength: [24, 3, 1, 1, 3, 24],
            arrAll: []
        var nTimeStamp = Math.floor( / 1000) + g_nTimeOffset * 1000;
        var nFirstTideTimeStamp = 1294708860;
        var nTideLength = 1200; // 20min
        for (i = 0; i < objBC.arrTide.length; i++) {
            objBC.arrAll = objBC.arrAll.concat(new Array(objBC.arrLength[i]).fill(objBC.arrTide[i]));
        var nTideTotalLength = sumData(objBC.arrLength);
        var nDiff = nTimeStamp - nFirstTideTimeStamp;
        var nIndexCurrentTide = Math.floor(nDiff / nTideLength) % nTideTotalLength;
        var tideNameCurrent = objBC.arrAll[nIndexCurrentTide];
        var tideNameNext;
        if (tideNameCurrent.indexOf('Low') > -1)
            tideNameNext = 'Mid Rising';
        else if (tideNameCurrent.indexOf('High') > -1)
            tideNameNext = 'Mid Ebbing';
        else if (tideNameCurrent == 'Mid Rising')
            tideNameNext = 'High Rising';
        else if (tideNameCurrent == 'Mid Ebbing')
            tideNameNext = 'Low Ebbing';

        var nTideDist = objBC.arrAll.indexOf(tideNameNext) + nTideTotalLength - nIndexCurrentTide;
        nTideDist = nTideDist % nTideTotalLength;
        var nNextTideTime = nTideDist * nTideLength - nDiff % nTideLength;
        var strTempCurrent = tideNameCurrent.toUpperCase().split(' ')[0];
        var strTempNext = tideNameNext.toUpperCase().split(' ')[0];
        nIndex = objBCJOD.order.indexOf(strTempCurrent);
        if (nNextTideTime <= nextActiveTime && strTempNext != strTempCurrent) // total seconds left to next tide less than next active time
            nIndex = objBCJOD.order.indexOf(strTempNext);
        console.plog('Current Tide:', objBC.arrAll[nIndexCurrentTide], 'Index:', nIndex, 'Next Tide:', tideNameNext, 'In', timeFormat(nNextTideTime));
        if (nIndex < 0)
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objBCJOD.weapon[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objBCJOD.base[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objBCJOD.trinket[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objBCJOD.bait[nIndex]);

function forbiddenGroveAR() {
    var curLoc = GetCurrentLocation();
    var bInFG = (curLoc.indexOf('Forbidden Grove') > -1);
    var bInAR = (curLoc.indexOf('Acolyte Realm') > -1);
    if (!(bInFG || bInAR))
    var objDefaultFGAR = {
        order: ['FG', 'AR'],
        weapon: new Array(2).fill(''),
        base: new Array(2).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(2).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(2).fill('')
    var objFGAR = getStorageToObject('FG_AR', objDefaultFGAR);
    var nIndex = (bInFG) ? 0 : 1;
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFGAR.weapon[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objFGAR.base[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objFGAR.trinket[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objFGAR.bait[nIndex]);

function SunkenCity(isAggro) {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Sunken City") < 0)

    var zone = document.getElementsByClassName('zoneName')[0].innerText;
    console.plog('Current Zone:', zone);
    var currentZone = GetSunkenCityZone(zone);
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
    if (currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_NOT_DIVE) {
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', objBestTrap.base.luck);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Oxygen Burst');
        checkThenArm('best', 'bait', ['Fishy Fromage', 'Gouda']);

    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestSCBase);
    var distance = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.distance'));
    console.plog('Dive Distance(m):', distance);
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable("user.trinket_name");
    var charmElement = document.getElementsByClassName('charm');
    var isEACArmed = (charmArmed.indexOf('Empowered Anchor') > -1);
    var isWJCArmed = (charmArmed.indexOf('Water Jet') > -1);
    if (currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_OXYGEN || currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_TREASURE || currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_BONUS) {
        if (isAggro && (currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_TREASURE))
            checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', ['Golden Anchor', 'Empowered Anchor']);
        else {
            // arm Empowered Anchor Charm
            if (!isEACArmed) {
                if (parseInt(charmElement[0].innerText) > 0)
                    fireEvent(charmElement[0], 'click');

        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'SUPER');
    else if (currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_DANGER_PP || currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_DANGER_PP_LOTA) {
        if (!isAggro) {
            // arm Empowered Anchor Charm
            if (!isEACArmed && !isAggro) {
                if (parseInt(charmElement[0].innerText) > 0)
                    fireEvent(charmElement[0], 'click');
            checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', ['Spiked Anchor', 'Empowered Anchor']);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
    else if ((currentZone == objSCZone.ZONE_DEFAULT) && isAggro) {
        var depth = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.zones[1].length'));
        if (depth >= 500) {
            var nextZoneName = getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.zones[2].name');
            var nextZoneLeft = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.zones[2].left'));
            var nextZone = GetSunkenCityZone(nextZoneName);
            var distanceToNextZone = parseInt((nextZoneLeft - 80) / 0.6);
            console.plog('Distance to next zone(m):', distanceToNextZone);
            if (distanceToNextZone >= 480 || (distanceToNextZone >= 230 && nextZone == objSCZone.ZONE_DEFAULT)) {
                // arm Water Jet Charm
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', ['Smart Water Jet', 'Water Jet']);

        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
    else {
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');

function SCCustom() {
    if (debug)
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Sunken City") < 0)

    var objDefaultSCCustom = {
        zoneID: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
        isHunt: new Array(11).fill(true),
        bait: new Array(11).fill('Gouda'),
        trinket: new Array(11).fill('None'),
        useSmartJet: false
    var objSCCustom = getStorageToObject('SCCustom', objDefaultSCCustom);
    var zone = document.getElementsByClassName('zoneName')[0].innerText;
    var zoneID = GetSunkenCityZone(zone);
    if (debug)
        console.log("SCCustom(): Arm best weapon");
    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
    if (zoneID == objSCZone.ZONE_NOT_DIVE) {
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', objBestTrap.base.luck);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objSCCustom.trinket[zoneID]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objSCCustom.bait[zoneID]);

    var distance = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.distance'));
    console.plog('Current Zone:', zone, 'ID', zoneID, 'at meter', distance);
    if (debug)
        console.log("SCCustom(): Arm best base");
    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestSCBase);

    var canJet = false;
    if (!objSCCustom.isHunt[zoneID]) {
        if (debug)
            console.log("SCCustom(): Jetting through");
        var distanceToNextZone = [];
        var isNextZoneInHuntZone = [];
        var arrZone = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.zones)'));
        var nActiveZone = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestSunkenCity.active_zone'));
        var nStartZoneIndex = 0;
        var i, nIndex;
        for (i = 0; i < arrZone.length; i++) {
            if (arrZone[i].num == nActiveZone) {
                nStartZoneIndex = i + 1;
        console.plog('Start Zone Index:', nStartZoneIndex);
        for (i = nStartZoneIndex; i < arrZone.length; i++) {
            nIndex = i - nStartZoneIndex;
            distanceToNextZone[nIndex] = parseInt((arrZone[i].left - 80) / 0.6);
            isNextZoneInHuntZone[nIndex] = (objSCCustom.isHunt[GetSunkenCityZone(arrZone[i].name)]);
            console.plog('Next Zone:', arrZone[i].name, 'in meter', distanceToNextZone[nIndex], 'Is In Hunt Zone:', isNextZoneInHuntZone[nIndex]);
        if (distanceToNextZone.length === 0) {
            distanceToNextZone[0] = 0;
            isNextZoneInHuntZone[0] = true;

        // jet through
        var charmElement = document.getElementsByClassName('charm');
        var charmArmed = getPageVariable("user.trinket_name");
        var isWJCArmed = (charmArmed.indexOf('Water Jet') > -1);
        if (distanceToNextZone[0] >= 480 || (distanceToNextZone[1] >= 480 && (!isNextZoneInHuntZone[0])) || (!(isNextZoneInHuntZone[0] || isNextZoneInHuntZone[1]))) {
            // arm Water Jet Charm
            if (objSCCustom.useSmartJet)
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', ['Smart Water Jet', 'Water Jet', objSCCustom.trinket[zoneID]]);
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', ['Water Jet', objSCCustom.trinket[zoneID]]);
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objSCCustom.trinket[zoneID]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objSCCustom.trinket[zoneID]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objSCCustom.bait[zoneID]);

function DisarmSCSpecialCharm(charmArmedName) {
    var specialCharms = ['Golden Anchor', 'Spiked Anchor', 'Ultimate Anchor', 'Oxygen Burst', 'Empowered Anchor', 'Water Jet'];
    for (var i = 0; i < specialCharms.length; i++) {
        if (charmArmedName.indexOf(specialCharms[i]) > -1) {

function GetSunkenCityZone(zoneName) {
    var returnZone = 0;
    switch (zoneName) {
        case 'Sand Dollar Sea Bar':
        case 'Pearl Patch':
        case 'Sunken Treasure':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_TREASURE;
        case 'Feeding Grounds':
        case 'Carnivore Cove':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_DANGER;
        case 'Monster Trench':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_DANGER_PP;
        case 'Lair of the Ancients':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_DANGER_PP_LOTA;
        case 'Deep Oxygen Stream':
        case 'Oxygen Stream':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_OXYGEN;
        case 'Magma Flow':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_BONUS;
        case 'Coral Reef':
        case 'Coral Garden':
        case 'Coral Castle':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_CORAL;
        case 'School of Mice':
        case 'Mermouse Den':
        case 'Lost Ruins':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_SCALE;
        case 'Rocky Outcrop':
        case 'Shipwreck':
        case 'Haunted Shipwreck':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_BARNACLE;
        case 'Shallow Shoals':
        case 'Sea Floor':
        case 'Murky Depths':
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_DEFAULT;
            returnZone = objSCZone.ZONE_NOT_DIVE;
    return returnZone;

function labyZokor() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Labyrinth") < 0)

function tempLabyrinth() {
    if (!$('a.labyrinthHUD-door').hasClass('disabled')) {

function labyrinth() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN labyrinth()");
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Labyrinth") < 0) {
        console.debug("Not in labyrinth.");

    var labyStatus = getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestLabyrinth.status");
    var isAtEntrance = (labyStatus == "intersection entrance");
    var isAtHallway = (labyStatus == "hallway");
    var isAtIntersection = (labyStatus == "intersection");
    var isAtExit = (labyStatus == "exit");
    var lastHunt = document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-hallway-tile locked').length + 1;
    var totalClue = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-clueBar-totalClues')[0].innerText);
    console.plog("Entrance:", isAtEntrance, "Intersection:", isAtIntersection, "Exit:", isAtExit, "Hunts Left:", lastHunt, "Clues:", totalClue);

    var objLaby = getStorageToObject('Labyrinth', objDefaultLaby);
    console.plog('District to focus:', objLaby.districtFocus);

    bestLabyBase = bestLabyBase.concat(objBestTrap.base.luck).concat(objBestTrap.base.power);
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
    if (objLaby.armOtherBase != 'false') {
        if (charmArmed.indexOf('Compass Magnet') === 0)
            checkThenArm(null, 'base', objLaby.armOtherBase);
            checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLabyBase);
        checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestLabyBase);

    if (objLaby.disarmCompass && charmArmed.indexOf('Compass Magnet') > -1) {
        var userVariable = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestLabyrinth)'));
        for (var i = 0; i < userVariable.all_clues.length; i++) {
            if (userVariable.all_clues[i].name.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEAD") > -1) {
                if (userVariable.all_clues[i].quantity <= objLaby.nDeadEndClue)

    // Inside a hallway, nothing special
    if (isAtHallway) {
        var strCurHallwayFullname = document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-hallwayName')[0].textContent.toUpperCase();
        if (strCurHallwayFullname.indexOf('FARMING') > -1) {
            if (objLaby.weaponFarming == 'Arcane')
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane.concat(objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten));
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
        if (objLaby.securityDisarm) {
            var strCurHallwayTier = strCurHallwayFullname.split(' ')[1];
            var maxCluePerHunt = 0;
            if (strCurHallwayTier == 'PLAIN')
                maxCluePerHunt = 1;
            else if (strCurHallwayTier == 'SUPERIOR')
                maxCluePerHunt = 2;
                maxCluePerHunt = 3;
            var classLantern = document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-toggleLantern mousehuntTooltipParent');
            var bLanternActive = true;
            if (classLantern.length < 1)
                bLanternActive = (getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestLabyrinth.lantern_status') == 'active');
                bLanternActive = (classLantern[0].getAttribute('class').indexOf('inactive') < 0);
            if (bLanternActive)
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Lantern Oil') > -1)
            console.plog('Hallway Last Hunt :', lastHunt, 'Total Clues:', totalClue, 'Max Clue Per Hunt:', maxCluePerHunt);
            if (lastHunt <= objLaby.lastHunt && totalClue >= (100 - maxCluePerHunt * lastHunt))
        } else {
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Glowing Gruyere');

    // ENTRANCE/EXIT With No Doors to Choose OR Not focusing districts, will disarm at intersection
    if (isAtEntrance || isAtExit || objLaby.districtFocus.indexOf('None') > -1) {
        checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
        // checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');


    // At the intersection, choosing hallways to go down now
    var doorsIntersect = document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-door');
    var doorsExit = document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-exit');
    var objDoors = {
        name: [],
        length: [],
        tier: [],
        clue: [],
        code: [],
        priorities: [],
        debug: []
    var temp = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < doorsIntersect.length; i++) {
        if (doorsIntersect[i].getAttribute('class').indexOf('mystery') > -1) {
            isAtIntersection = false;

        if (doorsIntersect[i].getAttribute('class').indexOf('broken') > -1 || doorsIntersect[i].children.length < 2) {
            // TODO: What is broken door??
            objDoors.debug.push("LONG PLAIN BROKEN");
        } else {
            temp = doorsIntersect[i].children[1].innerText.toUpperCase();
            temp = temp.split(" ");
            objDoors.code.push(objCodename[temp[0]] + objCodename[temp[1]]);
        isAtIntersection = true;

    temp = "";
    var range = "";
    var index = [];
    try {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(userVariable))
            userVariable = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestLabyrinth)'));
        for (var i = 0; i < userVariable.all_clues.length; i++) {
            temp = userVariable.all_clues[i].name.toUpperCase();
            if (temp.indexOf("DEAD") > -1)
            index = getAllIndices(, temp);
            for (var j = 0; j < index.length; j++) {
                objDoors.clue[index[j]] = userVariable.all_clues[i].quantity;

        index =;
        if (index < 0) {
            // No doors found
            if (debug) console.log("Labyrinth: No doors found");

            if (objLaby.useShufflers) {
                if (debug) console.log("Labyrinth: No specific doors found, using shufflers cube");

                var shufflersCubeRemaining = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-scrambleDoors-quantity')[0].textContent);
                if (shufflersCubeRemaining > 0) {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('labyrinthHUD-scrambleDoors-boundingBox')[0], 'click');
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton confirm')[0], 'click');

                        // Rerun laby bot
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 1500);
                    }, 2500);
            else if (objLaby.chooseOtherDoors) {
                if (debug) console.log("Labyrinth: No specific doors found, choosing another door");

                temp = min(objDoors.clue);
                var objFewestClue = {
                    num: temp,
                    indices: getAllIndices(objDoors.clue, temp),
                    count: countArrayElement(temp, objDoors.clue)
                var objShortestLength = {
                    type: "SHORT",
                    indices: [],
                    count: 0
                if (objDoors.length.indexOf("SHORT") > -1)
                    objShortestLength.type = "SHORT";
                else if (objDoors.length.indexOf("MEDIUM") > -1)
                    objShortestLength.type = "MEDIUM";
                else if (objDoors.length.indexOf("LONG") > -1)
                    objShortestLength.type = "LONG";
                objShortestLength.indices = getAllIndices(objDoors.length, objShortestLength.type);
                objShortestLength.count = objShortestLength.indices.length;
                if (objShortestLength.indices.length < 1 || objFewestClue.indices.length < 1) {
                    checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Glowing Gruyere');

                var arrTemp = [];
                var nMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
                var nMinIndex = -1;
                if (objLaby.typeOtherDoors.indexOf("SHORTEST") === 0) { // SHORTEST_ONLY / SHORTEST_FEWEST
                    if (objShortestLength.count > 1 && objLaby.typeOtherDoors.indexOf("FEWEST") > -1) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < objShortestLength.indices.length; i++) {
                            if (objDoors.clue[objShortestLength.indices[i]] < nMin) {
                                nMin = objDoors.clue[objShortestLength.indices[i]];
                                nMinIndex = objShortestLength.indices[i];
                        if (nMinIndex > -1)
                        arrTemp = objShortestLength.indices;
                else if (objLaby.typeOtherDoors.indexOf("FEWEST") === 0) { // FEWEST_ONLY / FEWEST_SHORTEST
                    if (objFewestClue.count > 1 && objLaby.typeOtherDoors.indexOf("SHORTEST") > -1) {
                        var strTemp = "";
                        for (var i = 0; i < objFewestClue.indices.length; i++) {
                            strTemp = objDoors.length[objFewestClue.indices[i]].toUpperCase();
                            if (objLength.hasOwnProperty(strTemp) && objLength[strTemp] < nMin) {
                                nMin = objLength[strTemp];
                                nMinIndex = objFewestClue.indices[i];
                        if (nMinIndex > -1)
                        arrTemp = objFewestClue.indices;
                for (var i = 0; i < arrTemp.length; i++) {
                    if ([arrTemp[i]].indexOf("BROKEN") < 0) {
                        if ([arrTemp[i]].indexOf('FARMING') > -1) {
                            if (objLaby.weaponFarming == 'Arcane')
                                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane.concat(objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten));
                                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
                            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
                        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Glowing Gruyere');
                        fireEvent(doorsIntersect[arrTemp[i]], 'click');
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton confirm')[0], 'click');
                        }, 1500);
            else {
                if (debug) console.log("Labyrinth: No specific doors found, disarming");

                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
                // checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Glowing Gruyere');
        else {
            // Same district doors found
            if (objDoors.clue[index] < 15)
                range = 'between0and14';
            else if (objDoors.clue[index] < 60)
                range = 'between15and59';
                range = 'between60and100';

        var arr;
        var arrAll = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < objLaby[range].length; i++) {
            // i = 0/1/2 = plain/superior/epic
            arr = [];
            for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                arr.push(j + 1 + (objLaby[range].length - 1 - i) * 3);

            if (objLaby[range][i].indexOf(objCodename.LONG) === 0)
                arrAll = arrAll.concat(arr.reverse());
                arrAll = arrAll.concat(arr);

        for (var i = arrAll.length; i < arrHallwayOrder.length; i++)

        for (var i = 0; i < objDoors.code.length; i++) {
            if ([i].indexOf(objLaby.districtFocus) > -1) {
                index = arrHallwayOrder.indexOf(objDoors.code[i]);
                if (index > -1) {
                    objDoors.priorities[i] = arrAll[index];

        var sortedDoorPriorities = sortWithIndices(objDoors.priorities, "ascend");
        fireEvent(doorsIntersect[sortedDoorPriorities.index[0]], 'click');
        window.setTimeout(function () {
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton confirm')[0], 'click');
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Glowing Gruyere');
        }, 1500);
        if (objLaby.districtFocus.indexOf('FARMING') > -1) {
            if (objLaby.weaponFarming == 'Arcane')
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane.concat(objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten));
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
    catch (e) {
        console.perror('labyrinth', e.message);
        checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Glowing Gruyere');

function zokor() {
    var loc = GetCurrentLocation();
    if (loc.indexOf("Labyrinth") > -1) {
        setStorage('eventLocation', 'Labyrinth');
    else if (loc.indexOf("Zokor") < 0)

    var objDefaultZokor = {
        bossStatus: ['INCOMING', 'ACTIVE', 'DEFEATED'],
        bait: new Array(3).fill('Glowing Gruyere'),
        trinket: new Array(3).fill('None')
    var objZokor = getStorageToObject('Zokor', objDefaultZokor);
    var objAncientCity = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestAncientCity)'));
    objAncientCity.boss = objAncientCity.boss.toUpperCase();
    var nIndex = objZokor.bossStatus.indexOf(objAncientCity.boss);
    console.plog('District Tier:', objAncientCity.district_tier, 'Boss Status:', objAncientCity.boss);
    if (objAncientCity.district_tier < 3)

    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.forgotten);
    checkThenArm('best', 'base', objBestTrap.base.luck);
    if (nIndex > -1) {
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objZokor.bait[nIndex]);
        if (objZokor.trinket[nIndex] == 'None')
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objZokor.trinket[nIndex]);

function fieryWarpath(superCharm) {
    var currentLocation = getPageVariable("user.environment_name");
    if (currentLocation.indexOf("Fiery Warpath") > -1) {
        var wave = document.getElementsByClassName("warpathHUD")[0].className;
        wave = parseInt(wave.charAt(wave.indexOf("wave_") + 5));
        var streak = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("warpathHUD-streak-quantity")[0].textContent);
        //var streakMouse;
        var retreating = false;
        if (document.getElementsByClassName('desert_general')[0]) {
            retreating = ((document.getElementsByClassName('desert_general')[0].className.indexOf('inactive') > -1) && (document.getElementsByClassName('desert_supply')[0].className.indexOf('inactive')));

        console.log("Current Wave: " + wave + ", with " + streak + " streak(s) in " + ", mice retreating? " + retreating);

        if (retreating) {
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
            checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
            checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', wasteCharm);

        var wave4PhysicalTrap = ['Warden Slayer', 'Chrome MonstroBot', 'Sandstorm MonstroBot', 'Sandtail Sentinel'];

        commanderCharm = ["Super Warpath Commander", "Warpath Commander"];
        var warriorCharm = ["Super Warpath Warrior", "Warpath Warrior"];
        var scoutCharm = ["Super Warpath Scout", "Warpath Scout"];
        var archerCharm = ["Super Warpath Archer", "Warpath Archer"];
        var cavalryCharm = ["Super Warpath Cavalry", "Warpath Cavalry"];
        var mageCharm = ["Super Warpath Mage", "Warpath Mage"];
        var wardenCharm = wasteCharm;
        var bossCharm = ["Monger", "Super Power"];

        if (!superCharm) {
            commanderCharm = ["Warpath Commander"];
            warriorCharm = ["Warpath Warrior"];
            scoutCharm = ["Warpath Scout"];
            archerCharm = ["Warpath Archer"];
            cavalryCharm = ["Warpath Cavalry"];
            mageCharm = ["Warpath Mage"];

        var population = document.getElementsByClassName("warpathHUD-wave-mouse-population");
        var mouseGroup;
        for (var i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
            // Check for high streak
            if (streak > 6) {
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
                checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
                checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', commanderCharm, 'disarm');
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'SUPER', 'Gouda');

            //checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
            // Finds first non 0 mouse group
            if (parseInt(population[i].textContent) > 0) {
                mouseGroup = population[i].id;
                if (mouseGroup.indexOf("warrior") > -1) {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', warriorCharm, 'disarm');
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf("scout") > -1) {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', scoutCharm, 'disarm');
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf("archer") > -1) {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', archerCharm, 'disarm');
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf("cavalry") > -1) {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', cavalryCharm, 'disarm');
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestTactical);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPowerBase);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf("mage") > -1) {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', mageCharm, 'disarm');
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestHydro);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPowerBase);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf('artillery') > -1) {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', wasteCharm);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestArcane);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPowerBase);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf("elite_gaurd") > -1) {
                    // wardens: desert_elite_gaurd
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', wave4PhysicalTrap);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', wardenCharm, wasteCharm);
                } else if (mouseGroup.indexOf("boss") > -1) {
                    // warmonger: desert_boss
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', wave4PhysicalTrap);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', bossCharm, 'disarm');
                } else {
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', bestPhysical);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'base', bestPhysicalBase);

        streak = null;
        wave = null;
    currentLocation = null;

// Warpath V2
function FieryWarpathV2() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Fiery Warpath") < 0)

    if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Exec");

    var wave = getPageVariable('user.viewing_atts.desert_warpath.wave');
    if (wave === 'portal')
        wave = '5';
    wave = parseInt(wave);
    var objDefaultFWAll = {
        wave1: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objDefaultFW)),
        wave2: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objDefaultFW)),
        wave3: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objDefaultFW)),
        wave4: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objDefaultFW)),
    var objFWAll = getStorageToObject('FW', objDefaultFWAll);
    var temp = false;
    for (var prop in objFWAll) {
        if (objFWAll.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            if (assignMissingDefault(objFWAll[prop], objDefaultFW))
                temp = true;
    if (temp)
        setStorage('FW', JSON.stringify(objFWAll));
    var objFW = objFWAll['wave' + wave];
    if (wave == 4) {
        var nWardenLeft = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-wave wave_4')[0].getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-wave-mouse-population')[0].textContent);
        console.plog('FieryWarpathV2: Wave:', wave, 'Warden Left:', nWardenLeft);
        if (Number.isNaN(nWardenLeft))
            nWardenLeft = 12;
        temp = (nWardenLeft <= 0) ? "after" : "before";
        checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFW.warden[temp].weapon);
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', objFW.warden[temp].base);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objFW.warden[temp].trinket);
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objFW.warden[temp].bait);
    else if (wave == 5) {
        var nWardenLeft = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-wave wave_4')[0].getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-wave-mouse-population')[0].textContent);
        if (debug) console.log("FieryWarpathV2: Inside portal, Wardens Left:" + nWardenLeft);

        if (nWardenLeft > 0)
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.physical);
            checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);


    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objFW.base);
    objFW.streak = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-streak-quantity')[0].innerText);
    objFW.retreating = false;
    if (document.getElementsByClassName('desert_general')[0]) {
        objFW.retreating = ((document.getElementsByClassName('desert_general')[0].className.indexOf('inactive') > -1) && (document.getElementsByClassName('desert_supply')[0].className.indexOf('inactive') > -1));

    console.plog('FieryWarpathV2: Wave:', wave, 'Streak:', objFW.streak, 'General Retreating:', objFW.retreating);
    if (Number.isNaN(objFW.streak) || objFW.streak < 0 || objFW.streak >= g_fwStreakLength)

    if (isNullOrUndefined(objFW.cheese[objFW.streak]))
        objFW.cheese[objFW.streak] = 'Gouda';
    if (isNullOrUndefined(objFW.charmType[objFW.streak]))
        objFW.charmType[objFW.streak] = 'Warpath';
    if (isNullOrUndefined(objFW.special[objFW.streak]))
        objFW.special[objFW.streak] = 'None';

    objFW.streakMouse = getPageVariable('user.viewing_atts.desert_warpath.streak_type');
    if (objFW.streakMouse.indexOf('desert_') > -1)
        objFW.streakMouse = capitalizeFirstLetter(objFW.streakMouse.split('_')[1]);

    console.plog('FieryWarpathV2: Current streak mouse type:', objFW.streakMouse);
    var population = document.getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-wave wave_' + wave.toString())[0].getElementsByClassName('warpathHUD-wave-mouse-population');
    objFW.population = {
        all: [],
        normal: [],
        special: [],
        active: []
    objFW.soldierActive = false;
    var charmName;
    for (var i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
        temp = parseInt(population[i].innerText);
        if (Number.isNaN(temp))
            temp = 0;

        if (temp > 0)

        if (i == objPopulation.WARRIOR || i == objPopulation.SCOUT || i == objPopulation.ARCHER) {
            objFW.soldierActive |= (temp > 0);
        else {

    if (!objFW.soldierActive && objFW.focusType == 'normal')
        objFW.focusType = 'special';

    console.plog('Current Warpath State:');

    var index = -1;
    var charmArmed = getPageVariable('user.trinket_name');
    var nSum;
    if (wave == 3 && !objFW.includeArtillery) {
        var arrTemp =;
        arrTemp[objPopulation.ARTILLERY] = 0;
        nSum = sumData(arrTemp);
        if (nSum < 1)
            nSum = 1;
        nSum = sumData(;
    if (nSum == 1) { // only one soldier type left
        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: One soldier type left");

        if (objFW.lastSoldierConfig == 'CONFIG_STREAK')
            objFW.priorities = 'HIGHEST';
        else if (objFW.lastSoldierConfig == 'CONFIG_UNCHANGED')
        else if (objFW.lastSoldierConfig == 'CONFIG_GOUDA' || objFW.lastSoldierConfig == 'NO_WARPATH') {
            index =;
            if (index == objPopulation.CAVALRY)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.tactical);
            else if (index == objPopulation.MAGE)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
            else if (index == objPopulation.ARTILLERY)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
                checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFW.weapon);
            if (charmArmed.indexOf('Warpath') > -1)
            if (objFW.lastSoldierConfig == 'CONFIG_GOUDA')
                checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda');
    if (!objFW.retreating && objFW.special[objFW.streak] == 'COMMANDER') {
        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Commander");

        checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFW.weapon);
        if (objFW.charmType[objFW.streak].indexOf('Super') > -1)
            charmName = ["Super Warpath Commander's Charm", "Warpath Commander's Charm"];
            charmName = "Warpath Commander's Charm";
    else if (objFW.special[objFW.streak].indexOf('GARGANTUA') === 0) {
        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Gargantua");

        checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
        if ((objFW.special[objFW.streak] == 'GARGANTUA_GGC' || objFW.special[objFW.streak] == 'GARGANTUA') && objFW.streak >= 7)
            charmName = 'Gargantua Charm';
            charmName = (charmArmed.indexOf('Warpath') > -1) ? 'None' : undefined;
    else {
        var bCurrentStreakZeroPopulation = false;
        var bWrongSoldierTypeStreak = false;
        var indexMinMax;
        objFW.focusType = objFW.focusType.toLowerCase();
        if (objFW.priorities == 'HIGHEST')
            indexMinMax = maxIndex(objFW.population[objFW.focusType]);
        else {
            for (var i = 0; i < objFW.population[objFW.focusType].length; i++) {
                if (objFW.population[objFW.focusType][i] < 1)
                    objFW.population[objFW.focusType][i] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
            indexMinMax = minIndex(objFW.population[objFW.focusType]);
        index =;
        if (index > -1) {
            bCurrentStreakZeroPopulation = (objFW.population.all[index] < 1);

            if (objFW.soldierActive && index >= 3 && objFW.focusType.toLowerCase() == 'normal') {
                // There are normal mice available (soldierActive=true) and focus type is normal
                // index >= 3 means current streak is not first 3 mice type (soliders)
                bWrongSoldierTypeStreak = !(objFW.streak == 2 || objFW.streak >= 5);
            else if (!objFW.soldierActive && objFW.focusType.toLowerCase() == 'special') {
                bWrongSoldierTypeStreak = (index != (indexMinMax + 3) && objFW.streak < 2);
        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Current Streak=" + objFW.streak + ", bCurrentStreakZeroPopulation=" + bCurrentStreakZeroPopulation + ", bWrongSoldierTypeStreak=" + bWrongSoldierTypeStreak);

        if (!objFW.retreating && objFW.commanderClearStreak && objFW.streak > 2 && bCurrentStreakZeroPopulation && !bWrongSoldierTypeStreak) {
            if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Trigger commander to clear streak (even when theres no mice left in current pop)");

            checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFW.weapon);
            if (objFW.charmType[objFW.streak].indexOf('Super') > -1)
                charmName = ["Super Warpath Commander's Charm", "Warpath Commander's Charm"];
                charmName = "Warpath Commander's Charm";
        else if (objFW.streak === 0 || bCurrentStreakZeroPopulation || (bWrongSoldierTypeStreak && objFW.streak < 2)) {
            if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: 0 streak logic (or wrong streak type with less than 1)");

            objFW.streak = 0;
            temp = objFW.population[objFW.focusType][indexMinMax];
            if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: indexMinMax=" + indexMinMax + ", temp=" + temp);
            if (objFW.focusType.toLowerCase() == 'normal') {
                checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFW.weapon);
                var count = countArrayElement(temp, objFW.population[objFW.focusType]);
                if (count > 1) {
                    if (objFW.population[objFW.focusType][objPopulation.SCOUT] == temp) {
                        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Scout");
                        charmName = objFW.charmType[0] + ' Warpath Scout';
                    else if (objFW.population[objFW.focusType][objPopulation.ARCHER] == temp) {
                        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Archer");
                        charmName = objFW.charmType[0] + ' Warpath Archer';
                    else if (objFW.population[objFW.focusType][objPopulation.WARRIOR] == temp) {
                        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Warrior");
                        charmName = objFW.charmType[0] + ' Warpath Warrior';
                else {
                    charmName = objFW.charmType[0] + ' ' +[indexMinMax];
            else {
                if ((indexMinMax + 3) == objPopulation.ARTILLERY && nSum != 1) {
                    temp = objFW.population.special.slice();
                    temp.splice(indexMinMax, 1);
                    if (objFW.priorities == 'HIGHEST')
                        indexMinMax = maxIndex(temp);
                        indexMinMax = minIndex(temp);
                indexMinMax += 3;
                if (indexMinMax == objPopulation.CAVALRY) {
                    if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Cavalry");
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.tactical);
                    charmName = objFW.charmType[0] + ' Warpath Cavalry';
                else if (indexMinMax == objPopulation.MAGE) {
                    if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Mage");
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
                    charmName = objFW.charmType[0] + ' Warpath Mage';
                else if (indexMinMax == objPopulation.ARTILLERY) {
                    if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Focus Artillery");
                    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
                    if (charmArmed.indexOf('Warpath') > -1)
                        charmName = 'None';
                        charmName = undefined;
        else { // streak 2 and above
            if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Streak 2 and above");

            if (index == objPopulation.ARTILLERY && charmArmed.indexOf('Warpath') > -1)
                charmName = 'None';
            else {
                if (objFW.charmType[objFW.streak].indexOf('None') > -1)
                    charmName = 'None';
                else if (objFW.charmType[objFW.streak].indexOf('Super') > -1)
                    charmName = ['Super Warpath ' +[index], 'Warpath ' +[index]];
                    charmName = 'Warpath ' +[index];

            if (index == objPopulation.CAVALRY)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.tactical);
            else if (index == objPopulation.MAGE)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.hydro);
            else if (index == objPopulation.ARTILLERY)
                checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
                checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objFW.weapon);
    if (objFW.cheese[objFW.streak] && objFW.cheese[objFW.streak] !== '')
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objFW.cheese[objFW.streak]);
        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: No cheese configured for streak " + objFW.streak + ", using currently armed cheese.");
    if (objFW.disarmAfterSupportRetreat && sumData(objFW.population.all) <= g_arrFWSupportRetreat[wave]) {
        if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Retreating, disarming charm");

        if (charmArmed.indexOf('Warpath') > -1)
    else {
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(charmName)) {
            if (typeof charmName === 'string' || charmName instanceof String)
                charmName = charmName.replace(/Warpath Warpath/g, 'Warpath');
            else {
                // charmName === array
      {return x.replace(/Warpath Warpath/g, 'Warpath');});

            if (debug) console.debug("FieryWarpathV2: Arming charm: " + charmName);
            checkThenArm('best', 'trinket', charmName);

function fRift() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Furoma Rift') < 0)

    var objDefaultFR = {
        enter: 0,
        retreat: 0,
        weapon: new Array(11).fill(''),
        base: new Array(11).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(11).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(11).fill(''),
        masterOrder: new Array(11).fill('Glutter=>Combat=>Susheese')
    var objFR = getStorageToObject('FRift', objDefaultFR);
    objFR.enter = parseInt(objFR.enter);
    objFR.retreat = parseInt(objFR.retreat);
    var objUserFRift = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestRiftFuroma)'));
    var bInPagoda = (objUserFRift.view_state == 'pagoda' || objUserFRift.view_state == 'pagoda knows_all');
    var i;
    if (bInPagoda) {
        var nCurBatteryLevel = 0;
        var nRemainingEnergy = parseInt(getPageVariable('user.quests.QuestRiftFuroma.droid.remaining_energy').replace(/,/g, ''));
        if (Number.isNaN(nRemainingEnergy)) {
            console.plog('Remaining Energy:', nRemainingEnergy);
        for (i = objFRBattery.cumulative.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (nRemainingEnergy <= objFRBattery.cumulative[i])
                nCurBatteryLevel = i + 1;
        console.plog('In Pagoda, Current Battery Level:', nCurBatteryLevel, 'Remaining Energy:', nRemainingEnergy);
        if (nCurBatteryLevel <= objFR.retreat) {
            fRiftArmTrap(objFR, 0);
            if (nCurBatteryLevel !== 0) {
                // retreat
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-leavePagoda')[0], 'click');
                window.setTimeout(function () {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton confirm')[0], 'click');
                }, 1500);
        else {
            fRiftArmTrap(objFR, nCurBatteryLevel);
    else {
        var nFullBatteryLevel = 0;
        var classBattery = document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-battery');
        var nStoredEnerchi = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('total_energy')[0].children[1].innerText.replace(/,/g, ''));
        if (classBattery.length < 1 || Number.isNaN(nStoredEnerchi)) {
            console.plog('Stored Enerchi:', nStoredEnerchi);
        for (i = 0; i < objFRBattery.cumulative.length; i++) {
            if (nStoredEnerchi >= objFRBattery.cumulative[i])
                nFullBatteryLevel = i + 1;
        console.plog('In Training Ground, Fully Charged Battery Level:', nFullBatteryLevel, 'Stored Enerchi:', nStoredEnerchi);
        if (Number.isInteger(objFR.enter) && nFullBatteryLevel >= objFR.enter) {
            fRiftArmTrap(objFR, objFR.enter);
            // enter
            fireEvent(classBattery[objFR.enter - 1], 'click');
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton confirm')[0], 'click');
            }, 1500);
        else {
            fRiftArmTrap(objFR, 0);

function fRiftArmTrap(obj, nIndex, bReadJournal) {
    if (isNullOrUndefined(bReadJournal))
        bReadJournal = true;
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', obj.weapon[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', obj.base[nIndex]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', obj.trinket[nIndex]);
    if (obj.bait[nIndex] == 'ANY_MASTER')
        checkThenArm('any', 'bait', 'ANY_MASTER');
    else if (obj.bait[nIndex] == 'ORDER_MASTER') {
        var arr = obj.masterOrder[nIndex].split("=>");
        arr = (e) {
            return 'Rift ' + e;
        checkThenArm('best', 'bait', arr);
    else if (obj.bait[nIndex] == 'BALANCE_MASTER') {
        if (g_arrHeirloom.length === 0) {
            var nRetry = 4;
            var bFirst = true;
            var intervalFRAT = setInterval(function () {
                if (document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-craftingPopup-tabContent pinnacle').length > 0) {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-craftingPopup-tabHeader')[3], 'click'); // close
                    var classPinnacle = document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-craftingPopup-tabContent pinnacle');
                    var i, temp;
                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        temp = classPinnacle[0].getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-craftingPopup-recipe-part')[i];
                        if (Number.isNaN(g_arrHeirloom[i])) {
                            console.plog('Invalid Heirloom:', g_arrHeirloom);
                            checkThenArm('any', 'bait', 'ANY_MASTER');
                    if (g_arrHeirloom.length != 3) {
                        console.plog('Invalid length:', g_arrHeirloom);
                        checkThenArm('any', 'bait', 'ANY_MASTER');
                    setStorage('LastRecordedJournalFRift', document.getElementsByClassName('journaltext')[0].parentNode.textContent);
                    fRiftArmTrap(obj, nIndex, false);
                    intervalFRAT = null;
                else {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-itemGroup-craftButton')[3], 'click');
                    if (nRetry <= 0) {
                        console.plog('Max Retry, arm any Rift Master Cheese');
                        checkThenArm('any', 'bait', 'ANY_MASTER');
                        intervalFRAT = null;
            }, 1000);
        else {
            if (bReadJournal === true)
            console.plog('Heirloom:', g_arrHeirloom);
            var arrBait =;
            var nMin = min(g_arrHeirloom);
            var fAvg = average(g_arrHeirloom);
            if (fAvg == nMin) {
                checkThenArm('any', 'bait', 'ANY_MASTER');
            else {
                temp = minIndex(g_arrHeirloom);
                if (temp > -1) {
                    var arrBaitNew = [];
                    var objSort = sortWithIndices(g_arrHeirloom);
                    for (i = 0; i < objSort.index.length; i++) {
                        arrBaitNew[i] = arrBait[objSort.index[i]];
                    console.plog('New Bait List:', arrBaitNew);
                    checkThenArm('best', 'bait', arrBaitNew);
                else {
                    console.plog('Invalid index:', temp);
                    checkThenArm('any', 'bait', 'ANY_MASTER');
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', obj.bait[nIndex]);

function VRift() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Valour Rift') < 0)

    if (debug) console.debug('VRift(): Exec');

    // Get current statues
    var state = getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestRiftValour.state"); // ["tower", "farming", ...]
    var currStep = getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestRiftValour.current_step");
    var huntsRemaining = getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestRiftValour.hunts_remaining");
    var isEclipse = (getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestRiftValour.is_at_eclipse") === 'true');
    var isCfOn = (getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestRiftValour.is_fuel_enabled") === 'true');
    var cfRemaining = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("valourRiftHUD-fuelContainer-quantity")[0].textContent.replace(',',''));

    var objVR = getStorageToObject('VRift', objDefaultVRift);

    if (debug) console.plog('VRift():', 'state=' + state, 'currStep=' + currStep, 'huntsRemaining=' + huntsRemaining, 'isEclipse=' + isEclipse, 'isCfOn=' + isCfOn, 'cfRemaining=' + cfRemaining);

    checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.rift);

    if (state === "farming") {
        if (debug) console.debug('VRift(): Not in tower, equiping basic set up');

        if (isCfOn)
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('valourRiftHUD-fuelContainer-armButton')[0], 'click');

        checkThenArm('best', 'bait', ['Brie String Cheese', 'Swiss String Cheese', 'Marble String Cheese']);

        if ((getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestRiftValour.can_claim") === 'true')) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('valourRiftHUD-claimButton')[0], 'click');
                setTimeout(function() {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("valourRiftPopupClaim-footer-closeButton")[0], 'click');
                }, 2500)
            }, 2000);
    else if (state === "tower") {
        // In a run

        // Configure Setup
        if (objVR.useUltimateEclipse && isEclipse) {
            checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', 'Ultimate Charm');
        else if (objVR.defaultTowerCharm.length > 0) {
            checkThenArm('any', 'trinket', objVR.defaultTowerCharm);

        // Toggle CF
        if (objVR.useChampionsFire === 'always' && !isCfOn) {
            if (debug) console.log('VRift(): cf is set to always on');
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('valourRiftHUD-fuelContainer-armButton')[0], 'click');
        else if (objVR.useChampionsFire === 'eclipseOnly' && isEclipse && !isCfOn && cfRemaining > 0) {
            // At boss, CF is disabled, and more than one cf available
            if (debug) console.log('VRift(): at eclipse and cf is disabled');
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('valourRiftHUD-fuelContainer-armButton')[0], 'click');
        else if (objVR.useChampionsFire === 'eclipseOnly' && !isEclipse && isCfOn) {
            // Not at boss, cf is enabled
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('valourRiftHUD-fuelContainer-armButton')[0], 'click');

function TableOfContents(TYPE) { // TYPE=['CCFarm', 'M1K']
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf('Table of Contents') < 0)

    if (debug) console.debug('ToC(): Exec=' + TYPE);

    var isWriting = (getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestTableOfContents.is_writing") === 'true');

    if (isWriting) {
        var huntsRemaining = parseInt(getPageVariable("user.quests.QuestTableOfContents.current_book.hunts_remaining"));
        var wordsWritten = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("tableOfContentsProgressView-book-wordCount")[0].lastChild.innerText.replace(',', ''));
        if (debug) console.debug('ToC(' + TYPE + '): huntsRemaining=' + huntsRemaining + ' wordsWritten=' + wordsWritten);

        if (TYPE === 'CCFarm') {
            if (wordsWritten && wordsWritten > 1000) {
                if (debug) console.debug('ToC(' + TYPE + '): Over 1000 words, closing book');

                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("tableOfContentsProgressView-cancelButton")[0], 'click');
                setTimeout(function() {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('folkloreForestRegionView-button table_of_contents')[1], 'click');
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("tableOfContentsProgressView-claimButton")[0], 'click');
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("folkloreForestRegionView-dialog-continueButton")[0], 'click');
                        }, 3000);
                    }, 3000);
                }, 2500);
        } else if (TYPE === 'M1K') {
            if (huntsRemaining == 10)

function retrieveMouseList() {
    fireEvent(document.getElementById('effectiveness'), 'click');
    var sec = secWait;
    var intervalRML = setInterval(
        function () {
            if (document.getElementsByClassName('thumb').length > 0) {
                mouseList = [];
                var y = document.getElementsByClassName('thumb');
                for (var i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
                fireEvent(document.getElementById('trapSelectorBrowserClose'), 'click');
                intervalRML = null;
            } else {
                if (sec <= 0) {
                    fireEvent(document.getElementById('effectiveness'), 'click');
                    sec = secWait;
        }, 1000);

function checkMouse(mouseName) {
    for (var i = 0; i < mouseList.length; ++i) {
        if (mouseList[i].indexOf(mouseName) > -1) {
            return true;
        return false;

// GWH
function Winter2015() {
    var currentLocation = getPageVariable("user.environment_name");
    if (currentLocation.indexOf("Extreme Toboggan Challenge") > -1) {
        var inRun = (document.getElementById('hudLocationContent').firstChild.className.indexOf("on_course") > -1);
        if (inRun) {
            checkThenArm('best', 'bait', ["Arctic Asiago", "Gingerbread"]);
        } else {
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Gouda', 'disarm');

function gwh() {
    if (GetCurrentLocation().indexOf("Great Winter Hunt") < 0)

    var userVariable = JSON.parse(getPageVariable('JSON.stringify(user.quests.QuestWinterHunt2016)'));
    var objDefaultGWH2016 = {
        weapon: new Array(8).fill(''),
        base: new Array(8).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(8).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(8).fill(''),
        boost: new Array(8).fill(false),
        turbo: false,
        minAAToFly: 20,
        minFireworkToFly: 20,
        landAfterFireworkRunOut: false
    var objGWH = getStorageToObject('GWH2016R', objDefaultGWH2016);
    var i, j, nLimit, strTemp, nIndex, nIndexTemp;
    var bCanFly = false;
    var nAAQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-featuredItem-quantity')[0].textContent);
    var nFireworkQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-fireworks-quantity')[0].textContent);
    if (userVariable.order_progress >= 10) { // can fly
        bCanFly = true;
        console.plog('Order Progress:', userVariable.order_progress, 'AA Quantity:', nAAQuantity, 'Firework Quantity:', nFireworkQuantity);
        if (nAAQuantity >= objGWH.minAAToFly && nFireworkQuantity >= objGWH.minFireworkToFly) {
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-flightButton')[0], 'click');
            userVariable.status = 'flying';
    if (userVariable.status == 'flying') {
        if (nFireworkQuantity < 1 && objGWH.landAfterFireworkRunOut === true) {
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-landButton mousehuntTooltipParent mousehuntActionButton tiny')[0], 'click');
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntActionButton small winterHunt2016HUD-help-action-land active')[0], 'click');
            }, 1500);
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 5000);
        nIndex ='FLYING');
        checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objGWH.weapon[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'base', objGWH.base[nIndex]);
        checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGWH.trinket[nIndex]);
        if (objGWH.bait[nIndex].indexOf('ANY') > -1 && nAAQuantity > 0)
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Arctic Asiago');
            checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objGWH.bait[nIndex]);
        if (objGWH.boost[nIndex] === true) {
            var nNitroQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-sledDetail')[2].textContent);
            console.plog('Nitro Quantity:', nNitroQuantity);
            if (Number.isNaN(nNitroQuantity) || nNitroQuantity < 1)
            if (objGWH.turbo && nNitroQuantity >= 3)
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[3], 'click');
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[2], 'click');
        else {
            if (userVariable.speed > 800) { // disable nitro when flying
                console.plog('Disable nitro, Current Speed:', userVariable.speed);
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[1], 'click');
    var objOrderTemplate = {
        type: "none",
        tier: 1,
        progress: 0
    var arrOrder = [];
    var arrType = ["decoration", "ski", "toy"];
    for (i = 0; i < userVariable.orders.length; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < arrType.length; j++) {
            if (userVariable.orders[i].item_type.indexOf(arrType[j]) > -1) {
                arrOrder[i].type = arrType[j];
        if (userVariable.orders[i].item_type.indexOf("_one_") > -1)
            arrOrder[i].tier = 1;
            arrOrder[i].tier = 2;
        arrOrder[i].progress = userVariable.orders[i].progress;
        if (arrOrder[i].progress >= 100 && !bCanFly) {
            console.plog('Order No:', i, 'Type:', arrOrder[i].type, 'Tier:', arrOrder[i].tier, 'Progress:', arrOrder[i].progress);
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-order-action')[i], 'click');
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 5000);

    var objZoneTemplate = {
        name: "",
        depth: 0,
        isOrderZone: false,
        type: "none",
        tier: 1,
        codename: ""
    var arrZone = [];
    var nIndexActive = -1;
    for (i = userVariable.sprites.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (userVariable.sprites[i].css_class.indexOf('active') > -1) { // current zone
            nIndexActive = i;
    if (nIndexActive < 0)
    nLimit = nIndexActive + 2;
    if (nLimit >= userVariable.sprites.length)
        nLimit = userVariable.sprites.length - 1;
    for (i = nIndexActive; i <= nLimit; i++) {
        nIndex = i - nIndexActive;
        nIndexTemp = userVariable.sprites[i].name.indexOf("(");
        arrZone[nIndex].name = userVariable.sprites[i].name.substr(0, nIndexTemp - 1);
        if (arrZone[nIndex].name == 'Toy Lot' || arrZone[nIndex].name == 'Toy Emporium')
            arrZone[nIndex].type = "toy";
        else if (arrZone[nIndex].name == 'Decorative Oasis' || arrZone[nIndex].name == 'Tinsel Forest')
            arrZone[nIndex].type = "decoration";
        else if (arrZone[nIndex].name == 'Bunny Hills' || arrZone[nIndex].name == 'Frosty Mountains')
            arrZone[nIndex].type = "ski";
        arrZone[nIndex].tier = (userVariable.sprites[i].css_class.indexOf('tier_two') > -1) ? 2 : 1;
        for (j = 0; j < arrOrder.length; j++) {
            if (arrOrder[j].type == arrZone[nIndex].type && arrOrder[j].tier <= arrZone[nIndex].tier) {
                arrZone[nIndex].isOrderZone = true;
        if (arrZone[nIndex].type == "none") {
            arrZone[nIndex].codename = arrZone[nIndex].name.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '_');
        else {
            if (arrZone[nIndex].isOrderZone)
                arrZone[nIndex].codename = "ORDER" + arrZone[nIndex].tier;
                arrZone[nIndex].codename = "NONORDER" + arrZone[nIndex].tier;
        arrZone[nIndex].depth = parseInt(userVariable.sprites[i].name.substr(nIndexTemp + 1, 5));

    var nIndexZone =[0].codename);
    if (nIndexZone < 0)
    checkThenArm(null, 'weapon', objGWH.weapon[nIndexZone]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'base', objGWH.base[nIndexZone]);
    checkThenArm(null, 'trinket', objGWH.trinket[nIndexZone]);
    if (objGWH.bait[nIndexZone].indexOf('ANY') > -1 && nAAQuantity > 0)
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Arctic Asiago');
        checkThenArm(null, 'bait', objGWH.bait[nIndexZone]);
    if (objGWH.boost[nIndexZone] === true) {
        var nNitroQuantity = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-sledDetail')[2].textContent);
        console.plog('Nitro Quantity:', nNitroQuantity);
        if (Number.isNaN(nNitroQuantity) || nNitroQuantity < 1)
        var nTotalMetersRemaining = parseInt(userVariable.meters_remaining);
        for (i = 1; i < arrZone.length; i++) {
            nIndexZone =[i].codename);
            if (nIndexZone < 0)
            if (objGWH.boost[nIndexZone] === true)
                nTotalMetersRemaining += arrZone[i].depth;
        console.plog('Boost Distance:', nTotalMetersRemaining, 'Turbo:', objGWH.turbo);
        var fTemp = nTotalMetersRemaining / 250;
        var nLevel = Math.floor(fTemp);
        if ((nLevel - fTemp) >= 0.92) // because 230/250 = 0.92
        if (nLevel == 1) { // normal boost
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[2], 'click');
        else if (nLevel > 1) {
            if (objGWH.turbo && nNitroQuantity >= 3)
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[3], 'click');
                fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[2], 'click');
        else if (nLevel < 1 && userVariable.speed > 30) {
            console.plog('Disable nitro, Current Speed:', userVariable.speed);
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[1], 'click');
    else {
        if (userVariable.speed > 30) { // disable nitro in order zone
            console.plog('Disable nitro, Current Speed:', userVariable.speed);
            fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName('winterHunt2016HUD-nitroButton-boundingBox')[1], 'click');

// For easter event
function checkCharge2016(stopDischargeAt) {
    try {
        var charge = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('springHuntHUD-charge-quantity')[0].innerText);
        var isDischarge = (getStorage("discharge") == "true");
        console.plog('Current Charge:', charge, 'Discharging:', isDischarge, 'Stop Discharge At:', stopDischargeAt);
        var charmContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('springHuntHUD-charmContainer')[0];
        var eggstra = {};
        eggstra.quantity = parseInt(charmContainer.children[0].children[0].innerText); = charmContainer.children[0].children[1];
        eggstra.isArmed = ('class').indexOf('active') > 0);
        eggstra.canArm = (eggstra.quantity > 0 && !eggstra.isArmed);
        var eggstraCharge = {};
        eggstraCharge.quantity = parseInt(charmContainer.children[1].children[0].innerText); = charmContainer.children[1].children[1];
        eggstraCharge.isArmed = ('class').indexOf('active') > 0);
        eggstraCharge.canArm = (eggstraCharge.quantity > 0 && !eggstraCharge.isArmed);
        var eggscavator = {};
        eggscavator.quantity = parseInt(charmContainer.children[2].children[0].innerText); = charmContainer.children[2].children[1];
        eggscavator.isArmed = ('class').indexOf('active') > 0);
        eggscavator.canArm = (eggscavator.quantity > 0 && !eggscavator.isArmed);

        if (charge == 20) {
            checkThenArm(["eggstra","disarm"], 'best',"trinket");
            if (eggstra.canArm) fireEvent(, 'click');
        else if (charge < 20 && charge > stopDischargeAt) {
            if (isDischarge) {
                if (eggstra.canArm) fireEvent(, 'click');
            else {
                if (charge >= chargeHigh) {
                    if (eggstraCharge.quantity > 0) {
                        if (!eggstraCharge.isArmed) fireEvent(, 'click');
                    else {
                        if (eggscavator.canArm) fireEvent(, 'click');
                else {
                    if (eggscavator.canArm) fireEvent(, 'click');
        else if (charge <= stopDischargeAt) {
            if (charge >= chargeHigh) {
                if (eggstraCharge.quantity > 0) {
                    if (!eggstraCharge.isArmed) fireEvent(, 'click');
                else {
                    if (eggscavator.canArm) fireEvent(, 'click');
            else {
                if (eggscavator.canArm) fireEvent(, 'click');
            setStorage("discharge", "false");
    catch (e) {
        console.perror('checkCharge2016', e.message);

function checkCharge(stopDischargeAt) {
    try {
        var charge = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("chargeQuantity")[0].innerText);
        console.plog('Current Charge:', charge);
        if (charge == 20) {
            setStorage("discharge", true.toString());
            checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Eggstra Charm");

        else if (charge < 20 && charge > stopDischargeAt) {
            if (getStorage("discharge") == "true") {
                checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Eggstra Charm");
            else {
                if (stopDischargeAt == 17) {
                    checkThenArm('best', "trinket", chargeCharm);
                else {
                    checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Eggscavator");
        else if (charge == stopDischargeAt) {
            if (stopDischargeAt == 17) {
                checkThenArm('best', "trinket", chargeCharm);
            else {
                checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Eggscavator");
            setStorage("discharge", false.toString());
        else if (charge < stopDischargeAt) {
            setStorage("discharge", false.toString());
            checkThenArm(null, "trinket", "Eggscavator");
    catch (e) {

function buildTrapList(afterBuilding, failedBuilding) {
    if (debug) console.log("running buildTrapList()");
    var returning;
    try {
        var userHash = getPageVariable("user.unique_hash");

        nobAjaxPost('/managers/ajax/users/gettrapcomponents.php', {
            uh: userHash
        }, function (data) {
            NOBtraps = data.components;
            if (debug) console.log(NOBtraps);
            nobStore(NOBtraps, 'traps');
            returning = true;
        }, function (error) {
            console.log("BuildTrapList ajax error: " + error);
            returning = false;
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("BuildTrapList try error: " + e);
    } finally {
        return returning;

function getTrapList(category) {
    var temp = "";
    var arrObjList;
    if (category === null || category === undefined)
        arrObjList = Object.keys(objTrapList);
        arrObjList = [category];

    for (var i = 0; i < arrObjList.length; i++) {
        temp = getStorageToVariableStr("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(arrObjList[i]), "");
        if (temp === "") {
            objTrapList[arrObjList[i]] = [];
        else {
            try {
                objTrapList[arrObjList[i]] = temp.split(",");
            catch (e) {
                objTrapList[arrObjList[i]] = [];

function clearTrapList(category) {
    var arrObjList;
    if (category === null || category === undefined)
        arrObjList = Object.keys(objTrapList);
        arrObjList = [category];

    for (var i = 0; i < arrObjList.length; i++) {
        removeStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(arrObjList[i]));
        objTrapList[arrObjList[i]] = [];

function capitalizeFirstLetter(strIn) {
    return strIn.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + strIn.slice(1);

function getTrapListFromTrapSelector(sort, category, name, isForcedRetry) {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN getTrapListFromTrapSelector()", sort, category, name, isForcedRetry);
    objTrapList[category] = [];
    var sec = secWait;
    var retry = armTrapRetry;
    var i, j, tagGroupElement, tagElement, nameElement, itemEle;
    var intervalGTLFTS = setInterval(
        function () {
            itemEle = document.getElementsByClassName('campPage-trap-itemBrowser-item');

            if (itemEle.length > 0) {
                for (i = 0; i < itemEle.length; i++) {
                    nameElement = itemEle[i].getElementsByClassName('campPage-trap-itemBrowser-item-name')[0].textContent;
                if (debug) console.log("getTrapListFromTrapSelector: Trap list complete", objTrapList);
                setStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(category), objTrapList[category].join(","));
                arming = false;
                intervalGTLFTS = null;
                checkThenArm(sort, category, name, isForcedRetry);
            } else {
                if (sec <= 0) {
                    sec = secWait;
                    if (retry <= 0) {
                        arming = false;
                        intervalGTLFTS = null;
        }, 1000);

function getBestTrap() {
    var obj = getStorage("BestTrap");
    if (!isNullOrUndefined(obj)) {
        obj = JSON.parse(obj);
        for (var prop in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && objBestTrap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                for (var prop1 in obj[prop]) {
                    if (obj[prop].hasOwnProperty(prop1) && objBestTrap[prop].hasOwnProperty(prop1)) {
                        objBestTrap[prop][prop1] = arrayConcatUnique([obj[prop][prop1]], objBestTrap[prop][prop1]);

function checkThenArm(sort, category, name, isForcedRetry)   //category = weapon/base/charm/trinket/bait
    if(isNullOrUndefined(name) || name === '')

    if (debug) console.log("RUN checkThenArm(%s, %s, %s, %s)", sort, category, name.toString().substring(0,19), isForcedRetry);

    if (category == "charm")
        category = "trinket";

    if(!(Array.isArray(name))) {
        var obj = getConstToRealValue(sort, category, name);
        if(obj.changed) {
            sort = obj.sort;
            name =;

    if(Array.isArray(name)) {
        if(!(sort == 'best' || sort == 'any'))
            sort = 'best';
        if(name.length == 1) {
            sort = null;
            name = name[0];
    } else {
        if(name.toUpperCase().indexOf('NONE') === 0) {
        sort = null;

        isForcedRetry = true;

    var trapArmed = undefined;
    var userVariable = getPageVariable("user." + category + "_name");
    if (sort == 'best') {
        if (objTrapList[category].length === 0) {
            var intervalCTA1 = setInterval(
                function () {
                    if (debug) console.log("checkThenArm intervalCTA1: " + category + " list empty, reconstructing");

                    if (arming === false) {
                        getTrapListFromTrapSelector(sort, category, name, isForcedRetry);
                        intervalCTA1 = null;
                }, 1000);
        } else {
            var nIndex = -1;
            for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
                for (var j = 0; j < objTrapList[category].length; j++) {
                    nIndex = objTrapList[category][j].indexOf("...");
                    if(nIndex > -1)
                        name[i] = name[i].substr(0,nIndex);
                    if (objTrapList[category][j].indexOf(name[i]) === 0) {
                        console.plog('checkThenArm intervalCTA1: Best', category, 'found:', name[i], 'Currently Armed:', userVariable);
                        if (userVariable.indexOf(name[i]) === 0) {
                            if (debug) console.plog('checkThenArm intervalCTA1: Best', category, 'already armed. Wanted=', name[i], 'CurrentlyArmed=', userVariable);

                            trapArmed = true;
                            arming = false;
                            setTimeout(function() {
                                if (debug) console.log('cta closeTrapSelector');
                            }, 500);
                        } else {
                            trapArmed = false;
                if (trapArmed === false)
    else if(sort == 'any') {
        trapArmed = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
            if (userVariable.indexOf(name[i]) === 0) {
                if (debug) console.plog('checkThenArm intervalCTA1: Any', category, 'already armed. Wanted=', name[i], 'CurrentlyArmed=', userVariable);

                trapArmed = true;
    else {
        trapArmed = (userVariable.indexOf(name) === 0);

        if (debug) console.plog('checkThenArm intervalCTA1: Specific', category, 'Armed=', trapArmed, 'Wanted=', name, 'CurrentlyArmed=', userVariable);

    if (trapArmed === undefined && isForcedRetry) {
        if (debug) console.log("checkThenArm intervalCTA1: forcing retry");
        console.plog(name.join("/"), "not found in TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(category));
        checkThenArm(sort, category, name, false);
    else if (trapArmed === false) {
        if (debug) console.log("checkThenArm intervalCTA: arming", category);
        var intervalCTA = setInterval(
            function () {
                if (arming === false) {
                    clickThenArmTrapInterval(sort, category, name);
                    intervalCTA = null;
            }, 1000);

function getConstToRealValue(sort, category, name) {
    var objRet = {
        changed: false,
        sort: sort,
        name: name

    if (g_objConstTrap.hasOwnProperty(category)) {
        var arrKeys = Object.keys(g_objConstTrap[category]);
        var nIndex = arrKeys.indexOf(name);
        if (nIndex > -1) {
            var keyName = arrKeys[nIndex];
            objRet.sort = g_objConstTrap[category][keyName].sort;
   = g_objConstTrap[category][keyName].name.slice();
            objRet.changed = true;
    return objRet;

function addArmingIntoList(category) {

function deleteArmingFromList(category) {
    var nIndex = g_arrArmingList.indexOf(category);
    if (nIndex > -1)
        g_arrArmingList.splice(nIndex, 1);

function isArmingInList() {
    return (g_arrArmingList.length > 0);

function clickThenArmTrapInterval(sort, trap, name) { //sort = power/luck/attraction
    if (debug) console.log("RUN clickThenArmTrapInterval(" + sort + ", " + trap + ", " + name + ")");
    var sec = secWait;
    var armStatus = LOADING;
    var retry = armTrapRetry;
    var intervalCTATI = setInterval(
        function () {
            armStatus = armTrap(sort, trap, name);
            if (debug) console.log('CTAI: armStatus=' + armStatus);

            if (armStatus !== LOADING) {
                if (!isArmingInList()) {
                    if (debug) console.log('CTAI: closeTrapSelector1');
                arming = false;
                intervalCTATI = null;
                if (armStatus === NOT_FOUND) {
                    if (debug) console.log('CTAI: NOT_FOUND ' + trap + '=' + name);

                    if (trap === 'trinket') {
                        if (debug) console.log('CTAI: disarm');
                    if (debug) console.log('CTAI: closeTrapSelector2');
            } else {
                if (sec <= 0) {
                    if (debug) console.log('CTAI: closeTrapSelector3');
                    clickTrapSelector(trap, true);
                    sec = secWait;
                    if (retry <= 0) {
                        if (!isArmingInList()) {
                            if (debug) console.log('CTAI: closeTrapSelector4');
                        arming = false;
                        intervalCTATI = null;
        }, 1000);

// name = Brie/Gouda/Swiss (brie = wrong)
function armTrap(sort, trap, name) {
    return armTrapNewUI(sort, trap, name);

function armTrapClassicUI(sort, trap, name) {
    var tagGroupElement = document.getElementsByClassName('tagGroup');
    var tagElement;
    var nameElement;
    var nIndex = -1;
    var arrName = (Array.isArray(name)) ? name.slice() : [name];

    if (sort == 'best' || sort == 'any')
        name = name[0];

    if (tagGroupElement.length > 0) {
        if (debug) console.plog('Try to arm', name);
        for (var i = 0; i < tagGroupElement.length; ++i) {
            tagElement = tagGroupElement[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
            for (var j = 0; j < tagElement.length; ++j) {
                nameElement = tagElement[j].getElementsByClassName('name')[0].innerText;
                nIndex = nameElement.indexOf("...");
                if (nIndex > -1)
                    name = name.substr(0, nIndex);
                if (nameElement.indexOf(name) === 0) {
                    if (tagElement[j].getAttribute('class').indexOf('selected') < 0) {	// only click when not arming
                        fireEvent(tagElement[j], 'click');
                    else {
                        if (debug) console.log('armTrapClassicUI: closeTrapSelector');

                    if (objTrapList[trap].indexOf(nameElement) < 0) {
                        setStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(trap), objTrapList[trap].join(","));
                    console.plog(name, 'armed');
                    return ARMED;
        console.plog(name, 'not found');
        for (var i = 0; i < objTrapList[trap].length; i++) {
            if (objTrapList[trap][i].indexOf(name) === 0) {
                objTrapList[trap].splice(i, 1);
                setStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(trap), objTrapList[trap].join(","));
        if (sort == 'best' || sort == 'any') {
            if (arrName.length > 0) {
                return armTrapClassicUI(sort, trap, arrName);
            } else {
                return NOT_FOUND;
        } else {
            return NOT_FOUND;
    } else {
        return LOADING;

function armTrapNewUI(sort, trap, name) {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN armTrapNewUI");
    var itemEle = document.getElementsByClassName('campPage-trap-itemBrowser-item');
    var nameElement;
    var arrName = (Array.isArray(name)) ? name.slice() : [name];

    if (sort == 'best' || sort == 'any')
        name = name[0];

    if (itemEle.length > 0) {
        console.plog('armTrapNewUI: Trying to arm ' + name);
        for (var i = 0; i < itemEle.length; i++) {
            nameElement = itemEle[i].getElementsByClassName('campPage-trap-itemBrowser-item-name')[0].textContent;
            if (nameElement.indexOf(name) === 0) {
                if (itemEle[i].getAttribute('class').indexOf('canArm') > -1) {
                    fireEvent(itemEle[i].getElementsByClassName('campPage-trap-itemBrowser-item-armButton')[0], 'click');
                else {
                    if (debug) console.log('armTrapNewUI: closeTrapSelector');

                if (objTrapList[trap].indexOf(nameElement) < 0) {
                    setStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(trap), objTrapList[trap].join(","));
                console.plog('armTrapNewUI: ' + name + ' armed');
                return ARMED;

        console.plog(name, 'not found');
        for (var i = 0; i < objTrapList[trap].length; i++) {
            if (objTrapList[trap][i].indexOf(name) === 0) {
                objTrapList[trap].splice(i, 1);
                setStorage("TrapList" + capitalizeFirstLetter(trap), objTrapList[trap].join(","));
        if (sort == 'best' || sort == 'any') {
            if (arrName.length > 0)
                return armTrapNewUI(sort, trap, arrName);
                return NOT_FOUND;
            return NOT_FOUND;
        return LOADING;

function clickTrapSelector(strSelect, bForceClick) { //strSelect = weapon/base/charm/trinket/bait
    if (isNullOrUndefined(bForceClick))
        bForceClick = false;

    var trapSelectors = document.getElementsByClassName("trapSelectorView__armedItem");
    var armedItem;

    for (var i = 0; i < trapSelectors.length; i++) {
        if (trapSelectors[i].dataset.itemClassification === strSelect) {
            armedItem = trapSelectors[i];

    if (armedItem) {
        var arrTemp = armedItem.getAttribute('class').split(" ");
        if (bForceClick !== true && arrTemp[arrTemp.length - 1] == 'active') { // trap selector opened
            arming = true;
            return (console.plog('Trap selector', strSelect, 'opened'));
        fireEvent(armedItem, 'click');
        arming = true;
        console.plog("Trap selector", strSelect, "clicked");

function closeTrapSelector(category) {
    if (debug) console.log("closeTrapSelector(" + category + ")");

    var blueprint = document.getElementsByClassName("trapSelectorView__blueprint trapSelectorView__blueprint--active")[0];
    if (!isNullOrUndefined(blueprint)) { // trap selector opened
        fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName("campPage-trap-blueprint-closeButton")[0], 'click');
        console.plog("Trap selector", category, "closed");
    } else {
        if (debug) console.log("closeTrapSelector(" + category + "): Unable to close trap selector (probably not open as item is already armed)");


function retrieveDataFirst() {
    if (debug) console.log('RUN retrieveDataFirst()');

    try {
        var gotHornTime = false;
        var gotPuzzle = false;
        var gotBaitQuantity = false;
        var retrieveSuccess = false;


        var scriptElementList = document.getElementsByTagName('script');

        if (scriptElementList) {
            var i;
            for (i = 0; i < scriptElementList.length; ++i) {
                var scriptString = scriptElementList[i].innerHTML;

                // get next horn time
                var hornTimeStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("next_activeturn_seconds");
                if (hornTimeStartIndex >= 0) {
                    hornTimeStartIndex += 25;
                    var hornTimeEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(",", hornTimeStartIndex);
                    var hornTimerString = scriptString.substring(hornTimeStartIndex, hornTimeEndIndex);
                    nextActiveTime = parseInt(hornTimerString);
                    if (debug) console.log("From substr: " + nextActiveTime + ", from page var: " + getPageVariable("user.next_activeturn_seconds"));

                    hornTimeDelay = hornTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (hornTimeDelayMax - hornTimeDelayMin));

                    if (!aggressiveMode) {
                        // calculation base on the js in Mousehunt
                        var additionalDelayTime = Math.ceil(nextActiveTime * 0.1);
                        // Safety switch
                        //hornTimeDelay += additionalDelayTime + 5;
                        hornTimeDelay += 5;

                        hornTime = nextActiveTime + hornTimeDelay;
                        lastDateRecorded = undefined;
                        lastDateRecorded = new Date();

                        additionalDelayTime = undefined;
                    } else {
                        // aggressive mode, no extra delay like time in horn image appear
                        hornTime = nextActiveTime;
                        lastDateRecorded = undefined;
                        lastDateRecorded = new Date();

                    gotHornTime = true;

                    hornTimeStartIndex = undefined;
                    hornTimeEndIndex = undefined;
                    hornTimerString = undefined;

                // get is king's reward or not
                var hasPuzzleStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("has_puzzle");
                if (hasPuzzleStartIndex >= 0) {
                    hasPuzzleStartIndex += 12;
                    var hasPuzzleEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(",", hasPuzzleStartIndex);
                    var hasPuzzleString = scriptString.substring(hasPuzzleStartIndex, hasPuzzleEndIndex);
                    isKingReward = (hasPuzzleString != 'false');

                    if (debug) console.log("Fetched isKingReward: " + isKingReward);

                    gotPuzzle = true;

                    hasPuzzleStartIndex = undefined;
                    hasPuzzleEndIndex = undefined;
                    hasPuzzleString = undefined;

                // get cheese quantity
                var baitQuantityStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("bait_quantity");
                if (baitQuantityStartIndex >= 0) {
                    baitQuantityStartIndex += 15;
                    var baitQuantityEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(",", baitQuantityStartIndex);
                    var baitQuantityString = scriptString.substring(baitQuantityStartIndex, baitQuantityEndIndex);
                    baitQuantity = parseInt(baitQuantityString);

                    if (debug) console.log("Fetched baitQuantity: " + baitQuantity);

                    gotBaitQuantity = true;

                    baitQuantityStartIndex = undefined;
                    baitQuantityEndIndex = undefined;
                    baitQuantityString = undefined;

                var locationStartIndex;
                var locationEndIndex;
                locationStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("location\":\"");
                if (locationStartIndex >= 0) {
                    locationStartIndex += 11;
                    locationEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf("\"", locationStartIndex);
                    var locationString = scriptString.substring(locationStartIndex, locationEndIndex);
                    currentLocation = locationString;

                    if (debug) console.log("Fetched currentLocation: " + currentLocation);

                    locationStartIndex = undefined;
                    locationEndIndex = undefined;
                    locationString = undefined;

                scriptString = undefined;
            i = undefined;
        scriptElementList = undefined;

        if (gotHornTime && gotPuzzle && gotBaitQuantity) {
            // get trap check time

            // get last location
            var huntLocationCookie = getStorage("huntLocation");
            if (isNullOrUndefined(huntLocationCookie)) {
                huntLocation = currentLocation;
                setStorage("huntLocation", currentLocation);
            } else {
                huntLocation = huntLocationCookie;
                setStorage("huntLocation", huntLocation);
            huntLocationCookie = undefined;

            // get last king reward time
            var lastKingRewardDate = getStorage("lastKingRewardDate");
            if (isNullOrUndefined(lastKingRewardDate)) {
                lastKingRewardSumTime = -1;
            } else {
                var lastDate = new Date(lastKingRewardDate);
                lastKingRewardSumTime = parseInt((new Date() - lastDate) / 1000);
                lastDate = undefined;
            lastKingRewardDate = undefined;

            retrieveSuccess = true;
        } else {
            retrieveSuccess = false;

        // clean up
        gotHornTime = undefined;
        gotPuzzle = undefined;
        gotBaitQuantity = undefined;

        if (debug) console.log("END retrieveDataFirst with " + retrieveSuccess);

        return (retrieveSuccess);
    } catch (e) {
        console.perror('retrieveDataFirst', e.message);

function GetHornTime() {
    const horn_element = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView__horn');
    const hunt_timer = document.querySelector(".huntersHornView__countdown");
    let message;
    if (hunt_timer) {
        message = hunt_timer.innerText;
    var huntTimerElement = hunt_timer;
    var totalSec = 900;
    if (huntTimerElement !== null) {
        huntTimerElement = message;
        if (huntTimerElement.toLowerCase().indexOf('ready') > -1)
            totalSec = 0;
        else {
            var arrTime = huntTimerElement.split(":");
            if (arrTime.length == 2) {
                for (var i = 0; i < arrTime.length; i++)
                    arrTime[i] = parseInt(arrTime[i]);
                totalSec = arrTime[0] * 60 + arrTime[1];
    if (debug) console.debug("GetHornTime(): " + totalSec);
    return totalSec;

function getKingRewardStatus() {
    var strValue = getPageVariable('user.has_puzzle');
    console.plog('user.has_puzzle:', strValue);
    return (strValue === 'true');
function checkHeaderKingsReward() {
    var headerOrHud = document.getElementById(header);

    if (headerOrHud !== null) {
        var textContentLowerCase = headerOrHud.textContent.toLowerCase();
        if (textContentLowerCase.indexOf("king reward") > -1 ||
            textContentLowerCase.indexOf("king's reward") > -1 ||
            textContentLowerCase.indexOf("kings reward") > -1) {
            return true;
        } else
            return false;
    } else
        return false;

function getBaitQuantity() {
    var hudBaitQuantity = document.getElementsByClassName("mousehuntHud-userStat bait")[0].getElementsByClassName("value")[0];
    if (hudBaitQuantity !== null) {
        return parseInt(hudBaitQuantity.innerText);
    else {
        return 0;

function getCurrentLocation() {
    var tempLocation;
    if (isNewUI) {
        tempLocation = document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntHud-environmentName');
        if (tempLocation.length > 0)
            return tempLocation[0].textContent;
            return "";
    } else {
        tempLocation = document.getElementById('hud_location');
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(tempLocation))
            return tempLocation.textContent;
            return "";

function retrieveData() {
    if (debug) console.log("Run retrieveData()");
    try {
        var browser = browserDetection();

        // get next horn time
        if (browser == "firefox" || browser == "opera" || browser == "chrome") {
            currentLocation = getCurrentLocation();
            isKingReward = getKingRewardStatus();
            baitQuantity = getBaitQuantity();
            nextActiveTime = GetHornTime();
        } else {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                reloadWithMessage("Browser not supported. Reloading...", false);
            }, 60000);

        browser = undefined;

        if (nextActiveTime === "" || isNaN(nextActiveTime)) {
            // fail to retrieve data, might be due to slow network

            // reload the page to see it fix the problem
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                reloadWithMessage("Fail to retrieve data. Reloading...", false);
            }, 5000);
        } else {
            // got the timer right!
            if (nextActiveTime === 0)
                hornTimeDelay = 0;
            else {
                // calculate the delay
                hornTimeDelay = hornTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (hornTimeDelayMax - hornTimeDelayMin));
            if (debug) console.plog('Horn Time:', nextActiveTime, 'Delay:', hornTimeDelay);

            if (!aggressiveMode) {
                // calculation base on the js in Mousehunt
                var additionalDelayTime = Math.ceil(nextActiveTime * 0.1);
                if (timerInterval != "" && !isNaN(timerInterval) && timerInterval == 1) {
                    additionalDelayTime = 2;

                // safety mode, include extra delay like time in horn image appear
                //hornTime = nextActiveTime + additionalDelayTime + hornTimeDelay;
                hornTime = nextActiveTime + hornTimeDelay;
                lastDateRecorded = undefined;
                lastDateRecorded = new Date();

                additionalDelayTime = undefined;
            } else {
                // aggressive mode, no extra delay like time in horn image appear
                hornTime = nextActiveTime;
                lastDateRecorded = undefined;
                lastDateRecorded = new Date();

        window.setTimeout(function() { eventLocationCheck('retrieveData() 3.5s after horn'); }, 3500);
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log("retrieveData() ERROR - " + e);

function checkJournalDate() {
    var reload = false;

    var journalDateDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('journaldate');
    if (journalDateDiv) {
        var journalDateStr = journalDateDiv[0].innerHTML.toString();
        var midIndex = journalDateStr.indexOf(":", 0);
        var spaceIndex = journalDateStr.indexOf(" ", midIndex);

        if (midIndex >= 1) {
            var hrStr = journalDateStr.substring(0, midIndex);
            var minStr = journalDateStr.substring(midIndex + 1, 2);
            var hourSysStr = journalDateStr.substring(spaceIndex + 1, 2);

            var nowDate = new Date();
            var lastHuntDate = new Date();
            if (hourSysStr == "am") {
                lastHuntDate.setHours(parseInt(hrStr), parseInt(minStr), 0, 0);
            } else {
                lastHuntDate.setHours(parseInt(hrStr) + 12, parseInt(minStr), 0, 0);
            if (parseInt(nowDate - lastHuntDate) / 1000 > 900) {
                reload = true;
            hrStr = undefined;
            minStr = undefined;
            nowDate = undefined;
            lastHuntDate = undefined;
        } else {
            reload = true;

        journalDateStr = undefined;
        midIndex = undefined;
        spaceIndex = undefined;
    journalDateDiv = undefined;

    if (reload) {
        reloadWithMessage("Timer error. Try reload to fix.", true);

    try {
        return (reload);
    } finally {
        reload = undefined;

function action() {
    if (debug) console.log("Run %caction()", 'color: #00ff00');

    try {
        if (isKingReward) {
            notifyMe('KR NOW - ' + getPageVariable('user.username'), '', "Kings Reward NOW");
        else if (pauseAtInvalidLocation && (huntLocation != currentLocation)) {
            // update timer
            displayTimer("Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location...");

            if (fbPlatform) {
                if (secureConnection) {
                    displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
                } else {
                    displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
            } else if (hiFivePlatform) {
                if (secureConnection) {
                    displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
                } else {
                    displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
            } else if (mhPlatform) {
                if (secureConnection) {
                    displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
                } else {
                    displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");


            // pause script
        else if (baitQuantity == 0) {
            // Notify no more cheese

            // pause the script
        else {
            // update location

            var isHornSounding = false;

            // check if the horn image is visible
            var headerElement = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView');
            if (headerElement) {
                var headerStatus = headerElement.querySelector('.huntersHornView__timerState.huntersHornView__timerState--type-ready')
                if (isvisible(headerStatus)) {
                    // if the horn image is visible, why do we need to wait any more, sound the horn!

                    // make sure the timer don't run twice!
                    isHornSounding = true;
                headerStatus = undefined;
            headerElement = undefined;

            if (isHornSounding === false) {
                // start timer
                window.setTimeout(function () {
                }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000);

            isHornSounding = undefined;

        if (!isKingReward) {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1000);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("action() ERROR - " + e);

function isvisible(obj) {
    return obj.offsetWidth > 0 && obj.offsetHeight > 0;

function calculateTotalSeconds(timeStr) {
    var timeParts = timeStr.split(":");
    return parseInt(timeParts[0]) * 3600 + parseInt(timeParts[1]) * 60;

function isSleepingTime(sleepModeTimeMin, sleepModeTimeMax) {
    var currentTotalSeconds = new Date().getHours() * 3600 + new Date().getMinutes() * 60 + new Date().getSeconds();
    var minTotalSeconds = calculateTotalSeconds(sleepModeTimeMin);
    var maxTotalSeconds = calculateTotalSeconds(sleepModeTimeMax);

    if (minTotalSeconds === maxTotalSeconds) return false;

    return minTotalSeconds < maxTotalSeconds
        ? currentTotalSeconds >= minTotalSeconds && currentTotalSeconds <= maxTotalSeconds
        : currentTotalSeconds >= minTotalSeconds || currentTotalSeconds <= maxTotalSeconds;

function sleepTimeLeft(sleepModeTimeMin, sleepModeTimeMax) {
    var currentTotalSeconds = new Date().getHours() * 3600 + new Date().getMinutes() * 60 + new Date().getSeconds();
    var minTotalSeconds = calculateTotalSeconds(sleepModeTimeMin);
    var maxTotalSeconds = calculateTotalSeconds(sleepModeTimeMax);

    // No time diff
    if (minTotalSeconds === maxTotalSeconds) return 0;

    // If min > max (ie 11pm-3am)
    if (minTotalSeconds > maxTotalSeconds) {
        if (currentTotalSeconds >= minTotalSeconds || currentTotalSeconds <= maxTotalSeconds) {
            return currentTotalSeconds >= minTotalSeconds
                ? (86400 - currentTotalSeconds) + maxTotalSeconds
                : maxTotalSeconds - currentTotalSeconds;
    if (currentTotalSeconds >= minTotalSeconds && currentTotalSeconds <= maxTotalSeconds) {
        // Current time is within min and max range ie 7pm is within 5pm-10pm
        return maxTotalSeconds - currentTotalSeconds;
    } else if (currentTotalSeconds < minTotalSeconds) {
        return minTotalSeconds - currentTotalSeconds;
    } else {
        return (86400 - currentTotalSeconds) + minTotalSeconds;

function countdownTimer() {
    if (isKingReward) {
        // update timer
        displayTimer("King's Reward!", "King's Reward!", "King's Reward");

        // record last king's reward time
        var nowDate = new Date();
        setStorage("lastKingRewardDate", nowDate.toString());
        nowDate = undefined;
        lastKingRewardSumTime = 0;

        // TODO: Wondering if we even need to reload on KR
        // reload the page so that the sound can be play
        // simulate mouse click on the camp button
        // fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName(campButton)[0], 'click');
        // // reload the page if click on camp button fail
        // window.setTimeout(function () {
        //     reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on camp button. Reloading...", false);
        // }, 5000);
    else if (pauseAtInvalidLocation && (huntLocation != currentLocation)) {
        // update timer
        displayTimer("Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location...");
        if (fbPlatform) {
            if (secureConnection) {
                displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
            } else {
                displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
        } else if (hiFivePlatform) {
            if (secureConnection) {
                displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
            } else {
                displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
        } else if (mhPlatform) {
            if (secureConnection) {
                displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");
            } else {
                displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>");

        // pause script
    else if (baitQuantity == 0) {

        // pause the script
    else if (sleepMode && isSleepingTime(sleepModeTimeMin, sleepModeTimeMax)) {
        var dateNow = new Date();
        var intervalTime = timeElapsed(lastDateRecorded, dateNow);
        lastDateRecorded = undefined;
        lastDateRecorded = dateNow;
        dateNow = undefined;

        if (lastKingRewardSumTime != -1) {
            lastKingRewardSumTime += intervalTime;

        displayTimer("Bot is asleep", "<span style='color: red;'>Bot is asleep for " + timeFormat(sleepTimeLeft(sleepModeTimeMin, sleepModeTimeMax)) + "</span>", "Bot is asleep, not doing trap checks.");

        // set king reward sum time

        window.setTimeout(function () {
        }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000);

    else {
        var dateNow = new Date();
        var intervalTime = timeElapsed(lastDateRecorded, dateNow);
        lastDateRecorded = undefined;
        lastDateRecorded = dateNow;
        dateNow = undefined;

        // Update time
        hornTime -= intervalTime;
        if (lastKingRewardSumTime != -1) {
            lastKingRewardSumTime += intervalTime;
        if (enableTrapCheck)
            checkTime -= intervalTime;

        intervalTime = undefined;

        // Check event location 60s before trap check
        if (enableTrapCheck && checkTime == 60)
            eventLocationCheck("countdownTimer() 60s before trapCheck");

        if (hornTime <= 0) {
            // blow the horn!
            hornTime = 0;
        } else if (enableTrapCheck && checkTime <= 0) {
            // trap check!
            checkTime = 0;
        } else {
            if (enableTrapCheck) {
                // update timer
                if (!aggressiveMode) {
                    displayTimer("Horn: " + timeFormat(hornTime) + " | Check: " + timeFormat(checkTime),
                        timeFormat(hornTime) + "  <i>(included extra " + timeFormat(hornTimeDelay) + " delay & +/- 5 seconds different from MouseHunt timer)</i>",
                        timeFormat(checkTime) + "  <i>(included extra " + timeFormat(checkTimeDelay) + " delay)</i>");

                    // check if user manaually sounded the horn
                    var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode");
                    if (scriptNode) {
                        var isHornSounded = scriptNode.getAttribute("soundedHornAtt");
                        if (isHornSounded == "true") {
                            // sound horn function do the rest

                            // stop looping
                        isHornSounded = undefined;
                    scriptNode = undefined;

                    // Check event location before horn
                    if (hornTime - hornTimeDelay == 13)
                        eventLocationCheck("countdownTimer() 13s before horn");
                } else {
                    displayTimer("Horn: " + timeFormat(hornTime) + " | Check: " + timeFormat(checkTime),
                        timeFormat(hornTime) + "  <i>(lot faster than MouseHunt timer)</i>",
                        timeFormat(checkTime) + "  <i>(included extra " + timeFormat(checkTimeDelay) + " delay)</i>");
            } else {
                // update timer
                if (!aggressiveMode) {
                    displayTimer("Horn: " + timeFormat(hornTime),
                        timeFormat(hornTime) + "  <i>(included extra " + timeFormat(hornTimeDelay) + " delay & +/- 5 seconds different from MouseHunt timer)</i>",

                    // check if user manually sounded the horn
                    var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode");
                    if (scriptNode) {
                        var isHornSounded = scriptNode.getAttribute("soundedHornAtt");
                        if (isHornSounded == "true") {
                            // sound horn function do the rest

                            // stop loopping
                        isHornSounded = undefined;
                    scriptNode = undefined;

                    if (hornTime - hornTimeDelay == 0)
                } else {
                    displayTimer("Horn: " + timeFormat(hornTime),
                        timeFormat(hornTime) + "  <i>(lot faster than MouseHunt timer)</i>",

                    // if the horn image is visible, why do we need to wait anymore, sound the horn!

                    // aggressive mode should sound the horn whenever it is possible to do so.
                    var headerElement = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView');
                    if (headerElement) {
                        var headerStatus = headerElement.querySelector('.huntersHornView__timerState.huntersHornView__timerState--type-ready')

                        // the horn image appear before the timer end
                        if (isvisible(headerStatus)) {
                            // who care, blow the horn first!

                            headerElement = undefined;

                            // skip all the code below
                    headerElement = undefined;

            // set king reward sum time

            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000);

function reloadPage(soundHorn) {
    // reload the page
    if (fbPlatform) {
        // for Facebook only

        if (secureConnection) {
            if (soundHorn) {
                window.location.href = "";
            } else {
                window.location.href = "";
        } else {
            if (soundHorn) {
                window.location.href = "";
            } else {
                window.location.href = "";
    } else if (hiFivePlatform) {
        // for Hi5 only

        if (secureConnection) {
            if (soundHorn) {
                window.location.href = "";
            } else {
                window.location.href = "";
        } else {
            if (soundHorn) {
                window.location.href = "";
            } else {
                window.location.href = "";
    } else if (mhPlatform) {
        // for mousehunt game only

        if (secureConnection) {
            if (soundHorn) {
                window.location.href = "";
            } else {
                window.location.href = "";
        } else {
            if (soundHorn) {
                window.location.href = "";
            } else {
                window.location.href = "";

    soundHorn = undefined;

function reloadWithMessage(msg, soundHorn) {
    // display the message
    displayTimer(msg, msg, msg, msg);

    // reload the page
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);

    msg = undefined;
    soundHorn = undefined;

// ################################################################################################
//   Timer Function - Start
// ################################################################################################

function embedTimer(targetPage) {
    try {
        if (showTimerInPage) {

            var headerElement;
            if (fbPlatform || hiFivePlatform || mhPlatform) {
                headerElement = document.getElementById('overlayContainer');
            } else if (mhMobilePlatform) {
                headerElement = document.getElementById('mobileHorn');

            if (headerElement) {
                var timerDivElement = document.createElement('div');

                // show bot title and version
                var titleElement = document.createElement('div');
                titleElement.setAttribute('id', 'titleElement');
                if (targetPage && aggressiveMode) {
                    titleElement.innerHTML = "<b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED (version " + scriptVersion + ")</a>" + (isNewUI ? " ~ Beta UI" : "") + "</b> - <font color='red'>Aggressive Mode</font>";
                } else {
                    titleElement.innerHTML = "<b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED (version " + scriptVersion + ")</a>" + (isNewUI ? " ~ Beta UI" : "") + "</b>";
                titleElement = null;

                if (targetPage) {
                    var updateElement = document.createElement('div');
                    updateElement.setAttribute('id', 'updateElement');
                    updateElement = null;

                    nextHornTimeElement = document.createElement('div');
                    nextHornTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'nextHornTimeElement');
                    nextHornTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Hunter Horn Time:</b> Loading...";

                    checkTimeElement = document.createElement('div');
                    checkTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'checkTimeElement');
                    checkTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Trap Check Time:</b> Loading...";

                    if (pauseAtInvalidLocation) {
                        // location information only display when enable this feature
                        travelElement = document.createElement('div');
                        travelElement.setAttribute('id', 'travelElement');
                        travelElement.innerHTML = "<b>Target Hunt Location:</b> Loading...";

                    var lastKingRewardDate = getStorage("lastKingRewardDate");
                    var lastDateStr;
                    if (lastKingRewardDate == undefined || lastKingRewardDate == null) {
                        lastDateStr = "-";
                    } else {
                        var lastDate = new Date(lastKingRewardDate);
                        lastDateStr = lastDate.toDateString() + " " + lastDate.toTimeString().substring(0, 8);
                        lastDate = null;

                    kingTimeElement = document.createElement('div');
                    kingTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'kingTimeElement');
                    kingTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Last King's Reward:</b> " + lastDateStr + " ";

                    lastKingRewardSumTimeElement = document.createElement('font');
                    lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'lastKingRewardSumTimeElement');
                    lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.innerHTML = "(Loading...)";

                    lastKingRewardDate = null;
                    lastDateStr = null;

                    /*if (showLastPageLoadTime) {
                        var nowDate = new Date();

                        // last page load time
                        //var loadTimeElement = document.createElement('div');
                        //loadTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'loadTimeElement');
                        //loadTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Last Page Load: </b>" + nowDate.toDateString() + " " + nowDate.toTimeString().substring(0, 8);

                        //loadTimeElement = null;
                        nowDate = null;

                    // var pauseAutobotToggle = document.createElement('a');
                    // var text = document.createTextNode('Pause Autobot');
                    // pauseAutobotToggle.href = '#';
                    // pauseAutobotToggle.setAttribute('id', 'pauseAutobot');
                    // pauseAutobotToggle.appendChild(text);
                    // pauseAutobotToggle.onclick = function (e) {
                    // };
                    // var holder = document.createElement('div');
                    // holder.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
                    // var temp = document.createElement('span');
                    // temp.innerHTML = '&#160;&#126;&#160;';
                    // holder.appendChild(timersElementToggle);
                    // holder.appendChild(temp);
                    // timerDivElement.appendChild(holder);
                    // holder = null;
                    // text = null;
                    // temp = null;

                    var timersElementToggle = document.createElement('a');
                    var text = document.createTextNode('Toggle timers');
                    timersElementToggle.href = '#';
                    timersElementToggle.setAttribute('id', 'timersElementToggle');
                    timersElementToggle.onclick = function (e) {
                        var timersElementStyle = document.getElementById('loadTimersElement');
                        if ( == 'block' || == '') {
                   = 'none';
                        } else {
                   = 'block';
                        timersElementStyle = null;
                    var holder = document.createElement('div');
                    holder.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
                    var temp = document.createElement('span');
                    temp.innerHTML = '&#160;&#126;&#160;';
                    holder = null;
                    text = null;
                    temp = null;

                    var loadTimersElement = document.createElement('div');
                    loadTimersElement.setAttribute('id', 'loadTimersElement');
                    loadTimersElement.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');

                    //timerDivElement.appendChild(/*document.createElement('br')*/document.createTextNode(' &#126; '));

                    var loadLinkToUpdateDiv = document.createElement('div');
                    loadLinkToUpdateDiv.setAttribute('id', 'ReturnArea');
                    loadLinkToUpdateDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
                    text = null;

                    var tempDiv = document.createElement('span');
                    tempDiv.innerHTML = text;
                    text = '<a id="nobRaffle" href="#" title="Sends back the raffle ticket in inventory.">Return raffle tickets</a>';
                    tempSpan2 = document.createElement('span');
                    tempSpan2.innerHTML = text;
                    var tempSpan3 = document.createElement('span');
                    tempSpan3.innerHTML = ' &#126; <a id="nobPresent" href="#" title="Sends back the presents in inventory.">Return presents</a>';
                    var tempSpan = document.createElement('span');

                    text = null;
                    tempDiv = null;
                    tempSpan = null;
                    tempSpan2 = null;
                    tempSpan3 = null;
                    loadLinkToUpdateDiv = null;
                    timersElementToggle = null;
                    loadTimersElement = null;
                    loadLinkToUpdate = null;
                else {
                    if (debug) console.debug("embedTimer(): User not in camp");
                    // try check if ajax was called
                    if (doubleCheckLocation()) {
                        var oldElm = document.getElementById('titleElement');
                        if (oldElm) {
                            if (debug) console.debug("embedTimer(): User ajaxed back to camp, removing old title and renewing");

                            // Timer element already there, removing and replacing with a re-initialized one
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        // Add ajax listener for when user is back onto camp page
                        if (debug) console.debug("embedTimer(): User not in camp, embedding callback to camp button");
                        var campButtonDiv = document.getElementsByClassName(campButton)[0];
                        if (campButtonDiv) {
                            campButtonDiv.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
                                console.debug("embedTimer(): camp button clicked");
                                // Use timeout to make sure ajax finished
                                window.setTimeout(function () {
                                    if (doubleCheckLocation()) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (debug) console.debug("embedTimer(): camp button but double check location returned false");
                                }, 1000);
                        } else {
                            if (debug) console.debug("embedTimer(): camp button not found");

                    // player currently navigating other page instead of hunter camp
                    var helpTextElement = document.createElement('div');
                    helpTextElement.setAttribute('id', 'helpTextElement');
                    if (fbPlatform) {
                        if (secureConnection) {
                            helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity.";
                        } else {
                            helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity.";
                    } else if (mhPlatform) {
                        if (secureConnection) {
                            helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity.";
                        } else {
                            helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity.";
                    } else if (mhMobilePlatform) {
                        if (secureConnection) {
                            helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> Mobile version of Mousehunt is not supported currently. Please use the <a href=''>standard version of MouseHunt</a>.";
                        } else {
                            helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> Mobile version of Mousehunt is not supported currently. Please use the <a href=''>standard version of MouseHunt</a>.";

                    helpTextElement = null;

                var showPreference = getStorage('showPreference');
                if (showPreference == undefined || showPreference == null) {
                    showPreference = false;
                    setStorage("showPreference", showPreference);

                var showPreferenceLinkDiv = document.createElement('div');
                showPreferenceLinkDiv.setAttribute('id', 'showPreferenceLinkDiv');
                showPreferenceLinkDiv.setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right');

                var showPreferenceSpan = document.createElement('span');
                var showPreferenceLinkStr = '<a id="showPreferenceLink" name="showPreferenceLink" onclick="' +
                    'if (document.getElementById(\'showPreferenceLink\').innerHTML == \'<b>[Hide Preference]</b>\') {' +
                    'document.getElementById(\'preferenceDiv\').style.display=\'none\';' +
                    'document.getElementById(\'showPreferenceLink\').innerHTML=\'<b>[Show Preference]</b>\';' +
                    '} else {' +
                    'document.getElementById(\'preferenceDiv\').style.display=\'block\';' +
                    'document.getElementById(\'showPreferenceLink\').innerHTML=\'<b>[Hide Preference]</b>\';' +
                    'initEventAlgo();' +
                    '}' +

                if (showPreference === true)
                    showPreferenceLinkStr += '<b>[Hide Preference]</b>';
                    showPreferenceLinkStr += '<b>[Show Preference]</b>';
                showPreferenceLinkStr += '</a>';
                showPreferenceLinkStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                showPreferenceSpan.innerHTML = showPreferenceLinkStr;
                showPreferenceLinkStr = null;
                showPreferenceSpan = null;
                showPreferenceLinkDiv = null;

                var preferenceHTMLStr = '<table border="0" width="100%">';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding: 2px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid orange;"></td></tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr><td colspan="2" style="height: 5px;"></td></tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Bot aggressively by ignore all safety measure such as check horn image visible before sounding it"><b>Aggressive Mode</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="AggressiveModeInput" onchange="var isDisable = (value == \'true\') ? \'disabled\' : \'\'; document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=isDisable; document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=isDisable;">';
                if (aggressiveMode) {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true" selected>True</option>';
                    temp = 'disabled';
                else {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false" selected>False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                    temp = '';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Extra delay time before sounding the horn (in seconds)"><b>Delay:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="HornTimeDelayMinInput" min="0" max="600" size="5" value="' + hornTimeDelayMin.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> seconds ~ ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" min="1" max="601" size="5" value="' + hornTimeDelayMax.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> seconds';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Extra delay time before sounding the horn (in seconds)">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<b>Horn Time Delay</b>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="HornTimeDelayMinInput" name="HornTimeDelayMinInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + hornTimeDelayMin.toString() + '"/> seconds';
                preferenceHTMLStr += ' ~ ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" name="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + hornTimeDelayMax.toString() + '"/> seconds';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Automatically Sleep the Bot during These Hours"><b>Sleep Mode</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="SleepModeInput" onchange="var isDisable = (value !== \'true\') ? \'disabled\' : \'\'; document.getElementById(\'SleepModeMinInput\').disabled=isDisable; document.getElementById(\'SleepModeMaxInput\').disabled=isDisable;">';
                if (sleepMode) {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true" selected>True</option>';
                    temp = '';
                } else {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false" selected>False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                    temp = 'disabled';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Time Period to Sleep the Bot"><b>Time:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="time" id="SleepModeMinInput" size="5" value="' + sleepModeTimeMin.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> to ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="time" id="SleepModeMaxInput" size="5" value="' + sleepModeTimeMax.toString() + '" ' + temp + '>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Enable trap check once an hour"><b>Trap Check</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="TrapCheckInput" onchange="var isDisable = (value == \'false\') ? \'disabled\' : \'\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=isDisable; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=isDisable;">';
                if (enableTrapCheck) {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true" selected>True</option>';
                    temp = '';
                else {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false" selected>False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                    temp = 'disabled';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Extra delay time to trap check (in seconds)"><b>Delay:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput" min="0" max="360" size="5" value="' + checkTimeDelayMin.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> seconds ~ ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput" min="1" max="361" size="5" value="' + checkTimeDelayMax.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> seconds';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Play sound when encounter king\'s reward"><b>Play King Reward Sound</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="PlayKingRewardSoundInput" >';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false"' + ((!isKingWarningSound) ? ' selected' : '') + '>False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true"' + ((isKingWarningSound) ? ' selected' : '') + '>True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Link to MP3 sound to play, defaults NobodyRandom\'s awesome song if left blank"><b>Sound Link:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="kingWarningSoundInput" value="' + kingWarningSound + '">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Auto Popup on KR"><b>Auto KR Popup</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height: 24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="autoPopKR">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false"' + ((!autoPopupKR) ? ' selected' : '') + '>False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true"' + ((autoPopupKR) ? ' selected' : '') + '>True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Solve King Reward automatically"><b>Auto Solve King Reward</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="AutoSolveKRInput" onchange="var isDisable = (value == \'false\') ? \'disabled\' : \'\'; document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMinInput\').disabled=isDisable; document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMaxInput\').disabled=isDisable;">';
                if (isAutoSolve) {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true" selected>True</option>';
                    temp = '';
                } else {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false" selected>False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                    temp = 'disabled';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Extra delay time to solve King Reward (in seconds)"><b>Delay:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="AutoSolveKRDelayMinInput" min="0" max="360" size="5" value="' + krDelayMin.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> seconds ~ ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="AutoSolveKRDelayMaxInput" min="1" max="361" size="5" value="' + krDelayMax.toString() + '" ' + temp + '> seconds';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Save King Reward image into localStorage"><b>Save King Reward Image</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="SaveKRImageInput" >';
                if (saveKRImage) {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true" selected>True</option>';
                else {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false" selected>False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="View Saved King Reward Image from localStorage"><b>View King Reward Image</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="viewKR">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="buttonViewKR" value="View" onclick="var keyValue = document.getElementById(\'viewKR\').value;var value = window.localStorage.getItem(keyValue);if(value.indexOf(\'data:image/png;base64,\') > -1){var pom = document.createElement(\'a\');pom.setAttribute(\'href\', value);pom.setAttribute(\'download\', keyValue.split(\'~\')[2]+\'.png\');if(document.createEvent){var event = document.createEvent(\'MouseEvents\');event.initEvent(\'click\', true, true);pom.dispatchEvent(event);}else;}else if(value.indexOf(\'\') > -1){var win =, \'_blank\');if(win)win.focus();else alert(\'Please allow popups for this site\');}">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="The script will pause if player at different location that hunt location set before"><b>Remember Location</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="PauseLocationInput" >';
                if (pauseAtInvalidLocation) {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true" selected>True</option>';
                else {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false" selected>False</option>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Best Weapon for </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBestTrapPowerType" style="width:75px;" onchange="initControlsBestTrap();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="arcane">Arcane</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="draconic">Draconic</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="forgotten">Forgotten</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="hydro">Hydro</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="law">Law</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="physical">Physical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="rift">Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="shadow">Shadow</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="tactical">Tactical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBestTrapWeapon" style="width: 300px" onchange="saveBestTrap();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Best Base for </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBestTrapBaseType" style="width:75px;" onchange="initControlsBestTrap();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="luck">Luck</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="power">Power</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBestTrapBase" onchange="saveBestTrap();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Support Me</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="inputShowAds" value="Click to Show Ads" onclick="onIdAdsClicked()">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;" colspan="2">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '(Changes above this line only take place after user save the preference) ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="PreferenceSaveInput" value="Save" onclick="\
try {\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'AggressiveMode\', 		document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'HornTimeDelayMin\', 		document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'HornTimeDelayMax\', 		document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'SleepMode\', 				document.getElementById(\'SleepModeInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'SleepModeTimeMin\', 		document.getElementById(\'SleepModeMinInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'SleepModeTimeMax\', 		document.getElementById(\'SleepModeMaxInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheck\', 				document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMin\',	document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMax\', 	document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKR\',            document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKR\', 			document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKR\', 			document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMin\', 	document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMinInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMax\', 	document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMaxInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'PauseLocation\', 			document.getElementById(\'PauseLocationInput\').value);\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'autoPopupKR\',            document.getElementById(\'autoPopKR\').value);\
} catch(e) {console.log(e);}\

                //window.localStorage.setItem('PlayKingRewardSound', 	document.getElementById('PlayKingRewardSoundInput').value);
                //window.localStorage.setItem('SaveKRImage', 			document.getElementById('SaveKRImageInput').value);

                if (fbPlatform)
                    temp = 'window.location.href=\'' + g_strHTTP + '://\';';
                else if (hiFivePlatform)
                    temp = 'window.location.href=\'' + g_strHTTP + '://\';';
                else if (mhPlatform)
                    temp = 'window.location.href=\'' + g_strHTTP + '://\';';

                preferenceHTMLStr += temp + '"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px" colspan="2">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<div style="width: 100%; height: 1px; background: #000000; overflow: hidden;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSpecialFeature" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select special feature"><b>Special Feature</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSpecialFeature" onchange="onSelectSpecialFeature();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PILLOWCASE">Open Magical Pillowcase</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Which email to send king\'s reward to"><b>Email to send King Reward</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="KingRewardEmail" name="KingRewardEmail" value="' + kingRewardEmail + '" />';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                // Map Hunting Features
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Turn on/off Map Hunting feature"><b>Season 4 Map Hunting</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectMapHunting" onChange="onSelectMapHuntingChanged();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trUncaughtMouse" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Click button Get to retrieve all uncaught mouse"><b>Uncaught Mouse</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectMouseList"></select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="inputSelectMouse" title="Click to select the mouse from the left dropdown list" value="Select This Mouse" onclick="onInputSelectMouse();" disabled>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="inputGetMouse" title="Click to Get all uncaught mouse from treasure map" value="Refresh Uncaught Mouse List" onclick="onInputGetMouse();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSelectedUncaughtMouse" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select desired uncaught mouse"><b>Selected Mouse</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="inputUncaughtMouse" value="" disabled>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="inputClearUncaughtMouse" title="Click to clear the selected mouse" value="Clear" onclick="onInputClearUncaughtMouse();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trCatchLogic" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select desired catch logic"><b>Catch Logic</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectCatchLogic" onchange="saveMapHunting();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="OR">When either one of the Selected Mouse was caught</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AND">When all of the Selected Mouse were caught</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trMapHuntingTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select trap setup after catch logic is fulfilled"><b>After Caught</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWeapon" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveMapHunting();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Remain">Remain</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveMapHunting();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Remain">Remain</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveMapHunting();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Remain">Remain</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveMapHunting();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Remain">Remain</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trMapHuntingLeave" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to leave map after catch logic is fulfilled"><b>Leave Map After Caught</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLeaveMap" onchange="saveMapHunting();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select the script algorithm based on certain event / location"><b>Event or Location</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="eventAlgo" style="width:150px" onChange="window.sessionStorage.setItem(\'eventLocation\', value); showOrHideTr(value);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="All LG Area">All LG Area</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BC/JOD">BC => JOD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Bristle Woods Rift">Bristle Woods Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Burroughs Rift(Red)">Burroughs Rift(Red)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Burroughs Rift(Green)">Burroughs Rift(Green)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Burroughs Rift(Yellow)">Burroughs Rift(Yellow)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Burroughs Rift Custom">Burroughs Rift Custom</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Charge Egg 2016 Medium + High">Charge Egg 2016 Medium + High</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Charge Egg 2016 High">Charge Egg 2016 High</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FG/AR">FG => AR</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fiery Warpath">Fiery Warpath</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fort Rox">Fort Rox</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Furoma Rift">Furoma Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GES">Gnawnian Express Station</option>';
                //preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GWH2016R">GWH 2016</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Iceberg">Iceberg</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Labyrinth">Labyrinth</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mountain">Mountain</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SG">Seasonal Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Sunken City">Sunken City</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Sunken City Custom">Sunken City Custom</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Table of Contents CC Farm">Table of Contents CC Farm</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Table of Contents M1K">Table of Contents M1K</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Valour Rift">Valour Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="WWRift">WWRift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Zokor">Zokor</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZT">Zugzwang\'s Tower</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="inputResetReload" title="Reset setting of current selected algo" value="Reset & Reload" onclick="onInputResetReload();' + temp + '">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBCJODSubLocation" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Sub-Location</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBCJODSublocation" onchange="initControlsBCJOD();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="JOD">Jungle of Dread</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LOW">BC Low Tide</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MID">BC Mid Tide</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIGH">BC High Tide</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBCJODTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on current sub-location"><b>Trap Setup </b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBCJODWeapon" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBCJOD();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBCJODBase" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBCJOD();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBCJODTrinket" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBCJOD();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBCJODBait" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBCJOD();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Vanilla Stilton Cheese">Vanilla Stilton Cheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese">Vengeful Vanilla Stilton Cheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFGARSubLocation" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Sub-Location</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFGARSublocation" onchange="initControlsFGAR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FG">Forbidden Grove</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AR">Acolyte Realm</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFGARTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on current sub-location"><b>Trap Setup </b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFGARWeapon" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFGAR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFGARBase" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFGAR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFGARTrinket" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFGAR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFGARBait" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFGAR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic Cheese">Runic Cheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ancient Cheese">Ancient Cheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftAutoChoosePortal" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Choose portal automatically"><b>Auto Choose Portal</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftChoosePortal" style="width: 75px;" onchange="onSelectBWRiftChoosePortal();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Choose portal after Chamber Cleaver has been caught"><b>Choose Portal</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;After Chamber Cleaver Caught';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftPortalPriority" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select portal priority"><b>Portal Priority </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftPriority" style="width: 75px;" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                for (i = 1; i <= 13; i++) {
                    if (i == 1)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + ' (Highest)</option>';
                    else if (i == 13)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + ' (Lowest)</option>';
                        preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftPortal" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GEARWORKS">Gearworks</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANCIENT">Ancient Lab</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="RUNIC">Runic Laboratory</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AL/RL_MSC">AL/RL (MSC)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AL/RL_BSC">AL/RL (BSC)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TIMEWARP">Timewarp Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LUCKY">Lucky Tower</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIDDEN">Hidden Treasury</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GUARD">Guard Barracks</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SECURITY">Security Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FROZEN">Frozen Alcove</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FURNACE">Furnace Room</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="INGRESS">Ingress Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PURSUER">Pursuer Mousoleum</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE">Acolyte Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftPortalPriorityCursed" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select portal priority when get cursed"><b>Portal Priority - Cursed </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftPriorityCursed" style="width: 75px;" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                for (i = 1; i <= 13; i++) {
                    if (i == 1)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + ' (Highest)</option>';
                    else if (i == 13)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + ' (Lowest)</option>';
                        preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftPortalCursed" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GEARWORKS">Gearworks</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANCIENT">Ancient Lab</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="RUNIC">Runic Laboratory</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AL/RL_MSC">AL/RL (MSC)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AL/RL_BSC">AL/RL (BSC)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TIMEWARP">Timewarp Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LUCKY">Lucky Tower</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIDDEN">Hidden Treasury</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GUARD">Guard Barracks</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SECURITY">Security Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FROZEN">Frozen Alcove</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FURNACE">Furnace Room</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="INGRESS">Ingress Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PURSUER">Pursuer Mousoleum</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE">Acolyte Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftMinTimeSand" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select minimum time sand before entering Acolyte Chamber (AC)"><b>Min Time Sand </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftBuffCurse" style="width: 75px;" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="0">No Buff & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="1">Fourth Portal & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="2">Acolyte Influence & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="3">Acolyte Influence + Fourth Portal & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="4">Paladin\'s Bane & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="5">Paladin\'s Bane + Fourth Portal & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="6">Paladin\'s Bane + Acolyte Influence & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="7">All Buffs & No Curse</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="8">Buff(s) & Curse(s)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinTimeSand" min="0" max="99999" style="width:75px" value="50" onchange="onInputMinTimeSandChanged(this);">&nbsp;&nbsp;Before Enter AC';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftMinRSC" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select minimum Runic String Cheese before entering Acolyte Chamber (AC)&#13;Note 1: Total RSC = 2*RSC Pot + RSC"><b>Min Runic String Cheese</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftMinRSCType" style="width: 75px;" onchange="onSelectBWRiftMinRSCType();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NUMBER">Number</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GEQ">Greater or Equal to Min Time Sand</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinRSC" min="0" max="99999" style="width:75px" value="50" onchange="onInputMinRSCChanged(this);">&nbsp;&nbsp;Before Enter AC';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftEnterMinigame" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to enter minigame with curse(s)"><b>Enter Minigame with Curse(s)</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftEnterWCurse" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftSubLocation" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Chamber in Bristle Woods Rift"><b>Sub-Location</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftChamber" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NONE">Non-Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GEARWORKS">Gearworks</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANCIENT">Ancient Lab</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="RUNIC">Runic Laboratory</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TIMEWARP">Timewarp Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LUCKY">Lucky Tower</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIDDEN">Hidden Treasury</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GUARD">Guard Barracks</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SECURITY">Security Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FROZEN">Frozen Alcove</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FURNACE">Furnace Room</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="INGRESS">Ingress Chamber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PURSUER">Pursuer Mousoleum</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE_CHARGING">Acolyte Chamber Charging</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE_DRAINING">Acolyte Chamber Draining</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE_DRAINED">Acolyte Chamber Drained</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SEPARATOR" disabled>========= Separator =========</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NONE_CURSED">Non-Chamber Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GEARWORKS_CURSED">Gearworks Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANCIENT_CURSED">Ancient Lab Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="RUNIC_CURSED">Runic Laboratory Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TIMEWARP_CURSED">Timewarp Chamber Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LUCKY_CURSED">Lucky Tower Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIDDEN_CURSED">Hidden Treasury Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GUARD_CURSED">Guard Barracks Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SECURITY_CURSED">Security Chamber Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FROZEN_CURSED">Frozen Alcove Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FURNACE_CURSED">Furnace Room Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="INGRESS_CURSED">Ingress Chamber Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PURSUER_CURSED">Pursuer Mousoleum Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE_CHARGING_CURSED">Acolyte Chamber Charging Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE_DRAINING_CURSED">Acolyte Chamber Draining Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACOLYTE_DRAINED_CURSED">Acolyte Chamber Drained Cursed</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftMasterTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on current chamber"><b>Master Trap Setup</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftWeapon" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Chrome Celestial Dissonance">Chrome CD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Celestial Dissonance Trap">CDT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Timesplit Dissonance Weapon">TDW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mysteriously unYielding">MYNORCA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Focused Crystal Laser">FCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Multi-Crystal Laser">MCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap">BRT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Crystalabra Trap">Christmas Crystalabra Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crystal Tower">CT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftBase" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Prestige Base">Prestige</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Clockwork Base">Clockwork</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fissure Base">Fissure</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Base">Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fracture Base">Fracture</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Enerchi Induction Base">Enerchi</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Attuned Enerchi Induction Base">A. Enerchi</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Minotaur Base">Minotaur</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftTrinket" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftBait" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic String">Runic</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ancient String">Ancient</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic/Ancient">Runic/Ancient</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic=>Ancient">Runic=>Ancient</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Magical String">Magical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie String">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Swiss String">Swiss</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Marble String">Marble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">Deactivate Quantum Pocketwatch</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">Activate Quantum Pocketwatch</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftTrapSetupSpecial" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on current chamber"><b>Conditional Trap Setup </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftCleaverStatus" style="width:75px;display:none" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="0">Cleaver Not Available</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="1">Cleaver Available</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftAlertLvl" style="width:75px;display:none" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">Alert Lvl ' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftFTC" style="width:75px;display:none" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">FTC ' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftHunt" style="width:75px;display:none" onchange="initControlsBWRift();">';
                for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">Hunt ' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Chrome Celestial Dissonance">Chrome CD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Celestial Dissonance Trap">CDT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Timesplit Dissonance Weapon">TDW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mysteriously unYielding">MYNORCA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Focused Crystal Laser">FCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Multi-Crystal Laser">MCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap">BRT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Crystalabra Trap">Christmas Crystalabra Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crystal Tower">CT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftBaseSpecial" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Prestige Base">Prestige</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Clockwork Base">Clockwork</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fissure Base">Fissure</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Base">Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fracture Base">Fracture</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Enerchi Induction Base">Enerchi</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Attuned Enerchi Induction Base">A. Enerchi</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Minotaur Base">Minotaur</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftBaitSpecial" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic String">Runic</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ancient String">Ancient</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic/Ancient">Runic/Ancient</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Runic=>Ancient">Runic=>Ancient</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Magical String">Magical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie String">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Swiss String">Swiss</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Marble String">Marble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveBWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">Deactivate Quantum Pocketwatch</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">Activate Quantum Pocketwatch</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftActivatePocketWatch" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Activate Quantum Pocketwatch forcibly"><b>Force Activate Quantum</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum" style="width: 75px;" onchange="onSelectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;If Remaining Loot/Obelisk Charge &le;&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputRemainingLootA" min="1" max="100" size="5" value="1" onchange="onInputRemaininigLootAChanged(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBWRiftDeactivatePocketWatch" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Deactivate Quantum Pocketwatch forcibly"><b>Force Deactivate Quantum</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum" style="width: 75px;" onchange="onSelectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;If Remaining Loot/Obelisk Charge &le;&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputRemainingLootD" min="1" max="100" size="5" value="1" onchange="onInputRemaininigLootDChanged(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFRoxTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on current stage"><b>Trap Setup for </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxStage" onchange="initControlsFRox();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DAY">Day</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TWILIGHT">Twilight</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MIDNIGHT">Midnight</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PITCH">Pitch</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="UTTER">Utter Darkness</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FIRST">First Light</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DAWN">Dawn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxWeapon" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFRox();"></select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxBase" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFRox();"></select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxTrinket" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFRox();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxBait" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFRox();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crescent">Crescent</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Moon">Moon</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_LUNAR">Moon/Crescent</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Moon=>Crescent">Moon=>Crescent</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crescent=>Moon">Crescent=>Moon</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxActivateTower" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveFRox();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">Deactivate Tower</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">Activate Tower</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFRoxDeactiveTower" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to deactivate tower when full HP"><b>Deactivate Tower When HP Full</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate" onchange="saveFRox();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGESTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Trap Setup at </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESStage" style="width: 75px;" onchange="initControlsGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SD_BEFORE">Supply Depot (No Supply Rush)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SD_AFTER">Supply Depot (Supply Rush)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="RR">Raider River</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DC">Daredevil Canyon</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="WAITING">Waiting</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESTrapWeapon" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="S.L.A.C.">S.L.A.C.</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="S.L.A.C. II">S.L.A.C. II</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Supply Grabber">Supply Grabber</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Bandit Deflector">Bandit Deflector</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Engine Doubler">Engine Doubler</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="The Law Draw">The Law Draw</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Law Laser Trap">Law Laser Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Cactus Trap">Christmas Cactus Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Meteor Prison Core Trap">Meteor Prison Core Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="S.T.I.N.G. Trap">S.T.I.N.G. Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="S.T.I.N.G.E.R. Trap">S.T.I.N.G.E.R. Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESTrapBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px;" onchange="saveGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESRRTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px;display:none" onchange="saveGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AUTO">Roof Rack/Door Guard/Greasy Glob</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESDCTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px;display:none" onchange="saveGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="AUTO">Magmatic Crystal/Black Powder/Dusty Coal</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESTrapBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveGES();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGESSDLoadCrate" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Load Crate</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESSDLoadCrate" onchange="onSelectGESSDLoadCrate();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a><b>When Crate &ge; :</b></a>&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinCrate" min="1" max="50" size="5" value="11" onchange="saveGES(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGESRRRepellent" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Use Repellent</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESRRRepellent" onchange="onSelectGESRRRepellent();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a><b>When Repellent &ge; :</b></a>&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinRepellent" min="1" max="50" size="5" value="11" onchange="saveGES(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGESDCStokeEngine" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Stoke Engine</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGESDCStokeEngine" onchange="onSelectGESDCStokeEngine();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a><b>When Fuel Nuggests &ge;:</b></a>&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinFuelNugget" min="1" max="20" size="5" value="20" onchange="saveGES(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trWWRiftFactionFocus" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select a faction to focus on"><b>Faction to Focus</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftFaction" onchange="onSelectWWRiftFaction();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CC">Crazed Clearing</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GGT">Gigantic Gnarled Tree</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DL">Deep Lagoon</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MBW_40_44">MBW 40 &le; Rage &le; 44</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MBW_45_48">MBW 45 &le; Rage &le; 48</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trWWRiftFactionFocusNext" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select next faction to focus on"><b>Next Faction to Focus</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftFactionNext" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Remain">Remain</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CC">Crazed Clearing</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GGT">Gigantic Gnarled Tree</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DL">Deep Lagoon</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trWWRiftTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to trap setup based on certain range of rage"><b>Trap Setup for Rage</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftRage" onchange="initControlsWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="0">0-24</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25">25-49</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="50">50</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftTrapWeapon" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Chrome Celestial Dissonance">Chrome CD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Celestial Dissonance Trap">CDT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Timesplit Dissonance Weapon">TDW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mysteriously unYielding">MYNORCA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Focused Crystal Laser">FCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Multi-Crystal Laser">MCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap">BRT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Crystalabra Trap">Christmas Crystalabra Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crystal Tower">CT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftTrapBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FSC">Faction Specific Charm</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftTrapBait" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Magical String">Magical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie String">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Swiss String">Swiss</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Marble String">Marble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trWWRiftMBWMinRage" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select minimum rage to hunt MBW"><b>Min Rage to Hunt MBW</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinRage" min="40" max="48" size="5" value="40" onchange="onInputMinRageChanged(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trWWRiftMBWTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Trap Setup When </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftMBWBar4044" style="width: 75px; display:none" onchange="initControlsWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25_0">0 Bar &ge; 25 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25_1">1 Bar &ge; 25 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25_2">2 Bars &ge; 25 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MIN_RAGE_0">3 Bars &ge; 25 Rage / 0 Bar &ge; Min Rage to Hunt MBW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MIN_RAGE_1">1 Bar &ge; Min Rage to Hunt MBW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MIN_RAGE_2">2 Bars &ge; Min Rage to Hunt MBW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MIN_RAGE_3">3 Bars &ge; Min Rage to Hunt MBW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftMBWBar4548" style="width: 75px; display:none" onchange="initControlsWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25_0">0 Bar &ge; 25 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25_1">1 Bar &ge; 25 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="25_2">2 Bars &ge; 25 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="44_0">3 Bars &ge; 25 Rage / 0 Bar &ge; 44 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="44_1">1 Bar &ge; 44 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="44_2">2 Bars &ge; 44 Rage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="44_3">3 Bars &ge; 44 Rage / 0 Bar &ge; Min Rage to Hunt MBW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MIN_RAGE_1">1 Bar &ge; Min Rage to Hunt MBW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Chrome Celestial Dissonance">Chrome CD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Celestial Dissonance Trap">CDT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Timesplit Dissonance Weapon">TDW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mysteriously unYielding">MYNORCA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Focused Crystal Laser">FCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Multi-Crystal Laser">MCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap">BRT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Crystalabra Trap">Christmas Crystalabra Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crystal Tower">CT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FSCLR">Faction Specific Charm (Lowest Rage)</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait" onchange="saveWWRift();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Lactrodectus Lancashire">LLC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Magical String">Magical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie String">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Swiss String">Swiss</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Marble String">Marble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFREnterBattery" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select which battery level to enter Pagoda"><b>Enter at Battery</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectEnterAtBattery" onchange="saveFR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFRRetreatBattery" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select which battery level to retreat from  Pagoda"><b>Retreat at Battery</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectRetreatAtBattery" onchange="saveFR();">';
                for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFRTrapSetupAtBattery" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup for each battery"><b>Trap Setup at Battery</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectTrapSetupAtBattery" onchange="initControlsFR();">';
                for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRTrapWeapon" onchange="saveFR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Chrome Celestial Dissonance">Chrome CD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Celestial Dissonance Trap">CDT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Timesplit Dissonance Weapon">TDW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mysteriously unYielding">MYNORCA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Focused Crystal Laser">FCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Multi-Crystal Laser">MCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap">BRT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Crystalabra Trap">Christmas Crystalabra Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crystal Tower">CT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRTrapBase" onchange="saveFR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Prestige Base">Prestige</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Clockwork Base">Clockwork</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fissure Base">Fissure</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Base">Rift</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fracture Base">Fracture</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Enerchi Induction Base">Enerchi</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Attuned Enerchi Induction Base">A. Enerchi</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Minotaur Base">Minotaur</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRTrapBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="onSelectFRTrapBait();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ascended">Ascended</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Null Onyx Gorgonzola">Null Onyx Gorgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Rumble">Rift Rumble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Glutter">Rift Glutter</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Susheese">Rift Susheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Rift Combat">Rift Combat</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_MASTER">Glutter/Combat/Susheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BALANCE_MASTER">Balance Heirloom</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ORDER_MASTER">Master Cheese in Order</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Master Fusion">Master Fusion</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Maki String">Maki</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Magical String">Magical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie String">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Swiss String">Swiss</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Marble String">Marble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder" style="width: 75px;display:none" onchange="saveFR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Glutter=>Combat=>Susheese">Glutter=>Combat=>Susheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Glutter=>Susheese=>Combat">Glutter=>Susheese=>Combat</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Combat=>Glutter=>Susheese">Combat=>Glutter=>Susheese</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Combat=>Susheese=>Glutter">Combat=>Susheese=>Glutter</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Susheese=>Glutter=>Combat">Susheese=>Glutter=>Combat</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Susheese=>Combat=>Glutter">Susheese=>Combat=>Glutter</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trIceberg" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to trap setup based on current phase"><b>Trap Setup for</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectIcebergPhase" style="width: 75px" onchange="initControlsIceberg();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GENERAL">Iceberg General</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TREACHEROUS">Treacherous Tunnels</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BRUTAL">Brutal Bulwark</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BOMBING">Bombing Run</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MAD">Mad Depths</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ICEWING">Icewing\'s Lair</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIDDEN">Hidden Depths</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DEEP">The Deep Lair</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SLUSHY">Slushy Shoreline</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectIcebergBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveIceberg();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectIcebergTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveIceberg();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectIcebergBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveIceberg();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trZTFocus" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to chesspiece side to focus"><b>Side to Focus</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTFocus" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MYSTIC">Mystic Only</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TECHNIC">Technic Only</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MYSTIC=>TECHNIC">Mystic First Technic Second</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TECHNIC=>MYSTIC">Technic First Mystic Second</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trZTTrapSetup1st" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on first focus-side chesspiece order"><b>First Side Trap Setup for </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTMouseOrder1st" onchange="initControlsZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PAWN">Pawn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="KNIGHT">Knight</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BISHOP">Bishop</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ROOK">Rook</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="QUEEN">Queen</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="KING">King</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CHESSMASTER">Chessmaster</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTWeapon1st" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MPP/TPP">Focused-Side Pawn Pincher</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BPT/OAT">Focused-Side Trap BPT/OAT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTBase1st" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTTrinket1st" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTBait1st" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Checkmate">Checkmate</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trZTTrapSetup2nd" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on second focus-side chesspiece order"><b>Second Side Trap Setup for </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTMouseOrder2nd" onchange="initControlsZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="PAWN">Pawn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="KNIGHT">Knight</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BISHOP">Bishop</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ROOK">Rook</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="QUEEN">Queen</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="KING">King</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CHESSMASTER">Chessmaster</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTWeapon2nd" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MPP/TPP">Focused-Side Pawn Pincher</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="BPT/OAT">Focused-Side Trap BPT/OAT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTBase2nd" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTTrinket2nd" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZTBait2nd" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveZT();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Checkmate">Checkmate</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSGTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to trap setup based on certain season"><b>Trap Setup For </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSGSeason" onchange="initControlsSG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SPRING">Spring</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUMMER">Summer</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FALL">Fall</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="WINTER">Winter</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSGTrapWeapon" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveSG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSGTrapBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveSG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSGTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveSG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSGTrapBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveSG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSGDisarmBait" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to disarm bait when amplifier is fully charged"><b>Disarm Bait</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSGDisarmBait" onchange="saveSG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;After Amplifier Fully Charged';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLGTGAutoFill" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Auto Fill in </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGAutoFillSide" onchange="initControlsLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LG">Living Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TG">Twisted Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGAutoFillState" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLGTGAutoPour" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Auto Pour in </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGAutoPourSide" onchange="initControlsLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LG">Living Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TG">Twisted Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGAutoPourState" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trPourTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>After Poured in </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGSide" onchange="initControlsLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LG">Living Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TG">Twisted Garden</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLGTGBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Duskshade Camembert">Duskshade Camembert</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Lunaria Camembert">Lunaria Camembert</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trCurseLiftedTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>After Curse Lifted in </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLCCCSide" onchange="initControlsLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LC">Lost City</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CC">Cursed City</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLCCCBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLCCCTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSaltedTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Trap Setup </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSaltedStatus" onchange="initControlsLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="before">During</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="after">After</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select><a><b> Salt Charging</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSCBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Max number of salt before hunting King Grub"><b>Salt Charge : </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputKGSalt" min="1" max="50" size="5" value="25" onchange="saveLG();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGWHTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on anchor/boost status"><b>Trap Setup When </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHZone" style="width: 75px" onchange="initControlsGWH2016();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ORDER1">Simple Zone With Order</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ORDER2">Deluxe Zone With Order</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NONORDER1">Simple Zone W/O Order</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NONORDER2">Deluxe Zone W/O Order</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="WINTER_WASTELAND">Winter Wasteland</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SNOWBALL_STORM">Snowball Storm</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FLYING">Flying</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NEW_YEAR\'S_PARTY">New Year\'s Party</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHWeapon" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveGWH2016();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveGWH2016();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHTrinket" style="width: 75px;" onchange="onSelectGWHTrinketChanged();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANCHOR_FAC/EAC">FAC/EAC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveGWH2016();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_FESTIVE_BRIE">AA/Festive Cheese/Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_FESTIVE_GOUDA">AA/Festive Cheese/Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_FESTIVE_SB">AA/Festive Cheese/SUPER|brie+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
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                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">Not Boost</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">Boost</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGWHTurboBoost" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to always Turbo boost (500m)"><b>Always Turbo Boost</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHUseTurboBoost" onchange="saveGWH2016();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGWHFlying" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select minimum AA to take flight"><b>Min AA to Fly (&ge;)</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinAA" min="0" max="9007199254740991" style="width:50px" value="20" onchange="onInputMinAAChanged(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGWHFlyingFirework" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select minimum firework to take flight"><b>Min Firework to Fly (&ge;)</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputMinFirework" min="0" max="9007199254740991" style="width:50px" value="20" onchange="onInputMinWorkChanged(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trGWHFlyingLand" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select whether land after firework run out"><b>Land after Firework Run Out</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework" onchange="saveGWH2016();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSCCustom" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select custom algorithm"><b>SC Custom Algorithm</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSCHuntZone" style="width:75px" onChange="initControlsSCCustom();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_NOT_DIVE">Surface</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_DEFAULT">Default</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_CORAL">Coral</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_SCALE">Scale</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_BARNACLE">Barnacle</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_TREASURE">Treasure</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_DANGER">Danger</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_DANGER_PP">Danger PP MT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_DANGER_PP_LOTA">Danger PP LOTA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_OXYGEN">Oxygen</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ZONE_BONUS">Bonus</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSCHuntZoneEnable" style="width:75px;display:none" onChange="saveSCCustomAlgo();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">Hunt</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">Jet Through</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSCHuntBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveSCCustomAlgo();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Empowered SUPER">Empowered SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Fishy Fromage">Fishy Fromage</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSCHuntTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveSCCustomAlgo();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Empowered Anchor">EAC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GAC_EAC">GAC, EAC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SAC_EAC">SAC, EAC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="UAC_EAC">UAC, EAC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trSCCustomUseSmartJet" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to always use Smart Water Jet Charm"><b>Use Smart Jet</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectSCUseSmartJet" onchange="saveSCCustomAlgo();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinth" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select a district to focus on"><b>District to Focus</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLabyrinthDistrict" onChange="onSelectLabyrinthDistrict();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FEALTY">Fealty</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TECH">Tech</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SCHOLAR">Scholar</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="TREASURY">Treasury</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FARMING">Farming</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinthDisarm" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select to disarm cheese at X last hunt in hallway when total clues near 100"><b>Security Disarm</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLabyrinthDisarm" onChange="onSelectLabyrinthDisarm();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;At Last&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputLabyrinthLastHunt" min="2" max="10" style="width:40px" value="2" onchange="onInputLabyrinthLastHuntChanged(this);">&nbsp;Hunt(s) in Hallway Near 100 Total Clues';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinthArmOtherBase" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select to arm other base"><b>Arm Other Base</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLabyrinthOtherBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Treasure Seeker Base">Treasure Seeker</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Compass Magnet Base">Compass Magnet</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Prestige Base">Prestige</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Select Treasure Seeker Base/Compass Magnet Base/Any other base';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinthDisarmCompass" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a><b>Disarm Compass Magnet</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass" onchange="onSelectLabyrinthDisarmCompass();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;If Dead End Clue &le; :&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputLabyrinthDEC" min="0" max="20" style="width:40px" value="0" onchange="onInputLabyrinthDECChanged(this);">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trPriorities15" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select hallway priorities when focus-district clues less than 15"><b>Priorities (Focus-District Clues < 15)</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectHallway15Plain" onChange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="lp">Long Plain Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="sp">Short Plain Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trPriorities1560" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select hallway priorities when focus-district clues within 15 and 60"><b>Priorities (15 < Focus-District Clues < 60)</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectHallway1560Superior" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ls">Long Superior Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ss">Short Superior Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectHallway1560Plain" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="lp">Long Plain Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="sp">Short Plain Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trPriorities60" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select hallway priorities when focus-district clues more than 60"><b>Priorities (Focus-District Clues > 60)</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectHallway60Epic" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="le">Long Epic Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="se">Short Epic Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectHallway60Superior" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ls">Long Superior Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ss">Short Superior Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectHallway60Plain" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="lp">Long Plain Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="sp">Short Plain Hallway First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinthOtherHallway" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Choose doors other than focused door when there is no available focused door to be choosen"><b>Open Non-Focus Door</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="chooseOtherDoors" onChange="\
document.getElementById(\'typeOtherDoors\').disabled = (value == \'false\') ? \'disabled\' : \'\'; ">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Select a choosing type for non-focused doors"><b>Choosing Type:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="typeOtherDoors" onChange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SHORTEST_ONLY">Shortest Length Only</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FEWEST_ONLY">Fewest Clue Only</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SHORTEST_FEWEST">Shortest Length => Fewest Clue</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="FEWEST_SHORTEST">Fewest Clue => Shortest Length </option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinthUseShufflers" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Automatically use shufflers cube when no chosen doors present"><b>Use Shufflers Cube</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectUseShufflersCube" onChange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trLabyrinthWeaponFarming" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select weapon type in farming hallways"><b>Weapon Type in Farming</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectLabyrinthWeaponType" onchange="saveLaby();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Forgotten">Forgotten</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Arcane">Arcane</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trZokorTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select trap setup under different boss status"><b>Trap Setup When</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZokorBossStatus" onChange="initControlsZokor();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="INCOMING">Boss Incoming</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ACTIVE">Boss Active</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="DEFEATED">Boss Defeated</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZokorBait" style="width: 75px" onChange="saveZokor();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Glowing Gruyere">GG</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectZokorTrinket" style="width: 75px" onChange="saveZokor();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFWWave" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select FW wave"><b>Wave</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWWave" onChange="initControlsFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="1">1</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="2">2</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="3">3</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="4">4</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFWTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on certain FW wave"><b>Physical Trap Setup</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWTrapSetupWeapon" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWTrapSetupBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFW4TrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select trap setup based on warden status"><b>Trap Setup </b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFW4WardenStatus" onchange="initControlsFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="before">Before</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="after">After</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select><a><b> Clear Warden</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFW4TrapSetupBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFW4TrapSetupBait" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFWFocusType" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select either Normal (Warrior, Scout, Archer) or Special (Cavalry, Mage)"><b>Soldier Type to Focus</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWFocusType" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NORMAL">Normal</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SPECIAL">Special</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Select which soldier type comes first based on population"><b>Priorities:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWPriorities" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="HIGHEST">Highest Population First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="LOWEST">Lowest Population First</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Use commander charm to clear streak when population is empty"><b>Commander to Clear Streak:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectCommanderClearStreak" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFWStreak" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select streak"><b>Streak</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWStreak" onChange="initControlsFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="0">0</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="1">1</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="2">2</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="3">3</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="4">4</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="5">5</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="6">6</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="7">7</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="8">8</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="9">9</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="10">10</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="11">11</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="12">12</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="13">13</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="14">14</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="15">15</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWCheese" style="width: 75px" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie Cheese">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic Brie">Toxic Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Gouda">Gouda</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="SUPER">SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Toxic SUPER">Toxic SB+</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Ghoulgonzola">Ghoulgonzola</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Candy Corn">Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="ANY_HALLOWEEN">Ghoulgonzola/Candy Corn</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWCharmType" style="width: 75px" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Warpath">Warpath</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Super Warpath">Super Warpath</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWSpecial" style="width: 75px" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="COMMANDER">Commander</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GARGANTUA">Gargantua</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="GARGANTUA_GGC" disabled="disabled">Gargantua GGC</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFWLastType" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select config when there is only one soldier type left"><b>Last Soldier Type</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWLastTypeConfig" onChange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CONFIG_STREAK">Follow Streak Config</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CONFIG_GOUDA">Gouda & No Warpath Charm</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="NO_WARPATH">No Warpath Charm Only</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="CONFIG_UNCHANGED">Trap Setup Unchanged</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Select whether to include Artillery in checking of Last Soldier"><b>Include Artillery:</b></a>&emsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trFWSupportConfig" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;"><a title="Select whether to disarm any Warpath Charm when supports are gone"><b>Disarm Warpath Charm</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectFWSupportConfig" onchange="saveFW();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="false">False</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="true">True</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;When Support Retreated';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBRConfig" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select the mist tier to hunt"><b>Hunt At</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBRHuntMistTier" onChange="onSelectBRHuntMistTierChanged();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Red">Red</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Green">Green</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Yellow">Yellow</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Mist Tier';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBRToggle" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select the amount of hunt to toggle canister"><b>Toggle Canister Every</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="inputToggleCanister" min="1" max="999" value="1" onchange="onInputToggleCanisterChanged(this);">&nbsp;&nbsp;Hunt(s)';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr id="trBRTrapSetup" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Select trap setup combination for respective mist tier"><b>Trap Setup</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBRTrapWeapon" onchange="saveBR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="MASTER">Master</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Chrome Celestial Dissonance">Chrome CD</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Celestial Dissonance Trap">CDT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Timesplit Dissonance Weapon">TDW</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Mysteriously unYielding">MYNORCA</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Focused Crystal Laser">FCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Multi-Crystal Laser">MCL</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Biomolecular Re-atomizer Trap">BRT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Christmas Crystalabra Trap">Christmas Crystalabra Trap</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Crystal Tower">CT</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBRTrapBase" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveBR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBRTrapTrinket" style="width: 75px" onchange="saveBR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<select id="selectBRTrapBait" onchange="saveBR();">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="None">None</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Polluted Parmesan">PP</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Terre Ricotta">Terre</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Magical String">Magical</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Brie String">Brie</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Swiss String">Swiss</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Marble String">Marble</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<option value="Undead String Emmental">USE</option>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</select>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;" colspan="2">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="AlgoConfigSaveInput" title="Save changes of Event or Location without reload, take effect after current hunt" value="Apply" onclick="setSessionToLocal();">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="AlgoConfigSaveReloadInput" title="Save changes of Event or Location with reload, take effect immediately" value="Apply & Reload" onclick="setSessionToLocal();' + temp + '">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                if (eventLocation == "Hunt For") {
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Type in how many hunts you want to hunt for"><b>How many hunts?</b></a>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="number" id="nobHuntsLeftInput" name="nobHuntsLeftInput" value="' + NOBhuntsLeft + '" />';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                    preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="FOR DEVS ONLY" onclick="if(confirm(\'Are you sure you want to inject code?\'))$(\'#addonCode\').toggle();"><b>Click here if you would like to inject code.</b></a>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<textarea id="addonCode" name="addonCode" style="display:none;">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += addonCode;
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</textarea>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '</table>';

                preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;" colspan="2">';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '(Changes only take place after user save the preference) ';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="PreferenceSaveInput" value="Save" onclick="	\
if (document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'AggressiveMode\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'AggressiveMode\', \'false\'); }	\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'HornTimeDelayMin\', document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').value); window.localStorage.setItem(\'HornTimeDelayMax\', document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').value);	\
if (document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheck\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheck\', \'false\'); }	\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeOffset\', document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput\').value);	\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMin\', document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').value); window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMax\', document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').value);	\
if (document.getElementById(\'PlayKingRewardSoundInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PlayKingRewardSound\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PlayKingRewardSound\', \'false\'); }	\
if (document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKR\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKR\', \'false\'); }	\
				window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMin\', document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMinInput\').value); window.localStorage.setItem(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMax\', document.getElementById(\'AutoSolveKRDelayMaxInput\').value);	\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardSoundInput\', document.getElementById(\'KingRewardSoundInput\').value);	\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardEmail\', document.getElementById(\'KingRewardEmail\').value);	\
if (document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardResume\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardResume\', \'false\'); }	\
window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardResumeTime\', document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeTimeInput\').value);	\
if (document.getElementById(\'PauseLocationInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PauseLocation\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PauseLocation\', \'false\'); }	\
if (document.getElementById(\'autopopkrTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'autoPopupKR\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'autoPopupKR\', \'false\'); }	\
if (document.getElementById(\'nobHuntsLeftInput\')) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'NOB-huntsLeft\', document.getElementById(\'nobHuntsLeftInput\').value); } \
window.localStorage.setItem(\'addonCode\', document.getElementById(\'addonCode\').value);\
                if (fbPlatform) {
                    if (secureConnection)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>';
                        preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>';
                } else if (hiFivePlatform) {
                    if (secureConnection)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>';
                        preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>';
                } else if (mhPlatform) {
                    if (secureConnection)
                        preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>';
                        preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>';
                preferenceHTMLStr += '</table>';

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                    "66.6% {color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}" +
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                    preferenceDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
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                preferenceHTMLStr = null;
                showPreference = null;

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                hr3Element = null;
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                NOBspecialMessageDiv = null;
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                scriptElement = null;


                // insert trap list
                var objSelectStr = {
                    weapon: ['selectWeapon', 'selectZTWeapon1st', 'selectZTWeapon2nd', 'selectBestTrapWeapon', 'selectFWTrapSetupWeapon', 'selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon', 'selectSGTrapWeapon', 'selectFRoxWeapon', 'selectGWHWeapon', 'selectBCJODWeapon', 'selectFGARWeapon'],
                    base: ['selectBase', 'selectLabyrinthOtherBase', 'selectZTBase1st', 'selectZTBase2nd', 'selectBestTrapBase', 'selectFWTrapSetupBase', 'selectFW4TrapSetupBase', 'selectLGTGBase', 'selectLCCCBase', 'selectSCBase', 'selectIcebergBase', 'selectGESTrapBase', 'selectSGTrapBase', 'selectFRoxBase', 'selectGWHBase', 'selectBRTrapBase', 'selectWWRiftTrapBase', 'selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase', 'selectBCJODBase', 'selectFGARBase'],
                    trinket: ['selectZokorTrinket', 'selectTrinket', 'selectZTTrinket1st', 'selectZTTrinket2nd', 'selectFRTrapTrinket', 'selectBRTrapTrinket', 'selectLGTGTrinket', 'selectLCCCTrinket', 'selectIcebergTrinket', 'selectWWRiftTrapTrinket', 'selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket', 'selectGESTrapTrinket', 'selectGESRRTrapTrinket', 'selectGESDCTrapTrinket', 'selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket', 'selectSGTrapTrinket', 'selectSCHuntTrinket', 'selectFRoxTrinket', 'selectGWHTrinket', 'selectGESTrapTrinket', 'selectBWRiftTrinket', 'selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial', 'selectBCJODTrinket', 'selectFGARTrinket'],
                    bait: ['selectBait', 'selectGWHBait']
                var temp;
                var optionEle;
                for (var prop in objTrapCollection) {
                    if (objTrapCollection.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        objTrapCollection[prop] = objTrapCollection[prop].sort();
                        for (i = 0; i < objTrapCollection[prop].length; i++) {
                            optionEle = document.createElement("option");
                            optionEle.setAttribute('value', objTrapCollection[prop][i]);
                            optionEle.innerText = objTrapCollection[prop][i];
                            if (objSelectStr.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                                for (var j = 0; j < objSelectStr[prop].length; j++) {
                                    temp = document.getElementById(objSelectStr[prop][j]);
                                    if (!isNullOrUndefined(temp))
                //document.getElementById('idRestore').style.display = (targetPage) ? 'table-row' : 'none';
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                document.getElementById('showPreferenceLink').style.display = (targetPage) ? 'table-row' : 'none';
            headerElement = null;

        targetPage = null;
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) {
            for (var prop in e) {
                console.log("embedTimer error stack: " + prop + " value: [" + e[prop] + "]\n");

        if (debug) console.log('embedTimer error - ' + e);
        if (debug) console.log(e);

function loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage() {
    var aggressiveModeTemp = getStorage("AggressiveMode");
    if (aggressiveModeTemp == undefined || aggressiveModeTemp == null) {
        setStorage("AggressiveMode", aggressiveMode.toString());
    } else if (aggressiveModeTemp == true || aggressiveModeTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        aggressiveMode = true;
    } else {
        aggressiveMode = false;
    aggressiveModeTemp = undefined;

    var hornTimeDelayMinTemp = getStorage("HornTimeDelayMin");
    var hornTimeDelayMaxTemp = getStorage("HornTimeDelayMax");
    if (hornTimeDelayMinTemp == undefined || hornTimeDelayMinTemp == null || hornTimeDelayMaxTemp == undefined || hornTimeDelayMaxTemp == null) {
        setStorage("HornTimeDelayMin", hornTimeDelayMin);
        setStorage("HornTimeDelayMax", hornTimeDelayMax);
    } else {
        hornTimeDelayMin = parseInt(hornTimeDelayMinTemp);
        hornTimeDelayMax = parseInt(hornTimeDelayMaxTemp);
    hornTimeDelayMinTemp = undefined;
    hornTimeDelayMaxTemp = undefined;

    var trapCheckTemp = getStorage("TrapCheck");
    if (trapCheckTemp == undefined || trapCheckTemp == null) {
        setStorage("TrapCheck", enableTrapCheck.toString());
    } else if (trapCheckTemp == true || trapCheckTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        enableTrapCheck = true;
    } else {
        enableTrapCheck = false;
    trapCheckTemp = undefined;

    var trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp = getStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset");
    if (trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp == undefined || trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp == null) {
        setStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset", trapCheckTimeDiff);
    } else {
        trapCheckTimeDiff = parseInt(trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp);
    trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp = undefined;

    var trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp = getStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMin");
    var trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp = getStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMax");
    if (trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp == undefined || trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp == null || trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp == undefined || trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp == null) {
        setStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMin", checkTimeDelayMin);
        setStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMax", checkTimeDelayMax);
    } else {
        checkTimeDelayMin = parseInt(trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp);
        checkTimeDelayMax = parseInt(trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp);
    trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp = undefined;
    trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp = undefined;

    var playKingRewardSoundTemp = getStorage("PlayKingRewardSound");
    if (playKingRewardSoundTemp == undefined || playKingRewardSoundTemp == null) {
        setStorage("PlayKingRewardSound", isKingWarningSound.toString());
    } else if (playKingRewardSoundTemp == true || playKingRewardSoundTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        isKingWarningSound = true;
    } else {
        isKingWarningSound = false;
    playKingRewardSoundTemp = undefined;

    var kingRewardSoundTemp = getStorage('KingRewardSoundInput');
    if (kingRewardSoundTemp == undefined || kingRewardSoundTemp == null || kingRewardSoundTemp == "") {
        kingRewardSoundTemp = '';
        setStorage('KingRewardSoundInput', kingWarningSound);
    } else {
        kingWarningSound = kingRewardSoundTemp;
    kingRewardSoundTemp = undefined;

    var kingRewardEmailTemp = getStorage('KingRewardEmail');
    if (kingRewardEmailTemp == undefined || kingRewardEmailTemp == null || kingRewardEmailTemp == "") {
        kingRewardEmailTemp = '';
        setStorage('KingRewardEmail', '');
    } else {
        kingRewardEmail = kingRewardEmailTemp;
    kingRewardEmailTemp = undefined;

    var kingRewardResumeTemp = getStorage("KingRewardResume");
    if (kingRewardResumeTemp == undefined || kingRewardResumeTemp == null) {
        setStorage("KingRewardResume", reloadKingReward.toString());
    } else if (kingRewardResumeTemp == true || kingRewardResumeTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        reloadKingReward = true;
    } else {
        reloadKingReward = false;
    kingRewardResumeTemp = undefined;

    var kingRewardResumeTimeTemp = getStorage("KingRewardResumeTime");
    if (kingRewardResumeTimeTemp == undefined || kingRewardResumeTimeTemp == null) {
        setStorage("KingRewardResumeTime", kingPauseTimeMax);
    } else {
        kingPauseTimeMax = parseInt(kingRewardResumeTimeTemp);
    kingRewardResumeTimeTemp = undefined;

    var pauseLocationTemp = getStorage("PauseLocation");
    if (pauseLocationTemp == undefined || pauseLocationTemp == null) {
        setStorage("PauseLocation", pauseAtInvalidLocation.toString());
    } else if (pauseLocationTemp == true || pauseLocationTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        pauseAtInvalidLocation = true;
    } else {
        pauseAtInvalidLocation = false;
    pauseLocationTemp = undefined;

    var autopopkrTemp = getStorage("autoPopupKR");
    if (autopopkrTemp == undefined || autopopkrTemp == null) {
        setStorage("autoPopupKR", autoPopupKR.toString());
    } else if (autopopkrTemp == true || autopopkrTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        autoPopupKR = true;
    } else {
        autoPopupKR = false;
    autopopkrTemp = undefined;

    var addonCodeTemp = getStorage("addonCode");
    if (addonCodeTemp == undefined || addonCodeTemp === null || addonCodeTemp == "" || addonCodeTemp == "null") {
        setStorage('addonCode', "");
    addonCode = addonCodeTemp;

    addonCodeTemp = undefined;

    // nobTrapCounter to only refetch all traps when counter hits 0
    var nobTrapsTemp = nobGet('traps');
    var nobTrapsTempCounter = getStorage('nobTrapsCounter');
    if (nobTrapsTempCounter == undefined || nobTrapsTempCounter === null) {
        nobTrapsTempCounter = 1000;
    if (nobTrapsTempCounter > 0 && nobTrapsTempCounter < 501) {
        if (!(nobTrapsTemp == undefined || nobTrapsTemp === null)) {
            NOBtraps = JSON.parse(nobTrapsTemp);

        setStorage('nobTrapsCounter', nobTrapsTempCounter - 1);
    } else {
        NOBtraps = [];
        setStorage('nobTrapsCounter', 500);
    nobTrapsTemp = undefined;
    nobTrapsTempCounter = undefined;

    var nobHuntsLeft = parseInt(nobGet('huntsLeft'));
    if (nobHuntsLeft > NOBhuntsLeft)
        NOBhuntsLeft = nobHuntsLeft;
    nobHuntsLeft = undefined;

    var dischargeTemp = getStorage("discharge");
    if (dischargeTemp == undefined || dischargeTemp == null) {
        setStorage("discharge", true.toString());
    } else if (dischargeTemp == true || dischargeTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        discharge = true;
    } else {
        discharge = false;
    dischargeTemp = undefined;

    var eventTemp = getStorage('eventLocation');
    if (eventTemp == undefined || eventTemp == null) {
        setStorage('eventLocation', 'None');
        eventTemp = getStorage('eventLocation');
    eventLocation = eventTemp;
    eventTemp = undefined;

    isAutoSolve = getStorageToVariableBool("AutoSolveKR", isAutoSolve);
    krDelayMin = getStorageToVariableInt("AutoSolveKRDelayMin", krDelayMin);
    krDelayMax = getStorageToVariableInt("AutoSolveKRDelayMax", krDelayMax);
    kingsRewardRetry = getStorageToVariableInt("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);
    aggressiveMode = getStorageToVariableBool("AggressiveMode", aggressiveMode);
    hornTimeDelayMin = getStorageToVariableInt("HornTimeDelayMin", hornTimeDelayMin);
    hornTimeDelayMax = getStorageToVariableInt("HornTimeDelayMax", hornTimeDelayMax);
    sleepMode = getStorageToVariableBool("SleepMode", sleepMode);
    sleepModeTimeMin = getStorageToVariableStr("SleepModeTimeMin", sleepModeTimeMin);
    sleepModeTimeMax = getStorageToVariableStr("SleepModeTimeMax", sleepModeTimeMax);
    enableTrapCheck = getStorageToVariableBool("TrapCheck", enableTrapCheck);
    checkTimeDelayMin = getStorageToVariableInt("TrapCheckTimeDelayMin", checkTimeDelayMin);
    checkTimeDelayMax = getStorageToVariableInt("TrapCheckTimeDelayMax", checkTimeDelayMax);
    isKingWarningSound = getStorageToVariableBool("PlayKingRewardSound", isKingWarningSound);
    isAutoSolve = getStorageToVariableBool("AutoSolveKR", isAutoSolve);
    autoPopupKR = getStorageToVariableBool("autoPopupKR", autoPopupKR);
    krDelayMin = getStorageToVariableInt("AutoSolveKRDelayMin", krDelayMin);
    krDelayMax = getStorageToVariableInt("AutoSolveKRDelayMax", krDelayMax);
    kingsRewardRetry = getStorageToVariableInt("KingsRewardRetry", kingsRewardRetry);
    pauseAtInvalidLocation = getStorageToVariableBool("PauseLocation", pauseAtInvalidLocation);
    saveKRImage = getStorageToVariableBool("SaveKRImage", saveKRImage);
    g_nTimeOffset = getStorageToVariableInt("TimeOffset", g_nTimeOffset);
    discharge = getStorageToVariableBool("discharge", discharge);
    try {
        keyKR = [];
        var keyName = "";
        var keyRemove = [];
        var i, j, value, objTest;
        for (i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) {
            keyName = window.localStorage.key(i);
            if (keyName.indexOf("KR-") > -1) { // remove old KR entries
            else if (keyName.indexOf("KR" + separator) > -1) {
            value = getStorage(keyName); // remove entries of duplicate JSON.stringify
            if (value.indexOf("{") > -1) {
                try {
                    objTest = JSON.parse(value);
                    if (typeof objTest == 'string') {
                        setStorage(keyName, objTest);
                        setSessionStorage(keyName, objTest);
                catch (e) {
                    console.perror(keyName, e.message);

        for (i = 0; i < keyRemove.length; i++) {

        if (keyKR.length > maxSaveKRImage) {
            keyKR = keyKR.sort();
            var count = Math.floor(maxSaveKRImage / 2);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

        // Backward compatibility of SCCustom
        var temp = "";
        var keyValue = "";
        var obj = {};
        var bResave = false;
        var objSCCustomBackward = {
            zone: ['ZONE_NOT_DIVE'],
            zoneID: [0],
            isHunt: [true],
            bait: ['Gouda'],
            trinket: ['None'],
            useSmartJet: false
        for (var prop in objSCZone) {
            if (objSCZone.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                keyName = "SCCustom_" + prop;
                keyValue = window.localStorage.getItem(keyName);
                if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
                    keyValue = keyValue.split(',');
          [objSCZone[prop]] = prop;
                    objSCCustomBackward.zoneID[objSCZone[prop]] = objSCZone[prop];
                    objSCCustomBackward.isHunt[objSCZone[prop]] = (keyValue[0] === 'true' || keyValue[0] === true);
                    objSCCustomBackward.bait[objSCZone[prop]] = keyValue[1];
                    objSCCustomBackward.trinket[objSCZone[prop]] = keyValue[2];
        if ( > 1) {
            setStorage('SCCustom', JSON.stringify(objSCCustomBackward));
            setSessionStorage('SCCustom', JSON.stringify(objSCCustomBackward));

        keyValue = getStorage("SCCustom");
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            var arrTempOri = ['NoSC', 'TT', 'EAC', 'scAnchorTreasure', 'scAnchorDanger', 'scAnchorUlti'];
            var arrTempNew = ['None', 'Treasure Trawling Charm', 'Empowered Anchor Charm', 'GAC_EAC', 'SAC_EAC', 'UAC_EAC'];
            var nIndex = -1;
            for (var prop in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop == 'trinket') {
                    for (i = 0; i < obj[prop].length; i++) {
                        nIndex = arrTempOri.indexOf(obj[prop][i]);
                        if (nIndex > -1) {
                            obj[prop][i] = arrTempNew[nIndex];
                            bResave = true;
            if ('ZONE_DANGER_PP_LOTA') < 0) {
                obj.zoneID = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
                nIndex ='ZONE_DANGER_PP');
                obj.isHunt[10] = obj.isHunt[nIndex];
                obj.bait[10] = obj.bait[nIndex];
                obj.trinket[10] = obj.trinket[nIndex];
                bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage("SCCustom", JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage("SCCustom", JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Backward compatibility of SGZT
        keyValue = getStorage("SGZT");
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            setStorage("SGarden", keyValue);
            setSessionStorage("SGarden", keyValue);

        // Backward compatibility of ZTower
        keyValue = getStorage("ZTower");
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            var arrTemp = new Array(7).fill('');
            for (var prop in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&
                    (prop == 'weapon' || prop == 'base' || prop == 'trinket' || prop == 'bait')) {
                    if (obj[prop].length == 7) {
                        obj[prop] = obj[prop].concat(arrTemp);
                        bResave = true;
                    if (prop == 'bait') {
                        for (i = 0; i < obj[prop].length; i++) {
                            if (obj[prop][i] == 'Brie') {
                                obj[prop][i] = 'Brie Cheese';
                                bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage("ZTower", JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage("ZTower", JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Backward compatibility of BRCustom
        keyValue = getStorage("BRCustom");
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            for (i = 0; i < obj.trinket.length; i++) {
                if (obj.trinket[i] == 'None' || obj.trinket[i] == 'NoAbove' || obj.trinket[i] === '' || isNullOrUndefined(obj.trinket[i]))
                if (obj.trinket[i].indexOf('Charm') < 0) {
                    obj.trinket[i] += ' Charm';
                    bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage("BRCustom", JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage("BRCustom", JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Backward compatibility of FRift
        keyValue = getStorage("FRift");
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            for (i = 0; i < obj.trinket.length; i++) {
                if (obj.trinket[i] == 'None' || obj.trinket[i] == 'NoAbove' || obj.trinket[i] === '' || isNullOrUndefined(obj.trinket[i]))
                if (obj.trinket[i].indexOf('Charm') < 0) {
                    obj.trinket[i] += ' Charm';
                    bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage("FRift", JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage("FRift", JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Remove old LG
        keyValue = getStorage("LGArea");
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue) && keyValue.split(",").length == 2) {

        // Backward compatibility of FW
        keyValue = getStorage('FW');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = {};
            for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
                temp = 'FW_Wave' + i;
                keyValue = getStorage(temp);
                if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
                    obj['wave' + i] = JSON.parse(keyValue);
                else {
                    obj['wave' + i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objDefaultFW));
            setStorage('FW', JSON.stringify(obj));
        else {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
                temp = 'wave' + i;
                for (j = 0; j < obj[temp].cheese.length; j++) {
                    if (obj[temp].cheese[j] == 'Brie') {
                        obj[temp].cheese[j] = 'Brie Cheese';
                        bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage("FW", JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage("FW", JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Backward compatibility of Labyrinth
        keyValue = getStorage('Labyrinth');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = {};
            temp = getStorage('Labyrinth_DistrictFocus');
            keyValue = getStorage('Labyrinth_HallwayPriorities');
            if (isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
                obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objDefaultLaby));
            else {
                obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
                if (isNullOrUndefined(temp))
                    temp = 'None';
                obj.districtFocus = temp;
            setStorage('Labyrinth', JSON.stringify(obj));
            temp = ['Labyrinth_DistrictFocus', 'Labyrinth_HallwayPriorities'];
            for (i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {

        // Backward compatibility of Zokor
        keyValue = getStorage('Zokor');
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            for (i = 0; i < obj.bait.length; i++) {
                if (obj.bait[i] == 'Brie') {
                    obj.bait[i] = 'Brie Cheese';
                    bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage('Zokor', JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage('Zokor', JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Backward compatibility of GWH2016R
        keyValue = getStorage('GWH2016R');
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            if ("NEW_YEAR'S_PARTY") < 0) {
                bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage('GWH2016R', JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage('GWH2016R', JSON.stringify(obj));

        // Disable GWH2016
        if (getStorageToVariableStr("eventLocation", "None").indexOf('GWH2016') > -1)
            setStorage("eventLocation", "None");

        // Backward compatibility of GES
        keyValue = getStorage('GES');
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            if (isNullOrUndefined(obj.SD_BEFORE)) {
                var objNew = {
                    bLoadCrate: obj.SD.bLoadCrate,
                    nMinCrate: obj.SD.nMinCrate,
                    bUseRepellent: obj.RR.bUseRepellent,
                    nMinRepellent: obj.RR.nMinRepellent,
                    bStokeEngine: obj.DC.bStokeEngine,
                    nMinFuelNugget: obj.DC.nMinFuelNugget,
                    SD_BEFORE: {
                        weapon: obj.SD.weapon,
                        base: obj.SD.base,
                        trinket: obj.SD.trinket.before,
                        bait: obj.SD.bait,
                    SD_AFTER: {
                        weapon: obj.SD.weapon,
                        base: obj.SD.base,
                        trinket: obj.SD.trinket.after,
                        bait: obj.SD.bait,
                    RR: {
                        weapon: obj.RR.weapon,
                        base: obj.RR.base,
                        trinket: obj.RR.trinket,
                        bait: obj.RR.bait,
                    DC: {
                        weapon: obj.DC.weapon,
                        base: obj.DC.base,
                        trinket: obj.DC.trinket,
                        bait: obj.DC.bait,
                    WAITING: {
                        weapon: '',
                        base: '',
                        trinket: '',
                        bait: ''
                setStorage('GES', JSON.stringify(objNew));
                setSessionStorage('GES', JSON.stringify(objNew));

        // Backward compatibility of BWRift
        keyValue = getStorage('BWRift');
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyValue)) {
            obj = JSON.parse(keyValue);
            bResave = false;
            if (obj.order.length != 16) {
                bResave = true;
            if (obj.priorities.length != 13) {
                if (obj.priorities.length == 11) {
                bResave = true;
            if (isNullOrUndefined(obj.specialActivate)) {
                obj.specialActivate = {
                    forceActivate: new Array(16).fill(false),
                    remainingLootActivate: new Array(16).fill(1),
                    forceDeactivate: new Array(16).fill(obj.forceDeactivate),
                    remainingLootDeactivate: new Array(16).fill(obj.remainingLootDeactivate)
                delete obj.forceDeactivate;
                delete obj.remainingLootDeactivate;
                bResave = true;
            if (obj.minTimeSand.length != 9) {
                var arrTemp = new Array(9);
                arrTemp[0] = obj.minTimeSand[0];
                arrTemp[8] = obj.minTimeSand[2];
                for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                    arrTemp[i] = obj.minTimeSand[1];
                obj.minTimeSand = arrTemp;
                bResave = true;
            var objTemp = {
                arrTemp: ['master', 'specialActivate', 'gw', 'al', 'rl', 'gb', 'ic', 'fa'],
                arrLength: [16, 16, 2, 2, 2, 7, 4, 16],
            for (i = 0; i < objTemp.arrTemp.length; i++) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(objTemp.arrTemp[i])) {
                    for (var prop in obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]]) {
                        if (obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                            while (obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]][prop].length < objTemp.arrLength[i]) {
                                bResave = true;
                            if (obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]][prop].length < (objTemp.arrLength[i] * 2)) {
                                obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]][prop] = obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]][prop].concat(obj[objTemp.arrTemp[i]][prop]);
                                bResave = true;
            if (bResave) {
                setStorage('BWRift', JSON.stringify(obj));
                setSessionStorage('BWRift', JSON.stringify(obj));
    catch (e) {
        console.perror('loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage', e.message);
    bestLGBase = arrayConcatUnique(bestLGBase, objBestTrap.base.luck);
    bestSCBase = arrayConcatUnique(bestSCBase, objBestTrap.base.luck);

function displayTimer(title, nextHornTime, checkTime) {
    if (showTimerInTitle) {
        document.title = title;

    if (showTimerInPage) {
        nextHornTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Hunter Horn Time:</b> " + nextHornTime;
        if (checkTime)
            checkTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Trap Check Time:</b> " + checkTime;

    title = null;
    nextHornTime = null;
    checkTime = null;

function displayLocation(locStr) {
    if (showTimerInPage && pauseAtInvalidLocation) {
        travelElement.innerHTML = "<b>Hunt Location:</b> " + locStr;

    locStr = null;

function displayKingRewardSumTime(timeStr) {
    if (showTimerInPage) {
        if (timeStr) {
            lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.innerHTML = "(" + timeStr + ")";
        } else {
            lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.innerHTML = "";

    timeStr = null;

function doubleCheckLocation() { //return true if location is camp page (this is to combat ajax loads)
    var thePage = document.getElementById("mousehuntContainer");
    if (thePage) {
        return (( &&"PageCamp") > -1) || thePage.className.indexOf("PageCamp") > -1);
    } else {
        return false;

// ################################################################################################
//   Timer Function - End
// ################################################################################################

// ################################################################################################
//   Horn Function - Start
// ################################################################################################

function soundHorn() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN %csoundHorn()", "color: #FF7700");
    if (debug) console.log("soundHorn: Time now is " + (new Date()));
    if (debug) {

    if (doubleCheckLocation()) {
        // update timer
        displayTimer("Ready to Blow The Horn...", "Ready to Blow The Horn...", "Ready to Blow The Horn...");

        var hornElement;

        // lol what is this even for
        var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode");
        if (debug) console.log("soundHorn: What is this: ");
        if (debug) console.log(scriptNode);
        if (scriptNode) {
            scriptNode.setAttribute("soundedHornAtt", "false");
        scriptNode = null;

        if (!aggressiveMode) {
            // safety mode, check the horn image is there or not before sound the horn
            var headerElement = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView');

            if (headerElement) {
                // headerElement = headerElement.firstChild;
                var headerStatus = headerElement.querySelector('.huntersHornView__timerState.huntersHornView__timerState--type-ready');
                if (isvisible(headerStatus)) {
                    // found the horn image, let's sound the horn!
                    if (debug) console.log("soundHorn: Header status prior to sounding horn: " + headerStatus.textContent);

                    // update timer
                    displayTimer("Blowing The Horn...", "Blowing The Horn...", "Blowing The Horn...");

                    // simulate mouse click on the horn

                    // NOB hunt until
                    nobStore(NOBhuntsLeft, 'huntsLeft');

                    // clean up
                    headerElement = null;
                    headerStatus = null;

                    // double check if the horn was already sounded
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 5000);
                } else {
                    // someone stole the horn!
                    if (debug) console.log("soundHorn: headerStatus is not visible");

                    // update timer
                    displayTimer("Synchronizing Data...", "Hunter horn is missing. Synchronizing data...", "Hunter horn is missing. Synchronizing data...");

                    // try to click on the horn

                    // clean up
                    headerElement = null;
                    headerStatus = null;

                    // double check if the horn was already sounded
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 5000);
            } else {
                // something wrong, can't even found the header...
                if (debug) console.log("soundHorn: Header element is null");

                // clean up
                headerElement = null;

                // reload the page see if thing get fixed
                reloadWithMessage("Fail to find the horn header. Reloading...", false);

        } else {
            // aggressive mode, ignore whatever horn image is there or not, just sound the horn!

            // simulate mouse click on the horn
            // fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName(hornButton)[0].firstChild, 'click');

            // double check if the horn was already sounded
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 3000);
    } else {
        if (debug) console.log("soundHorn: doubleCheckLocation=false")

function sound_horn() {
    const horn = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView__horn');
    if (horn) {
        const clickEvent = new MouseEvent("mousedown", {
            bubbles: true, // Bubble up the dom.
            cancelable: true,


        // Wait for the animation to finish.
        setTimeout(() => {
                const clickEvent = new MouseEvent("mouseup", {
                    bubbles: true, // Bubble up the dom.
                    cancelable: true,
            }, 250);
function afterSoundingHorn() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN %cafterSoundingHorn()", "color: #bada55");
    var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode");
    if (scriptNode) {
        scriptNode.setAttribute("soundedHornAtt", "false");
    scriptNode = null;

    var headerElement = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView');
    if (headerElement) {
        if (getKingRewardStatus() || checkHeaderKingsReward()) {
            isKingReward = true;

        // double check if the horn image is still visible after the script already sound it
        else if (isvisible(headerElement.querySelector('.huntersHornView__timerState.huntersHornView__timerState--type-ready'))) {
            // update timer
            displayTimer("Blowing The Horn Again...", "Blowing The Horn Again...", "Blowing The Horn Again...");

            // simulate mouse click on the horn

            // clean up
            headerElement = null;

            // increase the horn retry counter and check if the script is caught in loop
            if (hornRetry > hornRetryMax) {
                if (debug) {
                    console.log("TODO @NOBODYRANDOM: afterSoundingHorn MAX LOOPED. pausing script to debug");

                if (debug)
                    console.log("afterSoundingHorn: Detected script caught in loop. Reloading...");
                // reload the page see if things get fixed
                reloadWithMessage("Detected script caught in loop. Reloading...", true);

                // reset the horn retry counter
                hornRetry = 0;
            } else {
                // check again later
                window.setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1800);
            //         } else if (headerStatus.indexOf("hornsounding") != -1) {
            //             // the horn is already sound, but the network seen to slow on fetching the data

            //             // update timer
            //             displayTimer("The horn sounding taken extra longer than normal...", "The horn sounding taken extra longer than normal...", "The horn sounding taken extra longer than normal...");

            //             // clean up
            //             headerElement = null;
            //             headerStatus = null;

            //             // increase the horn retry counter and check if the script is caugh in loop
            //             ++hornRetry;
            //             if (hornRetry > hornRetryMax) {
            //                 // reload the page see if thing get fixed
            //                 reloadWithMessage("Detected script caught in loop. Reloading...", true);

            //                 // reset the horn retry counter
            //                 hornRetry = 0;
            //             } else {
            //                 // check again later
            //                 window.setTimeout(function () {
            //                     afterSoundingHorn()
            //                 }, 3000);
            //             }
        } else {
            // everything look ok

            // update timer
            displayTimer("Horn sounded. Synchronizing Data...", "Horn sounded. Synchronizing data...", "Horn sounded. Synchronizing data...");

            // reload data

            // clean up
            headerElement = null;

            // script continue as normal
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000);

            // reset the horn retry counter
            hornRetry = 0;

function embedScript() {
    // create a javascript to detect if user click on the horn manually
    var scriptNode = document.createElement('script');
    scriptNode.setAttribute('id', 'scriptNode');
    scriptNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
    scriptNode.setAttribute('soundedHornAtt', 'false');
    scriptNode.innerHTML = 'function soundedHorn() {\
var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode");\
if (scriptNode) {\
scriptNode.setAttribute("soundedHornAtt", "true");\
scriptNode = null;\

    // find the head node and insert the script into it
    var headerElement;
    if (fbPlatform || hiFivePlatform || mhPlatform) {
        headerElement = document.getElementById('noscript');
    } else if (mhMobilePlatform) {
        headerElement = document.getElementById('mobileHorn');
    headerElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptNode, headerElement);
    scriptNode = null;
    headerElement = null;


    // change the function call of horn
    var hornButtonLink = document.querySelector('.huntersHornView__horn');
    // var oriStr = hornButtonLink.getAttribute('onclick').toString();
    // var index = oriStr.indexOf('return false;');
    var modStr = 'soundedHorn();';
    hornButtonLink.setAttribute('onclick', modStr);

    hornButtonLink = null;
    // oriStr = null;
    // index = null;
    modStr = null;

function testBetaUI() { // Return true if beta UI
    var oldUICampButton = 'mousehuntHud-campButton';
    var testNewUI = document.getElementsByClassName(oldUICampButton);
    if (testNewUI && testNewUI.length > 0) {
        if (debug) console.log("OLD UI DETECTED");
        // old UI
        hornButton = 'hornbutton';
        campButton = 'mousehuntHud-campButton';
        header = 'mousehuntHud';
        hornReady = 'hornready';
        isNewUI = false;
        return false;
    } else {
        if (debug) console.log("NEW UI DETECTED");
        // new UI
        hornButton = 'hornbutton';
        campButton = 'mousehuntHud-menu-item root';
        header = 'mousehuntHud';
        hornReady = 'hornReady';
        isNewUI = true;
        return true;
    testNewUI = null;

// ################################################################################################
//   Horn Function - End
// ################################################################################################

// ################################################################################################
//   No Cheese Function - Start
// ################################################################################################
function noCheeseAction() {
    // Double verify if there is actually no more cheese (stale page data may cause no cheese to fire on action())
    try {
        var ajaxBaitName = getPageText("hud_baitName");
        if (ajaxBaitName && ajaxBaitName.indexOf("None!") === -1) {
            // Detected rearm
            if (debug) console.log("Detected cheese has been rearmed.");

        ajaxBaitName = null;
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log("noCheeseAction: First check failed, assuming no cheese.");

    // update timer to switch to no cheese
    displayTimer("No more cheese!", "Cannot hunt without the cheese...", "Cannot hunt without the cheese...");

    notifyMe("No more cheese!!!", '', getPageVariable('user.username') + ' has no more cheese.');


    // Start rearm detector, set for every 10s to make sure not to interrupt user
    var checkRearmInterval = setInterval(function () {
        try {
            var ajaxBaitName = getPageText("hud_baitName");
            if (ajaxBaitName && ajaxBaitName.indexOf("None!") === -1) {
                // Detected rearm
                if (debug) console.log("Detected cheese has been rearmed.");

                checkRearmInterval = null;
            ajaxBaitName = null;
        } catch (e) {
            if (debug) console.log("noCheeseAction ERROR: " + e);
            if (debug) console.log("Cancelling check rearm, just in case.");

            checkRearmInterval = null;
    }, 10000);

function cheeseRearmedAction() {
    try {
        displayTimer("Cheese rearmed!", "Detected cheese armed, rearming bot now.", "Detected cheese armed, rearming bot now.");

        // sync the time again, maybe user already click the horn


        // clean up
        headerElement = null;
        headerStatus = null;

        // loop again
        window.setTimeout(function () {
        }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000);
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log(e);

function playNoCheeseSound() {
    if (isNoCheeseSound) {
        unsafeWindow.hornAudio = new Audio(kingWarningSound);
        unsafeWindow.hornAudio.loop = true;;
        var targetArea = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
        var child = document.createElement('button');
        child.setAttribute('id', "stopAudio");
        child.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; bottom: 0;');
        child.setAttribute('onclick', 'hornAudio.pause();');
        targetArea = null;
        child = null;
        snippet = null;

// ################################################################################################
//   No Cheese Function - End
// ################################################################################################

// ################################################################################################
//   King's Reward Function - Start
// ################################################################################################

function kingRewardAction() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN %ckingRewardAction()", "color: #bada55");

    // Double check if is king reward, sometimes user solve it elsewhere and page vars are old
    if (!getKingRewardStatus()) {
        if (debug) console.log("kingRewardAction(): Rechecked KR status using user.has_puzzle and it returned false");
        isKingReward = false;


    // update timer
    displayTimer("King's Reward!", "King's Reward", "King's Reward!");

    // play music if needed

    window.setTimeout(function () {
        // Autopop KR if needed
        if (autoPopupKR) {
            alert("King's Reward NOW");

        // email the captcha away if needed
    }, 2000);

    // focus on the answer input
    var inputKingsReward = document.getElementsByClassName('puzzleView__code')[0];

    // record last king's reward time
    var nowDate = new Date();
    setStorage("lastKingRewardDate", nowDate.toString());

    if (!isAutoSolve)

    if (debug) console.log("START AUTOSOLVE COUNTDOWN");

    var krDelaySec = krDelayMin + Math.floor(Math.random() * (krDelayMax - krDelayMin));
    var krStopHourNormalized = krStopHour;
    var krStartHourNormalized = krStartHour;
    if (krStopHour > krStartHour) { // e.g. Stop to Start => 22 to 06
        var offset = 24 - krStopHour;
        krStartHourNormalized = krStartHour + offset;
        krStopHourNormalized = 0;
        nowDate.setHours(nowDate.getHours() + offset);

    if (nowDate.getHours() >= krStopHourNormalized && nowDate.getHours() < krStartHourNormalized) {
        var krDelayMinute = krStartHourDelayMin + Math.floor(Math.random() * (krStartHourDelayMax - krStartHourDelayMin));
        krDelaySec += krStartHour * 3600 - (nowDate.getHours() * 3600 + nowDate.getMinutes() * 60 + nowDate.getSeconds());
        krDelaySec += krDelayMinute * 60;
        var timeNow = new Date();
        setStorage("Time to start delay", timeNow.toString());
        setStorage("Delay time", timeFormat(krDelaySec))
        kingRewardCountdownTimer(krDelaySec, true);
    } else {
        if (kingsRewardRetry > kingsRewardRetryMax)
            krDelaySec /= (kingsRewardRetry * 2);
        kingRewardCountdownTimer(krDelaySec, false);

function emailCaptcha() {
    if (kingRewardEmail != null && kingRewardEmail != undefined && kingRewardEmail != "") {
        if (debug) console.log('Attempting to email captcha via Parse now.');
        var un = getPageVariable('user.username');
        if (un == undefined) un = "";

        Parse.initialize("mh-autobot", "unused");
        Parse.serverURL = '';'sendKRemail', {
            theEmail: kingRewardEmail,
            user: un
        }, {
            success: function (data) {
                if (debug) console.log(data);
            }, error: function (error) {
                if (debug) console.log(error);

function notifyMe(notice, icon, body) {
    if (!("Notification" in window)) {
        alert("This browser does not support desktop notification");
    } else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
        var notification = new Notification(notice, {'icon': icon, 'body': body});

        notification.onclick = function () {

        notification.onshow = function () {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 5000);
    } else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
        Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
            // Whatever the user answers, we make sure we store the information
            if (!('permission' in Notification)) {
                Notification.permission = permission;

            // If the user is okay, let's create a notification
            if (permission === "granted") {
                var notification = new Notification(notice, {'icon': icon, 'body': body});

                notification.onclick = function () {

                notification.onshow = function () {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 5000);

function playKingRewardSound() {
    if (isKingWarningSound) {
        unsafeWindow.hornAudio = new Audio(kingWarningSound);
        unsafeWindow.hornAudio.loop = true;;
        var targetArea = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
        var child = document.createElement('button');
        child.setAttribute('id', "stopAudio");
        child.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; bottom: 0;');
        child.setAttribute('onclick', 'hornAudio.pause();');
        targetArea = null;
        child = null;
        snippet = null;

function kingRewardCountdownTimer(interval, isReloadToSolve) {
    if (debug) console.log("kingRewardCountdownTimer");
    var strTemp = (isReloadToSolve) ? "Reload to solve KR in " : "Solve KR in (extra few sec delay) ";
    strTemp = strTemp + timeFormat(interval);
    displayTimer(strTemp, strTemp, strTemp);
    strTemp = null;
    interval -= timerRefreshInterval;
    if (interval < 0) {
        if (debug) console.log("START AUTOSOLVE NOW");

        if (isReloadToSolve) {
            if (debug) console.log("Reloading to solve KR, clicking on campElement now");

            // simulate mouse click on the camp button
            var campElement = document.getElementsByClassName(campButton)[0];
            fireEvent(campElement, 'click');
            campElement = null;

            // reload the page if click on the camp button fail
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on camp button. Reloading...", false);
            }, 5000);
        } else {
            // Check Resume Button interval to run continuously while kr resolver and claim is happening
            var intervalCRB = setInterval(
                function () {
                    if (checkResumeButton()) {
                        if (debug) console.log("kingRewardCountdownTimer: Resume button found and clicked. Rerunning action() in 3s");
                        intervalCRB = null;
                        isKingReward = false;
                        displayTimer("KR Solved", "King's Reward Captcha Solved. Resuming bot in 3s~", "King's Reward Captcha Solved. Resuming bot in 3s~");

                        // Resetting script to display timer
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 3000);

                }, 1000);

            // Triggering claim and KR resolver
            var claimButton = document.getElementsByClassName("huntersHornMessageView__action")[0];
            if (claimButton) {
                fireEvent(claimButton, 'click');

                window.setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1500);
            } else {
                if (debug) console.log("kingRewardCountdownTimer: Unable to find claim button, reloading...");
                reloadWithMessage("Fail to find claim button. Reloading...", false);
            claimButton = null;
    } else {
        if (!checkResumeButton()) {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                kingRewardCountdownTimer(interval, isReloadToSolve);
            }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000);

// TODO: Something is not right here, crb is being ran too many times @nobodyrandom
function checkResumeButton() {
    if (debug) console.log("checkResumeButton()");
    var found = false;
    var resumeElement;

    var puzzleForm = document.getElementsByClassName("puzzleView")[0];
    if (!puzzleForm) return false;

    if (puzzleForm.className.indexOf("puzzleView--state-solved") > -1) {
        // found resume button
        if (debug) console.log("checkResumeButton: puzzle solved, found resume button")

        // simulate mouse click on the resume button
        resumeElement = document.getElementsByClassName("puzzleView__formState--solved")[0].lastChild;
        fireEvent(resumeElement, 'click');
        resumeElement = null;

        found = true;
    puzzleForm = null;

    try {
        return (found);
    } finally {
        found = null;

// ################################################################################################
//   King's Reward Function - End
// ################################################################################################

// ################################################################################################
//   Trap Check Function - Start
// ################################################################################################

function trapCheck() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN %ctrapCheck()", "color: #FF8800");
    if (debug) console.log("trapCheck: Time now is " + (new Date()));

    // update timer
    displayTimer("Checking The Trap...", "Checking trap now...", "Checking trap now...");

    // simulate mouse click on the camp button
    var campElement = document.getElementsByClassName(campButton)[0];
    if (campElement)
        fireEvent(campElement, 'click');
    campElement = null;

    // Reset trap check timer

    // Trap check complete, resume bot
    window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 100);

    // reloadWithMessage("Reloading page for trap check...", false);

function CalculateNextTrapCheckInMinute() {
    if (enableTrapCheck) {
        var now = (g_nTimeOffset === 0) ? new Date() : new Date( + g_nTimeOffset * 1000);
        var temp = (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (now.getMinutes() * 60 + now.getSeconds());
        checkTimeDelay = checkTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (checkTimeDelayMax - checkTimeDelayMin));
        checkTime = (now.getMinutes() >= trapCheckTimeDiff) ? 3600 + temp : temp;
        checkTime += checkTimeDelay;

        if (debug) console.log("CalcNextTrapCheck: " + checkTime + " Delay:" + checkTimeDelay);
        now = undefined;
        temp = undefined;

// ################################################################################################
//   Trap Check Function - End
// ################################################################################################

// ################################################################################################
//   General Function - Start
// ################################################################################################

function ajaxPost(postURL, objData, callback, throwerror) {
    try {
            type: 'POST',
            url: postURL,
            data: objData,
            contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
            dataType: 'json',
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: false
            success: callback,
            error: throwerror,
    catch (e) {

function versionCompare(v1, v2, options) {
    var lexicographical = options && options.lexicographical,
        zeroExtend = options && options.zeroExtend,
        v1parts = v1.split('.'),
        v2parts = v2.split('.');

    function isValidPart(x) {
        return (lexicographical ? /^\d+[A-Za-z]*$/ : /^\d+$/).test(x);

    if (!v1parts.every(isValidPart) || !v2parts.every(isValidPart)) {
        return NaN;

    if (zeroExtend) {
        while (v1parts.length < v2parts.length) v1parts.push("0");
        while (v2parts.length < v1parts.length) v2parts.push("0");

    if (!lexicographical) {
        v1parts =;
        v2parts =;

    for (var i = 0; i < v1parts.length; ++i) {
        if (v2parts.length == i) {
            return 1;

        if (v1parts[i] == v2parts[i]) {
        else if (v1parts[i] > v2parts[i]) {
            return 1;
        else {
            return -1;

    if (v1parts.length != v2parts.length) {
        return -1;

    return 0;

function isNullOrUndefined(obj) {
    return (obj === null || obj === undefined || obj === 'null' || obj === 'undefined');

function getAllIndices(arr, val) {
    var indices = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (arr[i] === val)
    return indices;

function range(value, min, max) {
    if (value > max)
        value = max;
    else if (value < min)
        value = min;
    else if (Number.isNaN(value))
        value = min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min));

    return value;

function min(data) {
    var value = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i] < value)
            value = data[i];
    return value;

function minIndex(data) {
    var value = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
    var index = -1;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i] < value) {
            value = data[i];
            index = i;
    return index;

function max(data) {
    var value = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i] > value)
            value = data[i];
    return value;

function maxIndex(data) {
    var value = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
    var index = -1;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i] > value) {
            value = data[i];
            index = i;
    return index;

function arrayConcatUnique(arrOriginal, arrConcat) {
    if (!Array.isArray(arrOriginal))
        arrOriginal = [arrOriginal];
    if (!Array.isArray(arrConcat))
        arrConcat = [arrConcat];

    var nIndex = -1;
    var arrTemp = arrConcat.slice();
    for (var i = 0; i < arrOriginal.length; i++) {
        nIndex = arrTemp.indexOf(arrOriginal[i]);
        if (nIndex > -1)
            arrTemp.splice(nIndex, 1);
    arrTemp = arrOriginal.concat(arrTemp);
    return arrTemp;

function countUnique(arrIn) {
    var objCount = {
        value: [],
        count: [],

    arrIn.forEach(function (i) {
        var index = objCount.value.indexOf(i);
        if (index < 0) {
        else {

    return objCount;

function hasDuplicate(arrIn) {
    var obj = countUnique(arrIn);
    for (var i = 0; i < obj.count.length; i++) {
        if (obj.count[i] > 1)
            return true;
    return false;

function countArrayElement(value, arrIn) {
    var count = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < arrIn.length; i++) {
        if (arrIn[i] == value)
    return count;

function sortWithIndices(toSort, sortType) {
    var arr = toSort.slice();
    var objSorted = {
        value: [],
        index: []
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        arr[i] = [arr[i], i];

    if (sortType == "descend") {
        arr.sort(function (left, right) {
            return left[0] > right[0] ? -1 : 1;
    } else {
        arr.sort(function (left, right) {
            return left[0] < right[0] ? -1 : 1;

    for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
    return objSorted;

function standardDeviation(values) {
    var avg = average(values);
    var squareDiffs = (value) {
        var diff = value - avg;
        var sqrDiff = diff * diff;
        return sqrDiff;

    var avgSquareDiff = average(squareDiffs);
    var stdDev = Math.sqrt(avgSquareDiff);
    return stdDev;

function sumData(data) {
    var sum = data.reduce(function (sum, value) {
        return sum + value;
    }, 0);

    return sum;

function average(data) {
    var avg = sumData(data) / data.length;
    return avg;

function moveArrayElement(arr, fromIndex, toIndex) {
    arr.splice(toIndex, 0, arr.splice(fromIndex, 1)[0]);

function functionToHTMLString(func) {
    var str = func.toString();
    str = str.substring(str.indexOf("{") + 1, str.lastIndexOf("}"));
    str = replaceAll(str, '"', '\'');
    return str;

function replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
    return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);

function browserDetection() {
    var browserName = "unknown";
    var userAgentStr = navigator.userAgent.toString().toLowerCase();
    if (userAgentStr.indexOf("firefox") >= 0)
        browserName = "firefox";
    else if (userAgentStr.indexOf("opera") >= 0 || userAgentStr.indexOf("opr/") >= 0)
        browserName = "opera";
    else if (userAgentStr.indexOf("chrome") >= 0)
        browserName = "chrome";
    setStorage('Browser', browserName);
    //setStorage('UserAgent', userAgentStr);
    return browserName;

function setSessionStorage(name, value) {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('sessionStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.sessionStorage)) {
        window.sessionStorage.setItem(name, value);

    name = undefined;
    value = undefined;

function removeSessionStorage(name) {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('sessionStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.sessionStorage)) {
    name = undefined;

function getSessionStorage(name) {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('sessionStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.sessionStorage)) {
        return (window.sessionStorage.getItem(name));
    name = undefined;

function clearSessionStorage() {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('sessionStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.sessionStorage))

function setStorage(name, value) {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('localStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.localStorage)) {
        window.localStorage.setItem(name, value);
    } else {
        console.warn("Local storage is not supported by this browser.");

    name = undefined;
    value = undefined;

function removeStorage(name) {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('localStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.localStorage)) {
    } else {
        console.warn("Local storage is not supported by this browser.");
    name = undefined;

function getStorage(name) {
    // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage
    if ('localStorage' in window && !isNullOrUndefined(window.localStorage)) {
        return (window.localStorage.getItem(name));
    } else {
        console.warn("Local storage is not supported by this browser.");
    name = undefined;

function getCookie(c_name) {
    if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
        var c_start = document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "=");
        if (c_start != -1) {
            c_start = c_start + c_name.length + 1;
            var c_end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", c_start);
            if (c_end == -1) {
                c_end = document.cookie.length;

            var cookieString = unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start, c_end));

            // clean up
            c_name = null;
            c_start = null;
            c_end = null;

            try {
                return cookieString;
            } finally {
                cookieString = null;
        c_start = null;
    c_name = null;
    return null;

function getStorageToVariableInt(storageName, defaultInt) {
    var temp = getStorage(storageName);
    var tempInt = defaultInt;
    if (isNullOrUndefined(temp)) {
        setStorage(storageName, defaultInt);
    } else {
        tempInt = parseInt(temp);
        if (Number.isNaN(tempInt))
            tempInt = defaultInt;
    return tempInt;

function getStorageToVariableStr(storageName, defaultStr) {
    var temp = getStorage(storageName);
    if (isNullOrUndefined(temp)) {
        setStorage(storageName, defaultStr);
        temp = defaultStr;
    return temp;

function getStorageToVariableBool(storageName, defaultBool) {
    var temp = getStorage(storageName);
    if (isNullOrUndefined(temp)) {
        setStorage(storageName, defaultBool.toString());
        return defaultBool;
    } else if (temp === true || temp.toLowerCase() == "true") {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function getStorageToObject(keyName, objDefault) {
    var obj = getStorage(keyName);
    var bCheckNewProp = true;
    if (isNullOrUndefined(obj)) {
        obj = JSON.stringify(objDefault);
        setStorage(keyName, obj);
        bCheckNewProp = false;
    obj = JSON.parse(obj);
    if (bCheckNewProp) {
        if (assignMissingDefault(obj, objDefault)) {
            setStorage(keyName, JSON.stringify(obj));

    return obj;

function disarmTrap(trapSelector) {
    if (trapSelector == 'weapon' || trapSelector == 'base')

    var nQuantity = parseInt(getPageVariable("user." + trapSelector + "_quantity"));
    if (nQuantity === 0) {
        if (!isArmingInList()) {
            if (debug) console.log('disarmTrap: closeTrapSelector1');
        arming = false;
    var x;
    var strTemp = "";
    var intervalDisarm = setInterval(
        function () {
            if (arming === false) {
                var intervalDT = setInterval(
                    function () {
                        x = document.getElementsByClassName('campPage-trap-itemBrowser-item-disarmButton');
                        if (x.length > 0) {
                            fireEvent(x[0], 'click');
                            if (!isArmingInList()) {
                                if (debug) console.log('disarmTrap: closeTrapSelector2');
                            arming = false;
                            //window.setTimeout(function () { closeTrapSelector(trapSelector); }, 1000);
                            intervalDT = null;
                    }, 1000);
                intervalDisarm = null;
        }, 1000);

function assignMissingDefault(obj, objDefault) {
    var bResave = false;
    for (var prop in objDefault) {
        if (objDefault.hasOwnProperty(prop) && !obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            obj[prop] = objDefault[prop];
            bResave = true;

    return bResave;

function fireEvent(element, event) {
    if (debug) {
        if (debug) console.log("RUN %cfireEvent() ON:", "color: #bada55");

    if (element === null || element === undefined) {
        return null;

    var evt;
    if (document.createEventObject) {
        // dispatch for IE
        evt = document.createEventObject();

        try {
            return element.fireEvent('on' + event, evt);
        } finally {
            element = null;
            event = null;
            evt = null;
    } else {
        // dispatch for firefox + others
        evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
        evt.initEvent(event, true, true); // event type,bubbling,cancelable

        try {
            return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);
        } finally {
            element = null;
            event = null;
            evt = null;

function getPageVariable(name) {
    //if (debug) console.log('RUN GPV(' + name + ')');
    try {
        var browser = browserDetection();

        if (browser == 'chrome') {
            if (name == "user.unique_hash") {
                return user.unique_hash;
            } else {
                return getPageVariableForChrome(name);
        } else if (browser == 'firefox') {
            if (name == "user.next_activeturn_seconds") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.next_activeturn_seconds;
            } else if (name == "user.unique_hash") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.unique_hash;
            } else if (name == "user.has_puzzle") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.has_puzzle;
            } else if (name == "user.bait_quantity") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.bait_quantity;
            } else if (name == "user.environment_name") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.environment_name;
            } else if (name == "user.trinket_name") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.trinket_name;
            } else if (name == "user.weapon_name") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.weapon_name;
            } else if (name == "user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train") {
                return unsafeWindow.user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train;
            } else {
                if (debug) console.log('GPV firefox: ' + name + ' not found.');
        } else {
            if (debug) console.log('GPV other: ' + name + 'not found.');

        return 'ERROR';
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log('GPV ALL try block error: ' + e);
    } finally {
        name = undefined;

function getPageVariableForChrome(variableName) {
    //if (debug) console.log('RUN GPVchrome(' + variableName + ')');
    // google chrome only
    var scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
    scriptElement.setAttribute('id', "scriptElement");
    scriptElement.setAttribute('type', "text/javascript");
    scriptElement.innerHTML = "document.getElementById('scriptElement').innerText=" + variableName + ";";

    var value = scriptElement.innerHTML;
    scriptElement = null;
    variableName = null;

    try {
        return (value);
    } finally {
        value = null;

function getPageText(idName) {
    try {
        return (document.getElementById(idName).innerText);
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log("getPageText(" + idName + ") ERROR: " + e);
        if (debug) console.log(e);

function timeElapsed(dateA, dateB) {
    var elapsed = 0;

    var secondA = Date.UTC(dateA.getFullYear(), dateA.getMonth(), dateA.getDate(), dateA.getHours(), dateA.getMinutes(), dateA.getSeconds());
    var secondB = Date.UTC(dateB.getFullYear(), dateB.getMonth(), dateB.getDate(), dateB.getHours(), dateB.getMinutes(), dateB.getSeconds());
    elapsed = (secondB - secondA) / 1000;

    secondA = null;
    secondB = null;
    dateA = null;
    dateB = null;

    try {
        return (elapsed);
    } finally {
        elapsed = null;

function timeFormat(time) {
    var timeString;
    var hr = Math.floor(time / 3600);
    var min = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
    var sec = (time % 3600 % 60) % 60;

    if (hr > 0) {
        timeString = hr.toString() + " hr " + min.toString() + " min " + sec.toString() + " sec";
    } else if (min > 0) {
        timeString = min.toString() + " min " + sec.toString() + " sec";
    } else {
        timeString = sec.toString() + " sec";

    time = null;
    hr = null;
    min = null;
    sec = null;

    try {
        return (timeString);
    } finally {
        timeString = null;

function timeFormatLong(time) {
    var timeString;

    if (time != -1) {
        var day = Math.floor(time / 86400);
        var hr = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
        var min = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);

        if (day > 0) {
            timeString = day.toString() + " day " + hr.toString() + " hr " + min.toString() + " min ago";
        } else if (hr > 0) {
            timeString = hr.toString() + " hr " + min.toString() + " min ago";
        } else if (min > 0) {
            timeString = min.toString() + " min ago";

        day = null;
        hr = null;
        min = null;
    } else {
        timeString = null;

    time = null;

    try {
        return (timeString);
    } finally {
        timeString = null;

// ################################################################################################
//   General Function - End
// ################################################################################################

// ################################################################################################
//   NOB Additional thing - Start
// ################################################################################################

function nobInit() {
    if (debug) console.log('RUN %cnobInit()', 'color: #00ff00');
    try {
        if (!isKingReward) {
            if (window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href == '' ||
                window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 ||
                window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1) {
                NOBpage = true;

            if (NOBpage) {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 30000);
                // Hide message after 2H :)
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("nobInit() ERROR - " + e);

function nobAjaxGet(url, callback, throwError) {
    if (!isKingReward) {
            url: url,
            type: "GET",
            timeout: 5000,
            statusCode: {
                200: function () {
                    console.log("Success get - " + url);
                    //Success Message
            success: callback,
            error: throwError

function nobAjaxPost(url, data, callback, throwError, dataType) {
    if (!isKingReward) {
        if (dataType == null || dataType == undefined) dataType = 'json';

            type: "POST",
            url: url,
            data: data,
            contentType: 'text/plain',
            dataType: dataType,
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: false
            timeout: 10000,
            statusCode: {
                200: function () {
                    console.log("Success post - " + url);
                    //Success Message
            success: callback,
            error: throwError

function updateTimer(timeleft, inhours) {
    //if (debug) console.log('updateTimer(' + timeleft + ')');
    var ReturnValue = "";

    var FirstPart, SecondPart, Size;

    if (timeleft > 0) {
        if (inhours != null && inhours == true && timeleft > 3600) {
            FirstPart = Math.floor(timeleft / (60 * 60));
            SecondPart = Math.floor(timeleft / 60) % 60;
            Size = 'hrs';
        } else {
            FirstPart = Math.floor(timeleft / 60);
            SecondPart = timeleft % 60;
            Size = 'mins';

        if (SecondPart < 10) {
            SecondPart = '0' + SecondPart;

        ReturnValue = FirstPart + ':' + SecondPart + ' ' + Size;
    } else {
        ReturnValue = 'Soon...';

    return ReturnValue;

function nobGDoc(items, type) {
    var dataSend = JSON.parse(items);
    dataSend.type = type;
    var dataSendString = JSON.stringify(dataSend);
    var sheet = "";

    nobAjaxPost(sheet, dataSendString, function (data) {
        if (debug) console.log(data);
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        console.log("nobGDoc error (" + b + "): " + c);

function nobHTMLFetch() {
    var value = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
    if (value != null) {
        if (typeof value == "string") {

            var StartPos = value.indexOf('user = ');
            var EndPos = value.indexOf('};', StartPos);

            if (StartPos != -1) {
                var FullObjectText = value.substring(StartPos + 7, EndPos + 1);
                nobStore(JSON.parse(FullObjectText), "data");
        } else if (typeof value == "object") {
            nobStore(value, "data");
    value = undefined;

function nobStore(data, type) {
    data = JSON.stringify(data);
    var name = "NOB-" + type;
    localStorage.setItem(name, data);

function nobGet(type) {
    return localStorage.getItem('NOB-' + type);

function nobMapRequest(handleData) {
    var url = "";
    var dataSend = {
        'action': 'info',
        'uh': getPageVariable('user.unique_hash'),
        'viewas': null
        url: url,
        data: dataSend,
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        timeout: 5000,
        success: function (data) {
            // console.log(data);
        error: function (error) {
            console.log("Map Request Failed");

    url = null;
    dataSend = null;

function nobLoading(location, name) {
    var element = document.getElementById(location);
    element.innerHTML = "<style type=\"text/css\">" +
        /* Universal styling */
        "    [class^=\"shaft-load\"] {" +
        "    margin: 5px auto;" +
        "    width: 60px;" +
        "    height: 15px;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] > div {" +
        "    float: left;" +
        "    background: #B96CFF;" +
        "    height: 100%;" +
        "    width: 5px;" +
        "    margin-right: 1px;" +
        "    display: inline-block;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft1 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.05s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.05s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.05s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.05s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft2 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.1s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.1s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.1s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.1s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft3 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.15s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.15s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.15s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.15s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft4 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.2s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.2s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.2s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.2s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft5 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.25s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.25s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.25s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.25s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft6 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.3s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.3s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.3s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.3s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft7 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.35s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.35s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.35s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.35s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft8 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.4s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.4s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.4s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.4s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft9 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.45s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.45s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.45s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.45s;" +
        "}" +
        "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft10 {" +
        "    -webkit-animation-delay: 0.5s;" +
        "    -moz-animation-delay: 0.5s;" +
        "    -o-animation-delay: 0.5s;" +
        "    animation-delay: 0.5s;" +
        "}" +

        /* Shaft 1 */
        ".shaft-load > div {" +
        "    -webkit-animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" +
        "    -moz-animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" +
        "    -o-animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" +
        "    animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" +
        "    -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" +
        "    -moz-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" +
        "    -ms-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" +
        "    -o-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" +
        "    transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" +
        "}" +

        "@-webkit-keyframes loading {" +
        "    50% {" +
        "    -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "    -moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "    -ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "    -o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "    transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "    background: #56D7C6;" +
        "}" +
        "}" +
        "@-moz-keyframes loading {" +
        "50% {" +
        "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "background: #56D7C6;" +
        "}" +
        "}" +
        "@-o-keyframes loading {" +
        "50% {" +
        "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "background: #56D7C6;" +
        "}" +
        "}" +
        "@keyframes loading {" +
        "50% {" +
        "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "-o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" +
        "background: #56D7C6;" +
        "}" +
        "}" +
        "</style>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft-load\">" +
        "<div class=\"shaft1\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft2\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft3\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft4\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft5\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft6\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft7\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft8\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft9\"></div>" +
        "<div class=\"shaft10\"></div>" +

    element = null;

function nobStopLoading(location) {
    var element = document.getElementById(location);
    //element.innerHTML = null;
    element = null;

// VARS DONE ******************************* COMMENCE CODE
function nobScript(qqEvent) {
    if (NOBpage) {
        if (debug) console.log("RUN nobScript()");
        var mapThere;
        try {
            var NOBdata = nobGet('data');
            mapThere = document.getElementsByClassName('treasureMap')[0];
            if (mapThere.textContent.indexOf("remaining") == -1) {
                mapThere = false;
                if (debug) console.log("No map, using HTML data now");
            } else {
                mapThere = true;

            if (NOBdata != null || NOBdata != undefined) {
                if (!mapRequestFailed && mapThere) {
                    nobMapRequest(function (output) {
                        if (debug) console.log("RUN nobMapRequest()");
                        if (debug) console.log(output);
                        if (output.status == 200 || output.status == undefined) {
                            nobStore(output, "data");
                            nobGDoc(JSON.stringify(output), "map");
                        } else {
                            console.log("Map request failed: " + output);
                            mapRequestFailed = true;
                            output = nobGet('data');
                            nobGDoc(output, "user");
                } else {
                    console.log("Map fetch failed, using USER data from html (" + mapRequestFailed + ", " + mapThere + ")");
                    var output = nobGet('data');
                    nobGDoc(output, "user");
            } else {
                console.log("Data is not found, doing HTML fetch now.");
        } catch (e) {
            if (debug) console.log('nobScript error: ' + e);
        } finally {
            mapThere = null;

function nobTravel(location) {
    if (NOBpage) {
        var url = "";
        var data = {
            "origin": self.getCurrentUserEnvironmentType(),
            "destination": location,
            'uh': getPageVariable('user.unique_hash')
        nobAjaxPost(url, data, function (r) {
        }, function (a, b, c) {
            console.log(b, c);

// Update + message fetch

function pingServer() {
    if (NOBpage) {
        if (debug) console.log("Running pingServer()");
        var theData = JSON.parse(nobGet('data'));
        if (theData.user) {
            theData = theData.user;
        var theUsername = theData.username;
        var thePassword = theData.sn_user_id;

        Parse.initialize("mh-autobot", "unused");
        Parse.serverURL = '';
        Parse.User.logIn(theUsername, thePassword).then(function (user) {
            //console.log("Success parse login");
            return"Login success");
        }, function (user, error) {
            if (debug) console.log("Parse login failed, attempting to create new user now.");

            var createUser = new Parse.User();
            createUser.set("username", theUsername);
            createUser.set("password", thePassword);
            createUser.set("email", thePassword + "");

            var usrACL = new Parse.ACL();
            usrACL.setRoleReadAccess("Administrator", true);
            usrACL.setRoleWriteAccess("Administrator", true);

            createUser.signUp(null, {
                success: function (newUser) {
                    if (debug) console.log(newUser);
                    return Parse.Promise.error("Creating new user, trying to login now.");
                error: function (newUser, signupError) {
                    // Show the error message somewhere and let the user try again.
                    if (debug) console.log("Parse Error: " + signupError.code + " " + signupError.message);
                    return Parse.Promise.error("Error in signup, giving up serverPing now.");
            return Parse.Promise.error("Failed login, attempted signup, rerunning code");
        }).then(function (success) {
            var UserData = Parse.Object.extend("UserData");

            var findOld = new Parse.Query(UserData);
            findOld.containedIn("user_id", [theData.sn_user_id, JSON.stringify(theData.sn_user_id)]);
            return findOld.find();
        }).then(function (returnObj) {
            var results = returnObj;
            var promises = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            //console.log("Done parse delete");
            return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
        }).then(function (UserData) {
            UserData = Parse.Object.extend("UserData");
            var userData = new UserData();

            userData.set("user_id", theData.sn_user_id);
            userData.set("name", theData.username);
            userData.set("script_ver", scriptVersion);
            userData.set("browser", browserDetection());
            userData.set("betaUI", isNewUI);
            userData.set("data", JSON.stringify(theData));
            userData.set("addonCode", addonCode);
            var dataACL = new Parse.ACL(Parse.User.current());
            dataACL.setRoleReadAccess("Administrator", true);
            dataACL.setRoleWriteAccess("Administrator", true);

        }).then(function (results) {
            if (debug) console.log("Success Parse");
        }).then(function (message) {
            if (message != undefined || message != null)
                console.log("Parse message: " + message);
            if (Parse.User.current() != null) {
                //console.log("Parse logout");
        }, function (error) {
            if (error != undefined || error != null) {
                if (debug) console.log("Parse error: " + error);

function hideNOBMessage(time) {
    window.setTimeout(function () {
        var element = document.getElementById('NOBmessage'); = 'none';
    }, time);

function showNOBMessage() {
    document.getElementById('NOBmessage').style.display = 'block'

function nobInjectFFfunctions() {
    var browser = browserDetection();
    var raffleDiv = document.getElementById('nobRaffle');
    var presentDiv = document.getElementById('nobPresent');
    var addAdDiv = document.getElementById('addAdLink');
    var removeAdDiv = document.getElementById('removeAdLink');

    if (browser == 'firefox') {
        unsafeWindow.nobRaffle = exportFunction(nobRaffle, unsafeWindow);
        unsafeWindow.nobPresent = exportFunction(nobPresent, unsafeWindow);
        unsafeWindow.addGoogleAd = exportFunction(addGoogleAd, unsafeWindow);

        raffleDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
            return false;
        presentDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
            return false;
        if (addAdDiv) {
            addAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
                localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'true');
        if (removeAdDiv) {
            removeAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
                localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'false');
    } else {
        // chrome and all other
        raffleDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
            return false;
        presentDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
            return false;
        if (addAdDiv) {
            addAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
                localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'true');
        if (removeAdDiv) {
            removeAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
                localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'false');
    raffleDiv = undefined;
    presentDiv = undefined;
    addAdDiv = undefined;
    removeAdDiv = undefined;

function nobRaffle() {
    var i;
    var intState = 0;
    var nobRafGiveUp = 10;
    var nobRafInt = window.setInterval(function () {
        try {
            if (intState == 0 && !($('.tabs a:eq(1)').length > 0)) {
                intState = 1;
            } else if ($('')[0] != 'daily_draw') {
                var tabs = $('');
                var theTab = "";
                for (i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
                    if (tabs[i] == 'daily_draw') {

                // If there are no raffles
                intState = 0;
                console.log("No raffles found.");

                nobRafInt = null;
                intState = null;
                i = null;
            } else if (intState != 2 && $('')[0] == 'daily_draw') {
                var ballot = $(".notificationMessageList input.sendBallot");
                for (i = ballot.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                intState = 2;
            } else if ($('')[0] == 'daily_draw') {
                intState = 3;
            } else {
                intState = -1;
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Raffle interval error: " + e + ", retrying in 2 seconds. Giving up in " + (nobRafGiveUp * 2) + " seconds.");
            if (nobRafGiveUp < 1) {
                intState = -1;
            } else {
        } finally {
            if (intState == 3) {

                nobRafInt = null;
                intState = null;
                i = null;
            } else if (intState == -1) {
                console.log("Present error, user pls resolve yourself");

                nobRafInt = null;
                intState = null;
                i = null;
    }, 2000);

function nobPresent() {
    var intState = 0;
    var i;
    var nobPresGiveUp = 10;
    var nobPresInt = window.setInterval(function () {
        try {
            if (intState == 0 && !($('.tabs a:eq(1)').length > 0)) {
                intState = 1;
            }else if (intState != 2) {
                var presents = $('a[class~="return"]');
                for (i = presents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                var presents = $('a[class~="claim"]');
                for (i = presents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                intState = 2;
            } else if (intState == 2) {
                intState = 3;
            } else {
                intState = -1;
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Present interval error: " + e + ", retrying in 2 seconds. Giving up in " + (nobPresGiveUp * 2) + " seconds.");
            if (nobPresGiveUp < 1) {
                intState = -1;
            } else {
        } finally {
            if (intState == 3) {
                nobPresInt = null;
                intState = null;
                i = null;
            } else if (intState == -1) {
                console.log("Present error, user pls resolve yourself");
                nobPresInt = null;
                intState = null;
                i = null;
    }, 2000);

// CALCULATE TIMER *******************************
function currentTimeStamp() {
    return parseInt(new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10), 10);

function createClockArea() {
    try {
        var parent = document.getElementById('loadTimersElement');
        var child = [];
        var text;

        for (i = 0; i < LOCATION_TIMERS.length; i++) {
            child[i] = document.createElement('div');
            child[i].setAttribute("id", "NOB" + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0]);
            text = '<span id="text_' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0] + '">';
            child[i].innerHTML = text;

        for (i = 0; i < LOCATION_TIMERS.length; i++)
            parent.insertBefore(child[i], parent.firstChild);

        parent.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'), parent.firstChild);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("createClockArea() ERROR: " + e);

function clockTick() {
    if (debug) console.log('RUN %cclockTick()', 'color: #9cffbd');
    var temp = document.getElementById('NOBrelic');
    if (clockNeedOn && !clockTicking && temp) {
        // Clock needs to be on, but is not ticking
    } else if (clockTicking && clockNeedOn && temp) {
        // Clock needs to be on and is already ticking
    } else {
        // Clock does not need to be on
    NOBtickerInterval = window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 15 * 60 * 1000);

function updateTime() {
    if (debug) console.log("RUN updateTime()");
    try {
        var timeLeft = JSON.parse(nobGet('relic'));
        if (timeLeft > 0) {
            var element = document.getElementById('NOBrelic');
            element.innerHTML = updateTimer(timeLeft, true);
            nobStore(timeLeft, 'relic');
            clockTicking = true;

            NOBtickerTimout = window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1000);
        } else {
            clockTicking = false;
            clockNeedOn = false;
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log("UpdateTime error: " + e);

function nobCalculateTime(runOnly) {
    if (debug) console.log("Running nobCalculateTime(" + runOnly + ")");
    var child;
    if (runOnly != 'relic' && runOnly != 'toxic' && runOnly != 'none')
        runOnly = 'all';

    try {
        Parse.initialize("mh-autobot", "unused");
        Parse.serverURL = '';
        if ((runOnly == 'relic' || runOnly == 'all') && (typeof LOCATION_TIMERS[3][1].url != 'undefined' || LOCATION_TIMERS[3][1].url != 'undefined')) {
            /*'nobRelic', {}, {
                success: function (data) {
                    data = JSON.parse(data);

                    if (data.result == "error") {
                        child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[3][0]);
                        child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + data.error + "</font>";
                    } else {
                        child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[3][0]);
                        child.innerHTML = "Relic hunter now in: <font color='green'>" + data.location + "</font> \~ Next move time: <span id='NOBrelic'>" + updateTimer(data.next_move, true);
                        if (data.next_move > 0) {
                            clockTicking = true;
                            nobStore(data.next_move, 'relic');
                            clockNeedOn = true;
                        } else {
                            clockTicking = false;
                            clockNeedOn = false;
                }, error: function (error) {
                    error = JSON.parse(error);

                    var child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[3][0]);
                    child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + error + " error, probably hornTracker, google, or my scripts broke. Please wait awhile, if not just contact me.</font>";
            if (debug) console.log("relic hunter will be back :)");

        /*if ((runOnly == 'toxic' || runOnly == 'all') && (typeof LOCATION_TIMERS[4][1].url != 'undefined' || LOCATION_TIMERS[4][1].url != 'undefined')) {
  'nobToxic', {}, {
                success: function (data) {
                    data = JSON.parse(data);

                        if (data.result == "error") {
                            child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[4][0]);
                            child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + data.error + "</font>";
                        } else {
                            child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[4][0]);
                            if (data.level == 'Closed') {
                                data.level = {
                                    color: 'red',
                                    state: data.level
                            } else {
                                data.level = {
                                    color: 'green',
                                    state: data.level
                            if (data.percent < 0) {
                                data.percent = '';
                            } else {
                                data.percent = ' &#126; ' + (100 - data.percent) + '% left';
                            child.innerHTML = 'Toxic spill is now - <font color="' + data.level.color + '">' + data.level.state + '</font>' + data.percent;
                    }, error: function (error) {
                        error = JSON.parse(error);

                        child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[4][0]);
                        child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + error + " error, probably hornTracker, google, or my scripts broke. Please wait awhile, if not just contact me.</font>";

        if (runOnly == 'all')
    } catch (e) {
        if (debug) console.log("updateTime ERR - " + e);

function nobCalculateOfflineTimers(runOnly) {
    //if (debug) console.log('nobCalculateOfflineTimers(' + runOnly + ')');
    if (runOnly != 'seasonal' && runOnly != 'balack' && runOnly != 'fg')
        runOnly = 'all';

    var CurrentTime = currentTimeStamp();
    var CurrentName = -1;
    var CurrentBreakdown = 0;
    var TotalBreakdown = 0;
    var iCount2;

    if (runOnly == 'seasonal') {
        for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown.length; iCount2++)
            TotalBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[iCount2];

        var CurrentValue = Math.floor((CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].first) / LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].length) % TotalBreakdown;

        for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown.length && CurrentName == -1; iCount2++) {
            CurrentBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[iCount2];

            if (CurrentValue < CurrentBreakdown) {
                CurrentName = iCount2;

        var SeasonLength = (LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[CurrentName]);
        var CurrentTimer = (CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].first);
        var SeasonRemaining = 0;

        while (CurrentTimer > 0) {
            for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown.length && CurrentTimer > 0; iCount2++) {
                SeasonRemaining = CurrentTimer;
                CurrentTimer -= (LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[iCount2]);

        SeasonRemaining = SeasonLength - SeasonRemaining;

        return LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].name[CurrentName];
    } else if (runOnly == 'all') {
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            // Reset var
            CurrentTime = currentTimeStamp();
            CurrentName = -1;
            CurrentBreakdown = 0;
            TotalBreakdown = 0;

            for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown.length; iCount2++)
                TotalBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[iCount2];

            var CurrentValue = Math.floor((CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].first) / LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].length) % TotalBreakdown;

            for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown.length && CurrentName == -1; iCount2++) {
                CurrentBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[iCount2];

                if (CurrentValue < CurrentBreakdown) {
                    CurrentName = iCount2;

            var SeasonLength = (LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[CurrentName]);
            var CurrentTimer = (CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].first);
            var SeasonRemaining = 0;

            while (CurrentTimer > 0) {
                for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown.length && CurrentTimer > 0; iCount2++) {
                    SeasonRemaining = CurrentTimer;
                    CurrentTimer -= (LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[iCount2]);

            SeasonRemaining = SeasonLength - SeasonRemaining;

            var seasonalDiv = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0]);
            var content = "";
            content += LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0] + ': <font color="' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].color[CurrentName] + '">' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].name[CurrentName] + '</font>';
            if (LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].effective != null) {
                content += ' (' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].effective[CurrentName] + ')';

            content += ' &#126; For ' + updateTimer(SeasonRemaining, true);
            seasonalDiv.innerHTML = content;

// Attempt to inject addonCode made by user
function runAddonCode() {
    if (!isKingReward && addonCode != "") {
        console.log("%cRUNNING ADDON CODE, SCRIPT IS NOW NOT SAFE DEPENDING ON WHAT YOU DID.", "color: yellow; background: red; font-size: 50pt;");

// Inject CnN Functions
function bodyJS() {
    var objDefaultFGAR = {
        order: ['FG', 'AR'],
        weapon: new Array(2).fill(''),
        base: new Array(2).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(2).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(2).fill('')
    var objDefaultBCJOD = {
        order: ['JOD', 'LOW', 'MID', 'HIGH'],
        weapon: new Array(4).fill(''),
        base: new Array(4).fill(''),
        trinket: new Array(4).fill(''),
        bait: new Array(4).fill('')
    var objDefaultBWRift = {
        master: {
            weapon: new Array(32).fill('Chrome Celestial Dissonance'),
            base: new Array(32).fill('Prestige Base'),
            trinket: new Array(32).fill('Rift Super Vacuum Charm'),
            bait: new Array(32).fill('Brie String'),
            activate: new Array(32).fill(false),
        specialActivate: {
            forceActivate: new Array(32).fill(false),
            remainingLootActivate: new Array(32).fill(1),
            forceDeactivate: new Array(32).fill(false),
            remainingLootDeactivate: new Array(32).fill(1)
        gw: {
            weapon: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
        al: {
            weapon: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
        rl: {
            weapon: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(4).fill('MASTER'),
        gb: {
            weapon: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(14).fill('MASTER'),
        ic: {
            weapon: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(8).fill('MASTER'),
        fa: {
            weapon: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            base: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            trinket: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            bait: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
            activate: new Array(32).fill('MASTER'),
        choosePortal: false,
        choosePortalAfterCC: false,
        minTimeSand: [70, 70, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, 40, 999],
        minRSCType: 'NUMBER',
        minRSC: 0,
        enterMinigameWCurse: false

    function limitMinMax(value, min, max) {
        value = parseInt(value);
        min = parseInt(min);
        max = parseInt(max);
        if (value < min)
            value = min;
        else if (value > max)
            value = max;
        return value;

    function isNullOrUndefined(obj) {
        return (obj === null || obj === undefined || obj === 'null' || obj === 'undefined' || (Array.isArray(obj) && obj.length === 0));

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            alert('The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.');

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                    alert('Please restart browser to take effect!');
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                    document.getElementById('idRestore').firstChild.textContent = 'Restart browser is required!';
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        }, 5000);

    function onIdGetLogPreferenceClicked() {
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        var str = "";
        var strKeyName = "";
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    /*function onSelectSpecialFeature() {

    function saveSpecialFeature() {
        var selectSpecialFeature = document.getElementById('selectSpecialFeature');
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('SpecialFeature', selectSpecialFeature.value);

    function initControlsSpecialFeature() {
        var selectSpecialFeature = document.getElementById('selectSpecialFeature');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('SpecialFeature');
        if (storageValue === null || storageValue === undefined) {
            storageValue = 'None';
        selectSpecialFeature.value = storageValue;

    function onSelectMapHuntingChanged() {

    function saveMapHunting() {
        var selectMapHunting = document.getElementById('selectMapHunting');
        var selectMouseList = document.getElementById('selectMouseList');
        var selectWeapon = document.getElementById('selectWeapon');
        var selectBase = document.getElementById('selectBase');
        var selectTrinket = document.getElementById('selectTrinket');
        var selectBait = document.getElementById('selectBait');
        var selectLeaveMap = document.getElementById('selectLeaveMap');
        var inputUncaughtMouse = document.getElementById('inputUncaughtMouse');
        var selectCatchLogic = document.getElementById('selectCatchLogic');
        var objDefaultMapHunting = {
            status: false,
            selectedMouse: [],
            logic: 'OR',
            weapon: 'Remain',
            base: 'Remain',
            trinket: 'Remain',
            bait: 'Remain',
            leave: false
        var storageValue = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('MapHunting'));
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = objDefaultMapHunting;
        storageValue.status = (selectMapHunting.value == 'true');
        if (inputUncaughtMouse.value === '')
            storageValue.selectedMouse = [];
            storageValue.selectedMouse = inputUncaughtMouse.value.split(',');
        storageValue.logic = selectCatchLogic.value;
        storageValue.weapon = selectWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base = selectBase.value;
        storageValue.trinket = selectTrinket.value;
        storageValue.bait = selectBait.value;
        storageValue.leave = (selectLeaveMap.value == 'true');
        window.localStorage.setItem('MapHunting', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsMapHunting() {
        var trUncaughtMouse = document.getElementById('trUncaughtMouse');
        var trSelectedUncaughtMouse = document.getElementById('trSelectedUncaughtMouse');
        var trCatchLogic = document.getElementById('trCatchLogic');
        var selectMapHunting = document.getElementById('selectMapHunting');
        var selectMouseList = document.getElementById('selectMouseList');
        var trMapHuntingTrapSetup = document.getElementById('trMapHuntingTrapSetup');
        var trMapHuntingLeave = document.getElementById('trMapHuntingLeave');
        var inputUncaughtMouse = document.getElementById('inputUncaughtMouse');
        var selectCatchLogic = document.getElementById('selectCatchLogic');
        var selectWeapon = document.getElementById('selectWeapon');
        var selectBase = document.getElementById('selectBase');
        var selectTrinket = document.getElementById('selectTrinket');
        var selectBait = document.getElementById('selectBait');
        var selectLeaveMap = document.getElementById('selectLeaveMap');
        var storageValue = window.localStorage.getItem('MapHunting');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectMapHunting.selectedIndex = 0;
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
            inputUncaughtMouse.value = '';
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            selectBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLeaveMap.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
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            selectWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon;
            selectBase.value = storageValue.base;
            selectTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket;
            selectBait.value = storageValue.bait;
            selectLeaveMap.value = storageValue.leave;
        storageValue = window.localStorage.getItem('Last Record Uncaught');
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        var classTreasureMap = document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntHud-userStat treasureMap')[0];
        if (classTreasureMap.children[2].textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('remaining') < 0)

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        try {
            var objData = {
                sn: 'Hitgrab',
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                action: 'info',
                uh: user.unique_hash

                type: 'POST',
                url: '/managers/ajax/users/relichunter.php',
                data: objData,
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                dataType: 'json',
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: false
                success: function (data) {
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                    if (data.treasure_map.groups !== null && data.treasure_map.groups !== undefined) {
                        var arrUncaught = [];
                        for (var i = 0; i < data.treasure_map.groups.length; i++) {
                            if (data.treasure_map.groups[i].is_uncaught === true) {
                                for (var j = 0; j < data.treasure_map.groups[i].mice.length; j++) {
                        window.localStorage.setItem('Last Record Uncaught', arrUncaught.join(","));
                error: function (error) {
                    document.getElementById('inputGetMouse').value = 'Refresh Uncaught Mouse List';
                    document.getElementById('inputGetMouse').disabled = '';
                    console.error('onInputGetMouse ajax:', error);
        catch (e) {
            document.getElementById('inputGetMouse').value = 'Refresh Uncaught Mouse List';
            document.getElementById('inputGetMouse').disabled = '';
            console.error('onInputGetMouse', e.message);

    function onInputClearUncaughtMouse() {
        document.getElementById('inputUncaughtMouse').value = "";

    var arrKey = ['SCCustom', 'Labyrinth', 'LGArea', 'eventLocation', 'FW', 'BRCustom', 'SGarden', 'Zokor', 'FRift', 'MapHunting', 'ZTower', 'BestTrap', 'Iceberg', 'WWRift', 'GES', 'FRox', 'GWH2016R', 'SpecialFeature', 'BWRift', 'BC_JOD', 'FG_AR', 'Mountain'];

    function setLocalToSession() {
        var i, j, key;
        for (i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) {
            key = window.localStorage.key(i);
            for (j = 0; j < arrKey.length; j++) {
                if (key.indexOf(arrKey[j]) > -1) {
                    window.sessionStorage.setItem(key, window.localStorage.getItem(key));

    function setSessionToLocal() {
        if (window.sessionStorage.length === 0)

        var i, j, key;
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            key = window.sessionStorage.key(i);
            for (j = 0; j < arrKey.length; j++) {
                if (key.indexOf(arrKey[j]) > -1) {
                    window.localStorage.setItem(key, window.sessionStorage.getItem(key));

    function initEventAlgo() {
        var algoOnLocal = window.localStorage.getItem("eventLocation");
        var algoOnSession = window.sessionStorage.getItem("eventLocation");
        try {
            if (algoOnSession === undefined || algoOnSession === null)
                algoOnSession = algoOnLocal;
        } catch (e) {
            algoOnSession = algoOnLocal;

        if (algoOnSession != algoOnLocal) {
            if (debug) console.log("initEventAlgo() WARNING: Session algo is different from local storage." + algoOnSession + " | " + algoOnLocal);

        var eventAlgoSelect = document.getElementById("eventAlgo");
        var eventAlgoSelectOpt = eventAlgoSelect.options;
        for (var opt, j = 0; opt = eventAlgoSelectOpt[j]; j++) {
            if (opt.value == algoOnSession) {
                eventAlgoSelect.selectedIndex = j;

        if (debug) console.log("Algo not found: " + algoOnSession);

    function onInputResetReload() {
        var strValue = document.getElementById('eventAlgo').value;
        var keyName;
        if (strValue == 'Burroughs Rift Custom') keyName = 'BRCustom';
        else if (strValue == 'All LG Area') keyName = 'LGArea';
        else if (strValue == 'SG') keyName = 'SGarden';
        else if (strValue == 'ZT') keyName = 'ZTower';
        else if (strValue == 'Sunken City Custom') keyName = 'SCCustom';
        else if (strValue == 'Labyrinth') keyName = 'Labyrinth';
        else if (strValue == 'Zokor') keyName = 'Zokor';
        else if (strValue == 'Fiery Warpath') keyName = 'FW';
        else if (strValue == 'Furoma Rift') keyName = 'FRift';
        else if (strValue == 'Iceberg') keyName = 'Iceberg';
        else if (strValue == 'WWRift') keyName = 'WWRift';
        else if (strValue == 'GES') keyName = 'GES';
        else if (strValue == 'Fort Rox') keyName = 'FRox';
        else if (strValue == 'GWH2016R') keyName = 'GWH2016R';
        else if (strValue == 'Bristle Woods Rift') keyName = 'BWRift';
        else if (strValue == 'BC/JOD') keyName = 'BC_JOD';
        else if (strValue == 'FG/AR') keyName = 'FG_AR';
        else if (strValue == 'Mountain') keyName = 'Mountain';
        else if (strValue == 'Valour Rift') keyName = 'VRift';

        if (!isNullOrUndefined(keyName)) {

    function initControlsBestTrap() {
        var selectBestTrapPowerType = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapPowerType');
        var selectBestTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapWeapon');
        var selectBestTrapBaseType = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapBaseType');
        var selectBestTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapBase');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BestTrap');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectBestTrapWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectBestTrapBase.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            selectBestTrapWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[selectBestTrapPowerType.value];
            selectBestTrapBase.value = storageValue.base[selectBestTrapBaseType.value];

    function saveBestTrap() {
        var selectBestTrapPowerType = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapPowerType');
        var selectBestTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapWeapon');
        var selectBestTrapBaseType = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapBaseType');
        var selectBestTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectBestTrapBase');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BestTrap');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objBestTrapDefault = {
                weapon: {
                    arcane: '',
                    draconic: '',
                    forgotten: '',
                    hydro: '',
                    law: '',
                    physical: '',
                    rift: '',
                    shadow: '',
                    tactical: ''
                base: {
                    luck: '',
                    power: ''
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objBestTrapDefault);

        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        storageValue.weapon[selectBestTrapPowerType.value] = selectBestTrapWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base[selectBestTrapBaseType.value] = selectBestTrapBase.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('BestTrap', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function onInputMinAAChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function onInputMinWorkChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function onSelectGWHTrinketChanged() {

    function initControlsGWH2016(bAutoChangeZone) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeZone))
            bAutoChangeZone = false;
        var selectGWHZone = document.getElementById('selectGWHZone');
        var selectGWHWeapon = document.getElementById('selectGWHWeapon');
        var selectGWHBase = document.getElementById('selectGWHBase');
        var selectGWHTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGWHTrinket');
        var selectGWHBait = document.getElementById('selectGWHBait');
        var selectGWHBoost = document.getElementById('selectGWHBoost');
        var selectGWHUseTurboBoost = document.getElementById('selectGWHUseTurboBoost');
        var inputMinAA = document.getElementById('inputMinAA');
        var inputMinFirework = document.getElementById('inputMinFirework');
        var selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework = document.getElementById('selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('GWH2016R');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectGWHWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGWHBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGWHTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGWHBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGWHBoost.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGWHUseTurboBoost.selectedIndex = 0;
            inputMinAA.value = 20;
            inputMinFirework.value = 20;
            selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework.selectedIndex = 0;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            var nIndex =;
            selectGWHWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
            selectGWHBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
            selectGWHTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
            selectGWHBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
            selectGWHBoost.value = (storageValue.boost[nIndex] === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            selectGWHBoost.disabled = (selectGWHTrinket.value.toUpperCase().indexOf('ANCHOR') > -1) ? 'disabled' : '';
            selectGWHUseTurboBoost.value = (storageValue.turbo === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            inputMinAA.value = storageValue.minAAToFly;
            inputMinFirework.value = storageValue.minFireworkToFly;
            selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework.value = (storageValue.landAfterFireworkRunOut === true) ? 'true' : 'false';

    function saveGWH2016() {
        var selectGWHZone = document.getElementById('selectGWHZone');
        var selectGWHWeapon = document.getElementById('selectGWHWeapon');
        var selectGWHBase = document.getElementById('selectGWHBase');
        var selectGWHTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGWHTrinket');
        var selectGWHBait = document.getElementById('selectGWHBait');
        var selectGWHBoost = document.getElementById('selectGWHBoost');
        var selectGWHUseTurboBoost = document.getElementById('selectGWHUseTurboBoost');
        var inputMinAA = document.getElementById('inputMinAA');
        var inputMinFirework = document.getElementById('inputMinFirework');
        var selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework = document.getElementById('selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('GWH2016R');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultGWH2016 = {
                weapon: new Array(8).fill(''),
                base: new Array(8).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(8).fill(''),
                bait: new Array(8).fill(''),
                boost: new Array(8).fill(false),
                turbo: false,
                minAAToFly: 20,
                minFireworkToFly: 20,
                landAfterFireworkRunOut: false
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultGWH2016);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex =;
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = selectGWHWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = selectGWHBase.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectGWHTrinket.value;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectGWHBait.value;
        storageValue.boost[nIndex] = (selectGWHTrinket.value.toUpperCase().indexOf('ANCHOR') > -1) ? false : (selectGWHBoost.value == 'true');
        storageValue.turbo = (selectGWHUseTurboBoost.value == 'true');
        storageValue.minAAToFly = parseInt(inputMinAA.value);
        storageValue.minFireworkToFly = parseInt(inputMinFirework.value);
        storageValue.landAfterFireworkRunOut = (selectGWHLandAfterRunOutFirework.value == 'true');
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('GWH2016R', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsSCCustom(bAutoChangeZone) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeZone))
            bAutoChangeZone = false;
        var selectSCHuntZone = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntZone');
        var selectSCHuntZoneEnable = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntZoneEnable');
        var selectSCHuntBait = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntBait');
        var selectSCHuntTrinket = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntTrinket');
        var selectSCUseSmartJet = document.getElementById('selectSCUseSmartJet');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('SCCustom');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultSCCustom = {
                zoneID: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                isHunt: new Array(11).fill(true),
                bait: new Array(11).fill('Gouda'),
                trinket: new Array(11).fill('None'),
                useSmartJet: false
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultSCCustom);

        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        if (bAutoChangeZone && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Sunken City') > -1) {
            var zone = document.getElementsByClassName('zoneName')[0].innerText;
            var objZone = {
                'ZONE_TREASURE': ['Sand Dollar Sea Bar', 'Pearl Patch', 'Sunken Treasure'],
                'ZONE_DANGER': ['Feeding Grounds', 'Carnivore Cove'],
                'ZONE_DANGER_PP': ['Monster Trench'],
                'ZONE_DANGER_PP_LOTA': ['Lair of the Ancients'],
                'ZONE_OXYGEN': ['Deep Oxygen Stream', 'Oxygen Stream'],
                'ZONE_BONUS': ['Magma Flow'],
                'ZONE_CORAL': ['Coral Reef', 'Coral Garden', 'Coral Castle'],
                'ZONE_SCALE': ['School of Mice', 'Mermouse Den', 'Lost Ruins'],
                'ZONE_BARNACLE': ['Rocky Outcrop', 'Shipwreck', 'Haunted Shipwreck'],
                'ZONE_DEFAULT': ['Shallow Shoals', 'Sea Floor', 'Murky Depths'],
            selectSCHuntZone.selectedIndex = 0;
            for (var prop in objZone) {
                if (objZone.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    if (objZone[prop].indexOf(zone) > -1) {
                        selectSCHuntZone.value = prop;
        var nIndex =;
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        selectSCHuntZoneEnable.value = storageValue.isHunt[nIndex];
        selectSCHuntBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
        selectSCHuntTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
        selectSCUseSmartJet.value = storageValue.useSmartJet; = (selectSCHuntZone.value == 'ZONE_NOT_DIVE') ? 'none' : '';

    function saveSCCustomAlgo() {
        var selectSCHuntZone = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntZone');
        var selectSCHuntZoneEnable = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntZoneEnable');
        var selectSCHuntBait = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntBait');
        var selectSCHuntTrinket = document.getElementById('selectSCHuntTrinket');
        var selectSCUseSmartJet = document.getElementById('selectSCUseSmartJet');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('SCCustom');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultSCCustom = {
                zoneID: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                isHunt: new Array(11).fill(true),
                bait: new Array(11).fill('Gouda'),
                trinket: new Array(11).fill('None'),
                useSmartJet: false
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultSCCustom);

        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex =;
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        storageValue.isHunt[nIndex] = (selectSCHuntZoneEnable.value === 'true');
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectSCHuntBait.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectSCHuntTrinket.value;
        storageValue.useSmartJet = (selectSCUseSmartJet.value === 'true');
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('SCCustom', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function onSelectLabyrinthDistrict() {

    function onSelectLabyrinthDisarm() {
        var inputLabyrinthLastHunt = document.getElementById('inputLabyrinthLastHunt');
        var selectLabyrinthDisarm = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDisarm');
        inputLabyrinthLastHunt.disabled = (selectLabyrinthDisarm.value == 'true') ? '' : 'disabled';

    function onInputLabyrinthLastHuntChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function onSelectLabyrinthDisarmCompass() {

    function onInputLabyrinthDECChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function saveLaby() {
        var selectLabyrinthDistrict = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDistrict');
        var selectHallway15Plain = document.getElementById('selectHallway15Plain');
        var selectHallway1560Plain = document.getElementById('selectHallway1560Plain');
        var selectHallway1560Superior = document.getElementById('selectHallway1560Superior');
        var selectHallway60Plain = document.getElementById('selectHallway60Plain');
        var selectHallway60Superior = document.getElementById('selectHallway60Superior');
        var selectHallway60Epic = document.getElementById('selectHallway60Epic');
        var selectLabyrinthOtherBase = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthOtherBase');
        var inputLabyrinthDEC = document.getElementById('inputLabyrinthDEC');
        var selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass');
        var selectLabyrinthWeaponType = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthWeaponType');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('Labyrinth');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultLaby = {
                districtFocus: 'None',
                between0and14: ['LP'],
                between15and59: ['SP', 'LS'],
                between60and100: ['SP', 'SS', 'LE'],
                useShufflers: false,
                chooseOtherDoors: false,
                typeOtherDoors: "SHORTEST_ONLY",
                securityDisarm: false,
                lastHunt: 0,
                armOtherBase: 'false',
                disarmCompass: true,
                nDeadEndClue: 0,
                weaponFarming: 'Forgotten'
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultLaby);

        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        storageValue.districtFocus = selectLabyrinthDistrict.value;
        storageValue.between0and14 = [selectHallway15Plain.value];
        storageValue.between15and59 = [selectHallway1560Plain.value, selectHallway1560Superior.value];
        storageValue.between60and100 = [selectHallway60Plain.value, selectHallway60Superior.value, selectHallway60Epic.value];
        storageValue.useShufflers = (document.getElementById('selectUseShufflersCube').value == 'true');
        storageValue.chooseOtherDoors = (document.getElementById('chooseOtherDoors').value == 'true');
        storageValue.typeOtherDoors = document.getElementById('typeOtherDoors').value;
        storageValue.securityDisarm = (document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDisarm').value == 'true');
        storageValue.lastHunt = parseInt(document.getElementById('inputLabyrinthLastHunt').value);
        storageValue.armOtherBase = selectLabyrinthOtherBase.value;
        storageValue.disarmCompass = (selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass.value == 'true');
        storageValue.nDeadEndClue = parseInt(inputLabyrinthDEC.value);
        storageValue.weaponFarming = selectLabyrinthWeaponType.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('Labyrinth', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsLaby() {
        var selectLabyrinthDistrict = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDistrict');
        var inputLabyrinthLastHunt = document.getElementById('inputLabyrinthLastHunt');
        var selectLabyrinthDisarm = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDisarm');
        var selectHallway15Plain = document.getElementById('selectHallway15Plain');
        var selectHallway1560Plain = document.getElementById('selectHallway1560Plain');
        var selectHallway1560Superior = document.getElementById('selectHallway1560Superior');
        var selectHallway60Plain = document.getElementById('selectHallway60Plain');
        var selectHallway60Superior = document.getElementById('selectHallway60Superior');
        var selectHallway60Epic = document.getElementById('selectHallway60Epic');
        var selectUseShufflersCube = document.getElementById('selectUseShufflersCube')
        var selectChooseOtherDoors = document.getElementById('chooseOtherDoors');
        var typeOtherDoors = document.getElementById('typeOtherDoors');
        var selectLabyrinthOtherBase = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthOtherBase');
        var selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass');
        var inputLabyrinthDEC = document.getElementById('inputLabyrinthDEC');
        var selectLabyrinthWeaponType = document.getElementById('selectLabyrinthWeaponType');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('Labyrinth');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectLabyrinthDistrict.selectedIndex = -1;
            inputLabyrinthLastHunt.value = 2;
            selectLabyrinthDisarm.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectHallway15Plain.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectHallway1560Plain.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectHallway1560Superior.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectHallway60Plain.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectHallway60Superior.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectHallway60Epic.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectUseShufflersCube.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectChooseOtherDoors.selectedIndex = -1;
            typeOtherDoors.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLabyrinthOtherBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass.selectedIndex = -1;
            inputLabyrinthDEC.value = 0;
            selectLabyrinthWeaponType.selectedIndex = 0;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            selectLabyrinthDistrict.value = storageValue.districtFocus;
            inputLabyrinthLastHunt.value = storageValue.lastHunt;
            selectLabyrinthDisarm.value = (storageValue.securityDisarm) ? 'true' : 'false';
            selectHallway15Plain.value = storageValue.between0and14[0];
            selectHallway1560Plain.value = storageValue.between15and59[0];
            selectHallway1560Superior.value = storageValue.between15and59[1];
            selectHallway60Plain.value = storageValue.between60and100[0];
            selectHallway60Superior.value = storageValue.between60and100[1];
            selectHallway60Epic.value = storageValue.between60and100[2];
            selectUseShufflersCube.value = (storageValue.chooseOtherDoors) ? 'true' : 'false';
            selectChooseOtherDoors.value = (storageValue.chooseOtherDoors) ? 'true' : 'false';
            typeOtherDoors.value = storageValue.typeOtherDoors;
            selectLabyrinthOtherBase.value = storageValue.armOtherBase;
            selectLabyrinthDisarmCompass.value = (storageValue.disarmCompass) ? 'true' : 'false';
            inputLabyrinthDEC.value = storageValue.nDeadEndClue;
            selectLabyrinthWeaponType.value = storageValue.weaponFarming;
        inputLabyrinthLastHunt.disabled = (storageValue.securityDisarm) ? '' : 'disabled';
        document.getElementById('trPriorities15').style.display = (selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'None') ? 'none' : 'table-row';
        document.getElementById('trPriorities1560').style.display = (selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'None') ? 'none' : 'table-row';
        document.getElementById('trPriorities60').style.display = (selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'None') ? 'none' : 'table-row';
        document.getElementById('trLabyrinthUseShufflers').style.display = (selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'None') ? 'none' : 'table-row';
        document.getElementById('trLabyrinthOtherHallway').style.display = (selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'None') ? 'none' : 'table-row';
        inputLabyrinthDEC.disabled = (storageValue.disarmCompass) ? '' : 'disabled'; = (selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'TREASURY' || selectLabyrinthDistrict.value == 'FARMING') ? 'display:none' : 'display:inline';
        document.getElementById('typeOtherDoors').disabled = (storageValue.chooseOtherDoors) ? '' : 'disabled';

    function saveLG() {
        var selectLGTGAutoFillSide = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoFillSide');
        var selectLGTGAutoFillState = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoFillState');
        var selectLGTGAutoPourSide = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoPourSide');
        var selectLGTGAutoPourState = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoPourState');
        var selectLGTGSide = document.getElementById('selectLGTGSide');
        var selectLGTGBase = document.getElementById('selectLGTGBase');
        var selectLGTGTrinket = document.getElementById('selectLGTGTrinket');
        var selectLGTGBait = document.getElementById('selectLGTGBait');
        var selectLCCCSide = document.getElementById('selectLCCCSide');
        var selectLCCCBase = document.getElementById('selectLCCCBase');
        var selectLCCCTrinket = document.getElementById('selectLCCCTrinket');
        var selectSaltedStatus = document.getElementById('selectSaltedStatus');
        var selectSCBase = document.getElementById('selectSCBase');
        var inputKGSalt = document.getElementById('inputKGSalt');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('LGArea');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objLGTemplate = {
                isAutoFill: false,
                isAutoPour: false,
                maxSaltCharged: 25,
                base: {
                    before: '',
                    after: ''
                trinket: {
                    before: '',
                    after: ''
                bait: {
                    before: '',
                    after: ''
            var objAllLG = {
                LG: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                TG: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                LC: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                CC: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                SD: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
                SC: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objLGTemplate)),
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objAllLG);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        storageValue[selectLGTGAutoFillSide.value].isAutoFill = (selectLGTGAutoFillState.value == 'true');
        storageValue[selectLGTGAutoPourSide.value].isAutoPour = (selectLGTGAutoPourState.value == 'true');
        storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].base.after = selectLGTGBase.value;
        storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].base.after = selectLGTGBase.value;
        storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].trinket.after = selectLGTGTrinket.value;
        storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].bait.after = selectLGTGBait.value;
        storageValue[selectLCCCSide.value].base.after = selectLCCCBase.value;
        storageValue[selectLCCCSide.value].trinket.after = selectLCCCTrinket.value;
        storageValue.SC.base[selectSaltedStatus.value] = selectSCBase.value;
        storageValue.SC.maxSaltCharged = inputKGSalt.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('LGArea', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsLG(bAutoChangeLocation) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeLocation))
            bAutoChangeLocation = false;
        var selectLGTGAutoFillSide = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoFillSide');
        var selectLGTGAutoFillState = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoFillState');
        var selectLGTGAutoPourSide = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoPourSide');
        var selectLGTGAutoPourState = document.getElementById('selectLGTGAutoPourState');
        var selectLGTGSide = document.getElementById('selectLGTGSide');
        var selectLGTGBase = document.getElementById('selectLGTGBase');
        var selectLGTGTrinket = document.getElementById('selectLGTGTrinket');
        var selectLGTGBait = document.getElementById('selectLGTGBait');
        var selectLCCCSide = document.getElementById('selectLCCCSide');
        var selectLCCCBase = document.getElementById('selectLCCCBase');
        var selectLCCCTrinket = document.getElementById('selectLCCCTrinket');
        var selectSaltedStatus = document.getElementById('selectSaltedStatus');
        var selectSCBase = document.getElementById('selectSCBase');
        var inputKGSalt = document.getElementById('inputKGSalt');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('LGArea');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectLGTGAutoFillState.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLGTGAutoPourState.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLGTGBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLGTGTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLGTGBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLCCCBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectLCCCTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectSCBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            inputKGSalt.value = 25;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            if (bAutoChangeLocation && !isNullOrUndefined(user)) {
                if (user.environment_name.indexOf('Living Garden') > -1) {
                    selectLGTGAutoFillSide.value = 'LG';
                    selectLGTGAutoPourSide.value = 'LG';
                    selectLGTGSide.value = 'LG';
                else if (user.environment_name.indexOf('Twisted Garden') > -1) {
                    selectLGTGAutoFillSide.value = 'TG';
                    selectLGTGAutoPourSide.value = 'TG';
                    selectLGTGSide.value = 'TG';
                else if (user.environment_name.indexOf('Lost City') > -1) {
                    selectLCCCSide.value = 'LC';
                else if (user.environment_name.indexOf('Cursed City') > -1) {
                    selectLCCCSide.value = 'CC';
            selectLGTGAutoFillState.value = storageValue[selectLGTGAutoFillSide.value].isAutoFill;
            selectLGTGAutoPourState.value = storageValue[selectLGTGAutoPourSide.value].isAutoPour;
            selectLGTGBase.value = storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].base.after;
            selectLGTGTrinket.value = storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].trinket.after;
            selectLGTGBait.value = storageValue[selectLGTGSide.value].bait.after;
            selectLCCCBase.value = storageValue[selectLCCCSide.value].base.after;
            selectLCCCTrinket.value = storageValue[selectLCCCSide.value].trinket.after;
            selectSCBase.value = storageValue.SC.base[selectSaltedStatus.value];
            inputKGSalt.value = storageValue.SC.maxSaltCharged;

    function initControlsFW(bAutoChangeWave) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeWave))
            bAutoChangeWave = false;
        var selectFWWave = document.getElementById('selectFWWave');
        var selectFWTrapSetupWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFWTrapSetupWeapon');
        var selectFWTrapSetupBase = document.getElementById('selectFWTrapSetupBase');
        var selectFWStreak = document.getElementById('selectFWStreak');
        var selectFWFocusType = document.getElementById('selectFWFocusType');
        var selectFWPriorities = document.getElementById('selectFWPriorities');
        var selectFWCheese = document.getElementById('selectFWCheese');
        var selectFWCharmType = document.getElementById('selectFWCharmType');
        var selectFWSpecial = document.getElementById('selectFWSpecial');
        var selectFWCommanderClearStreak = document.getElementById('selectCommanderClearStreak');
        var selectFWLastTypeConfig = document.getElementById('selectFWLastTypeConfig');
        var selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery = document.getElementById('selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery');
        var selectFWSupportConfig = document.getElementById('selectFWSupportConfig');
        var selectFW4WardenStatus = document.getElementById('selectFW4WardenStatus');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupBase = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupBase');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupBait = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupBait');
        var storageValue = window.localStorage.getItem('FW');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectFWTrapSetupWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWTrapSetupBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFW4TrapSetupBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFW4TrapSetupBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWFocusType.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWPriorities.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWCheese.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWCharmType.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWSpecial.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWCommanderClearStreak.selectedIndex = 1;
            selectFWLastTypeConfig.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery.selectedIndex = 0;
            selectFWSupportConfig.selectedIndex = 0;
        } else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            if (bAutoChangeWave && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Fiery Warpath') > -1) {
                if (user.viewing_atts.desert_warpath.wave < 1)
                    selectFWWave.value = 1;
                else if (user.viewing_atts.desert_warpath.wave > 4)
                    selectFWWave.value = 4;
                    selectFWWave.value = user.viewing_atts.desert_warpath.wave;

                var nStreak = parseInt(user.viewing_atts.desert_warpath.streak_quantity);
                if (Number.isInteger(nStreak)) {
                    if (nStreak !== 0)
                        selectFWStreak.value = nStreak + 1;
            var strWave = 'wave' + selectFWWave.value;
            if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue[strWave].weapon))
                storageValue[strWave].weapon = 'Sandtail Sentinel';
            if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue[strWave].base))
                storageValue[strWave].base = 'Physical Brace Base';
            if (selectFWWave.value == 4) {
                selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon.value = storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].weapon;
                selectFW4TrapSetupBase.value = storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].base;
                selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket.value = storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].trinket;
                selectFW4TrapSetupBait.value = storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].bait;
            else {
                selectFWTrapSetupWeapon.value = storageValue[strWave].weapon;
                selectFWTrapSetupBase.value = storageValue[strWave].base;
            selectFWFocusType.value = storageValue[strWave].focusType;
            selectFWPriorities.value = storageValue[strWave].priorities;
            selectFWCheese.value = storageValue[strWave].cheese[selectFWStreak.selectedIndex];
            selectFWCharmType.value = storageValue[strWave].charmType[selectFWStreak.selectedIndex];
            selectFWSpecial.value = storageValue[strWave].special[selectFWStreak.selectedIndex];
            selectFWCommanderClearStreak.value = (storageValue[strWave].commanderClearStreak) ? 'true' : 'false';
            selectFWLastTypeConfig.value = storageValue[strWave].lastSoldierConfig;
            selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery.value = (storageValue[strWave].includeArtillery) ? 'true' : 'false';
            selectFWSupportConfig.value = (storageValue[strWave].disarmAfterSupportRetreat) ? 'true' : 'false';
        for (var i = 0; i < selectFWSpecial.options.length; i++) {
            if (selectFWSpecial.options[i].value == 'GARGANTUA_GGC') {
                if (selectFWStreak.selectedIndex >= 7)
                    selectFWSpecial.options[i].setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
        var nWave = parseInt(selectFWWave.value);
        var option = selectFWFocusType.children;
        for (var i = 0; i < option.length; i++) {
            if (option[i].innerText.indexOf('Special') > -1)
                option[i].style = (nWave == 1) ? 'display:none' : '';
        if (selectFWWave.value == 4) {
            document.getElementById('trFWStreak').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trFWFocusType').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trFWLastType').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trFWSupportConfig').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trFWTrapSetup').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trFW4TrapSetup').style.display = 'table-row';
        else {
            document.getElementById('trFWStreak').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trFWFocusType').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trFWLastType').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trFWSupportConfig').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trFWTrapSetup').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trFW4TrapSetup').style.display = 'none';
            if (selectFWWave.value == 3)
                selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery.disabled = '';
                selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery.disabled = 'disabled';

    function saveFW() {
        var selectFWWave = document.getElementById('selectFWWave');
        var selectFWTrapSetupWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFWTrapSetupWeapon');
        var selectFWTrapSetupBase = document.getElementById('selectFWTrapSetupBase');
        var nWave = selectFWWave.value;
        var selectFWStreak = document.getElementById('selectFWStreak');
        var nStreak = parseInt(selectFWStreak.value);
        var nStreakLength = selectFWStreak.children.length;
        var selectFWFocusType = document.getElementById('selectFWFocusType');
        var selectFWPriorities = document.getElementById('selectFWPriorities');
        var selectFWCheese = document.getElementById('selectFWCheese');
        var selectFWCharmType = document.getElementById('selectFWCharmType');
        var selectFWSpecial = document.getElementById('selectFWSpecial');
        var selectFWCommanderClearStreak = document.getElementById('selectCommanderClearStreak');
        var selectFWLastTypeConfig = document.getElementById('selectFWLastTypeConfig');
        var selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery = document.getElementById('selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery');
        var selectFWSupportConfig = document.getElementById('selectFWSupportConfig');
        var selectFW4WardenStatus = document.getElementById('selectFW4WardenStatus');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupBase = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupBase');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket');
        var selectFW4TrapSetupBait = document.getElementById('selectFW4TrapSetupBait');
        var storageValue = window.localStorage.getItem('FW');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var obj = {
                weapon: new Array(4),
                base: new Array(4),
                focusType: 'NORMAL',
                priorities: 'HIGHEST',
                cheese: new Array(nStreakLength),
                charmType: new Array(nStreakLength),
                special: new Array(nStreakLength),
                commanderClearStreak: false,
                lastSoldierConfig: 'CONFIG_GOUDA',
                includeArtillery: true,
                disarmAfterSupportRetreat: false,
                warden: {
                    before: {
                        weapon: '',
                        base: '',
                        trinket: '',
                        bait: ''
                    after: {
                        weapon: '',
                        base: '',
                        trinket: '',
                        bait: ''
            var objAll = {
                wave1: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)),
                wave2: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)),
                wave3: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)),
                wave4: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)),
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objAll);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var strWave = 'wave' + selectFWWave.value;
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue[strWave].weapon))
            storageValue[strWave].weapon = 'Sandtail Sentinel';
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue[strWave].base))
            storageValue[strWave].base = 'Physical Brace Base';
        if (nWave == 4) {
            storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].weapon = selectFW4TrapSetupWeapon.value;
            storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].base = selectFW4TrapSetupBase.value;
            storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].trinket = selectFW4TrapSetupTrinket.value;
            storageValue[strWave].warden[selectFW4WardenStatus.value].bait = selectFW4TrapSetupBait.value;
        else {
            storageValue[strWave].weapon = selectFWTrapSetupWeapon.value;
            storageValue[strWave].base = selectFWTrapSetupBase.value;
        storageValue[strWave].focusType = selectFWFocusType.value;
        storageValue[strWave].priorities = selectFWPriorities.value;
        storageValue[strWave].cheese[nStreak] = selectFWCheese.value;
        storageValue[strWave].charmType[nStreak] = selectFWCharmType.value;
        storageValue[strWave].special[nStreak] = selectFWSpecial.value;
        storageValue[strWave].commanderClearStreak = (selectFWCommanderClearStreak.value == 'true');
        storageValue[strWave].lastSoldierConfig = selectFWLastTypeConfig.value;
        storageValue[strWave].includeArtillery = (selectFWLastTypeConfigIncludeArtillery.value == 'true');
        storageValue[strWave].disarmAfterSupportRetreat = (selectFWSupportConfig.value == 'true');
        window.localStorage.setItem('FW', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function onSelectBRHuntMistTierChanged() {
        var hunt = document.getElementById('selectBRHuntMistTier').value;
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BRCustom');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objBR = {
                hunt: '',
                toggle: 1,
                name: ['Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'None'],
                weapon: new Array(4),
                base: new Array(4),
                trinket: new Array(4),
                bait: new Array(4)
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objBR);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        storageValue.hunt = hunt;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('BRCustom', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function onInputToggleCanisterChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function initControlsBR() {
        var hunt = document.getElementById('selectBRHuntMistTier');
        var toggle = document.getElementById('inputToggleCanister');
        var weapon = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapWeapon');
        var base = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapBase');
        var trinket = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapTrinket');
        var bait = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BRCustom');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            toggle.value = 1;
            hunt.selectedIndex = 0;
            weapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            base.selectedIndex = -1;
            trinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            bait.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            hunt.value = storageValue.hunt;
            toggle.value = storageValue.toggle;
            var nIndex =;
            weapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
            base.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
            trinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
            bait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
        document.getElementById('trBRToggle').style.display = (hunt.value == 'Red') ? 'table-row' : 'none';

    function saveBR() {
        var hunt = document.getElementById('selectBRHuntMistTier').value;
        var nToggle = parseInt(document.getElementById('inputToggleCanister').value);
        var weapon = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapWeapon').value;
        var base = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapBase').value;
        var trinket = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapTrinket').value;
        var bait = document.getElementById('selectBRTrapBait').value;
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BRCustom');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objBR = {
                hunt: '',
                toggle: 1,
                name: ['Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'None'],
                weapon: new Array(4),
                base: new Array(4),
                trinket: new Array(4),
                bait: new Array(4)
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objBR);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex =;
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        storageValue.hunt = hunt;
        storageValue.toggle = nToggle;
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = weapon;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = base;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = trinket;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = bait;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('BRCustom', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function saveSG() {
        var selectSGSeason = document.getElementById('selectSGSeason');
        var selectSGTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapWeapon');
        var selectSGTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapBase');
        var selectSGTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapTrinket');
        var selectSGTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapBait');
        var selectSGDisarmBait = document.getElementById('selectSGDisarmBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('SGarden');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objSG = {
                weapon: new Array(4).fill(''),
                base: new Array(4).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(4).fill(''),
                bait: new Array(4).fill(''),
                disarmBaitAfterCharged: false
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objSG);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = (selectSGSeason.selectedIndex < 0) ? 0 : selectSGSeason.selectedIndex;
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = selectSGTrapWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = selectSGTrapBase.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectSGTrapTrinket.value;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectSGTrapBait.value;
        storageValue.disarmBaitAfterCharged = (selectSGDisarmBait.value == 'true');
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('SGarden', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsSG(bAutoChangeSeason) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeSeason))
            bAutoChangeSeason = false;
        var selectSGSeason = document.getElementById('selectSGSeason');
        var selectSGTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapWeapon');
        var selectSGTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapBase');
        var selectSGTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapTrinket');
        var selectSGTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectSGTrapBait');
        var selectSGDisarmBait = document.getElementById('selectSGDisarmBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('SGarden');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectSGTrapWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectSGTrapBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectSGTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectSGTrapBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectSGDisarmBait.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            if (bAutoChangeSeason && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Seasonal Garden') > -1) {
                var arrSeason = ['Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter'];
                var nTimeStamp = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000;
                var nFirstSeasonTimeStamp = 1283328000;
                var nSeasonLength = 288000; // 80hr
                var nSeason = Math.floor((nTimeStamp - nFirstSeasonTimeStamp) / nSeasonLength) % arrSeason.length;
                selectSGSeason.value = arrSeason[nSeason].toUpperCase();
            var nIndex = (selectSGSeason.selectedIndex < 0) ? 0 : selectSGSeason.selectedIndex;
            selectSGTrapWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
            selectSGTrapBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
            selectSGTrapTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
            selectSGTrapBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
            selectSGDisarmBait.value = (storageValue.disarmBaitAfterCharged) ? 'true' : 'false';

    function initControlsZT(bAutoChangeMouseOrder) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeMouseOrder))
            bAutoChangeMouseOrder = false;
        var selectZTFocus = document.getElementById('selectZTFocus');
        var arrSelectZTMouseOrder = [document.getElementById('selectZTMouseOrder1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTMouseOrder2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTWeapon = [document.getElementById('selectZTWeapon1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTWeapon2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTBase = [document.getElementById('selectZTBase1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTBase2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTTrinket = [document.getElementById('selectZTTrinket1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTTrinket2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTBait = [document.getElementById('selectZTBait1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTBait2nd')];
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('ZTower');
        var i;
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].selectedIndex = 0;
                arrSelectZTWeapon[i].selectedIndex = -1;
                arrSelectZTBase[i].selectedIndex = -1;
                arrSelectZTTrinket[i].selectedIndex = -1;
                arrSelectZTBait[i].selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            selectZTFocus.value = storageValue.focus.toUpperCase();
            if (bAutoChangeMouseOrder && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Zugzwang\'s Tower') > -1) {
                var nProgressMystic = parseInt(user.viewing_atts.zzt_mage_progress);
                var nProgressTechnic = parseInt(user.viewing_atts.zzt_tech_progress);
                if (Number.isNaN(nProgressMystic) || Number.isNaN(nProgressTechnic)) {
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                        arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].selectedIndex = 0;
                else {
                    var arrProgress = [];
                    if (selectZTFocus.value.indexOf('MYSTIC') === 0)
                        arrProgress = [nProgressMystic, nProgressTechnic];
                        arrProgress = [nProgressTechnic, nProgressMystic];
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                        if (arrProgress[i] <= 7)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'PAWN';
                        else if (arrProgress[i] <= 9)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'KNIGHT';
                        else if (arrProgress[i] <= 11)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'BISHOP';
                        else if (arrProgress[i] <= 13)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'ROOK';
                        else if (arrProgress[i] <= 14)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'QUEEN';
                        else if (arrProgress[i] <= 15)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'KING';
                        else if (arrProgress[i] <= 16)
                            arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value = 'CHESSMASTER';
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].selectedIndex < 0)
                    arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].selectedIndex = 0;
            var nIndex = -1;
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value);
                if (nIndex < 0)
                    nIndex = 0;
                nIndex += i * 7;
                arrSelectZTWeapon[i].value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
                arrSelectZTBase[i].value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
                arrSelectZTTrinket[i].value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
                arrSelectZTBait[i].value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];

    function saveZT() {
        var selectZTFocus = document.getElementById('selectZTFocus');
        var arrSelectZTMouseOrder = [document.getElementById('selectZTMouseOrder1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTMouseOrder2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTWeapon = [document.getElementById('selectZTWeapon1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTWeapon2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTBase = [document.getElementById('selectZTBase1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTBase2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTTrinket = [document.getElementById('selectZTTrinket1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTTrinket2nd')];
        var arrSelectZTBait = [document.getElementById('selectZTBait1st'), document.getElementById('selectZTBait2nd')];
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('ZTower');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objZT = {
                focus: 'MYSTIC',
                order: ['PAWN', 'KNIGHT', 'BISHOP', 'ROOK', 'QUEEN', 'KING', 'CHESSMASTER'],
                weapon: new Array(14).fill(''),
                base: new Array(14).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(14).fill('None'),
                bait: new Array(14).fill('Gouda'),
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objZT);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = -1;
        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(arrSelectZTMouseOrder[i].value);
            if (nIndex < 0)
                nIndex = 0;
            nIndex += i * 7;
            storageValue.focus = selectZTFocus.value;
            storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = arrSelectZTWeapon[i].value;
            storageValue.base[nIndex] = arrSelectZTBase[i].value;
            storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = arrSelectZTTrinket[i].value;
            storageValue.bait[nIndex] = arrSelectZTBait[i].value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('ZTower', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function saveZokor() {
        var selectZokorBossStatus = document.getElementById('selectZokorBossStatus');
        var selectZokorBait = document.getElementById('selectZokorBait');
        var selectZokorTrinket = document.getElementById('selectZokorTrinket');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('Zokor');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objZokor = {
                bossStatus: ['INCOMING', 'ACTIVE', 'DEFEATED'],
                bait: new Array(3).fill('Gouda'),
                trinket: new Array(3).fill('None')
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objZokor);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = storageValue.bossStatus.indexOf(selectZokorBossStatus.value);
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectZokorBait.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectZokorTrinket.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('Zokor', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsZokor() {
        var selectZokorBossStatus = document.getElementById('selectZokorBossStatus');
        var selectZokorBait = document.getElementById('selectZokorBait');
        var selectZokorTrinket = document.getElementById('selectZokorTrinket');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('Zokor');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectZokorBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectZokorTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            var nIndex = storageValue.bossStatus.indexOf(selectZokorBossStatus.value);
            if (nIndex < 0)
                nIndex = 0;
            selectZokorBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
            selectZokorTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];

    function onSelectFRTrapBait() {

    function saveFR() {
        var selectEnterAtBattery = document.getElementById('selectEnterAtBattery');
        var selectRetreatAtBattery = document.getElementById('selectRetreatAtBattery');
        var nIndex = document.getElementById('selectTrapSetupAtBattery').selectedIndex;
        var weapon = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapWeapon').value;
        var base = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapBase').value;
        var trinket = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapTrinket').value;
        var bait = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapBait').value;
        var selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('FRift');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objFR = {
                enter: 0,
                retreat: 0,
                weapon: new Array(11).fill(''),
                base: new Array(11).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(11).fill(''),
                bait: new Array(11).fill(''),
                masterOrder: new Array(11).fill('Glutter=>Combat=>Susheese')
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objFR);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        storageValue.enter = parseInt(selectEnterAtBattery.value);
        storageValue.retreat = parseInt(selectRetreatAtBattery.value);
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = weapon;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = base;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = trinket;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = bait;
        storageValue.masterOrder[nIndex] = selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('FRift', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsFR(bAutoChangeBatteryLevel) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeBatteryLevel))
            bAutoChangeBatteryLevel = false;
        var selectEnterAtBattery = document.getElementById('selectEnterAtBattery');
        var selectRetreatAtBattery = document.getElementById('selectRetreatAtBattery');
        var selectTrapSetupAtBattery = document.getElementById('selectTrapSetupAtBattery');
        var selectFRTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapWeapon');
        var selectFRTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapBase');
        var selectFRTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapTrinket');
        var selectFRTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapBait');
        var selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder = document.getElementById('selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('FRift');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectEnterAtBattery.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectRetreatAtBattery.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRTrapWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRTrapBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRTrapBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder.selectedIndex = 0;
            selectTrapSetupAtBattery.selectedIndex = 0;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            var nIndex = 0;
            if (bAutoChangeBatteryLevel && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Furoma Rift') > -1 && (user.quests.QuestRiftFuroma.view_state == 'pagoda' || user.quests.QuestRiftFuroma.view_state == 'pagoda knows_all')) {
                var classCharge = document.getElementsByClassName('riftFuromaHUD-droid-charge');
                if (classCharge.length > 0) {
                    var nRemainingEnergy = parseInt(classCharge[0].innerText.replace(/,/g, ''));
                    if (Number.isInteger(nRemainingEnergy)) {
                        var arrCumulative = [20, 65, 140, 260, 460, 770, 1220, 1835, 2625, 3600];
                        for (var i = arrCumulative.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            if (nRemainingEnergy <= arrCumulative[i])
                                nIndex = i + 1;
                        selectTrapSetupAtBattery.selectedIndex = nIndex;
            else {
                nIndex = selectTrapSetupAtBattery.selectedIndex;
            selectEnterAtBattery.value = (Number.isInteger(storageValue.enter)) ? storageValue.enter : 'None';
            selectRetreatAtBattery.value = storageValue.retreat;
            selectFRTrapWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
            selectFRTrapBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
            selectFRTrapTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
            selectFRTrapBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
            selectFRTrapBaitMasterOrder.value = storageValue.masterOrder[nIndex];
        } = (selectFRTrapBait.value == 'ORDER_MASTER') ? '' : 'none';

    function saveIceberg() {
        var selectIcebergPhase = document.getElementById('selectIcebergPhase');
        var selectIcebergBase = document.getElementById('selectIcebergBase');
        var selectIcebergBait = document.getElementById('selectIcebergBait');
        var selectIcebergTrinket = document.getElementById('selectIcebergTrinket');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('Iceberg');
        var arrOrder = ['GENERAL', 'TREACHEROUS', 'BRUTAL', 'BOMBING', 'MAD', 'ICEWING', 'HIDDEN', 'DEEP', 'SLUSHY'];
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultIceberg = {
                base: new Array(9).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(9).fill('None'),
                bait: new Array(9).fill('Gouda')
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultIceberg);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = arrOrder.indexOf(selectIcebergPhase.value);
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = selectIcebergBase.value;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectIcebergBait.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectIcebergTrinket.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('Iceberg', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsIceberg(bAutoChangePhase) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangePhase))
            bAutoChangePhase = false;
        var selectIcebergPhase = document.getElementById('selectIcebergPhase');
        var selectIcebergBase = document.getElementById('selectIcebergBase');
        var selectIcebergBait = document.getElementById('selectIcebergBait');
        var selectIcebergTrinket = document.getElementById('selectIcebergTrinket');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('Iceberg');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectIcebergBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectIcebergBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectIcebergTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            var nIndex = -1;
            var arrOrder = ['GENERAL', 'TREACHEROUS', 'BRUTAL', 'BOMBING', 'MAD', 'ICEWING', 'HIDDEN', 'DEEP', 'SLUSHY'];
            if (bAutoChangePhase && !isNullOrUndefined(user)) {
                if (user.environment_name.indexOf('Iceberg') > -1) {
                    var classCurrentPhase = document.getElementsByClassName('currentPhase');
                    var phase = (classCurrentPhase.length > 0) ? classCurrentPhase[0].textContent : user.quests.QuestIceberg.current_phase;
                    var classProgress = document.getElementsByClassName('user_progress');
                    var nProgress = (classProgress.length > 0) ? parseInt(classProgress[0].textContent.replace(',', '')) : parseInt(user.quests.QuestIceberg.user_progress);
                    if (nProgress == 300 || nProgress == 600 || nProgress == 1600 || nProgress == 1800)
                        nIndex = 0;
                    else {
                        phase = phase.toUpperCase();
                        for (var i = 1; i < arrOrder.length; i++) {
                            if (phase.indexOf(arrOrder[i]) > -1) {
                                selectIcebergPhase.value = arrOrder[i];
                else if (user.environment_name.indexOf('Slushy Shoreline') > -1)
                    selectIcebergPhase.value = 'SLUSHY';
            nIndex = arrOrder.indexOf(selectIcebergPhase.value);
            selectIcebergBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
            selectIcebergTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
            selectIcebergBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];

    function saveFGAR() {
        var selectFGARSublocation = document.getElementById('selectFGARSublocation');
        var selectFGARWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFGARWeapon');
        var selectFGARBase = document.getElementById('selectFGARBase');
        var selectFGARTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFGARTrinket');
        var selectFGARBait = document.getElementById('selectFGARBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('FG_AR');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultFGAR);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(selectFGARSublocation.value);
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = selectFGARWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = selectFGARBase.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectFGARTrinket.value;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectFGARBait.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('FG_AR', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsFGAR(bAutoChangeSublocation) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeSublocation))
            bAutoChangeSublocation = false;
        var selectFGARSublocation = document.getElementById('selectFGARSublocation');
        var selectFGARWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFGARWeapon');
        var selectFGARBase = document.getElementById('selectFGARBase');
        var selectFGARTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFGARTrinket');
        var selectFGARBait = document.getElementById('selectFGARBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('FG_AR');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultFGAR);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = -1;
        if (bAutoChangeSublocation && !isNullOrUndefined(user))
            selectFGARSublocation.value = (user.environment_name.indexOf('Acolyte Realm') > -1) ? 'AR' : 'FG';
        nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(selectFGARSublocation.value);
        selectFGARWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
        selectFGARBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
        selectFGARTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
        selectFGARBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];

    function saveBCJOD() {
        var selectBCJODSublocation = document.getElementById('selectBCJODSublocation');
        var selectBCJODWeapon = document.getElementById('selectBCJODWeapon');
        var selectBCJODBase = document.getElementById('selectBCJODBase');
        var selectBCJODTrinket = document.getElementById('selectBCJODTrinket');
        var selectBCJODBait = document.getElementById('selectBCJODBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BC_JOD');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultBCJOD);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(selectBCJODSublocation.value);
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = selectBCJODWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = selectBCJODBase.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectBCJODTrinket.value;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectBCJODBait.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('BC_JOD', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsBCJOD(bAutoChangeSublocation) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeSublocation))
            bAutoChangeSublocation = false;
        var selectBCJODSublocation = document.getElementById('selectBCJODSublocation');
        var selectBCJODWeapon = document.getElementById('selectBCJODWeapon');
        var selectBCJODBase = document.getElementById('selectBCJODBase');
        var selectBCJODTrinket = document.getElementById('selectBCJODTrinket');
        var selectBCJODBait = document.getElementById('selectBCJODBait');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BC_JOD');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultBCJOD);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = -1;
        if (bAutoChangeSublocation && !isNullOrUndefined(user))
            selectBCJODSublocation.value = (user.environment_name.indexOf('Balack\'s Cove') > -1) ? 'LOW' : 'JOD';
        nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(selectBCJODSublocation.value);
        selectBCJODWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
        selectBCJODBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
        selectBCJODTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
        selectBCJODBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];

    function onSelectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum() {

    function onSelectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum() {

    function onInputRemaininigLootAChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function onInputRemaininigLootDChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function onSelectBWRiftChoosePortal() {

    function onInputMinTimeSandChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function onSelectBWRiftMinRSCType() {

    function onInputMinRSCChanged(input) {
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, input.min, input.max);

    function saveBWRift() {
        var selectBWRiftChamber = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftChamber');
        var selectBWRiftWeapon = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftWeapon');
        var selectBWRiftBase = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBase');
        var selectBWRiftBait = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBait');
        var selectBWRiftTrinket = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftTrinket');
        var selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch');
        var selectBWRiftCleaverStatus = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftCleaverStatus');
        var selectBWRiftAlertLvl = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftAlertLvl');
        var selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftBaseSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBaseSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftBaitSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBaitSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum');
        var inputRemainingLootA = document.getElementById('inputRemainingLootA');
        var selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum');
        var inputRemainingLootD = document.getElementById('inputRemainingLootD');
        var selectBWRiftChoosePortal = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftChoosePortal');
        var selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC');
        var selectBWRiftPriority = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftPriority');
        var selectBWRiftPriorityCursed = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftPriorityCursed');
        var selectBWRiftPortal = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftPortal');
        var selectBWRiftBuffCurse = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBuffCurse');
        var inputMinTimeSand = document.getElementById('inputMinTimeSand');
        var selectBWRiftMinRSCType = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftMinRSCType');
        var inputMinRSC = document.getElementById('inputMinRSC');
        var selectBWRiftEnterWCurse = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftEnterWCurse');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BWRift');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultBWRift);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndexCursed = selectBWRiftChamber.value.indexOf('_CURSED');
        var bCursed = (nIndexCursed > -1);
        var strChamberName = (bCursed) ? selectBWRiftChamber.value.substr(0, nIndexCursed) : selectBWRiftChamber.value;
        var nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(strChamberName);
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        if (bCursed)
            nIndex += 16;
        storageValue.master.weapon[nIndex] = selectBWRiftWeapon.value;
        storageValue.master.base[nIndex] = selectBWRiftBase.value;
        storageValue.master.bait[nIndex] = selectBWRiftBait.value;
        storageValue.master.trinket[nIndex] = selectBWRiftTrinket.value;
        storageValue.master.activate[nIndex] = (selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch.value == 'true');
        storageValue.specialActivate.forceActivate[nIndex] = (selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum.value == 'true');
        storageValue.specialActivate.remainingLootActivate[nIndex] = parseInt(inputRemainingLootA.value);
        storageValue.specialActivate.forceDeactivate[nIndex] = (selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum.value == 'true');
        storageValue.specialActivate.remainingLootDeactivate[nIndex] = parseInt(inputRemainingLootD.value);
        var strTemp = '';
        if (strChamberName == 'GEARWORKS' || strChamberName == 'ANCIENT' || strChamberName == 'RUNIC') {
            nIndex = selectBWRiftCleaverStatus.selectedIndex;
            if (bCursed)
                nIndex += 2;
            if (strChamberName == 'GEARWORKS')
                strTemp = 'gw';
            else if (strChamberName == 'ANCIENT')
                strTemp = 'al';
                strTemp = 'rl';
        else if (strChamberName == 'GUARD') {
            nIndex = selectBWRiftAlertLvl.selectedIndex;
            if (bCursed)
                nIndex += 7;
            strTemp = 'gb';
        /*else if(strChamberName == 'INGRESS'){
            nIndex = selectBWRiftFTC.selectedIndex;
                nIndex += 4;
            strTemp = 'ic';
        else if(strChamberName == 'FROZEN'){
            nIndex = selectBWRiftHunt.selectedIndex;
                nIndex += 16;
            strTemp = 'fa';
            strTemp = 'master';
        if (strTemp !== 'master') {
            storageValue[strTemp].weapon[nIndex] = selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial.value;
            storageValue[strTemp].base[nIndex] = selectBWRiftBaseSpecial.value;
            storageValue[strTemp].bait[nIndex] = selectBWRiftBaitSpecial.value;
            storageValue[strTemp].trinket[nIndex] = selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial.value;
            if (selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial.value == 'MASTER')
                storageValue[strTemp].activate[nIndex] = selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial.value;
                storageValue[strTemp].activate[nIndex] = (selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial.value == 'true');
        storageValue.minRSCType = selectBWRiftMinRSCType.value;
        storageValue.minRSC = parseInt(inputMinRSC.value);
        storageValue.choosePortal = (selectBWRiftChoosePortal.value == 'true');
        if (storageValue.choosePortal) {
            storageValue.choosePortalAfterCC = (selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC.value == 'true');
            storageValue.priorities[selectBWRiftPriority.selectedIndex] = selectBWRiftPortal.value;
            storageValue.prioritiesCursed[selectBWRiftPriorityCursed.selectedIndex] = selectBWRiftPortalCursed.value;
            nIndex = parseInt(selectBWRiftBuffCurse.value);
            storageValue.minTimeSand[nIndex] = parseInt(inputMinTimeSand.value);
            storageValue.enterMinigameWCurse = (selectBWRiftEnterWCurse.value == 'true');
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('BWRift', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsBWRift(bAutoChangeChamber) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeChamber))
            bAutoChangeChamber = false;
        var selectBWRiftChamber = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftChamber');
        var selectBWRiftWeapon = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftWeapon');
        var selectBWRiftBase = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBase');
        var selectBWRiftBait = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBait');
        var selectBWRiftTrinket = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftTrinket');
        var selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch');
        var selectBWRiftCleaverStatus = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftCleaverStatus');
        var selectBWRiftAlertLvl = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftAlertLvl');
        var selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftBaseSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBaseSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftBaitSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBaitSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial');
        var selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum');
        var inputRemainingLootA = document.getElementById('inputRemainingLootA');
        var selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum');
        var inputRemainingLootD = document.getElementById('inputRemainingLootD');
        var selectBWRiftChoosePortal = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftChoosePortal');
        var selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC');
        var selectBWRiftPriority = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftPriority');
        var selectBWRiftPriorityCursed = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftPriorityCursed');
        var selectBWRiftPortal = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftPortal');
        var selectBWRiftBuffCurse = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftBuffCurse');
        var inputMinTimeSand = document.getElementById('inputMinTimeSand');
        var selectBWRiftMinRSCType = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftMinRSCType');
        var inputMinRSC = document.getElementById('inputMinRSC');
        var selectBWRiftEnterWCurse = document.getElementById('selectBWRiftEnterWCurse');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('BWRift');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue))
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultBWRift);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = -1;
        var bCursed = false;
        if (bAutoChangeChamber && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Bristle Woods Rift') > -1) {
            if (!(user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods.status_effects.un.indexOf('default') > -1 || user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods.status_effects.un.indexOf('remove') > -1) ||
                !('default') > -1 ||'remove') > -1) ||
                !('default') > -1 ||'remove') > -1))
                bCursed = true;
            var nRemaining = user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods.progress_remaining;
            if (nRemaining > 0) {
                var strName = user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods.chamber_name.split(' ')[0].toUpperCase();
                if (strName == 'ACOLYTE') {
                    if (user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods.minigame.acolyte_chamber.obelisk_charge < 100)
                        nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf('ACOLYTE_CHARGING');
                    else if (user.quests.QuestRiftBristleWoods.minigame.acolyte_chamber.acolyte_sand > 0)
                        nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf('ACOLYTE_DRAINING');
                        nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf('ACOLYTE_DRAINED');
                    nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(strName);
                if (nIndex > -1)
                    selectBWRiftChamber.value = storageValue.order[nIndex];
                selectBWRiftChamber.value = 'NONE';
            if (bCursed)
                selectBWRiftChamber.value += '_CURSED';
        var nIndexCursed = selectBWRiftChamber.value.indexOf('_CURSED');
        bCursed = (nIndexCursed > -1);
        var strChamberName = (bCursed) ? selectBWRiftChamber.value.substr(0, nIndexCursed) : selectBWRiftChamber.value;
        nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(strChamberName);
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        if (bCursed)
            nIndex += 16;
        selectBWRiftWeapon.value = storageValue.master.weapon[nIndex];
        selectBWRiftBase.value = storageValue.master.base[nIndex];
        selectBWRiftTrinket.value = storageValue.master.trinket[nIndex];
        selectBWRiftBait.value = storageValue.master.bait[nIndex];
        selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatch.value = (storageValue.master.activate[nIndex] === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
        selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum.value = (storageValue.specialActivate.forceActivate[nIndex] === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
        inputRemainingLootA.value = storageValue.specialActivate.remainingLootActivate[nIndex];
        inputRemainingLootA.disabled = (selectBWRiftForceActiveQuantum.value == 'true') ? '' : 'disabled';
        selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum.value = (storageValue.specialActivate.forceDeactivate[nIndex] === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
        inputRemainingLootD.value = storageValue.specialActivate.remainingLootDeactivate[nIndex];
        inputRemainingLootD.disabled = (selectBWRiftForceDeactiveQuantum.value == 'true') ? '' : 'disabled';
        var strTemp = '';
        if (strChamberName == 'GEARWORKS' || strChamberName == 'ANCIENT' || strChamberName == 'RUNIC') {
            nIndex = selectBWRiftCleaverStatus.selectedIndex;
            if (bCursed)
                nIndex += 2;
            if (strChamberName == 'GEARWORKS')
                strTemp = 'gw';
            else if (strChamberName == 'ANCIENT')
                strTemp = 'al';
                strTemp = 'rl';
   = '';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
        else if (strChamberName == 'GUARD') {
            nIndex = selectBWRiftAlertLvl.selectedIndex;
            if (bCursed)
                nIndex += 7;
            strTemp = 'gb';
   = 'none';
   = '';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
        /*else if(strChamberName == 'INGRESS'){
            nIndex = selectBWRiftFTC.selectedIndex;
                nIndex += 4;
            strTemp = 'ic';
   = 'none';
   = '';
   = 'none';
        else if(strChamberName == 'FROZEN'){
            nIndex = selectBWRiftHunt.selectedIndex;
                nIndex += 16;
            strTemp = 'fa';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
   = '';
        else {
            strTemp = 'master';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
        if (strTemp == 'master')
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftTrapSetupSpecial').style.display = 'none';
        else {
            selectBWRiftWeaponSpecial.value = storageValue[strTemp].weapon[nIndex];
            selectBWRiftBaseSpecial.value = storageValue[strTemp].base[nIndex];
            selectBWRiftTrinketSpecial.value = storageValue[strTemp].trinket[nIndex];
            selectBWRiftBaitSpecial.value = storageValue[strTemp].bait[nIndex];
            if (storageValue[strTemp].activate[nIndex] == 'MASTER')
                selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial.value = storageValue[strTemp].activate[nIndex];
                selectBWRiftActivatePocketWatchSpecial.value = (storageValue[strTemp].activate[nIndex] === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftTrapSetupSpecial').style.display = '';
        selectBWRiftChoosePortal.value = (storageValue.choosePortal === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
        selectBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC.value = (storageValue.choosePortalAfterCC === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
        selectBWRiftPortal.value = storageValue.priorities[selectBWRiftPriority.selectedIndex];
        selectBWRiftPortalCursed.value = storageValue.prioritiesCursed[selectBWRiftPriorityCursed.selectedIndex];
        nIndex = parseInt(selectBWRiftBuffCurse.value);
        inputMinTimeSand.value = storageValue.minTimeSand[nIndex];
        selectBWRiftMinRSCType.value = storageValue.minRSCType;
        inputMinRSC.value = storageValue.minRSC;
        selectBWRiftEnterWCurse.value = (storageValue.enterMinigameWCurse === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
        if (selectBWRiftChoosePortal.value == 'true') {
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC').style.display = '';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftPortalPriority').style.display = '';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftPortalPriorityCursed').style.display = '';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftMinTimeSand').style.display = '';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftEnterMinigame').style.display = '';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftMinRSC').style.display = '';
        else {
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftPortalPriority').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftPortalPriorityCursed').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftMinTimeSand').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftEnterMinigame').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trBWRiftMinRSC').style.display = 'none';
        } = (selectBWRiftMinRSCType.value == 'NUMBER') ? '' : 'none';

    function saveFRox() {
        var selectFRoxStage = document.getElementById('selectFRoxStage');
        var selectFRoxWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFRoxWeapon');
        var selectFRoxBase = document.getElementById('selectFRoxBase');
        var selectFRoxBait = document.getElementById('selectFRoxBait');
        var selectFRoxTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFRoxTrinket');
        var selectFRoxActivateTower = document.getElementById('selectFRoxActivateTower');
        var selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate = document.getElementById('selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('FRox');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultFRox = {
                stage: ['DAY', 'stage_one', 'stage_two', 'stage_three', 'stage_four', 'stage_five', 'DAWN'],
                order: ['DAY', 'TWILIGHT', 'MIDNIGHT', 'PITCH', 'UTTER', 'FIRST', 'DAWN'],
                weapon: new Array(7).fill(''),
                base: new Array(7).fill(''),
                trinket: new Array(7).fill('None'),
                bait: new Array(7).fill('Gouda'),
                activate: new Array(7).fill(false),
                fullHPDeactivate: true
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultFRox);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(selectFRoxStage.value);
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        storageValue.weapon[nIndex] = selectFRoxWeapon.value;
        storageValue.base[nIndex] = selectFRoxBase.value;
        storageValue.bait[nIndex] = selectFRoxBait.value;
        storageValue.trinket[nIndex] = selectFRoxTrinket.value;
        storageValue.activate[nIndex] = (selectFRoxActivateTower.value == 'true');
        storageValue.fullHPDeactivate = (selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate.value == 'true');
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('FRox', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsFRox(bAutoChangeStage) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeStage))
            bAutoChangeStage = false;
        var selectFRoxStage = document.getElementById('selectFRoxStage');
        var selectFRoxWeapon = document.getElementById('selectFRoxWeapon');
        var selectFRoxBase = document.getElementById('selectFRoxBase');
        var selectFRoxBait = document.getElementById('selectFRoxBait');
        var selectFRoxTrinket = document.getElementById('selectFRoxTrinket');
        var selectFRoxActivateTower = document.getElementById('selectFRoxActivateTower');
        var selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate = document.getElementById('selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('FRox');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectFRoxWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRoxBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRoxBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRoxTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRoxActivateTower.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate.selectedIndex = -1;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            var nIndex = -1;
            if (bAutoChangeStage && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Fort Rox') > -1) {
                if (user.quests.QuestFortRox.is_dawn === true)
                    selectFRoxStage.value = 'DAWN';
                else if (user.quests.QuestFortRox.current_phase == 'night') {
                    nIndex = storageValue.stage.indexOf(user.quests.QuestFortRox.current_stage);
                    if (nIndex > -1)
                        selectFRoxStage.value = storageValue.order[nIndex];
                else if (user.quests.QuestFortRox.current_phase == 'day') {
                    selectFRoxStage.value = 'DAY';
            nIndex = storageValue.order.indexOf(selectFRoxStage.value);
            if (nIndex < 0)
                nIndex = 0;
            selectFRoxWeapon.value = storageValue.weapon[nIndex];
            selectFRoxBase.value = storageValue.base[nIndex];
            selectFRoxTrinket.value = storageValue.trinket[nIndex];
            selectFRoxBait.value = storageValue.bait[nIndex];
            selectFRoxActivateTower.value = (storageValue.activate[nIndex] === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            selectFRoxFullHPDeactivate.value = (storageValue.fullHPDeactivate === true) ? 'true' : 'false';

    function onSelectWWRiftFaction() {

    function onInputMinRageChanged(input) {
        var selectWWRiftFaction = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftFaction');
        var nMin = (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_45_48') ? 45 : input.min;
        var nMax = (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_40_44') ? 44 : input.max;
        input.value = limitMinMax(input.value, nMin, nMax);

    function saveWWRift() {
        var selectWWRiftFaction = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftFaction');
        var selectWWRiftFactionNext = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftFactionNext');
        var selectWWRiftRage = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftRage');
        var selectWWRiftTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapWeapon');
        var selectWWRiftTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapBase');
        var selectWWRiftTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapTrinket');
        var selectWWRiftTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapBait');
        var selectWWRiftMBWBar4044 = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWBar4044');
        var selectWWRiftMBWBar4548 = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWBar4548');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait');
        var inputMinRage = document.getElementById('inputMinRage');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('WWRift');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultWWRift = {
                factionFocus: "CC",
                factionFocusNext: "Remain",
                faction: {
                    weapon: new Array(3).fill(''),
                    base: new Array(3).fill(''),
                    trinket: new Array(3).fill('None'),
                    bait: new Array(3).fill('None')
                MBW: {
                    minRageLLC: 40,
                    rage4044: {
                        weapon: new Array(7).fill(''),
                        base: new Array(7).fill(''),
                        trinket: new Array(7).fill('None'),
                        bait: new Array(7).fill('None')
                    rage4548: {
                        weapon: new Array(8).fill(''),
                        base: new Array(8).fill(''),
                        trinket: new Array(8).fill('None'),
                        bait: new Array(8).fill('None')
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultWWRift);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        storageValue.factionFocus = selectWWRiftFaction.value;
        storageValue.factionFocusNext = selectWWRiftFactionNext.value;
        var nIndex = selectWWRiftRage.selectedIndex;
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = 0;
        storageValue.faction.weapon[nIndex] = selectWWRiftTrapWeapon.value;
        storageValue.faction.base[nIndex] = selectWWRiftTrapBase.value;
        storageValue.faction.trinket[nIndex] = selectWWRiftTrapTrinket.value;
        storageValue.faction.bait[nIndex] = selectWWRiftTrapBait.value;
        storageValue.MBW.minRageLLC = parseInt(inputMinRage.value);
        if (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_40_44') {
            nIndex = selectWWRiftMBWBar4044.selectedIndex;
            if (nIndex < 0)
                nIndex = 0;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4044.weapon[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon.value;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4044.base[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase.value;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4044.trinket[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket.value;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4044.bait[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait.value;
        else if (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_45_48') {
            nIndex = selectWWRiftMBWBar4548.selectedIndex;
            if (nIndex < 0)
                nIndex = 0;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4548.weapon[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon.value;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4548.base[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase.value;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4548.trinket[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket.value;
            storageValue.MBW.rage4548.bait[nIndex] = selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait.value;
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('WWRift', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsWWRift(bAutoChangeRageLevel) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangeRageLevel))
            bAutoChangeRageLevel = false;
        var selectWWRiftFaction = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftFaction');
        var selectWWRiftFactionNext = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftFactionNext');
        var selectWWRiftRage = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftRage');
        var selectWWRiftTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapWeapon');
        var selectWWRiftTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapBase');
        var selectWWRiftTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapTrinket');
        var selectWWRiftTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftTrapBait');
        var selectWWRiftMBWBar4044 = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWBar4044');
        var selectWWRiftMBWBar4548 = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWBar4548');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket');
        var selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait');
        var inputMinRage = document.getElementById('inputMinRage');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('WWRift');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectWWRiftFaction.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftFactionNext.selectedIndex = 0;
            selectWWRiftRage.selectedIndex = 0;
            selectWWRiftTrapWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftTrapBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftTrapBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            inputMinRage.value = 40;
            selectWWRiftMBWBar4044.selectedIndex = 0;
            selectWWRiftMBWBar4548.selectedIndex = 0;
            selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait.selectedIndex = -1;
        } else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            selectWWRiftFaction.value = storageValue.factionFocus;
            selectWWRiftFactionNext.value = storageValue.factionFocusNext;
            if (bAutoChangeRageLevel && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Whisker Woods Rift') > -1) {
                var arrOrder = ['CC', 'GGT', 'DL'];
                var arrRage = new Array(3);
                var classRage = document.getElementsByClassName('riftWhiskerWoodsHUD-zone-rageLevel');
                for (var i = 0; i < classRage.length; i++)
                    arrRage[i] = parseInt(classRage[i].textContent);
                var temp = arrOrder.indexOf(storageValue.factionFocus);
                if (temp != -1 && Number.isInteger(arrRage[temp]))
                    selectWWRiftRage.selectedIndex = Math.floor(arrRage[temp] / 25);
            var nIndex = (selectWWRiftRage.selectedIndex < 0) ? 0 : selectWWRiftRage.selectedIndex;
            selectWWRiftTrapWeapon.value = storageValue.faction.weapon[nIndex];
            selectWWRiftTrapBase.value = storageValue.faction.base[nIndex];
            selectWWRiftTrapTrinket.value = storageValue.faction.trinket[nIndex];
            selectWWRiftTrapBait.value = storageValue.faction.bait[nIndex];
            inputMinRage.value = storageValue.MBW.minRageLLC;
            var temp = '';
            if (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_40_44') {
                nIndex = (selectWWRiftMBWBar4044.selectedIndex < 0) ? 0 : selectWWRiftMBWBar4044.selectedIndex;
                temp = 'rage4044';
            else if (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_45_48') {
                nIndex = (selectWWRiftMBWBar4548.selectedIndex < 0) ? 0 : selectWWRiftMBWBar4548.selectedIndex;
                temp = 'rage4548';
            if (temp !== '') {
                selectWWRiftMBWTrapWeapon.value = storageValue.MBW[temp].weapon[nIndex];
                selectWWRiftMBWTrapBase.value = storageValue.MBW[temp].base[nIndex];
                selectWWRiftMBWTrapTrinket.value = storageValue.MBW[temp].trinket[nIndex];
                selectWWRiftMBWTrapBait.value = storageValue.MBW[temp].bait[nIndex];
        if (selectWWRiftFaction.value.indexOf('MBW') > -1) {
   = (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_40_44') ? '' : 'none';
   = (selectWWRiftFaction.value == 'MBW_40_44') ? 'none' : '';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftFactionFocusNext').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftMBWMinRage').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftMBWTrapSetup').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftTrapSetup').style.display = 'none';
        else {
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftFactionFocusNext').style.display = 'table-row';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftMBWMinRage').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftMBWTrapSetup').style.display = 'none';
            document.getElementById('trWWRiftTrapSetup').style.display = 'table-row';

    function onSelectGESSDLoadCrate() {

    function onSelectGESRRRepellent() {

    function onSelectGESDCStokeEngine() {

    function saveGES() {
        var selectGESStage = document.getElementById('selectGESStage');
        var selectGESTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapWeapon');
        var selectGESTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapBase');
        var selectGESSDTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGESSDTrapTrinket');
        var selectGESRRTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGESRRTrapTrinket');
        var selectGESDCTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGESDCTrapTrinket');
        var selectGESTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapBait');
        var selectGESSDLoadCrate = document.getElementById('selectGESSDLoadCrate');
        var inputMinCrate = document.getElementById('inputMinCrate');
        var selectGESRRRepellent = document.getElementById('selectGESRRRepellent');
        var inputMinRepellent = document.getElementById('inputMinRepellent');
        var selectGESDCStokeEngine = document.getElementById('selectGESDCStokeEngine');
        var inputMinFuelNugget = document.getElementById('inputMinFuelNugget');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('GES');
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            var objDefaultGES = {
                bLoadCrate: false,
                nMinCrate: 11,
                bUseRepellent: false,
                nMinRepellent: 11,
                bStokeEngine: false,
                nMinFuelNugget: 20,
                SD_BEFORE: {
                    weapon: '',
                    base: '',
                    trinket: '',
                    bait: ''
                SD_AFTER: {
                    weapon: '',
                    base: '',
                    trinket: '',
                    bait: ''
                RR: {
                    weapon: '',
                    base: '',
                    trinket: '',
                    bait: ''
                DC: {
                    weapon: '',
                    base: '',
                    trinket: '',
                    bait: ''
                WAITING: {
                    weapon: '',
                    base: '',
                    trinket: '',
                    bait: ''
            storageValue = JSON.stringify(objDefaultGES);
        storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
        var strStage = selectGESStage.value;
        storageValue[strStage].weapon = selectGESTrapWeapon.value;
        storageValue[strStage].base = selectGESTrapBase.value;
        storageValue[strStage].bait = selectGESTrapBait.value;
        if (strStage == 'RR')
            storageValue[strStage].trinket = selectGESRRTrapTrinket.value;
        else if (strStage == 'DC')
            storageValue[strStage].trinket = selectGESDCTrapTrinket.value;
            storageValue[strStage].trinket = selectGESTrapTrinket.value;
        storageValue.bLoadCrate = (selectGESSDLoadCrate.value == 'true');
        storageValue.nMinCrate = parseInt(inputMinCrate.value);
        storageValue.bUseRepellent = (selectGESRRRepellent.value == 'true');
        storageValue.nMinRepellent = parseInt(inputMinRepellent.value);
        storageValue.bStokeEngine = (selectGESDCStokeEngine.value == 'true');
        storageValue.nMinFuelNugget = parseInt(inputMinFuelNugget.value);
        window.sessionStorage.setItem('GES', JSON.stringify(storageValue));

    function initControlsGES(bAutoChangePhase) {
        if (isNullOrUndefined(bAutoChangePhase))
            bAutoChangePhase = false;
        var selectGESStage = document.getElementById('selectGESStage');
        var selectGESTrapWeapon = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapWeapon');
        var selectGESTrapBase = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapBase');
        var selectGESTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapTrinket');
        var selectGESRRTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGESRRTrapTrinket');
        var selectGESDCTrapTrinket = document.getElementById('selectGESDCTrapTrinket');
        var selectGESTrapBait = document.getElementById('selectGESTrapBait');
        var selectGESSDLoadCrate = document.getElementById('selectGESSDLoadCrate');
        var inputMinCrate = document.getElementById('inputMinCrate');
        var selectGESRRRepellent = document.getElementById('selectGESRRRepellent');
        var inputMinRepellent = document.getElementById('inputMinRepellent');
        var selectGESDCStokeEngine = document.getElementById('selectGESDCStokeEngine');
        var inputMinFuelNugget = document.getElementById('inputMinFuelNugget');
        var storageValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('GES');
        if (bAutoChangePhase && !isNullOrUndefined(user) && user.environment_name.indexOf('Gnawnian Express Station') > -1) {
            if (user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train) {
                var strCurrentPhase = '';
                var classPhase = document.getElementsByClassName('box phaseName');
                if (classPhase.length > 0 && classPhase[0].children.length > 1)
                    strCurrentPhase = classPhase[0].children[1].textContent;
                if (strCurrentPhase == 'Supply Depot') {
                    selectGESStage.value = 'SD';
                    var nTurn = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('supplyHoarderTab')[0].textContent.substr(0, 1));
                    selectGESStage.value = (nTurn <= 0) ? 'SD_BEFORE' : 'SD_AFTER';
                else if (strCurrentPhase == 'Raider River')
                    selectGESStage.value = 'RR';
                else if (strCurrentPhase == 'Daredevil Canyon')
                    selectGESStage.value = 'DC';
                selectGESStage.value = 'WAITING';
        var strStage = selectGESStage.value;
        if (isNullOrUndefined(storageValue)) {
            selectGESTrapWeapon.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGESTrapBase.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGESTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGESRRTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGESDCTrapTrinket.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGESTrapBait.selectedIndex = -1;
            selectGESSDLoadCrate.selectedIndex = 0;
            inputMinCrate.value = 11;
            selectGESRRRepellent.selectedIndex = 0;
            inputMinRepellent.value = 11;
            selectGESDCStokeEngine.selectedIndex = 0;
            inputMinFuelNugget.value = 20;
        else {
            storageValue = JSON.parse(storageValue);
            selectGESTrapWeapon.value = storageValue[strStage].weapon;
            selectGESTrapBase.value = storageValue[strStage].base;
            selectGESTrapBait.value = storageValue[strStage].bait;
            if (strStage == 'RR')
                selectGESRRTrapTrinket.value = storageValue.RR.trinket;
            else if (strStage == 'DC')
                selectGESDCTrapTrinket.value = storageValue.DC.trinket;
                selectGESTrapTrinket.value = storageValue[strStage].trinket;
            selectGESSDLoadCrate.value = (storageValue.bLoadCrate === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            inputMinCrate.value = storageValue.nMinCrate;
            selectGESRRRepellent.value = (storageValue.bUseRepellent === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            inputMinRepellent.value = storageValue.nMinRepellent;
            selectGESDCStokeEngine.value = (storageValue.bStokeEngine === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
            inputMinFuelNugget.value = storageValue.nMinFuelNugget;
        if (strStage == 'RR') {
   = 'none';
   = '';
   = 'none';
        else if (strStage == 'DC') {
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
   = '';
        else {
   = '';
   = 'none';
   = 'none';
        inputMinCrate.disabled = (selectGESSDLoadCrate.value == 'true') ? '' : 'disabled';
        inputMinRepellent.disabled = (selectGESRRRepellent.value == 'true') ? '' : 'disabled';
        inputMinFuelNugget.disabled = (selectGESDCStokeEngine.value == 'true') ? '' : 'disabled';

    function saveMountain() {
        console.log("save mountain");

    function initControlsMountain(data) {

    function showOrHideTr(algo) {
        var objTableRow = {
            'All LG Area': {
                arr: ['trLGTGAutoFill', 'trLGTGAutoPour', 'trPourTrapSetup', 'trCurseLiftedTrapSetup', 'trSaltedTrapSetup'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Sunken City Custom': {
                arr: ['trSCCustom', 'trSCCustomUseSmartJet'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Labyrinth': {
                arr: ['trLabyrinth', 'trPriorities15', 'trPriorities1560', 'trPriorities60', 'trLabyrinthOtherHallway', 'trLabyrinthDisarm', 'trLabyrinthArmOtherBase', 'trLabyrinthDisarmCompass', 'trLabyrinthUseShufflers', 'trLabyrinthWeaponFarming'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Fiery Warpath': {
                arr: ['trFWWave', 'trFWTrapSetup', 'trFW4TrapSetup', 'trFWStreak', 'trFWFocusType', 'trFWLastType', 'trFWSupportConfig'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Burroughs Rift Custom': {
                arr: ['trBRConfig', 'trBRToggle', 'trBRTrapSetup'],
                init: function (data) {
            'SG': {
                arr: ['trSGTrapSetup', 'trSGDisarmBait'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Zokor': {
                arr: ['trZokorTrapSetup'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Furoma Rift': {
                arr: ['trFREnterBattery', 'trFRRetreatBattery', 'trFRTrapSetupAtBattery'],
                init: function (data) {
            'ZT': {
                arr: ['trZTFocus', 'trZTTrapSetup1st', 'trZTTrapSetup2nd'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Iceberg': {
                arr: ['trIceberg'],
                init: function (data) {
            'WWRift': {
                arr: ['trWWRiftFactionFocus', 'trWWRiftFactionFocusNext', 'trWWRiftTrapSetup', 'trWWRiftMBWTrapSetup', 'trWWRiftMBWMinRage'],
                init: function (data) {
            'GES': {
                arr: ['trGESTrapSetup', 'trGESSDLoadCrate', 'trGESRRRepellent', 'trGESDCStokeEngine'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Fort Rox': {
                arr: ['trFRoxTrapSetup', 'trFRoxDeactiveTower'],
                init: function (data) {
            'GWH2016R': {
                arr: ['trGWHTrapSetup', 'trGWHTurboBoost', 'trGWHFlying', 'trGWHFlyingFirework', 'trGWHFlyingLand'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Bristle Woods Rift': {
                arr: ['trBWRiftSubLocation', 'trBWRiftMasterTrapSetup', 'trBWRiftAutoChoosePortal', 'trBWRiftPortalPriority', 'trBWRiftPortalPriorityCursed', 'trBWRiftMinTimeSand', 'trBWRiftMinRSC', 'trBWRiftDeactivatePocketWatch', 'trBWRiftChoosePortalAfterCC', 'trBWRiftTrapSetupSpecial', 'trBWRiftEnterMinigame', 'trBWRiftActivatePocketWatch'],
                init: function (data) {
            'BC/JOD': {
                arr: ['trBCJODSubLocation', 'trBCJODTrapSetup'],
                init: function (data) {
            'FG/AR': {
                arr: ['trFGARSubLocation', 'trFGARTrapSetup'],
                init: function (data) {
            'Mountain': {
                arr: [],
                init: function (data) {
        var i, temp;
        for (var prop in objTableRow) {
            if (objTableRow.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                temp = (prop == algo) ? 'table-row' : 'none';
                for (i = 0; i < objTableRow[prop].arr.length; i++)
                    document.getElementById(objTableRow[prop].arr[i]).style.display = temp;
        if (!isNullOrUndefined(objTableRow[algo]))
