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// @name:en-US         Make GKDInspect Better
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// @description        让GKD网页审查工具再次强大!
// @description:en-US  Let GKD Inspect Better Again!
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rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant))}.mdui-prose td:not(:first-child),.mdui-prose th:not(:first-child),.mdui-table td:not(:first-child),.mdui-table th:not(:first-child){border-left:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant))}.mdui-prose td:not(:last-child),.mdui-prose th:not(:last-child),.mdui-table td:not(:last-child),.mdui-table th:not(:last-child){border-right:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant))}.mdui-prose tbody:first-child tr:first-child td,.mdui-prose thead:first-child tr:first-child th,.mdui-table tbody:first-child tr:first-child td,.mdui-table thead:first-child tr:first-child th{border-top:0}.mdui-prose tfoot td,.mdui-prose tfoot th,.mdui-prose thead td,.mdui-prose thead th,.mdui-table tfoot td,.mdui-table tfoot th,.mdui-table thead td,.mdui-table thead th{position:relative;vertical-align:middle;padding:1.125rem 1rem;font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-line-height);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}.mdui-prose tbody td,.mdui-prose tbody th,.mdui-table tbody td,.mdui-table tbody th{padding:.875rem 1rem}.mdui-prose tbody th,.mdui-table tbody th{vertical-align:middle;font-weight:inherit}.mdui-prose tbody td,.mdui-table tbody td{vertical-align:baseline}:root{--mdui-shape-corner-none:0;--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small:.25rem;--mdui-shape-corner-small:.5rem;--mdui-shape-corner-medium:.75rem;--mdui-shape-corner-large:1rem;--mdui-shape-corner-extra-large:1.75rem;--mdui-shape-corner-full:1000rem}:root{--mdui-state-layer-hover:.08;--mdui-state-layer-focus:.12;--mdui-state-layer-pressed:.12;--mdui-state-layer-dragged:.16}:root{--mdui-typescale-display-large-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-display-medium-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-display-small-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-display-large-line-height:4rem;--mdui-typescale-display-medium-line-height:3.25rem;--mdui-typescale-display-small-line-height:2.75rem;--mdui-typescale-display-large-size:3.5625rem;--mdui-typescale-display-medium-size:2.8125rem;--mdui-typescale-display-small-size:2.25rem;--mdui-typescale-display-large-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-display-medium-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-display-small-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-large-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-headline-small-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-headline-large-line-height:2.5rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-line-height:2.25rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-small-line-height:2rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-large-size:2rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-size:1.75rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-small-size:1.5rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-large-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-headline-small-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-title-large-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-title-medium-weight:500;--mdui-typescale-title-small-weight:500;--mdui-typescale-title-large-line-height:1.75rem;--mdui-typescale-title-medium-line-height:1.5rem;--mdui-typescale-title-small-line-height:1.25rem;--mdui-typescale-title-large-size:1.375rem;--mdui-typescale-title-medium-size:1rem;--mdui-typescale-title-small-size:.875rem;--mdui-typescale-title-large-tracking:0rem;--mdui-typescale-title-medium-tracking:.009375rem;--mdui-typescale-title-small-tracking:.00625rem;--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight:500;--mdui-typescale-label-medium-weight:500;--mdui-typescale-label-small-weight:500;--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height:1.25rem;--mdui-typescale-label-medium-line-height:1rem;--mdui-typescale-label-small-line-height:.375rem;--mdui-typescale-label-large-size:.875rem;--mdui-typescale-label-medium-size:.75rem;--mdui-typescale-label-small-size:.6875rem;--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking:.00625rem;--mdui-typescale-label-medium-tracking:.03125rem;--mdui-typescale-label-small-tracking:.03125rem;--mdui-typescale-body-large-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-body-medium-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight:400;--mdui-typescale-body-large-line-height:1.5rem;--mdui-typescale-body-medium-line-height:1.25rem;--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height:1rem;--mdui-typescale-body-large-size:1rem;--mdui-typescale-body-medium-size:.875rem;--mdui-typescale-body-small-size:.75rem;--mdui-typescale-body-large-tracking:.009375rem;--mdui-typescale-body-medium-tracking:.015625rem;--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking:.025rem}.mdui-lock-screen{overflow:hidden!important}#categories{width:500px}mdui-dialog>*>span{display:flex;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-size)}.introduction{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));display:block;opacity:1;transition:opacity 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(function (vue) {
  'use strict';

  var _a;
  function isObject(obj) {
    return obj !== null && typeof obj === "object" && "constructor" in obj && obj.constructor === Object;
  function extend$1(target = {}, src = {}) {
    Object.keys(src).forEach((key2) => {
      if (typeof target[key2] === "undefined")
        target[key2] = src[key2];
      else if (isObject(src[key2]) && isObject(target[key2]) && Object.keys(src[key2]).length > 0) {
        extend$1(target[key2], src[key2]);
  const ssrDocument = {
    body: {},
    addEventListener() {
    removeEventListener() {
    activeElement: {
      blur() {
      nodeName: ""
    querySelector() {
      return null;
    querySelectorAll() {
      return [];
    getElementById() {
      return null;
    createEvent() {
      return {
        initEvent() {
    createElement() {
      return {
        children: [],
        childNodes: [],
        style: {},
        setAttribute() {
        getElementsByTagName() {
          return [];
    createElementNS() {
      return {};
    importNode() {
      return null;
    location: {
      hash: "",
      host: "",
      hostname: "",
      href: "",
      origin: "",
      pathname: "",
      protocol: "",
      search: ""
  function getDocument() {
    const doc = typeof document !== "undefined" ? document : {};
    extend$1(doc, ssrDocument);
    return doc;
  const ssrWindow = {
    document: ssrDocument,
    navigator: {
      userAgent: ""
    location: {
      hash: "",
      host: "",
      hostname: "",
      href: "",
      origin: "",
      pathname: "",
      protocol: "",
      search: ""
    history: {
      replaceState() {
      pushState() {
      go() {
      back() {
    CustomEvent: function CustomEvent2() {
      return this;
    addEventListener() {
    removeEventListener() {
    getComputedStyle() {
      return {
        getPropertyValue() {
          return "";
    Image() {
    Date() {
    screen: {},
    setTimeout() {
    clearTimeout() {
    matchMedia() {
      return {};
    requestAnimationFrame(callback) {
      if (typeof setTimeout === "undefined") {
        return null;
      return setTimeout(callback, 0);
    cancelAnimationFrame(id2) {
      if (typeof setTimeout === "undefined") {
  function getWindow$1() {
    const win = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {};
    extend$1(win, ssrWindow);
    return win;
  const getNodeName$1 = (element) => {
    return (element == null ? void 0 : element.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ?? "";
  const isNodeName = (element, name) => {
    return (element == null ? void 0 : element.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === name.toLowerCase();
  const isFunction = (target) => {
    return typeof target === "function";
  const isString = (target) => {
    return typeof target === "string";
  const isNumber = (target) => {
    return typeof target === "number";
  const isBoolean = (target) => {
    return typeof target === "boolean";
  const isUndefined = (target) => {
    return typeof target === "undefined";
  const isNull = (target) => {
    return target === null;
  const isWindow = (target) => {
    return typeof Window !== "undefined" && target instanceof Window;
  const isDocument = (target) => {
    return typeof Document !== "undefined" && target instanceof Document;
  const isElement = (target) => {
    return typeof Element !== "undefined" && target instanceof Element;
  const isNode$1 = (target) => {
    return typeof Node !== "undefined" && target instanceof Node;
  const isArrayLike = (target) => {
    return !isFunction(target) && !isWindow(target) && isNumber(target.length);
  const isObjectLike = (target) => {
    return typeof target === "object" && target !== null;
  const toElement = (target) => {
    return isDocument(target) ? target.documentElement : target;
  const toCamelCase = (string) => {
    return string.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (_2, letter) => {
      return letter.toUpperCase();
  const toKebabCase = (string) => {
    if (!string) {
      return string;
    return string.replace(/^./, string[0].toLowerCase()).replace(/[A-Z]/g, (replacer) => {
      return "-" + replacer.toLowerCase();
  const returnFalse = () => {
    return false;
  const returnTrue = () => {
    return true;
  const eachArray = (target, callback) => {
    for (let i3 = 0; i3 < target.length; i3 += 1) {
      if (callback.call(target[i3], target[i3], i3) === false) {
        return target;
    return target;
  const eachObject = (target, callback) => {
    const keys = Object.keys(target);
    for (let i3 = 0; i3 < keys.length; i3 += 1) {
      const key2 = keys[i3];
      if (callback.call(target[key2], key2, target[key2]) === false) {
        return target;
    return target;
  class JQ {
    constructor(arr) {
      this.length = 0;
      if (!arr) {
        return this;
      eachArray(arr, (item, i3) => {
        this[i3] = item;
      this.length = arr.length;
      return this;
  const isDomReady = (document2 = getDocument()) => {
    return /complete|interactive/.test(document2.readyState);
  const createElement = (tagName) => {
    const document2 = getDocument();
    return document2.createElement(tagName);
  const appendChild = (element, child) => {
    return element.appendChild(child);
  const removeChild = (element) => {
    return element.parentNode ? element.parentNode.removeChild(element) : element;
  const getChildNodesArray = (target, parent) => {
    const tempParent = createElement(parent);
    tempParent.innerHTML = target;
    return [].slice.call(tempParent.childNodes);
  const get$ = () => {
    const $2 = function(selector) {
      if (!selector) {
        return new JQ();
      if (selector instanceof JQ) {
        return selector;
      if (isFunction(selector)) {
        const document2 = getDocument();
        if (isDomReady(document2)) {
          selector.call(document2, $2);
        } else {
          document2.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => selector.call(document2, $2), { once: true });
        return new JQ([document2]);
      if (isString(selector)) {
        const html = selector.trim();
        if (html.startsWith("<") && html.endsWith(">")) {
          let toCreate = "div";
          const tags = {
            li: "ul",
            tr: "tbody",
            td: "tr",
            th: "tr",
            tbody: "table",
            option: "select"
          eachObject(tags, (childTag, parentTag) => {
            if (html.startsWith(`<${childTag}`)) {
              toCreate = parentTag;
              return false;
          return new JQ(getChildNodesArray(html, toCreate));
        const document2 = getDocument();
        return new JQ(document2.querySelectorAll(selector));
      if (isArrayLike(selector) && !isNode$1(selector)) {
        return new JQ(selector);
      return new JQ([selector]);
    $2.fn = JQ.prototype;
    return $2;
  const $$1 = get$();
  const merge = (first, second) => {
    eachArray(second, (value) => {
    return first;
  const unique = (arr) => {
    return [...new Set(arr)];
  $$1.fn.get = function(index) {
    return index === void 0 ? [].slice.call(this) : this[index >= 0 ? index : index + this.length];
  $$1.fn.add = function(selector) {
    return new JQ(unique(merge(this.get(), $$1(selector).get())));
  const getAttribute = (element, key2, defaultValue2) => {
    const value = element.getAttribute(key2);
    return isNull(value) ? defaultValue2 : value;
  const removeAttribute = (element, key2) => {
  const setAttribute = (element, key2, value) => {
    isNull(value) ? removeAttribute(element, key2) : element.setAttribute(key2, value);
  $$1.fn.each = function(callback) {
    return eachArray(this, (value, index) => {
      return callback.call(value, index, value);
  eachArray(["add", "remove", "toggle"], (name) => {
    $$1.fn[`${name}Class`] = function(className2) {
      if (name === "remove" && !arguments.length) {
        return this.each((_2, element) => {
          setAttribute(element, "class", "");
      return this.each((i3, element) => {
        if (!isElement(element)) {
        const classes = (isFunction(className2) ? className2.call(element, i3, getAttribute(element, "class", "")) : className2).split(" ").filter((name2) => name2);
        eachArray(classes, (cls) => {
  eachArray(["insertBefore", "insertAfter"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[name] = function(target) {
      const $element = nameIndex ? $$1(this.get().reverse()) : this;
      const $target = $$1(target);
      const result = [];
      $target.each((index, target2) => {
        if (!target2.parentNode) {
        $element.each((_2, element) => {
          const newItem = index ? element.cloneNode(true) : element;
          const existingItem = nameIndex ? target2.nextSibling : target2;
          target2.parentNode.insertBefore(newItem, existingItem);
      return $$1(nameIndex ? result.reverse() : result);
  const isPlainText = (target) => {
    return isString(target) && !(target.startsWith("<") && target.endsWith(">"));
  eachArray(["before", "after"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[name] = function(...args) {
      if (nameIndex === 1) {
        args = args.reverse();
      return this.each((index, element) => {
        const targets = isFunction(args[0]) ? [args[0].call(element, index, element.innerHTML)] : args;
        eachArray(targets, (target) => {
          let $target;
          if (isPlainText(target)) {
            $target = $$1(getChildNodesArray(target, "div"));
          } else if (index && isElement(target)) {
            $target = $$1(target.cloneNode(true));
          } else {
            $target = $$1(target);
          $target[nameIndex ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"](element);
  function each(target, callback) {
    return isArrayLike(target) ? eachArray(target, (value, index) => {
      return callback.call(value, index, value);
    }) : eachObject(target, callback);
  function map(elements, callback) {
    const window2 = getWindow$1();
    let value;
    const ret = [];
    each(elements, (i3, element) => {
      value = callback.call(window2, element, i3);
      if (value != null) {
    return [].concat(...ret);
  $$1.fn.map = function(callback) {
    return new JQ(map(this, (element, i3) => {
      return callback.call(element, i3, element);
  $$1.fn.clone = function() {
    return this.map(function() {
      return this.cloneNode(true);
  $$1.fn.is = function(selector) {
    let isMatched = false;
    if (isFunction(selector)) {
      this.each((index, element) => {
        if (selector.call(element, index, element)) {
          isMatched = true;
      return isMatched;
    if (isString(selector)) {
      this.each((_2, element) => {
        if (isDocument(element) || isWindow(element)) {
        if (element.matches.call(element, selector)) {
          isMatched = true;
      return isMatched;
    const $compareWith = $$1(selector);
    this.each((_2, element) => {
      $compareWith.each((_3, compare) => {
        if (element === compare) {
          isMatched = true;
    return isMatched;
  $$1.fn.remove = function(selector) {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      if (!selector || $$1(element).is(selector)) {
  eachArray(["prepend", "append"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[name] = function(...args) {
      return this.each((index, element) => {
        const childNodes = element.childNodes;
        const childLength = childNodes.length;
        const child = childLength ? childNodes[nameIndex ? childLength - 1 : 0] : createElement("div");
        if (!childLength) {
          appendChild(element, child);
        let contents = isFunction(args[0]) ? [args[0].call(element, index, element.innerHTML)] : args;
        if (index) {
          contents = contents.map((content) => {
            return isString(content) ? content : $$1(content).clone();
        $$1(child)[nameIndex ? "after" : "before"](...contents);
        if (!childLength) {
  eachArray(["appendTo", "prependTo"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[name] = function(target) {
      const extraChilds = [];
      const $target = $$1(target).map((_2, element) => {
        const childNodes = element.childNodes;
        const childLength = childNodes.length;
        if (childLength) {
          return childNodes[nameIndex ? 0 : childLength - 1];
        const child = createElement("div");
        appendChild(element, child);
        return child;
      const $result = this[nameIndex ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"]($target);
      return $result;
  const getComputedStyleValue = (element, name) => {
    const window2 = getWindow$1();
    return window2.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(toKebabCase(name));
  const isBorderBox = (element) => {
    return getComputedStyleValue(element, "box-sizing") === "border-box";
  const getExtraWidth = (element, direction, extra) => {
    const position = direction === "width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"];
    return [0, 1].reduce((prev, _2, index) => {
      let prop = extra + position[index];
      if (extra === "border") {
        prop += "Width";
      return prev + parseFloat(getComputedStyleValue(element, prop) || "0");
    }, 0);
  const getStyle = (element, name) => {
    if (name === "width" || name === "height") {
      const valueNumber = element.getBoundingClientRect()[name];
      if (isBorderBox(element)) {
        return `${valueNumber}px`;
      return `${valueNumber - getExtraWidth(element, name, "border") - getExtraWidth(element, name, "padding")}px`;
    return getComputedStyleValue(element, name);
  const cssNumber = [
  eachArray(["attr", "prop", "css"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    const set2 = (element, key2, value) => {
      if (isUndefined(value)) {
      if (nameIndex === 0) {
        return setAttribute(element, key2, value);
      if (nameIndex === 1) {
        element[key2] = value;
      key2 = toKebabCase(key2);
      const getSuffix = () => key2.startsWith("--") || cssNumber.includes(key2) ? "" : "px";
      element.style.setProperty(key2, isNumber(value) ? `${value}${getSuffix()}` : value);
    const get2 = (element, key2) => {
      if (nameIndex === 0) {
        return getAttribute(element, key2);
      if (nameIndex === 1) {
        return element[key2];
      return getStyle(element, key2);
    $$1.fn[name] = function(key2, value) {
      if (isObjectLike(key2)) {
        eachObject(key2, (k2, v2) => {
          this[name](k2, v2);
        return this;
      if (arguments.length === 1) {
        const element = this[0];
        return isElement(element) ? get2(element, key2) : void 0;
      return this.each((i3, element) => {
        set2(element, key2, isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, i3, get2(element, key2)) : value);
  $$1.fn.children = function(selector) {
    const children = [];
    this.each((_2, element) => {
      eachArray(element.childNodes, (childNode) => {
        if (!isElement(childNode)) {
        if (!selector || $$1(childNode).is(selector)) {
    return new JQ(unique(children));
  $$1.fn.slice = function(...args) {
    return new JQ([].slice.apply(this, args));
  $$1.fn.eq = function(index) {
    const ret = index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
    return new JQ(ret);
  const dir = ($elements, nameIndex, node, selector, filter) => {
    const ret = [];
    let target;
    $elements.each((_2, element) => {
      target = element[node];
      while (target && isElement(target)) {
        if (nameIndex === 2) {
          if (selector && $$1(target).is(selector)) {
          if (!filter || $$1(target).is(filter)) {
        } else if (nameIndex === 0) {
          if (!selector || $$1(target).is(selector)) {
        } else {
          if (!selector || $$1(target).is(selector)) {
        target = target[node];
    return new JQ(unique(ret));
  eachArray(["", "s", "sUntil"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[`parent${name}`] = function(selector, filter) {
      const $nodes = !nameIndex ? this : $$1(this.get().reverse());
      return dir($nodes, nameIndex, "parentNode", selector, filter);
  $$1.fn.closest = function(selector) {
    if (this.is(selector)) {
      return this;
    const matched = [];
    this.parents().each((_2, element) => {
      if ($$1(element).is(selector)) {
        return false;
    return new JQ(matched);
  const weakMap$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  const getAll = (element) => {
    return weakMap$1.get(element) ?? {};
  const get$2 = (element, keyOriginal) => {
    const data2 = getAll(element);
    const key2 = toCamelCase(keyOriginal);
    return key2 in data2 ? data2[key2] : void 0;
  const setAll = (element, object) => {
    const data2 = getAll(element);
    eachObject(object, (keyOriginal, value) => {
      data2[toCamelCase(keyOriginal)] = value;
    weakMap$1.set(element, data2);
  const set$2 = (element, keyOriginal, value) => {
    setAll(element, { [keyOriginal]: value });
  const removeAll = (element) => {
  const removeMultiple = (element, keysOriginal) => {
    const data2 = getAll(element);
    eachArray(keysOriginal, (keyOriginal) => {
      const key2 = toCamelCase(keyOriginal);
      delete data2[key2];
    weakMap$1.set(element, data2);
  const rbrace = /^(?:{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/;
  const stringTransform = (value) => {
    if (value === "true") {
      return true;
    if (value === "false") {
      return false;
    if (value === "null") {
      return null;
    if (value === +value + "") {
      return +value;
    if (rbrace.test(value)) {
      return JSON.parse(value);
    return value;
  const dataAttr = (element, key2, value) => {
    if (isUndefined(value) && element.nodeType === 1) {
      value = element.dataset[key2];
      if (isString(value)) {
        try {
          value = stringTransform(value);
        } catch (e2) {
    return value;
  $$1.fn.data = function(key2, value) {
    if (isUndefined(key2)) {
      if (!this.length) {
        return void 0;
      const element = this[0];
      const resultData = getAll(element);
      if (element.nodeType !== 1) {
        return resultData;
      eachObject(element.dataset, (key3) => {
        resultData[key3] = dataAttr(element, key3, resultData[key3]);
      return resultData;
    if (isObjectLike(key2)) {
      return this.each(function() {
        setAll(this, key2);
    if (arguments.length === 2 && isUndefined(value)) {
      return this;
    if (!isUndefined(value)) {
      return this.each(function() {
        set$2(this, key2, value);
    if (!this.length) {
      return void 0;
    return dataAttr(this[0], toCamelCase(key2), get$2(this[0], key2));
  $$1.fn.empty = function() {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      element.innerHTML = "";
  $$1.fn.extend = function(obj) {
    eachObject(obj, (prop, value) => {
      $$1.fn[prop] = value;
    return this;
  $$1.fn.filter = function(selector) {
    if (isFunction(selector)) {
      return this.map((index, element) => {
        return selector.call(element, index, element) ? element : void 0;
    if (isString(selector)) {
      return this.map((_2, element) => {
        return $$1(element).is(selector) ? element : void 0;
    const $selector = $$1(selector);
    return this.map((_2, element) => {
      return $selector.get().includes(element) ? element : void 0;
  $$1.fn.find = function(selector) {
    const foundElements = [];
    this.each((_2, element) => {
      merge(foundElements, $$1(element.querySelectorAll(selector)).get());
    return new JQ(foundElements);
  $$1.fn.first = function() {
    return this.eq(0);
  const contains = (container2, contains2) => {
    return container2 !== contains2 && toElement(container2).contains(contains2);
  $$1.fn.has = function(selector) {
    const $targets = isString(selector) ? this.find(selector) : $$1(selector);
    const { length } = $targets;
    return this.map(function() {
      for (let i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3 += 1) {
        if (contains(this, $targets[i3])) {
          return this;
  $$1.fn.hasClass = function(className2) {
    return this[0].classList.contains(className2);
  const handleExtraWidth = (element, name, value, funcIndex, includeMargin, multiply) => {
    const getExtraWidthValue = (extra) => {
      return getExtraWidth(element, name.toLowerCase(), extra) * multiply;
    if (funcIndex === 2 && includeMargin) {
      value += getExtraWidthValue("margin");
    if (isBorderBox(element)) {
      if (funcIndex === 0) {
        value -= getExtraWidthValue("border");
      if (funcIndex === 1) {
        value -= getExtraWidthValue("border");
        value -= getExtraWidthValue("padding");
    } else {
      if (funcIndex === 0) {
        value += getExtraWidthValue("padding");
      if (funcIndex === 2) {
        value += getExtraWidthValue("border");
        value += getExtraWidthValue("padding");
    return value;
  const get$1 = (element, name, funcIndex, includeMargin) => {
    const document2 = getDocument();
    const clientProp = `client${name}`;
    const scrollProp = `scroll${name}`;
    const offsetProp = `offset${name}`;
    const innerProp = `inner${name}`;
    if (isWindow(element)) {
      return funcIndex === 2 ? element[innerProp] : toElement(document2)[clientProp];
    if (isDocument(element)) {
      const doc = toElement(element);
      return Math.max(
        // @ts-ignore
        // @ts-ignore
    const value = parseFloat(getComputedStyleValue(element, name.toLowerCase()) || "0");
    return handleExtraWidth(element, name, value, funcIndex, includeMargin, 1);
  const set$1 = (element, elementIndex, name, funcIndex, includeMargin, value) => {
    let computedValue = isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, elementIndex, get$1(element, name, funcIndex, includeMargin)) : value;
    if (computedValue == null) {
    const $element = $$1(element);
    const dimension = name.toLowerCase();
    if (isString(computedValue) && ["auto", "inherit", ""].includes(computedValue)) {
      $element.css(dimension, computedValue);
    const suffix = computedValue.toString().replace(/\b[0-9.]*/, "");
    const numerical = parseFloat(computedValue);
    computedValue = handleExtraWidth(element, name, numerical, funcIndex, includeMargin, -1) + (suffix || "px");
    $element.css(dimension, computedValue);
  eachArray(["Width", "Height"], (name) => {
    eachArray([`inner${name}`, name.toLowerCase(), `outer${name}`], (funcName, funcIndex) => {
      $$1.fn[funcName] = function(margin, value) {
        const isSet = arguments.length && (funcIndex < 2 || !isBoolean(margin));
        const includeMargin = margin === true || value === true;
        if (!isSet) {
          return this.length ? get$1(this[0], name, funcIndex, includeMargin) : void 0;
        return this.each((index, element) => {
          return set$1(element, index, name, funcIndex, includeMargin, margin);
  $$1.fn.hide = function() {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      element.style.display = "none";
  eachArray(["val", "html", "text"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    const props = ["value", "innerHTML", "textContent"];
    const propName = props[nameIndex];
    const get2 = ($elements) => {
      if (nameIndex === 2) {
        return map($elements, (element) => {
          return toElement(element)[propName];
      if (!$elements.length) {
        return void 0;
      const firstElement = $elements[0];
      const $firstElement = $$1(firstElement);
      if (nameIndex === 0 && $firstElement.is("select[multiple]")) {
        return map($firstElement.find("option:checked"), (element) => element.value);
      return firstElement[propName];
    const set2 = (element, value) => {
      if (isUndefined(value)) {
        if (nameIndex !== 0) {
        value = "";
      if (nameIndex === 1 && isElement(value)) {
        value = value.outerHTML;
      element[propName] = value;
    $$1.fn[name] = function(value) {
      if (!arguments.length) {
        return get2(this);
      return this.each((i3, element) => {
        const $element = $$1(element);
        const computedValue = isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, i3, get2($element)) : value;
        if (nameIndex === 0 && Array.isArray(computedValue)) {
          if ($element.is("select[multiple]")) {
            map($element.find("option"), (option) => {
              return option.selected = computedValue.includes(option.value);
          } else {
            element.checked = computedValue.includes(element.value);
        } else {
          set2(element, computedValue);
  $$1.fn.index = function(selector) {
    if (!arguments.length) {
      return this.eq(0).parent().children().get().indexOf(this[0]);
    if (isString(selector)) {
      return $$1(selector).get().indexOf(this[0]);
    return this.get().indexOf($$1(selector)[0]);
  $$1.fn.last = function() {
    return this.eq(-1);
  eachArray(["", "All", "Until"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[`next${name}`] = function(selector, filter) {
      return dir(this, nameIndex, "nextElementSibling", selector, filter);
  $$1.fn.not = function(selector) {
    const $excludes = this.filter(selector);
    return this.map((_2, element) => {
      return $excludes.index(element) > -1 ? void 0 : element;
  const CustomEvent$1 = getWindow$1().CustomEvent;
  class MduiCustomEvent extends CustomEvent$1 {
    constructor(type, options) {
      super(type, options);
      this.data = options.data;
      this.namespace = options.namespace;
  const elementIdMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  let elementId = 1;
  const getElementId = (element) => {
    if (!elementIdMap.has(element)) {
      elementIdMap.set(element, ++elementId);
    return elementIdMap.get(element);
  const handlersMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  const getHandlers = (element) => {
    const id2 = getElementId(element);
    return handlersMap.get(id2) || handlersMap.set(id2, []).get(id2);
  const parse$1 = (type) => {
    const parts = type.split(".");
    return {
      type: parts[0],
      namespace: parts.slice(1).sort().join(" ")
  const matcherFor = (namespace) => {
    return new RegExp("(?:^| )" + namespace.replace(" ", " .* ?") + "(?: |$)");
  const getMatchedHandlers = (element, type, func, selector) => {
    const event = parse$1(type);
    return getHandlers(element).filter((handler) => {
      return handler && (!event.type || handler.type === event.type) && (!event.namespace || matcherFor(event.namespace).test(handler.namespace)) && (!func || getElementId(handler.func) === getElementId(func)) && (!selector || handler.selector === selector);
  const add = (element, types, func, data2, selector) => {
    let useCapture = false;
    if (isObjectLike(data2) && data2.useCapture) {
      useCapture = true;
    types.split(" ").forEach((type) => {
      if (!type) {
      const event = parse$1(type);
      const callFn = (e2, elem) => {
        const result = func.apply(
          // @ts-ignore
          e2.detail === null ? [e2] : [e2].concat(e2.detail)
        if (result === false) {
      const proxyFn = (e2) => {
        if (e2.namespace && !matcherFor(e2.namespace).test(event.namespace)) {
        e2.data = data2;
        if (selector) {
          $$1(element).find(selector).get().reverse().forEach((elem) => {
            if (elem === e2.target || contains(elem, e2.target)) {
              callFn(e2, elem);
        } else {
          callFn(e2, element);
      const handler = {
        type: event.type,
        namespace: event.namespace,
        id: getHandlers(element).length,
        proxy: proxyFn
      element.addEventListener(handler.type, proxyFn, useCapture);
  const remove = (element, types, func, selector) => {
    const handlersInElement = getHandlers(element);
    const removeEvent = (handler) => {
      delete handlersInElement[handler.id];
      element.removeEventListener(handler.type, handler.proxy, false);
    if (!types) {
      handlersInElement.forEach((handler) => {
    } else {
      types.split(" ").forEach((type) => {
        if (type) {
          getMatchedHandlers(element, type, func, selector).forEach((handler) => {
  $$1.fn.off = function(types, selector, callback) {
    if (isObjectLike(types)) {
      eachObject(types, (type, fn) => {
        this.off(type, selector, fn);
      return this;
    if (selector === false || isFunction(selector)) {
      callback = selector;
      selector = void 0;
    if (callback === false) {
      callback = returnFalse;
    return this.each(function() {
      remove(this, types, callback, selector);
  function extend(target, ...objectN) {
    eachArray(objectN, (object) => {
      eachObject(object, (prop, value) => {
        if (!isUndefined(value)) {
          target[prop] = value;
    return target;
  $$1.fn.offsetParent = function() {
    const document2 = getDocument();
    return this.map(function() {
      let offsetParent = this.offsetParent;
      while (offsetParent && $$1(offsetParent).css("position") === "static") {
        offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
      return offsetParent || document2.documentElement;
  const floatStyle = ($element, name) => {
    return parseFloat($element.css(name));
  $$1.fn.position = function() {
    if (!this.length) {
      return void 0;
    const $element = this.eq(0);
    let currentOffset;
    let parentOffset = {
      left: 0,
      top: 0
    if ($element.css("position") === "fixed") {
      currentOffset = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
    } else {
      currentOffset = $element.offset();
      const $offsetParent = $element.offsetParent();
      parentOffset = $offsetParent.offset();
      parentOffset.top += floatStyle($offsetParent, "border-top-width");
      parentOffset.left += floatStyle($offsetParent, "border-left-width");
    return {
      top: currentOffset.top - parentOffset.top - floatStyle($element, "margin-top"),
      left: currentOffset.left - parentOffset.left - floatStyle($element, "margin-left")
  const get = (element) => {
    if (!element.getClientRects().length) {
      return { top: 0, left: 0 };
    const { top, left } = element.getBoundingClientRect();
    const { pageYOffset, pageXOffset } = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
    return {
      top: top + pageYOffset,
      left: left + pageXOffset
  const set = (element, value, index) => {
    const $element = $$1(element);
    const position = $element.css("position");
    if (position === "static") {
      $element.css("position", "relative");
    const currentOffset = get(element);
    const currentTopString = $element.css("top");
    const currentLeftString = $element.css("left");
    let currentTop;
    let currentLeft;
    const calculatePosition = (position === "absolute" || position === "fixed") && (currentTopString + currentLeftString).includes("auto");
    if (calculatePosition) {
      const currentPosition = $element.position();
      currentTop = currentPosition.top;
      currentLeft = currentPosition.left;
    } else {
      currentTop = parseFloat(currentTopString);
      currentLeft = parseFloat(currentLeftString);
    const computedValue = isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, index, extend({}, currentOffset)) : value;
      top: computedValue.top != null ? computedValue.top - currentOffset.top + currentTop : void 0,
      left: computedValue.left != null ? computedValue.left - currentOffset.left + currentLeft : void 0
  $$1.fn.offset = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) {
      if (!this.length) {
        return void 0;
      return get(this[0]);
    return this.each(function(index) {
      set(this, value, index);
  $$1.fn.on = function(types, selector, data2, callback, one) {
    if (isObjectLike(types)) {
      if (!isString(selector)) {
        data2 = data2 || selector;
        selector = void 0;
      eachObject(types, (type, fn) => {
        this.on(type, selector, data2, fn, one);
      return this;
    if (data2 == null && callback == null) {
      callback = selector;
      data2 = selector = void 0;
    } else if (callback == null) {
      if (isString(selector)) {
        callback = data2;
        data2 = void 0;
      } else {
        callback = data2;
        data2 = selector;
        selector = void 0;
    if (callback === false) {
      callback = returnFalse;
    } else if (!callback) {
      return this;
    if (one) {
      const _this = this;
      const origCallback = callback;
      callback = function(event, ...dataN) {
        _this.off(event.type, selector, callback);
        return origCallback.call(this, event, ...dataN);
    return this.each(function() {
      add(this, types, callback, data2, selector);
  $$1.fn.one = function(types, selector, data2, callback) {
    return this.on(types, selector, data2, callback, true);
  eachArray(["", "All", "Until"], (name, nameIndex) => {
    $$1.fn[`prev${name}`] = function(selector, filter) {
      const $nodes = !nameIndex ? this : $$1(this.get().reverse());
      return dir($nodes, nameIndex, "previousElementSibling", selector, filter);
  $$1.fn.removeAttr = function(attributeName) {
    const names = attributeName.split(" ").filter((name) => name);
    return this.each(function() {
      eachArray(names, (name) => {
        removeAttribute(this, name);
  const removeData = (element, name) => {
    if (isUndefined(name)) {
      return removeAll(element);
    const keys = isString(name) ? name.split(" ").filter((nameItem) => nameItem) : name;
    removeMultiple(element, keys);
  $$1.fn.removeData = function(name) {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      removeData(element, name);
  $$1.fn.removeProp = function(name) {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      try {
        delete element[name];
      } catch (e2) {
  $$1.fn.replaceWith = function(newContent) {
    this.each((index, element) => {
      let content = newContent;
      if (isFunction(content)) {
        content = content.call(element, index, element.innerHTML);
      } else if (index && !isString(content)) {
        content = $$1(content).clone();
    return this.remove();
  $$1.fn.replaceAll = function(target) {
    return $$1(target).map((index, element) => {
      $$1(element).replaceWith(index ? this.clone() : this);
      return this.get();
  const param = (obj) => {
    if (!isObjectLike(obj) && !Array.isArray(obj)) {
      return "";
    const args = [];
    const destructure = (key2, value) => {
      let keyTmp;
      if (isObjectLike(value)) {
        eachObject(value, (i3, v2) => {
          keyTmp = Array.isArray(value) && !isObjectLike(v2) ? "" : i3;
          destructure(`${key2}[${keyTmp}]`, v2);
      } else {
        keyTmp = value == null || value === "" ? "=" : `=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
        args.push(encodeURIComponent(key2) + keyTmp);
    if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
      eachArray(obj, ({ name, value }) => {
        return destructure(name, value);
    } else {
      eachObject(obj, destructure);
    return args.join("&");
  const formCollections = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  const getFormControls = (form) => {
    const nativeFormControls = [...form.elements];
    const formControls = formCollections.get(form) || [];
    const comparePosition = (a2, b3) => {
      const position = a2.compareDocumentPosition(b3);
      return position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING ? -1 : 1;
    return [...nativeFormControls, ...formControls].sort(comparePosition);
  const getFormControlsValue = ($elements) => {
    const result = [];
    $elements.each((_2, element) => {
      const elements = element instanceof HTMLFormElement ? getFormControls(element) : [element];
      $$1(elements).each((_3, element2) => {
        const $element = $$1(element2);
        const type = element2.type;
        const nodeName = element2.nodeName.toLowerCase();
        if (nodeName !== "fieldset" && element2.name && !element2.disabled && [
        ].includes(nodeName) && !["submit", "button", "image", "reset", "file"].includes(type) && (!["radio", "checkbox"].includes(type) || element2.checked) && (!["mdui-checkbox", "mdui-switch"].includes(nodeName) || element2.checked)) {
            name: element2.name,
            value: $element.val()
    return result;
  $$1.fn.serializeArray = function() {
    return getFormControlsValue(this).map((element) => {
      if (!Array.isArray(element.value)) {
        return element;
      return element.value.map((value) => ({
        name: element.name,
  $$1.fn.serialize = function() {
    return param(this.serializeArray());
  $$1.fn.serializeObject = function() {
    const result = {};
    getFormControlsValue(this).forEach((element) => {
      const { name, value } = element;
      if (!result.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        result[name] = value;
      } else {
        const originalValue = result[name];
        if (!Array.isArray(originalValue)) {
          result[name] = [originalValue];
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        } else {
    return result;
  const elementDisplay = {};
  const defaultDisplay = (nodeName) => {
    const document2 = getDocument();
    let element;
    let display;
    if (!elementDisplay[nodeName]) {
      element = createElement(nodeName);
      appendChild(document2.body, element);
      display = getStyle(element, "display");
      if (display === "none") {
        display = "block";
      elementDisplay[nodeName] = display;
    return elementDisplay[nodeName];
  $$1.fn.show = function() {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      if (element.style.display === "none") {
        element.style.display = "";
      if (getStyle(element, "display") === "none") {
        element.style.display = defaultDisplay(element.nodeName);
  $$1.fn.siblings = function(selector) {
    return this.prevAll(selector).add(this.nextAll(selector));
  $$1.fn.toggle = function() {
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
      getStyle(element, "display") === "none" ? $$1(element).show() : $$1(element).hide();
  $$1.fn.trigger = function(name, detail = null, options) {
    const { type, namespace } = parse$1(name);
    const event = new MduiCustomEvent(type, {
      data: null,
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: false,
      composed: true,
    return this.each((_2, element) => {
  const ajaxStart = "ajaxStart";
  const ajaxSuccess = "ajaxSuccess";
  const ajaxError = "ajaxError";
  const ajaxComplete = "ajaxComplete";
  const globalOptions = {};
  const isQueryStringData = (method) => {
    return ["GET", "HEAD"].includes(method);
  const appendQuery = (url, query) => {
    return `${url}&${query}`.replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, "?");
  const isCrossDomain = (url) => {
    const window2 = getWindow$1();
    return /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^/]+)/.test(url) && RegExp.$2 !== window2.location.host;
  const isHttpStatusSuccess = (status) => {
    return status >= 200 && status < 300 || [0, 304].includes(status);
  const mergeOptions = (options) => {
    const defaults = {
      url: "",
      method: "GET",
      data: "",
      processData: true,
      async: true,
      cache: true,
      username: "",
      password: "",
      headers: {},
      xhrFields: {},
      statusCode: {},
      dataType: "",
      contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      timeout: 0,
      global: true
    eachObject(globalOptions, (key2, value) => {
      const callbacks = [
      if (!callbacks.includes(key2) && !isUndefined(value)) {
        defaults[key2] = value;
    return extend({}, defaults, options);
  const ajax = (options) => {
    const document2 = getDocument();
    const window2 = getWindow$1();
    let isCanceled = false;
    const eventParams = {};
    const successEventParams = {};
    const mergedOptions = mergeOptions(options);
    const method = mergedOptions.method.toUpperCase();
    let { data: data2, url } = mergedOptions;
    url = url || window2.location.toString();
    const { processData, async, cache, username, password, headers, xhrFields, statusCode, dataType, contentType, timeout, global: global2 } = mergedOptions;
    const isMethodQueryString = isQueryStringData(method);
    if (data2 && (isMethodQueryString || processData) && !isString(data2) && !(data2 instanceof ArrayBuffer) && !(data2 instanceof Blob) && !(data2 instanceof Document) && !(data2 instanceof FormData)) {
      data2 = param(data2);
    if (data2 && isMethodQueryString) {
      url = appendQuery(url, data2);
      data2 = null;
    const trigger = (event, callback, ...args) => {
      if (global2) {
        $$1(document2).trigger(event, callback === "success" ? successEventParams : eventParams);
      let resultGlobal;
      let resultCustom;
      if (callback in globalOptions) {
        resultGlobal = globalOptions[callback](...args);
      if (mergedOptions[callback]) {
        resultCustom = mergedOptions[callback](...args);
      if (callback === "beforeSend" && [resultGlobal, resultCustom].includes(false)) {
        isCanceled = true;
    const XHR = () => {
      let textStatus;
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const doReject = (reason) => {
          return reject(new Error(reason));
        if (isMethodQueryString && !cache) {
          url = appendQuery(url, `_=${Date.now()}`);
        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open(method, url, async, username, password);
        if (contentType || data2 && !isMethodQueryString && contentType !== false) {
          xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
        if (dataType === "json") {
          xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript");
        eachObject(headers, (key2, value) => {
          if (!isUndefined(value)) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader(key2, value + "");
        if (!isCrossDomain(url)) {
          xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
        eachObject(xhrFields, (key2, value) => {
          xhr[key2] = value;
        eventParams.xhr = successEventParams.xhr = xhr;
        eventParams.options = successEventParams.options = mergedOptions;
        let xhrTimeout;
        xhr.onload = () => {
          if (xhrTimeout) {
          const isSuccess = isHttpStatusSuccess(xhr.status);
          let responseData = void 0;
          if (isSuccess) {
            textStatus = xhr.status === 204 || method === "HEAD" ? "nocontent" : xhr.status === 304 ? "notmodified" : "success";
            if (dataType === "json" || !dataType && (xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") || "").includes("json")) {
              try {
                responseData = method === "HEAD" ? void 0 : JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
                successEventParams.response = responseData;
              } catch (err) {
                textStatus = "parsererror";
                trigger(ajaxError, "error", xhr, textStatus);
              if (textStatus !== "parsererror") {
                trigger(ajaxSuccess, "success", responseData, textStatus, xhr);
            } else {
              responseData = method === "HEAD" ? void 0 : xhr.responseType === "text" || xhr.responseType === "" ? xhr.responseText : xhr.response;
              successEventParams.response = responseData;
              trigger(ajaxSuccess, "success", responseData, textStatus, xhr);
          } else {
            textStatus = "error";
            trigger(ajaxError, "error", xhr, textStatus);
          eachArray([globalOptions.statusCode ?? {}, statusCode], (func) => {
            if (func[xhr.status]) {
              if (isSuccess) {
                func[xhr.status](responseData, textStatus, xhr);
              } else {
                func[xhr.status](xhr, textStatus);
          trigger(ajaxComplete, "complete", xhr, textStatus);
        xhr.onerror = () => {
          if (xhrTimeout) {
          trigger(ajaxError, "error", xhr, xhr.statusText);
          trigger(ajaxComplete, "complete", xhr, "error");
        xhr.onabort = () => {
          let statusText = "abort";
          if (xhrTimeout) {
            statusText = "timeout";
          trigger(ajaxError, "error", xhr, statusText);
          trigger(ajaxComplete, "complete", xhr, statusText);
        trigger(ajaxStart, "beforeSend", xhr, mergedOptions);
        if (isCanceled) {
          return doReject("cancel");
        if (timeout > 0) {
          xhrTimeout = window2.setTimeout(() => xhr.abort(), timeout);
    return XHR();
  $$1.ajax = ajax;
  const ajaxSetup = (options) => {
    return extend(globalOptions, options);
  $$1.ajaxSetup = ajaxSetup;
  $$1.contains = contains;
  function data(element, key2, value) {
    if (isObjectLike(key2)) {
      setAll(element, key2);
      return key2;
    if (!isUndefined(value)) {
      set$2(element, key2, value);
      return value;
    if (isUndefined(key2)) {
      return getAll(element);
    return get$2(element, key2);
  $$1.data = data;
  $$1.each = each;
  $$1.extend = function(target, ...objectN) {
    if (!objectN.length) {
      eachObject(target, (prop, value) => {
        this[prop] = value;
      return this;
    return extend(target, ...objectN);
  $$1.map = map;
  $$1.merge = merge;
  $$1.param = param;
  $$1.removeData = removeData;
  $$1.unique = unique;
  function __decorate(decorators, target, key2, desc) {
    var c2 = arguments.length, r2 = c2 < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key2) : desc, d2;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r2 = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key2, desc);
    else for (var i3 = decorators.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) if (d2 = decorators[i3]) r2 = (c2 < 3 ? d2(r2) : c2 > 3 ? d2(target, key2, r2) : d2(target, key2)) || r2;
    return c2 > 3 && r2 && Object.defineProperty(target, key2, r2), r2;
  typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function(error, suppressed, message) {
    var e2 = new Error(message);
    return e2.name = "SuppressedError", e2.error = error, e2.suppressed = suppressed, e2;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const t$2 = globalThis, e$3 = t$2.ShadowRoot && (void 0 === t$2.ShadyCSS || t$2.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow) && "adoptedStyleSheets" in Document.prototype && "replace" in CSSStyleSheet.prototype, s = Symbol(), o$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  let n$4 = class n {
    constructor(t2, e2, o2) {
      if (this._$cssResult$ = true, o2 !== s) throw Error("CSSResult is not constructable. Use `unsafeCSS` or `css` instead.");
      this.cssText = t2, this.t = e2;
    get styleSheet() {
      let t2 = this.o;
      const s2 = this.t;
      if (e$3 && void 0 === t2) {
        const e2 = void 0 !== s2 && 1 === s2.length;
        e2 && (t2 = o$4.get(s2)), void 0 === t2 && ((this.o = t2 = new CSSStyleSheet()).replaceSync(this.cssText), e2 && o$4.set(s2, t2));
      return t2;
    toString() {
      return this.cssText;
  const r$4 = (t2) => new n$4("string" == typeof t2 ? t2 : t2 + "", void 0, s), i$3 = (t2, ...e2) => {
    const o2 = 1 === t2.length ? t2[0] : e2.reduce((e3, s2, o3) => e3 + ((t3) => {
      if (true === t3._$cssResult$) return t3.cssText;
      if ("number" == typeof t3) return t3;
      throw Error("Value passed to 'css' function must be a 'css' function result: " + t3 + ". Use 'unsafeCSS' to pass non-literal values, but take care to ensure page security.");
    })(s2) + t2[o3 + 1], t2[0]);
    return new n$4(o2, t2, s);
  }, S$1 = (s2, o2) => {
    if (e$3) s2.adoptedStyleSheets = o2.map((t2) => t2 instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? t2 : t2.styleSheet);
    else for (const e2 of o2) {
      const o3 = document.createElement("style"), n3 = t$2.litNonce;
      void 0 !== n3 && o3.setAttribute("nonce", n3), o3.textContent = e2.cssText, s2.appendChild(o3);
  }, c$3 = e$3 ? (t2) => t2 : (t2) => t2 instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? ((t3) => {
    let e2 = "";
    for (const s2 of t3.cssRules) e2 += s2.cssText;
    return r$4(e2);
  })(t2) : t2;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const { is: i$2, defineProperty: e$2, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: r$3, getOwnPropertyNames: h$2, getOwnPropertySymbols: o$3, getPrototypeOf: n$3 } = Object, a$1 = globalThis, c$2 = a$1.trustedTypes, l = c$2 ? c$2.emptyScript : "", p = a$1.reactiveElementPolyfillSupport, d = (t2, s2) => t2, u = { toAttribute(t2, s2) {
    switch (s2) {
      case Boolean:
        t2 = t2 ? l : null;
      case Object:
      case Array:
        t2 = null == t2 ? t2 : JSON.stringify(t2);
    return t2;
  }, fromAttribute(t2, s2) {
    let i3 = t2;
    switch (s2) {
      case Boolean:
        i3 = null !== t2;
      case Number:
        i3 = null === t2 ? null : Number(t2);
      case Object:
      case Array:
        try {
          i3 = JSON.parse(t2);
        } catch (t3) {
          i3 = null;
    return i3;
  } }, f$2 = (t2, s2) => !i$2(t2, s2), y = { attribute: true, type: String, converter: u, reflect: false, hasChanged: f$2 };
  Symbol.metadata ?? (Symbol.metadata = Symbol("metadata")), a$1.litPropertyMetadata ?? (a$1.litPropertyMetadata = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap());
  let b$1 = class b extends HTMLElement {
    static addInitializer(t2) {
      this._$Ei(), (this.l ?? (this.l = [])).push(t2);
    static get observedAttributes() {
      return this.finalize(), this._$Eh && [...this._$Eh.keys()];
    static createProperty(t2, s2 = y) {
      if (s2.state && (s2.attribute = false), this._$Ei(), this.elementProperties.set(t2, s2), !s2.noAccessor) {
        const i3 = Symbol(), r2 = this.getPropertyDescriptor(t2, i3, s2);
        void 0 !== r2 && e$2(this.prototype, t2, r2);
    static getPropertyDescriptor(t2, s2, i3) {
      const { get: e2, set: h2 } = r$3(this.prototype, t2) ?? { get() {
        return this[s2];
      }, set(t3) {
        this[s2] = t3;
      } };
      return { get() {
        return e2 == null ? void 0 : e2.call(this);
      }, set(s3) {
        const r2 = e2 == null ? void 0 : e2.call(this);
        h2.call(this, s3), this.requestUpdate(t2, r2, i3);
      }, configurable: true, enumerable: true };
    static getPropertyOptions(t2) {
      return this.elementProperties.get(t2) ?? y;
    static _$Ei() {
      if (this.hasOwnProperty(d("elementProperties"))) return;
      const t2 = n$3(this);
      t2.finalize(), void 0 !== t2.l && (this.l = [...t2.l]), this.elementProperties = new Map(t2.elementProperties);
    static finalize() {
      if (this.hasOwnProperty(d("finalized"))) return;
      if (this.finalized = true, this._$Ei(), this.hasOwnProperty(d("properties"))) {
        const t3 = this.properties, s2 = [...h$2(t3), ...o$3(t3)];
        for (const i3 of s2) this.createProperty(i3, t3[i3]);
      const t2 = this[Symbol.metadata];
      if (null !== t2) {
        const s2 = litPropertyMetadata.get(t2);
        if (void 0 !== s2) for (const [t3, i3] of s2) this.elementProperties.set(t3, i3);
      this._$Eh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      for (const [t3, s2] of this.elementProperties) {
        const i3 = this._$Eu(t3, s2);
        void 0 !== i3 && this._$Eh.set(i3, t3);
      this.elementStyles = this.finalizeStyles(this.styles);
    static finalizeStyles(s2) {
      const i3 = [];
      if (Array.isArray(s2)) {
        const e2 = new Set(s2.flat(1 / 0).reverse());
        for (const s3 of e2) i3.unshift(c$3(s3));
      } else void 0 !== s2 && i3.push(c$3(s2));
      return i3;
    static _$Eu(t2, s2) {
      const i3 = s2.attribute;
      return false === i3 ? void 0 : "string" == typeof i3 ? i3 : "string" == typeof t2 ? t2.toLowerCase() : void 0;
    constructor() {
      super(), this._$Ep = void 0, this.isUpdatePending = false, this.hasUpdated = false, this._$Em = null, this._$Ev();
    _$Ev() {
      var _a2;
      this._$ES = new Promise((t2) => this.enableUpdating = t2), this._$AL = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this._$E_(), this.requestUpdate(), (_a2 = this.constructor.l) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((t2) => t2(this));
    addController(t2) {
      var _a2;
      (this._$EO ?? (this._$EO = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add(t2), void 0 !== this.renderRoot && this.isConnected && ((_a2 = t2.hostConnected) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(t2));
    removeController(t2) {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this._$EO) == null ? void 0 : _a2.delete(t2);
    _$E_() {
      const t2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s2 = this.constructor.elementProperties;
      for (const i3 of s2.keys()) this.hasOwnProperty(i3) && (t2.set(i3, this[i3]), delete this[i3]);
      t2.size > 0 && (this._$Ep = t2);
    createRenderRoot() {
      const t2 = this.shadowRoot ?? this.attachShadow(this.constructor.shadowRootOptions);
      return S$1(t2, this.constructor.elementStyles), t2;
    connectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      this.renderRoot ?? (this.renderRoot = this.createRenderRoot()), this.enableUpdating(true), (_a2 = this._$EO) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((t2) => {
        var _a3;
        return (_a3 = t2.hostConnected) == null ? void 0 : _a3.call(t2);
    enableUpdating(t2) {
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this._$EO) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((t2) => {
        var _a3;
        return (_a3 = t2.hostDisconnected) == null ? void 0 : _a3.call(t2);
    attributeChangedCallback(t2, s2, i3) {
      this._$AK(t2, i3);
    _$EC(t2, s2) {
      var _a2;
      const i3 = this.constructor.elementProperties.get(t2), e2 = this.constructor._$Eu(t2, i3);
      if (void 0 !== e2 && true === i3.reflect) {
        const r2 = (void 0 !== ((_a2 = i3.converter) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toAttribute) ? i3.converter : u).toAttribute(s2, i3.type);
        this._$Em = t2, null == r2 ? this.removeAttribute(e2) : this.setAttribute(e2, r2), this._$Em = null;
    _$AK(t2, s2) {
      var _a2;
      const i3 = this.constructor, e2 = i3._$Eh.get(t2);
      if (void 0 !== e2 && this._$Em !== e2) {
        const t3 = i3.getPropertyOptions(e2), r2 = "function" == typeof t3.converter ? { fromAttribute: t3.converter } : void 0 !== ((_a2 = t3.converter) == null ? void 0 : _a2.fromAttribute) ? t3.converter : u;
        this._$Em = e2, this[e2] = r2.fromAttribute(s2, t3.type), this._$Em = null;
    requestUpdate(t2, s2, i3) {
      if (void 0 !== t2) {
        if (i3 ?? (i3 = this.constructor.getPropertyOptions(t2)), !(i3.hasChanged ?? f$2)(this[t2], s2)) return;
        this.P(t2, s2, i3);
      false === this.isUpdatePending && (this._$ES = this._$ET());
    P(t2, s2, i3) {
      this._$AL.has(t2) || this._$AL.set(t2, s2), true === i3.reflect && this._$Em !== t2 && (this._$Ej ?? (this._$Ej = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add(t2);
    async _$ET() {
      this.isUpdatePending = true;
      try {
        await this._$ES;
      } catch (t3) {
      const t2 = this.scheduleUpdate();
      return null != t2 && await t2, !this.isUpdatePending;
    scheduleUpdate() {
      return this.performUpdate();
    performUpdate() {
      var _a2;
      if (!this.isUpdatePending) return;
      if (!this.hasUpdated) {
        if (this.renderRoot ?? (this.renderRoot = this.createRenderRoot()), this._$Ep) {
          for (const [t4, s3] of this._$Ep) this[t4] = s3;
          this._$Ep = void 0;
        const t3 = this.constructor.elementProperties;
        if (t3.size > 0) for (const [s3, i3] of t3) true !== i3.wrapped || this._$AL.has(s3) || void 0 === this[s3] || this.P(s3, this[s3], i3);
      let t2 = false;
      const s2 = this._$AL;
      try {
        t2 = this.shouldUpdate(s2), t2 ? (this.willUpdate(s2), (_a2 = this._$EO) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((t3) => {
          var _a3;
          return (_a3 = t3.hostUpdate) == null ? void 0 : _a3.call(t3);
        }), this.update(s2)) : this._$EU();
      } catch (s3) {
        throw t2 = false, this._$EU(), s3;
      t2 && this._$AE(s2);
    willUpdate(t2) {
    _$AE(t2) {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this._$EO) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((t3) => {
        var _a3;
        return (_a3 = t3.hostUpdated) == null ? void 0 : _a3.call(t3);
      }), this.hasUpdated || (this.hasUpdated = true, this.firstUpdated(t2)), this.updated(t2);
    _$EU() {
      this._$AL = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.isUpdatePending = false;
    get updateComplete() {
      return this.getUpdateComplete();
    getUpdateComplete() {
      return this._$ES;
    shouldUpdate(t2) {
      return true;
    update(t2) {
      this._$Ej && (this._$Ej = this._$Ej.forEach((t3) => this._$EC(t3, this[t3]))), this._$EU();
    updated(t2) {
    firstUpdated(t2) {
  b$1.elementStyles = [], b$1.shadowRootOptions = { mode: "open" }, b$1[d("elementProperties")] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), b$1[d("finalized")] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), p == null ? void 0 : p({ ReactiveElement: b$1 }), (a$1.reactiveElementVersions ?? (a$1.reactiveElementVersions = [])).push("2.0.4");
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const n$2 = globalThis, c$1 = n$2.trustedTypes, h$1 = c$1 ? c$1.createPolicy("lit-html", { createHTML: (t2) => t2 }) : void 0, f$1 = "$lit$", v = `lit$${Math.random().toFixed(9).slice(2)}$`, m = "?" + v, _ = `<${m}>`, w$1 = document, lt = () => w$1.createComment(""), st$1 = (t2) => null === t2 || "object" != typeof t2 && "function" != typeof t2, g$1 = Array.isArray, $ = (t2) => g$1(t2) || "function" == typeof (t2 == null ? void 0 : t2[Symbol.iterator]), x$1 = "[ 	\n\f\r]", T = /<(?:(!--|\/[^a-zA-Z])|(\/?[a-zA-Z][^>\s]*)|(\/?$))/g, E = /-->/g, k = />/g, O = RegExp(`>|${x$1}(?:([^\\s"'>=/]+)(${x$1}*=${x$1}*(?:[^ 	
\f\r"'\`<>=]|("|')|))|$)`, "g"), S = /'/g, j$1 = /"/g, M = /^(?:script|style|textarea|title)$/i, P = (t2) => (i3, ...s2) => ({ _$litType$: t2, strings: i3, values: s2 }), ke = P(1), R = Symbol.for("lit-noChange"), D = Symbol.for("lit-nothing"), V = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), I = w$1.createTreeWalker(w$1, 129);
  function N$1(t2, i3) {
    if (!g$1(t2) || !t2.hasOwnProperty("raw")) throw Error("invalid template strings array");
    return void 0 !== h$1 ? h$1.createHTML(i3) : i3;
  const U = (t2, i3) => {
    const s2 = t2.length - 1, e2 = [];
    let h2, o2 = 2 === i3 ? "<svg>" : 3 === i3 ? "<math>" : "", n3 = T;
    for (let i4 = 0; i4 < s2; i4++) {
      const s3 = t2[i4];
      let r2, l2, c2 = -1, a2 = 0;
      for (; a2 < s3.length && (n3.lastIndex = a2, l2 = n3.exec(s3), null !== l2); ) a2 = n3.lastIndex, n3 === T ? "!--" === l2[1] ? n3 = E : void 0 !== l2[1] ? n3 = k : void 0 !== l2[2] ? (M.test(l2[2]) && (h2 = RegExp("</" + l2[2], "g")), n3 = O) : void 0 !== l2[3] && (n3 = O) : n3 === O ? ">" === l2[0] ? (n3 = h2 ?? T, c2 = -1) : void 0 === l2[1] ? c2 = -2 : (c2 = n3.lastIndex - l2[2].length, r2 = l2[1], n3 = void 0 === l2[3] ? O : '"' === l2[3] ? j$1 : S) : n3 === j$1 || n3 === S ? n3 = O : n3 === E || n3 === k ? n3 = T : (n3 = O, h2 = void 0);
      const u2 = n3 === O && t2[i4 + 1].startsWith("/>") ? " " : "";
      o2 += n3 === T ? s3 + _ : c2 >= 0 ? (e2.push(r2), s3.slice(0, c2) + f$1 + s3.slice(c2) + v + u2) : s3 + v + (-2 === c2 ? i4 : u2);
    return [N$1(t2, o2 + (t2[s2] || "<?>") + (2 === i3 ? "</svg>" : 3 === i3 ? "</math>" : "")), e2];
  class B {
    constructor({ strings: t2, _$litType$: i3 }, s2) {
      let e2;
      this.parts = [];
      let h2 = 0, o2 = 0;
      const n3 = t2.length - 1, r2 = this.parts, [l2, a2] = U(t2, i3);
      if (this.el = B.createElement(l2, s2), I.currentNode = this.el.content, 2 === i3 || 3 === i3) {
        const t3 = this.el.content.firstChild;
      for (; null !== (e2 = I.nextNode()) && r2.length < n3; ) {
        if (1 === e2.nodeType) {
          if (e2.hasAttributes()) for (const t3 of e2.getAttributeNames()) if (t3.endsWith(f$1)) {
            const i4 = a2[o2++], s3 = e2.getAttribute(t3).split(v), n4 = /([.?@])?(.*)/.exec(i4);
            r2.push({ type: 1, index: h2, name: n4[2], strings: s3, ctor: "." === n4[1] ? Y : "?" === n4[1] ? Z : "@" === n4[1] ? q : G }), e2.removeAttribute(t3);
          } else t3.startsWith(v) && (r2.push({ type: 6, index: h2 }), e2.removeAttribute(t3));
          if (M.test(e2.tagName)) {
            const t3 = e2.textContent.split(v), i4 = t3.length - 1;
            if (i4 > 0) {
              e2.textContent = c$1 ? c$1.emptyScript : "";
              for (let s3 = 0; s3 < i4; s3++) e2.append(t3[s3], lt()), I.nextNode(), r2.push({ type: 2, index: ++h2 });
              e2.append(t3[i4], lt());
        } else if (8 === e2.nodeType) if (e2.data === m) r2.push({ type: 2, index: h2 });
        else {
          let t3 = -1;
          for (; -1 !== (t3 = e2.data.indexOf(v, t3 + 1)); ) r2.push({ type: 7, index: h2 }), t3 += v.length - 1;
    static createElement(t2, i3) {
      const s2 = w$1.createElement("template");
      return s2.innerHTML = t2, s2;
  function z(t2, i3, s2 = t2, e2) {
    var _a2, _b;
    if (i3 === R) return i3;
    let h2 = void 0 !== e2 ? (_a2 = s2.o) == null ? void 0 : _a2[e2] : s2.l;
    const o2 = st$1(i3) ? void 0 : i3._$litDirective$;
    return (h2 == null ? void 0 : h2.constructor) !== o2 && ((_b = h2 == null ? void 0 : h2._$AO) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(h2, false), void 0 === o2 ? h2 = void 0 : (h2 = new o2(t2), h2._$AT(t2, s2, e2)), void 0 !== e2 ? (s2.o ?? (s2.o = []))[e2] = h2 : s2.l = h2), void 0 !== h2 && (i3 = z(t2, h2._$AS(t2, i3.values), h2, e2)), i3;
  let F$1 = class F {
    constructor(t2, i3) {
      this._$AV = [], this._$AN = void 0, this._$AD = t2, this._$AM = i3;
    get parentNode() {
      return this._$AM.parentNode;
    get _$AU() {
      return this._$AM._$AU;
    u(t2) {
      const { el: { content: i3 }, parts: s2 } = this._$AD, e2 = ((t2 == null ? void 0 : t2.creationScope) ?? w$1).importNode(i3, true);
      I.currentNode = e2;
      let h2 = I.nextNode(), o2 = 0, n3 = 0, r2 = s2[0];
      for (; void 0 !== r2; ) {
        if (o2 === r2.index) {
          let i4;
          2 === r2.type ? i4 = new et(h2, h2.nextSibling, this, t2) : 1 === r2.type ? i4 = new r2.ctor(h2, r2.name, r2.strings, this, t2) : 6 === r2.type && (i4 = new K(h2, this, t2)), this._$AV.push(i4), r2 = s2[++n3];
        o2 !== (r2 == null ? void 0 : r2.index) && (h2 = I.nextNode(), o2++);
      return I.currentNode = w$1, e2;
    p(t2) {
      let i3 = 0;
      for (const s2 of this._$AV) void 0 !== s2 && (void 0 !== s2.strings ? (s2._$AI(t2, s2, i3), i3 += s2.strings.length - 2) : s2._$AI(t2[i3])), i3++;
  class et {
    get _$AU() {
      var _a2;
      return ((_a2 = this._$AM) == null ? void 0 : _a2._$AU) ?? this.v;
    constructor(t2, i3, s2, e2) {
      this.type = 2, this._$AH = D, this._$AN = void 0, this._$AA = t2, this._$AB = i3, this._$AM = s2, this.options = e2, this.v = (e2 == null ? void 0 : e2.isConnected) ?? true;
    get parentNode() {
      let t2 = this._$AA.parentNode;
      const i3 = this._$AM;
      return void 0 !== i3 && 11 === (t2 == null ? void 0 : t2.nodeType) && (t2 = i3.parentNode), t2;
    get startNode() {
      return this._$AA;
    get endNode() {
      return this._$AB;
    _$AI(t2, i3 = this) {
      t2 = z(this, t2, i3), st$1(t2) ? t2 === D || null == t2 || "" === t2 ? (this._$AH !== D && this._$AR(), this._$AH = D) : t2 !== this._$AH && t2 !== R && this._(t2) : void 0 !== t2._$litType$ ? this.$(t2) : void 0 !== t2.nodeType ? this.T(t2) : $(t2) ? this.k(t2) : this._(t2);
    O(t2) {
      return this._$AA.parentNode.insertBefore(t2, this._$AB);
    T(t2) {
      this._$AH !== t2 && (this._$AR(), this._$AH = this.O(t2));
    _(t2) {
      this._$AH !== D && st$1(this._$AH) ? this._$AA.nextSibling.data = t2 : this.T(w$1.createTextNode(t2)), this._$AH = t2;
    $(t2) {
      var _a2;
      const { values: i3, _$litType$: s2 } = t2, e2 = "number" == typeof s2 ? this._$AC(t2) : (void 0 === s2.el && (s2.el = B.createElement(N$1(s2.h, s2.h[0]), this.options)), s2);
      if (((_a2 = this._$AH) == null ? void 0 : _a2._$AD) === e2) this._$AH.p(i3);
      else {
        const t3 = new F$1(e2, this), s3 = t3.u(this.options);
        t3.p(i3), this.T(s3), this._$AH = t3;
    _$AC(t2) {
      let i3 = V.get(t2.strings);
      return void 0 === i3 && V.set(t2.strings, i3 = new B(t2)), i3;
    k(t2) {
      g$1(this._$AH) || (this._$AH = [], this._$AR());
      const i3 = this._$AH;
      let s2, e2 = 0;
      for (const h2 of t2) e2 === i3.length ? i3.push(s2 = new et(this.O(lt()), this.O(lt()), this, this.options)) : s2 = i3[e2], s2._$AI(h2), e2++;
      e2 < i3.length && (this._$AR(s2 && s2._$AB.nextSibling, e2), i3.length = e2);
    _$AR(t2 = this._$AA.nextSibling, i3) {
      var _a2;
      for ((_a2 = this._$AP) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this, false, true, i3); t2 && t2 !== this._$AB; ) {
        const i4 = t2.nextSibling;
        t2.remove(), t2 = i4;
    setConnected(t2) {
      var _a2;
      void 0 === this._$AM && (this.v = t2, (_a2 = this._$AP) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this, t2));
  class G {
    get tagName() {
      return this.element.tagName;
    get _$AU() {
      return this._$AM._$AU;
    constructor(t2, i3, s2, e2, h2) {
      this.type = 1, this._$AH = D, this._$AN = void 0, this.element = t2, this.name = i3, this._$AM = e2, this.options = h2, s2.length > 2 || "" !== s2[0] || "" !== s2[1] ? (this._$AH = Array(s2.length - 1).fill(new String()), this.strings = s2) : this._$AH = D;
    _$AI(t2, i3 = this, s2, e2) {
      const h2 = this.strings;
      let o2 = false;
      if (void 0 === h2) t2 = z(this, t2, i3, 0), o2 = !st$1(t2) || t2 !== this._$AH && t2 !== R, o2 && (this._$AH = t2);
      else {
        const e3 = t2;
        let n3, r2;
        for (t2 = h2[0], n3 = 0; n3 < h2.length - 1; n3++) r2 = z(this, e3[s2 + n3], i3, n3), r2 === R && (r2 = this._$AH[n3]), o2 || (o2 = !st$1(r2) || r2 !== this._$AH[n3]), r2 === D ? t2 = D : t2 !== D && (t2 += (r2 ?? "") + h2[n3 + 1]), this._$AH[n3] = r2;
      o2 && !e2 && this.j(t2);
    j(t2) {
      t2 === D ? this.element.removeAttribute(this.name) : this.element.setAttribute(this.name, t2 ?? "");
  class Y extends G {
    constructor() {
      super(...arguments), this.type = 3;
    j(t2) {
      this.element[this.name] = t2 === D ? void 0 : t2;
  class Z extends G {
    constructor() {
      super(...arguments), this.type = 4;
    j(t2) {
      this.element.toggleAttribute(this.name, !!t2 && t2 !== D);
  class q extends G {
    constructor(t2, i3, s2, e2, h2) {
      super(t2, i3, s2, e2, h2), this.type = 5;
    _$AI(t2, i3 = this) {
      if ((t2 = z(this, t2, i3, 0) ?? D) === R) return;
      const s2 = this._$AH, e2 = t2 === D && s2 !== D || t2.capture !== s2.capture || t2.once !== s2.once || t2.passive !== s2.passive, h2 = t2 !== D && (s2 === D || e2);
      e2 && this.element.removeEventListener(this.name, this, s2), h2 && this.element.addEventListener(this.name, this, t2), this._$AH = t2;
    handleEvent(t2) {
      var _a2;
      "function" == typeof this._$AH ? this._$AH.call(((_a2 = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.host) ?? this.element, t2) : this._$AH.handleEvent(t2);
  class K {
    constructor(t2, i3, s2) {
      this.element = t2, this.type = 6, this._$AN = void 0, this._$AM = i3, this.options = s2;
    get _$AU() {
      return this._$AM._$AU;
    _$AI(t2) {
      z(this, t2);
  const Re = n$2.litHtmlPolyfillSupport;
  Re == null ? void 0 : Re(B, et), (n$2.litHtmlVersions ?? (n$2.litHtmlVersions = [])).push("3.2.0");
  const Q = (t2, i3, s2) => {
    const e2 = (s2 == null ? void 0 : s2.renderBefore) ?? i3;
    let h2 = e2._$litPart$;
    if (void 0 === h2) {
      const t3 = (s2 == null ? void 0 : s2.renderBefore) ?? null;
      e2._$litPart$ = h2 = new et(i3.insertBefore(lt(), t3), t3, void 0, s2 ?? {});
    return h2._$AI(t2), h2;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  class h extends b$1 {
    constructor() {
      super(...arguments), this.renderOptions = { host: this }, this.o = void 0;
    createRenderRoot() {
      var _a2;
      const t2 = super.createRenderRoot();
      return (_a2 = this.renderOptions).renderBefore ?? (_a2.renderBefore = t2.firstChild), t2;
    update(t2) {
      const e2 = this.render();
      this.hasUpdated || (this.renderOptions.isConnected = this.isConnected), super.update(t2), this.o = Q(e2, this.renderRoot, this.renderOptions);
    connectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      super.connectedCallback(), (_a2 = this.o) == null ? void 0 : _a2.setConnected(true);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      super.disconnectedCallback(), (_a2 = this.o) == null ? void 0 : _a2.setConnected(false);
    render() {
      return R;
  h._$litElement$ = true, h["finalized"] = true, (_a = globalThis.litElementHydrateSupport) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(globalThis, { LitElement: h });
  const f = globalThis.litElementPolyfillSupport;
  f == null ? void 0 : f({ LitElement: h });
  (globalThis.litElementVersions ?? (globalThis.litElementVersions = [])).push("4.1.0");
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const t$1 = (t2) => (e2, o2) => {
    void 0 !== o2 ? o2.addInitializer(() => {
      customElements.define(t2, e2);
    }) : customElements.define(t2, e2);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const o$2 = { attribute: true, type: String, converter: u, reflect: false, hasChanged: f$2 }, r$2 = (t2 = o$2, e2, r2) => {
    const { kind: n3, metadata: i3 } = r2;
    let s2 = globalThis.litPropertyMetadata.get(i3);
    if (void 0 === s2 && globalThis.litPropertyMetadata.set(i3, s2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), s2.set(r2.name, t2), "accessor" === n3) {
      const { name: o2 } = r2;
      return { set(r3) {
        const n4 = e2.get.call(this);
        e2.set.call(this, r3), this.requestUpdate(o2, n4, t2);
      }, init(e3) {
        return void 0 !== e3 && this.P(o2, void 0, t2), e3;
      } };
    if ("setter" === n3) {
      const { name: o2 } = r2;
      return function(r3) {
        const n4 = this[o2];
        e2.call(this, r3), this.requestUpdate(o2, n4, t2);
    throw Error("Unsupported decorator location: " + n3);
  function n$1(t2) {
    return (e2, o2) => "object" == typeof o2 ? r$2(t2, e2, o2) : ((t3, e3, o3) => {
      const r2 = e3.hasOwnProperty(o3);
      return e3.constructor.createProperty(o3, r2 ? { ...t3, wrapped: true } : t3), r2 ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e3, o3) : void 0;
    })(t2, e2, o2);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  function r$1(r2) {
    return n$1({ ...r2, state: true, attribute: false });
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const e$1 = (e2, t2, c2) => (c2.configurable = true, c2.enumerable = true, Reflect.decorate && "object" != typeof t2 && Object.defineProperty(e2, t2, c2), c2);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  function o$1(o2) {
    return (e2, n3) => {
      const { slot: r2, selector: s2 } = o2 ?? {}, c2 = "slot" + (r2 ? `[name=${r2}]` : ":not([name])");
      return e$1(e2, n3, { get() {
        var _a2;
        const t2 = (_a2 = this.renderRoot) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelector(c2), e3 = (t2 == null ? void 0 : t2.assignedElements(o2)) ?? [];
        return void 0 === s2 ? e3 : e3.filter((t3) => t3.matches(s2));
      } });
   * @license
   * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const to = (t2) => t2 ?? D;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const t = { ATTRIBUTE: 1, CHILD: 2, PROPERTY: 3, BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE: 4, EVENT: 5, ELEMENT: 6 }, e = (t2) => (...e2) => ({ _$litDirective$: t2, values: e2 });
  let i$1 = class i {
    constructor(t2) {
    get _$AU() {
      return this._$AM._$AU;
    _$AT(t2, e2, i3) {
      this.t = t2, this._$AM = e2, this.i = i3;
    _$AS(t2, e2) {
      return this.update(t2, e2);
    update(t2, e2) {
      return this.render(...e2);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const ee = "important", ie = " !" + ee, se = e(class extends i$1 {
    constructor(e2) {
      var _a2;
      if (super(e2), e2.type !== t.ATTRIBUTE || "style" !== e2.name || ((_a2 = e2.strings) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) > 2) throw Error("The `styleMap` directive must be used in the `style` attribute and must be the only part in the attribute.");
    render(t2) {
      return Object.keys(t2).reduce((e2, r2) => {
        const s2 = t2[r2];
        return null == s2 ? e2 : e2 + `${r2 = r2.includes("-") ? r2 : r2.replace(/(?:^(webkit|moz|ms|o)|)(?=[A-Z])/g, "-$&").toLowerCase()}:${s2};`;
      }, "");
    update(t2, [e2]) {
      const { style: r2 } = t2.element;
      if (void 0 === this.ft) return this.ft = new Set(Object.keys(e2)), this.render(e2);
      for (const t3 of this.ft) null == e2[t3] && (this.ft.delete(t3), t3.includes("-") ? r2.removeProperty(t3) : r2[t3] = null);
      for (const t3 in e2) {
        const s2 = e2[t3];
        if (null != s2) {
          const e3 = "string" == typeof s2 && s2.endsWith(ie);
          t3.includes("-") || e3 ? r2.setProperty(t3, e3 ? s2.slice(0, -11) : s2, e3 ? ee : "") : r2[t3] = s2;
      return R;
  class MduiElement extends h {
     * 触发自定义事件。若返回 false,表示事件被取消
     * @param type
     * @param options 通常只用到 cancelable 和 detail;bubbles、composed 统一不用
    emit(type, options) {
      const event = new CustomEvent(type, Object.assign({
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: false,
        composed: true,
        detail: {}
      }, options));
      return this.dispatchEvent(event);
  class HasSlotController {
    constructor(host, ...slotNames) {
      this.slotNames = [];
      (this.host = host).addController(this);
      this.slotNames = slotNames;
      this.onSlotChange = this.onSlotChange.bind(this);
    hostConnected() {
      this.host.shadowRoot.addEventListener("slotchange", this.onSlotChange);
      if (!isDomReady()) {
        $$1(() => {
    hostDisconnected() {
      this.host.shadowRoot.removeEventListener("slotchange", this.onSlotChange);
    test(slotName) {
      return slotName === "[default]" ? this.hasDefaultSlot() : this.hasNamedSlot(slotName);
    hasDefaultSlot() {
      return [...this.host.childNodes].some((node) => {
        if (node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE && node.textContent.trim() !== "") {
          return true;
        if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
          const el = node;
          if (!el.hasAttribute("slot")) {
            return true;
        return false;
    hasNamedSlot(name) {
      return this.host.querySelector(`:scope > [slot="${name}"]`) !== null;
    onSlotChange(event) {
      const slot = event.target;
      if (this.slotNames.includes("[default]") && !slot.name || slot.name && this.slotNames.includes(slot.name)) {
  const nothingTemplate = ke`${D}`;
  const componentStyle = i$3`:host{box-sizing:border-box}:host *,:host ::after,:host ::before{box-sizing:inherit}:host :focus,:host :focus-visible,:host(:focus),:host(:focus-visible){outline:0}[hidden]{display:none!important}`;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  class le extends i$1 {
    constructor(i3) {
      if (super(i3), this.it = D, i3.type !== t.CHILD) throw Error(this.constructor.directiveName + "() can only be used in child bindings");
    render(t2) {
      if (t2 === D || null == t2) return this._t = void 0, this.it = t2;
      if (t2 === R) return t2;
      if ("string" != typeof t2) throw Error(this.constructor.directiveName + "() called with a non-string value");
      if (t2 === this.it) return this._t;
      this.it = t2;
      const i3 = [t2];
      return i3.raw = i3, this._t = { _$litType$: this.constructor.resultType, strings: i3, values: [] };
  le.directiveName = "unsafeHTML", le.resultType = 1;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  class pe extends le {
  pe.directiveName = "unsafeSVG", pe.resultType = 2;
  const fe = e(pe);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const st = (o2) => null === o2 || "object" != typeof o2 && "function" != typeof o2, rt = (o2) => void 0 === o2.strings, ht = {}, dt = (o2, t2 = ht) => o2._$AH = t2;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const mt = (i3, t2) => {
    var _a2;
    const e2 = i3._$AN;
    if (void 0 === e2) return false;
    for (const i4 of e2) (_a2 = i4._$AO) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(i4, t2, false), mt(i4, t2);
    return true;
  }, _t = (i3) => {
    let t2, e2;
    do {
      if (void 0 === (t2 = i3._$AM)) break;
      e2 = t2._$AN, e2.delete(i3), i3 = t2;
    } while (0 === (e2 == null ? void 0 : e2.size));
  }, wt = (i3) => {
    for (let t2; t2 = i3._$AM; i3 = t2) {
      let e2 = t2._$AN;
      if (void 0 === e2) t2._$AN = e2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
      else if (e2.has(i3)) break;
      e2.add(i3), gt(t2);
  function bt(i3) {
    void 0 !== this._$AN ? (_t(this), this._$AM = i3, wt(this)) : this._$AM = i3;
  function yt(i3, t2 = false, e2 = 0) {
    const s2 = this._$AH, o2 = this._$AN;
    if (void 0 !== o2 && 0 !== o2.size) if (t2) if (Array.isArray(s2)) for (let i4 = e2; i4 < s2.length; i4++) mt(s2[i4], false), _t(s2[i4]);
    else null != s2 && (mt(s2, false), _t(s2));
    else mt(this, i3);
  const gt = (i3) => {
    i3.type == t.CHILD && (i3._$AP ?? (i3._$AP = yt), i3._$AQ ?? (i3._$AQ = bt));
  class $t extends i$1 {
    constructor() {
      super(...arguments), this._$AN = void 0;
    _$AT(i3, t2, e2) {
      super._$AT(i3, t2, e2), wt(this), this.isConnected = i3._$AU;
    _$AO(i3, t2 = true) {
      var _a2, _b;
      i3 !== this.isConnected && (this.isConnected = i3, i3 ? (_a2 = this.reconnected) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this) : (_b = this.disconnected) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(this)), t2 && (mt(this, i3), _t(this));
    setValue(i3) {
      if (rt(this.t)) this.t._$AI(i3, this);
      else {
        const t2 = [...this.t._$AH];
        t2[this.i] = i3, this.t._$AI(t2, this, 0);
    disconnected() {
    reconnected() {
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  class Tt {
    constructor(t2) {
      this.Y = t2;
    disconnect() {
      this.Y = void 0;
    reconnect(t2) {
      this.Y = t2;
    deref() {
      return this.Y;
  class Et {
    constructor() {
      this.Z = void 0, this.q = void 0;
    get() {
      return this.Z;
    pause() {
      this.Z ?? (this.Z = new Promise((t2) => this.q = t2));
    resume() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.q) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this), this.Z = this.q = void 0;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const me = (t2) => !st(t2) && "function" == typeof t2.then, _e = 1073741823;
  class we extends $t {
    constructor() {
      super(...arguments), this.wt = _e, this.bt = [], this.K = new Tt(this), this.X = new Et();
    render(...t2) {
      return t2.find((t3) => !me(t3)) ?? R;
    update(t2, s2) {
      const i3 = this.bt;
      let e2 = i3.length;
      this.bt = s2;
      const r2 = this.K, o2 = this.X;
      this.isConnected || this.disconnected();
      for (let t3 = 0; t3 < s2.length && !(t3 > this.wt); t3++) {
        const n3 = s2[t3];
        if (!me(n3)) return this.wt = t3, n3;
        t3 < e2 && n3 === i3[t3] || (this.wt = _e, e2 = 0, Promise.resolve(n3).then(async (t4) => {
          for (; o2.get(); ) await o2.get();
          const s3 = r2.deref();
          if (void 0 !== s3) {
            const i4 = s3.bt.indexOf(n3);
            i4 > -1 && i4 < s3.wt && (s3.wt = i4, s3.setValue(t4));
      return R;
    disconnected() {
      this.K.disconnect(), this.X.pause();
    reconnected() {
      this.K.reconnect(this), this.X.resume();
  const be = e(we);
  const style$n = i$3`:host{display:inline-block;width:1em;height:1em;font-weight:400;font-family:'Material Icons';font-display:block;font-style:normal;line-height:1;direction:ltr;letter-spacing:normal;white-space:nowrap;text-transform:none;word-wrap:normal;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;text-rendering:optimizelegibility;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;font-size:1.5rem}::slotted(svg),svg{width:100%;height:100%;fill:currentcolor}`;
  let Icon = class Icon2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]");
    render() {
      const renderDefault = () => {
        if (this.name) {
          const [name, variant] = this.name.split("--");
          const familyMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
            ["outlined", "Material Icons Outlined"],
            ["filled", "Material Icons"],
            ["rounded", "Material Icons Round"],
            ["sharp", "Material Icons Sharp"],
            ["two-tone", "Material Icons Two Tone"]
          return ke`<span style="${se({ fontFamily: familyMap.get(variant) })}">${name}</span>`;
        if (this.src) {
          return ke`${be(ajax({ url: this.src }).then(fe))}`;
        return ke``;
      return this.hasSlotController.test("[default]") ? ke`<slot></slot>` : renderDefault();
  Icon.styles = [componentStyle, style$n];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Icon.prototype, "name", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Icon.prototype, "src", void 0);
  Icon = __decorate([
  ], Icon);
  const style$m = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary-container));color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary-container));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-title-medium-line-height)}img{width:100%;height:100%}::slotted(mdui-icon),mdui-icon{font-size:1.5em}`;
  let Avatar = class Avatar2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]");
    render() {
      return this.hasSlotController.test("[default]") ? ke`<slot></slot>` : this.src ? ke`<img part="image" alt="${to(this.label)}" src="${this.src}" style="${se({ objectFit: this.fit })}">` : this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon part="icon" name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate;
  Avatar.styles = [componentStyle, style$m];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Avatar.prototype, "src", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Avatar.prototype, "fit", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Avatar.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Avatar.prototype, "label", void 0);
  Avatar = __decorate([
  ], Avatar);
  const style$l = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;flex-shrink:0;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);padding-left:.25rem;padding-right:.25rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-error));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error));height:1rem;min-width:1rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-line-height)}:host([variant=small]){min-width:0;padding:0;width:.375rem;height:.375rem}`;
  let Badge = class Badge2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "large";
    render() {
      if (this.variant === "small") {
        return nothingTemplate;
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  Badge.styles = [componentStyle, style$l];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Badge.prototype, "variant", void 0);
  Badge = __decorate([
  ], Badge);
  const booleanConverter = (value) => {
    return value !== null && value !== "false";
  class DefinedController {
    constructor(host, options) {
      this.defined = false;
      (this.host = host).addController(this);
      this.relatedElements = options.relatedElements;
      this.needDomReady = options.needDomReady || !!options.relatedElements;
      this.onSlotChange = this.onSlotChange.bind(this);
    hostConnected() {
      this.host.shadowRoot.addEventListener("slotchange", this.onSlotChange);
    hostDisconnected() {
      this.host.shadowRoot.removeEventListener("slotchange", this.onSlotChange);
     * 判断组件是否定义完成
    isDefined() {
      if (this.defined) {
        return true;
      this.defined = (!this.needDomReady || isDomReady()) && !this.getUndefinedLocalNames().length;
      return this.defined;
     * 在组件定义完成后,promise 被 resolve
    async whenDefined() {
      if (this.defined) {
        return Promise.resolve();
      const document2 = getDocument();
      if (this.needDomReady && !isDomReady(document2)) {
        await new Promise((resolve) => {
          document2.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => resolve(), {
            once: true
      const undefinedLocalNames = this.getUndefinedLocalNames();
      if (undefinedLocalNames.length) {
        const promises = [];
        undefinedLocalNames.forEach((localName) => {
        await Promise.all(promises);
      this.defined = true;
     * slot 中的未完成定义的相关 Web components 组件的 CSS 选择器
    getScopeLocalNameSelector() {
      const localNames = this.relatedElements;
      if (!localNames) {
        return null;
      if (Array.isArray(localNames)) {
        return localNames.map((localName) => `${localName}:not(:defined)`).join(",");
      return Object.keys(localNames).filter((localName) => !localNames[localName]).map((localName) => `${localName}:not(:defined)`).join(",");
     * 整个页面中的未完成定义的相关 Web components 组件的 CSS 选择器
    getGlobalLocalNameSelector() {
      const localNames = this.relatedElements;
      if (!localNames || Array.isArray(localNames)) {
        return null;
      return Object.keys(localNames).filter((localName) => localNames[localName]).map((localName) => `${localName}:not(:defined)`).join(",");
     * 获取未完成定义的相关 Web components 组件名
    getUndefinedLocalNames() {
      const scopeSelector = this.getScopeLocalNameSelector();
      const globalSelector = this.getGlobalLocalNameSelector();
      const undefinedScopeElements = scopeSelector ? [...this.host.querySelectorAll(scopeSelector)] : [];
      const undefinedGlobalElements = globalSelector ? [...getDocument().querySelectorAll(globalSelector)] : [];
      const localNames = [
      ].map((element) => element.localName);
      return unique(localNames);
     * slot 变更时,若 slot 中包含未完成定义的相关 Web components 组件,则组件未定义完成
    onSlotChange() {
      const selector = this.getScopeLocalNameSelector();
      if (selector) {
        const undefinedElements = this.host.querySelectorAll(selector);
        if (undefinedElements.length) {
          this.defined = false;
  function watch(propName, waitUntilFirstUpdate = false) {
    return (proto, functionName) => {
      const { update } = proto;
      if (propName in proto) {
        proto.update = function(changedProperties) {
          if (changedProperties.has(propName)) {
            const oldValue = changedProperties.get(propName);
            const newValue = this[propName];
            if (oldValue !== newValue) {
              if (!waitUntilFirstUpdate || this.hasUpdated) {
                this[functionName](oldValue, newValue);
          update.call(this, changedProperties);
  const ScrollBehaviorMixin = (superclass) => {
    class ScrollBehaviorMixinClass extends superclass {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      constructor(...args) {
        this.scrollBehaviorDefinedController = new DefinedController(this, {
          needDomReady: true
        this.lastScrollTopThreshold = 0;
        this.lastScrollTopNoThreshold = 0;
        this.isParentLayout = false;
        this.onListeningScroll = this.onListeningScroll.bind(this);
       * 滚动时,如果需要给 container 添加 padding,添加在顶部还是底部
      get scrollPaddingPosition() {
        throw new Error("Must implement scrollPaddingPosition getter");
      async onScrollTargetChange(oldValue, newValue) {
        await this.scrollBehaviorDefinedController.whenDefined();
        if (oldValue && !newValue || !oldValue && newValue) {
        if (!this.scrollBehavior) {
        const oldListening = this.getListening(oldValue);
        if (oldListening) {
          oldListening.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onListeningScroll);
        const newListening = this.getListening(newValue);
        if (newListening) {
          newListening.addEventListener("scroll", this.onListeningScroll);
      async onScrollBehaviorChange(oldValue, newValue) {
        await this.scrollBehaviorDefinedController.whenDefined();
        if (oldValue && !newValue || !oldValue && newValue) {
        const listening = this.getListening(this.scrollTarget);
        if (!listening) {
        if (this.scrollBehavior) {
          listening.addEventListener("scroll", this.onListeningScroll);
        } else {
          listening.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onListeningScroll);
      connectedCallback() {
        this.scrollBehaviorDefinedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
          this.isParentLayout = isNodeName(this.parentElement, "mdui-layout");
      disconnectedCallback() {
        this.scrollBehaviorDefinedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
       * scrollBehavior 包含多个滚动行为,用空格分割
       * 用该方法判断指定滚动行为是否在 scrollBehavior 中
       * @param behavior 为数组时,只要其中一个行为在 scrollBehavior 中,即返回 `true`
      hasScrollBehavior(behavior) {
        var _a2;
        const behaviors = ((_a2 = this.scrollBehavior) == null ? void 0 : _a2.split(" ")) ?? [];
        if (Array.isArray(behavior)) {
          return !!behaviors.filter((v2) => behavior.includes(v2)).length;
        } else {
          return behaviors.includes(behavior);
       * 执行滚动事件,在滚动距离超过 scrollThreshold 时才会执行
       * Note: 父类可以按需实现该方法
       * @param isScrollingUp 是否向上滚动
       * @param scrollTop 距离 scrollTarget 顶部的距离
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
      runScrollThreshold(isScrollingUp, scrollTop) {
       * 执行滚动事件,会无视 scrollThreshold,始终会执行
       * @param isScrollingUp 是否向上滚动
       * @param scrollTop 距离 scrollTarget 顶部的距离
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
      runScrollNoThreshold(isScrollingUp, scrollTop) {
       * 更新滚动容器的 padding,避免内容被 navigation-bar 覆盖
       * 仅 scrollBehavior 包含 hide、shrink 时,添加 padding
       * @param withPadding 该值为 false 时,为移除 padding
      updateContainerPadding(withPadding = true) {
        const container2 = this.getContainer(this.scrollTarget);
        if (!container2 || this.isParentLayout) {
        const propName = this.scrollPaddingPosition === "top" ? "paddingTop" : "paddingBottom";
        if (withPadding) {
          const propValue = this.getListening(this.scrollTarget) && ["fixed", "absolute"].includes($$1(this).css("position")) ? this.offsetHeight : null;
          $$1(container2).css({ [propName]: propValue });
        } else {
          $$1(container2).css({ [propName]: null });
      onListeningScroll() {
        const listening = this.getListening(this.scrollTarget);
        window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.onScroll(listening));
       * 滚动事件,这里过滤掉不符合条件的滚动
      onScroll(listening) {
        const scrollTop = listening.scrollY ?? listening.scrollTop;
        if (this.lastScrollTopNoThreshold !== scrollTop) {
          this.runScrollNoThreshold(scrollTop < this.lastScrollTopNoThreshold, scrollTop);
          this.lastScrollTopNoThreshold = scrollTop;
        if (Math.abs(scrollTop - this.lastScrollTopThreshold) > (this.scrollThreshold || 0)) {
          this.runScrollThreshold(scrollTop < this.lastScrollTopThreshold, scrollTop);
          this.lastScrollTopThreshold = scrollTop;
       * 重新更新 lastScrollTopThreshold、lastScrollTopNoThreshold 的值
       * 用于在 scrollTarget、scrollBehavior 变更时,重新设置 lastScrollTopThreshold、lastScrollTopNoThreshold 的初始值
      updateScrollTop(listening) {
        this.lastScrollTopThreshold = this.lastScrollTopNoThreshold = listening.scrollY ?? listening.scrollTop;
       * 获取组件需要监听哪个元素的滚动状态
      getListening(target) {
        return target ? $$1(target)[0] : window;
       * 获取组件在哪个容器内滚动
      getContainer(target) {
        return target ? $$1(target)[0] : document.body;
      n$1({ attribute: "scroll-target" })
    ], ScrollBehaviorMixinClass.prototype, "scrollTarget", void 0);
      n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "scroll-behavior" })
    ], ScrollBehaviorMixinClass.prototype, "scrollBehavior", void 0);
      n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "scroll-threshold" })
    ], ScrollBehaviorMixinClass.prototype, "scrollThreshold", void 0);
    ], ScrollBehaviorMixinClass.prototype, "onScrollTargetChange", null);
    ], ScrollBehaviorMixinClass.prototype, "onScrollBehaviorChange", null);
    return ScrollBehaviorMixinClass;
  let id = 0;
  const uniqueId = () => {
    return ++id;
  let weakMap;
  let observer;
  const observeResize = (target, callback) => {
    const $target = $$1(target);
    const key2 = uniqueId();
    const result = {
      unobserve: () => {
        $target.each((_2, target2) => {
          const options = weakMap.get(target2);
          const index = options.coArr.findIndex((co) => co.key === key2);
          if (index !== -1) {
            options.coArr.splice(index, 1);
          if (!options.coArr.length) {
          } else {
            weakMap.set(target2, options);
    if (!weakMap) {
      weakMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
        entries.forEach((entry) => {
          const target2 = entry.target;
          const options = weakMap.get(target2);
          options.entry = entry;
          options.coArr.forEach((co) => {
            co.callback.call(result, entry, result);
    $target.each((_2, target2) => {
      const options = weakMap.get(target2) ?? { coArr: [] };
      if (options.coArr.length && options.entry) {
        callback.call(result, options.entry, result);
      options.coArr.push({ callback, key: key2 });
      weakMap.set(target2, options);
    return result;
  class LayoutManager {
    constructor() {
      this.states = [];
     * 注册 `<mdui-layout-main>`
    registerMain(element) {
      this.$main = $$1(element);
     * 取消注册 `<mdui-layout-main>`
    unregisterMain() {
      this.$main = void 0;
     * 注册新的 `<mdui-layout-item>`
    registerItem(element) {
      const state = { element };
      state.observeResize = observeResize(state.element, () => {
        this.updateLayout(state.element, {
          width: this.isNoWidth(state) ? 0 : void 0
      this.items = void 0;
     * 取消注册 `<mdui-layout-item>`
    unregisterItem(element) {
      var _a2;
      const index = this.states.findIndex((item2) => item2.element === element);
      if (index < 0) {
      const item = this.states[index];
      (_a2 = item.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _a2.unobserve();
      this.items = void 0;
      this.states.splice(index, 1);
      if (this.states[index]) {
     * 获取所有 `<mdui-layout-item>` 元素(按在 DOM 中的顺序)
    getItems() {
      if (!this.items) {
        const items = this.states.map((state) => state.element);
        this.items = items.sort((a2, b3) => {
          const position = a2.compareDocumentPosition(b3);
          if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) {
            return -1;
          } else if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) {
            return 1;
          } else {
            return 0;
      return this.items;
     * 获取 `<mdui-layout-main>` 元素
    getMain() {
      return this.$main ? this.$main[0] : void 0;
     * 获取 `<mdui-layout-item>` 及 `<mdui-layout-main>` 元素
    getItemsAndMain() {
      return [...this.getItems(), this.getMain()].filter((i3) => i3);
     * 更新 `order` 值,更新完后重新计算布局
    updateOrder() {
     * 重新计算布局
     * @param element 从哪一个元素开始更新;若未传入参数,则将更新所有元素
     * @param size 此次更新中,元素的宽高(仅在此次更新中使用)。若不传则自动计算
    updateLayout(element, size) {
      const state = element ? {
        width: size == null ? void 0 : size.width,
        height: size == null ? void 0 : size.height
      } : void 0;
      const index = state ? this.states.findIndex((v2) => v2.element === state.element) : 0;
      if (index < 0) {
      Object.assign(this.states[index], state);
      this.states.forEach((currState, currIndex) => {
        if (currIndex < index) {
        const placement = currState.element.layoutPlacement;
        const prevState = currIndex > 0 ? this.states[currIndex - 1] : void 0;
        const top = (prevState == null ? void 0 : prevState.top) ?? 0;
        const right = (prevState == null ? void 0 : prevState.right) ?? 0;
        const bottom = (prevState == null ? void 0 : prevState.bottom) ?? 0;
        const left = (prevState == null ? void 0 : prevState.left) ?? 0;
        Object.assign(currState, { top, right, bottom, left });
        switch (placement) {
          case "top":
          case "bottom":
            currState[placement] += currState.height ?? currState.element.offsetHeight;
          case "right":
          case "left":
            currState[placement] += (this.isNoWidth(currState) ? 0 : currState.width) ?? currState.element.offsetWidth;
        currState.height = currState.width = void 0;
          position: "absolute",
          top: placement === "bottom" ? null : top,
          right: placement === "left" ? null : right,
          bottom: placement === "top" ? null : bottom,
          left: placement === "right" ? null : left
      const lastState = this.states[this.states.length - 1];
      if (this.$main) {
          paddingTop: lastState.top,
          paddingRight: lastState.right,
          paddingBottom: lastState.bottom,
          paddingLeft: lastState.left
     * 按 order 排序,order 相同时,按在 DOM 中的顺序排序
    resort() {
      const items = this.getItems();
      this.states.sort((a2, b3) => {
        const aOrder = a2.element.order ?? 0;
        const bOrder = b3.element.order ?? 0;
        if (aOrder > bOrder) {
          return 1;
        if (aOrder < bOrder) {
          return -1;
        if (items.indexOf(a2.element) > items.indexOf(b3.element)) {
          return 1;
        if (items.indexOf(a2.element) < items.indexOf(b3.element)) {
          return -1;
        return 0;
     * 组件宽度是否为 0
     * mdui-navigation-drawer 较为特殊,在为模态化时,占据的宽度为 0
    isNoWidth(state) {
      return isNodeName(state.element, "mdui-navigation-drawer") && // @ts-ignore
  const layoutManagerMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  const getLayout = (element) => {
    if (!layoutManagerMap.has(element)) {
      layoutManagerMap.set(element, new LayoutManager());
    return layoutManagerMap.get(element);
  class LayoutItemBase extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.isParentLayout = false;
     * 当前布局组件所处的位置,父类必须实现该 getter
    get layoutPlacement() {
      throw new Error("Must implement placement getter!");
    // order 变更时,需要重新调整布局
    onOrderChange() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.layoutManager) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updateOrder();
    connectedCallback() {
      const parentElement = this.parentElement;
      this.isParentLayout = isNodeName(parentElement, "mdui-layout");
      if (this.isParentLayout) {
        this.layoutManager = getLayout(parentElement);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      if (this.layoutManager) {
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], LayoutItemBase.prototype, "order", void 0);
    watch("order", true)
  ], LayoutItemBase.prototype, "onOrderChange", null);
  const style$k = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);--z-index:2000;position:fixed;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;display:flex;flex:0 0 auto;align-items:center;justify-content:flex-start;border-radius:var(--shape-corner) var(--shape-corner) 0 0;z-index:var(--z-index);transition:bottom var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized);padding:0 1rem;height:5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([scroll-target]:not([scroll-target=''])){position:absolute}:host([hide]){transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);bottom:-5.625rem}::slotted(:not(:first-child)){margin-left:.5rem}::slotted(mdui-fab){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}:host([fab-detach]) ::slotted(mdui-fab){position:absolute;transition:bottom var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard);right:1rem;bottom:.75rem}:host([fab-detach][hide][scroll-behavior~=hide]) ::slotted(mdui-fab){transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);bottom:1rem;box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([fab-detach][hide][scroll-behavior~=hide][scroll-target]:not([scroll-target=''])) ::slotted(mdui-fab){bottom:6.625rem}:host([hide]) ::slotted(:not(mdui-fab)),:host([hide]:not([fab-detach])) ::slotted(mdui-fab){transform:translateY(8.75rem);transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-0) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-accelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4)}::slotted(:first-child){transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-decelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1)}::slotted(:nth-child(2)){transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-decelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3)}::slotted(:nth-child(3)){transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-decelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4)}::slotted(:nth-child(4)){transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-decelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium1)}::slotted(:nth-child(5)){transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-decelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium2)}::slotted(:nth-child(6)){transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized-decelerate) var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium3)}`;
  let BottomAppBar = class BottomAppBar2 extends ScrollBehaviorMixin(LayoutItemBase) {
    constructor() {
      this.hide = false;
      this.fabDetach = false;
    get scrollPaddingPosition() {
      return "bottom";
    get layoutPlacement() {
      return "bottom";
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("transitionend", (event) => {
        if (event.target === this) {
          this.emit(this.hide ? "hidden" : "shown");
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
     * 滚动行为
     * 当前仅支持 hide 这一个行为,所以不做行为类型判断
    runScrollThreshold(isScrollingUp) {
      if (!isScrollingUp && !this.hide) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("hide", { cancelable: true });
        if (eventProceeded) {
          this.hide = true;
      if (isScrollingUp && this.hide) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("show", { cancelable: true });
        if (eventProceeded) {
          this.hide = false;
  BottomAppBar.styles = [componentStyle, style$k];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], BottomAppBar.prototype, "hide", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "fab-detach"
  ], BottomAppBar.prototype, "fabDetach", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "scroll-behavior" })
  ], BottomAppBar.prototype, "scrollBehavior", void 0);
  BottomAppBar = __decorate([
  ], BottomAppBar);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const ii = () => new Zt();
  class Zt {
  const qt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Kt = e(class extends $t {
    render(t2) {
      return D;
    update(t2, [i3]) {
      var _a2;
      const s2 = i3 !== this.Y;
      return s2 && void 0 !== this.Y && this.rt(void 0), (s2 || this.lt !== this.ct) && (this.Y = i3, this.ht = (_a2 = t2.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.host, this.rt(this.ct = t2.element)), D;
    rt(t2) {
      if (this.isConnected || (t2 = void 0), "function" == typeof this.Y) {
        const i3 = this.ht ?? globalThis;
        let s2 = qt.get(i3);
        void 0 === s2 && (s2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), qt.set(i3, s2)), void 0 !== s2.get(this.Y) && this.Y.call(this.ht, void 0), s2.set(this.Y, t2), void 0 !== t2 && this.Y.call(this.ht, t2);
      } else this.Y.value = t2;
    get lt() {
      var _a2, _b;
      return "function" == typeof this.Y ? (_a2 = qt.get(this.ht ?? globalThis)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.get(this.Y) : (_b = this.Y) == null ? void 0 : _b.value;
    disconnected() {
      this.lt === this.ct && this.rt(void 0);
    reconnected() {
  function cc(names) {
    if (typeof names === "string" || typeof names === "number") return "" + names;
    let out = "";
    if (Array.isArray(names)) {
      for (let i3 = 0, tmp; i3 < names.length; i3++) {
        if ((tmp = cc(names[i3])) !== "") {
          out += (out && " ") + tmp;
    } else {
      for (let k2 in names) {
        if (names[k2]) out += (out && " ") + k2;
    return out;
  const reportValidityOverloads = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  const formResets = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  class FormController {
    constructor(host, options) {
      (this.host = host).addController(this);
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(host, {
        needDomReady: true
      this.options = {
        form: (control) => {
          const formId = $$1(control).attr("form");
          if (formId) {
            const root2 = control.getRootNode();
            return root2.getElementById(formId);
          return control.closest("form");
        name: (control) => control.name,
        value: (control) => control.value,
        defaultValue: (control) => control.defaultValue,
        setValue: (control, value) => control.value = value,
        disabled: (control) => control.disabled,
        reportValidity: (control) => isFunction(control.reportValidity) ? control.reportValidity() : true,
      this.onFormData = this.onFormData.bind(this);
      this.onFormSubmit = this.onFormSubmit.bind(this);
      this.onFormReset = this.onFormReset.bind(this);
      this.reportFormValidity = this.reportFormValidity.bind(this);
    hostConnected() {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        this.form = this.options.form(this.host);
        if (this.form) {
    hostDisconnected() {
    hostUpdated() {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        const form = this.options.form(this.host);
        if (!form) {
        if (form && this.form !== form) {
     * 获取当前表单控件关联的 `<form>` 元素
    getForm() {
      return this.form ?? null;
     * 重置整个表单,所有表单控件恢复成默认值
    reset(invoker) {
      this.doAction("reset", invoker);
     * 提交整个表单
    submit(invoker) {
      this.doAction("submit", invoker);
    attachForm(form) {
      if (!form) {
        this.form = void 0;
      this.form = form;
      if (formCollections.has(this.form)) {
      } else {
        formCollections.set(this.form, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this.host]));
      this.form.addEventListener("formdata", this.onFormData);
      this.form.addEventListener("submit", this.onFormSubmit);
      this.form.addEventListener("reset", this.onFormReset);
      if (!reportValidityOverloads.has(this.form)) {
        reportValidityOverloads.set(this.form, this.form.reportValidity);
        this.form.reportValidity = () => this.reportFormValidity();
    detachForm() {
      if (this.form) {
        this.form.removeEventListener("formdata", this.onFormData);
        this.form.removeEventListener("submit", this.onFormSubmit);
        this.form.removeEventListener("reset", this.onFormReset);
        if (reportValidityOverloads.has(this.form) && !formCollections.get(this.form).size) {
          this.form.reportValidity = reportValidityOverloads.get(this.form);
    doAction(type, invoker) {
      if (!this.form) {
      const $button = $$1(`<button type="${type}">`).css({
        position: "absolute",
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        clipPath: "inset(50%)",
        overflow: "hidden",
        whiteSpace: "nowrap"
      const button = $button[0];
      if (invoker) {
        button.name = invoker.name;
        button.value = invoker.value;
        ].forEach((attr) => {
          $button.attr(attr, $$1(invoker).attr(attr));
    onFormData(event) {
      const disabled = this.options.disabled(this.host);
      const name = this.options.name(this.host);
      const value = this.options.value(this.host);
      const isButton = [
      if (!disabled && !isButton && isString(name) && name && !isUndefined(value)) {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          value.forEach((val) => {
            event.formData.append(name, val.toString());
        } else {
          event.formData.append(name, value.toString());
    // todo: 当前组件进行验证的顺序,取决于组件的注册顺序,而不会按在 DOM 中的顺序从上到下验证。如何按 DOM 顺序验证?
    onFormSubmit(event) {
      const disabled = this.options.disabled(this.host);
      const reportValidity = this.options.reportValidity;
      if (this.form && !this.form.noValidate && !disabled && !reportValidity(this.host)) {
    onFormReset() {
      if (this.form) {
        this.options.setValue(this.host, this.options.defaultValue(this.host));
        this.host.invalid = false;
        if (formResets.has(this.form)) {
        } else {
          formResets.set(this.form, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this.host]));
    reportFormValidity() {
      if (this.form && !this.form.noValidate) {
        const elements = getFormControls(this.form);
        for (const element of elements) {
          if (isFunction(element.reportValidity) && !element.reportValidity()) {
            return false;
      return true;
  const AnchorMixin = (superclass) => {
    class AnchorMixinClass extends superclass {
      renderAnchor({ id: id2, className: className2, part, content = ke`<slot></slot>`, refDirective, tabIndex }) {
        return ke`<a ${refDirective} id="${to(id2)}" class="_a ${className2 ? className2 : ""}" part="${to(part)}" href="${to(this.href)}" download="${to(this.download)}" target="${to(this.target)}" rel="${to(this.rel)}" tabindex="${to(tabIndex)}">${content}</a>`;
      n$1({ reflect: true })
    ], AnchorMixinClass.prototype, "href", void 0);
      n$1({ reflect: true })
    ], AnchorMixinClass.prototype, "download", void 0);
      n$1({ reflect: true })
    ], AnchorMixinClass.prototype, "target", void 0);
      n$1({ reflect: true })
    ], AnchorMixinClass.prototype, "rel", void 0);
    return AnchorMixinClass;
  let isClick = true;
  const document$1 = getDocument();
  document$1.addEventListener("pointerdown", () => {
    isClick = true;
  document$1.addEventListener("keydown", () => {
    isClick = false;
  const FocusableMixin = (superclass) => {
    class FocusableMixinClass extends superclass {
      constructor() {
        this.autofocus = false;
        this.focused = false;
        this.focusVisible = false;
        this.focusableDefinedController = new DefinedController(this, { relatedElements: [""] });
        this._manipulatingTabindex = false;
        this._tabIndex = 0;
       * 元素在使用 Tab 键切换焦点时的顺序
      get tabIndex() {
        const $this = $$1(this);
        if (this.focusElement === this) {
          return Number($this.attr("tabindex") || -1);
        const tabIndexAttribute = Number($this.attr("tabindex") || 0);
        if (this.focusDisabled || tabIndexAttribute < 0) {
          return -1;
        if (!this.focusElement) {
          return tabIndexAttribute;
        return this.focusElement.tabIndex;
      set tabIndex(tabIndex) {
        if (this._manipulatingTabindex) {
          this._manipulatingTabindex = false;
        const $this = $$1(this);
        if (this.focusElement === this) {
          if (tabIndex !== null) {
            this._tabIndex = tabIndex;
          $this.attr("tabindex", this.focusDisabled ? null : tabIndex);
        const onPointerDown = () => {
          if (this.tabIndex === -1) {
            this.tabIndex = 0;
            this.focus({ preventScroll: true });
        if (tabIndex === -1) {
          this.addEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown);
        } else {
          this._manipulatingTabindex = true;
          this.removeEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown);
        if (tabIndex === -1 || this.focusDisabled) {
          $this.attr("tabindex", -1);
          if (tabIndex !== -1) {
        if (!this.hasAttribute("tabindex")) {
          this._manipulatingTabindex = false;
       * 父类要实现该属性,表示是否禁用 focus 状态
      get focusDisabled() {
        throw new Error("Must implement focusDisabled getter!");
       * 最终获得焦点的元素
      get focusElement() {
        throw new Error("Must implement focusElement getter!");
      connectedCallback() {
        this.updateComplete.then(() => {
          requestAnimationFrame(() => {
       * 模拟鼠标点击元素
      click() {
        if (this.focusDisabled) {
        if (this.focusElement !== this) {
        } else {
       * 将焦点设置到当前元素。
       * 可以传入一个对象作为参数,该对象的属性包括:
       * * `preventScroll`:默认情况下,元素获取焦点后,页面会滚动以将该元素滚动到视图中。如果不希望页面滚动,可以将此属性设置为 `true`。
      focus(options) {
        if (this.focusDisabled || !this.focusElement) {
        if (this.focusElement !== this) {
        } else {
          HTMLElement.prototype.focus.apply(this, [options]);
       * 移除当前元素的焦点
      blur() {
        if (this.focusElement !== this) {
        } else {
      firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
        this.focusElement.addEventListener("focus", () => {
          this.focused = true;
          this.focusVisible = !isClick;
        this.focusElement.addEventListener("blur", () => {
          this.focused = false;
          this.focusVisible = false;
      update(changedProperties) {
        if (this._lastFocusDisabled === void 0 || this._lastFocusDisabled !== this.focusDisabled) {
          this._lastFocusDisabled = this.focusDisabled;
          const $this = $$1(this);
          if (this.focusDisabled) {
          } else {
            if (this.focusElement === this) {
              this._manipulatingTabindex = true;
              $this.attr("tabindex", this._tabIndex);
            } else if (this.tabIndex > -1) {
      updated(changedProperties) {
        if (this.focused && this.focusDisabled) {
      async manageFocusElementTabindex(tabIndex) {
        if (!this.focusElement) {
          await this.updateComplete;
        if (tabIndex === null) {
        } else {
          this.focusElement.tabIndex = tabIndex;
      manageAutoFocus() {
        if (this.autofocus) {
          this.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
            code: "Tab"
        type: Boolean,
         * 哪些属性需要 reflect: true?
         * 一般所有属性都需要 reflect,但以下情况除外:
         * 1. 会频繁变更的属性
         * 2. 属性同步会造成较大性能开销的属性
         * 3. 复杂类型属性(数组、对象等,仅提供 property,不提供 attribute)
        reflect: true,
        converter: booleanConverter
    ], FocusableMixinClass.prototype, "autofocus", void 0);
        type: Boolean,
        reflect: true,
        converter: booleanConverter
    ], FocusableMixinClass.prototype, "focused", void 0);
        type: Boolean,
        reflect: true,
        converter: booleanConverter,
        attribute: "focus-visible"
    ], FocusableMixinClass.prototype, "focusVisible", void 0);
      n$1({ type: Number, attribute: "tabindex" })
    ], FocusableMixinClass.prototype, "tabIndex", null);
    return FocusableMixinClass;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const Rt = e(class extends i$1 {
    constructor(s2) {
      var _a2;
      if (super(s2), s2.type !== t.ATTRIBUTE || "class" !== s2.name || ((_a2 = s2.strings) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) > 2) throw Error("`classMap()` can only be used in the `class` attribute and must be the only part in the attribute.");
    render(t2) {
      return " " + Object.keys(t2).filter((s2) => t2[s2]).join(" ") + " ";
    update(t2, [s2]) {
      var _a2, _b;
      if (void 0 === this.st) {
        this.st = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), void 0 !== t2.strings && (this.nt = new Set(t2.strings.join(" ").split(/\s/).filter((t3) => "" !== t3)));
        for (const t3 in s2) s2[t3] && !((_a2 = this.nt) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(t3)) && this.st.add(t3);
        return this.render(s2);
      const i3 = t2.element.classList;
      for (const t3 of this.st) t3 in s2 || (i3.remove(t3), this.st.delete(t3));
      for (const t3 in s2) {
        const r2 = !!s2[t3];
        r2 === this.st.has(t3) || ((_b = this.nt) == null ? void 0 : _b.has(t3)) || (r2 ? (i3.add(t3), this.st.add(t3)) : (i3.remove(t3), this.st.delete(t3)));
      return R;
  const style$j = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:inline-block;flex-shrink:0;width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem;stroke:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.progress{position:relative;display:inline-block;width:100%;height:100%;text-align:left;transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium1) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear)}.determinate svg{transform:rotate(-90deg);fill:transparent}.determinate .track{stroke:transparent}.determinate .circle{stroke:inherit;transition:stroke-dashoffset var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.indeterminate{font-size:0;letter-spacing:0;white-space:nowrap;animation:mdui-comp-circular-progress-rotate 1568ms var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear) infinite}.indeterminate .circle,.indeterminate .layer{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%}.indeterminate .layer{animation:mdui-comp-circular-progress-layer-rotate 5332ms var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard) infinite both}.indeterminate .circle{fill:transparent;stroke:inherit}.indeterminate .gap-patch{position:absolute;top:0;left:47.5%;width:5%;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.indeterminate .gap-patch .circle{left:-900%;width:2000%;transform:rotate(180deg)}.indeterminate .clipper{position:relative;display:inline-block;width:50%;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.indeterminate .clipper .circle{width:200%}.indeterminate .clipper.left .circle{animation:mdui-comp-circular-progress-left-spin 1333ms var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard) infinite both}.indeterminate .clipper.right .circle{left:-100%;animation:mdui-comp-circular-progress-right-spin 1333ms var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard) infinite both}@keyframes mdui-comp-circular-progress-rotate{to{transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes mdui-comp-circular-progress-layer-rotate{12.5%{transform:rotate(135deg)}25%{transform:rotate(270deg)}37.5%{transform:rotate(405deg)}50%{transform:rotate(540deg)}62.5%{transform:rotate(675deg)}75%{transform:rotate(810deg)}87.5%{transform:rotate(945deg)}100%{transform:rotate(1080deg)}}@keyframes mdui-comp-circular-progress-left-spin{0%{transform:rotate(265deg)}50%{transform:rotate(130deg)}100%{transform:rotate(265deg)}}@keyframes mdui-comp-circular-progress-right-spin{0%{transform:rotate(-265deg)}50%{transform:rotate(-130deg)}100%{transform:rotate(-265deg)}}`;
  let CircularProgress = class CircularProgress2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.max = 1;
    render() {
      const isDeterminate = !isUndefined(this.value);
      return ke`<div class="progress ${Rt({
      determinate: isDeterminate,
      indeterminate: !isDeterminate
    })}">${isDeterminate ? this.renderDeterminate() : this.renderInDeterminate()}</div>`;
    renderDeterminate() {
      const value = this.value;
      const strokeWidth = 4;
      const circleRadius = 18;
      const π = 3.1415926;
      const center = circleRadius + strokeWidth / 2;
      const circumference = 2 * π * circleRadius;
      const determinateStrokeDashOffset = (1 - value / Math.max(this.max ?? value, value)) * circumference;
      return ke`<svg viewBox="0 0 ${center * 2} ${center * 2}"><circle class="track" cx="${center}" cy="${center}" r="${circleRadius}" stroke-width="${strokeWidth}"></circle><circle class="circle" cx="${center}" cy="${center}" r="${circleRadius}" stroke-dasharray="${2 * π * circleRadius}" stroke-dashoffset="${determinateStrokeDashOffset}" stroke-width="${strokeWidth}"></circle></svg>`;
    renderInDeterminate() {
      const strokeWidth = 4;
      const circleRadius = 18;
      const π = 3.1415926;
      const center = circleRadius + strokeWidth / 2;
      const circumference = 2 * π * circleRadius;
      const halfCircumference = 0.5 * circumference;
      const circle = (thisStrokeWidth) => ke`<svg class="circle" viewBox="0 0 ${center * 2} ${center * 2}"><circle cx="${center}" cy="${center}" r="${circleRadius}" stroke-dasharray="${circumference}" stroke-dashoffset="${halfCircumference}" stroke-width="${thisStrokeWidth}"></circle></svg>`;
      return ke`<div class="layer"><div class="clipper left">${circle(strokeWidth)}</div><div class="gap-patch">${circle(strokeWidth * 0.8)}</div><div class="clipper right">${circle(strokeWidth)}</div></div>`;
  CircularProgress.styles = [componentStyle, style$j];
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], CircularProgress.prototype, "max", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number })
  ], CircularProgress.prototype, "value", void 0);
  CircularProgress = __decorate([
  ], CircularProgress);
  const style$i = i$3`:host{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;display:block;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none}.surface{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;transition-duration:280ms;transition-property:background-color;pointer-events:none;transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.hover{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color,var(--mdui-color-on-surface)),var(--mdui-state-layer-hover))}:host-context([focus-visible]) .focused{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color,var(--mdui-color-on-surface)),var(--mdui-state-layer-focus))}.dragged{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color,var(--mdui-color-on-surface)),var(--mdui-state-layer-dragged))}.wave{position:absolute;z-index:1;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color,var(--mdui-color-on-surface)));border-radius:50%;transform:translate3d(0,0,0) scale(.4);opacity:0;animation:225ms ease 0s 1 normal forwards running mdui-comp-ripple-radius-in,75ms ease 0s 1 normal forwards running mdui-comp-ripple-opacity-in;pointer-events:none}.out{transform:translate3d(var(--mdui-comp-ripple-transition-x,0),var(--mdui-comp-ripple-transition-y,0),0) scale(1);animation:150ms ease 0s 1 normal none running mdui-comp-ripple-opacity-out}@keyframes mdui-comp-ripple-radius-in{from{transform:translate3d(0,0,0) scale(.4);animation-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}to{transform:translate3d(var(--mdui-comp-ripple-transition-x,0),var(--mdui-comp-ripple-transition-y,0),0) scale(1)}}@keyframes mdui-comp-ripple-opacity-in{from{opacity:0;animation-timing-function:linear}to{opacity:var(--mdui-state-layer-pressed)}}@keyframes mdui-comp-ripple-opacity-out{from{animation-timing-function:linear;opacity:var(--mdui-state-layer-pressed)}to{opacity:0}}`;
  let Ripple = class Ripple2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.noRipple = false;
      this.hover = false;
      this.focused = false;
      this.dragged = false;
      this.surfaceRef = ii();
    startPress(event) {
      if (this.noRipple) {
      const $surface = $$1(this.surfaceRef.value);
      const surfaceHeight = $surface.innerHeight();
      const surfaceWidth = $surface.innerWidth();
      let touchStartX;
      let touchStartY;
      if (!event) {
        touchStartX = surfaceWidth / 2;
        touchStartY = surfaceHeight / 2;
      } else {
        const touchPosition = typeof TouchEvent !== "undefined" && event instanceof TouchEvent && event.touches.length ? event.touches[0] : event;
        const offset = $surface.offset();
        if (touchPosition.pageX < offset.left || touchPosition.pageX > offset.left + surfaceWidth || touchPosition.pageY < offset.top || touchPosition.pageY > offset.top + surfaceHeight) {
        touchStartX = touchPosition.pageX - offset.left;
        touchStartY = touchPosition.pageY - offset.top;
      const diameter = Math.max(Math.pow(Math.pow(surfaceHeight, 2) + Math.pow(surfaceWidth, 2), 0.5), 48);
      const translateX = `${-touchStartX + surfaceWidth / 2}px`;
      const translateY = `${-touchStartY + surfaceHeight / 2}px`;
      const translate = `translate3d(${translateX}, ${translateY}, 0) scale(1)`;
      $$1('<div class="wave"></div>').css({
        width: diameter,
        height: diameter,
        marginTop: -diameter / 2,
        marginLeft: -diameter / 2,
        left: touchStartX,
        top: touchStartY
      }).each((_2, wave) => {
        wave.style.setProperty("--mdui-comp-ripple-transition-x", translateX);
        wave.style.setProperty("--mdui-comp-ripple-transition-y", translateY);
      }).prependTo(this.surfaceRef.value).each((_2, wave) => wave.clientLeft).css("transform", translate).on("animationend", function(e2) {
        const event2 = e2;
        if (event2.animationName === "mdui-comp-ripple-radius-in") {
          $$1(this).data("filled", true);
    endPress() {
      const $waves = $$1(this.surfaceRef.value).children().filter((_2, wave) => !$$1(wave).data("removing")).data("removing", true);
      const hideAndRemove = ($waves2) => {
        $waves2.addClass("out").each((_2, wave) => wave.clientLeft).on("animationend", function() {
      $waves.filter((_2, wave) => !$$1(wave).data("filled")).on("animationend", function(e2) {
        const event = e2;
        if (event.animationName === "mdui-comp-ripple-radius-in") {
      hideAndRemove($waves.filter((_2, wave) => !!$$1(wave).data("filled")));
    startHover() {
      this.hover = true;
    endHover() {
      this.hover = false;
    startFocus() {
      this.focused = true;
    endFocus() {
      this.focused = false;
    startDrag() {
      this.dragged = true;
    endDrag() {
      this.dragged = false;
    render() {
      return ke`<div ${Kt(this.surfaceRef)} class="surface ${Rt({
      hover: this.hover,
      focused: this.focused,
      dragged: this.dragged
  Ripple.styles = [componentStyle, style$i];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "no-ripple"
  ], Ripple.prototype, "noRipple", void 0);
  ], Ripple.prototype, "hover", void 0);
  ], Ripple.prototype, "focused", void 0);
  ], Ripple.prototype, "dragged", void 0);
  Ripple = __decorate([
  ], Ripple);
  const RippleMixin = (superclass) => {
    class Mixin extends superclass {
      constructor() {
        this.noRipple = false;
        this.rippleIndex = void 0;
        this.getRippleIndex = () => this.rippleIndex;
       * 子类要添加该属性,指向 <mdui-ripple> 元素
       * 如果一个组件中包含多个 <mdui-ripple> 元素,则这里可以是一个数组或 NodeList
      get rippleElement() {
        throw new Error("Must implement rippleElement getter!");
       * 子类要实现该属性,表示是否禁用 ripple
       * 如果一个组件中包含多个 <mdui-ripple> 元素,则这里可以是一个数组;也可以是单个值,同时控制多个 <mdui-ripple> 元素
      get rippleDisabled() {
        throw new Error("Must implement rippleDisabled getter!");
       * 当前 <mdui-ripple> 元素相对于哪个元素存在,即 hover、pressed、dragged 属性要添加到哪个元素上,默认为 :host
       * 如果需要修改该属性,则子类可以实现该属性
       * 如果一个组件中包含多个 <mdui-ripple> 元素,则这里可以是一个数组;也可以是单个值,同时控制多个 <mdui-ripple> 元素
      get rippleTarget() {
        return this;
      firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
        const $rippleTarget = $$1(this.rippleTarget);
        const setRippleIndex = (event) => {
          if (isArrayLike(this.rippleTarget)) {
            this.rippleIndex = $rippleTarget.index(event.target);
        const rippleTargetArr = isArrayLike(this.rippleTarget) ? this.rippleTarget : [this.rippleTarget];
        rippleTargetArr.forEach((rippleTarget) => {
          rippleTarget.addEventListener("pointerdown", (event) => {
          rippleTarget.addEventListener("pointerenter", (event) => {
          rippleTarget.addEventListener("pointerleave", (event) => {
          rippleTarget.addEventListener("focus", (event) => {
          rippleTarget.addEventListener("blur", (event) => {
       * 若存在多个 <mdui-ripple>,但 rippleTarget 为同一个,则 hover 状态无法在多个 <mdui-ripple> 之间切换
       * 所以把 startHover 和 endHover 设置为 protected,供子类调用
       * 子类中,在 getRippleIndex() 的返回值变更前调用 endHover(event),变更后调用 startHover(event)
      startHover(event) {
        if (event.pointerType !== "mouse" || this.isRippleDisabled()) {
        this.getRippleTarget().setAttribute("hover", "");
      endHover(event) {
        if (event.pointerType !== "mouse" || this.isRippleDisabled()) {
       * 当前激活的 <mdui-ripple> 元素是否被禁用
      isRippleDisabled() {
        const disabled = this.rippleDisabled;
        if (!Array.isArray(disabled)) {
          return disabled;
        const rippleIndex = this.getRippleIndex();
        if (rippleIndex !== void 0) {
          return disabled[rippleIndex];
        return disabled.length ? disabled[0] : false;
       * 获取当前激活的 <mdui-ripple> 元素实例
      getRippleElement() {
        const ripple = this.rippleElement;
        if (!isArrayLike(ripple)) {
          return ripple;
        const rippleIndex = this.getRippleIndex();
        if (rippleIndex !== void 0) {
          return ripple[rippleIndex];
        return ripple[0];
       * 获取当前激活的 <mdui-ripple> 元素相对于哪个元素存在
      getRippleTarget() {
        const target = this.rippleTarget;
        if (!isArrayLike(target)) {
          return target;
        const rippleIndex = this.getRippleIndex();
        if (rippleIndex !== void 0) {
          return target[rippleIndex];
        return target[0];
      startFocus() {
        if (this.isRippleDisabled()) {
      endFocus() {
        if (this.isRippleDisabled()) {
      startPress(event) {
        if (this.isRippleDisabled() || event.button) {
        const target = this.getRippleTarget();
        target.setAttribute("pressed", "");
        if (["touch", "pen"].includes(event.pointerType)) {
          let hidden = false;
          let timer = setTimeout(() => {
            timer = 0;
          }, 70);
          const hideRipple = () => {
            if (timer) {
              timer = 0;
            if (!hidden) {
              hidden = true;
            target.removeEventListener("pointerup", hideRipple);
            target.removeEventListener("pointercancel", hideRipple);
          const touchMove = () => {
            if (timer) {
              timer = 0;
            target.removeEventListener("touchmove", touchMove);
          target.addEventListener("touchmove", touchMove);
          target.addEventListener("pointerup", hideRipple);
          target.addEventListener("pointercancel", hideRipple);
        if (event.pointerType === "mouse" && event.button === 0) {
          const hideRipple = () => {
            target.removeEventListener("pointerup", hideRipple);
            target.removeEventListener("pointercancel", hideRipple);
            target.removeEventListener("pointerleave", hideRipple);
          target.addEventListener("pointerup", hideRipple);
          target.addEventListener("pointercancel", hideRipple);
          target.addEventListener("pointerleave", hideRipple);
      endPress() {
        if (this.isRippleDisabled()) {
      startDrag() {
        if (this.isRippleDisabled()) {
      endDrag() {
        if (this.isRippleDisabled()) {
        type: Boolean,
        reflect: true,
        converter: booleanConverter,
        attribute: "no-ripple"
    ], Mixin.prototype, "noRipple", void 0);
    return Mixin;
  const buttonBaseStyle = i$3`.button{position:relative;display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;padding:0;overflow:hidden;color:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit;letter-spacing:inherit;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:middle;background:0 0;border:none;outline:0;cursor:inherit;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;touch-action:manipulation;zoom:1;-webkit-user-drag:none}`;
  class ButtonBase extends AnchorMixin(RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement))) {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.loading = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "";
      this.type = "button";
      this.formNoValidate = false;
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      if (this.isButton()) {
        return this.focusElement.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      if (this.isButton()) {
        return this.focusElement.validationMessage;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled || this.loading;
    get focusElement() {
      var _a2, _b;
      return this.isButton() ? (_a2 = this.renderRoot) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelector("._button") : !this.focusDisabled ? (_b = this.renderRoot) == null ? void 0 : _b.querySelector("._a") : this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled || this.loading;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      if (this.isButton()) {
        const valid = this.focusElement.checkValidity();
        if (!valid) {
          this.emit("invalid", {
            bubbles: false,
            cancelable: true,
            composed: false
        return valid;
      return true;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      if (this.isButton()) {
        const invalid = !this.focusElement.reportValidity();
        if (invalid) {
          this.emit("invalid", {
            bubbles: false,
            cancelable: true,
            composed: false
        return !invalid;
      return true;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      if (this.isButton()) {
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (this.type === "submit") {
        if (this.type === "reset") {
    renderLoading() {
      return this.loading ? ke`<mdui-circular-progress part="loading"></mdui-circular-progress>` : nothingTemplate;
    renderButton({ id: id2, className: className2, part, content = ke`<slot></slot>` }) {
      return ke`<button id="${to(id2)}" class="${cc(["_button", className2])}" part="${to(part)}" ?disabled="${this.rippleDisabled || this.focusDisabled}">${content}</button>`;
    isButton() {
      return !this.href;
  ButtonBase.styles = [
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "loading", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "name", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "type", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "form", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "formaction" })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "formAction", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "formenctype" })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "formEnctype", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "formmethod" })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "formMethod", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "formnovalidate"
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "formNoValidate", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "formtarget" })
  ], ButtonBase.prototype, "formTarget", void 0);
  const style$h = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;display:inline-block;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;transition:box-shadow var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);min-width:3rem;height:2.5rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height)}.button{width:100%;padding:0 1rem}:host([full-width]){display:block}:host([variant=elevated]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-low));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([variant=filled]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-primary)}:host([variant=tonal]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(
    )}:host([variant=outlined]){border:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([variant=text]){--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([variant=outlined][focus-visible]){border-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([variant=elevated][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([variant=filled][hover]),:host([variant=tonal][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([disabled]),:host([loading]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host([disabled]){color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%);box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}:host([variant=elevated][disabled]),:host([variant=filled][disabled]),:host([variant=tonal][disabled]){background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%)}:host([variant=outlined][disabled]){border-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%)}.label{display:inline-flex;padding-right:.5rem;padding-left:.5rem}.end-icon,.icon{display:inline-flex;font-size:1.28571429em}.end-icon mdui-icon,.icon mdui-icon,::slotted([slot=end-icon]),::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:inherit}mdui-circular-progress{display:inline-flex;width:1.125rem;height:1.125rem}:host([variant=filled]) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary))}:host([variant=tonal]) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container))}:host([disabled]) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}`;
  let Button = class Button2 extends ButtonBase {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "filled";
      this.fullWidth = false;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    render() {
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.isButton() ? this.renderButton({
      className: "button",
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    }) : this.disabled || this.loading ? ke`<span part="button" class="button _a">${this.renderInner()}</span>` : this.renderAnchor({
      className: "button",
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    renderIcon() {
      if (this.loading) {
        return this.renderLoading();
      return ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderLabel() {
      return ke`<slot part="label" class="label"></slot>`;
    renderEndIcon() {
      return ke`<slot name="end-icon" part="end-icon" class="end-icon">${this.endIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.endIcon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderInner() {
      return [this.renderIcon(), this.renderLabel(), this.renderEndIcon()];
  Button.styles = [ButtonBase.styles, style$h];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Button.prototype, "variant", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "full-width"
  ], Button.prototype, "fullWidth", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Button.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], Button.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
  Button = __decorate([
  ], Button);
  const style$g = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;display:inline-block;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;font-size:1.5rem;width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem}:host([variant=standard]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant)}:host([variant=filled]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([variant=tonal]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant)}:host([variant=outlined]){border:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline));color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant)}:host([variant=outlined][pressed]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([variant=standard][selected]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([variant=filled]:not([selectable])),:host([variant=filled][selected]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-primary)}:host([variant=tonal]:not([selectable])),:host([variant=tonal][selected]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(
    )}:host([variant=outlined][selected]){border:none;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-on-surface));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-surface));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-inverse-on-surface)}:host([variant=filled][disabled]),:host([variant=outlined][disabled]),:host([variant=tonal][disabled]){background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.12);border-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.12)}:host([disabled]),:host([loading]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host([disabled]){color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.38)!important}:host([loading]) .button,:host([loading]) mdui-ripple{opacity:0}.button{float:left;width:100%}.icon,.selected-icon mdui-icon,::slotted(*){font-size:inherit}mdui-circular-progress{display:flex;position:absolute;top:calc(50% - 1.5rem / 2);left:calc(50% - 1.5rem / 2);width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem}:host([variant=filled]:not([disabled])) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary))}:host([disabled]) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}`;
  let ButtonIcon = class ButtonIcon2 extends ButtonBase {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "standard";
      this.selectable = false;
      this.selected = false;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]", "selected-icon");
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    onSelectedChange() {
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (!this.selectable || this.disabled) {
        this.selected = !this.selected;
    render() {
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.isButton() ? this.renderButton({
      className: "button",
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderIcon()
    }) : this.disabled || this.loading ? ke`<span part="button" class="button _a">${this.renderIcon()}</span>` : this.renderAnchor({
      className: "button",
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderIcon()
    })} ${this.renderLoading()}`;
    renderIcon() {
      const icon = () => this.hasSlotController.test("[default]") ? ke`<slot></slot>` : this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon part="icon" class="icon" name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate;
      const selectedIcon = () => this.hasSlotController.test("selected-icon") || this.selectedIcon ? ke`<slot name="selected-icon" part="selected-icon" class="selected-icon"><mdui-icon name="${this.selectedIcon}"></mdui-icon></slot>` : icon();
      return this.selected ? selectedIcon() : icon();
  ButtonIcon.styles = [ButtonBase.styles, style$g];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ButtonIcon.prototype, "variant", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ButtonIcon.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "selected-icon" })
  ], ButtonIcon.prototype, "selectedIcon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ButtonIcon.prototype, "selectable", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ButtonIcon.prototype, "selected", void 0);
    watch("selected", true)
  ], ButtonIcon.prototype, "onSelectedChange", null);
  ButtonIcon = __decorate([
  ], ButtonIcon);
  const style$f = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-medium);position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;transition:box-shadow var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([clickable]){cursor:pointer}:host([variant=elevated]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-low));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([variant=filled]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest))}:host([variant=outlined]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface));border:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline))}:host([variant=elevated][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([variant=filled][hover]),:host([variant=outlined][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([variant=elevated][dragged]),:host([variant=filled][dragged]),:host([variant=outlined][dragged]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level3)}:host([disabled]){opacity:.38;cursor:default;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none}:host([variant=elevated][disabled]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}:host([variant=filled][disabled]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([variant=outlined][disabled]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0);border-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-outline),.32)}.link{position:relative;display:inline-block;width:100%;height:100%;color:inherit;font-size:inherit;letter-spacing:inherit;text-decoration:none;touch-action:manipulation;-webkit-user-drag:none}`;
  let Card = class Card2 extends AnchorMixin(RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement))) {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "elevated";
      this.clickable = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled || !this.href && !this.clickable;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.href && !this.disabled ? this.renderRoot.querySelector("._a") : this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.rippleDisabled;
    render() {
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.href && !this.disabled ? this.renderAnchor({
      className: "link",
      content: ke`<slot></slot>`
    }) : ke`<slot></slot>`}`;
  Card.styles = [componentStyle, style$f];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Card.prototype, "variant", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Card.prototype, "clickable", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Card.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
  Card = __decorate([
  ], Card);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const Ft = e(class extends i$1 {
    constructor(r2) {
      if (super(r2), r2.type !== t.PROPERTY && r2.type !== t.ATTRIBUTE && r2.type !== t.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE) throw Error("The `live` directive is not allowed on child or event bindings");
      if (!rt(r2)) throw Error("`live` bindings can only contain a single expression");
    render(r2) {
      return r2;
    update(r2, [e2]) {
      if (e2 === R || e2 === D) return e2;
      const i3 = r2.element, n3 = r2.name;
      if (r2.type === t.PROPERTY) {
        if (e2 === i3[n3]) return R;
      } else if (r2.type === t.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE) {
        if (!!e2 === i3.hasAttribute(n3)) return R;
      } else if (r2.type === t.ATTRIBUTE && i3.getAttribute(n3) === e2 + "") return R;
      return dt(r2), e2;
  function defaultValue(propertyName = "value") {
    return (proto, key2) => {
      const constructor = proto.constructor;
      const attributeChangedCallback = constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback;
      constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function(name, old, value) {
        const options = constructor.getPropertyOptions(propertyName);
        const attributeName = isString(options.attribute) ? options.attribute : propertyName;
        if (name === attributeName) {
          const converter = options.converter || u;
          const fromAttribute = isFunction(converter) ? converter : (converter == null ? void 0 : converter.fromAttribute) ?? u.fromAttribute;
          const newValue = fromAttribute(value, options.type);
          if (this[propertyName] !== newValue) {
            this[key2] = newValue;
        attributeChangedCallback.call(this, name, old, value);
  const style$e = i$3`:host{display:inline-block;width:1em;height:1em;line-height:1;font-size:1.5rem}`;
  const svgTag = (svgPaths) => ke`<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor">${fe(svgPaths)}</svg>`;
  let IconCheckBoxOutlineBlank = class IconCheckBoxOutlineBlank2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M19 5v14H5V5h14m0-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z"/>');
  IconCheckBoxOutlineBlank.styles = style$e;
  IconCheckBoxOutlineBlank = __decorate([
  ], IconCheckBoxOutlineBlank);
  let IconCheckBox = class IconCheckBox2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M19 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2zm-9 14-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 14.17l7.59-7.59L19 8l-9 9z"/>');
  IconCheckBox.styles = style$e;
  IconCheckBox = __decorate([
  ], IconCheckBox);
  let IconIndeterminateCheckBox = class IconIndeterminateCheckBox2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-2 10H7v-2h10v2z"/>');
  IconIndeterminateCheckBox.styles = style$e;
  IconIndeterminateCheckBox = __decorate([
  ], IconIndeterminateCheckBox);
  const style$d = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:inline-flex;cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;border-radius:.125rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height)}label{display:inline-flex;align-items:center;width:100%;cursor:inherit;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;touch-action:manipulation;zoom:1;-webkit-user-drag:none}input{position:absolute;padding:0;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;width:1.125rem;height:1.125rem;margin:0 0 0 .6875rem}.icon{display:flex;position:absolute;opacity:1;transform:scale(1);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));font-size:1.5rem;transition:color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.checked-icon,.indeterminate-icon{opacity:0;transform:scale(.5);transition-property:color,opacity,transform;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.icon .i,::slotted([slot=checked-icon]),::slotted([slot=indeterminate-icon]),::slotted([slot=unchecked-icon]){color:inherit;font-size:inherit}i{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;border-radius:50%;width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}.label{display:flex;width:100%;padding-top:.625rem;padding-bottom:.625rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));transition:color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}:host([checked]) i{--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([checked]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([checked]) .indeterminate-icon{opacity:0;transform:scale(.5)}:host([checked]) .checked-icon{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}:host([indeterminate]) i{--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([indeterminate]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([indeterminate]) .checked-icon{opacity:0;transform:scale(.5)}:host([indeterminate]) .indeterminate-icon{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}.invalid i{--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-error)}.invalid .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}.invalid .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host([disabled]) .icon{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}:host([disabled]) .label{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}:host([disabled][checked]) .unchecked-icon,:host([disabled][indeterminate]) .unchecked-icon{opacity:0}`;
  let Checkbox = class Checkbox2 extends RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement)) {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.checked = false;
      this.defaultChecked = false;
      this.indeterminate = false;
      this.required = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "on";
      this.invalid = false;
      this.inputRef = ii();
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this, {
        value: (control) => control.checked ? control.value : void 0,
        defaultValue: (control) => control.defaultChecked,
        setValue: (control, checked) => control.checked = checked
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validationMessage;
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.inputRef.value;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    async onDisabledChange() {
      await this.updateComplete;
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    async onCheckedChange() {
      var _a2;
      await this.updateComplete;
      const form = this.formController.getForm();
      if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
        this.invalid = false;
      } else {
        this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
        if (!eventProceeded) {
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    render() {
      return ke`<label class="${Rt({ invalid: this.invalid })}"><input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} type="checkbox" name="${to(this.name)}" value="${to(this.value)}" .indeterminate="${Ft(this.indeterminate)}" .disabled="${this.disabled}" .checked="${Ft(this.checked)}" .required="${this.required}" @change="${this.onChange}"> <i part="control"><mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple><slot name="unchecked-icon" part="unchecked-icon" class="icon unchecked-icon">${this.uncheckedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.uncheckedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-check-box-outline-blank class="i"></mdui-icon-check-box-outline-blank>`}</slot><slot name="checked-icon" part="checked-icon" class="icon checked-icon">${this.checkedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.checkedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-check-box class="i"></mdui-icon-check-box>`}</slot><slot name="indeterminate-icon" part="indeterminate-icon" class="icon indeterminate-icon">${this.indeterminateIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.indeterminateIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-indeterminate-check-box class="i"></mdui-icon-indeterminate-check-box>`}</slot></i><slot part="label" class="label"></slot></label>`;
     * input[type="checkbox"] 的 change 事件无法冒泡越过 shadow dom
    onChange() {
      this.checked = this.inputRef.value.checked;
      this.indeterminate = false;
  Checkbox.styles = [componentStyle, style$d];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "checked", void 0);
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "defaultChecked", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "indeterminate", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "required", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "form", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "name", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "unchecked-icon" })
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "uncheckedIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "checked-icon" })
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "checkedIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "indeterminate-icon" })
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "indeterminateIcon", void 0);
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
    watch("disabled", true),
    watch("indeterminate", true),
    watch("required", true)
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "onDisabledChange", null);
    watch("checked", true)
  ], Checkbox.prototype, "onCheckedChange", null);
  Checkbox = __decorate([
  ], Checkbox);
  let IconCheck = class IconCheck2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M9 16.17 4.83 12l-1.42 1.41L9 19 21 7l-1.41-1.41z"/>');
  IconCheck.styles = style$e;
  IconCheck = __decorate([
  ], IconCheck);
  let IconClear = class IconClear2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M19 6.41 17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12z"/>');
  IconClear.styles = style$e;
  IconClear = __decorate([
  ], IconClear);
  const style$c = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-small);position:relative;display:inline-block;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;transition:box-shadow var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);height:2rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface));border:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline));color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height);--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant)}.button{padding-right:.4375rem;padding-left:.4375rem}:host([variant=input]) .button{padding-right:.1875rem;padding-left:.1875rem}:host([selected]) .button{padding-right:.5rem;padding-left:.5rem}:host([selected][variant=input]) .button{padding-right:.25rem;padding-left:.25rem}:host([elevated]) .button{padding-right:.5rem;padding-left:.5rem}:host([variant=assist]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([elevated]){border-width:0;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-low));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([selected]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container));border-width:0;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(
    )}:host([disabled]),:host([loading]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host([disabled]){border-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%);color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%);box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}:host([disabled][elevated]),:host([disabled][selected]){background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%)}:host([selected][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([elevated][hover]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([variant=filter][hover]),:host([variant=input][hover]),:host([variant=suggestion][hover]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([variant=filter][focus-visible]),:host([variant=input][focus-visible]),:host([variant=suggestion][focus-visible]){border-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([dragged]),:host([dragged][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level4)}.button{overflow:visible}.label{display:inline-flex;padding-right:.5rem;padding-left:.5rem}.end-icon,.icon,.selected-icon{display:inline-flex;font-size:1.28571429em;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([variant=assist]) .end-icon,:host([variant=assist]) .icon,:host([variant=assist]) .selected-icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([selected]) .end-icon,:host([selected]) .icon,:host([selected]) .selected-icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container))}:host([disabled]) .end-icon,:host([disabled]) .icon,:host([disabled]) .selected-icon{opacity:.38;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.end-icon .i,.icon .i,.selected-icon .i,::slotted([slot=end-icon]),::slotted([slot=icon]),::slotted([slot=selected-icon]){font-size:inherit}:host([variant=input]) .has-icon .icon,:host([variant=input]) .has-icon .selected-icon,:host([variant=input]) .has-icon mdui-circular-progress{margin-left:.25rem}:host([variant=input]) .has-end-icon .end-icon{margin-right:.25rem}mdui-circular-progress{display:inline-flex;width:1.125rem;height:1.125rem}:host([disabled]) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=end-icon]),::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=icon]),::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=selected-icon]){width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem}:host([disabled]) ::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=end-icon]),:host([disabled]) ::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=icon]),:host([disabled]) ::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=selected-icon]){opacity:.38}::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=icon]),::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=selected-icon]){margin-left:-.25rem;margin-right:-.125rem}::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=end-icon]){margin-right:-.25rem;margin-left:-.125rem}.delete-icon{display:inline-flex;font-size:1.28571429em;transition:background-color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);margin-right:-.25rem;margin-left:-.25rem;padding:.25rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}.delete-icon:hover{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant),12%)}.has-end-icon .delete-icon{margin-left:.25rem}:host([variant=assiat]) .delete-icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([variant=input]) .delete-icon{margin-right:.0625rem}:host([disabled]) .delete-icon{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}.delete-icon .i,::slotted([slot=delete-icon]){font-size:inherit}::slotted(mdui-avatar[slot=delete-icon]){width:1.125rem;height:1.125rem}`;
  let Chip = class Chip2 extends ButtonBase {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "assist";
      this.elevated = false;
      this.selectable = false;
      this.selected = false;
      this.deletable = false;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "icon", "selected-icon", "end-icon");
      this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
      this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this);
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    onSelectedChange() {
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("click", this.onClick);
      this.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown);
    render() {
      const hasIcon = this.icon || this.hasSlotController.test("icon");
      const hasEndIcon = this.endIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("end-icon");
      const hasSelectedIcon = this.selectedIcon || ["assist", "filter"].includes(this.variant) || hasIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("selected-icon");
      const className2 = cc({
        button: true,
        "has-icon": this.loading || !this.selected && hasIcon || this.selected && hasSelectedIcon,
        "has-end-icon": hasEndIcon
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.isButton() ? this.renderButton({
      className: className2,
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    }) : this.disabled || this.loading ? ke`<span part="button" class="${className2} _a">${this.renderInner()}</span>` : this.renderAnchor({
      className: className2,
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    onClick() {
      if (this.disabled || this.loading) {
      if (this.selectable) {
        this.selected = !this.selected;
    onKeyDown(event) {
      if (this.disabled || this.loading) {
      if (this.selectable && event.key === " ") {
        this.selected = !this.selected;
      if (this.deletable && ["Delete", "Backspace"].includes(event.key)) {
     * 点击删除按钮
    onDelete(event) {
    renderIcon() {
      if (this.loading) {
        return this.renderLoading();
      const icon = () => {
        return this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate;
      const selectedIcon = () => {
        if (this.selectedIcon) {
          return ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.selectedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>`;
        if (this.variant === "assist" || this.variant === "filter") {
          return ke`<mdui-icon-check class="i"></mdui-icon-check>`;
        return icon();
      return !this.selected ? ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${icon()}</slot>` : ke`<slot name="selected-icon" part="selected-icon" class="selected-icon">${selectedIcon()}</slot>`;
    renderLabel() {
      return ke`<slot part="label" class="label"></slot>`;
    renderEndIcon() {
      return ke`<slot name="end-icon" part="end-icon" class="end-icon">${this.endIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.endIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderDeleteIcon() {
      if (!this.deletable) {
        return nothingTemplate;
      return ke`<slot name="delete-icon" part="delete-icon" class="delete-icon" @click="${this.onDelete}">${this.deleteIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.deleteIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-clear class="i"></mdui-icon-clear>`}</slot>`;
    renderInner() {
      return [
  Chip.styles = [ButtonBase.styles, style$c];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Chip.prototype, "variant", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Chip.prototype, "elevated", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Chip.prototype, "selectable", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Chip.prototype, "selected", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Chip.prototype, "deletable", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Chip.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "selected-icon" })
  ], Chip.prototype, "selectedIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], Chip.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "delete-icon" })
  ], Chip.prototype, "deleteIcon", void 0);
    watch("selected", true)
  ], Chip.prototype, "onSelectedChange", null);
  Chip = __decorate([
  ], Chip);
  const arraysEqualIgnoreOrder = (a2, b3) => {
    if (a2.length !== b3.length) {
      return false;
    const sortedA = [...a2].sort();
    const sortedB = [...b3].sort();
    return sortedA.every((value, index) => value === sortedB[index]);
  const collapseStyle = i$3`:host{display:block}`;
  let Collapse = class Collapse2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.accordion = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.activeKeys = [];
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-collapse-item"]
    async onActiveKeysChange() {
      var _a2;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const value = this.accordion ? (_a2 = this.items.find((item) => this.activeKeys.includes(item.key))) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value : this.items.filter((item) => this.activeKeys.includes(item.key)).map((item) => item.value);
      if (!this.isInitial) {
    async onValueChange() {
      this.isInitial = !this.hasUpdated;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (this.accordion) {
        const value = this.value;
        if (!value) {
        } else {
          const item = this.items.find((item2) => item2.value === value);
          this.setActiveKeys(item ? [item.key] : []);
      } else {
        const value = this.value;
        if (!value.length) {
        } else {
          const activeKeys = this.items.filter((item) => value.includes(item.value)).map((item) => item.key);
    render() {
      return ke`<slot @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @click="${this.onClick}"></slot>`;
    setActiveKeys(activeKeys) {
      if (!arraysEqualIgnoreOrder(this.activeKeys, activeKeys)) {
        this.activeKeys = activeKeys;
    setValue(value) {
      if (this.accordion || isUndefined(this.value) || isUndefined(value)) {
        this.value = value;
      } else if (!arraysEqualIgnoreOrder(this.value, value)) {
        this.value = value;
    onClick(event) {
      if (this.disabled) {
      if (event.button) {
      const target = event.target;
      const item = target.closest("mdui-collapse-item");
      if (!item || item.disabled) {
      const path = event.composedPath();
      if (item.trigger && !path.find((element) => isElement(element) && $$1(element).is(item.trigger))) {
      if (!path.find((element) => isElement(element) && element.part.contains("header"))) {
      if (this.accordion) {
        if (this.activeKeys.includes(item.key)) {
        } else {
      } else {
        const activeKeys = [...this.activeKeys];
        if (activeKeys.includes(item.key)) {
          activeKeys.splice(activeKeys.indexOf(item.key), 1);
        } else {
      this.isInitial = false;
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    // 更新 <mdui-collapse-item> 的状态
    updateItems() {
      this.items.forEach((item) => {
        item.active = this.activeKeys.includes(item.key);
        item.isInitial = this.isInitial;
  Collapse.styles = [
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Collapse.prototype, "accordion", void 0);
  ], Collapse.prototype, "value", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Collapse.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
  ], Collapse.prototype, "activeKeys", void 0);
    o$1({ selector: "mdui-collapse-item", flatten: true })
  ], Collapse.prototype, "items", void 0);
    watch("activeKeys", true)
  ], Collapse.prototype, "onActiveKeysChange", null);
  ], Collapse.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
  Collapse = __decorate([
  ], Collapse);
  const collapseItemStyle = i$3`:host{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.header{display:block}.body{display:block;overflow:hidden;transition:height var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized)}.body.opened{overflow:visible}.body.active{transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium4)}`;
  let CollapseItem = class CollapseItem2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.active = false;
      this.state = "closed";
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.key = uniqueId();
      this.bodyRef = ii();
    onActiveChange() {
      if (this.isInitial) {
        this.state = this.active ? "opened" : "closed";
        if (this.hasUpdated) {
      } else {
        this.state = this.active ? "open" : "close";
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
    render() {
      return ke`<slot name="header" part="header" class="header">${this.header}</slot><slot part="body" class="body ${Rt({
      opened: this.state === "opened",
      active: this.active
    })}" ${Kt(this.bodyRef)} @transitionend="${this.onTransitionEnd}"></slot>`;
    onTransitionEnd(event) {
      if (event.target === this.bodyRef.value) {
        this.state = this.active ? "opened" : "closed";
    updateBodyHeight() {
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      $$1(this.bodyRef.value).height(this.state === "opened" ? "auto" : this.state === "open" ? scrollHeight : 0);
  CollapseItem.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "header", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "trigger", void 0);
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "active", void 0);
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "state", void 0);
  ], CollapseItem.prototype, "onActiveChange", null);
  CollapseItem = __decorate([
  ], CollapseItem);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  function nn(n3, r2, t2) {
    return n3 ? r2(n3) : t2 == null ? void 0 : t2(n3);
  function animateTo(el, keyframes, options) {
    if (!el) {
      return Promise.resolve();
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      if (options.duration === Infinity) {
        throw new Error("Promise-based animations must be finite.");
      if (isNumber(options.duration) && isNaN(options.duration)) {
        options.duration = 0;
      if (options.easing === "") {
        options.easing = "linear";
      const animation = el.animate(keyframes, options);
      animation.addEventListener("cancel", resolve, { once: true });
      animation.addEventListener("finish", resolve, { once: true });
  function stopAnimations(el) {
    if (!el) {
      return Promise.resolve();
    return Promise.all(el.getAnimations().map((animation) => {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const handleAnimationEvent = requestAnimationFrame(resolve);
        animation.addEventListener("cancel", () => handleAnimationEvent, {
          once: true
        animation.addEventListener("finish", () => handleAnimationEvent, {
          once: true
  function isTabbable(el) {
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  function getTabbableBoundary(root2) {
    const allElements = [];
    function walk(el) {
      if (el instanceof HTMLElement) {
        if (el.shadowRoot !== null && el.shadowRoot.mode === "open") {
      const children = el.children;
      [...children].forEach((e2) => walk(e2));
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    const end = allElements.reverse().find((el) => isTabbable(el)) ?? null;
    return { start, end };
  let activeModals = [];
  class Modal {
    constructor(element) {
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    activate() {
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      document.addEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyUp);
    deactivate() {
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      document.removeEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyUp);
    isActive() {
      return activeModals[activeModals.length - 1] === this.element;
    checkFocus() {
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            target.focus({ preventScroll: true });
    handleFocusIn() {
    handleKeyDown(event) {
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      requestAnimationFrame(() => this.checkFocus());
    handleKeyUp() {
      this.tabDirection = "forward";
  const getEasing = (element, name) => {
    const cssVariableName = `--mdui-motion-easing-${name}`;
    return $$1(element).css(cssVariableName).trim();
  const getDuration = (element, name) => {
    const cssVariableName = `--mdui-motion-duration-${name}`;
    const cssValue = $$1(element).css(cssVariableName).trim().toLowerCase();
    if (cssValue.endsWith("ms")) {
      return parseFloat(cssValue);
    } else {
      return parseFloat(cssValue) * 1e3;
  let scrollBarSizeCached;
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        height: "150px",
        overflow: "hidden"
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      scrollBarSizeCached = widthContained - widthScroll;
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    return target.scrollHeight > target.clientHeight;
  const lockMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
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      $target.css("width", `calc(100% - ${getScrollBarSize()}px)`);
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    target ?? (target = document2.documentElement);
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    if (!lock) {
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   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const LOCALE_STATUS_EVENT = "lit-localize-status";
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const isStrTagged = (val) => typeof val !== "string" && "strTag" in val;
  const joinStringsAndValues = (strings, values, valueOrder) => {
    let concat = strings[0];
    for (let i3 = 1; i3 < strings.length; i3++) {
      concat += values[i3 - 1];
      concat += strings[i3];
    return concat;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  const defaultMsg = (template) => isStrTagged(template) ? joinStringsAndValues(template.strings, template.values) : template;
  let msg = defaultMsg;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  class Deferred {
    constructor() {
      this.settled = false;
      this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this._resolve = resolve;
        this._reject = reject;
    resolve(value) {
      this.settled = true;
    reject(error) {
      this.settled = true;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2014 Travis Webb
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 256; i3++) {
    (i3 >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (i3 & 15).toString(16);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  let loading = new Deferred();
  let listeningLitLocalizeStatus = false;
  const localeReadyCallbacksMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  const onLocaleReady = (target, callback) => {
    if (!listeningLitLocalizeStatus) {
      listeningLitLocalizeStatus = true;
      const window2 = getWindow$1();
      window2.addEventListener(LOCALE_STATUS_EVENT, (event) => {
        if (event.detail.status === "ready") {
          localeReadyCallbacksMap.forEach((callbacks2) => {
            callbacks2.forEach((cb) => cb());
    const callbacks = localeReadyCallbacksMap.get(target) || [];
    localeReadyCallbacksMap.set(target, callbacks);
  const offLocaleReady = (target) => {
  const style$b = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-large);--z-index:2300;position:fixed;z-index:var(--z-index);display:none;align-items:center;justify-content:center;inset:0;padding:3rem}::slotted(mdui-top-app-bar[slot=header]){position:absolute;border-top-left-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-large);border-top-right-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-large);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-high))}:host([fullscreen]){--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);padding:0}:host([fullscreen]) ::slotted(mdui-top-app-bar[slot=header]){border-top-left-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);border-top-right-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none)}.overlay{position:fixed;inset:0;background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-scrim),.4)}.panel{--mdui-color-background:var(--mdui-color-surface-container-high);position:relative;display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-height:100%;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);outline:0;transform-origin:top;min-width:17.5rem;max-width:35rem;padding:1.5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-high));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level3)}:host([fullscreen]) .panel{width:100%;max-width:100%;height:100%;max-height:100%;box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}.header{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.has-icon .header{align-items:center}.icon{display:flex;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary));font-size:1.5rem}.icon mdui-icon,::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:inherit}.headline{display:flex;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-line-height)}.icon+.headline{padding-top:1rem}.body{overflow:auto}.header+.body{margin-top:1rem}.description{display:flex;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-line-height)}:host([fullscreen]) .description{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.has-description.has-default .description{margin-bottom:1rem}.action{display:flex;justify-content:flex-end;padding-top:1.5rem}.action::slotted(:not(:first-child)){margin-left:.5rem}:host([stacked-actions]) .action{flex-direction:column;align-items:end}:host([stacked-actions]) .action::slotted(:not(:first-child)){margin-left:0;margin-top:.5rem}`;
  let Dialog = class Dialog2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.open = false;
      this.fullscreen = false;
      this.closeOnEsc = false;
      this.closeOnOverlayClick = false;
      this.stackedActions = false;
      this.overlayRef = ii();
      this.panelRef = ii();
      this.bodyRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "header", "icon", "headline", "description", "action", "[default]");
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-top-app-bar"]
    async onOpenChange() {
      const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
      if (!this.open && !hasUpdated) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (!hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
      const children = Array.from(this.panelRef.value.querySelectorAll(".header, .body, .actions"));
      const easingLinear = getEasing(this, "linear");
      const easingEmphasizedDecelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-decelerate");
      const easingEmphasizedAccelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-accelerate");
      const stopAnimation = () => Promise.all([
        ...children.map((child) => stopAnimations(child))
      if (this.open) {
        if (hasUpdated) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("open", { cancelable: true });
          if (!eventProceeded) {
        this.style.display = "flex";
        const topAppBarElements = this.topAppBarElements ?? [];
        if (topAppBarElements.length) {
          const topAppBarElement = topAppBarElements[0];
          if (!topAppBarElement.scrollTarget) {
            topAppBarElement.scrollTarget = this.bodyRef.value;
          this.bodyRef.value.style.marginTop = "0";
        this.originalTrigger = document.activeElement;
        await stopAnimation();
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          const autoFocusTarget = this.querySelector("[autofocus]");
          if (autoFocusTarget) {
            autoFocusTarget.focus({ preventScroll: true });
          } else {
            this.panelRef.value.focus({ preventScroll: true });
        const duration = getDuration(this, "medium4");
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this.overlayRef.value, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.3 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [
            { transform: "translateY(-1.875rem) scaleY(0)" },
            { transform: "translateY(0) scaleY(1)" }
          ], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingEmphasizedDecelerate
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.1 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
          ...children.map((child) => animateTo(child, [
            { opacity: 0 },
            { opacity: 0, offset: 0.2 },
            { opacity: 1, offset: 0.8 },
            { opacity: 1 }
          ], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
        if (hasUpdated) {
      } else {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("close", { cancelable: true });
        if (!eventProceeded) {
        await stopAnimation();
        const duration = getDuration(this, "short4");
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this.overlayRef.value, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], {
            easing: easingLinear
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [
            { transform: "translateY(0) scaleY(1)" },
            { transform: "translateY(-1.875rem) scaleY(0.6)" }
          ], { duration, easing: easingEmphasizedAccelerate }),
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.75 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration, easing: easingLinear }),
          ...children.map((child) => animateTo(child, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0, offset: 0.75 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration, easing: easingLinear }))
        this.style.display = "none";
        const trigger = this.originalTrigger;
        if (typeof (trigger == null ? void 0 : trigger.focus) === "function") {
          setTimeout(() => trigger.focus());
    disconnectedCallback() {
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.modalHelper = new Modal(this);
      this.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
        if (this.open && this.closeOnEsc && event.key === "Escape") {
          this.open = false;
    render() {
      const hasActionSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("action");
      const hasDefaultSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("[default]");
      const hasIcon = !!this.icon || this.hasSlotController.test("icon");
      const hasHeadline = !!this.headline || this.hasSlotController.test("headline");
      const hasDescription = !!this.description || this.hasSlotController.test("description");
      const hasHeader = hasIcon || hasHeadline || this.hasSlotController.test("header");
      const hasBody = hasDescription || hasDefaultSlot;
      return ke`<div ${Kt(this.overlayRef)} part="overlay" class="overlay" @click="${this.onOverlayClick}" tabindex="-1"></div><div ${Kt(this.panelRef)} part="panel" class="panel ${Rt({
      "has-icon": hasIcon,
      "has-description": hasDescription,
      "has-default": hasDefaultSlot
    })}" tabindex="0">${nn(hasHeader, () => ke`<slot name="header" part="header" class="header">${nn(hasIcon, () => this.renderIcon())} ${nn(hasHeadline, () => this.renderHeadline())}</slot>`)} ${nn(hasBody, () => ke`<div ${Kt(this.bodyRef)} part="body" class="body">${nn(hasDescription, () => this.renderDescription())}<slot></slot></div>`)} ${nn(hasActionSlot, () => ke`<slot name="action" part="action" class="action"></slot>`)}</div>`;
    onOverlayClick() {
      if (!this.closeOnOverlayClick) {
      this.open = false;
    renderIcon() {
      return ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderHeadline() {
      return ke`<slot name="headline" part="headline" class="headline">${this.headline}</slot>`;
    renderDescription() {
      return ke`<slot name="description" part="description" class="description">${this.description}</slot>`;
  Dialog.styles = [componentStyle, style$b];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Dialog.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Dialog.prototype, "headline", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Dialog.prototype, "description", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Dialog.prototype, "open", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Dialog.prototype, "fullscreen", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "close-on-esc"
  ], Dialog.prototype, "closeOnEsc", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "close-on-overlay-click"
  ], Dialog.prototype, "closeOnOverlayClick", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "stacked-actions"
  ], Dialog.prototype, "stackedActions", void 0);
      slot: "header",
      selector: "mdui-top-app-bar",
      flatten: true
  ], Dialog.prototype, "topAppBarElements", void 0);
  ], Dialog.prototype, "onOpenChange", null);
  Dialog = __decorate([
  ], Dialog);
  const style$a = i$3`:host{display:block;height:.0625rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant))}:host([inset]){margin-left:1rem}:host([middle]){margin-left:1rem;margin-right:1rem}:host([vertical]){height:100%;width:.0625rem}`;
  let Divider = class Divider2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.vertical = false;
      this.inset = false;
      this.middle = false;
    render() {
      return ke``;
  Divider.styles = [componentStyle, style$a];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Divider.prototype, "vertical", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Divider.prototype, "inset", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Divider.prototype, "middle", void 0);
  Divider = __decorate([
  ], Divider);
  function hasWindow() {
    return typeof window !== "undefined";
  function getNodeName(node) {
    if (isNode(node)) {
      return (node.nodeName || "").toLowerCase();
    return "#document";
  function getWindow(node) {
    var _node$ownerDocument;
    return (node == null || (_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument.defaultView) || window;
  function getDocumentElement(node) {
    var _ref;
    return (_ref = (isNode(node) ? node.ownerDocument : node.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : _ref.documentElement;
  function isNode(value) {
    if (!hasWindow()) {
      return false;
    return value instanceof Node || value instanceof getWindow(value).Node;
  function isHTMLElement(value) {
    if (!hasWindow()) {
      return false;
    return value instanceof HTMLElement || value instanceof getWindow(value).HTMLElement;
  function isShadowRoot(value) {
    if (!hasWindow() || typeof ShadowRoot === "undefined") {
      return false;
    return value instanceof ShadowRoot || value instanceof getWindow(value).ShadowRoot;
  function isOverflowElement(element) {
    const {
    } = getComputedStyle$1(element);
    return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX) && !["inline", "contents"].includes(display);
  function isLastTraversableNode(node) {
    return ["html", "body", "#document"].includes(getNodeName(node));
  function getComputedStyle$1(element) {
    return getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element);
  function getParentNode(node) {
    if (getNodeName(node) === "html") {
      return node;
    const result = (
      // Step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node.
      node.assignedSlot || // DOM Element detected.
      node.parentNode || // ShadowRoot detected.
      isShadowRoot(node) && node.host || // Fallback.
    return isShadowRoot(result) ? result.host : result;
  function getNearestOverflowAncestor(node) {
    const parentNode = getParentNode(node);
    if (isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) {
      return node.ownerDocument ? node.ownerDocument.body : node.body;
    if (isHTMLElement(parentNode) && isOverflowElement(parentNode)) {
      return parentNode;
    return getNearestOverflowAncestor(parentNode);
  function getOverflowAncestors(node, list, traverseIframes) {
    var _node$ownerDocument2;
    if (list === void 0) {
      list = [];
    if (traverseIframes === void 0) {
      traverseIframes = true;
    const scrollableAncestor = getNearestOverflowAncestor(node);
    const isBody = scrollableAncestor === ((_node$ownerDocument2 = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument2.body);
    const win = getWindow(scrollableAncestor);
    if (isBody) {
      const frameElement = getFrameElement(win);
      return list.concat(win, win.visualViewport || [], isOverflowElement(scrollableAncestor) ? scrollableAncestor : [], frameElement && traverseIframes ? getOverflowAncestors(frameElement) : []);
    return list.concat(scrollableAncestor, getOverflowAncestors(scrollableAncestor, [], traverseIframes));
  function getFrameElement(win) {
    return win.parent && Object.getPrototypeOf(win.parent) ? win.frameElement : null;
  const style$9 = i$3`:host{--z-index:2100;display:contents}.panel{display:block;position:fixed;z-index:var(--z-index)}`;
  let Dropdown = class Dropdown2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.open = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.trigger = "click";
      this.placement = "auto";
      this.stayOpenOnClick = false;
      this.openDelay = 150;
      this.closeDelay = 150;
      this.openOnPointer = false;
      this.panelRef = ii();
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: [""]
      this.onDocumentClick = this.onDocumentClick.bind(this);
      this.onDocumentKeydown = this.onDocumentKeydown.bind(this);
      this.onWindowScroll = this.onWindowScroll.bind(this);
      this.onMouseLeave = this.onMouseLeave.bind(this);
      this.onFocus = this.onFocus.bind(this);
      this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
      this.onContextMenu = this.onContextMenu.bind(this);
      this.onMouseEnter = this.onMouseEnter.bind(this);
      this.onPanelClick = this.onPanelClick.bind(this);
    get triggerElement() {
      return this.triggerElements[0];
    // 这些属性变更时,需要更新样式
    async onPositionChange() {
      if (this.open) {
        await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    async onOpenChange() {
      var _a2, _b;
      const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
      if (!this.open && !hasUpdated) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (!hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
      const easingLinear = getEasing(this, "linear");
      const easingEmphasizedDecelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-decelerate");
      const easingEmphasizedAccelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-accelerate");
      if (this.open) {
        if (hasUpdated) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("open", { cancelable: true });
          if (!eventProceeded) {
        const focusablePanel = this.panelElements.find((panel) => isFunction(panel.focus));
        setTimeout(() => {
          focusablePanel == null ? void 0 : focusablePanel.focus();
        const duration = getDuration(this, "medium4");
        await stopAnimations(this.panelRef.value);
        this.panelRef.value.hidden = false;
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [
            { transform: `${this.getCssScaleName()}(0.45)` },
            { transform: `${this.getCssScaleName()}(1)` }
          ], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingEmphasizedDecelerate
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.125 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
        if (hasUpdated) {
      } else {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("close", { cancelable: true });
        if (!eventProceeded) {
        if (!this.hasTrigger("focus") && isFunction((_a2 = this.triggerElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus) && (this.contains(document.activeElement) || this.contains(((_b = document.activeElement) == null ? void 0 : _b.assignedSlot) ?? null))) {
        const duration = getDuration(this, "short4");
        await stopAnimations(this.panelRef.value);
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [
            { transform: `${this.getCssScaleName()}(1)` },
            { transform: `${this.getCssScaleName()}(0.45)` }
          ], { duration, easing: easingEmphasizedAccelerate }),
          animateTo(this.panelRef.value, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.875 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration, easing: easingLinear })
        if (this.panelRef.value) {
          this.panelRef.value.hidden = true;
    connectedCallback() {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        document.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onDocumentClick);
        document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onDocumentKeydown);
        this.overflowAncestors = getOverflowAncestors(this.triggerElement);
        this.overflowAncestors.forEach((ancestor) => {
          ancestor.addEventListener("scroll", this.onWindowScroll);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2, _b;
      document.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this.onDocumentClick);
      document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onDocumentKeydown);
      (_a2 = this.overflowAncestors) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((ancestor) => {
        ancestor.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onWindowScroll);
      (_b = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _b.unobserve();
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave);
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        this.triggerElement.addEventListener("focus", this.onFocus);
        this.triggerElement.addEventListener("click", this.onClick);
        this.triggerElement.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu);
        this.triggerElement.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.onMouseEnter);
        this.observeResize = observeResize(this.triggerElement, () => {
    render() {
      return ke`<slot name="trigger" part="trigger" class="trigger"></slot><slot ${Kt(this.panelRef)} part="panel" class="panel" hidden @click="${this.onPanelClick}"></slot>`;
     * 获取 dropdown 打开、关闭动画的 CSS scaleX 或 scaleY
    getCssScaleName() {
      return this.animateDirection === "horizontal" ? "scaleX" : "scaleY";
     * 在 document 上点击时,根据条件判断是否要关闭 dropdown
    onDocumentClick(e2) {
      if (this.disabled || !this.open) {
      const path = e2.composedPath();
      if (!path.includes(this)) {
        this.open = false;
      if (this.hasTrigger("contextmenu") && !this.hasTrigger("click") && path.includes(this.triggerElement)) {
        this.open = false;
     * 在 document 上按下按键时,根据条件判断是否要关闭 dropdown
    onDocumentKeydown(event) {
      var _a2;
      if (this.disabled || !this.open) {
      if (event.key === "Escape") {
        this.open = false;
      if (event.key === "Tab") {
        if (!this.hasTrigger("focus") && isFunction((_a2 = this.triggerElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus)) {
        this.open = false;
    onWindowScroll() {
      window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.onPositionChange());
    hasTrigger(trigger) {
      const triggers = this.trigger.split(" ");
      return triggers.includes(trigger);
    onFocus() {
      if (this.disabled || this.open || !this.hasTrigger("focus")) {
      this.open = true;
    onClick(e2) {
      if (this.disabled || e2.button || !this.hasTrigger("click")) {
      if (this.open && (this.hasTrigger("hover") || this.hasTrigger("focus"))) {
      this.pointerOffsetX = e2.offsetX;
      this.pointerOffsetY = e2.offsetY;
      this.open = !this.open;
    onPanelClick(e2) {
      if (!this.disabled && !this.stayOpenOnClick && $$1(e2.target).is("mdui-menu-item")) {
        this.open = false;
    onContextMenu(e2) {
      if (this.disabled || !this.hasTrigger("contextmenu")) {
      this.pointerOffsetX = e2.offsetX;
      this.pointerOffsetY = e2.offsetY;
      this.open = true;
    onMouseEnter() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.hasTrigger("hover")) {
      if (this.openDelay) {
        this.openTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
          this.open = true;
        }, this.openDelay);
      } else {
        this.open = true;
    onMouseLeave() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.hasTrigger("hover")) {
      this.closeTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
        this.open = false;
      }, this.closeDelay || 50);
    // 更新 panel 的位置
    updatePositioner() {
      const $panel = $$1(this.panelRef.value);
      const $window = $$1(window);
      const panelElements = this.panelElements;
      const panelRect = {
        width: Math.max(...(panelElements == null ? void 0 : panelElements.map((panel) => panel.offsetWidth)) ?? []),
        height: panelElements == null ? void 0 : panelElements.map((panel) => panel.offsetHeight).reduce((total, height) => total + height, 0)
      const triggerClientRect = this.triggerElement.getBoundingClientRect();
      const triggerRect = this.openOnPointer ? {
        top: this.pointerOffsetY + triggerClientRect.top,
        left: this.pointerOffsetX + triggerClientRect.left,
        width: 0,
        height: 0
      } : triggerClientRect;
      const screenMargin = 8;
      let transformOriginX;
      let transformOriginY;
      let top;
      let left;
      let placement = this.placement;
      if (placement === "auto") {
        const windowWidth = $window.width();
        const windowHeight = $window.height();
        let position2;
        let alignment2;
        if (windowHeight - triggerRect.top - triggerRect.height > panelRect.height + screenMargin) {
          position2 = "bottom";
        } else if (triggerRect.top > panelRect.height + screenMargin) {
          position2 = "top";
        } else if (windowWidth - triggerRect.left - triggerRect.width > panelRect.width + screenMargin) {
          position2 = "right";
        } else if (triggerRect.left > panelRect.width + screenMargin) {
          position2 = "left";
        } else {
          position2 = "bottom";
        if (["top", "bottom"].includes(position2)) {
          if (windowWidth - triggerRect.left > panelRect.width + screenMargin) {
            alignment2 = "start";
          } else if (triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width / 2 > panelRect.width / 2 + screenMargin && windowWidth - triggerRect.left - triggerRect.width / 2 > panelRect.width / 2 + screenMargin) {
            alignment2 = void 0;
          } else if (triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width > panelRect.width + screenMargin) {
            alignment2 = "end";
          } else {
            alignment2 = "start";
        } else {
          if (windowHeight - triggerRect.top > panelRect.height + screenMargin) {
            alignment2 = "start";
          } else if (triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height / 2 > panelRect.height / 2 + screenMargin && windowHeight - triggerRect.top - triggerRect.height / 2 > panelRect.height / 2 + screenMargin) {
            alignment2 = void 0;
          } else if (triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height > panelRect.height + screenMargin) {
            alignment2 = "end";
          } else {
            alignment2 = "start";
        placement = alignment2 ? [position2, alignment2].join("-") : position2;
      const [position, alignment] = placement.split("-");
      this.animateDirection = ["top", "bottom"].includes(position) ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
      switch (position) {
        case "top":
          transformOriginY = "bottom";
          top = triggerRect.top - panelRect.height;
        case "bottom":
          transformOriginY = "top";
          top = triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height;
          transformOriginY = "center";
          switch (alignment) {
            case "start":
              top = triggerRect.top;
            case "end":
              top = triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height - panelRect.height;
              top = triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height / 2 - panelRect.height / 2;
      switch (position) {
        case "left":
          transformOriginX = "right";
          left = triggerRect.left - panelRect.width;
        case "right":
          transformOriginX = "left";
          left = triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width;
          transformOriginX = "center";
          switch (alignment) {
            case "start":
              left = triggerRect.left;
            case "end":
              left = triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width - panelRect.width;
              left = triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width / 2 - panelRect.width / 2;
        transformOrigin: [transformOriginX, transformOriginY].join(" ")
  Dropdown.styles = [componentStyle, style$9];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "open", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "trigger", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "placement", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "stay-open-on-click"
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "stayOpenOnClick", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "open-delay" })
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "openDelay", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "close-delay" })
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "closeDelay", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "open-on-pointer"
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "openOnPointer", void 0);
    o$1({ slot: "trigger", flatten: true })
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "triggerElements", void 0);
    o$1({ flatten: true })
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "panelElements", void 0);
    watch("placement", true),
    watch("openOnPointer", true)
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "onPositionChange", null);
  ], Dropdown.prototype, "onOpenChange", null);
  Dropdown = __decorate([
  ], Dropdown);
  const delay = (duration = 0) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, duration));
  const style$8 = i$3`:host{--shape-corner-small:var(--mdui-shape-corner-small);--shape-corner-normal:var(--mdui-shape-corner-large);--shape-corner-large:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-large);position:relative;display:inline-block;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;border-radius:var(--shape-corner-normal);cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;transition-property:box-shadow;transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized);transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium4);width:3.5rem;height:3.5rem;box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level3);font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height)}.button{padding:0 1rem}:host([size=small]) .button{padding:0 .5rem}:host([size=large]) .button{padding:0 1.875rem}:host([lowered]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([focus-visible]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level3)}:host([lowered][focus-visible]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([pressed]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level3)}:host([lowered][pressed]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level4)}:host([lowered][hover]){box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([variant=primary]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary-container));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary-container));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(
    )}:host([size=small]){border-radius:var(--shape-corner-small);width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem}:host([size=large]){border-radius:var(--shape-corner-large);width:6rem;height:6rem}:host([disabled]),:host([loading]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host([disabled]){color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%);background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%);box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}:host([extended]){width:auto}.label{display:inline-flex;transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear) var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2);padding-left:.25rem;padding-right:.25rem}.has-icon .label{margin-left:.5rem}:host([size=small]) .has-icon .label{margin-left:.25rem}:host([size=large]) .has-icon .label{margin-left:1rem}:host(:not([extended])) .label{opacity:0;transition-delay:0s;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1)}:host([size=large]) .label{font-size:1.5em}.icon{display:inline-flex;font-size:1.71428571em}:host([size=large]) .icon{font-size:2.57142857em}.icon mdui-icon,::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:inherit}mdui-circular-progress{display:inline-flex;width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem}:host([size=large]) mdui-circular-progress{width:2.25rem;height:2.25rem}:host([disabled]) mdui-circular-progress{stroke:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}`;
  let Fab = class Fab2 extends ButtonBase {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "primary";
      this.size = "normal";
      this.extended = false;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "icon");
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: [""]
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
     * extended 变更时,设置动画
    async onExtendedChange() {
      const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
      if (this.extended) {
        this.style.width = `${this.scrollWidth}px`;
      } else {
        this.style.width = "";
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      await this.updateComplete;
      if (this.extended && !hasUpdated) {
        this.style.width = `${this.scrollWidth}px`;
      if (!hasUpdated) {
        await delay();
        this.style.transitionProperty = "box-shadow, width, bottom, transform";
    render() {
      const className2 = cc({
        button: true,
        "has-icon": this.icon || this.hasSlotController.test("icon")
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.isButton() ? this.renderButton({
      className: className2,
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    }) : this.disabled || this.loading ? ke`<span part="button" class="_a ${className2}">${this.renderInner()}</span>` : this.renderAnchor({
      className: className2,
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    renderLabel() {
      return ke`<slot part="label" class="label"></slot>`;
    renderIcon() {
      if (this.loading) {
        return this.renderLoading();
      return ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderInner() {
      return [this.renderIcon(), this.renderLabel()];
  Fab.styles = [ButtonBase.styles, style$8];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Fab.prototype, "variant", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Fab.prototype, "size", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Fab.prototype, "icon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Fab.prototype, "extended", void 0);
  ], Fab.prototype, "onExtendedChange", null);
  Fab = __decorate([
  ], Fab);
  const layoutStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:flex;flex:1 1 auto;overflow:hidden}:host([full-height]){height:100%}`;
  let Layout = class Layout2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.fullHeight = false;
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  Layout.styles = [componentStyle, layoutStyle];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "full-height"
  ], Layout.prototype, "fullHeight", void 0);
  Layout = __decorate([
  ], Layout);
  const layoutItemStyle = i$3`:host{display:flex;z-index:1}`;
  let LayoutItem = class LayoutItem2 extends LayoutItemBase {
    constructor() {
      this.placement = "top";
    get layoutPlacement() {
      return this.placement;
    // placement 变更时,需要重新调整布局
    onPlacementChange() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.layoutManager) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updateLayout(this);
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  LayoutItem.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], LayoutItem.prototype, "placement", void 0);
    watch("placement", true)
  ], LayoutItem.prototype, "onPlacementChange", null);
  LayoutItem = __decorate([
  ], LayoutItem);
  const layoutMainStyle = i$3`:host{flex:1 0 auto;max-width:100%;overflow:auto}`;
  let LayoutMain = class LayoutMain2 extends MduiElement {
    connectedCallback() {
      const parentElement = this.parentElement;
      if (isNodeName(parentElement, "mdui-layout")) {
        this.layoutManager = getLayout(parentElement);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      if (this.layoutManager) {
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  LayoutMain.styles = [
  LayoutMain = __decorate([
  ], LayoutMain);
  const style$7 = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);position:relative;display:inline-block;width:100%;overflow:hidden;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest));height:.25rem}.determinate,.indeterminate{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.determinate{height:100%;transition:width var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.indeterminate::before{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;background-color:inherit;animation:mdui-comp-progress-indeterminate 2s var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear) infinite;content:' '}.indeterminate::after{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;background-color:inherit;animation:mdui-comp-progress-indeterminate-short 2s var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear) infinite;content:' '}@keyframes mdui-comp-progress-indeterminate{0%{left:0;width:0}50%{left:30%;width:70%}75%{left:100%;width:0}}@keyframes mdui-comp-progress-indeterminate-short{0%{left:0;width:0}50%{left:0;width:0}75%{left:0;width:25%}100%{left:100%;width:0}}`;
  let LinearProgress = class LinearProgress2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.max = 1;
    render() {
      const isDeterminate = !isUndefined(this.value);
      if (isDeterminate) {
        const value = this.value;
        return ke`<div part="indicator" class="determinate" style="${se({
        width: `${value / Math.max(this.max ?? value, value) * 100}%`
      return ke`<div part="indicator" class="indeterminate"></div>`;
  LinearProgress.styles = [componentStyle, style$7];
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], LinearProgress.prototype, "max", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number })
  ], LinearProgress.prototype, "value", void 0);
  LinearProgress = __decorate([
  ], LinearProgress);
  const listItemStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);--shape-corner-rounded:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-large);position:relative;display:block;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([rounded]),:host([rounded]) mdui-ripple{border-radius:var(--shape-corner-rounded)}:host([active]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(
    )}:host([disabled]){pointer-events:none}.container{cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;text-decoration:none;color:inherit;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent}:host([disabled]) .container{cursor:default;opacity:.38}:host([nonclickable]:not([href])) .container{cursor:auto;-webkit-user-select:auto;user-select:auto}.preset{display:flex;align-items:center;padding:.5rem 1.5rem .5rem 1rem;min-height:3.5rem}:host([alignment=start]) .preset{align-items:flex-start}:host([alignment=end]) .preset{align-items:flex-end}.body{display:flex;flex:1 1 100%;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;min-width:0}.headline{display:block;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-line-height)}:host([active]) .headline{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container))}.description{display:none;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-line-height)}:host([disabled]) .description,:host([focused]) .description,:host([hover]) .description,:host([pressed]) .description{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.has-description .description{display:block}:host([description-line='1']) .description,:host([headline-line='1']) .headline{overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis}:host([description-line='2']) .description,:host([description-line='3']) .description,:host([headline-line='2']) .headline,:host([headline-line='3']) .headline{display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;-webkit-box-orient:vertical}:host([description-line='2']) .description,:host([headline-line='2']) .headline{-webkit-line-clamp:2}:host([description-line='3']) .description,:host([headline-line='3']) .headline{-webkit-line-clamp:3}.end-icon,.icon{display:flex;flex:0 0 auto;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-line-height);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([disabled]) .end-icon,:host([disabled]) .icon,:host([focused]) .end-icon,:host([focused]) .icon,:host([hover]) .end-icon,:host([hover]) .icon,:host([pressed]) .end-icon,:host([pressed]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}:host([active]) .end-icon,:host([active]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container))}.end-icon mdui-icon,.icon mdui-icon,.is-end-icon ::slotted([slot=end-icon]),.is-icon ::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:1.5rem}.has-icon .icon{margin-right:1rem}.has-icon ::slotted(mdui-checkbox[slot=icon]),.has-icon ::slotted(mdui-radio[slot=icon]){margin-left:-.5rem}.has-end-icon .end-icon{margin-left:1rem}.has-end-icon ::slotted(mdui-checkbox[slot=end-icon]),.has-end-icon ::slotted(mdui-radio[slot=end-icon]){margin-right:-.5rem}`;
  let ListItem = class ListItem2 extends AnchorMixin(RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement))) {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.active = false;
      this.nonclickable = false;
      this.rounded = false;
      this.alignment = "center";
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.itemRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]", "description", "icon", "end-icon", "custom");
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.focusDisabled;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.href && !this.disabled ? this.itemRef.value : this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.href ? this.disabled : this.disabled || this.nonclickable;
    render() {
      const preset = !this.hasSlotController.test("custom");
      const hasIcon = this.icon || this.hasSlotController.test("icon");
      const hasEndIcon = this.endIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("end-icon");
      const hasDescription = this.description || this.hasSlotController.test("description");
      const className2 = cc({
        container: true,
        "has-icon": hasIcon,
        "has-end-icon": hasEndIcon,
        "has-description": hasDescription,
        // icon slot 中的元素是否为 mdui-icon 或 mdui-icon-* 组件
        "is-icon": isNodeName(this.iconElements[0], "mdui-icon"),
        // end-icon slot 中的元素是否为 mdui-icon 或 mdui-icon-* 组件
        "is-end-icon": getNodeName$1(this.endIconElements[0]).startsWith("mdui-icon-")
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.href && !this.disabled ? this.renderAnchor({
      className: className2,
      content: this.renderInner(),
      part: "container",
      refDirective: Kt(this.itemRef)
    }) : ke`<div part="container" class="${className2}" ${Kt(this.itemRef)}>${this.renderInner()}</div>`}`;
    renderInner() {
      const hasDefaultSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("[default]");
      return ke`<slot name="custom"><slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot><div part="body" class="body">${hasDefaultSlot ? ke`<slot part="headline" class="headline"></slot>` : ke`<div part="headline" class="headline">${this.headline}</div>`}<slot name="description" part="description" class="description">${this.description}</slot></div><slot name="end-icon" part="end-icon" class="end-icon">${this.endIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.endIcon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot></slot>`;
  ListItem.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "headline", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "headline-line" })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "headlineLine", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "description", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "description-line" })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "descriptionLine", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ListItem.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ListItem.prototype, "active", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ListItem.prototype, "nonclickable", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], ListItem.prototype, "rounded", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "alignment", void 0);
    o$1({ slot: "icon", flatten: true })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "iconElements", void 0);
    o$1({ slot: "end-icon", flatten: true })
  ], ListItem.prototype, "endIconElements", void 0);
  ListItem = __decorate([
  ], ListItem);
  const listSubheaderStyle = i$3`:host{display:block;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;cursor:default;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-small-line-height);padding-left:1rem;padding-right:1.5rem;height:3.5rem;line-height:3.5rem}`;
  let ListSubheader = class ListSubheader2 extends MduiElement {
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  ListSubheader.styles = [
  ListSubheader = __decorate([
  ], ListSubheader);
  const listStyle = i$3`:host{display:block;padding:.5rem 0}::slotted(mdui-divider[middle]){margin-left:1rem;margin-right:1.5rem}`;
  let List = class List2 extends MduiElement {
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  List.styles = [componentStyle, listStyle];
  List = __decorate([
  ], List);
  let IconArrowRight = class IconArrowRight2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="m10 17 5-5-5-5v10z"/>');
  IconArrowRight.styles = style$e;
  IconArrowRight = __decorate([
  ], IconArrowRight);
  const menuItemStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:block}:host([selected]){background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-primary),12%)}:host([disabled]){pointer-events:none}.container{cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent}:host([disabled]) .container{cursor:default;opacity:.38}.preset{display:flex;align-items:center;text-decoration:none;height:3rem;padding:0 .75rem}.preset.dense{height:2rem}.label-container{flex:1 1 100%;min-width:0}.label{display:block;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking)}.end-icon,.end-text,.icon,.selected-icon{display:none;flex:0 0 auto;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}.has-end-icon .end-icon,.has-end-text .end-text,.has-icon .icon,.has-icon .selected-icon{display:flex}.end-icon,.icon,.selected-icon{font-size:1.5rem}.end-icon::slotted(mdui-avatar),.icon::slotted(mdui-avatar),.selected-icon::slotted(mdui-avatar){width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem}.dense .end-icon,.dense .icon,.dense .selected-icon{font-size:1.125rem}.dense .end-icon::slotted(mdui-avatar),.dense .icon::slotted(mdui-avatar),.dense .selected-icon::slotted(mdui-avatar){width:1.125rem;height:1.125rem}.end-icon .i,.icon .i,.selected-icon .i,::slotted([slot=end-icon]),::slotted([slot=icon]),::slotted([slot=selected-icon]){font-size:inherit}.end-text{font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height)}.icon,.selected-icon{margin-right:.75rem}.end-icon,.end-text{margin-left:.75rem}.arrow-right{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.submenu{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small);display:block;position:absolute;z-index:1;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2);min-width:7rem;max-width:17.5rem;padding-top:.5rem;padding-bottom:.5rem;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}.submenu::slotted(mdui-divider){margin-top:.5rem;margin-bottom:.5rem}`;
  let MenuItem = class MenuItem2 extends AnchorMixin(RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement))) {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.submenuOpen = false;
      this.selected = false;
      this.dense = false;
      this.focusable = false;
      this.key = uniqueId();
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.containerRef = ii();
      this.submenuRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]", "icon", "end-icon", "end-text", "submenu", "custom");
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: [""]
      this.onOuterClick = this.onOuterClick.bind(this);
      this.onFocus = this.onFocus.bind(this);
      this.onBlur = this.onBlur.bind(this);
      this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
      this.onKeydown = this.onKeydown.bind(this);
      this.onMouseEnter = this.onMouseEnter.bind(this);
      this.onMouseLeave = this.onMouseLeave.bind(this);
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled || !this.focusable;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.href && !this.disabled ? this.containerRef.value : this;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get hasSubmenu() {
      return this.hasSlotController.test("submenu");
    async onOpenChange() {
      const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
      if (!this.submenuOpen && !hasUpdated) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (!hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
      const easingLinear = getEasing(this, "linear");
      const easingEmphasizedDecelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-decelerate");
      const easingEmphasizedAccelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-accelerate");
      if (this.submenuOpen) {
        if (hasUpdated) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("submenu-open", { cancelable: true });
          if (!eventProceeded) {
        const duration = getDuration(this, "medium4");
        await stopAnimations(this.submenuRef.value);
        this.submenuRef.value.hidden = false;
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this.submenuRef.value, [{ transform: "scaleY(0.45)" }, { transform: "scaleY(1)" }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingEmphasizedDecelerate
          animateTo(this.submenuRef.value, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.125 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
        if (hasUpdated) {
      } else {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("submenu-close", { cancelable: true });
        if (!eventProceeded) {
        const duration = getDuration(this, "short4");
        await stopAnimations(this.submenuRef.value);
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this.submenuRef.value, [{ transform: "scaleY(1)" }, { transform: "scaleY(0.45)" }], { duration, easing: easingEmphasizedAccelerate }),
          animateTo(this.submenuRef.value, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.875 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration, easing: easingLinear })
        if (this.submenuRef.value) {
          this.submenuRef.value.hidden = true;
    connectedCallback() {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        document.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onOuterClick);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      document.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this.onOuterClick);
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        this.addEventListener("focus", this.onFocus);
        this.addEventListener("blur", this.onBlur);
        this.addEventListener("click", this.onClick);
        this.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown);
        this.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.onMouseEnter);
        this.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave);
    render() {
      const hasSubmenu = this.hasSubmenu;
      const hasCustomSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("custom");
      const hasEndIconSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("end-icon");
      const useDefaultEndIcon = !this.endIcon && hasSubmenu && !hasEndIconSlot;
      const hasEndIcon = this.endIcon || hasSubmenu || hasEndIconSlot;
      const hasIcon = !isUndefined(this.icon) || this.selects === "single" || this.selects === "multiple" || this.hasSlotController.test("icon");
      const hasEndText = !!this.endText || this.hasSlotController.test("end-text");
      const className2 = cc({
        container: true,
        dense: this.dense,
        preset: !hasCustomSlot,
        "has-icon": hasIcon,
        "has-end-text": hasEndText,
        "has-end-icon": hasEndIcon
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.href && !this.disabled ? this.renderAnchor({
      part: "container",
      className: className2,
      content: this.renderInner(useDefaultEndIcon, hasIcon),
      refDirective: Kt(this.containerRef),
      tabIndex: this.focusable ? 0 : -1
    }) : ke`<div part="container" ${Kt(this.containerRef)} class="${className2}">${this.renderInner(useDefaultEndIcon, hasIcon)}</div>`} ${nn(hasSubmenu, () => ke`<slot name="submenu" ${Kt(this.submenuRef)} part="submenu" class="submenu" hidden></slot>`)}`;
     * 点击子菜单外面的区域,关闭子菜单
    onOuterClick(event) {
      if (!this.disabled && this.submenuOpen && this !== event.target && !$$1.contains(this, event.target)) {
        this.submenuOpen = false;
    hasTrigger(trigger) {
      return this.submenuTrigger ? this.submenuTrigger.split(" ").includes(trigger) : false;
    onFocus() {
      if (this.disabled || this.submenuOpen || !this.hasTrigger("focus") || !this.hasSubmenu) {
      this.submenuOpen = true;
    onBlur() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.submenuOpen || !this.hasTrigger("focus") || !this.hasSubmenu) {
      this.submenuOpen = false;
    onClick(event) {
      if (this.disabled || event.button) {
      if (!this.hasTrigger("click") || event.target !== this || !this.hasSubmenu) {
      if (this.submenuOpen && (this.hasTrigger("hover") || this.hasTrigger("focus"))) {
      this.submenuOpen = !this.submenuOpen;
    onKeydown(event) {
      if (this.disabled || !this.hasSubmenu) {
      if (!this.submenuOpen && event.key === "Enter") {
        this.submenuOpen = true;
      if (this.submenuOpen && event.key === "Escape") {
        this.submenuOpen = false;
    onMouseEnter() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.hasTrigger("hover") || !this.hasSubmenu) {
      if (this.submenuOpenDelay) {
        this.submenuOpenTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
          this.submenuOpen = true;
        }, this.submenuOpenDelay);
      } else {
        this.submenuOpen = true;
    onMouseLeave() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.hasTrigger("hover") || !this.hasSubmenu) {
      this.submenuCloseTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
        this.submenuOpen = false;
      }, this.submenuCloseDelay || 50);
    // 更新子菜单的位置
    updateSubmenuPositioner() {
      const $window = $$1(window);
      const $submenu = $$1(this.submenuRef.value);
      const itemRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
      const submenuWidth = $submenu.innerWidth();
      const submenuHeight = $submenu.innerHeight();
      const screenMargin = 8;
      let placementX = "bottom";
      let placementY = "right";
      if ($window.height() - itemRect.top > submenuHeight + screenMargin) {
        placementX = "bottom";
      } else if (itemRect.top + itemRect.height > submenuHeight + screenMargin) {
        placementX = "top";
      if ($window.width() - itemRect.left - itemRect.width > submenuWidth + screenMargin) {
        placementY = "right";
      } else if (itemRect.left > submenuWidth + screenMargin) {
        placementY = "left";
        top: placementX === "bottom" ? 0 : itemRect.height - submenuHeight,
        left: placementY === "right" ? itemRect.width : -submenuWidth,
        transformOrigin: [
          placementY === "right" ? 0 : "100%",
          placementX === "bottom" ? 0 : "100%"
        ].join(" ")
    renderInner(useDefaultEndIcon, hasIcon) {
      return ke`<slot name="custom">${this.selected ? ke`<slot name="selected-icon" part="selected-icon" class="selected-icon">${this.selectedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.selectedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-check class="i"></mdui-icon-check>`}</slot>` : ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${hasIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`}<div class="label-container"><slot part="label" class="label"></slot></div><slot name="end-text" part="end-text" class="end-text">${this.endText}</slot>${useDefaultEndIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon-arrow-right part="end-icon" class="end-icon arrow-right"></mdui-icon-arrow-right>` : ke`<slot name="end-icon" part="end-icon" class="end-icon">${this.endIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.endIcon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`}</slot>`;
  MenuItem.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "value", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-text" })
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "endText", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "selected-icon" })
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "selectedIcon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "submenu-open"
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "submenuOpen", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "selected", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "dense", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "selects", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "submenuTrigger", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "submenuOpenDelay", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "submenuCloseDelay", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "focusable", void 0);
  ], MenuItem.prototype, "onOpenChange", null);
  MenuItem = __decorate([
  ], MenuItem);
  const menuStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small);position:relative;display:block;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2);min-width:7rem;max-width:17.5rem;padding-top:.5rem;padding-bottom:.5rem;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}::slotted(mdui-divider){margin-top:.5rem;margin-bottom:.5rem}`;
  let Menu = class Menu2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.dense = false;
      this.submenuTrigger = "click hover";
      this.submenuOpenDelay = 200;
      this.submenuCloseDelay = 200;
      this.selectedKeys = [];
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.lastActiveItems = [];
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-menu-item"]
    // 菜单项元素(包含子菜单中的菜单项)
    get items() {
      return $$1(this.childrenItems).find("mdui-menu-item").add(this.childrenItems).get();
    // 菜单项元素(不包含已禁用的,包含子菜单中的菜单项)
    get itemsEnabled() {
      return this.items.filter((item) => !item.disabled);
    // 当前菜单是否为单选
    get isSingle() {
      return this.selects === "single";
    // 当前菜单是否为多选
    get isMultiple() {
      return this.selects === "multiple";
    // 当前菜单是否可选择
    get isSelectable() {
      return this.isSingle || this.isMultiple;
    // 当前菜单是否为子菜单
    get isSubmenu() {
      return !$$1(this).parent().length;
    // 最深层级的子菜单中,最后交互过的 menu-item
    get lastActiveItem() {
      const index = this.lastActiveItems.length ? this.lastActiveItems.length - 1 : 0;
      return this.lastActiveItems[index];
    set lastActiveItem(item) {
      const index = this.lastActiveItems.length ? this.lastActiveItems.length - 1 : 0;
      this.lastActiveItems[index] = item;
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      this.items.forEach((item) => {
        item.dense = this.dense;
        item.selects = this.selects;
        item.submenuTrigger = this.submenuTrigger;
        item.submenuOpenDelay = this.submenuOpenDelay;
        item.submenuCloseDelay = this.submenuCloseDelay;
    async onSelectsChange() {
      if (!this.isSelectable) {
      } else if (this.isSingle) {
        this.setSelectedKeys(this.selectedKeys.slice(0, 1));
      await this.onSelectedKeysChange();
    async onSelectedKeysChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const values = this.itemsEnabled.filter((item) => this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key)).map((item) => item.value);
      const value = this.isMultiple ? values : values[0] || void 0;
      if (!this.isInitial) {
    async onValueChange() {
      this.isInitial = !this.hasUpdated;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (!this.isSelectable) {
      const values = (this.isSingle ? [this.value] : (
        // 多选时,传入的值可能是字符串(通过 attribute 属性设置);或字符串数组(通过 property 属性设置)
        isString(this.value) ? [this.value] : this.value
      )).filter((i3) => i3);
      if (!values.length) {
      } else if (this.isSingle) {
        const firstItem = this.itemsEnabled.find((item) => item.value === values[0]);
        this.setSelectedKeys(firstItem ? [firstItem.key] : []);
      } else if (this.isMultiple) {
        this.setSelectedKeys(this.itemsEnabled.filter((item) => values.includes(item.value)).map((item) => item.key));
     * 将焦点设置在当前元素上
    focus(options) {
      if (this.lastActiveItem) {
        this.focusOne(this.lastActiveItem, options);
     * 从当前元素中移除焦点
    blur() {
      if (this.lastActiveItem) {
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        this.lastActiveItem = this.items.find((item) => item.focusable);
      this.addEventListener("submenu-open", (e2) => {
        const $parentItem = $$1(e2.target);
        const submenuItemsEnabled = $parentItem.children("mdui-menu-item:not([disabled])").get();
        const submenuLevel = $parentItem.parents("mdui-menu-item").length + 1;
        if (submenuItemsEnabled.length) {
          this.lastActiveItems[submenuLevel] = submenuItemsEnabled[0];
      this.addEventListener("submenu-close", (e2) => {
        const $parentItem = $$1(e2.target);
        const submenuLevel = $parentItem.parents("mdui-menu-item").length + 1;
        if (this.lastActiveItems.length - 1 === submenuLevel) {
          if (this.lastActiveItems[submenuLevel - 1]) {
            this.focusOne(this.lastActiveItems[submenuLevel - 1]);
    render() {
      return ke`<slot @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @click="${this.onClick}" @keydown="${this.onKeyDown}"></slot>`;
    setSelectedKeys(selectedKeys) {
      if (!arraysEqualIgnoreOrder(this.selectedKeys, selectedKeys)) {
        this.selectedKeys = selectedKeys;
    setValue(value) {
      if (this.isSingle || isUndefined(this.value) || isUndefined(value)) {
        this.value = value;
      } else if (!arraysEqualIgnoreOrder(this.value, value)) {
        this.value = value;
    // 获取和指定菜单项同级的所有菜单项
    getSiblingsItems(item, onlyEnabled = false) {
      return $$1(item).parent().children(`mdui-menu-item${onlyEnabled ? ":not([disabled])" : ""}`).get();
    // 更新 menu-item 的可聚焦状态
    updateFocusable() {
      if (this.lastActiveItem) {
        this.items.forEach((item) => {
          item.focusable = item.key === this.lastActiveItem.key;
      if (!this.selectedKeys.length) {
        this.itemsEnabled.forEach((item, index) => {
          item.focusable = !index;
      if (this.isSingle) {
        this.items.forEach((item) => {
          item.focusable = this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key);
      if (this.isMultiple) {
        const focusableItem = this.items.find((item) => item.focusable);
        if (!(focusableItem == null ? void 0 : focusableItem.key) || !this.selectedKeys.includes(focusableItem.key)) {
          this.itemsEnabled.filter((item) => this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key)).forEach((item, index) => item.focusable = !index);
    updateSelected() {
      this.items.forEach((item) => {
        item.selected = this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key);
    // 切换一个菜单项的选中状态
    selectOne(item) {
      if (this.isMultiple) {
        const selectedKeys = [...this.selectedKeys];
        if (selectedKeys.includes(item.key)) {
          selectedKeys.splice(selectedKeys.indexOf(item.key), 1);
        } else {
      if (this.isSingle) {
        if (this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key)) {
        } else {
      this.isInitial = false;
    // 使一个 menu-item 可聚焦
    async focusableOne(item) {
      this.items.forEach((_item) => _item.focusable = _item.key === item.key);
      await delay();
    // 聚焦一个 menu-item
    focusOne(item, options) {
    async onClick(event) {
      if (!this.definedController.isDefined()) {
      if (this.isSubmenu) {
      if (event.button) {
      const target = event.target;
      const item = target.closest("mdui-menu-item");
      if (!item || item.disabled) {
      this.lastActiveItem = item;
      if (this.isSelectable && item.value) {
      await this.focusableOne(item);
    async onKeyDown(event) {
      if (!this.definedController.isDefined()) {
      if (this.isSubmenu) {
      const item = event.target;
      if (event.key === "Enter") {
      if (event.key === " ") {
        if (this.isSelectable && item.value) {
          await this.focusableOne(item);
      if (["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "Home", "End"].includes(event.key)) {
        const items = this.getSiblingsItems(item, true);
        const activeItem = items.find((item2) => item2.focusable);
        let index = activeItem ? items.indexOf(activeItem) : 0;
        if (items.length > 0) {
          if (event.key === "ArrowDown") {
          } else if (event.key === "ArrowUp") {
          } else if (event.key === "Home") {
            index = 0;
          } else if (event.key === "End") {
            index = items.length - 1;
          if (index < 0) {
            index = items.length - 1;
          if (index > items.length - 1) {
            index = 0;
          this.lastActiveItem = items[index];
          await this.focusableOne(items[index]);
  Menu.styles = [componentStyle, menuStyle];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
    // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
  ], Menu.prototype, "selects", void 0);
  ], Menu.prototype, "value", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Menu.prototype, "dense", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "submenu-trigger" })
  ], Menu.prototype, "submenuTrigger", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "submenu-open-delay" })
  ], Menu.prototype, "submenuOpenDelay", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "submenu-close-delay" })
  ], Menu.prototype, "submenuCloseDelay", void 0);
  ], Menu.prototype, "selectedKeys", void 0);
    o$1({ flatten: true, selector: "mdui-menu-item" })
  ], Menu.prototype, "childrenItems", void 0);
  ], Menu.prototype, "onSlotChange", null);
    watch("selects", true)
  ], Menu.prototype, "onSelectsChange", null);
    watch("selectedKeys", true)
  ], Menu.prototype, "onSelectedKeysChange", null);
  ], Menu.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
  Menu = __decorate([
  ], Menu);
  const navigationBarItemStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner-indicator:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;z-index:0;flex:1;overflow:hidden;min-width:3rem;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant)}.container{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;padding-top:.75rem;padding-bottom:.75rem}.container:not(.initial){transition:padding var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}mdui-ripple{z-index:1;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%);width:4rem;height:2rem;margin-top:.75rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full)}mdui-ripple:not(.initial){transition:margin-top var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.indicator{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;background-color:transparent;border-radius:var(--shape-corner-indicator);height:2rem;width:2rem}:not(.initial) .indicator{transition:background-color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard),width var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}::slotted([slot=badge]){position:absolute;transform:translate(50%,-50%)}::slotted([slot=badge][variant=small]){transform:translate(.5625rem,-.5625rem)}.active-icon,.icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:1.5rem}.active-icon mdui-icon,.icon mdui-icon,::slotted([slot=active]),::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:inherit}.icon{display:flex}.active-icon{display:none}.label{display:flex;align-items:center;height:1rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));margin-top:.25rem;margin-bottom:.25rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-line-height)}:not(.initial) .label{transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear)}:host(:not([active])) mdui-ripple.label-visibility-selected,mdui-ripple.label-visibility-unlabeled{margin-top:1.5rem}.container.label-visibility-unlabeled,:host(:not([active])) .container.label-visibility-selected{padding-top:1.5rem;padding-bottom:0}.container.label-visibility-unlabeled .label,:host(:not([active])) .container.label-visibility-selected .label{opacity:0}:host([active]){--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([active]) .indicator{width:4rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container))}:host([active]) .active-icon,:host([active]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container))}:host([active]) .has-active-icon .active-icon{display:flex}:host([active]) .has-active-icon .icon{display:none}:host([active]) .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}`;
  let NavigationBarItem = class NavigationBarItem2 extends AnchorMixin(RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement))) {
    constructor() {
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.active = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.key = uniqueId();
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "active-icon");
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    get focusElement() {
      var _a2;
      return this.href ? (_a2 = this.renderRoot) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelector("._a") : this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    render() {
      const labelVisibilityClassName = cc({
        "label-visibility-selected": this.labelVisibility === "selected",
        "label-visibility-labeled": this.labelVisibility === "labeled",
        "label-visibility-unlabeled": this.labelVisibility === "unlabeled",
        initial: this.isInitial
      const className2 = cc([
          container: true,
          "has-active-icon": this.activeIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("active-icon")
      return ke`<mdui-ripple .noRipple="${!this.active || this.noRipple}" class="${labelVisibilityClassName}" ${Kt(this.rippleRef)}></mdui-ripple>${this.href ? this.renderAnchor({
      part: "container",
      className: className2,
      content: this.renderInner()
    }) : ke`<div part="container" class="${className2}">${this.renderInner()}</div>`}`;
    renderInner() {
      return ke`<div part="indicator" class="indicator"><slot name="badge" part="badge" class="badge"></slot><slot name="active-icon" part="active-icon" class="active-icon">${this.activeIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.activeIcon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot><slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot></div><slot part="label" class="label"></slot>`;
  NavigationBarItem.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "active-icon" })
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "activeIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "labelVisibility", void 0);
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "isInitial", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "active", void 0);
  ], NavigationBarItem.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
  NavigationBarItem = __decorate([
  ], NavigationBarItem);
  const navigationBarStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);--z-index:2000;position:fixed;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;display:flex;flex:0 0 auto;overflow:hidden;border-radius:var(--shape-corner) var(--shape-corner) 0 0;z-index:var(--z-index);transition-property:transform;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-emphasized);height:5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}:host([scroll-target]:not([scroll-target=''])){position:absolute}:host([hide]){transform:translateY(5.625rem);transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4)}`;
  let NavigationBar = class NavigationBar2 extends ScrollBehaviorMixin(LayoutItemBase) {
    constructor() {
      this.hide = false;
      this.labelVisibility = "auto";
      this.activeKey = 0;
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-navigation-bar-item"]
    get scrollPaddingPosition() {
      return "bottom";
    get layoutPlacement() {
      return "bottom";
    async onActiveKeyChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const item = this.items.find((item2) => item2.key === this.activeKey);
      this.value = item == null ? void 0 : item.value;
      if (!this.isInitial) {
    async onValueChange() {
      this.isInitial = !this.hasUpdated;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const item = this.items.find((item2) => item2.value === this.value);
      this.activeKey = (item == null ? void 0 : item.key) ?? 0;
    async onLabelVisibilityChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("transitionend", (event) => {
        if (event.target === this) {
          this.emit(this.hide ? "hidden" : "shown");
    render() {
      return ke`<slot @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @click="${this.onClick}"></slot>`;
     * 滚动行为
     * 当前仅支持 hide 这一个行为,所以不做行为类型判断
    runScrollThreshold(isScrollingUp) {
      if (!isScrollingUp && !this.hide) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("hide", { cancelable: true });
        if (eventProceeded) {
          this.hide = true;
      if (isScrollingUp && this.hide) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("show", { cancelable: true });
        if (eventProceeded) {
          this.hide = false;
    onClick(event) {
      if (event.button) {
      const target = event.target;
      const item = target.closest("mdui-navigation-bar-item");
      if (!item) {
      this.activeKey = item.key;
      this.isInitial = false;
    // 更新 <mdui-navigation-bar-item> 的状态
    updateItems() {
      const items = this.items;
      const labelVisibility = this.labelVisibility === "auto" ? items.length <= 3 ? "labeled" : "selected" : this.labelVisibility;
      items.forEach((item) => {
        item.active = this.activeKey === item.key;
        item.labelVisibility = labelVisibility;
        item.isInitial = this.isInitial;
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
  NavigationBar.styles = [
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "hide", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "label-visibility" })
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "labelVisibility", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "scroll-behavior" })
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "scrollBehavior", void 0);
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "activeKey", void 0);
      selector: "mdui-navigation-bar-item",
      flatten: true
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "items", void 0);
    watch("activeKey", true)
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "onActiveKeyChange", null);
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
    watch("labelVisibility", true)
  ], NavigationBar.prototype, "onLabelVisibilityChange", null);
  NavigationBar = __decorate([
  ], NavigationBar);
  const breakpoint = (width) => {
    const window2 = getWindow$1();
    const document2 = getDocument();
    const computedStyle = window2.getComputedStyle(document2.documentElement);
    const containerWidth = isElement(width) ? $$1(width).innerWidth() : isNumber(width) ? width : $$1(window2).innerWidth();
    const getBreakpointValue = (breakpoint2) => {
      const width2 = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(`--mdui-breakpoint-${breakpoint2}`).toLowerCase();
      return parseFloat(width2);
    const getNextBreakpoint = (breakpoint2) => {
      switch (breakpoint2) {
        case "xs":
          return "sm";
        case "sm":
          return "md";
        case "md":
          return "lg";
        case "lg":
          return "xl";
        case "xl":
          return "xxl";
    return {
       * 当前宽度是否大于指定断点值
       * @param breakpoint
      up(breakpoint2) {
        return containerWidth >= getBreakpointValue(breakpoint2);
       * 当前宽度是否小于指定断点值
       * @param breakpoint
      down(breakpoint2) {
        return containerWidth < getBreakpointValue(breakpoint2);
       * 当前宽度是否在指定断点值内
       * @param breakpoint
      only(breakpoint2) {
        if (breakpoint2 === "xxl") {
          return this.up(breakpoint2);
        } else {
          return this.up(breakpoint2) && this.down(getNextBreakpoint(breakpoint2));
       * 当前宽度是否不在指定断点值内
       * @param breakpoint
      not(breakpoint2) {
        return !this.only(breakpoint2);
       * 当前宽度是否在指定断点值之间
       * @param startBreakpoint
       * @param endBreakpoint
       * @returns
      between(startBreakpoint, endBreakpoint) {
        return this.up(startBreakpoint) && this.down(endBreakpoint);
  const style$6 = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-large);--z-index:2200;display:none;position:fixed;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;width:22.5rem}:host([placement=right]){left:initial;right:0}:host([mobile]),:host([modal]){top:0!important;right:0;bottom:0!important;width:initial;z-index:var(--z-index)}:host([placement=right][mobile]),:host([placement=right][modal]){left:0}:host([contained]){position:absolute}.overlay{position:absolute;inset:0;z-index:inherit;background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-scrim),.4)}.panel{display:block;position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;overflow:auto;z-index:inherit;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}:host([mobile]) .panel,:host([modal]) .panel{border-radius:0 var(--shape-corner) var(--shape-corner) 0;max-width:80%;width:22.5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-low));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}:host([placement=right]) .panel{left:initial;right:0}:host([placement=right][mobile]) .panel,:host([placement=right][modal]) .panel{border-radius:var(--shape-corner) 0 0 var(--shape-corner)}`;
  let NavigationDrawer = class NavigationDrawer2 extends LayoutItemBase {
    constructor() {
      this.open = false;
      this.modal = false;
      this.closeOnEsc = false;
      this.closeOnOverlayClick = false;
      this.placement = "left";
      this.contained = false;
      this.mobile = false;
      this.overlayRef = ii();
      this.panelRef = ii();
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        needDomReady: true
    get layoutPlacement() {
      return this.placement;
    get lockTarget() {
      return this.contained || this.isParentLayout ? this.parentElement : document.documentElement;
    get isModal() {
      return this.mobile || this.modal;
    // contained 变更后,修改监听尺寸变化的元素。为 true 时,监听父元素;为 false 时,监听 body
    async onContainedChange() {
      var _a2;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      (_a2 = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _a2.unobserve();
      this.observeResize = observeResize(this.contained ? this.parentElement : document.documentElement, () => {
        const target = this.contained ? this.parentElement : void 0;
        this.mobile = breakpoint(target).down("md");
        if (this.isParentLayout) {
          this.layoutManager.updateLayout(this, {
            width: this.isModal ? 0 : void 0
    onPlacementChange() {
      if (this.isParentLayout) {
    async onMobileChange() {
      if (!this.open || this.isParentLayout || this.contained) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (this.isModal) {
        lockScreen(this, this.lockTarget);
        await this.getLockTargetAnimate(false, 0);
      } else {
        unlockScreen(this, this.lockTarget);
        await this.getLockTargetAnimate(true, 0);
    async onOpenChange() {
      let panel = this.panelRef.value;
      let overlay = this.overlayRef.value;
      const isRight = this.placement === "right";
      const easingLinear = getEasing(this, "linear");
      const easingEmphasized = getEasing(this, "emphasized");
      const setLayoutTransition = (duration, easing) => {
        $$1(this.layoutManager.getItemsAndMain()).css("transition", isNull(duration) ? null : `all ${duration}ms ${easing}`);
      const stopOldAnimations = async () => {
        const elements = [];
        if (this.isModal) {
          elements.push(overlay, panel);
        } else if (!this.isParentLayout) {
        if (this.isParentLayout) {
          const layoutItems = this.layoutManager.getItemsAndMain();
          const layoutIndex = layoutItems.indexOf(this);
        if (!this.isModal && !elements.includes(this)) {
        await Promise.all(elements.map((element) => stopAnimations(element)));
      if (this.open) {
        const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
        if (!hasUpdated) {
          await this.updateComplete;
          panel = this.panelRef.value;
          overlay = this.overlayRef.value;
        if (hasUpdated) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("open", { cancelable: true });
          if (!eventProceeded) {
        await this.definedController.whenDefined();
        this.style.display = "block";
        this.originalTrigger = document.activeElement;
        if (this.isModal) {
          if (!this.contained) {
            lockScreen(this, this.lockTarget);
        await stopOldAnimations();
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          const autoFocusTarget = this.querySelector("[autofocus]");
          if (autoFocusTarget) {
            autoFocusTarget.focus({ preventScroll: true });
          } else {
            panel.focus({ preventScroll: true });
        const duration = getDuration(this, "long2");
        const animations = [];
        if (this.isModal) {
          animations.push(animateTo(overlay, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.3 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
        } else if (!this.isParentLayout) {
          animations.push(this.getLockTargetAnimate(true, hasUpdated ? duration : 0));
        if (this.isParentLayout && hasUpdated) {
          setLayoutTransition(duration, easingEmphasized);
        animations.push(animateTo(this.isModal ? panel : this, [
          { transform: `translateX(${isRight ? "" : "-"}100%)` },
          { transform: "translateX(0)" }
        ], {
          duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
          easing: easingEmphasized
        await Promise.all(animations);
        if (!this.open) {
        if (this.isParentLayout && hasUpdated) {
        if (hasUpdated) {
      } else if (this.hasUpdated) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("close", { cancelable: true });
        if (!eventProceeded) {
        await this.definedController.whenDefined();
        if (this.isModal) {
        await stopOldAnimations();
        const duration = getDuration(this, "short4");
        const animations = [];
        if (this.isModal) {
          animations.push(animateTo(overlay, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], {
            easing: easingLinear
        } else if (!this.isParentLayout) {
          animations.push(this.getLockTargetAnimate(false, duration));
        if (this.isParentLayout) {
          setLayoutTransition(duration, easingEmphasized);
          this.layoutManager.updateLayout(this, { width: 0 });
        animations.push(animateTo(this.isModal ? panel : this, [
          { transform: "translateX(0)" },
          { transform: `translateX(${isRight ? "" : "-"}100%)` }
        ], { duration, easing: easingEmphasized }));
        await Promise.all(animations);
        if (this.open) {
        if (this.isParentLayout) {
        this.style.display = "none";
        if (this.isModal && !this.contained) {
          unlockScreen(this, this.lockTarget);
        const trigger = this.originalTrigger;
        if (isFunction(trigger == null ? void 0 : trigger.focus)) {
          setTimeout(() => trigger.focus());
    connectedCallback() {
      this.modalHelper = new Modal(this);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      unlockScreen(this, this.lockTarget);
      (_a2 = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _a2.unobserve();
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
        if (this.open && this.closeOnEsc && event.key === "Escape" && this.isModal) {
          this.open = false;
    render() {
      return ke`${nn(this.isModal, () => ke`<div ${Kt(this.overlayRef)} part="overlay" class="overlay" @click="${this.onOverlayClick}"></div>`)}<slot ${Kt(this.panelRef)} part="panel" class="panel" tabindex="0"></slot>`;
    onOverlayClick() {
      if (this.closeOnOverlayClick) {
        this.open = false;
    getLockTargetAnimate(open2, duration) {
      const paddingName = this.placement === "right" ? "paddingRight" : "paddingLeft";
      const panelWidth = $$1(this.panelRef.value).innerWidth() + "px";
      return animateTo(this.lockTarget, [
        { [paddingName]: open2 ? 0 : panelWidth },
        { [paddingName]: open2 ? panelWidth : 0 }
      ], {
        easing: getEasing(this, "emphasized"),
        fill: "forwards"
  NavigationDrawer.styles = [componentStyle, style$6];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "open", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "modal", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "close-on-esc"
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "closeOnEsc", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "close-on-overlay-click"
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "closeOnOverlayClick", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
    // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "placement", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "contained", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "mobile", void 0);
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "onContainedChange", null);
    watch("placement", true)
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "onPlacementChange", null);
    watch("mobile", true),
    watch("modal", true)
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "onMobileChange", null);
  ], NavigationDrawer.prototype, "onOpenChange", null);
  NavigationDrawer = __decorate([
  ], NavigationDrawer);
  const navigationRailStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);--z-index:2000;position:fixed;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;border-radius:0 var(--shape-corner) var(--shape-corner) 0;z-index:var(--z-index);width:5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface));padding:.375rem .75rem}:host([contained]){position:absolute}:host([divider]){border-right:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant));width:5.0625rem}:host([placement=right]){left:initial;right:0;border-radius:var(--shape-corner) 0 0 var(--shape-corner)}:host([placement=right][divider]){border-right:none;border-left:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant))}.bottom,.items,.top{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;width:100%}.top{margin-bottom:1.75rem}.bottom{margin-top:1.75rem}::slotted([slot=bottom]),::slotted([slot=top]),::slotted(mdui-navigation-rail-item){margin-top:.375rem;margin-bottom:.375rem}:host([alignment=start]) .top-spacer{flex-grow:0}:host([alignment=start]) .bottom-spacer{flex-grow:1}:host([alignment=end]) .top-spacer{flex-grow:1}:host([alignment=end]) .bottom-spacer{flex-grow:0}:host([alignment=center]){justify-content:center}:host([alignment=center]) .bottom,:host([alignment=center]) .top{position:absolute}:host([alignment=center]) .top{top:.375rem}:host([alignment=center]) .bottom{bottom:.375rem}`;
  let NavigationRail = class NavigationRail2 extends LayoutItemBase {
    constructor() {
      this.placement = "left";
      this.alignment = "start";
      this.contained = false;
      this.divider = false;
      this.activeKey = 0;
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "top", "bottom");
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-navigation-rail-item"]
      this.isInitial = true;
    get layoutPlacement() {
      return this.placement;
    get parentTarget() {
      return this.contained || this.isParentLayout ? this.parentElement : document.body;
    get isRight() {
      return this.placement === "right";
    get paddingValue() {
      return ["fixed", "absolute"].includes($$1(this).css("position")) ? this.offsetWidth : void 0;
    async onActiveKeyChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const item = this.items.find((item2) => item2.key === this.activeKey);
      this.value = item == null ? void 0 : item.value;
      if (!this.isInitial) {
    async onValueChange() {
      this.isInitial = !this.hasUpdated;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const item = this.items.find((item2) => item2.value === this.value);
      this.activeKey = (item == null ? void 0 : item.key) ?? 0;
    async onContainedChange() {
      if (this.isParentLayout) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
        paddingLeft: this.contained || this.isRight ? null : this.paddingValue,
        paddingRight: this.contained || !this.isRight ? null : this.paddingValue
        paddingLeft: this.contained && !this.isRight ? this.paddingValue : null,
        paddingRight: this.contained && this.isRight ? this.paddingValue : null
    async onPlacementChange() {
      var _a2;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      (_a2 = this.layoutManager) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updateLayout(this);
      this.items.forEach((item) => {
        item.placement = this.placement;
      if (!this.isParentLayout) {
          paddingLeft: this.isRight ? null : this.paddingValue,
          paddingRight: this.isRight ? this.paddingValue : null
    connectedCallback() {
      if (!this.isParentLayout) {
        this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
            paddingLeft: this.isRight ? null : this.paddingValue,
            paddingRight: this.isRight ? this.paddingValue : null
    disconnectedCallback() {
      if (!this.isParentLayout && this.definedController.isDefined()) {
          paddingLeft: this.isRight ? void 0 : null,
          paddingRight: this.isRight ? null : void 0
    render() {
      const hasTopSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("top");
      const hasBottomSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("bottom");
      return ke`${nn(hasTopSlot, () => ke`<slot name="top" part="top" class="top"></slot>`)} <span class="top-spacer"></span><slot part="items" class="items" @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @click="${this.onClick}"></slot><span class="bottom-spacer"></span> ${nn(hasBottomSlot, () => ke`<slot name="bottom" part="bottom" class="bottom"></slot>`)}`;
    onClick(event) {
      if (event.button) {
      const target = event.target;
      const item = target.closest("mdui-navigation-rail-item");
      if (!item) {
      this.activeKey = item.key;
      this.isInitial = false;
    updateItems() {
      this.items.forEach((item) => {
        item.active = this.activeKey === item.key;
        item.placement = this.placement;
        item.isInitial = this.isInitial;
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
  NavigationRail.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
    // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "placement", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "alignment", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "contained", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "divider", void 0);
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "activeKey", void 0);
      selector: "mdui-navigation-rail-item",
      flatten: true
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "items", void 0);
    watch("activeKey", true)
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "onActiveKeyChange", null);
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
    watch("contained", true)
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "onContainedChange", null);
    watch("placement", true)
  ], NavigationRail.prototype, "onPlacementChange", null);
  NavigationRail = __decorate([
  ], NavigationRail);
  const navigationRailItemStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner-indicator:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;z-index:0;width:100%;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant)}.container{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;height:3.5rem}.container:not(.initial){transition:padding var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}mdui-ripple{z-index:1;width:3.5rem;height:2rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full)}.container:not(.has-label)+mdui-ripple{height:3.5rem}.indicator{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;background-color:transparent;border-radius:var(--shape-corner-indicator);height:2rem;width:2rem}:not(.initial) .indicator{transition:background-color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard),width var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard),height var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}::slotted([slot=badge]){position:absolute;transform:translate(50%,-50%)}.placement-right::slotted([slot=badge]){transform:translate(-50%,-50%)}::slotted([slot=badge][variant=small]){transform:translate(.5625rem,-.5625rem)}.placement-right::slotted([slot=badge][variant=small]){transform:translate(-.5625rem,-.5625rem)}.active-icon,.icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:1.5rem}.active-icon mdui-icon,.icon mdui-icon,::slotted([slot=active-icon]),::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:inherit}.icon{display:flex}.active-icon{display:none}.label{display:flex;align-items:center;height:1rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));margin-top:.25rem;margin-bottom:.25rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-line-height)}:not(.initial) .label{transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear)}:host([active]){--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([active]) .indicator{width:3.5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container))}:host([active]) :not(.has-label) .indicator{height:3.5rem}:host([active]) .active-icon,:host([active]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container))}:host([active]) .has-active-icon .active-icon{display:flex}:host([active]) .has-active-icon .icon{display:none}:host([active]) .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}`;
  let NavigationRailItem = class NavigationRailItem2 extends AnchorMixin(RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement))) {
    constructor() {
      this.active = false;
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.placement = "left";
      this.disabled = false;
      this.key = uniqueId();
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]", "active-icon");
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    get focusElement() {
      var _a2;
      return this.href ? (_a2 = this.renderRoot) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelector("._a") : this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    render() {
      const hasDefaultSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("[default]");
      const className2 = cc({
        container: true,
        "has-label": hasDefaultSlot,
        "has-active-icon": this.activeIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("active-icon"),
        initial: this.isInitial
      return ke`${this.href ? this.renderAnchor({
      part: "container",
      className: className2,
      content: this.renderInner(hasDefaultSlot)
    }) : ke`<div part="container" class="${className2}">${this.renderInner(hasDefaultSlot)}</div>`}<mdui-ripple .noRipple="${!this.active || this.noRipple}" ${Kt(this.rippleRef)}></mdui-ripple>`;
    renderInner(hasDefaultSlot) {
      return ke`<div part="indicator" class="indicator"><slot name="badge" part="badge" class="${Rt({
      badge: true,
      "placement-right": this.placement === "right"
    })}"></slot><slot name="active-icon" part="active-icon" class="active-icon">${this.activeIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.activeIcon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot><slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot></div>${hasDefaultSlot ? ke`<slot part="label" class="label"></slot>` : D}`;
  NavigationRailItem.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "active-icon" })
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "activeIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "value", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "active", void 0);
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "isInitial", void 0);
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "placement", void 0);
  ], NavigationRailItem.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
  NavigationRailItem = __decorate([
  ], NavigationRailItem);
  let IconCircle = class IconCircle2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12s4.47 10 10 10 10-4.47 10-10S17.53 2 12 2z"/>');
  IconCircle.styles = style$e;
  IconCircle = __decorate([
  ], IconCircle);
  let IconRadioButtonUnchecked = class IconRadioButtonUnchecked2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z"/>');
  IconRadioButtonUnchecked.styles = style$e;
  IconRadioButtonUnchecked = __decorate([
  ], IconRadioButtonUnchecked);
  const radioStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:inline-flex;align-items:center;cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;touch-action:manipulation;zoom:1;-webkit-user-drag:none;border-radius:.125rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height)}.icon{display:flex;position:absolute;font-size:1.5rem}:not(.initial) .icon{transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.unchecked-icon{transition-property:color;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([focused]) .unchecked-icon,:host([hover]) .unchecked-icon,:host([pressed]) .unchecked-icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.checked-icon{opacity:0;transform:scale(.2);transition-property:color,opacity,transform;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.icon .i,::slotted([slot=checked-icon]),::slotted([slot=unchecked-icon]){color:inherit;font-size:inherit}i{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden;border-radius:50%;width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}.label{display:flex;width:100%;padding-top:.625rem;padding-bottom:.625rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.label:not(.initial){transition:color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}:host([checked]) i{--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([checked]) .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([checked]) .checked-icon{opacity:1;transform:scale(.5)}i.invalid{--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-error)}i.invalid .icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}.label.invalid{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]),:host([group-disabled]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host([disabled]) .icon,:host([group-disabled]) .icon{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}:host([disabled]) .label,:host([group-disabled]) .label{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}`;
  let Radio = class Radio2 extends RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement)) {
    constructor() {
      this.value = "";
      this.disabled = false;
      this.checked = false;
      this.invalid = false;
      this.groupDisabled = false;
      this.focusable = true;
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.isDisabled();
    get focusElement() {
      return this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.isDisabled() || !this.focusable;
    onCheckedChange() {
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (!this.isDisabled()) {
          this.checked = true;
    render() {
      const className2 = Rt({
        invalid: this.invalid,
        initial: this.isInitial
      return ke`<i part="control" class="${className2}"><mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple><slot name="unchecked-icon" part="unchecked-icon" class="icon unchecked-icon">${this.uncheckedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.uncheckedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-radio-button-unchecked class="i"></mdui-icon-radio-button-unchecked>`}</slot><slot name="checked-icon" part="checked-icon" class="icon checked-icon">${this.checkedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.checkedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-circle class="i"></mdui-icon-circle>`}</slot></i><slot part="label" class="label ${className2}"></slot>`;
    isDisabled() {
      return this.disabled || this.groupDisabled;
  Radio.styles = [componentStyle, radioStyle];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Radio.prototype, "value", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Radio.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Radio.prototype, "checked", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "unchecked-icon" })
  ], Radio.prototype, "uncheckedIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "checked-icon" })
  ], Radio.prototype, "checkedIcon", void 0);
  ], Radio.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "group-disabled"
  ], Radio.prototype, "groupDisabled", void 0);
  ], Radio.prototype, "focusable", void 0);
  ], Radio.prototype, "isInitial", void 0);
    watch("checked", true)
  ], Radio.prototype, "onCheckedChange", null);
  Radio = __decorate([
  ], Radio);
  const radioGroupStyle = i$3`:host{display:inline-block}fieldset{border:none;padding:0;margin:0;min-width:0}input{position:absolute;padding:0;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;width:1.25rem;height:1.25rem;margin:0 0 0 .625rem}`;
  let RadioGroup = class RadioGroup2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "";
      this.defaultValue = "";
      this.required = false;
      this.invalid = false;
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.inputRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-radio"]
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validationMessage;
    // 为了使 <mdui-radio> 可以不是该组件的直接子元素,这里不用 @queryAssignedElements()
    get items() {
      return $$1(this).find("mdui-radio").get();
    get itemsEnabled() {
      return $$1(this).find("mdui-radio:not([disabled])").get();
    async onValueChange() {
      var _a2;
      this.isInitial = false;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      await this.updateComplete;
      const form = this.formController.getForm();
      if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
        this.invalid = false;
      } else {
        this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    async onInvalidChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
        if (!eventProceeded) {
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    render() {
      return ke`<fieldset><input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} type="radio" class="input" name="${to(this.name)}" value="${to(this.value)}" .checked="${!!this.value}" .required="${this.required}" tabindex="-1" @keydown="${this.onKeyDown}"><slot @click="${this.onClick}" @keydown="${this.onKeyDown}" @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @change="${this.onCheckedChange}"></slot></fieldset>`;
    // 更新 mdui-radio 的 checked 后,需要更新可聚焦状态
    // 同一个 mdui-radio-group 中的多个 mdui-radio,仅有一个可聚焦
    // 若有已选中的,则已选中的可聚焦;若没有已选中的,则第一个可聚焦
    updateRadioFocusable() {
      const items = this.items;
      const itemChecked = items.find((item) => item.checked);
      if (itemChecked) {
        items.forEach((item) => {
          item.focusable = item === itemChecked;
      } else {
        this.itemsEnabled.forEach((item, index) => {
          item.focusable = !index;
    async onClick(event) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const target = event.target;
      const item = target.closest("mdui-radio");
      if (!item || item.disabled) {
      this.value = item.value;
      await this.updateComplete;
     * 在内部的 `<mdui-radio>` 上按下按键时,在 `<mdui-radio>` 之间切换焦点
    async onKeyDown(event) {
      if (!["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", " "].includes(event.key)) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const items = this.itemsEnabled;
      const itemChecked = items.find((item) => item.checked) ?? items[0];
      const incr = event.key === " " ? 0 : ["ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft"].includes(event.key) ? -1 : 1;
      let index = items.indexOf(itemChecked) + incr;
      if (index < 0) {
        index = items.length - 1;
      if (index > items.length - 1) {
        index = 0;
      this.value = items[index].value;
      await this.updateComplete;
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
     * slot 中的 mdui-radio 的 checked 变更时触发的事件
    onCheckedChange(event) {
    // 更新 <mdui-radio> 的状态
    updateItems() {
      this.items.forEach((item) => {
        item.checked = item.value === this.value;
        item.invalid = this.invalid;
        item.groupDisabled = this.disabled;
        item.isInitial = this.isInitial;
  RadioGroup.styles = [
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "form", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "name", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "defaultValue", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "required", void 0);
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
    watch("value", true)
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
    watch("invalid", true),
  ], RadioGroup.prototype, "onInvalidChange", null);
  RadioGroup = __decorate([
  ], RadioGroup);
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
  function* oo(o2, f2) {
    if (void 0 !== o2) {
      let i3 = 0;
      for (const t2 of o2) yield f2(t2, i3++);
  const sliderBaseStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:block;width:100%;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;height:2.5rem;padding:0 1.25rem}label{position:relative;display:block;width:100%;height:100%}input[type=range]{position:absolute;inset:0;z-index:4;height:100%;cursor:pointer;opacity:0;appearance:none;width:calc(100% + 20rem * 2 / 16);margin:0 -1.25rem;padding:0 .75rem}:host([disabled]) input[type=range]{cursor:not-allowed}.track-active,.track-inactive{position:absolute;top:50%;height:.25rem;margin-top:-.125rem}.track-inactive{left:-.125rem;right:-.125rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest))}.invalid .track-inactive{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-error),.12)}:host([disabled]) .track-inactive{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.12)}.track-active{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.invalid .track-active{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]) .track-active{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.38)}.handle{position:absolute;top:50%;transform:translate(-50%);cursor:pointer;z-index:2;width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem;margin-top:-1.25rem;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}.invalid .handle{--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-error)}.handle .elevation,.handle::before{position:absolute;display:block;content:' ';left:.625rem;top:.625rem;width:1.25rem;height:1.25rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full)}.handle .elevation{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level1)}.invalid .handle .elevation{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]) .handle .elevation{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.38);box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level0)}.handle::before{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-background))}.handle mdui-ripple{border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full)}.label{position:absolute;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%) scale(0);transform-origin:center bottom;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:default;white-space:nowrap;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;pointer-events:none;transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard);bottom:2.5rem;min-width:1.75rem;height:1.75rem;padding:.375rem .5rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-medium-line-height);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.invalid .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-error));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}.label::after{content:' ';position:absolute;z-index:-1;transform:rotate(45deg);width:.875rem;height:.875rem;bottom:-.125rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.invalid .label::after{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}.label-visible{transform:translateX(-50%) scale(1);transition:transform var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard)}.tickmark{position:absolute;top:50%;transform:translate(-50%);width:.125rem;height:.125rem;margin-top:-.0625rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant),.38)}.invalid .tickmark{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-error),.38)}.tickmark.active{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-primary),.38)}.invalid .tickmark.active{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-error),.38)}:host([disabled]) .tickmark{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.38)}`;
  class SliderBase extends RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement)) {
    constructor() {
      this.min = 0;
      this.max = 100;
      this.step = 1;
      this.tickmarks = false;
      this.nolabel = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.invalid = false;
      this.labelVisible = false;
      this.inputRef = ii();
      this.trackActiveRef = ii();
      this.labelFormatter = (value) => value.toString();
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validationMessage;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.inputRef.value;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    onDisabledChange() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
        if (!eventProceeded) {
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
     * value 不在 min、max 或 step 的限制范围内时,修正 value 的值
    fixValue(value) {
      const { min, max, step } = this;
      value = Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
      const steps = Math.round((value - min) / step);
      let fixedValue = min + steps * step;
      if (fixedValue > max) {
        fixedValue -= step;
      return fixedValue;
     * 获取候选值组成的数组
    getCandidateValues() {
      return Array.from({ length: this.max - this.min + 1 }, (_2, index) => index + this.min).filter((value) => !((value - this.min) % this.step));
     * 渲染浮动标签
    renderLabel(value) {
      return nn(!this.nolabel, () => ke`<div part="label" class="label ${Rt({ "label-visible": this.labelVisible })}">${this.labelFormatter(value)}</div>`);
    onChange() {
  SliderBase.styles = [
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "min", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "max", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "step", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "tickmarks", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "nolabel", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "form", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "name", void 0);
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "labelVisible", void 0);
    n$1({ attribute: false })
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "labelFormatter", void 0);
    watch("disabled", true)
  ], SliderBase.prototype, "onDisabledChange", null);
  let RangeSlider = class RangeSlider2 extends SliderBase {
    constructor() {
      this.defaultValue = [];
      this.currentHandle = "start";
      this.rippleStartRef = ii();
      this.rippleEndRef = ii();
      this.handleStartRef = ii();
      this.handleEndRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
      this._value = [];
      this.getRippleIndex = () => {
        if (this.hoverHandle) {
          return this.hoverHandle === "start" ? 0 : 1;
        return this.currentHandle === "start" ? 0 : 1;
     * 滑块的值,为数组格式,将于表单数据一起提交。
     * **NOTE**:该属性无法通过 HTML 属性设置初始值,如果要修改该值,只能通过修改 JavaScript 属性值实现。
    get value() {
      return this._value;
    set value(_value) {
      const oldValue = [...this._value];
      this._value = [this.fixValue(_value[0]), this.fixValue(_value[1])];
      this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue);
      this.updateComplete.then(() => {
        var _a2;
        const form = this.formController.getForm();
        if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
          this.invalid = false;
        } else {
          this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    get rippleElement() {
      return [this.rippleStartRef.value, this.rippleEndRef.value];
    connectedCallback() {
      if (!this.value.length) {
        this.value = [this.min, this.max];
      this.value[0] = this.fixValue(this.value[0]);
      this.value[1] = this.fixValue(this.value[1]);
      if (!this.defaultValue.length) {
        this.defaultValue = [...this.value];
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      const getCurrentHandle = (event) => {
        const $this = $$1(this);
        const paddingLeft = parseFloat($this.css("padding-left"));
        const paddingRight = parseFloat($this.css("padding-right"));
        const percent = (event.offsetX - paddingLeft) / (this.clientWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight);
        const pointerValue = (this.max - this.min) * percent + this.min;
        const middleValue = (this.value[1] - this.value[0]) / 2 + this.value[0];
        return pointerValue > middleValue ? "end" : "start";
      const onTouchStart = () => {
        if (!this.disabled) {
          this.labelVisible = true;
      const onTouchEnd = () => {
        if (!this.disabled) {
          this.labelVisible = false;
      this.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart);
      this.addEventListener("mousedown", onTouchStart);
      this.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd);
      this.addEventListener("mouseup", onTouchEnd);
      this.addEventListener("pointerdown", (event) => {
        this.currentHandle = getCurrentHandle(event);
      this.addEventListener("pointermove", (event) => {
        const currentHandle = getCurrentHandle(event);
        if (this.hoverHandle !== currentHandle) {
          this.hoverHandle = currentHandle;
     * <input /> 用于提供拖拽操作
     * <input class="invalid" /> 用于提供 html5 自带的表单错误提示
    render() {
      return ke`<label class="${Rt({ invalid: this.invalid })}"><input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} type="range" step="${this.step}" min="${this.min}" max="${this.max}" ?disabled="${this.disabled}" @input="${this.onInput}" @change="${this.onChange}"><div part="track-inactive" class="track-inactive"></div><div ${Kt(this.trackActiveRef)} part="track-active" class="track-active"></div><div ${Kt(this.handleStartRef)} part="handle" class="handle start" style="${se({
      "z-index": this.currentHandle === "start" ? "2" : "1"
    })}"><div class="elevation"></div><mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleStartRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.renderLabel(this.value[0])}</div><div ${Kt(this.handleEndRef)} part="handle" class="handle end" style="${se({
      "z-index": this.currentHandle === "end" ? "2" : "1"
    })}"><div class="elevation"></div><mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleEndRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.renderLabel(this.value[1])}</div>${nn(this.tickmarks, () => oo(this.getCandidateValues(), (value) => ke`<div part="tickmark" class="tickmark ${Rt({
      active: value > this.value[0] && value < this.value[1]
    })}" style="${se({
      left: `${(value - this.min) / this.max * 100}%`,
      display: value === this.value[0] || value === this.value[1] ? "none" : "block"
    updateStyle() {
      const getPercent = (value) => (value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * 100;
      const startPercent = getPercent(this.value[0]);
      const endPercent = getPercent(this.value[1]);
      this.trackActiveRef.value.style.width = `${endPercent - startPercent}%`;
      this.trackActiveRef.value.style.left = `${startPercent}%`;
      this.handleStartRef.value.style.left = `${startPercent}%`;
      this.handleEndRef.value.style.left = `${endPercent}%`;
    onInput() {
      const isStart = this.currentHandle === "start";
      const value = parseFloat(this.inputRef.value.value);
      const startValue = this.value[0];
      const endValue = this.value[1];
      const doInput = () => {
      if (isStart) {
        if (value <= endValue) {
          this.value = [value, endValue];
        } else if (startValue !== endValue) {
          this.value = [endValue, endValue];
      } else {
        if (value >= startValue) {
          this.value = [startValue, value];
        } else if (startValue !== endValue) {
          this.value = [startValue, startValue];
  RangeSlider.styles = [SliderBase.styles];
  ], RangeSlider.prototype, "defaultValue", void 0);
  ], RangeSlider.prototype, "currentHandle", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Array, attribute: false })
  ], RangeSlider.prototype, "value", null);
  RangeSlider = __decorate([
  ], RangeSlider);
  const segmentedButtonStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:inline-flex;flex-grow:1;flex-shrink:0;float:left;height:100%;overflow:hidden;cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;border:.0625rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline))}.button{width:100%;padding:0 .75rem}:host([invalid]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error));border-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([invalid]) .button{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error-container))}:host([selected]){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-secondary-container));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-secondary-container));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(
    )}:host([disabled]),:host([group-disabled]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none;color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%);border-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%)}:host([loading]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}:host(:not(.mdui-segmented-button-first)){margin-left:-.0625rem}:host(.mdui-segmented-button-first){border-radius:var(--shape-corner) 0 0 var(--shape-corner)}:host(.mdui-segmented-button-last){border-radius:0 var(--shape-corner) var(--shape-corner) 0}.end-icon,.icon,.selected-icon{display:inline-flex;font-size:1.28571429em}.end-icon .i,.icon .i,.selected-icon .i,::slotted([slot=end-icon]),::slotted([slot=icon]),::slotted([slot=selected-icon]){font-size:inherit}mdui-circular-progress{width:1.125rem;height:1.125rem}:host([disabled]) mdui-circular-progress{opacity:.38}.label{display:inline-flex}.has-icon .label{padding-left:.5rem}.has-end-icon .label{padding-right:.5rem}`;
  let SegmentedButton = class SegmentedButton2 extends ButtonBase {
    constructor() {
      this.selected = false;
      this.invalid = false;
      this.groupDisabled = false;
      this.key = uniqueId();
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "[default]", "icon", "end-icon");
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.isDisabled() || this.loading;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.isDisabled() || this.loading;
    render() {
      const className2 = cc({
        button: true,
        "has-icon": this.icon || this.selected || this.loading || this.hasSlotController.test("icon"),
        "has-end-icon": this.endIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("end-icon")
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.isButton() ? this.renderButton({
      className: className2,
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    }) : this.isDisabled() || this.loading ? ke`<span part="button" class="_a ${className2}">${this.renderInner()}</span>` : this.renderAnchor({
      className: className2,
      part: "button",
      content: this.renderInner()
    isDisabled() {
      return this.disabled || this.groupDisabled;
    renderIcon() {
      if (this.loading) {
        return this.renderLoading();
      if (this.selected) {
        return ke`<slot name="selected-icon" part="selected-icon" class="selected-icon">${this.selectedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.selectedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-check class="i"></mdui-icon-check>`}</slot>`;
      return ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderLabel() {
      const hasLabel = this.hasSlotController.test("[default]");
      if (!hasLabel) {
        return nothingTemplate;
      return ke`<slot part="label" class="label"></slot>`;
    renderEndIcon() {
      return ke`<slot name="end-icon" part="end-icon" class="end-icon">${this.endIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.endIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`;
    renderInner() {
      return [this.renderIcon(), this.renderLabel(), this.renderEndIcon()];
  SegmentedButton.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], SegmentedButton.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], SegmentedButton.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "selected-icon" })
  ], SegmentedButton.prototype, "selectedIcon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SegmentedButton.prototype, "selected", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SegmentedButton.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "group-disabled"
  ], SegmentedButton.prototype, "groupDisabled", void 0);
  SegmentedButton = __decorate([
  ], SegmentedButton);
  const segmentedButtonGroupStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;display:inline-flex;vertical-align:middle;height:2.5rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-line-height);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([full-width]){display:flex;flex-wrap:nowrap}input,select{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;padding:0;opacity:0;pointer-events:none}`;
  let SegmentedButtonGroup = class SegmentedButtonGroup2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.fullWidth = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.required = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "";
      this.defaultValue = "";
      this.selectedKeys = [];
      this.invalid = false;
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.inputRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-segmented-button"]
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validationMessage;
    // 为了使 <mdui-segmented-button> 可以不是该组件的直接子元素,这里不用 @queryAssignedElements()
    get items() {
      return $$1(this).find("mdui-segmented-button").get();
    // 所有的子项元素(不包含已禁用的)
    get itemsEnabled() {
      return $$1(this).find("mdui-segmented-button:not([disabled])").get();
    // 是否为单选
    get isSingle() {
      return this.selects === "single";
    // 是否为多选
    get isMultiple() {
      return this.selects === "multiple";
    // 是否可选择
    get isSelectable() {
      return this.isSingle || this.isMultiple;
    async onSelectsChange() {
      if (!this.isSelectable) {
      } else if (this.isSingle) {
        this.setSelectedKeys(this.selectedKeys.slice(0, 1));
      await this.onSelectedKeysChange();
    async onSelectedKeysChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const values = this.itemsEnabled.filter((item) => this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key)).map((item) => item.value);
      const value = this.isMultiple ? values : values[0] || "";
      if (!this.isInitial) {
    async onValueChange() {
      var _a2;
      this.isInitial = !this.hasUpdated;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (!this.isSelectable) {
      const values = (this.isSingle ? [this.value] : (
        // 多选时,传入的值可能是字符串(通过 attribute 属性设置);或字符串数组(通过 property 属性设置)
        isString(this.value) ? [this.value] : this.value
      )).filter((i3) => i3);
      if (!values.length) {
      } else if (this.isSingle) {
        const firstItem = this.itemsEnabled.find((item) => item.value === values[0]);
        this.setSelectedKeys(firstItem ? [firstItem.key] : []);
      } else if (this.isMultiple) {
        this.setSelectedKeys(this.itemsEnabled.filter((item) => values.includes(item.value)).map((item) => item.key));
      if (!this.isInitial) {
        const form = this.formController.getForm();
        if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
          this.invalid = false;
        } else {
          this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    async onInvalidChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    connectedCallback() {
      this.value = this.isMultiple && isString(this.value) ? this.value ? [this.value] : [] : this.value;
      this.defaultValue = this.selects === "multiple" ? [] : "";
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
        if (!eventProceeded) {
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    render() {
      return ke`${nn(this.isSelectable && this.isSingle, () => ke`<input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} type="radio" name="${to(this.name)}" value="1" .disabled="${this.disabled}" .required="${this.required}" .checked="${!!this.value}" tabindex="-1" @keydown="${this.onInputKeyDown}">`)}${nn(this.isSelectable && this.isMultiple, () => ke`<select ${Kt(this.inputRef)} name="${to(this.name)}" .disabled="${this.disabled}" .required="${this.required}" multiple="multiple" tabindex="-1" @keydown="${this.onInputKeyDown}">${oo(this.value, (value) => ke`<option selected="selected" value="${value}"></option>`)}</select>`)}<slot @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @click="${this.onClick}"></slot>`;
    // 切换一个元素的选中状态
    selectOne(item) {
      if (this.isMultiple) {
        const selectedKeys = [...this.selectedKeys];
        if (selectedKeys.includes(item.key)) {
          selectedKeys.splice(selectedKeys.indexOf(item.key), 1);
        } else {
      if (this.isSingle) {
        if (this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key)) {
        } else {
      this.isInitial = false;
    async onClick(event) {
      if (event.button) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const target = event.target;
      const item = target.closest("mdui-segmented-button");
      if (!item || item.disabled) {
      if (this.isSelectable && item.value) {
     * 在隐藏的 `<input>` 或 `<select>` 上按下按键时,切换选中状态
     * 通常为验证不通过时,默认聚焦到 `<input>` 或 `<select>` 上,此时按下按键,切换第一个元素的选中状态
    async onInputKeyDown(event) {
      if (!["Enter", " "].includes(event.key)) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      if (this.isSingle) {
        const input = event.target;
        input.checked = !input.checked;
      if (this.isMultiple) {
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    setSelectedKeys(selectedKeys) {
      if (!arraysEqualIgnoreOrder(this.selectedKeys, selectedKeys)) {
        this.selectedKeys = selectedKeys;
    setValue(value) {
      if (this.isSingle) {
        this.value = value;
      } else if (!arraysEqualIgnoreOrder(this.value, value)) {
        this.value = value;
    updateItems(slotChange = false) {
      const items = this.items;
      items.forEach((item, index) => {
        item.invalid = this.invalid;
        item.groupDisabled = this.disabled;
        item.selected = this.selectedKeys.includes(item.key);
        if (slotChange) {
          item.classList.toggle("mdui-segmented-button-first", index === 0);
          item.classList.toggle("mdui-segmented-button-last", index === items.length - 1);
  SegmentedButtonGroup.styles = [
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "full-width"
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "fullWidth", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
    // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "selects", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "required", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "form", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "name", void 0);
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "defaultValue", void 0);
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "selectedKeys", void 0);
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
    watch("selects", true)
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "onSelectsChange", null);
    watch("selectedKeys", true)
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "onSelectedKeysChange", null);
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
    watch("invalid", true),
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup.prototype, "onInvalidChange", null);
  SegmentedButtonGroup = __decorate([
  ], SegmentedButtonGroup);
  const i2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  let o = 0;
  const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), a = () => new Promise((t2) => requestAnimationFrame(t2)), g = (t2, i3) => {
    const s2 = t2 - i3;
    return 0 === s2 ? void 0 : s2;
  }, w = (t2, i3) => {
    const s2 = t2 / i3;
    return 1 === s2 ? void 0 : s2;
  }, N = { left: (t2, i3) => {
    const s2 = g(t2, i3);
    return { value: s2, transform: null == s2 || isNaN(s2) ? void 0 : `translateX(${s2}px)` };
  }, top: (t2, i3) => {
    const s2 = g(t2, i3);
    return { value: s2, transform: null == s2 || isNaN(s2) ? void 0 : `translateY(${s2}px)` };
  }, width: (t2, i3) => {
    let s2;
    0 === i3 && (i3 = 1, s2 = { width: "1px" });
    const e2 = w(t2, i3);
    return { value: e2, overrideFrom: s2, transform: null == e2 || isNaN(e2) ? void 0 : `scaleX(${e2})` };
  }, height: (t2, i3) => {
    let s2;
    0 === i3 && (i3 = 1, s2 = { height: "1px" });
    const e2 = w(t2, i3);
    return { value: e2, overrideFrom: s2, transform: null == e2 || isNaN(e2) ? void 0 : `scaleY(${e2})` };
  } }, A = { duration: 333, easing: "ease-in-out" }, b2 = ["left", "top", "width", "height", "opacity", "color", "background"], j = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  class x extends $t {
    constructor(t$12) {
      if (super(t$12), this.t = false, this.i = null, this.o = null, this.h = true, this.shouldLog = false, t$12.type === t.CHILD) throw Error("The `animate` directive must be used in attribute position.");
    createFinished() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.resolveFinished) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this), this.finished = new Promise((t2) => {
        this.l = t2;
    async resolveFinished() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.l) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this), this.l = void 0;
    render(i3) {
      return D;
    getController() {
      return i2.get(this.u);
    isDisabled() {
      var _a2;
      return this.options.disabled || ((_a2 = this.getController()) == null ? void 0 : _a2.disabled);
    update(t2, [i3]) {
      var _a2;
      const s2 = void 0 === this.u;
      return s2 && (this.u = (_a2 = t2.options) == null ? void 0 : _a2.host, this.u.addController(this), this.u.updateComplete.then((t3) => this.t = true), this.element = t2.element, j.set(this.element, this)), this.optionsOrCallback = i3, (s2 || "function" != typeof i3) && this.p(i3), this.render(i3);
    p(t2) {
      t2 = t2 ?? {};
      const i3 = this.getController();
      void 0 !== i3 && ((t2 = { ...i3.defaultOptions, ...t2 }).keyframeOptions = { ...i3.defaultOptions.keyframeOptions, ...t2.keyframeOptions }), t2.properties ?? (t2.properties = b2), this.options = t2;
    m() {
      const t2 = {}, i3 = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(), s2 = getComputedStyle(this.element);
      return this.options.properties.forEach((e2) => {
        const h2 = i3[e2] ?? (N[e2] ? void 0 : s2[e2]), o2 = Number(h2);
        t2[e2] = isNaN(o2) ? h2 + "" : o2;
      }), t2;
    v() {
      let t2, i3 = true;
      return this.options.guard && (t2 = this.options.guard(), i3 = ((t3, i4) => {
        if (Array.isArray(t3)) {
          if (Array.isArray(i4) && i4.length === t3.length && t3.every((t4, s2) => t4 === i4[s2])) return false;
        } else if (i4 === t3) return false;
        return true;
      })(t2, this._)), this.h = this.t && !this.isDisabled() && !this.isAnimating() && i3 && this.element.isConnected, this.h && (this._ = Array.isArray(t2) ? Array.from(t2) : t2), this.h;
    hostUpdate() {
      "function" == typeof this.optionsOrCallback && this.p(this.optionsOrCallback()), this.v() && (this.A = this.m(), this.i = this.i ?? this.element.parentNode, this.o = this.element.nextSibling);
    async hostUpdated() {
      if (!this.h || !this.element.isConnected || this.options.skipInitial && !this.isHostRendered) return;
      let t2;
      this.prepare(), await a;
      const i3 = this.O(), s2 = this.j(this.options.keyframeOptions, i3), e2 = this.m();
      if (void 0 !== this.A) {
        const { from: s3, to: h2 } = this.N(this.A, e2, i3);
        this.log("measured", [this.A, e2, s3, h2]), t2 = this.calculateKeyframes(s3, h2);
      } else {
        const s3 = r.get(this.options.inId);
        if (s3) {
          const { from: h2, to: n3 } = this.N(s3, e2, i3);
          t2 = this.calculateKeyframes(h2, n3), t2 = this.options.in ? [{ ...this.options.in[0], ...t2[0] }, ...this.options.in.slice(1), t2[1]] : t2, o++, t2.forEach((t3) => t3.zIndex = o);
        } else this.options.in && (t2 = [...this.options.in, {}]);
      this.animate(t2, s2);
    resetStyles() {
      void 0 !== this.P && (this.element.setAttribute("style", this.P ?? ""), this.P = void 0);
    commitStyles() {
      var _a2, _b;
      this.P = this.element.getAttribute("style"), (_a2 = this.webAnimation) == null ? void 0 : _a2.commitStyles(), (_b = this.webAnimation) == null ? void 0 : _b.cancel();
    reconnected() {
    async disconnected() {
      var _a2;
      if (!this.h) return;
      if (void 0 !== this.options.id && r.set(this.options.id, this.A), void 0 === this.options.out) return;
      if (this.prepare(), await a(), (_a2 = this.i) == null ? void 0 : _a2.isConnected) {
        const t3 = this.o && this.o.parentNode === this.i ? this.o : null;
        if (this.i.insertBefore(this.element, t3), this.options.stabilizeOut) {
          const t4 = this.m();
          this.log("stabilizing out");
          const i3 = this.A.left - t4.left, s2 = this.A.top - t4.top;
          !("static" === getComputedStyle(this.element).position) || 0 === i3 && 0 === s2 || (this.element.style.position = "relative"), 0 !== i3 && (this.element.style.left = i3 + "px"), 0 !== s2 && (this.element.style.top = s2 + "px");
      const t2 = this.j(this.options.keyframeOptions);
      await this.animate(this.options.out, t2), this.element.remove();
    prepare() {
    start() {
      var _a2, _b;
      (_b = (_a2 = this.options).onStart) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2, this);
    didFinish(t2) {
      var _a2, _b;
      t2 && ((_b = (_a2 = this.options).onComplete) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2, this)), this.A = void 0, this.animatingProperties = void 0, this.frames = void 0, this.resolveFinished();
    O() {
      const t2 = [];
      for (let i3 = this.element.parentNode; i3; i3 = i3 == null ? void 0 : i3.parentNode) {
        const s2 = j.get(i3);
        s2 && !s2.isDisabled() && s2 && t2.push(s2);
      return t2;
    get isHostRendered() {
      const t2 = n2.has(this.u);
      return t2 || this.u.updateComplete.then(() => {
      }), t2;
    j(t2, i3 = this.O()) {
      const s2 = { ...A };
      return i3.forEach((t3) => Object.assign(s2, t3.options.keyframeOptions)), Object.assign(s2, t2), s2;
    N(t2, i3, s2) {
      t2 = { ...t2 }, i3 = { ...i3 };
      const e2 = s2.map((t3) => t3.animatingProperties).filter((t3) => void 0 !== t3);
      let h2 = 1, o2 = 1;
      return e2.length > 0 && (e2.forEach((t3) => {
        t3.width && (h2 /= t3.width), t3.height && (o2 /= t3.height);
      }), void 0 !== t2.left && void 0 !== i3.left && (t2.left = h2 * t2.left, i3.left = h2 * i3.left), void 0 !== t2.top && void 0 !== i3.top && (t2.top = o2 * t2.top, i3.top = o2 * i3.top)), { from: t2, to: i3 };
    calculateKeyframes(t2, i3, s2 = false) {
      const e2 = {}, h2 = {};
      let o2 = false;
      const r2 = {};
      for (const s3 in i3) {
        const n3 = t2[s3], a2 = i3[s3];
        if (s3 in N) {
          const t3 = N[s3];
          if (void 0 === n3 || void 0 === a2) continue;
          const i4 = t3(n3, a2);
          void 0 !== i4.transform && (r2[s3] = i4.value, o2 = true, e2.transform = `${e2.transform ?? ""} ${i4.transform}`, void 0 !== i4.overrideFrom && Object.assign(e2, i4.overrideFrom));
        } else n3 !== a2 && void 0 !== n3 && void 0 !== a2 && (o2 = true, e2[s3] = n3, h2[s3] = a2);
      return e2.transformOrigin = h2.transformOrigin = s2 ? "center center" : "top left", this.animatingProperties = r2, o2 ? [e2, h2] : void 0;
    async animate(t2, i3 = this.options.keyframeOptions) {
      this.start(), this.frames = t2;
      let s2 = false;
      if (!this.isAnimating() && !this.isDisabled() && (this.options.onFrames && (this.frames = t2 = this.options.onFrames(this), this.log("modified frames", t2)), void 0 !== t2)) {
        this.log("animate", [t2, i3]), s2 = true, this.webAnimation = this.element.animate(t2, i3);
        const e2 = this.getController();
        e2 == null ? void 0 : e2.add(this);
        try {
          await this.webAnimation.finished;
        } catch (t3) {
        e2 == null ? void 0 : e2.remove(this);
      return this.didFinish(s2), s2;
    isAnimating() {
      var _a2, _b;
      return "running" === ((_a2 = this.webAnimation) == null ? void 0 : _a2.playState) || ((_b = this.webAnimation) == null ? void 0 : _b.pending);
    log(t2, i3) {
      this.shouldLog && !this.isDisabled() && console.log(t2, this.options.id, i3);
  const F2 = e(x);
  let IconCancel_Outlined = class IconCancel_Outlined2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12s4.47 10 10 10 10-4.47 10-10S17.53 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.41 0-8-3.59-8-8s3.59-8 8-8 8 3.59 8 8-3.59 8-8 8zm3.59-13L12 10.59 8.41 7 7 8.41 10.59 12 7 15.59 8.41 17 12 13.41 15.59 17 17 15.59 13.41 12 17 8.41z"/>');
  IconCancel_Outlined.styles = style$e;
  IconCancel_Outlined = __decorate([
  ], IconCancel_Outlined);
  let IconError = class IconError2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm1 15h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2V7h2v6z"/>');
  IconError.styles = style$e;
  IconError = __decorate([
  ], IconError);
  let IconVisibilityOff = class IconVisibilityOff2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M12 7c2.76 0 5 2.24 5 5 0 .65-.13 1.26-.36 1.83l2.92 2.92c1.51-1.26 2.7-2.89 3.43-4.75-1.73-4.39-6-7.5-11-7.5-1.4 0-2.74.25-3.98.7l2.16 2.16C10.74 7.13 11.35 7 12 7zM2 4.27l2.28 11.804 0 0 0 1 12c1.73 4.39 6 7.5 11 7.5 1.55 0 3.03-.3 4.38-.84l.42.42L19.73 22 21 20.73 3.27 3 2 4.27zM7.53 9.8l1.55 1.55c-.05.21-.08.43-.08.65 0 1.66 1.34 3 3 3 .22 0 .44-.03.65-.08l1.55 1.55c-.67.33-1.41.53-2.2.53-2.76 0-5-2.24-5-5 0-.79.2-1.53.53-2.2zm4.31-.78 3.15 3.15.02-.16c0-1.66-1.34-3-3-3l-.17.01z"/>');
  IconVisibilityOff.styles = style$e;
  IconVisibilityOff = __decorate([
  ], IconVisibilityOff);
  let IconVisibility = class IconVisibility2 extends h {
    render() {
      return svgTag('<path d="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.73 7.61 1 12c1.73 4.39 6 7.5 11 7.5s9.27-3.11 11-7.5c-1.73-4.39-6-7.5-11-7.5zM12 17c-2.76 0-5-2.24-5-5s2.24-5 5-5 5 2.24 5 5-2.24 5-5 5zm0-8c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3-1.34-3-3-3z"/>');
  IconVisibility.styles = style$e;
  IconVisibility = __decorate([
  ], IconVisibility);
  const style$5 = i$3`:host{display:inline-block;width:100%}:host([disabled]){pointer-events:none}:host([type=hidden]){display:none}.container{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;height:100%;transition:box-shadow var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard);padding:0 1rem}.container.has-icon{padding-left:.75rem}.container.has-end-icon,.container.has-error-icon{padding-right:.75rem}:host([variant=filled]) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 -.0625rem 0 0 rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest));border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small) var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small) 0 0}:host([variant=filled]) .container.invalid,:host([variant=filled]) .container.invalid-style{box-shadow:inset 0 -.0625rem 0 0 rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([variant=filled]:hover) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 -.0625rem 0 0 rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}:host([variant=filled]:hover) .container.invalid,:host([variant=filled]:hover) .container.invalid-style{box-shadow:inset 0 -.0625rem 0 0 rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-error-container))}:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .container,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 -.125rem 0 0 rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .container.invalid,:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .container.invalid-style,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .container.invalid,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .container.invalid-style{box-shadow:inset 0 -.125rem 0 0 rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([variant=filled][disabled]) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 -.0625rem 0 0 rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%);background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),4%)}:host([variant=outlined]) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .0625rem rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline));border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small)}:host([variant=outlined]) .container.invalid,:host([variant=outlined]) .container.invalid-style{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .0625rem rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([variant=outlined]:hover) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .0625rem rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}:host([variant=outlined]:hover) .container.invalid,:host([variant=outlined]:hover) .container.invalid-style{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .0625rem rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-error-container))}:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .container,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .125rem rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .container.invalid,:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .container.invalid-style,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .container.invalid,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .container.invalid-style{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .125rem rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([variant=outlined][disabled]) .container{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 .125rem rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),12%)}.icon,.prefix,.right-icon,.suffix{display:flex;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([disabled]) .icon,:host([disabled]) .prefix,:host([disabled]) .right-icon,:host([disabled]) .suffix{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}.invalid .right-icon,.invalid .suffix,.invalid-style .right-icon,.invalid-style .suffix{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host(:hover) .invalid .right-icon,:host(:hover) .invalid .suffix,:host(:hover) .invalid-style .right-icon,:host(:hover) .invalid-style .suffix{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-error-container))}:host([focused-style]) .invalid .right-icon,:host([focused-style]) .invalid .suffix,:host([focused-style]) .invalid-style .right-icon,:host([focused-style]) .invalid-style .suffix,:host([focused]) .invalid .right-icon,:host([focused]) .invalid .suffix,:host([focused]) .invalid-style .right-icon,:host([focused]) .invalid-style .suffix{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}.icon,.right-icon{font-size:1.5rem}.icon mdui-button-icon,.right-icon mdui-button-icon,::slotted(mdui-button-icon[slot]){margin-left:-.5rem;margin-right:-.5rem}.icon .i,.right-icon .i,::slotted([slot$=icon]){font-size:inherit}.has-icon .icon{margin-right:1rem}.has-end-icon .end-icon,.right-icon:not(.end-icon){margin-left:1rem}.prefix,.suffix{display:none;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-line-height)}:host([variant=filled][label]) .prefix,:host([variant=filled][label]) .suffix{padding-top:1rem}.has-value .prefix,.has-value .suffix,:host([focused-style]) .prefix,:host([focused-style]) .suffix,:host([focused]) .prefix,:host([focused]) .suffix{display:flex}.has-prefix .prefix{padding-right:.125rem}.has-suffix .suffix{padding-left:.125rem}.input-container{width:100%;height:100%}.label{position:absolute;pointer-events:none;max-width:calc(100% - 1rem);display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-line-clamp:1;top:1rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-line-height)}.invalid .label,.invalid-style .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([variant=outlined]) .label{padding:0 .25rem;margin:0 -.25rem}:host([variant=outlined]:hover) .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}:host([variant=filled]:hover) .invalid .label,:host([variant=filled]:hover) .invalid-style .label,:host([variant=outlined]:hover) .invalid .label,:host([variant=outlined]:hover) .invalid-style .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-error-container))}:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .label,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([variant=filled]) .has-value .label,:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .label,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .label,:host([variant=filled][type=date]) .label,:host([variant=filled][type=datetime-local]) .label,:host([variant=filled][type=month]) .label,:host([variant=filled][type=time]) .label,:host([variant=filled][type=week]) .label{font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height);top:.25rem}:host([variant=outlined]) .has-value .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][type=date]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][type=datetime-local]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][type=month]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][type=time]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][type=week]) .label{font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height);top:-.5rem;left:.75rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-background))}:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .invalid .label,:host([variant=filled][focused-style]) .invalid-style .label,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .invalid .label,:host([variant=filled][focused]) .invalid-style .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .invalid .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused-style]) .invalid-style .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .invalid .label,:host([variant=outlined][focused]) .invalid-style .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([variant=filled][disabled]) .label,:host([variant=outlined][disabled]) .label{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}.input{display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;width:100%;height:100%;min-height:100%;border:none;outline:0;background:0 0;appearance:none;resize:none;cursor:inherit;font-family:inherit;padding:1rem 0;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-large-line-height);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));caret-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.input.hide-input{opacity:0;height:0;min-height:0;padding:0!important;overflow:hidden}.input::placeholder{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}.invalid .input,.invalid-style .input{caret-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]) .input{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}:host([end-aligned]) .input{text-align:right}:host([variant=filled]) .label+.input{padding:1.5rem 0 .5rem 0}.supporting{display:flex;justify-content:space-between;padding:.25rem 1rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}.supporting.invalid,.supporting.invalid-style{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}.helper{display:block;opacity:1;transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height)}:host([disabled]) .helper{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),38%)}:host([helper-on-focus]) .helper{opacity:0}:host([helper-on-focus][focused-style]) .helper,:host([helper-on-focus][focused]) .helper{opacity:1}.error{font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height)}.counter{flex-wrap:nowrap;padding-left:1rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height)}::-ms-reveal{display:none}.is-firefox .input[type=date],.is-firefox .input[type=datetime-local],.is-firefox .input[type=time]{clip-path:inset(0 2em 0 0)}.input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,.input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{-webkit-appearance:none;display:none}.input[type=number]{-moz-appearance:textfield}.input[type=search]::-webkit-search-cancel-button{-webkit-appearance:none}`;
  let TextField = class TextField2 extends FocusableMixin(MduiElement) {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "filled";
      this.type = "text";
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "";
      this.defaultValue = "";
      this.helperOnFocus = false;
      this.clearable = false;
      this.endAligned = false;
      this.readonly = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.required = false;
      this.autosize = false;
      this.counter = false;
      this.togglePassword = false;
      this.spellcheck = false;
      this.invalid = false;
      this.invalidStyle = false;
      this.focusedStyle = false;
      this.isPasswordVisible = false;
      this.hasValue = false;
      this.error = "";
      this.inputRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "icon", "end-icon", "helper", "input");
      this.readonlyButClearable = false;
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validationMessage;
     * 获取当前值,并转换为 `number` 类型;或设置一个 `number` 类型的值。
     * 如果值无法被转换为 `number` 类型,则会返回 `NaN`。
    get valueAsNumber() {
      var _a2;
      return ((_a2 = this.inputRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.valueAsNumber) ?? parseFloat(this.value);
    set valueAsNumber(newValue) {
      const input = document.createElement("input");
      input.type = "number";
      input.valueAsNumber = newValue;
      this.value = input.value;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.inputRef.value;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
     * 是否显示聚焦状态样式
    get isFocusedStyle() {
      return this.focused || this.focusedStyle;
     * 是否渲染为 textarea。为 false 时渲染为 input
    get isTextarea() {
      return this.rows && this.rows > 1 || this.autosize;
    onDisabledChange() {
      this.inputRef.value.disabled = this.disabled;
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    async onValueChange() {
      var _a2;
      this.hasValue = !["", null].includes(this.value);
      if (this.hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
        const form = this.formController.getForm();
        if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
          this.invalid = false;
        } else {
          this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    onRowsChange() {
    async onMaxRowsChange() {
      if (!this.autosize) {
      if (!this.hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
      const $input = $$1(this.inputRef.value);
      $input.css("max-height", parseFloat($input.css("line-height")) * (this.maxRows ?? 1) + parseFloat($input.css("padding-top")) + parseFloat($input.css("padding-bottom")));
    async onMinRowsChange() {
      if (!this.autosize) {
      if (!this.hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
      const $input = $$1(this.inputRef.value);
      $input.css("min-height", parseFloat($input.css("line-height")) * (this.minRows ?? 1) + parseFloat($input.css("padding-top")) + parseFloat($input.css("padding-bottom")));
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _a2.unobserve();
     * 选中文本框中的文本
    select() {
     * 选中文本框中特定范围的内容
     * @param start 被选中的第一个字符的位置索引,从 `0` 开始。如果这个值比元素的 `value` 长度还大,则会被看作 `value` 最后一个位置的索引
     * @param end 被选中的最后一个字符的*下一个*位置索引。如果这个值比元素的 `value` 长度还大,则会被看作 `value` 最后一个位置的索引
     * @param direction 一个表示选择方向的字符串,可能的值有:`forward`、`backward`、`none`
    setSelectionRange(start, end, direction = "none") {
      this.inputRef.value.setSelectionRange(start, end, direction);
     * 将文本框中特定范围的文本替换为新的文本
     * @param replacement 要插入的字符串
     * @param start 要替换的字符的起止位置的索引。默认为当前用户选中的字符的起始位置的索引
     * @param end 要替换的字符的结束位置的索引。默认为当前用户选中的字符的结束位置的索引
     * @param selectMode 文本被替换后,选取的状态。可选值为:
     * * `select`:选择新插入的文本
     * * `start`:将光标移动到新插入的文本的起始位置
     * * `end`:将光标移动到新插入的文本的结束位置
     * * `preserve`:默认值。尝试保留选取
    setRangeText(replacement, start, end, selectMode = "preserve") {
      this.inputRef.value.setRangeText(replacement, start, end, selectMode);
      if (this.value !== this.inputRef.value.value) {
        this.value = this.inputRef.value.value;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.observeResize = observeResize(this.inputRef.value, () => this.setTextareaHeight());
    render() {
      const hasIcon = !!this.icon || this.hasSlotController.test("icon");
      const hasEndIcon = !!this.endIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("end-icon");
      const hasErrorIcon = this.invalid || this.invalidStyle;
      const hasPrefix = !!this.prefix || this.hasSlotController.test("prefix");
      const hasSuffix = !!this.suffix || this.hasSlotController.test("suffix");
      const hasHelper = !!this.helper || this.hasSlotController.test("helper");
      const hasError = hasErrorIcon && !!(this.error || this.inputRef.value.validationMessage);
      const hasCounter = this.counter && !!this.maxlength;
      const hasInputSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("input");
      const invalidClassNameObj = {
        invalid: this.invalid,
        "invalid-style": this.invalidStyle
      const className2 = Rt({
        container: true,
        "has-value": this.hasValue,
        "has-icon": hasIcon,
        "has-end-icon": hasEndIcon,
        "has-error-icon": hasErrorIcon,
        "has-prefix": hasPrefix,
        "has-suffix": hasSuffix,
        "is-firefox": navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox"),
      return ke`<div part="container" class="${className2}">${this.renderPrefix()}<div class="input-container">${this.renderLabel()} ${this.isTextarea ? this.renderTextArea(hasInputSlot) : this.renderInput(hasInputSlot)} ${nn(hasInputSlot, () => ke`<slot name="input" class="input"></slot>`)}</div>${this.renderClearButton()}${this.renderTogglePasswordButton()} ${this.renderSuffix(hasErrorIcon)}</div>${nn(hasError || hasHelper || hasCounter, () => ke`<div part="supporting" class="${Rt({ supporting: true, ...invalidClassNameObj })}">${this.renderHelper(hasError, hasHelper)} ${this.renderCounter(hasCounter)}</div>`)}`;
    setCustomValidityInternal(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    onChange() {
      this.value = this.inputRef.value.value;
      if (this.isTextarea) {
    onClear(event) {
      this.value = "";
    onInput() {
      this.value = this.inputRef.value.value;
      if (this.isTextarea) {
    onInvalid(event) {
    onKeyDown(event) {
      const hasModifier = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey;
      if (event.key === "Enter" && !hasModifier) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
     * textarea 不支持 pattern 属性,所以在 keyup 时执行验证
    onTextAreaKeyUp() {
      if (this.pattern) {
        const patternRegex = new RegExp(this.pattern);
        const hasError = this.value && !this.value.match(patternRegex);
        if (hasError) {
          onLocaleReady(this, () => {
        } else {
    onTogglePassword() {
      this.isPasswordVisible = !this.isPasswordVisible;
    getPatternErrorMsg() {
      return msg("Please match the requested format.");
    setTextareaHeight() {
      if (this.autosize) {
        this.inputRef.value.style.height = "auto";
        this.inputRef.value.style.height = `${this.inputRef.value.scrollHeight}px`;
      } else {
        this.inputRef.value.style.height = void 0;
    renderLabel() {
      return this.label ? ke`<label part="label" class="label" ${F2({
      keyframeOptions: {
        duration: getDuration(this, "short4"),
        easing: getEasing(this, "standard")
    })}>${this.label}</label>` : nothingTemplate;
    renderPrefix() {
      return ke`<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot><slot name="prefix" part="prefix" class="prefix">${this.prefix}</slot>`;
    renderSuffix(hasErrorIcon) {
      return ke`<slot name="suffix" part="suffix" class="suffix">${this.suffix}</slot>${hasErrorIcon ? ke`<slot name="error-icon" part="error-icon" class="right-icon">${this.errorIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.errorIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-error class="i"></mdui-icon-error>`}</slot>` : ke`<slot name="end-icon" part="end-icon" class="end-icon right-icon">${this.endIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.endIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>`}`;
    renderClearButton() {
      const hasClearButton = this.clearable && !this.disabled && (!this.readonly || this.readonlyButClearable) && (typeof this.value === "number" || this.value.length > 0);
      return nn(hasClearButton, () => ke`<slot name="clear-button" part="clear-button" class="right-icon" @click="${this.onClear}"><mdui-button-icon tabindex="-1"><slot name="clear-icon" part="clear-icon">${this.clearIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.clearIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-cancel--outlined class="i"></mdui-icon-cancel--outlined>`}</slot></mdui-button-icon></slot>`);
    renderTogglePasswordButton() {
      const hasTogglePasswordButton = this.type === "password" && this.togglePassword && !this.disabled;
      return nn(hasTogglePasswordButton, () => ke`<slot name="toggle-password-button" part="toggle-password-button" class="right-icon" @click="${this.onTogglePassword}"><mdui-button-icon tabindex="-1">${this.isPasswordVisible ? ke`<slot name="show-password-icon" part="show-password-icon">${this.showPasswordIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.showPasswordIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-visibility-off class="i"></mdui-icon-visibility-off>`}</slot>` : ke`<slot name="hide-password-icon" part="hide-password-icon">${this.hidePasswordIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.hidePasswordIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-visibility class="i"></mdui-icon-visibility>`}</slot>`}</mdui-button-icon></slot>`);
    renderInput(hasInputSlot) {
      return ke`<input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} part="input" class="input ${Rt({ "hide-input": hasInputSlot })}" type="${this.type === "password" && this.isPasswordVisible ? "text" : this.type}" name="${to(this.name)}" .value="${Ft(this.value)}" placeholder="${to(
      // @ts-ignore
      !this.label || this.isFocusedStyle || this.hasValue ? this.placeholder : void 0
    )}" ?readonly="${this.readonly}" ?disabled="${this.disabled}" ?required="${this.required}" minlength="${to(this.minlength)}" maxlength="${to(this.maxlength)}" min="${to(this.min)}" max="${to(this.max)}" step="${to(this.step)}" autocapitalize="${to(this.type === "password" ? "off" : this.autocapitalize)}" autocomplete="${to(this.type === "password" ? "off" : this.autocomplete)}" autocorrect="${to(this.type === "password" ? "off" : this.autocorrect)}" spellcheck="${to(this.spellcheck)}" pattern="${to(this.pattern)}" enterkeyhint="${to(this.enterkeyhint)}" inputmode="${to(this.inputmode)}" @change="${this.onChange}" @input="${this.onInput}" @invalid="${this.onInvalid}" @keydown="${this.onKeyDown}">`;
    renderTextArea(hasInputSlot) {
      return ke`<textarea ${Kt(this.inputRef)} part="input" class="input ${Rt({ "hide-input": hasInputSlot })}" name="${to(this.name)}" .value="${Ft(this.value)}" placeholder="${to(
      // @ts-ignore
      !this.label || this.isFocusedStyle || this.hasValue ? this.placeholder : void 0
    )}" ?readonly="${this.readonly}" ?disabled="${this.disabled}" ?required="${this.required}" minlength="${to(this.minlength)}" maxlength="${to(this.maxlength)}" rows="${this.rows ?? 1}" autocapitalize="${to(this.autocapitalize)}" autocorrect="${to(this.autocorrect)}" spellcheck="${to(this.spellcheck)}" enterkeyhint="${to(this.enterkeyhint)}" inputmode="${to(this.inputmode)}" @change="${this.onChange}" @input="${this.onInput}" @invalid="${this.onInvalid}" @keydown="${this.onKeyDown}" @keyup="${this.onTextAreaKeyUp}"></textarea>`;
     * @param hasError 是否包含错误提示
     * @param hasHelper 是否含 helper 属性或 helper slot
    renderHelper(hasError, hasHelper) {
      return hasError ? ke`<div part="error" class="error">${this.error || this.inputRef.value.validationMessage}</div>` : hasHelper ? ke`<slot name="helper" part="helper" class="helper">${this.helper}</slot>` : (
        // 右边有 counter,需要占位
    renderCounter(hasCounter) {
      return hasCounter ? ke`<div part="counter" class="counter">${this.value.length}/${this.maxlength}</div>` : nothingTemplate;
  TextField.styles = [componentStyle, style$5];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "variant", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "type", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "name", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "defaultValue", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "label", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "placeholder", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "helper", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "helper-on-focus"
  ], TextField.prototype, "helperOnFocus", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TextField.prototype, "clearable", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "clear-icon" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "clearIcon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "end-aligned"
  ], TextField.prototype, "endAligned", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "prefix", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "suffix", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "error-icon" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "errorIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "form", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TextField.prototype, "readonly", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TextField.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TextField.prototype, "required", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "rows", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TextField.prototype, "autosize", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "min-rows" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "minRows", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "max-rows" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "maxRows", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "minlength", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "maxlength", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TextField.prototype, "counter", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "min", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "max", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "step", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "pattern", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "toggle-password"
  ], TextField.prototype, "togglePassword", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "show-password-icon" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "showPasswordIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "hide-password-icon" })
  ], TextField.prototype, "hidePasswordIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "autocapitalize", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "autocorrect", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "autocomplete", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "enterkeyhint", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Boolean, reflect: true, converter: booleanConverter })
  ], TextField.prototype, "spellcheck", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TextField.prototype, "inputmode", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "invalidStyle", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "focused-style"
  ], TextField.prototype, "focusedStyle", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "isPasswordVisible", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "hasValue", void 0);
  ], TextField.prototype, "error", void 0);
    watch("disabled", true)
  ], TextField.prototype, "onDisabledChange", null);
  ], TextField.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
    watch("rows", true)
  ], TextField.prototype, "onRowsChange", null);
  ], TextField.prototype, "onMaxRowsChange", null);
  ], TextField.prototype, "onMinRowsChange", null);
  TextField = __decorate([
  ], TextField);
  const style$4 = i$3`:host{display:inline-block;width:100%}.hidden-input{display:none}.text-field{cursor:pointer}.chips{display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;margin:-.5rem -.25rem;min-height:2.5rem}:host([variant=filled][label]) .chips{margin:0 -.25rem -1rem -.25rem}.chip{margin:.25rem}mdui-menu{max-width:none}`;
  let Select = class Select2 extends FocusableMixin(MduiElement) {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "filled";
      this.multiple = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "";
      this.defaultValue = "";
      this.clearable = false;
      this.placement = "auto";
      this.endAligned = false;
      this.readonly = false;
      this.disabled = false;
      this.required = false;
      this.invalid = false;
      this.menuRef = ii();
      this.textFieldRef = ii();
      this.hiddenInputRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "icon", "end-icon", "error-icon", "prefix", "suffix", "clear-button", "clear-icon", "helper");
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-menu-item"]
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.hiddenInputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.hiddenInputRef.value.validationMessage;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.textFieldRef.value;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    connectedCallback() {
      this.value = this.multiple && isString(this.value) ? this.value ? [this.value] : [] : this.value;
      this.defaultValue = this.multiple ? [] : "";
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _a2.unobserve();
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.hiddenInputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.hiddenInputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.hiddenInputRef.value.checkValidity();
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.observeResize = observeResize(this.textFieldRef.value, () => this.resizeMenu());
    render() {
      var _a2;
      const hasSelection = this.multiple ? !!this.value.length : !!this.value;
      return ke`${this.multiple ? ke`<select ${Kt(this.hiddenInputRef)} class="hidden-input" name="${to(this.name)}" value="${to(this.value)}" .required="${this.required}" .disabled="${this.disabled}" multiple="multiple" tabindex="-1">${oo(this.value, (value) => ke`<option selected="selected" value="${value}"></option>`)}</select>` : ke`<input ${Kt(this.hiddenInputRef)} type="radio" class="hidden-input" name="${to(this.name)}" value="${to(this.value)}" .required="${this.required}" .disabled="${this.disabled}" .checked="${hasSelection}" tabindex="-1">`}<mdui-dropdown .stayOpenOnClick="${this.multiple}" .disabled="${this.readonly || this.disabled}" .placement="${this.placement === "top" ? "top-start" : this.placement === "bottom" ? "bottom-start" : "auto"}" @open="${this.onDropdownOpen}" @close="${this.onDropdownClose}"><mdui-text-field ${Kt(this.textFieldRef)} slot="trigger" part="text-field" class="text-field" exportparts="${[
    ].map((v2) => `${v2}:text-field__${v2}`).join(",")}" readonly="readonly" .readonlyButClearable="${true}" .variant="${this.variant}" .name="${this.name}" .value="${this.multiple ? this.value.length ? " " : "" : this.getMenuItemLabelByValue(this.value)}" .label="${this.label}" .placeholder="${this.placeholder}" .helper="${this.helper}" .error="${(_a2 = this.hiddenInputRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.validationMessage}" .clearable="${this.clearable}" .clearIcon="${this.clearIcon}" .endAligned="${this.endAligned}" .prefix="${this.prefix}" .suffix="${this.suffix}" .icon="${this.icon}" .endIcon="${this.endIcon}" .errorIcon="${this.errorIcon}" .form="${this.form}" .disabled="${this.disabled}" .required="${this.required}" .invalidStyle="${this.invalid}" @clear="${this.onClear}" @change="${(e2) => e2.stopPropagation()}" @keydown="${this.onTextFieldKeyDown}">${oo([
    ], (slotName) => this.hasSlotController.test(slotName) ? ke`<slot name="${slotName}" slot="${slotName}"></slot>` : D)} ${nn(this.multiple && this.value.length, () => ke`<div slot="input" class="chips" part="chips">${oo(this.value, (valueItem) => ke`<mdui-chip class="chip" part="chip" exportparts="${["button", "label", "delete-icon"].map((v2) => `${v2}:chip__${v2}`).join(",")}" variant="input" deletable tabindex="-1" @delete="${() => this.onDeleteOneValue(valueItem)}">${this.getMenuItemLabelByValue(valueItem)}</mdui-chip>`)}</div>`)}</mdui-text-field><mdui-menu ${Kt(this.menuRef)} part="menu" .selects="${this.multiple ? "multiple" : "single"}" .value="${this.value}" @change="${this.onValueChange}"><slot></slot></mdui-menu></mdui-dropdown>`;
    getMenuItemLabelByValue(valueItem) {
      var _a2, _b;
      if (!this.menuItems.length) {
        return valueItem;
      return ((_b = (_a2 = this.menuItems.find((item) => item.value === valueItem)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.textContent) == null ? void 0 : _b.trim()) || valueItem;
    resizeMenu() {
      this.menuRef.value.style.width = `${this.textFieldRef.value.clientWidth}px`;
    async onDropdownOpen() {
      this.textFieldRef.value.focusedStyle = true;
    onDropdownClose() {
      var _a2;
      this.textFieldRef.value.focusedStyle = false;
      if (this.contains(document.activeElement) || this.contains(((_a2 = document.activeElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.assignedSlot) ?? null)) {
        setTimeout(() => {
    async onValueChange(e2) {
      var _a2;
      const menu = e2.target;
      this.value = this.multiple ? menu.value.map((v2) => v2 ?? "") : menu.value ?? "";
      await this.updateComplete;
      const form = this.formController.getForm();
      if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
        this.invalid = false;
      } else {
        this.invalid = !this.hiddenInputRef.value.checkValidity();
     * multiple 为 true 时,点 chip 的删除按钮,删除其中一个值
    onDeleteOneValue(valueItem) {
      const value = [...this.value];
      if (value.includes(valueItem)) {
        value.splice(value.indexOf(valueItem), 1);
      this.value = value;
    onClear() {
      this.value = this.multiple ? [] : "";
     * 焦点在 text-field 上时,按下回车键,打开下拉选项
    onTextFieldKeyDown(event) {
      if (event.key === "Enter") {
  Select.styles = [componentStyle, style$4];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "variant", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Select.prototype, "multiple", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "name", void 0);
  ], Select.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], Select.prototype, "defaultValue", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "label", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "placeholder", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "helper", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Select.prototype, "clearable", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "clear-icon" })
  ], Select.prototype, "clearIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "placement", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "end-aligned"
  ], Select.prototype, "endAligned", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "prefix", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "suffix", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "icon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "end-icon" })
  ], Select.prototype, "endIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "error-icon" })
  ], Select.prototype, "errorIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Select.prototype, "form", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Select.prototype, "readonly", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Select.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Select.prototype, "required", void 0);
  ], Select.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
    o$1({ flatten: true, selector: "mdui-menu-item" })
  ], Select.prototype, "menuItems", void 0);
  Select = __decorate([
  ], Select);
  const style$3 = i$3`.track-active{left:-.125rem;border-radius:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full) 0 0 var(--mdui-shape-corner-full)}`;
  let Slider = class Slider2 extends SliderBase {
    constructor() {
      this.value = 0;
      this.defaultValue = 0;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.handleRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this);
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    async onValueChange() {
      var _a2;
      this.value = this.fixValue(this.value);
      const form = this.formController.getForm();
      if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
        this.invalid = false;
      } else {
        await this.updateComplete;
        this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    connectedCallback() {
      this.value = this.fixValue(this.value);
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      const onTouchStart = () => {
        if (!this.disabled) {
          this.labelVisible = true;
      const onTouchEnd = () => {
        if (!this.disabled) {
          this.labelVisible = false;
      this.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart);
      this.addEventListener("mousedown", onTouchStart);
      this.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd);
      this.addEventListener("mouseup", onTouchEnd);
     * <input /> 用于提供拖拽操作
     * <input class="invalid" /> 用于提供 html5 自带的表单错误提示
    render() {
      return ke`<label class="${Rt({ invalid: this.invalid })}"><input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} type="range" step="${this.step}" min="${this.min}" max="${this.max}" ?disabled="${this.disabled}" .value="${Ft(this.value.toString())}" @input="${this.onInput}" @change="${this.onChange}"><div part="track-inactive" class="track-inactive"></div><div ${Kt(this.trackActiveRef)} part="track-active" class="track-active"></div><div ${Kt(this.handleRef)} part="handle" class="handle"><div class="elevation"></div><mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple>${this.renderLabel(this.value)}</div>${nn(this.tickmarks, () => oo(this.getCandidateValues(), (value) => ke`<div part="tickmark" class="tickmark ${Rt({ active: value < this.value })}" style="${se({
      left: `${(value - this.min) / this.max * 100}%`,
      display: value === this.value ? "none" : "block"
    updateStyle() {
      const percent = (this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * 100;
      this.trackActiveRef.value.style.width = `${percent}%`;
      this.handleRef.value.style.left = `${percent}%`;
    onInput() {
      this.value = parseFloat(this.inputRef.value.value);
  Slider.styles = [SliderBase.styles, style$3];
    n$1({ type: Number })
  ], Slider.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], Slider.prototype, "defaultValue", void 0);
    watch("value", true)
  ], Slider.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
  Slider = __decorate([
  ], Slider);
  const style$2 = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small);--z-index:2400;position:fixed;z-index:var(--z-index);display:none;align-items:center;flex-wrap:wrap;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);min-width:20rem;max-width:36rem;padding:.25rem 0;box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level3);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-surface));color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-on-surface));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-line-height)}:host([placement^=top]){transform-origin:top;top:1rem}:host([placement^=bottom]){transform-origin:bottom;bottom:1rem}:host([placement=bottom-start]),:host([placement=top-start]){left:1rem}:host([placement=bottom-end]),:host([placement=top-end]){right:1rem}.message{display:block;margin:.625rem 1rem}:host([message-line='1']) .message{overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis}:host([message-line='2']) .message{display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-line-clamp:2}.action-group{display:flex;align-items:center;margin-left:auto;padding-right:.5rem}.action,.close-button{display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.action{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-primary));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-label-large-tracking)}.action mdui-button,::slotted(mdui-button[slot=action][variant=outlined]),::slotted(mdui-button[slot=action][variant=text]){color:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit;letter-spacing:inherit;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-inverse-primary)}.action mdui-button::part(button){padding:0 .5rem}.close-button{margin:0 -.25rem 0 .25rem;font-size:1.5rem;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-on-surface))}.close-button mdui-button-icon,::slotted(mdui-button-icon[slot=close-button][variant=outlined]),::slotted(mdui-button-icon[slot=close-button][variant=standard]){font-size:inherit;color:inherit;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-inverse-on-surface)}.close-button .i,::slotted([slot=close-icon]){font-size:inherit}`;
  let Snackbar = class Snackbar2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.open = false;
      this.placement = "bottom";
      this.actionLoading = false;
      this.closeable = false;
      this.autoCloseDelay = 5e3;
      this.closeOnOutsideClick = false;
      this.onDocumentClick = this.onDocumentClick.bind(this);
    async onOpenChange() {
      const isMobile = breakpoint().down("sm");
      const isCenteredHorizontally = ["top", "bottom"].includes(this.placement);
      const easingLinear = getEasing(this, "linear");
      const easingEmphasizedDecelerate = getEasing(this, "emphasized-decelerate");
      const children = Array.from(this.renderRoot.querySelectorAll(".message, .action-group"));
      const commonStyle = isMobile ? { left: "1rem", right: "1rem", minWidth: 0 } : isCenteredHorizontally ? { left: "50%" } : {};
      if (this.open) {
        const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
        if (!hasUpdated) {
          await this.updateComplete;
        if (hasUpdated) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("open", { cancelable: true });
          if (!eventProceeded) {
        if (this.autoCloseDelay) {
          this.closeTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
            this.open = false;
          }, this.autoCloseDelay);
        this.style.display = "flex";
        await Promise.all([
          ...children.map((child) => stopAnimations(child))
        const duration = getDuration(this, "medium4");
        const getOpenStyle = (ident) => {
          const scaleY = `scaleY(${ident === "start" ? 0 : 1})`;
          if (isMobile) {
            return { transform: scaleY };
          } else {
            return {
              transform: [
                isCenteredHorizontally ? "translateX(-50%)" : ""
              ].filter((i3) => i3).join(" ")
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this, [
            { ...getOpenStyle("start"), ...commonStyle },
            { ...getOpenStyle("end"), ...commonStyle }
          ], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingEmphasizedDecelerate,
            fill: "forwards"
          animateTo(this, [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 0.5 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear,
            fill: "forwards"
          ...children.map((child) => animateTo(child, [
            { opacity: 0 },
            { opacity: 0, offset: 0.2 },
            { opacity: 1, offset: 0.8 },
            { opacity: 1 }
          ], {
            duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
            easing: easingLinear
        if (hasUpdated) {
      if (!this.open && this.hasUpdated) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("close", { cancelable: true });
        if (!eventProceeded) {
        await Promise.all([
          ...children.map((child) => stopAnimations(child))
        const duration = getDuration(this, "short4");
        const getCloseStyle = (ident) => {
          const opacity = ident === "start" ? 1 : 0;
          const styles = { opacity };
          if (!isMobile && isCenteredHorizontally) {
            Object.assign(styles, { transform: "translateX(-50%)" });
          return styles;
        await Promise.all([
          animateTo(this, [
            { ...getCloseStyle("start"), ...commonStyle },
            { ...getCloseStyle("end"), ...commonStyle }
          ], {
            easing: easingLinear,
            fill: "forwards"
          ...children.map((child) => animateTo(child, [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0, offset: 0.75 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration, easing: easingLinear }))
        this.style.display = "none";
    connectedCallback() {
      document.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onDocumentClick);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      document.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this.onDocumentClick);
    render() {
      return ke`<slot part="message" class="message"></slot><div class="action-group"><slot name="action" part="action" class="action" @click="${this.onActionClick}">${this.action ? ke`<mdui-button variant="text" loading="${this.actionLoading}">${this.action}</mdui-button>` : nothingTemplate}</slot>${nn(this.closeable, () => ke`<slot name="close-button" part="close-button" class="close-button" @click="${this.onCloseClick}"><mdui-button-icon><slot name="close-icon" part="close-icon">${this.closeIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.closeIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : ke`<mdui-icon-clear class="i"></mdui-icon-clear>`}</slot></mdui-button-icon></slot>`)}</div>`;
     * 在 document 上点击时,根据条件判断是否要关闭 snackbar
    onDocumentClick(e2) {
      if (!this.open || !this.closeOnOutsideClick) {
      const target = e2.target;
      if (!this.contains(target) && this !== target) {
        this.open = false;
    onActionClick(event) {
    onCloseClick() {
      this.open = false;
  Snackbar.styles = [componentStyle, style$2];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "open", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "placement", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "action" })
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "action", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "action-loading"
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "actionLoading", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "closeable", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "close-icon" })
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "closeIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "message-line" })
    // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "messageLine", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "auto-close-delay" })
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "autoCloseDelay", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      attribute: "close-on-outside-click",
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "closeOnOutsideClick", void 0);
  ], Snackbar.prototype, "onOpenChange", null);
  Snackbar = __decorate([
  ], Snackbar);
  const style$1 = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);--shape-corner-thumb:var(--mdui-shape-corner-full);position:relative;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;height:2.5rem}:host([disabled]){cursor:default;pointer-events:none}label{display:inline-flex;align-items:center;width:100%;height:100%;white-space:nowrap;cursor:inherit;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;touch-action:manipulation;zoom:1;-webkit-user-drag:none}.track{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;border-radius:var(--shape-corner);transition-property:background-color,border-width;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard);height:2rem;width:3.25rem;border:.125rem solid rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline));background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest))}:host([checked]) .track{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary));border-width:0}.invalid .track{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error-container));border-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]) .track{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest),.12);border-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.12)}:host([disabled][checked]) .track{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.12)}input{position:absolute;padding:0;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;width:1.25rem;height:1.25rem;margin:0 0 0 .625rem}mdui-ripple{border-radius:50%;transition-property:left,top;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard);width:2.5rem;height:2.5rem}.thumb{position:absolute;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;border-radius:var(--shape-corner-thumb);transition-property:width,height,left,background-color;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard);height:1rem;width:1rem;left:.375rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-outline));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}.thumb mdui-ripple{left:-.75rem;top:-.75rem}.has-unchecked-icon .thumb{height:1.5rem;width:1.5rem;left:.125rem}.has-unchecked-icon .thumb mdui-ripple{left:-.5rem;top:-.5rem}:host([focus-visible]) .thumb,:host([hover]) .thumb,:host([pressed]) .thumb{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([checked]) .thumb{height:1.5rem;width:1.5rem;left:1.5rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}:host([checked]) .thumb mdui-ripple{left:-.5rem;top:-.5rem}:host([pressed]) .thumb{height:1.75rem;width:1.75rem;left:0}:host([pressed]) .thumb mdui-ripple{left:-.375rem;top:-.375rem}:host([pressed][checked]) .thumb{left:1.375rem}:host([focus-visible][checked]) .thumb,:host([hover][checked]) .thumb,:host([pressed][checked]) .thumb{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary-container))}.invalid .thumb{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error));--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-error)}:host([focus-visible]) .invalid .thumb,:host([hover]) .invalid .thumb,:host([pressed]) .invalid .thumb{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error))}:host([disabled]) .thumb{background-color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.38)}:host([disabled][checked]) .thumb{background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface))}.checked-icon,.unchecked-icon{display:flex;position:absolute;transition-property:opacity,transform;font-size:1rem}.unchecked-icon{opacity:1;transform:scale(1);transition-delay:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1);transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest))}:host([checked]) .unchecked-icon{opacity:0;transform:scale(.92);transition-delay:0s;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1)}:host([disabled]) .unchecked-icon{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-surface-container-highest),.38)}.checked-icon{opacity:0;transform:scale(.92);transition-delay:0s;transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-primary-container))}:host([checked]) .checked-icon{opacity:1;transform:scale(1);transition-delay:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short1);transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short3)}.invalid .checked-icon{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-error-container))}:host([disabled]) .checked-icon{color:rgba(var(--mdui-color-on-surface),.38)}.checked-icon .i,.unchecked-icon .i,::slotted([slot=checked-icon]),::slotted([slot=unchecked-icon]){font-size:inherit;color:inherit}`;
  let Switch = class Switch2 extends RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement)) {
    constructor() {
      this.disabled = false;
      this.checked = false;
      this.defaultChecked = false;
      this.required = false;
      this.name = "";
      this.value = "on";
      this.invalid = false;
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.inputRef = ii();
      this.formController = new FormController(this, {
        value: (control) => control.checked ? control.value : void 0,
        defaultValue: (control) => control.defaultChecked,
        setValue: (control, checked) => control.checked = checked
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "unchecked-icon");
     * 表单验证状态对象,具体参见 [`ValidityState`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ValidityState)
    get validity() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validity;
     * 如果表单验证未通过,此属性将包含提示信息。如果验证通过,此属性将为空字符串
    get validationMessage() {
      return this.inputRef.value.validationMessage;
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    get focusElement() {
      return this.inputRef.value;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return this.disabled;
    async onDisabledChange() {
      await this.updateComplete;
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    async onCheckedChange() {
      var _a2;
      await this.updateComplete;
      const form = this.formController.getForm();
      if (form && ((_a2 = formResets.get(form)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.has(this))) {
        this.invalid = false;
      } else {
        this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`
    checkValidity() {
      const valid = this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
      if (!valid) {
        this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
      return valid;
     * 检查表单字段是否通过验证。如果未通过,返回 `false` 并触发 `invalid` 事件;如果通过,返回 `true`。
     * 如果验证未通过,还会在组件上显示验证失败的提示。
    reportValidity() {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.reportValidity();
      if (this.invalid) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("invalid", {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: true,
          composed: false
        if (!eventProceeded) {
      return !this.invalid;
     * 设置自定义的错误提示文本。只要这个文本不为空,就表示字段未通过验证
     * @param message 自定义的错误提示文本
    setCustomValidity(message) {
      this.invalid = !this.inputRef.value.checkValidity();
    render() {
      return ke`<label class="${Rt({
      invalid: this.invalid,
      "has-unchecked-icon": this.uncheckedIcon || this.hasSlotController.test("unchecked-icon")
    })}"><input ${Kt(this.inputRef)} type="checkbox" name="${to(this.name)}" value="${to(this.value)}" .disabled="${this.disabled}" .checked="${Ft(this.checked)}" .required="${this.required}" @change="${this.onChange}"><div part="track" class="track"><div part="thumb" class="thumb"><mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple><slot name="checked-icon" part="checked-icon" class="checked-icon">${this.checkedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.checkedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : this.checkedIcon === "" ? nothingTemplate : ke`<mdui-icon-check class="i"></mdui-icon-check>`}</slot><slot name="unchecked-icon" part="unchecked-icon" class="unchecked-icon">${this.uncheckedIcon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.uncheckedIcon}" class="i"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot></div></div></label>`;
     * input[type="checkbox"] 的 change 事件无法冒泡越过 shadow dom
    onChange() {
      this.checked = this.inputRef.value.checked;
  Switch.styles = [componentStyle, style$1];
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Switch.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Switch.prototype, "checked", void 0);
  ], Switch.prototype, "defaultChecked", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "unchecked-icon" })
  ], Switch.prototype, "uncheckedIcon", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "checked-icon" })
  ], Switch.prototype, "checkedIcon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Switch.prototype, "required", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Switch.prototype, "form", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Switch.prototype, "name", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Switch.prototype, "value", void 0);
  ], Switch.prototype, "invalid", void 0);
    watch("disabled", true),
    watch("required", true)
  ], Switch.prototype, "onDisabledChange", null);
    watch("checked", true)
  ], Switch.prototype, "onCheckedChange", null);
  Switch = __decorate([
  ], Switch);
  const tabStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-on-surface)}:host([active]){--mdui-comp-ripple-state-layer-color:var(--mdui-color-primary)}.container{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;height:100%}.preset{flex-direction:column;min-height:3rem;padding:.625rem 1rem}:host([inline]) .preset{flex-direction:row}.icon-container,.label-container{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.icon-container ::slotted([slot=badge]){position:absolute;transform:translate(50%,-50%)}.icon-container ::slotted([slot=badge][variant=small]){transform:translate(.5625rem,-.5625rem)}.label-container ::slotted([slot=badge]){position:absolute;left:100%;bottom:100%;transform:translate(-.75rem,.625rem)}.label-container ::slotted([slot=badge][variant=small]){transform:translate(-.375rem,.375rem)}.icon,.label{display:flex;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant))}:host([focused]) .icon,:host([focused]) .label,:host([hover]) .icon,:host([hover]) .label,:host([pressed]) .icon,:host([pressed]) .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}:host([active]) .icon,:host([active]) .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}:host([active]) .variant-secondary .icon,:host([active]) .variant-secondary .label{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}.icon{font-size:1.5rem}.label{font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-line-height)}.icon mdui-icon,::slotted([slot=icon]){font-size:inherit;color:inherit}`;
  let Tab = class Tab2 extends RippleMixin(FocusableMixin(MduiElement)) {
    constructor() {
      this.inline = false;
      this.active = false;
      this.variant = "primary";
      this.key = uniqueId();
      this.rippleRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "icon", "custom");
    get rippleElement() {
      return this.rippleRef.value;
    get rippleDisabled() {
      return false;
    get focusElement() {
      return this;
    get focusDisabled() {
      return false;
    render() {
      const hasIcon = this.icon || this.hasSlotController.test("icon");
      const hasCustomSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("custom");
      const renderBadge = () => ke`<slot name="badge"></slot>`;
      return ke`<mdui-ripple ${Kt(this.rippleRef)} .noRipple="${this.noRipple}"></mdui-ripple><div part="container" class="${Rt({
      container: true,
      preset: !hasCustomSlot,
      "variant-secondary": this.variant === "secondary"
    })}"><slot name="custom"><div class="icon-container">${nn(hasIcon || this.icon, renderBadge)}<slot name="icon" part="icon" class="icon">${this.icon ? ke`<mdui-icon name="${this.icon}"></mdui-icon>` : nothingTemplate}</slot></div><div class="label-container">${nn(!hasIcon, renderBadge)}<slot part="label" class="label"></slot></div></slot></div>`;
  Tab.styles = [componentStyle, tabStyle];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tab.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tab.prototype, "icon", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Tab.prototype, "inline", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Tab.prototype, "active", void 0);
  ], Tab.prototype, "variant", void 0);
  Tab = __decorate([
  ], Tab);
  const tabPanelStyle = i$3`:host{display:block;overflow-y:auto;flex:1 1 auto}:host(:not([active])){display:none}`;
  let TabPanel = class TabPanel2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.active = false;
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
  TabPanel.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TabPanel.prototype, "value", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TabPanel.prototype, "active", void 0);
  TabPanel = __decorate([
  ], TabPanel);
  const tabsStyle = i$3`:host{position:relative;display:flex}:host([placement^=top]){flex-direction:column}:host([placement^=bottom]){flex-direction:column-reverse}:host([placement^=left]){flex-direction:row}:host([placement^=right]){flex-direction:row-reverse}.container{position:relative;display:flex;flex:0 0 auto;overflow-x:auto;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface))}:host([placement^=bottom]) .container,:host([placement^=top]) .container{flex-direction:row}:host([placement^=left]) .container,:host([placement^=right]) .container{flex-direction:column}:host([placement$='-start']) .container{justify-content:flex-start}:host([placement=bottom]) .container,:host([placement=left]) .container,:host([placement=right]) .container,:host([placement=top]) .container{justify-content:center}:host([placement$='-end']) .container{justify-content:flex-end}.container::after{content:' ';position:absolute;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-variant))}:host([placement^=bottom]) .container::after,:host([placement^=top]) .container::after{left:0;width:100%;height:.0625rem}:host([placement^=top]) .container::after{bottom:0}:host([placement^=bottom]) .container::after{top:0}:host([placement^=left]) .container::after,:host([placement^=right]) .container::after{top:0;height:100%;width:.0625rem}:host([placement^=left]) .container::after{right:0}:host([placement^=right]) .container::after{left:0}.indicator{position:absolute;z-index:1;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-primary))}.container:not(.initial) .indicator{transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-medium2);transition-timing-function:var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard-decelerate)}:host([placement^=bottom]) .indicator,:host([placement^=top]) .indicator{transition-property:transform,left,width}:host([placement^=left]) .indicator,:host([placement^=right]) .indicator{transition-property:transform,top,height}:host([placement^=top]) .indicator{bottom:0}:host([placement^=bottom]) .indicator{top:0}:host([placement^=left]) .indicator{right:0}:host([placement^=right]) .indicator{left:0}:host([placement^=bottom][variant=primary]) .indicator,:host([placement^=top][variant=primary]) .indicator{height:.1875rem}:host([placement^=bottom][variant=secondary]) .indicator,:host([placement^=top][variant=secondary]) .indicator{height:.125rem}:host([placement^=left][variant=primary]) .indicator,:host([placement^=right][variant=primary]) .indicator{width:.1875rem}:host([placement^=left][variant=secondary]) .indicator,:host([placement^=right][variant=secondary]) .indicator{width:.125rem}:host([placement^=top][variant=primary]) .indicator{border-top-left-radius:.1875rem;border-top-right-radius:.1875rem}:host([placement^=bottom][variant=primary]) .indicator{border-bottom-right-radius:.1875rem;border-bottom-left-radius:.1875rem}:host([placement^=left][variant=primary]) .indicator{border-top-left-radius:.1875rem;border-bottom-left-radius:.1875rem}:host([placement^=right][variant=primary]) .indicator{border-top-right-radius:.1875rem;border-bottom-right-radius:.1875rem}:host([full-width]) ::slotted(mdui-tab){flex:1}`;
  let Tabs = class Tabs2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "primary";
      this.placement = "top-start";
      this.fullWidth = false;
      this.activeKey = 0;
      this.isInitial = true;
      this.containerRef = ii();
      this.indicatorRef = ii();
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        relatedElements: ["mdui-tab", "mdui-tab-panel"]
    async onActiveKeyChange() {
      var _a2;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      this.value = (_a2 = this.tabs.find((tab) => tab.key === this.activeKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value;
      if (!this.isInitial) {
    async onValueChange() {
      this.isInitial = !this.hasUpdated;
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const tab = this.tabs.find((tab2) => tab2.value === this.value);
      this.activeKey = (tab == null ? void 0 : tab.key) ?? 0;
    async onIndicatorChange() {
      await this.updateComplete;
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2;
      (_a2 = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _a2.unobserve();
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.observeResize = observeResize(this.containerRef.value, () => this.updateIndicator());
    render() {
      return ke`<div ${Kt(this.containerRef)} part="container" class="container ${Rt({ initial: this.isInitial })}"><slot @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}" @click="${this.onClick}"></slot><div ${Kt(this.indicatorRef)} part="indicator" class="indicator"></div></div><slot name="panel" @slotchange="${this.onSlotChange}"></slot>`;
    async onSlotChange() {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    async onClick(event) {
      if (event.button) {
      await this.definedController.whenDefined();
      const target = event.target;
      const tab = target.closest("mdui-tab");
      if (!tab) {
      this.activeKey = tab.key;
      this.isInitial = false;
    updateActive() {
      this.activeTab = this.tabs.map((tab) => {
        tab.active = this.activeKey === tab.key;
        return tab;
      }).find((tab) => tab.active);
      this.panels.forEach((panel) => {
        var _a2;
        return panel.active = panel.value === ((_a2 = this.activeTab) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value);
    updateIndicator() {
      const activeTab = this.activeTab;
      const $indicator = $$1(this.indicatorRef.value);
      const isVertical = this.placement.startsWith("left") || this.placement.startsWith("right");
      if (!activeTab) {
          transform: isVertical ? "scaleY(0)" : "scaleX(0)"
      const $activeTab = $$1(activeTab);
      const offsetTop = activeTab.offsetTop;
      const offsetLeft = activeTab.offsetLeft;
      const commonStyle = isVertical ? { transform: "scaleY(1)", width: "", left: "" } : { transform: "scaleX(1)", height: "", top: "" };
      let shownStyle = {};
      if (this.variant === "primary") {
        const $customSlots = $activeTab.find(':scope > [slot="custom"]');
        const children = $customSlots.length ? $customSlots.get() : $$1(activeTab.renderRoot).find('slot[name="custom"]').children().get();
        if (isVertical) {
          const top = Math.min(...children.map((child) => child.offsetTop)) + offsetTop;
          const bottom = Math.max(...children.map((child) => child.offsetTop + child.offsetHeight)) + offsetTop;
          shownStyle = { top, height: bottom - top };
        } else {
          const left = Math.min(...children.map((child) => child.offsetLeft)) + offsetLeft;
          const right = Math.max(...children.map((child) => child.offsetLeft + child.offsetWidth)) + offsetLeft;
          shownStyle = { left, width: right - left };
      if (this.variant === "secondary") {
        shownStyle = isVertical ? { top: offsetTop, height: activeTab.offsetHeight } : { left: offsetLeft, width: activeTab.offsetWidth };
      $indicator.css({ ...commonStyle, ...shownStyle });
  Tabs.styles = [componentStyle, tabsStyle];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tabs.prototype, "variant", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tabs.prototype, "value", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tabs.prototype, "placement", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter,
      attribute: "full-width"
  ], Tabs.prototype, "fullWidth", void 0);
  ], Tabs.prototype, "activeKey", void 0);
  ], Tabs.prototype, "isInitial", void 0);
    o$1({ selector: "mdui-tab", flatten: true })
  ], Tabs.prototype, "tabs", void 0);
      selector: "mdui-tab-panel",
      slot: "panel",
      flatten: true
  ], Tabs.prototype, "panels", void 0);
    watch("activeKey", true)
  ], Tabs.prototype, "onActiveKeyChange", null);
  ], Tabs.prototype, "onValueChange", null);
    watch("variant", true),
    watch("placement", true),
    watch("fullWidth", true)
  ], Tabs.prototype, "onIndicatorChange", null);
  Tabs = __decorate([
  ], Tabs);
  class HoverController {
     * @param host
     * @param elementRef 检查鼠标是否放在该元素上
    constructor(host, elementRef) {
      this.isHover = false;
      this.uniqueID = uniqueId();
      this.enterEventName = `mouseenter.${this.uniqueID}.hoverController`;
      this.leaveEventName = `mouseleave.${this.uniqueID}.hoverController`;
      this.mouseEnterItems = [];
      this.mouseLeaveItems = [];
      (this.host = host).addController(this);
      this.elementRef = elementRef;
    hostConnected() {
      this.host.updateComplete.then(() => {
        $$1(this.elementRef.value).on(this.enterEventName, () => {
          this.isHover = true;
          for (let i3 = this.mouseEnterItems.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
            const item = this.mouseEnterItems[i3];
            if (item.one) {
              this.mouseEnterItems.splice(i3, 1);
        }).on(this.leaveEventName, () => {
          this.isHover = false;
          for (let i3 = this.mouseLeaveItems.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
            const item = this.mouseLeaveItems[i3];
            if (item.one) {
              this.mouseLeaveItems.splice(i3, 1);
    hostDisconnected() {
     * 指定鼠标移入时的回调函数
     * @param callback 要执行的回调函数
     * @param one 是否仅执行一次
    onMouseEnter(callback, one = false) {
      this.mouseEnterItems.push({ callback, one });
     * 指定鼠标移出时的回调函数
     * @param callback 要执行的回调函数
     * @param one 是否仅执行一次
    onMouseLeave(callback, one = false) {
      this.mouseLeaveItems.push({ callback, one });
  const style = i$3`:host{--shape-corner-plain:var(--mdui-shape-corner-extra-small);--shape-corner-rich:var(--mdui-shape-corner-medium);--z-index:2500;display:contents}.popup{position:fixed;display:flex;flex-direction:column;z-index:var(--z-index);border-radius:var(--shape-corner-plain);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-surface));padding:0 .5rem;min-width:1.75rem;max-width:20rem}:host([variant=rich]) .popup{border-radius:var(--shape-corner-rich);background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2);padding:.75rem 1rem .5rem 1rem}.headline{display:flex;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-title-small-line-height)}.content{display:flex;padding:.25rem 0;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-inverse-on-surface));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-small-line-height)}:host([variant=rich]) .content{color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-body-medium-line-height)}.action{display:flex;justify-content:flex-start;padding-top:.5rem}.action ::slotted(:not(:last-child)){margin-right:.5rem}`;
  let Tooltip = class Tooltip2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "plain";
      this.placement = "auto";
      this.openDelay = 150;
      this.closeDelay = 150;
      this.trigger = "hover focus";
      this.disabled = false;
      this.open = false;
      this.popupRef = ii();
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "headline", "action");
      this.hoverController = new HoverController(this, this.popupRef);
      this.definedController = new DefinedController(this, {
        needDomReady: true
      this.onDocumentClick = this.onDocumentClick.bind(this);
      this.onWindowScroll = this.onWindowScroll.bind(this);
      this.onFocus = this.onFocus.bind(this);
      this.onBlur = this.onBlur.bind(this);
      this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
      this.onKeydown = this.onKeydown.bind(this);
      this.onMouseEnter = this.onMouseEnter.bind(this);
      this.onMouseLeave = this.onMouseLeave.bind(this);
     * 获取第一个非 <style> 和 content slot 的子元素,作为 tooltip 的目标元素
    get target() {
      return [...this.children].find((el) => el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "style" && el.getAttribute("slot") !== "content");
    async onPositionChange() {
      if (this.open) {
        await this.definedController.whenDefined();
    async onOpenChange() {
      const hasUpdated = this.hasUpdated;
      const duration = getDuration(this, "short4");
      const easing = getEasing(this, "standard");
      if (this.open) {
        await this.definedController.whenDefined();
        $$1(`mdui-tooltip[variant="${this.variant}"]`).filter((_2, element) => element !== this).prop("open", false);
        if (!hasUpdated) {
          await this.updateComplete;
        if (hasUpdated) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("open", { cancelable: true });
          if (!eventProceeded) {
        await stopAnimations(this.popupRef.value);
        this.popupRef.value.hidden = false;
        await animateTo(this.popupRef.value, [{ transform: "scale(0)" }, { transform: "scale(1)" }], {
          duration: hasUpdated ? duration : 0,
        if (hasUpdated) {
      if (!this.open && hasUpdated) {
        const eventProceeded = this.emit("close", { cancelable: true });
        if (!eventProceeded) {
        await stopAnimations(this.popupRef.value);
        await animateTo(this.popupRef.value, [{ transform: "scale(1)" }, { transform: "scale(0)" }], { duration, easing });
        this.popupRef.value.hidden = true;
    connectedCallback() {
      document.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onDocumentClick);
      this.overflowAncestors = getOverflowAncestors(this.target);
      this.overflowAncestors.forEach((ancestor) => {
        ancestor.addEventListener("scroll", this.onWindowScroll);
    disconnectedCallback() {
      var _a2, _b;
      document.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this.onDocumentClick);
      (_a2 = this.overflowAncestors) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((ancestor) => {
        ancestor.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onWindowScroll);
      (_b = this.observeResize) == null ? void 0 : _b.unobserve();
    firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
      this.definedController.whenDefined().then(() => {
        const target = this.target;
        target.addEventListener("focus", this.onFocus);
        target.addEventListener("blur", this.onBlur);
        target.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onClick);
        target.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeydown);
        target.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.onMouseEnter);
        target.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave);
        this.observeResize = observeResize(target, () => {
    render() {
      const hasHeadline = this.isRich() && (this.headline || this.hasSlotController.test("headline"));
      const hasAction = this.isRich() && this.hasSlotController.test("action");
      return ke`<slot></slot><div ${Kt(this.popupRef)} part="popup" class="popup" hidden>${nn(hasHeadline, () => ke`<slot name="headline" part="headline" class="headline">${this.headline}</slot>`)}<slot name="content" part="content" class="content">${this.content}</slot>${nn(hasAction, () => ke`<slot name="action" part="action" class="action"></slot>`)}</div>`;
    isRich() {
      return this.variant === "rich";
     * 请求关闭 tooltip。鼠标未悬浮在 tooltip 上时,直接关闭;否则等鼠标移走再关闭
    requestClose() {
      if (!this.hoverController.isHover) {
        this.open = false;
      this.hoverController.onMouseLeave(() => {
        if (this.hasTrigger("hover")) {
          this.hoverTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
            this.open = false;
          }, this.closeDelay || 50);
        } else {
          this.open = false;
      }, true);
    hasTrigger(trigger) {
      const triggers = this.trigger.split(" ");
      return triggers.includes(trigger);
    onFocus() {
      if (this.disabled || this.open || !this.hasTrigger("focus")) {
      this.open = true;
    onBlur() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.open || !this.hasTrigger("focus")) {
    onClick(e2) {
      if (this.disabled || e2.button || !this.hasTrigger("click")) {
      if (this.open && (this.hasTrigger("hover") || this.hasTrigger("focus"))) {
      this.open = !this.open;
    onKeydown(e2) {
      if (this.disabled || !this.open || e2.key !== "Escape") {
    onMouseEnter() {
      if (this.disabled || this.open || !this.hasTrigger("hover")) {
      if (this.openDelay) {
        this.hoverTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
          this.open = true;
        }, this.openDelay);
      } else {
        this.open = true;
    onMouseLeave() {
      if (this.disabled || !this.open || !this.hasTrigger("hover")) {
      this.hoverTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
      }, this.closeDelay || 50);
     * 在 document 上点击时,根据条件判断是否关闭 tooltip
    onDocumentClick(e2) {
      if (this.disabled || !this.open) {
      const path = e2.composedPath();
      if (!path.includes(this)) {
    onWindowScroll() {
      window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.updatePositioner());
    updatePositioner() {
      const $popup = $$1(this.popupRef.value);
      const targetMargin = this.isRich() ? 0 : 4;
      const popupMargin = 4;
      const targetRect = this.target.getBoundingClientRect();
      const targetTop = targetRect.top;
      const targetLeft = targetRect.left;
      const targetHeight = targetRect.height;
      const targetWidth = targetRect.width;
      const popupHeight = this.popupRef.value.offsetHeight;
      const popupWidth = this.popupRef.value.offsetWidth;
      const popupXSpace = popupWidth + targetMargin + popupMargin;
      const popupYSpace = popupHeight + targetMargin + popupMargin;
      let transformOriginX;
      let transformOriginY;
      let top;
      let left;
      let placement = this.placement;
      if (placement === "auto") {
        const $window = $$1(window);
        const hasTopSpace = targetTop > popupYSpace;
        const hasBottomSpace = $window.height() - targetTop - targetHeight > popupYSpace;
        const hasLeftSpace = targetLeft > popupXSpace;
        const hasRightSpace = $window.width() - targetLeft - targetWidth > popupXSpace;
        if (this.isRich()) {
          placement = "bottom-right";
          if (hasBottomSpace && hasRightSpace) {
            placement = "bottom-right";
          } else if (hasBottomSpace && hasLeftSpace) {
            placement = "bottom-left";
          } else if (hasTopSpace && hasRightSpace) {
            placement = "top-right";
          } else if (hasTopSpace && hasLeftSpace) {
            placement = "top-left";
          } else if (hasBottomSpace) {
            placement = "bottom";
          } else if (hasTopSpace) {
            placement = "top";
          } else if (hasRightSpace) {
            placement = "right";
          } else if (hasLeftSpace) {
            placement = "left";
        } else {
          placement = "top";
          if (hasTopSpace) {
            placement = "top";
          } else if (hasBottomSpace) {
            placement = "bottom";
          } else if (hasLeftSpace) {
            placement = "left";
          } else if (hasRightSpace) {
            placement = "right";
      const [position, alignment] = placement.split("-");
      switch (position) {
        case "top":
          transformOriginY = "bottom";
          top = targetTop - popupHeight - targetMargin;
        case "bottom":
          transformOriginY = "top";
          top = targetTop + targetHeight + targetMargin;
          transformOriginY = "center";
          switch (alignment) {
            case "start":
              top = targetTop;
            case "end":
              top = targetTop + targetHeight - popupHeight;
              top = targetTop + targetHeight / 2 - popupHeight / 2;
      switch (position) {
        case "left":
          transformOriginX = "right";
          left = targetLeft - popupWidth - targetMargin;
        case "right":
          transformOriginX = "left";
          left = targetLeft + targetWidth + targetMargin;
          transformOriginX = "center";
          switch (alignment) {
            case "start":
              left = targetLeft;
            case "end":
              left = targetLeft + targetWidth - popupWidth;
            case "left":
              transformOriginX = "right";
              left = targetLeft - popupWidth - targetMargin;
            case "right":
              transformOriginX = "left";
              left = targetLeft + targetWidth + targetMargin;
              left = targetLeft + targetWidth / 2 - popupWidth / 2;
        transformOrigin: [transformOriginX, transformOriginY].join(" ")
  Tooltip.styles = [componentStyle, style];
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "variant", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "placement", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "open-delay" })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "openDelay", void 0);
    n$1({ type: Number, reflect: true, attribute: "close-delay" })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "closeDelay", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "headline", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "content", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "trigger", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "open", void 0);
    watch("placement", true),
    watch("content", true)
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "onPositionChange", null);
  ], Tooltip.prototype, "onOpenChange", null);
  Tooltip = __decorate([
  ], Tooltip);
  const getInnerHtmlFromSlot = (slot) => {
    const nodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true });
    let html = "";
    [...nodes].forEach((node) => {
      if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        html += node.outerHTML;
      if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
        html += node.textContent;
    return html;
  const topAppBarTitleStyle = i$3`:host{display:block;width:100%;flex-shrink:initial!important;overflow:hidden;color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface));font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-title-large-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-title-large-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-title-large-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-title-large-line-height);line-height:2.5rem}.label{display:block;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;opacity:1;transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear)}.label.variant-center-aligned{text-align:center}.label.variant-large:not(.shrink),.label.variant-medium:not(.shrink){opacity:0}.label.variant-large.shrink,.label.variant-medium.shrink{transition-delay:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2)}.label-large{display:none;position:absolute;width:100%;left:0;margin-right:0;padding:0 1rem;transition:opacity var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear)}.label-large.variant-large,.label-large.variant-medium{display:block}.label-large.variant-medium{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;bottom:.75rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-small-line-height)}.label-large.variant-large{display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;white-space:normal;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-line-clamp:2;bottom:1.25rem;font-size:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-size);font-weight:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-weight);letter-spacing:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-tracking);line-height:var(--mdui-typescale-headline-medium-line-height)}.label-large.variant-large:not(.shrink),.label-large.variant-medium:not(.shrink){opacity:1;transition-delay:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short2)}.label-large.variant-large.shrink,.label-large.variant-medium.shrink{opacity:0;z-index:-1}`;
  let TopAppBarTitle = class TopAppBarTitle2 extends MduiElement {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "small";
      this.shrink = false;
      this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "label-large");
      this.labelLargeRef = ii();
      this.defaultSlotRef = ii();
    render() {
      const hasLabelLargeSlot = this.hasSlotController.test("label-large");
      const className2 = Rt({
        shrink: this.shrink,
        "variant-center-aligned": this.variant === "center-aligned",
        "variant-small": this.variant === "small",
        "variant-medium": this.variant === "medium",
        "variant-large": this.variant === "large"
      return ke`<slot part="label" class="label ${className2}" ${Kt(this.defaultSlotRef)} @slotchange="${() => this.onSlotChange(hasLabelLargeSlot)}"></slot>${hasLabelLargeSlot ? ke`<slot name="label-large" part="label-large" class="label-large ${className2}"></slot>` : ke`<div ${Kt(this.labelLargeRef)} part="label-large" class="label-large ${className2}"></div>`}`;
     * default slot 变化时,同步到 label-large 中
     * @param hasLabelLargeSlot
     * @private
    onSlotChange(hasLabelLargeSlot) {
      if (!hasLabelLargeSlot) {
        this.labelLargeRef.value.innerHTML = getInnerHtmlFromSlot(this.defaultSlotRef.value);
  TopAppBarTitle.styles = [
  ], TopAppBarTitle.prototype, "variant", void 0);
  ], TopAppBarTitle.prototype, "shrink", void 0);
  TopAppBarTitle = __decorate([
  ], TopAppBarTitle);
  const topAppBarStyle = i$3`:host{--shape-corner:var(--mdui-shape-corner-none);--z-index:2000;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;left:0;display:flex;flex:0 0 auto;align-items:flex-start;justify-content:flex-start;border-bottom-left-radius:var(--shape-corner);border-bottom-right-radius:var(--shape-corner);z-index:var(--z-index);transition:top var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard),height var(--mdui-motion-duration-long2) var(--mdui-motion-easing-standard),box-shadow var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear),background-color var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4) var(--mdui-motion-easing-linear);padding:.75rem .5rem;height:4rem;background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface))}:host([scroll-target]:not([scroll-target=''])){position:absolute}:host([scroll-behavior~=shrink]){transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4)}:host([scrolling]){background-color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-surface-container));box-shadow:var(--mdui-elevation-level2)}::slotted(mdui-button-icon){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface-variant));font-size:1.5rem}::slotted(mdui-button-icon:first-child){color:rgb(var(--mdui-color-on-surface))}::slotted(mdui-avatar){width:1.875rem;height:1.875rem;margin-top:.3125rem;margin-bottom:.3125rem}::slotted(*){flex-shrink:0}::slotted(:not(:last-child)){margin-right:.5rem}:host([variant=medium]){height:7rem}:host([variant=large]){height:9.5rem}:host([hide]){transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);top:-4.625rem}:host([hide][variant=medium]){top:-7.625rem}:host([hide][variant=large]){top:-10.125rem}:host([shrink][variant=large]),:host([shrink][variant=medium]){transition-duration:var(--mdui-motion-duration-short4);height:4rem}`;
  let TopAppBar = class TopAppBar2 extends ScrollBehaviorMixin(LayoutItemBase) {
    constructor() {
      this.variant = "small";
      this.hide = false;
      this.shrink = false;
      this.scrolling = false;
    get scrollPaddingPosition() {
      return "top";
    get layoutPlacement() {
      return "top";
    async onVariantChange() {
      if (this.hasUpdated) {
        this.addEventListener("transitionend", async () => {
          await this.scrollBehaviorDefinedController.whenDefined();
        }, { once: true });
      } else {
        await this.updateComplete;
      this.titleElements.forEach((titleElement) => {
        titleElement.variant = this.variant;
    async onShrinkChange() {
      if (!this.hasUpdated) {
        await this.updateComplete;
      this.titleElements.forEach((titleElement) => {
        titleElement.shrink = this.shrink;
    firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
      this.addEventListener("transitionend", (e2) => {
        if (e2.target === this) {
          this.emit(this.hide ? "hidden" : "shown");
    render() {
      return ke`<slot></slot>`;
    runScrollNoThreshold(isScrollingUp, scrollTop) {
      if (this.hasScrollBehavior("shrink")) {
        if (isScrollingUp && scrollTop < 8) {
          this.shrink = false;
    runScrollThreshold(isScrollingUp, scrollTop) {
      if (this.hasScrollBehavior("elevate")) {
        this.scrolling = !!scrollTop;
      if (this.hasScrollBehavior("shrink")) {
        if (!isScrollingUp) {
          this.shrink = true;
      if (this.hasScrollBehavior("hide")) {
        if (!isScrollingUp && !this.hide) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("hide", { cancelable: true });
          if (eventProceeded) {
            this.hide = true;
        if (isScrollingUp && this.hide) {
          const eventProceeded = this.emit("show", { cancelable: true });
          if (eventProceeded) {
            this.hide = false;
  TopAppBar.styles = [
    n$1({ reflect: true })
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "variant", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "hide", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "shrink", void 0);
    n$1({ reflect: true, attribute: "scroll-behavior" })
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "scrollBehavior", void 0);
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
      converter: booleanConverter
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "scrolling", void 0);
    o$1({ selector: "mdui-top-app-bar-title", flatten: true })
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "titleElements", void 0);
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "onVariantChange", null);
  ], TopAppBar.prototype, "onShrinkChange", null);
  TopAppBar = __decorate([
  ], TopAppBar);
  function isPromise(obj) {
    return !!obj && (typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function") && typeof obj.then === "function";
  const container = {};
  function queue(name, func) {
    if (isUndefined(container[name])) {
      container[name] = [];
    if (isUndefined(func)) {
      return container[name];
  function dequeue(name) {
    if (isUndefined(container[name])) {
    if (!container[name].length) {
    const func = container[name].shift();
  const defaultAction = {
    onClick: returnTrue
  const queueName$1 = "mdui.functions.dialog.";
  let currentDialog = void 0;
  const dialog = (options) => {
    const dialog2 = new Dialog();
    const $dialog = $$1(dialog2);
    const properties = [
    const callbacks = ["onOpen", "onOpened", "onClose", "onClosed", "onOverlayClick"];
    Object.entries(options).forEach(([key2, value]) => {
      if (properties.includes(key2)) {
        dialog2[key2] = value;
      } else if (callbacks.includes(key2)) {
        const eventName = toKebabCase(key2.slice(2));
        $dialog.on(eventName, () => {
          value.call(dialog2, dialog2);
    if (options.body) {
    if (options.actions) {
      options.actions.forEach((action) => {
        const mergedAction = Object.assign({}, defaultAction, action);
      >${mergedAction.text}</mdui-button>`).appendTo($dialog).on("click", function() {
          const clickResult = mergedAction.onClick.call(dialog2, dialog2);
          if (isPromise(clickResult)) {
            this.loading = true;
            clickResult.then(() => {
              dialog2.open = false;
            }).finally(() => {
              this.loading = false;
          } else if (clickResult !== false) {
            dialog2.open = false;
    $dialog.appendTo("body").on("closed", () => {
      if (options.queue) {
        currentDialog = void 0;
        dequeue(queueName$1 + options.queue);
    if (!options.queue) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        dialog2.open = true;
    } else if (currentDialog) {
      queue(queueName$1 + options.queue, () => {
        dialog2.open = true;
        currentDialog = dialog2;
    } else {
      setTimeout(() => {
        dialog2.open = true;
      currentDialog = dialog2;
    return dialog2;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  function signum(num) {
    if (num < 0) {
      return -1;
    } else if (num === 0) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return 1;
  function lerp(start, stop, amount) {
    return (1 - amount) * start + amount * stop;
  function clampInt(min, max, input) {
    if (input < min) {
      return min;
    } else if (input > max) {
      return max;
    return input;
  function clampDouble(min, max, input) {
    if (input < min) {
      return min;
    } else if (input > max) {
      return max;
    return input;
  function sanitizeDegreesDouble(degrees) {
    degrees = degrees % 360;
    if (degrees < 0) {
      degrees = degrees + 360;
    return degrees;
  function matrixMultiply(row, matrix) {
    const a2 = row[0] * matrix[0][0] + row[1] * matrix[0][1] + row[2] * matrix[0][2];
    const b3 = row[0] * matrix[1][0] + row[1] * matrix[1][1] + row[2] * matrix[1][2];
    const c2 = row[0] * matrix[2][0] + row[1] * matrix[2][1] + row[2] * matrix[2][2];
    return [a2, b3, c2];
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  const SRGB_TO_XYZ = [
    [0.41233895, 0.35762064, 0.18051042],
    [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722],
    [0.01932141, 0.11916382, 0.95034478]
  const XYZ_TO_SRGB = [
  const WHITE_POINT_D65 = [95.047, 100, 108.883];
  function argbFromRgb(red, green, blue) {
    return (255 << 24 | (red & 255) << 16 | (green & 255) << 8 | blue & 255) >>> 0;
  function argbFromLinrgb(linrgb) {
    const r2 = delinearized(linrgb[0]);
    const g2 = delinearized(linrgb[1]);
    const b3 = delinearized(linrgb[2]);
    return argbFromRgb(r2, g2, b3);
  function redFromArgb(argb) {
    return argb >> 16 & 255;
  function greenFromArgb(argb) {
    return argb >> 8 & 255;
  function blueFromArgb(argb) {
    return argb & 255;
  function argbFromXyz(x2, y2, z2) {
    const matrix = XYZ_TO_SRGB;
    const linearR = matrix[0][0] * x2 + matrix[0][1] * y2 + matrix[0][2] * z2;
    const linearG = matrix[1][0] * x2 + matrix[1][1] * y2 + matrix[1][2] * z2;
    const linearB = matrix[2][0] * x2 + matrix[2][1] * y2 + matrix[2][2] * z2;
    const r2 = delinearized(linearR);
    const g2 = delinearized(linearG);
    const b3 = delinearized(linearB);
    return argbFromRgb(r2, g2, b3);
  function xyzFromArgb(argb) {
    const r2 = linearized(redFromArgb(argb));
    const g2 = linearized(greenFromArgb(argb));
    const b3 = linearized(blueFromArgb(argb));
    return matrixMultiply([r2, g2, b3], SRGB_TO_XYZ);
  function argbFromLstar(lstar) {
    const y2 = yFromLstar(lstar);
    const component = delinearized(y2);
    return argbFromRgb(component, component, component);
  function lstarFromArgb(argb) {
    const y2 = xyzFromArgb(argb)[1];
    return 116 * labF(y2 / 100) - 16;
  function yFromLstar(lstar) {
    return 100 * labInvf((lstar + 16) / 116);
  function lstarFromY(y2) {
    return labF(y2 / 100) * 116 - 16;
  function linearized(rgbComponent) {
    const normalized = rgbComponent / 255;
    if (normalized <= 0.040449936) {
      return normalized / 12.92 * 100;
    } else {
      return Math.pow((normalized + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) * 100;
  function delinearized(rgbComponent) {
    const normalized = rgbComponent / 100;
    let delinearized2 = 0;
    if (normalized <= 31308e-7) {
      delinearized2 = normalized * 12.92;
    } else {
      delinearized2 = 1.055 * Math.pow(normalized, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055;
    return clampInt(0, 255, Math.round(delinearized2 * 255));
  function whitePointD65() {
    return WHITE_POINT_D65;
  function labF(t2) {
    const e2 = 216 / 24389;
    const kappa = 24389 / 27;
    if (t2 > e2) {
      return Math.pow(t2, 1 / 3);
    } else {
      return (kappa * t2 + 16) / 116;
  function labInvf(ft) {
    const e2 = 216 / 24389;
    const kappa = 24389 / 27;
    const ft3 = ft * ft * ft;
    if (ft3 > e2) {
      return ft3;
    } else {
      return (116 * ft - 16) / kappa;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class ViewingConditions {
     * Create ViewingConditions from a simple, physically relevant, set of
     * parameters.
     * @param whitePoint White point, measured in the XYZ color space.
     *     default = D65, or sunny day afternoon
     * @param adaptingLuminance The luminance of the adapting field. Informally,
     *     how bright it is in the room where the color is viewed. Can be
     *     calculated from lux by multiplying lux by 0.0586. default = 11.72,
     *     or 200 lux.
     * @param backgroundLstar The lightness of the area surrounding the color.
     *     measured by L* in L*a*b*. default = 50.0
     * @param surround A general description of the lighting surrounding the
     *     color. 0 is pitch dark, like watching a movie in a theater. 1.0 is a
     *     dimly light room, like watching TV at home at night. 2.0 means there
     *     is no difference between the lighting on the color and around it.
     *     default = 2.0
     * @param discountingIlluminant Whether the eye accounts for the tint of the
     *     ambient lighting, such as knowing an apple is still red in green light.
     *     default = false, the eye does not perform this process on
     *       self-luminous objects like displays.
    static make(whitePoint = whitePointD65(), adaptingLuminance = 200 / Math.PI * yFromLstar(50) / 100, backgroundLstar = 50, surround = 2, discountingIlluminant = false) {
      const xyz = whitePoint;
      const rW = xyz[0] * 0.401288 + xyz[1] * 0.650173 + xyz[2] * -0.051461;
      const gW = xyz[0] * -0.250268 + xyz[1] * 1.204414 + xyz[2] * 0.045854;
      const bW = xyz[0] * -2079e-6 + xyz[1] * 0.048952 + xyz[2] * 0.953127;
      const f2 = 0.8 + surround / 10;
      const c2 = f2 >= 0.9 ? lerp(0.59, 0.69, (f2 - 0.9) * 10) : lerp(0.525, 0.59, (f2 - 0.8) * 10);
      let d2 = discountingIlluminant ? 1 : f2 * (1 - 1 / 3.6 * Math.exp((-adaptingLuminance - 42) / 92));
      d2 = d2 > 1 ? 1 : d2 < 0 ? 0 : d2;
      const nc = f2;
      const rgbD = [
        d2 * (100 / rW) + 1 - d2,
        d2 * (100 / gW) + 1 - d2,
        d2 * (100 / bW) + 1 - d2
      const k2 = 1 / (5 * adaptingLuminance + 1);
      const k4 = k2 * k2 * k2 * k2;
      const k4F = 1 - k4;
      const fl = k4 * adaptingLuminance + 0.1 * k4F * k4F * Math.cbrt(5 * adaptingLuminance);
      const n3 = yFromLstar(backgroundLstar) / whitePoint[1];
      const z2 = 1.48 + Math.sqrt(n3);
      const nbb = 0.725 / Math.pow(n3, 0.2);
      const ncb = nbb;
      const rgbAFactors = [
        Math.pow(fl * rgbD[0] * rW / 100, 0.42),
        Math.pow(fl * rgbD[1] * gW / 100, 0.42),
        Math.pow(fl * rgbD[2] * bW / 100, 0.42)
      const rgbA = [
        400 * rgbAFactors[0] / (rgbAFactors[0] + 27.13),
        400 * rgbAFactors[1] / (rgbAFactors[1] + 27.13),
        400 * rgbAFactors[2] / (rgbAFactors[2] + 27.13)
      const aw = (2 * rgbA[0] + rgbA[1] + 0.05 * rgbA[2]) * nbb;
      return new ViewingConditions(n3, aw, nbb, ncb, c2, nc, rgbD, fl, Math.pow(fl, 0.25), z2);
     * Parameters are intermediate values of the CAM16 conversion process. Their
     * names are shorthand for technical color science terminology, this class
     * would not benefit from documenting them individually. A brief overview
     * is available in the CAM16 specification, and a complete overview requires
     * a color science textbook, such as Fairchild's Color Appearance Models.
    constructor(n3, aw, nbb, ncb, c2, nc, rgbD, fl, fLRoot, z2) {
      this.n = n3;
      this.aw = aw;
      this.nbb = nbb;
      this.ncb = ncb;
      this.c = c2;
      this.nc = nc;
      this.rgbD = rgbD;
      this.fl = fl;
      this.fLRoot = fLRoot;
      this.z = z2;
  ViewingConditions.DEFAULT = ViewingConditions.make();
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class Cam16 {
     * All of the CAM16 dimensions can be calculated from 3 of the dimensions, in
     * the following combinations:
     *      -  {j or q} and {c, m, or s} and hue
     *      - jstar, astar, bstar
     * Prefer using a static method that constructs from 3 of those dimensions.
     * This constructor is intended for those methods to use to return all
     * possible dimensions.
     * @param hue
     * @param chroma informally, colorfulness / color intensity. like saturation
     *     in HSL, except perceptually accurate.
     * @param j lightness
     * @param q brightness; ratio of lightness to white point's lightness
     * @param m colorfulness
     * @param s saturation; ratio of chroma to white point's chroma
     * @param jstar CAM16-UCS J coordinate
     * @param astar CAM16-UCS a coordinate
     * @param bstar CAM16-UCS b coordinate
    constructor(hue, chroma, j2, q2, m2, s2, jstar, astar, bstar) {
      this.hue = hue;
      this.chroma = chroma;
      this.j = j2;
      this.q = q2;
      this.m = m2;
      this.s = s2;
      this.jstar = jstar;
      this.astar = astar;
      this.bstar = bstar;
     * CAM16 instances also have coordinates in the CAM16-UCS space, called J*,
     * a*, b*, or jstar, astar, bstar in code. CAM16-UCS is included in the CAM16
     * specification, and is used to measure distances between colors.
    distance(other) {
      const dJ = this.jstar - other.jstar;
      const dA = this.astar - other.astar;
      const dB = this.bstar - other.bstar;
      const dEPrime = Math.sqrt(dJ * dJ + dA * dA + dB * dB);
      const dE = 1.41 * Math.pow(dEPrime, 0.63);
      return dE;
     * @param argb ARGB representation of a color.
     * @return CAM16 color, assuming the color was viewed in default viewing
     *     conditions.
    static fromInt(argb) {
      return Cam16.fromIntInViewingConditions(argb, ViewingConditions.DEFAULT);
     * @param argb ARGB representation of a color.
     * @param viewingConditions Information about the environment where the color
     *     was observed.
     * @return CAM16 color.
    static fromIntInViewingConditions(argb, viewingConditions) {
      const red = (argb & 16711680) >> 16;
      const green = (argb & 65280) >> 8;
      const blue = argb & 255;
      const redL = linearized(red);
      const greenL = linearized(green);
      const blueL = linearized(blue);
      const x2 = 0.41233895 * redL + 0.35762064 * greenL + 0.18051042 * blueL;
      const y2 = 0.2126 * redL + 0.7152 * greenL + 0.0722 * blueL;
      const z2 = 0.01932141 * redL + 0.11916382 * greenL + 0.95034478 * blueL;
      const rC = 0.401288 * x2 + 0.650173 * y2 - 0.051461 * z2;
      const gC = -0.250268 * x2 + 1.204414 * y2 + 0.045854 * z2;
      const bC = -2079e-6 * x2 + 0.048952 * y2 + 0.953127 * z2;
      const rD = viewingConditions.rgbD[0] * rC;
      const gD = viewingConditions.rgbD[1] * gC;
      const bD = viewingConditions.rgbD[2] * bC;
      const rAF = Math.pow(viewingConditions.fl * Math.abs(rD) / 100, 0.42);
      const gAF = Math.pow(viewingConditions.fl * Math.abs(gD) / 100, 0.42);
      const bAF = Math.pow(viewingConditions.fl * Math.abs(bD) / 100, 0.42);
      const rA = signum(rD) * 400 * rAF / (rAF + 27.13);
      const gA = signum(gD) * 400 * gAF / (gAF + 27.13);
      const bA = signum(bD) * 400 * bAF / (bAF + 27.13);
      const a2 = (11 * rA + -12 * gA + bA) / 11;
      const b3 = (rA + gA - 2 * bA) / 9;
      const u2 = (20 * rA + 20 * gA + 21 * bA) / 20;
      const p2 = (40 * rA + 20 * gA + bA) / 20;
      const atan2 = Math.atan2(b3, a2);
      const atanDegrees = atan2 * 180 / Math.PI;
      const hue = atanDegrees < 0 ? atanDegrees + 360 : atanDegrees >= 360 ? atanDegrees - 360 : atanDegrees;
      const hueRadians = hue * Math.PI / 180;
      const ac = p2 * viewingConditions.nbb;
      const j2 = 100 * Math.pow(ac / viewingConditions.aw, viewingConditions.c * viewingConditions.z);
      const q2 = 4 / viewingConditions.c * Math.sqrt(j2 / 100) * (viewingConditions.aw + 4) * viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      const huePrime = hue < 20.14 ? hue + 360 : hue;
      const eHue = 0.25 * (Math.cos(huePrime * Math.PI / 180 + 2) + 3.8);
      const p1 = 5e4 / 13 * eHue * viewingConditions.nc * viewingConditions.ncb;
      const t2 = p1 * Math.sqrt(a2 * a2 + b3 * b3) / (u2 + 0.305);
      const alpha = Math.pow(t2, 0.9) * Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.n), 0.73);
      const c2 = alpha * Math.sqrt(j2 / 100);
      const m2 = c2 * viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      const s2 = 50 * Math.sqrt(alpha * viewingConditions.c / (viewingConditions.aw + 4));
      const jstar = (1 + 100 * 7e-3) * j2 / (1 + 7e-3 * j2);
      const mstar = 1 / 0.0228 * Math.log(1 + 0.0228 * m2);
      const astar = mstar * Math.cos(hueRadians);
      const bstar = mstar * Math.sin(hueRadians);
      return new Cam16(hue, c2, j2, q2, m2, s2, jstar, astar, bstar);
     * @param j CAM16 lightness
     * @param c CAM16 chroma
     * @param h CAM16 hue
    static fromJch(j2, c2, h2) {
      return Cam16.fromJchInViewingConditions(j2, c2, h2, ViewingConditions.DEFAULT);
     * @param j CAM16 lightness
     * @param c CAM16 chroma
     * @param h CAM16 hue
     * @param viewingConditions Information about the environment where the color
     *     was observed.
    static fromJchInViewingConditions(j2, c2, h2, viewingConditions) {
      const q2 = 4 / viewingConditions.c * Math.sqrt(j2 / 100) * (viewingConditions.aw + 4) * viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      const m2 = c2 * viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      const alpha = c2 / Math.sqrt(j2 / 100);
      const s2 = 50 * Math.sqrt(alpha * viewingConditions.c / (viewingConditions.aw + 4));
      const hueRadians = h2 * Math.PI / 180;
      const jstar = (1 + 100 * 7e-3) * j2 / (1 + 7e-3 * j2);
      const mstar = 1 / 0.0228 * Math.log(1 + 0.0228 * m2);
      const astar = mstar * Math.cos(hueRadians);
      const bstar = mstar * Math.sin(hueRadians);
      return new Cam16(h2, c2, j2, q2, m2, s2, jstar, astar, bstar);
     * @param jstar CAM16-UCS lightness.
     * @param astar CAM16-UCS a dimension. Like a* in L*a*b*, it is a Cartesian
     *     coordinate on the Y axis.
     * @param bstar CAM16-UCS b dimension. Like a* in L*a*b*, it is a Cartesian
     *     coordinate on the X axis.
    static fromUcs(jstar, astar, bstar) {
      return Cam16.fromUcsInViewingConditions(jstar, astar, bstar, ViewingConditions.DEFAULT);
     * @param jstar CAM16-UCS lightness.
     * @param astar CAM16-UCS a dimension. Like a* in L*a*b*, it is a Cartesian
     *     coordinate on the Y axis.
     * @param bstar CAM16-UCS b dimension. Like a* in L*a*b*, it is a Cartesian
     *     coordinate on the X axis.
     * @param viewingConditions Information about the environment where the color
     *     was observed.
    static fromUcsInViewingConditions(jstar, astar, bstar, viewingConditions) {
      const a2 = astar;
      const b3 = bstar;
      const m2 = Math.sqrt(a2 * a2 + b3 * b3);
      const M2 = (Math.exp(m2 * 0.0228) - 1) / 0.0228;
      const c2 = M2 / viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      let h2 = Math.atan2(b3, a2) * (180 / Math.PI);
      if (h2 < 0) {
        h2 += 360;
      const j2 = jstar / (1 - (jstar - 100) * 7e-3);
      return Cam16.fromJchInViewingConditions(j2, c2, h2, viewingConditions);
     *  @return ARGB representation of color, assuming the color was viewed in
     *     default viewing conditions, which are near-identical to the default
     *     viewing conditions for sRGB.
    toInt() {
      return this.viewed(ViewingConditions.DEFAULT);
     * @param viewingConditions Information about the environment where the color
     *     will be viewed.
     * @return ARGB representation of color
    viewed(viewingConditions) {
      const alpha = this.chroma === 0 || this.j === 0 ? 0 : this.chroma / Math.sqrt(this.j / 100);
      const t2 = Math.pow(alpha / Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.n), 0.73), 1 / 0.9);
      const hRad = this.hue * Math.PI / 180;
      const eHue = 0.25 * (Math.cos(hRad + 2) + 3.8);
      const ac = viewingConditions.aw * Math.pow(this.j / 100, 1 / viewingConditions.c / viewingConditions.z);
      const p1 = eHue * (5e4 / 13) * viewingConditions.nc * viewingConditions.ncb;
      const p2 = ac / viewingConditions.nbb;
      const hSin = Math.sin(hRad);
      const hCos = Math.cos(hRad);
      const gamma = 23 * (p2 + 0.305) * t2 / (23 * p1 + 11 * t2 * hCos + 108 * t2 * hSin);
      const a2 = gamma * hCos;
      const b3 = gamma * hSin;
      const rA = (460 * p2 + 451 * a2 + 288 * b3) / 1403;
      const gA = (460 * p2 - 891 * a2 - 261 * b3) / 1403;
      const bA = (460 * p2 - 220 * a2 - 6300 * b3) / 1403;
      const rCBase = Math.max(0, 27.13 * Math.abs(rA) / (400 - Math.abs(rA)));
      const rC = signum(rA) * (100 / viewingConditions.fl) * Math.pow(rCBase, 1 / 0.42);
      const gCBase = Math.max(0, 27.13 * Math.abs(gA) / (400 - Math.abs(gA)));
      const gC = signum(gA) * (100 / viewingConditions.fl) * Math.pow(gCBase, 1 / 0.42);
      const bCBase = Math.max(0, 27.13 * Math.abs(bA) / (400 - Math.abs(bA)));
      const bC = signum(bA) * (100 / viewingConditions.fl) * Math.pow(bCBase, 1 / 0.42);
      const rF = rC / viewingConditions.rgbD[0];
      const gF = gC / viewingConditions.rgbD[1];
      const bF = bC / viewingConditions.rgbD[2];
      const x2 = 1.86206786 * rF - 1.01125463 * gF + 0.14918677 * bF;
      const y2 = 0.38752654 * rF + 0.62144744 * gF - 897398e-8 * bF;
      const z2 = -0.0158415 * rF - 0.03412294 * gF + 1.04996444 * bF;
      const argb = argbFromXyz(x2, y2, z2);
      return argb;
    /// Given color expressed in XYZ and viewed in [viewingConditions], convert to
    /// CAM16.
    static fromXyzInViewingConditions(x2, y2, z2, viewingConditions) {
      const rC = 0.401288 * x2 + 0.650173 * y2 - 0.051461 * z2;
      const gC = -0.250268 * x2 + 1.204414 * y2 + 0.045854 * z2;
      const bC = -2079e-6 * x2 + 0.048952 * y2 + 0.953127 * z2;
      const rD = viewingConditions.rgbD[0] * rC;
      const gD = viewingConditions.rgbD[1] * gC;
      const bD = viewingConditions.rgbD[2] * bC;
      const rAF = Math.pow(viewingConditions.fl * Math.abs(rD) / 100, 0.42);
      const gAF = Math.pow(viewingConditions.fl * Math.abs(gD) / 100, 0.42);
      const bAF = Math.pow(viewingConditions.fl * Math.abs(bD) / 100, 0.42);
      const rA = signum(rD) * 400 * rAF / (rAF + 27.13);
      const gA = signum(gD) * 400 * gAF / (gAF + 27.13);
      const bA = signum(bD) * 400 * bAF / (bAF + 27.13);
      const a2 = (11 * rA + -12 * gA + bA) / 11;
      const b3 = (rA + gA - 2 * bA) / 9;
      const u2 = (20 * rA + 20 * gA + 21 * bA) / 20;
      const p2 = (40 * rA + 20 * gA + bA) / 20;
      const atan2 = Math.atan2(b3, a2);
      const atanDegrees = atan2 * 180 / Math.PI;
      const hue = atanDegrees < 0 ? atanDegrees + 360 : atanDegrees >= 360 ? atanDegrees - 360 : atanDegrees;
      const hueRadians = hue * Math.PI / 180;
      const ac = p2 * viewingConditions.nbb;
      const J = 100 * Math.pow(ac / viewingConditions.aw, viewingConditions.c * viewingConditions.z);
      const Q2 = 4 / viewingConditions.c * Math.sqrt(J / 100) * (viewingConditions.aw + 4) * viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      const huePrime = hue < 20.14 ? hue + 360 : hue;
      const eHue = 1 / 4 * (Math.cos(huePrime * Math.PI / 180 + 2) + 3.8);
      const p1 = 5e4 / 13 * eHue * viewingConditions.nc * viewingConditions.ncb;
      const t2 = p1 * Math.sqrt(a2 * a2 + b3 * b3) / (u2 + 0.305);
      const alpha = Math.pow(t2, 0.9) * Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.n), 0.73);
      const C = alpha * Math.sqrt(J / 100);
      const M2 = C * viewingConditions.fLRoot;
      const s2 = 50 * Math.sqrt(alpha * viewingConditions.c / (viewingConditions.aw + 4));
      const jstar = (1 + 100 * 7e-3) * J / (1 + 7e-3 * J);
      const mstar = Math.log(1 + 0.0228 * M2) / 0.0228;
      const astar = mstar * Math.cos(hueRadians);
      const bstar = mstar * Math.sin(hueRadians);
      return new Cam16(hue, C, J, Q2, M2, s2, jstar, astar, bstar);
    /// XYZ representation of CAM16 seen in [viewingConditions].
    xyzInViewingConditions(viewingConditions) {
      const alpha = this.chroma === 0 || this.j === 0 ? 0 : this.chroma / Math.sqrt(this.j / 100);
      const t2 = Math.pow(alpha / Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.n), 0.73), 1 / 0.9);
      const hRad = this.hue * Math.PI / 180;
      const eHue = 0.25 * (Math.cos(hRad + 2) + 3.8);
      const ac = viewingConditions.aw * Math.pow(this.j / 100, 1 / viewingConditions.c / viewingConditions.z);
      const p1 = eHue * (5e4 / 13) * viewingConditions.nc * viewingConditions.ncb;
      const p2 = ac / viewingConditions.nbb;
      const hSin = Math.sin(hRad);
      const hCos = Math.cos(hRad);
      const gamma = 23 * (p2 + 0.305) * t2 / (23 * p1 + 11 * t2 * hCos + 108 * t2 * hSin);
      const a2 = gamma * hCos;
      const b3 = gamma * hSin;
      const rA = (460 * p2 + 451 * a2 + 288 * b3) / 1403;
      const gA = (460 * p2 - 891 * a2 - 261 * b3) / 1403;
      const bA = (460 * p2 - 220 * a2 - 6300 * b3) / 1403;
      const rCBase = Math.max(0, 27.13 * Math.abs(rA) / (400 - Math.abs(rA)));
      const rC = signum(rA) * (100 / viewingConditions.fl) * Math.pow(rCBase, 1 / 0.42);
      const gCBase = Math.max(0, 27.13 * Math.abs(gA) / (400 - Math.abs(gA)));
      const gC = signum(gA) * (100 / viewingConditions.fl) * Math.pow(gCBase, 1 / 0.42);
      const bCBase = Math.max(0, 27.13 * Math.abs(bA) / (400 - Math.abs(bA)));
      const bC = signum(bA) * (100 / viewingConditions.fl) * Math.pow(bCBase, 1 / 0.42);
      const rF = rC / viewingConditions.rgbD[0];
      const gF = gC / viewingConditions.rgbD[1];
      const bF = bC / viewingConditions.rgbD[2];
      const x2 = 1.86206786 * rF - 1.01125463 * gF + 0.14918677 * bF;
      const y2 = 0.38752654 * rF + 0.62144744 * gF - 897398e-8 * bF;
      const z2 = -0.0158415 * rF - 0.03412294 * gF + 1.04996444 * bF;
      return [x2, y2, z2];
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class HctSolver {
     * Sanitizes a small enough angle in radians.
     * @param angle An angle in radians; must not deviate too much
     * from 0.
     * @return A coterminal angle between 0 and 2pi.
    static sanitizeRadians(angle) {
      return (angle + Math.PI * 8) % (Math.PI * 2);
     * Delinearizes an RGB component, returning a floating-point
     * number.
     * @param rgbComponent 0.0 <= rgb_component <= 100.0, represents
     * linear R/G/B channel
     * @return 0.0 <= output <= 255.0, color channel converted to
     * regular RGB space
    static trueDelinearized(rgbComponent) {
      const normalized = rgbComponent / 100;
      let delinearized2 = 0;
      if (normalized <= 31308e-7) {
        delinearized2 = normalized * 12.92;
      } else {
        delinearized2 = 1.055 * Math.pow(normalized, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055;
      return delinearized2 * 255;
    static chromaticAdaptation(component) {
      const af = Math.pow(Math.abs(component), 0.42);
      return signum(component) * 400 * af / (af + 27.13);
     * Returns the hue of a linear RGB color in CAM16.
     * @param linrgb The linear RGB coordinates of a color.
     * @return The hue of the color in CAM16, in radians.
    static hueOf(linrgb) {
      const scaledDiscount = matrixMultiply(linrgb, HctSolver.SCALED_DISCOUNT_FROM_LINRGB);
      const rA = HctSolver.chromaticAdaptation(scaledDiscount[0]);
      const gA = HctSolver.chromaticAdaptation(scaledDiscount[1]);
      const bA = HctSolver.chromaticAdaptation(scaledDiscount[2]);
      const a2 = (11 * rA + -12 * gA + bA) / 11;
      const b3 = (rA + gA - 2 * bA) / 9;
      return Math.atan2(b3, a2);
    static areInCyclicOrder(a2, b3, c2) {
      const deltaAB = HctSolver.sanitizeRadians(b3 - a2);
      const deltaAC = HctSolver.sanitizeRadians(c2 - a2);
      return deltaAB < deltaAC;
     * Solves the lerp equation.
     * @param source The starting number.
     * @param mid The number in the middle.
     * @param target The ending number.
     * @return A number t such that lerp(source, target, t) = mid.
    static intercept(source2, mid, target) {
      return (mid - source2) / (target - source2);
    static lerpPoint(source2, t2, target) {
      return [
        source2[0] + (target[0] - source2[0]) * t2,
        source2[1] + (target[1] - source2[1]) * t2,
        source2[2] + (target[2] - source2[2]) * t2
     * Intersects a segment with a plane.
     * @param source The coordinates of point A.
     * @param coordinate The R-, G-, or B-coordinate of the plane.
     * @param target The coordinates of point B.
     * @param axis The axis the plane is perpendicular with. (0: R, 1:
     * G, 2: B)
     * @return The intersection point of the segment AB with the plane
     * R=coordinate, G=coordinate, or B=coordinate
    static setCoordinate(source2, coordinate, target, axis) {
      const t2 = HctSolver.intercept(source2[axis], coordinate, target[axis]);
      return HctSolver.lerpPoint(source2, t2, target);
    static isBounded(x2) {
      return 0 <= x2 && x2 <= 100;
     * Returns the nth possible vertex of the polygonal intersection.
     * @param y The Y value of the plane.
     * @param n The zero-based index of the point. 0 <= n <= 11.
     * @return The nth possible vertex of the polygonal intersection
     * of the y plane and the RGB cube, in linear RGB coordinates, if
     * it exists. If this possible vertex lies outside of the cube,
     * [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] is returned.
    static nthVertex(y2, n3) {
      const kR = HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB[0];
      const kG = HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB[1];
      const kB = HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB[2];
      const coordA = n3 % 4 <= 1 ? 0 : 100;
      const coordB = n3 % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 100;
      if (n3 < 4) {
        const g2 = coordA;
        const b3 = coordB;
        const r2 = (y2 - g2 * kG - b3 * kB) / kR;
        if (HctSolver.isBounded(r2)) {
          return [r2, g2, b3];
        } else {
          return [-1, -1, -1];
      } else if (n3 < 8) {
        const b3 = coordA;
        const r2 = coordB;
        const g2 = (y2 - r2 * kR - b3 * kB) / kG;
        if (HctSolver.isBounded(g2)) {
          return [r2, g2, b3];
        } else {
          return [-1, -1, -1];
      } else {
        const r2 = coordA;
        const g2 = coordB;
        const b3 = (y2 - r2 * kR - g2 * kG) / kB;
        if (HctSolver.isBounded(b3)) {
          return [r2, g2, b3];
        } else {
          return [-1, -1, -1];
     * Finds the segment containing the desired color.
     * @param y The Y value of the color.
     * @param targetHue The hue of the color.
     * @return A list of two sets of linear RGB coordinates, each
     * corresponding to an endpoint of the segment containing the
     * desired color.
    static bisectToSegment(y2, targetHue) {
      let left = [-1, -1, -1];
      let right = left;
      let leftHue = 0;
      let rightHue = 0;
      let initialized = false;
      let uncut = true;
      for (let n3 = 0; n3 < 12; n3++) {
        const mid = HctSolver.nthVertex(y2, n3);
        if (mid[0] < 0) {
        const midHue = HctSolver.hueOf(mid);
        if (!initialized) {
          left = mid;
          right = mid;
          leftHue = midHue;
          rightHue = midHue;
          initialized = true;
        if (uncut || HctSolver.areInCyclicOrder(leftHue, midHue, rightHue)) {
          uncut = false;
          if (HctSolver.areInCyclicOrder(leftHue, targetHue, midHue)) {
            right = mid;
            rightHue = midHue;
          } else {
            left = mid;
            leftHue = midHue;
      return [left, right];
    static midpoint(a2, b3) {
      return [
        (a2[0] + b3[0]) / 2,
        (a2[1] + b3[1]) / 2,
        (a2[2] + b3[2]) / 2
    static criticalPlaneBelow(x2) {
      return Math.floor(x2 - 0.5);
    static criticalPlaneAbove(x2) {
      return Math.ceil(x2 - 0.5);
     * Finds a color with the given Y and hue on the boundary of the
     * cube.
     * @param y The Y value of the color.
     * @param targetHue The hue of the color.
     * @return The desired color, in linear RGB coordinates.
    static bisectToLimit(y2, targetHue) {
      const segment = HctSolver.bisectToSegment(y2, targetHue);
      let left = segment[0];
      let leftHue = HctSolver.hueOf(left);
      let right = segment[1];
      for (let axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        if (left[axis] !== right[axis]) {
          let lPlane = -1;
          let rPlane = 255;
          if (left[axis] < right[axis]) {
            lPlane = HctSolver.criticalPlaneBelow(HctSolver.trueDelinearized(left[axis]));
            rPlane = HctSolver.criticalPlaneAbove(HctSolver.trueDelinearized(right[axis]));
          } else {
            lPlane = HctSolver.criticalPlaneAbove(HctSolver.trueDelinearized(left[axis]));
            rPlane = HctSolver.criticalPlaneBelow(HctSolver.trueDelinearized(right[axis]));
          for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 8; i3++) {
            if (Math.abs(rPlane - lPlane) <= 1) {
            } else {
              const mPlane = Math.floor((lPlane + rPlane) / 2);
              const midPlaneCoordinate = HctSolver.CRITICAL_PLANES[mPlane];
              const mid = HctSolver.setCoordinate(left, midPlaneCoordinate, right, axis);
              const midHue = HctSolver.hueOf(mid);
              if (HctSolver.areInCyclicOrder(leftHue, targetHue, midHue)) {
                right = mid;
                rPlane = mPlane;
              } else {
                left = mid;
                leftHue = midHue;
                lPlane = mPlane;
      return HctSolver.midpoint(left, right);
    static inverseChromaticAdaptation(adapted) {
      const adaptedAbs = Math.abs(adapted);
      const base = Math.max(0, 27.13 * adaptedAbs / (400 - adaptedAbs));
      return signum(adapted) * Math.pow(base, 1 / 0.42);
     * Finds a color with the given hue, chroma, and Y.
     * @param hueRadians The desired hue in radians.
     * @param chroma The desired chroma.
     * @param y The desired Y.
     * @return The desired color as a hexadecimal integer, if found; 0
     * otherwise.
    static findResultByJ(hueRadians, chroma, y2) {
      let j2 = Math.sqrt(y2) * 11;
      const viewingConditions = ViewingConditions.DEFAULT;
      const tInnerCoeff = 1 / Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.n), 0.73);
      const eHue = 0.25 * (Math.cos(hueRadians + 2) + 3.8);
      const p1 = eHue * (5e4 / 13) * viewingConditions.nc * viewingConditions.ncb;
      const hSin = Math.sin(hueRadians);
      const hCos = Math.cos(hueRadians);
      for (let iterationRound = 0; iterationRound < 5; iterationRound++) {
        const jNormalized = j2 / 100;
        const alpha = chroma === 0 || j2 === 0 ? 0 : chroma / Math.sqrt(jNormalized);
        const t2 = Math.pow(alpha * tInnerCoeff, 1 / 0.9);
        const ac = viewingConditions.aw * Math.pow(jNormalized, 1 / viewingConditions.c / viewingConditions.z);
        const p2 = ac / viewingConditions.nbb;
        const gamma = 23 * (p2 + 0.305) * t2 / (23 * p1 + 11 * t2 * hCos + 108 * t2 * hSin);
        const a2 = gamma * hCos;
        const b3 = gamma * hSin;
        const rA = (460 * p2 + 451 * a2 + 288 * b3) / 1403;
        const gA = (460 * p2 - 891 * a2 - 261 * b3) / 1403;
        const bA = (460 * p2 - 220 * a2 - 6300 * b3) / 1403;
        const rCScaled = HctSolver.inverseChromaticAdaptation(rA);
        const gCScaled = HctSolver.inverseChromaticAdaptation(gA);
        const bCScaled = HctSolver.inverseChromaticAdaptation(bA);
        const linrgb = matrixMultiply([rCScaled, gCScaled, bCScaled], HctSolver.LINRGB_FROM_SCALED_DISCOUNT);
        if (linrgb[0] < 0 || linrgb[1] < 0 || linrgb[2] < 0) {
          return 0;
        const kR = HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB[0];
        const kG = HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB[1];
        const kB = HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB[2];
        const fnj = kR * linrgb[0] + kG * linrgb[1] + kB * linrgb[2];
        if (fnj <= 0) {
          return 0;
        if (iterationRound === 4 || Math.abs(fnj - y2) < 2e-3) {
          if (linrgb[0] > 100.01 || linrgb[1] > 100.01 || linrgb[2] > 100.01) {
            return 0;
          return argbFromLinrgb(linrgb);
        j2 = j2 - (fnj - y2) * j2 / (2 * fnj);
      return 0;
     * Finds an sRGB color with the given hue, chroma, and L*, if
     * possible.
     * @param hueDegrees The desired hue, in degrees.
     * @param chroma The desired chroma.
     * @param lstar The desired L*.
     * @return A hexadecimal representing the sRGB color. The color
     * has sufficiently close hue, chroma, and L* to the desired
     * values, if possible; otherwise, the hue and L* will be
     * sufficiently close, and chroma will be maximized.
    static solveToInt(hueDegrees, chroma, lstar) {
      if (chroma < 1e-4 || lstar < 1e-4 || lstar > 99.9999) {
        return argbFromLstar(lstar);
      hueDegrees = sanitizeDegreesDouble(hueDegrees);
      const hueRadians = hueDegrees / 180 * Math.PI;
      const y2 = yFromLstar(lstar);
      const exactAnswer = HctSolver.findResultByJ(hueRadians, chroma, y2);
      if (exactAnswer !== 0) {
        return exactAnswer;
      const linrgb = HctSolver.bisectToLimit(y2, hueRadians);
      return argbFromLinrgb(linrgb);
     * Finds an sRGB color with the given hue, chroma, and L*, if
     * possible.
     * @param hueDegrees The desired hue, in degrees.
     * @param chroma The desired chroma.
     * @param lstar The desired L*.
     * @return An CAM16 object representing the sRGB color. The color
     * has sufficiently close hue, chroma, and L* to the desired
     * values, if possible; otherwise, the hue and L* will be
     * sufficiently close, and chroma will be maximized.
    static solveToCam(hueDegrees, chroma, lstar) {
      return Cam16.fromInt(HctSolver.solveToInt(hueDegrees, chroma, lstar));
  HctSolver.Y_FROM_LINRGB = [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722];
   * @license
   * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class Hct {
    static from(hue, chroma, tone) {
      return new Hct(HctSolver.solveToInt(hue, chroma, tone));
     * @param argb ARGB representation of a color.
     * @return HCT representation of a color in default viewing conditions
    static fromInt(argb) {
      return new Hct(argb);
    toInt() {
      return this.argb;
     * A number, in degrees, representing ex. red, orange, yellow, etc.
     * Ranges from 0 <= hue < 360.
    get hue() {
      return this.internalHue;
     * @param newHue 0 <= newHue < 360; invalid values are corrected.
     * Chroma may decrease because chroma has a different maximum for any given
     * hue and tone.
    set hue(newHue) {
      this.setInternalState(HctSolver.solveToInt(newHue, this.internalChroma, this.internalTone));
    get chroma() {
      return this.internalChroma;
     * @param newChroma 0 <= newChroma < ?
     * Chroma may decrease because chroma has a different maximum for any given
     * hue and tone.
    set chroma(newChroma) {
      this.setInternalState(HctSolver.solveToInt(this.internalHue, newChroma, this.internalTone));
    /** Lightness. Ranges from 0 to 100. */
    get tone() {
      return this.internalTone;
     * @param newTone 0 <= newTone <= 100; invalid valids are corrected.
     * Chroma may decrease because chroma has a different maximum for any given
     * hue and tone.
    set tone(newTone) {
      this.setInternalState(HctSolver.solveToInt(this.internalHue, this.internalChroma, newTone));
    constructor(argb) {
      this.argb = argb;
      const cam = Cam16.fromInt(argb);
      this.internalHue = cam.hue;
      this.internalChroma = cam.chroma;
      this.internalTone = lstarFromArgb(argb);
      this.argb = argb;
    setInternalState(argb) {
      const cam = Cam16.fromInt(argb);
      this.internalHue = cam.hue;
      this.internalChroma = cam.chroma;
      this.internalTone = lstarFromArgb(argb);
      this.argb = argb;
     * Translates a color into different [ViewingConditions].
     * Colors change appearance. They look different with lights on versus off,
     * the same color, as in hex code, on white looks different when on black.
     * This is called color relativity, most famously explicated by Josef Albers
     * in Interaction of Color.
     * In color science, color appearance models can account for this and
     * calculate the appearance of a color in different settings. HCT is based on
     * CAM16, a color appearance model, and uses it to make these calculations.
     * See [ViewingConditions.make] for parameters affecting color appearance.
    inViewingConditions(vc) {
      const cam = Cam16.fromInt(this.toInt());
      const viewedInVc = cam.xyzInViewingConditions(vc);
      const recastInVc = Cam16.fromXyzInViewingConditions(viewedInVc[0], viewedInVc[1], viewedInVc[2], ViewingConditions.make());
      const recastHct = Hct.from(recastInVc.hue, recastInVc.chroma, lstarFromY(viewedInVc[1]));
      return recastHct;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class Contrast {
     * Returns a contrast ratio, which ranges from 1 to 21.
     * @param toneA Tone between 0 and 100. Values outside will be clamped.
     * @param toneB Tone between 0 and 100. Values outside will be clamped.
    static ratioOfTones(toneA, toneB) {
      toneA = clampDouble(0, 100, toneA);
      toneB = clampDouble(0, 100, toneB);
      return Contrast.ratioOfYs(yFromLstar(toneA), yFromLstar(toneB));
    static ratioOfYs(y1, y2) {
      const lighter = y1 > y2 ? y1 : y2;
      const darker = lighter === y2 ? y1 : y2;
      return (lighter + 5) / (darker + 5);
     * Returns a tone >= tone parameter that ensures ratio parameter.
     * Return value is between 0 and 100.
     * Returns -1 if ratio cannot be achieved with tone parameter.
     * @param tone Tone return value must contrast with.
     * Range is 0 to 100. Invalid values will result in -1 being returned.
     * @param ratio Contrast ratio of return value and tone.
     * Range is 1 to 21, invalid values have undefined behavior.
    static lighter(tone, ratio) {
      if (tone < 0 || tone > 100) {
        return -1;
      const darkY = yFromLstar(tone);
      const lightY = ratio * (darkY + 5) - 5;
      const realContrast = Contrast.ratioOfYs(lightY, darkY);
      const delta = Math.abs(realContrast - ratio);
      if (realContrast < ratio && delta > 0.04) {
        return -1;
      const returnValue = lstarFromY(lightY) + 0.4;
      if (returnValue < 0 || returnValue > 100) {
        return -1;
      return returnValue;
     * Returns a tone <= tone parameter that ensures ratio parameter.
     * Return value is between 0 and 100.
     * Returns -1 if ratio cannot be achieved with tone parameter.
     * @param tone Tone return value must contrast with.
     * Range is 0 to 100. Invalid values will result in -1 being returned.
     * @param ratio Contrast ratio of return value and tone.
     * Range is 1 to 21, invalid values have undefined behavior.
    static darker(tone, ratio) {
      if (tone < 0 || tone > 100) {
        return -1;
      const lightY = yFromLstar(tone);
      const darkY = (lightY + 5) / ratio - 5;
      const realContrast = Contrast.ratioOfYs(lightY, darkY);
      const delta = Math.abs(realContrast - ratio);
      if (realContrast < ratio && delta > 0.04) {
        return -1;
      const returnValue = lstarFromY(darkY) - 0.4;
      if (returnValue < 0 || returnValue > 100) {
        return -1;
      return returnValue;
     * Returns a tone >= tone parameter that ensures ratio parameter.
     * Return value is between 0 and 100.
     * Returns 100 if ratio cannot be achieved with tone parameter.
     * This method is unsafe because the returned value is guaranteed to be in
     * bounds for tone, i.e. between 0 and 100. However, that value may not reach
     * the ratio with tone. For example, there is no color lighter than T100.
     * @param tone Tone return value must contrast with.
     * Range is 0 to 100. Invalid values will result in 100 being returned.
     * @param ratio Desired contrast ratio of return value and tone parameter.
     * Range is 1 to 21, invalid values have undefined behavior.
    static lighterUnsafe(tone, ratio) {
      const lighterSafe = Contrast.lighter(tone, ratio);
      return lighterSafe < 0 ? 100 : lighterSafe;
     * Returns a tone >= tone parameter that ensures ratio parameter.
     * Return value is between 0 and 100.
     * Returns 100 if ratio cannot be achieved with tone parameter.
     * This method is unsafe because the returned value is guaranteed to be in
     * bounds for tone, i.e. between 0 and 100. However, that value may not reach
     * the [ratio with [tone]. For example, there is no color darker than T0.
     * @param tone Tone return value must contrast with.
     * Range is 0 to 100. Invalid values will result in 0 being returned.
     * @param ratio Desired contrast ratio of return value and tone parameter.
     * Range is 1 to 21, invalid values have undefined behavior.
    static darkerUnsafe(tone, ratio) {
      const darkerSafe = Contrast.darker(tone, ratio);
      return darkerSafe < 0 ? 0 : darkerSafe;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class DislikeAnalyzer {
     * Returns true if a color is disliked.
     * @param hct A color to be judged.
     * @return Whether the color is disliked.
     * Disliked is defined as a dark yellow-green that is not neutral.
    static isDisliked(hct) {
      const huePasses = Math.round(hct.hue) >= 90 && Math.round(hct.hue) <= 111;
      const chromaPasses = Math.round(hct.chroma) > 16;
      const tonePasses = Math.round(hct.tone) < 65;
      return huePasses && chromaPasses && tonePasses;
     * If a color is disliked, lighten it to make it likable.
     * @param hct A color to be judged.
     * @return A new color if the original color is disliked, or the original
     *   color if it is acceptable.
    static fixIfDisliked(hct) {
      if (DislikeAnalyzer.isDisliked(hct)) {
        return Hct.from(hct.hue, hct.chroma, 70);
      return hct;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class DynamicColor {
     * Create a DynamicColor defined by a TonalPalette and HCT tone.
     * @param args Functions with DynamicScheme as input. Must provide a palette
     * and tone. May provide a background DynamicColor and ToneDeltaConstraint.
    static fromPalette(args) {
      return new DynamicColor(args.name ?? "", args.palette, args.tone, args.isBackground ?? false, args.background, args.secondBackground, args.contrastCurve, args.toneDeltaPair);
     * The base constructor for DynamicColor.
     * _Strongly_ prefer using one of the convenience constructors. This class is
     * arguably too flexible to ensure it can support any scenario. Functional
     * arguments allow  overriding without risks that come with subclasses.
     * For example, the default behavior of adjust tone at max contrast
     * to be at a 7.0 ratio with its background is principled and
     * matches accessibility guidance. That does not mean it's the desired
     * approach for _every_ design system, and every color pairing,
     * always, in every case.
     * @param name The name of the dynamic color. Defaults to empty.
     * @param palette Function that provides a TonalPalette given
     * DynamicScheme. A TonalPalette is defined by a hue and chroma, so this
     * replaces the need to specify hue/chroma. By providing a tonal palette, when
     * contrast adjustments are made, intended chroma can be preserved.
     * @param tone Function that provides a tone, given a DynamicScheme.
     * @param isBackground Whether this dynamic color is a background, with
     * some other color as the foreground. Defaults to false.
     * @param background The background of the dynamic color (as a function of a
     *     `DynamicScheme`), if it exists.
     * @param secondBackground A second background of the dynamic color (as a
     *     function of a `DynamicScheme`), if it
     * exists.
     * @param contrastCurve A `ContrastCurve` object specifying how its contrast
     * against its background should behave in various contrast levels options.
     * @param toneDeltaPair A `ToneDeltaPair` object specifying a tone delta
     * constraint between two colors. One of them must be the color being
     * constructed.
    constructor(name, palette, tone, isBackground, background, secondBackground, contrastCurve, toneDeltaPair) {
      this.name = name;
      this.palette = palette;
      this.tone = tone;
      this.isBackground = isBackground;
      this.background = background;
      this.secondBackground = secondBackground;
      this.contrastCurve = contrastCurve;
      this.toneDeltaPair = toneDeltaPair;
      this.hctCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      if (!background && secondBackground) {
        throw new Error(`Color ${name} has secondBackgrounddefined, but background is not defined.`);
      if (!background && contrastCurve) {
        throw new Error(`Color ${name} has contrastCurvedefined, but background is not defined.`);
      if (background && !contrastCurve) {
        throw new Error(`Color ${name} has backgrounddefined, but contrastCurve is not defined.`);
     * Return a ARGB integer (i.e. a hex code).
     * @param scheme Defines the conditions of the user interface, for example,
     * whether or not it is dark mode or light mode, and what the desired
     * contrast level is.
    getArgb(scheme) {
      return this.getHct(scheme).toInt();
     * Return a color, expressed in the HCT color space, that this
     * DynamicColor is under the conditions in scheme.
     * @param scheme Defines the conditions of the user interface, for example,
     * whether or not it is dark mode or light mode, and what the desired
     * contrast level is.
    getHct(scheme) {
      const cachedAnswer = this.hctCache.get(scheme);
      if (cachedAnswer != null) {
        return cachedAnswer;
      const tone = this.getTone(scheme);
      const answer = this.palette(scheme).getHct(tone);
      if (this.hctCache.size > 4) {
      this.hctCache.set(scheme, answer);
      return answer;
     * Return a tone, T in the HCT color space, that this DynamicColor is under
     * the conditions in scheme.
     * @param scheme Defines the conditions of the user interface, for example,
     * whether or not it is dark mode or light mode, and what the desired
     * contrast level is.
    getTone(scheme) {
      const decreasingContrast = scheme.contrastLevel < 0;
      if (this.toneDeltaPair) {
        const toneDeltaPair = this.toneDeltaPair(scheme);
        const roleA = toneDeltaPair.roleA;
        const roleB = toneDeltaPair.roleB;
        const delta = toneDeltaPair.delta;
        const polarity = toneDeltaPair.polarity;
        const stayTogether = toneDeltaPair.stayTogether;
        const bg = this.background(scheme);
        const bgTone = bg.getTone(scheme);
        const aIsNearer = polarity === "nearer" || polarity === "lighter" && !scheme.isDark || polarity === "darker" && scheme.isDark;
        const nearer = aIsNearer ? roleA : roleB;
        const farther = aIsNearer ? roleB : roleA;
        const amNearer = this.name === nearer.name;
        const expansionDir = scheme.isDark ? 1 : -1;
        const nContrast = nearer.contrastCurve.get(scheme.contrastLevel);
        const fContrast = farther.contrastCurve.get(scheme.contrastLevel);
        const nInitialTone = nearer.tone(scheme);
        let nTone = Contrast.ratioOfTones(bgTone, nInitialTone) >= nContrast ? nInitialTone : DynamicColor.foregroundTone(bgTone, nContrast);
        const fInitialTone = farther.tone(scheme);
        let fTone = Contrast.ratioOfTones(bgTone, fInitialTone) >= fContrast ? fInitialTone : DynamicColor.foregroundTone(bgTone, fContrast);
        if (decreasingContrast) {
          nTone = DynamicColor.foregroundTone(bgTone, nContrast);
          fTone = DynamicColor.foregroundTone(bgTone, fContrast);
        if ((fTone - nTone) * expansionDir >= delta) ;
        else {
          fTone = clampDouble(0, 100, nTone + delta * expansionDir);
          if ((fTone - nTone) * expansionDir >= delta) ;
          else {
            nTone = clampDouble(0, 100, fTone - delta * expansionDir);
        if (50 <= nTone && nTone < 60) {
          if (expansionDir > 0) {
            nTone = 60;
            fTone = Math.max(fTone, nTone + delta * expansionDir);
          } else {
            nTone = 49;
            fTone = Math.min(fTone, nTone + delta * expansionDir);
        } else if (50 <= fTone && fTone < 60) {
          if (stayTogether) {
            if (expansionDir > 0) {
              nTone = 60;
              fTone = Math.max(fTone, nTone + delta * expansionDir);
            } else {
              nTone = 49;
              fTone = Math.min(fTone, nTone + delta * expansionDir);
          } else {
            if (expansionDir > 0) {
              fTone = 60;
            } else {
              fTone = 49;
        return amNearer ? nTone : fTone;
      } else {
        let answer = this.tone(scheme);
        if (this.background == null) {
          return answer;
        const bgTone = this.background(scheme).getTone(scheme);
        const desiredRatio = this.contrastCurve.get(scheme.contrastLevel);
        if (Contrast.ratioOfTones(bgTone, answer) >= desiredRatio) ;
        else {
          answer = DynamicColor.foregroundTone(bgTone, desiredRatio);
        if (decreasingContrast) {
          answer = DynamicColor.foregroundTone(bgTone, desiredRatio);
        if (this.isBackground && 50 <= answer && answer < 60) {
          if (Contrast.ratioOfTones(49, bgTone) >= desiredRatio) {
            answer = 49;
          } else {
            answer = 60;
        if (this.secondBackground) {
          const [bg1, bg2] = [this.background, this.secondBackground];
          const [bgTone1, bgTone2] = [bg1(scheme).getTone(scheme), bg2(scheme).getTone(scheme)];
          const [upper, lower] = [Math.max(bgTone1, bgTone2), Math.min(bgTone1, bgTone2)];
          if (Contrast.ratioOfTones(upper, answer) >= desiredRatio && Contrast.ratioOfTones(lower, answer) >= desiredRatio) {
            return answer;
          const lightOption = Contrast.lighter(upper, desiredRatio);
          const darkOption = Contrast.darker(lower, desiredRatio);
          const availables = [];
          if (lightOption !== -1)
          if (darkOption !== -1)
          const prefersLight = DynamicColor.tonePrefersLightForeground(bgTone1) || DynamicColor.tonePrefersLightForeground(bgTone2);
          if (prefersLight) {
            return lightOption < 0 ? 100 : lightOption;
          if (availables.length === 1) {
            return availables[0];
          return darkOption < 0 ? 0 : darkOption;
        return answer;
     * Given a background tone, find a foreground tone, while ensuring they reach
     * a contrast ratio that is as close to [ratio] as possible.
     * @param bgTone Tone in HCT. Range is 0 to 100, undefined behavior when it
     *     falls outside that range.
     * @param ratio The contrast ratio desired between bgTone and the return
     *     value.
    static foregroundTone(bgTone, ratio) {
      const lighterTone = Contrast.lighterUnsafe(bgTone, ratio);
      const darkerTone = Contrast.darkerUnsafe(bgTone, ratio);
      const lighterRatio = Contrast.ratioOfTones(lighterTone, bgTone);
      const darkerRatio = Contrast.ratioOfTones(darkerTone, bgTone);
      const preferLighter = DynamicColor.tonePrefersLightForeground(bgTone);
      if (preferLighter) {
        const negligibleDifference = Math.abs(lighterRatio - darkerRatio) < 0.1 && lighterRatio < ratio && darkerRatio < ratio;
        return lighterRatio >= ratio || lighterRatio >= darkerRatio || negligibleDifference ? lighterTone : darkerTone;
      } else {
        return darkerRatio >= ratio || darkerRatio >= lighterRatio ? darkerTone : lighterTone;
     * Returns whether [tone] prefers a light foreground.
     * People prefer white foregrounds on ~T60-70. Observed over time, and also
     * by Andrew Somers during research for APCA.
     * T60 used as to create the smallest discontinuity possible when skipping
     * down to T49 in order to ensure light foregrounds.
     * Since `tertiaryContainer` in dark monochrome scheme requires a tone of
     * 60, it should not be adjusted. Therefore, 60 is excluded here.
    static tonePrefersLightForeground(tone) {
      return Math.round(tone) < 60;
     * Returns whether [tone] can reach a contrast ratio of 4.5 with a lighter
     * color.
    static toneAllowsLightForeground(tone) {
      return Math.round(tone) <= 49;
     * Adjust a tone such that white has 4.5 contrast, if the tone is
     * reasonably close to supporting it.
    static enableLightForeground(tone) {
      if (DynamicColor.tonePrefersLightForeground(tone) && !DynamicColor.toneAllowsLightForeground(tone)) {
        return 49;
      return tone;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class ContrastCurve {
     * Creates a `ContrastCurve` object.
     * @param low Value for contrast level -1.0
     * @param normal Value for contrast level 0.0
     * @param medium Value for contrast level 0.5
     * @param high Value for contrast level 1.0
    constructor(low, normal, medium, high) {
      this.low = low;
      this.normal = normal;
      this.medium = medium;
      this.high = high;
     * Returns the value at a given contrast level.
     * @param contrastLevel The contrast level. 0.0 is the default (normal); -1.0
     *     is the lowest; 1.0 is the highest.
     * @return The value. For contrast ratios, a number between 1.0 and 21.0.
    get(contrastLevel) {
      if (contrastLevel <= -1) {
        return this.low;
      } else if (contrastLevel < 0) {
        return lerp(this.low, this.normal, (contrastLevel - -1) / 1);
      } else if (contrastLevel < 0.5) {
        return lerp(this.normal, this.medium, (contrastLevel - 0) / 0.5);
      } else if (contrastLevel < 1) {
        return lerp(this.medium, this.high, (contrastLevel - 0.5) / 0.5);
      } else {
        return this.high;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  class ToneDeltaPair {
     * Documents a constraint in tone distance between two DynamicColors.
     * The polarity is an adjective that describes "A", compared to "B".
     * For instance, ToneDeltaPair(A, B, 15, 'darker', stayTogether) states that
     * A's tone should be at least 15 darker than B's.
     * 'nearer' and 'farther' describes closeness to the surface roles. For
     * instance, ToneDeltaPair(A, B, 10, 'nearer', stayTogether) states that A
     * should be 10 lighter than B in light mode, and 10 darker than B in dark
     * mode.
     * @param roleA The first role in a pair.
     * @param roleB The second role in a pair.
     * @param delta Required difference between tones. Absolute value, negative
     * values have undefined behavior.
     * @param polarity The relative relation between tones of roleA and roleB,
     * as described above.
     * @param stayTogether Whether these two roles should stay on the same side of
     * the "awkward zone" (T50-59). This is necessary for certain cases where
     * one role has two backgrounds.
    constructor(roleA, roleB, delta, polarity, stayTogether) {
      this.roleA = roleA;
      this.roleB = roleB;
      this.delta = delta;
      this.polarity = polarity;
      this.stayTogether = stayTogether;
   * @license
   * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  var Variant;
  (function(Variant2) {
    Variant2[Variant2["MONOCHROME"] = 0] = "MONOCHROME";
    Variant2[Variant2["NEUTRAL"] = 1] = "NEUTRAL";
    Variant2[Variant2["TONAL_SPOT"] = 2] = "TONAL_SPOT";
    Variant2[Variant2["VIBRANT"] = 3] = "VIBRANT";
    Variant2[Variant2["EXPRESSIVE"] = 4] = "EXPRESSIVE";
    Variant2[Variant2["FIDELITY"] = 5] = "FIDELITY";
    Variant2[Variant2["CONTENT"] = 6] = "CONTENT";
    Variant2[Variant2["RAINBOW"] = 7] = "RAINBOW";
    Variant2[Variant2["FRUIT_SALAD"] = 8] = "FRUIT_SALAD";
  })(Variant || (Variant = {}));
   * @license
   * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  function isFidelity(scheme) {
    return scheme.variant === Variant.FIDELITY || scheme.variant === Variant.CONTENT;
  function isMonochrome(scheme) {
    return scheme.variant === Variant.MONOCHROME;
  function findDesiredChromaByTone(hue, chroma, tone, byDecreasingTone) {
    let answer = tone;
    let closestToChroma = Hct.from(hue, chroma, tone);
    if (closestToChroma.chroma < chroma) {
      let chromaPeak = closestToChroma.chroma;
      while (closestToChroma.chroma < chroma) {
        answer += byDecreasingTone ? -1 : 1;
        const potentialSolution = Hct.from(hue, chroma, answer);
        if (chromaPeak > potentialSolution.chroma) {
        if (Math.abs(potentialSolution.chroma - chroma) < 0.4) {
        const potentialDelta = Math.abs(potentialSolution.chroma - chroma);
        const currentDelta = Math.abs(closestToChroma.chroma - chroma);
        if (potentialDelta < currentDelta) {
          closestToChroma = potentialSolution;
        chromaPeak = Math.max(chromaPeak, potentialSolution.chroma);
    return answer;
  class MaterialDynamicColors {
    static highestSurface(s2) {
      return s2.isDark ? MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceBright : MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceDim;
  MaterialDynamicColors.contentAccentToneDelta = 15;
  MaterialDynamicColors.primaryPaletteKeyColor = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "primary_palette_key_color",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette.keyColor.tone
  MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryPaletteKeyColor = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "secondary_palette_key_color",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette.keyColor.tone
  MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryPaletteKeyColor = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "tertiary_palette_key_color",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette.keyColor.tone
  MaterialDynamicColors.neutralPaletteKeyColor = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "neutral_palette_key_color",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette.keyColor.tone
  MaterialDynamicColors.neutralVariantPaletteKeyColor = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "neutral_variant_palette_key_color",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralVariantPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.neutralVariantPalette.keyColor.tone
  MaterialDynamicColors.background = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "background",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 6 : 98,
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.onBackground = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_background",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 90 : 10,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.background,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 3, 4.5, 7)
  MaterialDynamicColors.surface = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 6 : 98,
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceDim = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_dim",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 6 : new ContrastCurve(87, 87, 80, 75).get(s2.contrastLevel),
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceBright = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_bright",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? new ContrastCurve(24, 24, 29, 34).get(s2.contrastLevel) : 98,
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceContainerLowest = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_container_lowest",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? new ContrastCurve(4, 4, 2, 0).get(s2.contrastLevel) : 100,
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceContainerLow = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_container_low",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? new ContrastCurve(10, 10, 11, 12).get(s2.contrastLevel) : new ContrastCurve(96, 96, 96, 95).get(s2.contrastLevel),
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? new ContrastCurve(12, 12, 16, 20).get(s2.contrastLevel) : new ContrastCurve(94, 94, 92, 90).get(s2.contrastLevel),
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceContainerHigh = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_container_high",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? new ContrastCurve(17, 17, 21, 25).get(s2.contrastLevel) : new ContrastCurve(92, 92, 88, 85).get(s2.contrastLevel),
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceContainerHighest = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_container_highest",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? new ContrastCurve(22, 22, 26, 30).get(s2.contrastLevel) : new ContrastCurve(90, 90, 84, 80).get(s2.contrastLevel),
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.onSurface = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_surface",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 90 : 10,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceVariant = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_variant",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralVariantPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 30 : 90,
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.onSurfaceVariant = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_surface_variant",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralVariantPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 80 : 30,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.inverseSurface = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "inverse_surface",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 90 : 20
  MaterialDynamicColors.inverseOnSurface = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "inverse_on_surface",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 20 : 95,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.inverseSurface,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.outline = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "outline",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralVariantPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 60 : 50,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1.5, 3, 4.5, 7)
  MaterialDynamicColors.outlineVariant = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "outline_variant",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralVariantPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 30 : 80,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5)
  MaterialDynamicColors.shadow = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "shadow",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => 0
  MaterialDynamicColors.scrim = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "scrim",
    palette: (s2) => s2.neutralPalette,
    tone: (s2) => 0
  MaterialDynamicColors.surfaceTint = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "surface_tint",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 80 : 40,
    isBackground: true
  MaterialDynamicColors.primary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "primary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 100 : 0;
      return s2.isDark ? 80 : 40;
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 7),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.primaryContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.primary, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onPrimary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_primary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 10 : 90;
      return s2.isDark ? 20 : 100;
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.primary,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.primaryContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "primary_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isFidelity(s2)) {
        return s2.sourceColorHct.tone;
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 85 : 25;
      return s2.isDark ? 30 : 90;
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.primaryContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.primary, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onPrimaryContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_primary_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isFidelity(s2)) {
        return DynamicColor.foregroundTone(MaterialDynamicColors.primaryContainer.tone(s2), 4.5);
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 0 : 100;
      return s2.isDark ? 90 : 30;
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.primaryContainer,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.inversePrimary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "inverse_primary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 40 : 80,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.inverseSurface,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 7)
  MaterialDynamicColors.secondary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "secondary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 80 : 40,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 7),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.secondary, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onSecondary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_secondary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 10 : 100;
      } else {
        return s2.isDark ? 20 : 100;
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.secondary,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "secondary_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      const initialTone = s2.isDark ? 30 : 90;
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 30 : 85;
      if (!isFidelity(s2)) {
        return initialTone;
      return findDesiredChromaByTone(s2.secondaryPalette.hue, s2.secondaryPalette.chroma, initialTone, s2.isDark ? false : true);
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.secondary, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onSecondaryContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_secondary_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 90 : 10;
      if (!isFidelity(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 90 : 30;
      return DynamicColor.foregroundTone(MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryContainer.tone(s2), 4.5);
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryContainer,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.tertiary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "tertiary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 90 : 25;
      return s2.isDark ? 80 : 40;
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 7),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.tertiary, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onTertiary = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_tertiary",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 10 : 90;
      return s2.isDark ? 20 : 100;
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.tertiary,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "tertiary_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 60 : 49;
      if (!isFidelity(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 30 : 90;
      const proposedHct = s2.tertiaryPalette.getHct(s2.sourceColorHct.tone);
      return DislikeAnalyzer.fixIfDisliked(proposedHct).tone;
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.tertiary, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onTertiaryContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_tertiary_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 0 : 100;
      if (!isFidelity(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 90 : 30;
      return DynamicColor.foregroundTone(MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryContainer.tone(s2), 4.5);
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryContainer,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.error = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "error",
    palette: (s2) => s2.errorPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 80 : 40,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 7),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.errorContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.error, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onError = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_error",
    palette: (s2) => s2.errorPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 20 : 100,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.error,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.errorContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "error_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.errorPalette,
    tone: (s2) => s2.isDark ? 30 : 90,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.errorContainer, MaterialDynamicColors.error, 10, "nearer", false)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onErrorContainer = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_error_container",
    palette: (s2) => s2.errorPalette,
    tone: (s2) => {
      if (isMonochrome(s2)) {
        return s2.isDark ? 90 : 10;
      return s2.isDark ? 90 : 30;
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.errorContainer,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixed = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "primary_fixed",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 40 : 90,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixed, MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixedDim, 10, "lighter", true)
  MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixedDim = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "primary_fixed_dim",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 30 : 80,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixed, MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixedDim, 10, "lighter", true)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onPrimaryFixed = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_primary_fixed",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 100 : 10,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixedDim,
    secondBackground: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixed,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onPrimaryFixedVariant = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_primary_fixed_variant",
    palette: (s2) => s2.primaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 90 : 30,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixedDim,
    secondBackground: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.primaryFixed,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixed = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "secondary_fixed",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 80 : 90,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixed, MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixedDim, 10, "lighter", true)
  MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixedDim = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "secondary_fixed_dim",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 70 : 80,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixed, MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixedDim, 10, "lighter", true)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onSecondaryFixed = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_secondary_fixed",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => 10,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixedDim,
    secondBackground: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixed,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onSecondaryFixedVariant = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_secondary_fixed_variant",
    palette: (s2) => s2.secondaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 25 : 30,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixedDim,
    secondBackground: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.secondaryFixed,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixed = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "tertiary_fixed",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 40 : 90,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixed, MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixedDim, 10, "lighter", true)
  MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixedDim = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "tertiary_fixed_dim",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 30 : 80,
    isBackground: true,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.highestSurface(s2),
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(1, 1, 3, 4.5),
    toneDeltaPair: (s2) => new ToneDeltaPair(MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixed, MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixedDim, 10, "lighter", true)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onTertiaryFixed = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_tertiary_fixed",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 100 : 10,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixedDim,
    secondBackground: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixed,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(4.5, 7, 11, 21)
  MaterialDynamicColors.onTertiaryFixedVariant = DynamicColor.fromPalette({
    name: "on_tertiary_fixed_variant",
    palette: (s2) => s2.tertiaryPalette,
    tone: (s2) => isMonochrome(s2) ? 90 : 30,
    background: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixedDim,
    secondBackground: (s2) => MaterialDynamicColors.tertiaryFixed,
    contrastCurve: new ContrastCurve(3, 4.5, 7, 11)
  const getConfirmText = () => {
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  const getCancelText = () => {
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                return false;
              if (isString(validateResult)) {
                return false;
              if (isPromise(validateResult)) {
                return new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => {
                  validateResult.then(resolve2).catch((reason) => {
              return onConfirm();
      if (!options.confirmText) {
        onLocaleReady(dialog$1, () => {
      if (!options.cancelText) {
        onLocaleReady(dialog$1, () => {
      $$1(dialog$1).on("close", () => {
        isResolve ? resolve(textField.value) : reject();
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      queue(queueName + options.queue, () => {
        snackbar2.open = true;
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      currentSnackbar = snackbar2;
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    message: "深秋帘幕千家雨,落日楼台一笛风。",
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  var Space_Separator = /[\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/;
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/[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u0860-\u086A\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u09FC\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312E\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FEA\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6EF\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDD40-\uDD74\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF2D-\uDF4A\uDF50-\uDF75\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF\uDFD1-\uDFD5]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\uDDB7\uDDBE\uDDBF\uDE00\uDE10-\uDE13\uDE15-\uDE17\uDE19-\uDE33\uDE60-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEC0-\uDEC7\uDEC9-\uDEE4\uDF00-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF72\uDF80-\uDF91]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDC48\uDC80-\uDCB2\uDCC0-\uDCF2]|\uD804[\uDC03-\uDC37\uDC83-\uDCAF\uDCD0-\uDCE8\uDD03-\uDD26\uDD50-\uDD72\uDD76\uDD83-\uDDB2\uDDC1-\uDDC4\uDDDA\uDDDC\uDE00-\uDE11\uDE13-\uDE2B\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE88\uDE8A-\uDE8D\uDE8F-\uDE9D\uDE9F-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEDE\uDF05-\uDF0C\uDF0F\uDF10\uDF13-\uDF28\uDF2A-\uDF30\uDF32\uDF33\uDF35-\uDF39\uDF3D\uDF50\uDF5D-\uDF61]|\uD805[\uDC00-\uDC34\uDC47-\uDC4A\uDC80-\uDCAF\uDCC4\uDCC5\uDCC7\uDD80-\uDDAE\uDDD8-\uDDDB\uDE00-\uDE2F\uDE44\uDE80-\uDEAA\uDF00-\uDF19]|\uD806[\uDCA0-\uDCDF\uDCFF\uDE00\uDE0B-\uDE32\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE5C-\uDE83\uDE86-\uDE89\uDEC0-\uDEF8]|\uD807[\uDC00-\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC2E\uDC40\uDC72-\uDC8F\uDD00-\uDD06\uDD08\uDD09\uDD0B-\uDD30\uDD46]|\uD808[\uDC00-\uDF99]|\uD809[\uDC00-\uDC6E\uDC80-\uDD43]|[\uD80C\uD81C-\uD820\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD86C\uD86F-\uD872\uD874-\uD879][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC00-\uDC2E]|\uD811[\uDC00-\uDE46]|\uD81A[\uDC00-\uDE38\uDE40-\uDE5E\uDED0-\uDEED\uDF00-\uDF2F\uDF40-\uDF43\uDF63-\uDF77\uDF7D-\uDF8F]|\uD81B[\uDF00-\uDF44\uDF50\uDF93-\uDF9F\uDFE0\uDFE1]|\uD821[\uDC00-\uDFEC]|\uD822[\uDC00-\uDEF2]|\uD82C[\uDC00-\uDD1E\uDD70-\uDEFB]|\uD82F[\uDC00-\uDC6A\uDC70-\uDC7C\uDC80-\uDC88\uDC90-\uDC99]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD1E-\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD52-\uDEA5\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEFA\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF34\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF6E\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDFA8\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFCB]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCC4\uDD00-\uDD43]|\uD83B[\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05-\uDE1F\uDE21\uDE22\uDE24\uDE27\uDE29-\uDE32\uDE34-\uDE37\uDE39\uDE3B\uDE42\uDE47\uDE49\uDE4B\uDE4D-\uDE4F\uDE51\uDE52\uDE54\uDE57\uDE59\uDE5B\uDE5D\uDE5F\uDE61\uDE62\uDE64\uDE67-\uDE6A\uDE6C-\uDE72\uDE74-\uDE77\uDE79-\uDE7C\uDE7E\uDE80-\uDE89\uDE8B-\uDE9B\uDEA1-\uDEA3\uDEA5-\uDEA9\uDEAB-\uDEBB]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD86D[\uDC00-\uDF34\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD86E[\uDC00-\uDC1D\uDC20-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEA1\uDEB0-\uDFFF]|\uD87A[\uDC00-\uDFE0]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1D]/;
  var ID_Continue = /[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0300-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u0483-\u0487\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0610-\u061A\u0620-\u0669\u066E-\u06D3\u06D5-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E8\u06EA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710-\u074A\u074D-\u07B1\u07C0-\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u082D\u0840-\u085B\u0860-\u086A\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u08D4-\u08E1\u08E3-\u0963\u0966-\u096F\u0971-\u0983\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BC-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CE\u09D7\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E3\u09E6-\u09F1\u09FC\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A66-\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABC-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AD0\u0AE0-\u0AE3\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0AF9-\u0AFF\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3C-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B63\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B71\u0B82\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD0\u0BD7\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60-\u0C63\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C80-\u0C83\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBC-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE3\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D00-\u0D03\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D57\u0D5F-\u0D63\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D82\u0D83\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E01-\u0E3A\u0E40-\u0E4E\u0E50-\u0E59\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB9\u0EBB-\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F18\u0F19\u0F20-\u0F29\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u1000-\u1049\u1050-\u109D\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u135D-\u135F\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1714\u1720-\u1734\u1740-\u1753\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17D3\u17D7\u17DC\u17DD\u17E0-\u17E9\u180B-\u180D\u1810-\u1819\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u1946-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A00-\u1A1B\u1A20-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1AA7\u1AB0-\u1ABD\u1B00-\u1B4B\u1B50-\u1B59\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1BF3\u1C00-\u1C37\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C4D-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CF9\u1D00-\u1DF9\u1DFB-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u203F\u2040\u2054\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u20D0-\u20DC\u20E1\u20E5-\u20F0\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D7F-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u3099\u309A\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312E\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FEA\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA62B\uA640-\uA66F\uA674-\uA67D\uA67F-\uA6F1\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA827\uA840-\uA873\uA880-\uA8C5\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA8E0-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA900-\uA92D\uA930-\uA953\uA960-\uA97C\uA980-\uA9C0\uA9CF-\uA9D9\uA9E0-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA36\uAA40-\uAA4D\uAA50-\uAA59\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A-\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEF\uAAF2-\uAAF6\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uABF0-\uABF9\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2F\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D-\uFE4F\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF3F\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDD40-\uDD74\uDDFD\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDEE0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF2D-\uDF4A\uDF50-\uDF7A\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF\uDFD1-\uDFD5]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCA0-\uDCA9\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\uDDB7\uDDBE\uDDBF\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05\uDE06\uDE0C-\uDE13\uDE15-\uDE17\uDE19-\uDE33\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE3F\uDE60-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEC0-\uDEC7\uDEC9-\uDEE6\uDF00-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF72\uDF80-\uDF91]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDC48\uDC80-\uDCB2\uDCC0-\uDCF2]|\uD804[\uDC00-\uDC46\uDC66-\uDC6F\uDC7F-\uDCBA\uDCD0-\uDCE8\uDCF0-\uDCF9\uDD00-\uDD34\uDD36-\uDD3F\uDD50-\uDD73\uDD76\uDD80-\uDDC4\uDDCA-\uDDCC\uDDD0-\uDDDA\uDDDC\uDE00-\uDE11\uDE13-\uDE37\uDE3E\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE88\uDE8A-\uDE8D\uDE8F-\uDE9D\uDE9F-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEEA\uDEF0-\uDEF9\uDF00-\uDF03\uDF05-\uDF0C\uDF0F\uDF10\uDF13-\uDF28\uDF2A-\uDF30\uDF32\uDF33\uDF35-\uDF39\uDF3C-\uDF44\uDF47\uDF48\uDF4B-\uDF4D\uDF50\uDF57\uDF5D-\uDF63\uDF66-\uDF6C\uDF70-\uDF74]|\uD805[\uDC00-\uDC4A\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC80-\uDCC5\uDCC7\uDCD0-\uDCD9\uDD80-\uDDB5\uDDB8-\uDDC0\uDDD8-\uDDDD\uDE00-\uDE40\uDE44\uDE50-\uDE59\uDE80-\uDEB7\uDEC0-\uDEC9\uDF00-\uDF19\uDF1D-\uDF2B\uDF30-\uDF39]|\uD806[\uDCA0-\uDCE9\uDCFF\uDE00-\uDE3E\uDE47\uDE50-\uDE83\uDE86-\uDE99\uDEC0-\uDEF8]|\uD807[\uDC00-\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC36\uDC38-\uDC40\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC72-\uDC8F\uDC92-\uDCA7\uDCA9-\uDCB6\uDD00-\uDD06\uDD08\uDD09\uDD0B-\uDD36\uDD3A\uDD3C\uDD3D\uDD3F-\uDD47\uDD50-\uDD59]|\uD808[\uDC00-\uDF99]|\uD809[\uDC00-\uDC6E\uDC80-\uDD43]|[\uD80C\uD81C-\uD820\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD86C\uD86F-\uD872\uD874-\uD879][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC00-\uDC2E]|\uD811[\uDC00-\uDE46]|\uD81A[\uDC00-\uDE38\uDE40-\uDE5E\uDE60-\uDE69\uDED0-\uDEED\uDEF0-\uDEF4\uDF00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF43\uDF50-\uDF59\uDF63-\uDF77\uDF7D-\uDF8F]|\uD81B[\uDF00-\uDF44\uDF50-\uDF7E\uDF8F-\uDF9F\uDFE0\uDFE1]|\uD821[\uDC00-\uDFEC]|\uD822[\uDC00-\uDEF2]|\uD82C[\uDC00-\uDD1E\uDD70-\uDEFB]|\uD82F[\uDC00-\uDC6A\uDC70-\uDC7C\uDC80-\uDC88\uDC90-\uDC99\uDC9D\uDC9E]|\uD834[\uDD65-\uDD69\uDD6D-\uDD72\uDD7B-\uDD82\uDD85-\uDD8B\uDDAA-\uDDAD\uDE42-\uDE44]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD1E-\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD52-\uDEA5\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEFA\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF34\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF6E\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDFA8\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFCB\uDFCE-\uDFFF]|\uD836[\uDE00-\uDE36\uDE3B-\uDE6C\uDE75\uDE84\uDE9B-\uDE9F\uDEA1-\uDEAF]|\uD838[\uDC00-\uDC06\uDC08-\uDC18\uDC1B-\uDC21\uDC23\uDC24\uDC26-\uDC2A]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCC4\uDCD0-\uDCD6\uDD00-\uDD4A\uDD50-\uDD59]|\uD83B[\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05-\uDE1F\uDE21\uDE22\uDE24\uDE27\uDE29-\uDE32\uDE34-\uDE37\uDE39\uDE3B\uDE42\uDE47\uDE49\uDE4B\uDE4D-\uDE4F\uDE51\uDE52\uDE54\uDE57\uDE59\uDE5B\uDE5D\uDE5F\uDE61\uDE62\uDE64\uDE67-\uDE6A\uDE6C-\uDE72\uDE74-\uDE77\uDE79-\uDE7C\uDE7E\uDE80-\uDE89\uDE8B-\uDE9B\uDEA1-\uDEA3\uDEA5-\uDEA9\uDEAB-\uDEBB]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD86D[\uDC00-\uDF34\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD86E[\uDC00-\uDC1D\uDC20-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEA1\uDEB0-\uDFFF]|\uD87A[\uDC00-\uDFE0]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1D]|\uDB40[\uDD00-\uDDEF]/;
  var unicode = {
  var util = {
    isSpaceSeparator(c2) {
      return typeof c2 === "string" && unicode.Space_Separator.test(c2);
    isIdStartChar(c2) {
      return typeof c2 === "string" && (c2 >= "a" && c2 <= "z" || c2 >= "A" && c2 <= "Z" || c2 === "$" || c2 === "_" || unicode.ID_Start.test(c2));
    isIdContinueChar(c2) {
      return typeof c2 === "string" && (c2 >= "a" && c2 <= "z" || c2 >= "A" && c2 <= "Z" || c2 >= "0" && c2 <= "9" || c2 === "$" || c2 === "_" || c2 === "‌" || c2 === "‍" || unicode.ID_Continue.test(c2));
    isDigit(c2) {
      return typeof c2 === "string" && /[0-9]/.test(c2);
    isHexDigit(c2) {
      return typeof c2 === "string" && /[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(c2);
  let source;
  let parseState;
  let stack;
  let pos;
  let line;
  let column;
  let token;
  let key$1;
  let root;
  var parse = function parse2(text, reviver) {
    source = String(text);
    parseState = "start";
    stack = [];
    pos = 0;
    line = 1;
    column = 0;
    token = void 0;
    key$1 = void 0;
    root = void 0;
    do {
      token = lex();
    } while (token.type !== "eof");
    if (typeof reviver === "function") {
      return internalize({ "": root }, "", reviver);
    return root;
  function internalize(holder, name, reviver) {
    const value = holder[name];
    if (value != null && typeof value === "object") {
      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        for (let i3 = 0; i3 < value.length; i3++) {
          const key2 = String(i3);
          const replacement = internalize(value, key2, reviver);
          if (replacement === void 0) {
            delete value[key2];
          } else {
            Object.defineProperty(value, key2, {
              value: replacement,
              writable: true,
              enumerable: true,
              configurable: true
      } else {
        for (const key2 in value) {
          const replacement = internalize(value, key2, reviver);
          if (replacement === void 0) {
            delete value[key2];
          } else {
            Object.defineProperty(value, key2, {
              value: replacement,
              writable: true,
              enumerable: true,
              configurable: true
    return reviver.call(holder, name, value);
  let lexState;
  let buffer;
  let doubleQuote;
  let sign;
  let c;
  function lex() {
    lexState = "default";
    buffer = "";
    doubleQuote = false;
    sign = 1;
    for (; ; ) {
      c = peek();
      const token2 = lexStates[lexState]();
      if (token2) {
        return token2;
  function peek() {
    if (source[pos]) {
      return String.fromCodePoint(source.codePointAt(pos));
  function read() {
    const c2 = peek();
    if (c2 === "\n") {
      column = 0;
    } else if (c2) {
      column += c2.length;
    } else {
    if (c2) {
      pos += c2.length;
    return c2;
  const lexStates = {
    default() {
      switch (c) {
        case "	":
        case "\v":
        case "\f":
        case " ":
        case " ":
        case "\uFEFF":
        case "\n":
        case "\r":
        case "\u2028":
        case "\u2029":
        case "/":
          lexState = "comment";
        case void 0:
          return newToken("eof");
      if (util.isSpaceSeparator(c)) {
      return lexStates[parseState]();
    comment() {
      switch (c) {
        case "*":
          lexState = "multiLineComment";
        case "/":
          lexState = "singleLineComment";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    multiLineComment() {
      switch (c) {
        case "*":
          lexState = "multiLineCommentAsterisk";
        case void 0:
          throw invalidChar(read());
    multiLineCommentAsterisk() {
      switch (c) {
        case "*":
        case "/":
          lexState = "default";
        case void 0:
          throw invalidChar(read());
      lexState = "multiLineComment";
    singleLineComment() {
      switch (c) {
        case "\n":
        case "\r":
        case "\u2028":
        case "\u2029":
          lexState = "default";
        case void 0:
          return newToken("eof");
    value() {
      switch (c) {
        case "{":
        case "[":
          return newToken("punctuator", read());
        case "n":
          return newToken("null", null);
        case "t":
          return newToken("boolean", true);
        case "f":
          return newToken("boolean", false);
        case "-":
        case "+":
          if (read() === "-") {
            sign = -1;
          lexState = "sign";
        case ".":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "decimalPointLeading";
        case "0":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "zero";
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
        case "5":
        case "6":
        case "7":
        case "8":
        case "9":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "decimalInteger";
        case "I":
          return newToken("numeric", Infinity);
        case "N":
          return newToken("numeric", NaN);
        case '"':
        case "'":
          doubleQuote = read() === '"';
          buffer = "";
          lexState = "string";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    identifierNameStartEscape() {
      if (c !== "u") {
        throw invalidChar(read());
      const u2 = unicodeEscape();
      switch (u2) {
        case "$":
        case "_":
          if (!util.isIdStartChar(u2)) {
            throw invalidIdentifier();
      buffer += u2;
      lexState = "identifierName";
    identifierName() {
      switch (c) {
        case "$":
        case "_":
        case "‌":
        case "‍":
          buffer += read();
        case "\\":
          lexState = "identifierNameEscape";
      if (util.isIdContinueChar(c)) {
        buffer += read();
      return newToken("identifier", buffer);
    identifierNameEscape() {
      if (c !== "u") {
        throw invalidChar(read());
      const u2 = unicodeEscape();
      switch (u2) {
        case "$":
        case "_":
        case "‌":
        case "‍":
          if (!util.isIdContinueChar(u2)) {
            throw invalidIdentifier();
      buffer += u2;
      lexState = "identifierName";
    sign() {
      switch (c) {
        case ".":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "decimalPointLeading";
        case "0":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "zero";
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
        case "5":
        case "6":
        case "7":
        case "8":
        case "9":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "decimalInteger";
        case "I":
          return newToken("numeric", sign * Infinity);
        case "N":
          return newToken("numeric", NaN);
      throw invalidChar(read());
    zero() {
      switch (c) {
        case ".":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalPoint";
        case "e":
        case "E":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalExponent";
        case "x":
        case "X":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "hexadecimal";
      return newToken("numeric", sign * 0);
    decimalInteger() {
      switch (c) {
        case ".":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalPoint";
        case "e":
        case "E":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalExponent";
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
      return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
    decimalPointLeading() {
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
        lexState = "decimalFraction";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    decimalPoint() {
      switch (c) {
        case "e":
        case "E":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalExponent";
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
        lexState = "decimalFraction";
      return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
    decimalFraction() {
      switch (c) {
        case "e":
        case "E":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalExponent";
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
      return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
    decimalExponent() {
      switch (c) {
        case "+":
        case "-":
          buffer += read();
          lexState = "decimalExponentSign";
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
        lexState = "decimalExponentInteger";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    decimalExponentSign() {
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
        lexState = "decimalExponentInteger";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    decimalExponentInteger() {
      if (util.isDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
      return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
    hexadecimal() {
      if (util.isHexDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
        lexState = "hexadecimalInteger";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    hexadecimalInteger() {
      if (util.isHexDigit(c)) {
        buffer += read();
      return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
    string() {
      switch (c) {
        case "\\":
          buffer += escape();
        case '"':
          if (doubleQuote) {
            return newToken("string", buffer);
          buffer += read();
        case "'":
          if (!doubleQuote) {
            return newToken("string", buffer);
          buffer += read();
        case "\n":
        case "\r":
          throw invalidChar(read());
        case "\u2028":
        case "\u2029":
        case void 0:
          throw invalidChar(read());
      buffer += read();
    start() {
      switch (c) {
        case "{":
        case "[":
          return newToken("punctuator", read());
      lexState = "value";
    beforePropertyName() {
      switch (c) {
        case "$":
        case "_":
          buffer = read();
          lexState = "identifierName";
        case "\\":
          lexState = "identifierNameStartEscape";
        case "}":
          return newToken("punctuator", read());
        case '"':
        case "'":
          doubleQuote = read() === '"';
          lexState = "string";
      if (util.isIdStartChar(c)) {
        buffer += read();
        lexState = "identifierName";
      throw invalidChar(read());
    afterPropertyName() {
      if (c === ":") {
        return newToken("punctuator", read());
      throw invalidChar(read());
    beforePropertyValue() {
      lexState = "value";
    afterPropertyValue() {
      switch (c) {
        case ",":
        case "}":
          return newToken("punctuator", read());
      throw invalidChar(read());
    beforeArrayValue() {
      if (c === "]") {
        return newToken("punctuator", read());
      lexState = "value";
    afterArrayValue() {
      switch (c) {
        case ",":
        case "]":
          return newToken("punctuator", read());
      throw invalidChar(read());
    end() {
      throw invalidChar(read());
  function newToken(type, value) {
    return {
  function literal(s2) {
    for (const c2 of s2) {
      const p2 = peek();
      if (p2 !== c2) {
        throw invalidChar(read());
  function escape() {
    const c2 = peek();
    switch (c2) {
      case "b":
        return "\b";
      case "f":
        return "\f";
      case "n":
        return "\n";
      case "r":
        return "\r";
      case "t":
        return "	";
      case "v":
        return "\v";
      case "0":
        if (util.isDigit(peek())) {
          throw invalidChar(read());
        return "\0";
      case "x":
        return hexEscape();
      case "u":
        return unicodeEscape();
      case "\n":
      case "\u2028":
      case "\u2029":
        return "";
      case "\r":
        if (peek() === "\n") {
        return "";
      case "1":
      case "2":
      case "3":
      case "4":
      case "5":
      case "6":
      case "7":
      case "8":
      case "9":
        throw invalidChar(read());
      case void 0:
        throw invalidChar(read());
    return read();
  function hexEscape() {
    let buffer2 = "";
    let c2 = peek();
    if (!util.isHexDigit(c2)) {
      throw invalidChar(read());
    buffer2 += read();
    c2 = peek();
    if (!util.isHexDigit(c2)) {
      throw invalidChar(read());
    buffer2 += read();
    return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(buffer2, 16));
  function unicodeEscape() {
    let buffer2 = "";
    let count = 4;
    while (count-- > 0) {
      const c2 = peek();
      if (!util.isHexDigit(c2)) {
        throw invalidChar(read());
      buffer2 += read();
    return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(buffer2, 16));
  const parseStates = {
    start() {
      if (token.type === "eof") {
        throw invalidEOF();
    beforePropertyName() {
      switch (token.type) {
        case "identifier":
        case "string":
          key$1 = token.value;
          parseState = "afterPropertyName";
        case "punctuator":
        case "eof":
          throw invalidEOF();
    afterPropertyName() {
      if (token.type === "eof") {
        throw invalidEOF();
      parseState = "beforePropertyValue";
    beforePropertyValue() {
      if (token.type === "eof") {
        throw invalidEOF();
    beforeArrayValue() {
      if (token.type === "eof") {
        throw invalidEOF();
      if (token.type === "punctuator" && token.value === "]") {
    afterPropertyValue() {
      if (token.type === "eof") {
        throw invalidEOF();
      switch (token.value) {
        case ",":
          parseState = "beforePropertyName";
        case "}":
    afterArrayValue() {
      if (token.type === "eof") {
        throw invalidEOF();
      switch (token.value) {
        case ",":
          parseState = "beforeArrayValue";
        case "]":
    end() {
  function push() {
    let value;
    switch (token.type) {
      case "punctuator":
        switch (token.value) {
          case "{":
            value = {};
          case "[":
            value = [];
      case "null":
      case "boolean":
      case "numeric":
      case "string":
        value = token.value;
    if (root === void 0) {
      root = value;
    } else {
      const parent = stack[stack.length - 1];
      if (Array.isArray(parent)) {
      } else {
        Object.defineProperty(parent, key$1, {
          writable: true,
          enumerable: true,
          configurable: true
    if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") {
      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        parseState = "beforeArrayValue";
      } else {
        parseState = "beforePropertyName";
    } else {
      const current = stack[stack.length - 1];
      if (current == null) {
        parseState = "end";
      } else if (Array.isArray(current)) {
        parseState = "afterArrayValue";
      } else {
        parseState = "afterPropertyValue";
  function pop() {
    const current = stack[stack.length - 1];
    if (current == null) {
      parseState = "end";
    } else if (Array.isArray(current)) {
      parseState = "afterArrayValue";
    } else {
      parseState = "afterPropertyValue";
  function invalidChar(c2) {
    if (c2 === void 0) {
      return syntaxError(`JSON5: invalid end of input at ${line}:${column}`);
    return syntaxError(`JSON5: invalid character '${formatChar(c2)}' at ${line}:${column}`);
  function invalidEOF() {
    return syntaxError(`JSON5: invalid end of input at ${line}:${column}`);
  function invalidIdentifier() {
    column -= 5;
    return syntaxError(`JSON5: invalid identifier character at ${line}:${column}`);
  function separatorChar(c2) {
    console.warn(`JSON5: '${formatChar(c2)}' in strings is not valid ECMAScript; consider escaping`);
  function formatChar(c2) {
    const replacements = {
      "'": "\\'",
      '"': '\\"',
      "\\": "\\\\",
      "\b": "\\b",
      "\f": "\\f",
      "\n": "\\n",
      "\r": "\\r",
      "	": "\\t",
      "\v": "\\v",
      "\0": "\\0",
      "\u2028": "\\u2028",
      "\u2029": "\\u2029"
    if (replacements[c2]) {
      return replacements[c2];
    if (c2 < " ") {
      const hexString = c2.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
      return "\\x" + ("00" + hexString).substring(hexString.length);
    return c2;
  function syntaxError(message) {
    const err = new SyntaxError(message);
    err.lineNumber = line;
    err.columnNumber = column;
    return err;
  var stringify = function stringify2(value, replacer, space) {
    const stack2 = [];
    let indent = "";
    let propertyList;
    let replacerFunc;
    let gap = "";
    let quote;
    if (replacer != null && typeof replacer === "object" && !Array.isArray(replacer)) {
      space = replacer.space;
      quote = replacer.quote;
      replacer = replacer.replacer;
    if (typeof replacer === "function") {
      replacerFunc = replacer;
    } else if (Array.isArray(replacer)) {
      propertyList = [];
      for (const v2 of replacer) {
        let item;
        if (typeof v2 === "string") {
          item = v2;
        } else if (typeof v2 === "number" || v2 instanceof String || v2 instanceof Number) {
          item = String(v2);
        if (item !== void 0 && propertyList.indexOf(item) < 0) {
    if (space instanceof Number) {
      space = Number(space);
    } else if (space instanceof String) {
      space = String(space);
    if (typeof space === "number") {
      if (space > 0) {
        space = Math.min(10, Math.floor(space));
        gap = "          ".substr(0, space);
    } else if (typeof space === "string") {
      gap = space.substr(0, 10);
    return serializeProperty("", { "": value });
    function serializeProperty(key2, holder) {
      let value2 = holder[key2];
      if (value2 != null) {
        if (typeof value2.toJSON5 === "function") {
          value2 = value2.toJSON5(key2);
        } else if (typeof value2.toJSON === "function") {
          value2 = value2.toJSON(key2);
      if (replacerFunc) {
        value2 = replacerFunc.call(holder, key2, value2);
      if (value2 instanceof Number) {
        value2 = Number(value2);
      } else if (value2 instanceof String) {
        value2 = String(value2);
      } else if (value2 instanceof Boolean) {
        value2 = value2.valueOf();
      switch (value2) {
        case null:
          return "null";
        case true:
          return "true";
        case false:
          return "false";
      if (typeof value2 === "string") {
        return quoteString(value2);
      if (typeof value2 === "number") {
        return String(value2);
      if (typeof value2 === "object") {
        return Array.isArray(value2) ? serializeArray(value2) : serializeObject(value2);
      return void 0;
    function quoteString(value2) {
      const quotes = {
        "'": 0.1,
        '"': 0.2
      const replacements = {
        "'": "\\'",
        '"': '\\"',
        "\\": "\\\\",
        "\b": "\\b",
        "\f": "\\f",
        "\n": "\\n",
        "\r": "\\r",
        "	": "\\t",
        "\v": "\\v",
        "\0": "\\0",
        "\u2028": "\\u2028",
        "\u2029": "\\u2029"
      let product = "";
      for (let i3 = 0; i3 < value2.length; i3++) {
        const c2 = value2[i3];
        switch (c2) {
          case "'":
          case '"':
            product += c2;
          case "\0":
            if (util.isDigit(value2[i3 + 1])) {
              product += "\\x00";
        if (replacements[c2]) {
          product += replacements[c2];
        if (c2 < " ") {
          let hexString = c2.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
          product += "\\x" + ("00" + hexString).substring(hexString.length);
        product += c2;
      const quoteChar = quote || Object.keys(quotes).reduce((a2, b3) => quotes[a2] < quotes[b3] ? a2 : b3);
      product = product.replace(new RegExp(quoteChar, "g"), replacements[quoteChar]);
      return quoteChar + product + quoteChar;
    function serializeObject(value2) {
      if (stack2.indexOf(value2) >= 0) {
        throw TypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON5");
      let stepback = indent;
      indent = indent + gap;
      let keys = propertyList || Object.keys(value2);
      let partial = [];
      for (const key2 of keys) {
        const propertyString = serializeProperty(key2, value2);
        if (propertyString !== void 0) {
          let member = serializeKey(key2) + ":";
          if (gap !== "") {
            member += " ";
          member += propertyString;
      let final;
      if (partial.length === 0) {
        final = "{}";
      } else {
        let properties;
        if (gap === "") {
          properties = partial.join(",");
          final = "{" + properties + "}";
        } else {
          let separator = ",\n" + indent;
          properties = partial.join(separator);
          final = "{\n" + indent + properties + ",\n" + stepback + "}";
      indent = stepback;
      return final;
    function serializeKey(key2) {
      if (key2.length === 0) {
        return quoteString(key2);
      const firstChar = String.fromCodePoint(key2.codePointAt(0));
      if (!util.isIdStartChar(firstChar)) {
        return quoteString(key2);
      for (let i3 = firstChar.length; i3 < key2.length; i3++) {
        if (!util.isIdContinueChar(String.fromCodePoint(key2.codePointAt(i3)))) {
          return quoteString(key2);
      return key2;
    function serializeArray(value2) {
      if (stack2.indexOf(value2) >= 0) {
        throw TypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON5");
      let stepback = indent;
      indent = indent + gap;
      let partial = [];
      for (let i3 = 0; i3 < value2.length; i3++) {
        const propertyString = serializeProperty(String(i3), value2);
        partial.push(propertyString !== void 0 ? propertyString : "null");
      let final;
      if (partial.length === 0) {
        final = "[]";
      } else {
        if (gap === "") {
          let properties = partial.join(",");
          final = "[" + properties + "]";
        } else {
          let separator = ",\n" + indent;
          let properties = partial.join(separator);
          final = "[\n" + indent + properties + ",\n" + stepback + "]";
      indent = stepback;
      return final;
  const JSON5 = {
  var lib = JSON5;
  const attrList = [
  const send = (channal) => {
    const event = new Event(channal);
  const receive = (channal, callback) => {
    window.addEventListener(channal, callback);
  const copyProxy = new Proxy(navigator.clipboard.writeText, {
    apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => {
      const data2 = args[0];
      if (data2.startsWith("{") && data2.endsWith("}")) {
        window.Hanashiro.originRule = args[0];
        await new Promise((resolve) => {
          receive("modifyEnd", async () => {
            await Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [window.Hanashiro.returnResult]);
              message: "注入修改成功",
              placement: "top",
              onClosed: () => resolve(true)
      } else if (data2.startsWith("name=")) {
        if (window.localStorage.getItem("simplyName") == "true") {
          const fullname = data2.split('"')[1];
          const splitedName = fullname.split(".");
          const name = splitedName[splitedName.length - 1];
          await Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [name]);
        } else await Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [data2]);
      } else if (attrList.filter((attr) => data2.startsWith(`${attr}=`)).length != 0) {
        await Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [`[${data2}]`]);
      } else if (data2.startsWith(window.origin)) {
        const selectors = window.localStorage.getItem("selectors");
        if (selectors) {
          const copiedUrl = new URL(data2);
          if (copiedUrl.searchParams.has("gkd")) {
            const selectorBase64 = copiedUrl.searchParams.get("gkd");
            const parsedSelectors = lib.parse(selectors);
              headline: "备注",
              description: "给该选择器的备注,留空就用默认的了哦~",
              confirmText: "就决定是你了!",
              cancelText: "这个不要保存!",
              closeOnEsc: true,
              closeOnOverlayClick: true,
              onConfirm: (value) => {
                  name: value ? value : selectorBase64,
                  base64: selectorBase64
                window.localStorage.setItem("selectors", lib.stringify(parsedSelectors));
        await Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [data2]);
      } else await Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, [data2]);
  navigator.clipboard.writeText = copyProxy;
  var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
  function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x2) {
    return x2 && x2.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x2, "default") ? x2["default"] : x2;
  function commonjsRequire(path) {
    throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
  var localforage$1 = { exports: {} };
      localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved
      Version 1.10.0
      (c) 2013-2017 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0
  (function(module, exports) {
    (function(f2) {
        module.exports = f2();
    })(function() {
      return function e2(t2, n3, r2) {
        function s2(o3, u2) {
          if (!n3[o3]) {
            if (!t2[o3]) {
              var a2 = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire;
              if (!u2 && a2) return a2(o3, true);
              if (i3) return i3(o3, true);
              var f2 = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o3 + "'");
              throw f2.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f2;
            var l2 = n3[o3] = { exports: {} };
            t2[o3][0].call(l2.exports, function(e3) {
              var n4 = t2[o3][1][e3];
              return s2(n4 ? n4 : e3);
            }, l2, l2.exports, e2, t2, n3, r2);
          return n3[o3].exports;
        var i3 = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire;
        for (var o2 = 0; o2 < r2.length; o2++) s2(r2[o2]);
        return s2;
      }({ 1: [function(_dereq_, module2, exports2) {
        (function(global2) {
          var Mutation = global2.MutationObserver || global2.WebKitMutationObserver;
          var scheduleDrain;
            if (Mutation) {
              var called = 0;
              var observer2 = new Mutation(nextTick);
              var element = global2.document.createTextNode("");
              observer2.observe(element, {
                characterData: true
              scheduleDrain = function() {
                element.data = called = ++called % 2;
            } else if (!global2.setImmediate && typeof global2.MessageChannel !== "undefined") {
              var channel = new global2.MessageChannel();
              channel.port1.onmessage = nextTick;
              scheduleDrain = function() {
            } else if ("document" in global2 && "onreadystatechange" in global2.document.createElement("script")) {
              scheduleDrain = function() {
                var scriptEl = global2.document.createElement("script");
                scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function() {
                  scriptEl.onreadystatechange = null;
                  scriptEl = null;
            } else {
              scheduleDrain = function() {
                setTimeout(nextTick, 0);
          var draining;
          var queue2 = [];
          function nextTick() {
            draining = true;
            var i3, oldQueue;
            var len = queue2.length;
            while (len) {
              oldQueue = queue2;
              queue2 = [];
              i3 = -1;
              while (++i3 < len) {
              len = queue2.length;
            draining = false;
          module2.exports = immediate;
          function immediate(task) {
            if (queue2.push(task) === 1 && !draining) {
        }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
      }, {}], 2: [function(_dereq_, module2, exports2) {
        var immediate = _dereq_(1);
        function INTERNAL() {
        var handlers = {};
        var REJECTED = ["REJECTED"];
        var FULFILLED = ["FULFILLED"];
        var PENDING = ["PENDING"];
        module2.exports = Promise2;
        function Promise2(resolver) {
          if (typeof resolver !== "function") {
            throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");
          this.state = PENDING;
          this.queue = [];
          this.outcome = void 0;
          if (resolver !== INTERNAL) {
            safelyResolveThenable(this, resolver);
        Promise2.prototype["catch"] = function(onRejected) {
          return this.then(null, onRejected);
        Promise2.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
          if (typeof onFulfilled !== "function" && this.state === FULFILLED || typeof onRejected !== "function" && this.state === REJECTED) {
            return this;
          var promise = new this.constructor(INTERNAL);
          if (this.state !== PENDING) {
            var resolver = this.state === FULFILLED ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
            unwrap(promise, resolver, this.outcome);
          } else {
            this.queue.push(new QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected));
          return promise;
        function QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
          this.promise = promise;
          if (typeof onFulfilled === "function") {
            this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
            this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled;
          if (typeof onRejected === "function") {
            this.onRejected = onRejected;
            this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected;
        QueueItem.prototype.callFulfilled = function(value) {
          handlers.resolve(this.promise, value);
        QueueItem.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(value) {
          unwrap(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, value);
        QueueItem.prototype.callRejected = function(value) {
          handlers.reject(this.promise, value);
        QueueItem.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(value) {
          unwrap(this.promise, this.onRejected, value);
        function unwrap(promise, func, value) {
          immediate(function() {
            var returnValue;
            try {
              returnValue = func(value);
            } catch (e2) {
              return handlers.reject(promise, e2);
            if (returnValue === promise) {
              handlers.reject(promise, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself"));
            } else {
              handlers.resolve(promise, returnValue);
        handlers.resolve = function(self2, value) {
          var result = tryCatch(getThen, value);
          if (result.status === "error") {
            return handlers.reject(self2, result.value);
          var thenable = result.value;
          if (thenable) {
            safelyResolveThenable(self2, thenable);
          } else {
            self2.state = FULFILLED;
            self2.outcome = value;
            var i3 = -1;
            var len = self2.queue.length;
            while (++i3 < len) {
          return self2;
        handlers.reject = function(self2, error) {
          self2.state = REJECTED;
          self2.outcome = error;
          var i3 = -1;
          var len = self2.queue.length;
          while (++i3 < len) {
          return self2;
        function getThen(obj) {
          var then = obj && obj.then;
          if (obj && (typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function") && typeof then === "function") {
            return function appyThen() {
              then.apply(obj, arguments);
        function safelyResolveThenable(self2, thenable) {
          var called = false;
          function onError(value) {
            if (called) {
            called = true;
            handlers.reject(self2, value);
          function onSuccess(value) {
            if (called) {
            called = true;
            handlers.resolve(self2, value);
          function tryToUnwrap() {
            thenable(onSuccess, onError);
          var result = tryCatch(tryToUnwrap);
          if (result.status === "error") {
        function tryCatch(func, value) {
          var out = {};
          try {
            out.value = func(value);
            out.status = "success";
          } catch (e2) {
            out.status = "error";
            out.value = e2;
          return out;
        Promise2.resolve = resolve;
        function resolve(value) {
          if (value instanceof this) {
            return value;
          return handlers.resolve(new this(INTERNAL), value);
        Promise2.reject = reject;
        function reject(reason) {
          var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
          return handlers.reject(promise, reason);
        Promise2.all = all;
        function all(iterable) {
          var self2 = this;
          if (Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) !== "[object Array]") {
            return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
          var len = iterable.length;
          var called = false;
          if (!len) {
            return this.resolve([]);
          var values = new Array(len);
          var resolved = 0;
          var i3 = -1;
          var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
          while (++i3 < len) {
            allResolver(iterable[i3], i3);
          return promise;
          function allResolver(value, i4) {
            self2.resolve(value).then(resolveFromAll, function(error) {
              if (!called) {
                called = true;
                handlers.reject(promise, error);
            function resolveFromAll(outValue) {
              values[i4] = outValue;
              if (++resolved === len && !called) {
                called = true;
                handlers.resolve(promise, values);
        Promise2.race = race;
        function race(iterable) {
          var self2 = this;
          if (Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) !== "[object Array]") {
            return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
          var len = iterable.length;
          var called = false;
          if (!len) {
            return this.resolve([]);
          var i3 = -1;
          var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
          while (++i3 < len) {
          return promise;
          function resolver(value) {
            self2.resolve(value).then(function(response) {
              if (!called) {
                called = true;
                handlers.resolve(promise, response);
            }, function(error) {
              if (!called) {
                called = true;
                handlers.reject(promise, error);
      }, { "1": 1 }], 3: [function(_dereq_, module2, exports2) {
        (function(global2) {
          if (typeof global2.Promise !== "function") {
            global2.Promise = _dereq_(2);
        }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
      }, { "2": 2 }], 4: [function(_dereq_, module2, exports2) {
        var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function(obj) {
          return typeof obj;
        } : function(obj) {
          return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
        function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
          if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
            throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
        function getIDB() {
          try {
            if (typeof indexedDB !== "undefined") {
              return indexedDB;
            if (typeof webkitIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
              return webkitIndexedDB;
            if (typeof mozIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
              return mozIndexedDB;
            if (typeof OIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
              return OIndexedDB;
            if (typeof msIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
              return msIndexedDB;
          } catch (e2) {
        var idb = getIDB();
        function isIndexedDBValid() {
          try {
            if (!idb || !idb.open) {
              return false;
            var isSafari = typeof openDatabase !== "undefined" && /(Safari|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/BlackBerry/.test(navigator.platform);
            var hasFetch = typeof fetch === "function" && fetch.toString().indexOf("[native code") !== -1;
            return (!isSafari || hasFetch) && typeof indexedDB !== "undefined" && // some outdated implementations of IDB that appear on Samsung
            // and HTC Android devices <4.4 are missing IDBKeyRange
            // See: https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/issues/128
            // See: https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/issues/272
            typeof IDBKeyRange !== "undefined";
          } catch (e2) {
            return false;
        function createBlob(parts, properties) {
          parts = parts || [];
          properties = properties || {};
          try {
            return new Blob(parts, properties);
          } catch (e2) {
            if (e2.name !== "TypeError") {
              throw e2;
            var Builder = typeof BlobBuilder !== "undefined" ? BlobBuilder : typeof MSBlobBuilder !== "undefined" ? MSBlobBuilder : typeof MozBlobBuilder !== "undefined" ? MozBlobBuilder : WebKitBlobBuilder;
            var builder = new Builder();
            for (var i3 = 0; i3 < parts.length; i3 += 1) {
            return builder.getBlob(properties.type);
        if (typeof Promise === "undefined") {
        var Promise$1 = Promise;
        function executeCallback(promise, callback) {
          if (callback) {
            promise.then(function(result) {
              callback(null, result);
            }, function(error) {
        function executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback) {
          if (typeof callback === "function") {
          if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
        function normalizeKey(key3) {
          if (typeof key3 !== "string") {
            console.warn(key3 + " used as a key, but it is not a string.");
            key3 = String(key3);
          return key3;
        function getCallback() {
          if (arguments.length && typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === "function") {
            return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
        var DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE = "local-forage-detect-blob-support";
        var supportsBlobs = void 0;
        var dbContexts = {};
        var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
        var READ_ONLY = "readonly";
        var READ_WRITE = "readwrite";
        function _binStringToArrayBuffer(bin) {
          var length2 = bin.length;
          var buf = new ArrayBuffer(length2);
          var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
          for (var i3 = 0; i3 < length2; i3++) {
            arr[i3] = bin.charCodeAt(i3);
          return buf;
        function _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb2) {
          return new Promise$1(function(resolve) {
            var txn = idb2.transaction(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE, READ_WRITE);
            var blob = createBlob([""]);
            txn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).put(blob, "key");
            txn.onabort = function(e2) {
            txn.oncomplete = function() {
              var matchedChrome = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
              var matchedEdge = navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\//);
              resolve(matchedEdge || !matchedChrome || parseInt(matchedChrome[1], 10) >= 43);
          })["catch"](function() {
            return false;
        function _checkBlobSupport(idb2) {
          if (typeof supportsBlobs === "boolean") {
            return Promise$1.resolve(supportsBlobs);
          return _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb2).then(function(value) {
            supportsBlobs = value;
            return supportsBlobs;
        function _deferReadiness(dbInfo) {
          var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
          var deferredOperation = {};
          deferredOperation.promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            deferredOperation.resolve = resolve;
            deferredOperation.reject = reject;
          if (!dbContext.dbReady) {
            dbContext.dbReady = deferredOperation.promise;
          } else {
            dbContext.dbReady = dbContext.dbReady.then(function() {
              return deferredOperation.promise;
        function _advanceReadiness(dbInfo) {
          var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
          var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
          if (deferredOperation) {
            return deferredOperation.promise;
        function _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err) {
          var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
          var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
          if (deferredOperation) {
            return deferredOperation.promise;
        function _getConnection(dbInfo, upgradeNeeded) {
          return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            dbContexts[dbInfo.name] = dbContexts[dbInfo.name] || createDbContext();
            if (dbInfo.db) {
              if (upgradeNeeded) {
              } else {
                return resolve(dbInfo.db);
            var dbArgs = [dbInfo.name];
            if (upgradeNeeded) {
            var openreq = idb.open.apply(idb, dbArgs);
            if (upgradeNeeded) {
              openreq.onupgradeneeded = function(e2) {
                var db = openreq.result;
                try {
                  if (e2.oldVersion <= 1) {
                } catch (ex) {
                  if (ex.name === "ConstraintError") {
                    console.warn('The database "' + dbInfo.name + '" has been upgraded from version ' + e2.oldVersion + " to version " + e2.newVersion + ', but the storage "' + dbInfo.storeName + '" already exists.');
                  } else {
                    throw ex;
            openreq.onerror = function(e2) {
            openreq.onsuccess = function() {
              var db = openreq.result;
              db.onversionchange = function(e2) {
        function _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo) {
          return _getConnection(dbInfo, false);
        function _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) {
          return _getConnection(dbInfo, true);
        function _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, defaultVersion) {
          if (!dbInfo.db) {
            return true;
          var isNewStore = !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName);
          var isDowngrade = dbInfo.version < dbInfo.db.version;
          var isUpgrade = dbInfo.version > dbInfo.db.version;
          if (isDowngrade) {
            if (dbInfo.version !== defaultVersion) {
              console.warn('The database "' + dbInfo.name + `" can't be downgraded from version ` + dbInfo.db.version + " to version " + dbInfo.version + ".");
            dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version;
          if (isUpgrade || isNewStore) {
            if (isNewStore) {
              var incVersion = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
              if (incVersion > dbInfo.version) {
                dbInfo.version = incVersion;
            return true;
          return false;
        function _encodeBlob(blob) {
          return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            var reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onerror = reject;
            reader.onloadend = function(e2) {
              var base64 = btoa(e2.target.result || "");
                __local_forage_encoded_blob: true,
                data: base64,
                type: blob.type
        function _decodeBlob(encodedBlob) {
          var arrayBuff = _binStringToArrayBuffer(atob(encodedBlob.data));
          return createBlob([arrayBuff], { type: encodedBlob.type });
        function _isEncodedBlob(value) {
          return value && value.__local_forage_encoded_blob;
        function _fullyReady(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = self2._initReady().then(function() {
            var dbContext = dbContexts[self2._dbInfo.name];
            if (dbContext && dbContext.dbReady) {
              return dbContext.dbReady;
          executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
          return promise;
        function _tryReconnect(dbInfo) {
          var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
          var forages = dbContext.forages;
          for (var i3 = 0; i3 < forages.length; i3++) {
            var forage = forages[i3];
            if (forage._dbInfo.db) {
              forage._dbInfo.db = null;
          dbInfo.db = null;
          return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo).then(function(db) {
            dbInfo.db = db;
            if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo)) {
              return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
            return db;
          }).then(function(db) {
            dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
            for (var i4 = 0; i4 < forages.length; i4++) {
              forages[i4]._dbInfo.db = db;
          })["catch"](function(err) {
            _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err);
            throw err;
        function createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries) {
          if (retries === void 0) {
            retries = 1;
          try {
            var tx = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, mode);
            callback(null, tx);
          } catch (err) {
            if (retries > 0 && (!dbInfo.db || err.name === "InvalidStateError" || err.name === "NotFoundError")) {
              return Promise$1.resolve().then(function() {
                if (!dbInfo.db || err.name === "NotFoundError" && !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName) && dbInfo.version <= dbInfo.db.version) {
                  if (dbInfo.db) {
                    dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
                  return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
              }).then(function() {
                return _tryReconnect(dbInfo).then(function() {
                  createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries - 1);
        function createDbContext() {
          return {
            // Running localForages sharing a database.
            forages: [],
            // Shared database.
            db: null,
            // Database readiness (promise).
            dbReady: null,
            // Deferred operations on the database.
            deferredOperations: []
        function _initStorage(options) {
          var self2 = this;
          var dbInfo = {
            db: null
          if (options) {
            for (var i3 in options) {
              dbInfo[i3] = options[i3];
          var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
          if (!dbContext) {
            dbContext = createDbContext();
            dbContexts[dbInfo.name] = dbContext;
          if (!self2._initReady) {
            self2._initReady = self2.ready;
            self2.ready = _fullyReady;
          var initPromises = [];
          function ignoreErrors() {
            return Promise$1.resolve();
          for (var j2 = 0; j2 < dbContext.forages.length; j2++) {
            var forage = dbContext.forages[j2];
            if (forage !== self2) {
          var forages = dbContext.forages.slice(0);
          return Promise$1.all(initPromises).then(function() {
            dbInfo.db = dbContext.db;
            return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo);
          }).then(function(db) {
            dbInfo.db = db;
            if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, self2._defaultConfig.version)) {
              return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
            return db;
          }).then(function(db) {
            dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
            self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
            for (var k2 = 0; k2 < forages.length; k2++) {
              var forage2 = forages[k2];
              if (forage2 !== self2) {
                forage2._dbInfo.db = dbInfo.db;
                forage2._dbInfo.version = dbInfo.version;
        function getItem(key3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var req = store.get(key3);
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                    var value = req.result;
                    if (value === void 0) {
                      value = null;
                    if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
                      value = _decodeBlob(value);
                  req.onerror = function() {
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function iterate(iterator, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var req = store.openCursor();
                  var iterationNumber = 1;
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                    var cursor = req.result;
                    if (cursor) {
                      var value = cursor.value;
                      if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
                        value = _decodeBlob(value);
                      var result = iterator(value, cursor.key, iterationNumber++);
                      if (result !== void 0) {
                      } else {
                    } else {
                  req.onerror = function() {
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function setItem(key3, value, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            var dbInfo;
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              if (toString.call(value) === "[object Blob]") {
                return _checkBlobSupport(dbInfo.db).then(function(blobSupport) {
                  if (blobSupport) {
                    return value;
                  return _encodeBlob(value);
              return value;
            }).then(function(value2) {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  if (value2 === null) {
                    value2 = void 0;
                  var req = store.put(value2, key3);
                  transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                    if (value2 === void 0) {
                      value2 = null;
                  transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function() {
                    var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function removeItem(key3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var req = store["delete"](key3);
                  transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                  transaction.onerror = function() {
                  transaction.onabort = function() {
                    var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function clear(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var req = store.clear();
                  transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                  transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function() {
                    var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function length(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var req = store.count();
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                  req.onerror = function() {
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function key2(n3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            if (n3 < 0) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var advanced = false;
                  var req = store.openKeyCursor();
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                    var cursor = req.result;
                    if (!cursor) {
                    if (n3 === 0) {
                    } else {
                      if (!advanced) {
                        advanced = true;
                      } else {
                  req.onerror = function() {
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function keys(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                if (err) {
                  return reject(err);
                try {
                  var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                  var req = store.openKeyCursor();
                  var keys2 = [];
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                    var cursor = req.result;
                    if (!cursor) {
                  req.onerror = function() {
                } catch (e2) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function dropInstance(options, callback) {
          callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
          var currentConfig = this.config();
          options = typeof options !== "function" && options || {};
          if (!options.name) {
            options.name = options.name || currentConfig.name;
            options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
          var self2 = this;
          var promise;
          if (!options.name) {
            promise = Promise$1.reject("Invalid arguments");
          } else {
            var isCurrentDb = options.name === currentConfig.name && self2._dbInfo.db;
            var dbPromise = isCurrentDb ? Promise$1.resolve(self2._dbInfo.db) : _getOriginalConnection(options).then(function(db) {
              var dbContext = dbContexts[options.name];
              var forages = dbContext.forages;
              dbContext.db = db;
              for (var i3 = 0; i3 < forages.length; i3++) {
                forages[i3]._dbInfo.db = db;
              return db;
            if (!options.storeName) {
              promise = dbPromise.then(function(db) {
                var dbContext = dbContexts[options.name];
                var forages = dbContext.forages;
                for (var i3 = 0; i3 < forages.length; i3++) {
                  var forage = forages[i3];
                  forage._dbInfo.db = null;
                var dropDBPromise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
                  var req = idb.deleteDatabase(options.name);
                  req.onerror = function() {
                    var db2 = req.result;
                    if (db2) {
                  req.onblocked = function() {
                    console.warn('dropInstance blocked for database "' + options.name + '" until all open connections are closed');
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                    var db2 = req.result;
                    if (db2) {
                return dropDBPromise.then(function(db2) {
                  dbContext.db = db2;
                  for (var i4 = 0; i4 < forages.length; i4++) {
                    var _forage = forages[i4];
                })["catch"](function(err) {
                  (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$1.resolve())["catch"](function() {
                  throw err;
            } else {
              promise = dbPromise.then(function(db) {
                if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(options.storeName)) {
                var newVersion = db.version + 1;
                var dbContext = dbContexts[options.name];
                var forages = dbContext.forages;
                for (var i3 = 0; i3 < forages.length; i3++) {
                  var forage = forages[i3];
                  forage._dbInfo.db = null;
                  forage._dbInfo.version = newVersion;
                var dropObjectPromise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
                  var req = idb.open(options.name, newVersion);
                  req.onerror = function(err) {
                    var db2 = req.result;
                  req.onupgradeneeded = function() {
                    var db2 = req.result;
                  req.onsuccess = function() {
                    var db2 = req.result;
                return dropObjectPromise.then(function(db2) {
                  dbContext.db = db2;
                  for (var j2 = 0; j2 < forages.length; j2++) {
                    var _forage2 = forages[j2];
                    _forage2._dbInfo.db = db2;
                })["catch"](function(err) {
                  (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$1.resolve())["catch"](function() {
                  throw err;
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        var asyncStorage = {
          _driver: "asyncStorage",
          _support: isIndexedDBValid(),
          key: key2,
        function isWebSQLValid() {
          return typeof openDatabase === "function";
        var BASE_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
        var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX = "~~local_forage_type~";
        var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX = /^~~local_forage_type~([^~]+)~/;
        var SERIALIZED_MARKER = "__lfsc__:";
        var TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = "arbf";
        var TYPE_BLOB = "blob";
        var TYPE_INT8ARRAY = "si08";
        var TYPE_UINT8ARRAY = "ui08";
        var TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY = "uic8";
        var TYPE_INT16ARRAY = "si16";
        var TYPE_INT32ARRAY = "si32";
        var TYPE_UINT16ARRAY = "ur16";
        var TYPE_UINT32ARRAY = "ui32";
        var TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY = "fl32";
        var TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY = "fl64";
        var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
        function stringToBuffer(serializedString) {
          var bufferLength = serializedString.length * 0.75;
          var len = serializedString.length;
          var i3;
          var p2 = 0;
          var encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4;
          if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 1] === "=") {
            if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 2] === "=") {
          var buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength);
          var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
          for (i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3 += 4) {
            encoded1 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i3]);
            encoded2 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i3 + 1]);
            encoded3 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i3 + 2]);
            encoded4 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i3 + 3]);
            bytes[p2++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4;
            bytes[p2++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2;
            bytes[p2++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63;
          return buffer2;
        function bufferToString(buffer2) {
          var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
          var base64String = "";
          var i3;
          for (i3 = 0; i3 < bytes.length; i3 += 3) {
            base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i3] >> 2];
            base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i3] & 3) << 4 | bytes[i3 + 1] >> 4];
            base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i3 + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[i3 + 2] >> 6];
            base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i3 + 2] & 63];
          if (bytes.length % 3 === 2) {
            base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 1) + "=";
          } else if (bytes.length % 3 === 1) {
            base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 2) + "==";
          return base64String;
        function serialize(value, callback) {
          var valueType = "";
          if (value) {
            valueType = toString$1.call(value);
          if (value && (valueType === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || value.buffer && toString$1.call(value.buffer) === "[object ArrayBuffer]")) {
            var buffer2;
            var marker = SERIALIZED_MARKER;
            if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
              buffer2 = value;
              marker += TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER;
            } else {
              buffer2 = value.buffer;
              if (valueType === "[object Int8Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_INT8ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Uint8Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_UINT8ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]") {
                marker += TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Int16Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_INT16ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Uint16Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_UINT16ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Int32Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_INT32ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Uint32Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_UINT32ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Float32Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY;
              } else if (valueType === "[object Float64Array]") {
                marker += TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY;
              } else {
                callback(new Error("Failed to get type for BinaryArray"));
            callback(marker + bufferToString(buffer2));
          } else if (valueType === "[object Blob]") {
            var fileReader = new FileReader();
            fileReader.onload = function() {
              var str = BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX + value.type + "~" + bufferToString(this.result);
              callback(SERIALIZED_MARKER + TYPE_BLOB + str);
          } else {
            try {
            } catch (e2) {
              console.error("Couldn't convert value into a JSON string: ", value);
              callback(null, e2);
        function deserialize(value) {
          if (value.substring(0, SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH) !== SERIALIZED_MARKER) {
            return JSON.parse(value);
          var serializedString = value.substring(TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH);
          var blobType;
          if (type === TYPE_BLOB && BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX.test(serializedString)) {
            var matcher = serializedString.match(BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX);
            blobType = matcher[1];
            serializedString = serializedString.substring(matcher[0].length);
          var buffer2 = stringToBuffer(serializedString);
          switch (type) {
            case TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER:
              return buffer2;
            case TYPE_BLOB:
              return createBlob([buffer2], { type: blobType });
            case TYPE_INT8ARRAY:
              return new Int8Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_UINT8ARRAY:
              return new Uint8Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY:
              return new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer2);
            case TYPE_INT16ARRAY:
              return new Int16Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_UINT16ARRAY:
              return new Uint16Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_INT32ARRAY:
              return new Int32Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_UINT32ARRAY:
              return new Uint32Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY:
              return new Float32Array(buffer2);
            case TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY:
              return new Float64Array(buffer2);
              throw new Error("Unkown type: " + type);
        var localforageSerializer = {
        function createDbTable(t2, dbInfo, callback, errorCallback) {
          t2.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbInfo.storeName + " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key unique, value)", [], callback, errorCallback);
        function _initStorage$1(options) {
          var self2 = this;
          var dbInfo = {
            db: null
          if (options) {
            for (var i3 in options) {
              dbInfo[i3] = typeof options[i3] !== "string" ? options[i3].toString() : options[i3];
          var dbInfoPromise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            try {
              dbInfo.db = openDatabase(dbInfo.name, String(dbInfo.version), dbInfo.description, dbInfo.size);
            } catch (e2) {
              return reject(e2);
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
              createDbTable(t2, dbInfo, function() {
                self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
              }, function(t3, error) {
            }, reject);
          dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
          return dbInfoPromise;
        function tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback) {
          t2.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, function(t3, error) {
            if (error.code === error.SYNTAX_ERR) {
              t3.executeSql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name = ?", [dbInfo.storeName], function(t4, results) {
                if (!results.rows.length) {
                  createDbTable(t4, dbInfo, function() {
                    t4.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback);
                  }, errorCallback);
                } else {
                  errorCallback(t4, error);
              }, errorCallback);
            } else {
              errorCallback(t3, error);
          }, errorCallback);
        function getItem$1(key3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT * FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1", [key3], function(t3, results) {
                  var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).value : null;
                  if (result) {
                    result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function iterate$1(iterator, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT * FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                  var rows = results.rows;
                  var length2 = rows.length;
                  for (var i3 = 0; i3 < length2; i3++) {
                    var item = rows.item(i3);
                    var result = item.value;
                    if (result) {
                      result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
                    result = iterator(result, item.key, i3 + 1);
                    if (result !== void 0) {
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function _setItem(key3, value, callback, retriesLeft) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              if (value === void 0) {
                value = null;
              var originalValue = value;
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                if (error) {
                } else {
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + dbInfo.storeName + " (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)", [key3, value2], function() {
                    }, function(t3, error2) {
                  }, function(sqlError) {
                    if (sqlError.code === sqlError.QUOTA_ERR) {
                      if (retriesLeft > 0) {
                        resolve(_setItem.apply(self2, [key3, originalValue, callback, retriesLeft - 1]));
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function setItem$1(key3, value, callback) {
          return _setItem.apply(this, [key3, value, callback, 1]);
        function removeItem$1(key3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "DELETE FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE key = ?", [key3], function() {
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function clear$1(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "DELETE FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function() {
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function length$1(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT COUNT(key) as c FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                  var result = results.rows.item(0).c;
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function key$12(n3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT key FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", [n3 + 1], function(t3, results) {
                  var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).key : null;
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function keys$1(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            self2.ready().then(function() {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT key FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                  var keys2 = [];
                  for (var i3 = 0; i3 < results.rows.length; i3++) {
                }, function(t3, error) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function getAllStoreNames(db) {
          return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
            db.transaction(function(t2) {
              t2.executeSql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name <> '__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__'", [], function(t3, results) {
                var storeNames = [];
                for (var i3 = 0; i3 < results.rows.length; i3++) {
              }, function(t3, error) {
            }, function(sqlError) {
        function dropInstance$1(options, callback) {
          callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
          var currentConfig = this.config();
          options = typeof options !== "function" && options || {};
          if (!options.name) {
            options.name = options.name || currentConfig.name;
            options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
          var self2 = this;
          var promise;
          if (!options.name) {
            promise = Promise$1.reject("Invalid arguments");
          } else {
            promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve) {
              var db;
              if (options.name === currentConfig.name) {
                db = self2._dbInfo.db;
              } else {
                db = openDatabase(options.name, "", "", 0);
              if (!options.storeName) {
              } else {
                  storeNames: [options.storeName]
            }).then(function(operationInfo) {
              return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
                operationInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                  function dropTable(storeName) {
                    return new Promise$1(function(resolve2, reject2) {
                      t2.executeSql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + storeName, [], function() {
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                  var operations = [];
                  for (var i3 = 0, len = operationInfo.storeNames.length; i3 < len; i3++) {
                  Promise$1.all(operations).then(function() {
                  })["catch"](function(e2) {
                }, function(sqlError) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        var webSQLStorage = {
          _driver: "webSQLStorage",
          _initStorage: _initStorage$1,
          _support: isWebSQLValid(),
          iterate: iterate$1,
          getItem: getItem$1,
          setItem: setItem$1,
          removeItem: removeItem$1,
          clear: clear$1,
          length: length$1,
          key: key$12,
          keys: keys$1,
          dropInstance: dropInstance$1
        function isLocalStorageValid() {
          try {
            return typeof localStorage !== "undefined" && "setItem" in localStorage && // in IE8 typeof localStorage.setItem === 'object'
          } catch (e2) {
            return false;
        function _getKeyPrefix(options, defaultConfig) {
          var keyPrefix = options.name + "/";
          if (options.storeName !== defaultConfig.storeName) {
            keyPrefix += options.storeName + "/";
          return keyPrefix;
        function checkIfLocalStorageThrows() {
          var localStorageTestKey = "_localforage_support_test";
          try {
            localStorage.setItem(localStorageTestKey, true);
            return false;
          } catch (e2) {
            return true;
        function _isLocalStorageUsable() {
          return !checkIfLocalStorageThrows() || localStorage.length > 0;
        function _initStorage$2(options) {
          var self2 = this;
          var dbInfo = {};
          if (options) {
            for (var i3 in options) {
              dbInfo[i3] = options[i3];
          dbInfo.keyPrefix = _getKeyPrefix(options, self2._defaultConfig);
          if (!_isLocalStorageUsable()) {
            return Promise$1.reject();
          self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
          dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
          return Promise$1.resolve();
        function clear$2(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            var keyPrefix = self2._dbInfo.keyPrefix;
            for (var i3 = localStorage.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
              var key3 = localStorage.key(i3);
              if (key3.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function getItem$2(key3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
            var result = localStorage.getItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key3);
            if (result) {
              result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
            return result;
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function iterate$2(iterator, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
            var keyPrefix = dbInfo.keyPrefix;
            var keyPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length;
            var length2 = localStorage.length;
            var iterationNumber = 1;
            for (var i3 = 0; i3 < length2; i3++) {
              var key3 = localStorage.key(i3);
              if (key3.indexOf(keyPrefix) !== 0) {
              var value = localStorage.getItem(key3);
              if (value) {
                value = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(value);
              value = iterator(value, key3.substring(keyPrefixLength), iterationNumber++);
              if (value !== void 0) {
                return value;
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function key$2(n3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
            var result;
            try {
              result = localStorage.key(n3);
            } catch (error) {
              result = null;
            if (result) {
              result = result.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length);
            return result;
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function keys$2(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
            var length2 = localStorage.length;
            var keys2 = [];
            for (var i3 = 0; i3 < length2; i3++) {
              var itemKey = localStorage.key(i3);
              if (itemKey.indexOf(dbInfo.keyPrefix) === 0) {
            return keys2;
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function length$2(callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          var promise = self2.keys().then(function(keys2) {
            return keys2.length;
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function removeItem$2(key3, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
            localStorage.removeItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key3);
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function setItem$2(key3, value, callback) {
          var self2 = this;
          key3 = normalizeKey(key3);
          var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
            if (value === void 0) {
              value = null;
            var originalValue = value;
            return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
              var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
              dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                if (error) {
                } else {
                  try {
                    localStorage.setItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key3, value2);
                  } catch (e2) {
                    if (e2.name === "QuotaExceededError" || e2.name === "NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED") {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        function dropInstance$2(options, callback) {
          callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
          options = typeof options !== "function" && options || {};
          if (!options.name) {
            var currentConfig = this.config();
            options.name = options.name || currentConfig.name;
            options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
          var self2 = this;
          var promise;
          if (!options.name) {
            promise = Promise$1.reject("Invalid arguments");
          } else {
            promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve) {
              if (!options.storeName) {
                resolve(options.name + "/");
              } else {
                resolve(_getKeyPrefix(options, self2._defaultConfig));
            }).then(function(keyPrefix) {
              for (var i3 = localStorage.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
                var key3 = localStorage.key(i3);
                if (key3.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
          executeCallback(promise, callback);
          return promise;
        var localStorageWrapper = {
          _driver: "localStorageWrapper",
          _initStorage: _initStorage$2,
          _support: isLocalStorageValid(),
          iterate: iterate$2,
          getItem: getItem$2,
          setItem: setItem$2,
          removeItem: removeItem$2,
          clear: clear$2,
          length: length$2,
          key: key$2,
          keys: keys$2,
          dropInstance: dropInstance$2
        var sameValue = function sameValue2(x2, y2) {
          return x2 === y2 || typeof x2 === "number" && typeof y2 === "number" && isNaN(x2) && isNaN(y2);
        var includes = function includes2(array, searchElement) {
          var len = array.length;
          var i3 = 0;
          while (i3 < len) {
            if (sameValue(array[i3], searchElement)) {
              return true;
          return false;
        var isArray = Array.isArray || function(arg) {
          return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === "[object Array]";
        var DefinedDrivers = {};
        var DriverSupport = {};
        var DefaultDrivers = {
          INDEXEDDB: asyncStorage,
          WEBSQL: webSQLStorage,
          LOCALSTORAGE: localStorageWrapper
        var DefaultDriverOrder = [DefaultDrivers.INDEXEDDB._driver, DefaultDrivers.WEBSQL._driver, DefaultDrivers.LOCALSTORAGE._driver];
        var OptionalDriverMethods = ["dropInstance"];
        var LibraryMethods = ["clear", "getItem", "iterate", "key", "keys", "length", "removeItem", "setItem"].concat(OptionalDriverMethods);
        var DefaultConfig = {
          description: "",
          driver: DefaultDriverOrder.slice(),
          name: "localforage",
          // Default DB size is _JUST UNDER_ 5MB, as it's the highest size
          // we can use without a prompt.
          size: 4980736,
          storeName: "keyvaluepairs",
          version: 1
        function callWhenReady(localForageInstance, libraryMethod) {
          localForageInstance[libraryMethod] = function() {
            var _args = arguments;
            return localForageInstance.ready().then(function() {
              return localForageInstance[libraryMethod].apply(localForageInstance, _args);
        function extend2() {
          for (var i3 = 1; i3 < arguments.length; i3++) {
            var arg = arguments[i3];
            if (arg) {
              for (var _key in arg) {
                if (arg.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
                  if (isArray(arg[_key])) {
                    arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key].slice();
                  } else {
                    arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key];
          return arguments[0];
        var LocalForage = function() {
          function LocalForage2(options) {
            _classCallCheck(this, LocalForage2);
            for (var driverTypeKey in DefaultDrivers) {
              if (DefaultDrivers.hasOwnProperty(driverTypeKey)) {
                var driver = DefaultDrivers[driverTypeKey];
                var driverName = driver._driver;
                this[driverTypeKey] = driverName;
                if (!DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
            this._defaultConfig = extend2({}, DefaultConfig);
            this._config = extend2({}, this._defaultConfig, options);
            this._driverSet = null;
            this._initDriver = null;
            this._ready = false;
            this._dbInfo = null;
            this.setDriver(this._config.driver)["catch"](function() {
          LocalForage2.prototype.config = function config(options) {
            if ((typeof options === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(options)) === "object") {
              if (this._ready) {
                return new Error("Can't call config() after localforage has been used.");
              for (var i3 in options) {
                if (i3 === "storeName") {
                  options[i3] = options[i3].replace(/\W/g, "_");
                if (i3 === "version" && typeof options[i3] !== "number") {
                  return new Error("Database version must be a number.");
                this._config[i3] = options[i3];
              if ("driver" in options && options.driver) {
                return this.setDriver(this._config.driver);
              return true;
            } else if (typeof options === "string") {
              return this._config[options];
            } else {
              return this._config;
          LocalForage2.prototype.defineDriver = function defineDriver(driverObject, callback, errorCallback) {
            var promise = new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) {
              try {
                var driverName = driverObject._driver;
                var complianceError = new Error("Custom driver not compliant; see https://mozilla.github.io/localForage/#definedriver");
                if (!driverObject._driver) {
                var driverMethods = LibraryMethods.concat("_initStorage");
                for (var i3 = 0, len = driverMethods.length; i3 < len; i3++) {
                  var driverMethodName = driverMethods[i3];
                  var isRequired = !includes(OptionalDriverMethods, driverMethodName);
                  if ((isRequired || driverObject[driverMethodName]) && typeof driverObject[driverMethodName] !== "function") {
                var configureMissingMethods = function configureMissingMethods2() {
                  var methodNotImplementedFactory = function methodNotImplementedFactory2(methodName) {
                    return function() {
                      var error = new Error("Method " + methodName + " is not implemented by the current driver");
                      var promise2 = Promise$1.reject(error);
                      executeCallback(promise2, arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
                      return promise2;
                  for (var _i = 0, _len = OptionalDriverMethods.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                    var optionalDriverMethod = OptionalDriverMethods[_i];
                    if (!driverObject[optionalDriverMethod]) {
                      driverObject[optionalDriverMethod] = methodNotImplementedFactory(optionalDriverMethod);
                var setDriverSupport = function setDriverSupport2(support) {
                  if (DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
                    console.info("Redefining LocalForage driver: " + driverName);
                  DefinedDrivers[driverName] = driverObject;
                  DriverSupport[driverName] = support;
                if ("_support" in driverObject) {
                  if (driverObject._support && typeof driverObject._support === "function") {
                    driverObject._support().then(setDriverSupport, reject);
                  } else {
                } else {
              } catch (e2) {
            executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback);
            return promise;
          LocalForage2.prototype.driver = function driver() {
            return this._driver || null;
          LocalForage2.prototype.getDriver = function getDriver(driverName, callback, errorCallback) {
            var getDriverPromise = DefinedDrivers[driverName] ? Promise$1.resolve(DefinedDrivers[driverName]) : Promise$1.reject(new Error("Driver not found."));
            executeTwoCallbacks(getDriverPromise, callback, errorCallback);
            return getDriverPromise;
          LocalForage2.prototype.getSerializer = function getSerializer(callback) {
            var serializerPromise = Promise$1.resolve(localforageSerializer);
            executeTwoCallbacks(serializerPromise, callback);
            return serializerPromise;
          LocalForage2.prototype.ready = function ready(callback) {
            var self2 = this;
            var promise = self2._driverSet.then(function() {
              if (self2._ready === null) {
                self2._ready = self2._initDriver();
              return self2._ready;
            executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
            return promise;
          LocalForage2.prototype.setDriver = function setDriver(drivers, callback, errorCallback) {
            var self2 = this;
            if (!isArray(drivers)) {
              drivers = [drivers];
            var supportedDrivers = this._getSupportedDrivers(drivers);
            function setDriverToConfig() {
              self2._config.driver = self2.driver();
            function extendSelfWithDriver(driver) {
              self2._ready = self2._initStorage(self2._config);
              return self2._ready;
            function initDriver(supportedDrivers2) {
              return function() {
                var currentDriverIndex = 0;
                function driverPromiseLoop() {
                  while (currentDriverIndex < supportedDrivers2.length) {
                    var driverName = supportedDrivers2[currentDriverIndex];
                    self2._dbInfo = null;
                    self2._ready = null;
                    return self2.getDriver(driverName).then(extendSelfWithDriver)["catch"](driverPromiseLoop);
                  var error = new Error("No available storage method found.");
                  self2._driverSet = Promise$1.reject(error);
                  return self2._driverSet;
                return driverPromiseLoop();
            var oldDriverSetDone = this._driverSet !== null ? this._driverSet["catch"](function() {
              return Promise$1.resolve();
            }) : Promise$1.resolve();
            this._driverSet = oldDriverSetDone.then(function() {
              var driverName = supportedDrivers[0];
              self2._dbInfo = null;
              self2._ready = null;
              return self2.getDriver(driverName).then(function(driver) {
                self2._driver = driver._driver;
                self2._initDriver = initDriver(supportedDrivers);
            })["catch"](function() {
              var error = new Error("No available storage method found.");
              self2._driverSet = Promise$1.reject(error);
              return self2._driverSet;
            executeTwoCallbacks(this._driverSet, callback, errorCallback);
            return this._driverSet;
          LocalForage2.prototype.supports = function supports(driverName) {
            return !!DriverSupport[driverName];
          LocalForage2.prototype._extend = function _extend(libraryMethodsAndProperties) {
            extend2(this, libraryMethodsAndProperties);
          LocalForage2.prototype._getSupportedDrivers = function _getSupportedDrivers(drivers) {
            var supportedDrivers = [];
            for (var i3 = 0, len = drivers.length; i3 < len; i3++) {
              var driverName = drivers[i3];
              if (this.supports(driverName)) {
            return supportedDrivers;
          LocalForage2.prototype._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady = function _wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady() {
            for (var i3 = 0, len = LibraryMethods.length; i3 < len; i3++) {
              callWhenReady(this, LibraryMethods[i3]);
          LocalForage2.prototype.createInstance = function createInstance(options) {
            return new LocalForage2(options);
          return LocalForage2;
        var localforage_js = new LocalForage();
        module2.exports = localforage_js;
      }, { "3": 3 }] }, {}, [4])(4);
  var localforageExports = localforage$1.exports;
  const localforage = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(localforageExports);
  var jszip_min = { exports: {} };

  JSZip v3.10.1 - A JavaScript class for generating and reading zip files

  (c) 2009-2016 Stuart Knightley <stuart [at] stuartk.com>
  Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip/main/LICENSE.markdown.

  JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license :
  (function(module, exports) {
    !function(e2) {
      module.exports = e2();
    }(function() {
      return function s2(a2, o2, h2) {
        function u2(r2, e3) {
          if (!o2[r2]) {
            if (!a2[r2]) {
              var t2 = "function" == typeof commonjsRequire && commonjsRequire;
              if (!e3 && t2) return t2(r2, true);
              if (l2) return l2(r2, true);
              var n3 = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r2 + "'");
              throw n3.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", n3;
            var i3 = o2[r2] = { exports: {} };
            a2[r2][0].call(i3.exports, function(e4) {
              var t3 = a2[r2][1][e4];
              return u2(t3 || e4);
            }, i3, i3.exports, s2, a2, o2, h2);
          return o2[r2].exports;
        for (var l2 = "function" == typeof commonjsRequire && commonjsRequire, e2 = 0; e2 < h2.length; e2++) u2(h2[e2]);
        return u2;
      }({ 1: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var d2 = e2("./utils"), c2 = e2("./support"), p2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
        r2.encode = function(e3) {
          for (var t3, r3, n3, i3, s2, a2, o2, h2 = [], u2 = 0, l2 = e3.length, f2 = l2, c3 = "string" !== d2.getTypeOf(e3); u2 < e3.length; ) f2 = l2 - u2, n3 = c3 ? (t3 = e3[u2++], r3 = u2 < l2 ? e3[u2++] : 0, u2 < l2 ? e3[u2++] : 0) : (t3 = e3.charCodeAt(u2++), r3 = u2 < l2 ? e3.charCodeAt(u2++) : 0, u2 < l2 ? e3.charCodeAt(u2++) : 0), i3 = t3 >> 2, s2 = (3 & t3) << 4 | r3 >> 4, a2 = 1 < f2 ? (15 & r3) << 2 | n3 >> 6 : 64, o2 = 2 < f2 ? 63 & n3 : 64, h2.push(p2.charAt(i3) + p2.charAt(s2) + p2.charAt(a2) + p2.charAt(o2));
          return h2.join("");
        }, r2.decode = function(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n3, i3, s2, a2, o2 = 0, h2 = 0, u2 = "data:";
          if (e3.substr(0, u2.length) === u2) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url.");
          var l2, f2 = 3 * (e3 = e3.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, "")).length / 4;
          if (e3.charAt(e3.length - 1) === p2.charAt(64) && f2--, e3.charAt(e3.length - 2) === p2.charAt(64) && f2--, f2 % 1 != 0) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, bad content length.");
          for (l2 = c2.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(0 | f2) : new Array(0 | f2); o2 < e3.length; ) t3 = p2.indexOf(e3.charAt(o2++)) << 2 | (i3 = p2.indexOf(e3.charAt(o2++))) >> 4, r3 = (15 & i3) << 4 | (s2 = p2.indexOf(e3.charAt(o2++))) >> 2, n3 = (3 & s2) << 6 | (a2 = p2.indexOf(e3.charAt(o2++))), l2[h2++] = t3, 64 !== s2 && (l2[h2++] = r3), 64 !== a2 && (l2[h2++] = n3);
          return l2;
      }, { "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 2: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./external"), i3 = e2("./stream/DataWorker"), s2 = e2("./stream/Crc32Probe"), a2 = e2("./stream/DataLengthProbe");
        function o2(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4) {
          this.compressedSize = e3, this.uncompressedSize = t3, this.crc32 = r3, this.compression = n4, this.compressedContent = i4;
        o2.prototype = { getContentWorker: function() {
          var e3 = new i3(n3.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a2("data_length")), t3 = this;
          return e3.on("end", function() {
            if (this.streamInfo.data_length !== t3.uncompressedSize) throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch");
          }), e3;
        }, getCompressedWorker: function() {
          return new i3(n3.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize", this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize", this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32", this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression", this.compression);
        } }, o2.createWorkerFrom = function(e3, t3, r3) {
          return e3.pipe(new s2()).pipe(new a2("uncompressedSize")).pipe(t3.compressWorker(r3)).pipe(new a2("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression", t3);
        }, t2.exports = o2;
      }, { "./external": 6, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./stream/DataLengthProbe": 26, "./stream/DataWorker": 27 }], 3: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./stream/GenericWorker");
        r2.STORE = { magic: "\0\0", compressWorker: function() {
          return new n3("STORE compression");
        }, uncompressWorker: function() {
          return new n3("STORE decompression");
        } }, r2.DEFLATE = e2("./flate");
      }, { "./flate": 7, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28 }], 4: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./utils");
        var o2 = function() {
          for (var e3, t3 = [], r3 = 0; r3 < 256; r3++) {
            e3 = r3;
            for (var n4 = 0; n4 < 8; n4++) e3 = 1 & e3 ? 3988292384 ^ e3 >>> 1 : e3 >>> 1;
            t3[r3] = e3;
          return t3;
        t2.exports = function(e3, t3) {
          return void 0 !== e3 && e3.length ? "string" !== n3.getTypeOf(e3) ? function(e4, t4, r3, n4) {
            var i3 = o2, s2 = n4 + r3;
            e4 ^= -1;
            for (var a2 = n4; a2 < s2; a2++) e4 = e4 >>> 8 ^ i3[255 & (e4 ^ t4[a2])];
            return -1 ^ e4;
          }(0 | t3, e3, e3.length, 0) : function(e4, t4, r3, n4) {
            var i3 = o2, s2 = n4 + r3;
            e4 ^= -1;
            for (var a2 = n4; a2 < s2; a2++) e4 = e4 >>> 8 ^ i3[255 & (e4 ^ t4.charCodeAt(a2))];
            return -1 ^ e4;
          }(0 | t3, e3, e3.length, 0) : 0;
      }, { "./utils": 32 }], 5: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        r2.base64 = false, r2.binary = false, r2.dir = false, r2.createFolders = true, r2.date = null, r2.compression = null, r2.compressionOptions = null, r2.comment = null, r2.unixPermissions = null, r2.dosPermissions = null;
      }, {}], 6: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = null;
        n3 = "undefined" != typeof Promise ? Promise : e2("lie"), t2.exports = { Promise: n3 };
      }, { lie: 37 }], 7: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array && "undefined" != typeof Uint16Array && "undefined" != typeof Uint32Array, i3 = e2("pako"), s2 = e2("./utils"), a2 = e2("./stream/GenericWorker"), o2 = n3 ? "uint8array" : "array";
        function h2(e3, t3) {
          a2.call(this, "FlateWorker/" + e3), this._pako = null, this._pakoAction = e3, this._pakoOptions = t3, this.meta = {};
        r2.magic = "\b\0", s2.inherits(h2, a2), h2.prototype.processChunk = function(e3) {
          this.meta = e3.meta, null === this._pako && this._createPako(), this._pako.push(s2.transformTo(o2, e3.data), false);
        }, h2.prototype.flush = function() {
          a2.prototype.flush.call(this), null === this._pako && this._createPako(), this._pako.push([], true);
        }, h2.prototype.cleanUp = function() {
          a2.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), this._pako = null;
        }, h2.prototype._createPako = function() {
          this._pako = new i3[this._pakoAction]({ raw: true, level: this._pakoOptions.level || -1 });
          var t3 = this;
          this._pako.onData = function(e3) {
            t3.push({ data: e3, meta: t3.meta });
        }, r2.compressWorker = function(e3) {
          return new h2("Deflate", e3);
        }, r2.uncompressWorker = function() {
          return new h2("Inflate", {});
      }, { "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./utils": 32, pako: 38 }], 8: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        function A2(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4 = "";
          for (r3 = 0; r3 < t3; r3++) n4 += String.fromCharCode(255 & e3), e3 >>>= 8;
          return n4;
        function n3(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4, s3) {
          var a2, o2, h2 = e3.file, u2 = e3.compression, l2 = s3 !== O2.utf8encode, f2 = I2.transformTo("string", s3(h2.name)), c2 = I2.transformTo("string", O2.utf8encode(h2.name)), d2 = h2.comment, p2 = I2.transformTo("string", s3(d2)), m2 = I2.transformTo("string", O2.utf8encode(d2)), _2 = c2.length !== h2.name.length, g2 = m2.length !== d2.length, b3 = "", v2 = "", y2 = "", w2 = h2.dir, k2 = h2.date, x2 = { crc32: 0, compressedSize: 0, uncompressedSize: 0 };
          t3 && !r3 || (x2.crc32 = e3.crc32, x2.compressedSize = e3.compressedSize, x2.uncompressedSize = e3.uncompressedSize);
          var S2 = 0;
          t3 && (S2 |= 8), l2 || !_2 && !g2 || (S2 |= 2048);
          var z2 = 0, C = 0;
          w2 && (z2 |= 16), "UNIX" === i4 ? (C = 798, z2 |= function(e4, t4) {
            var r4 = e4;
            return e4 || (r4 = t4 ? 16893 : 33204), (65535 & r4) << 16;
          }(h2.unixPermissions, w2)) : (C = 20, z2 |= function(e4) {
            return 63 & (e4 || 0);
          }(h2.dosPermissions)), a2 = k2.getUTCHours(), a2 <<= 6, a2 |= k2.getUTCMinutes(), a2 <<= 5, a2 |= k2.getUTCSeconds() / 2, o2 = k2.getUTCFullYear() - 1980, o2 <<= 4, o2 |= k2.getUTCMonth() + 1, o2 <<= 5, o2 |= k2.getUTCDate(), _2 && (v2 = A2(1, 1) + A2(B2(f2), 4) + c2, b3 += "up" + A2(v2.length, 2) + v2), g2 && (y2 = A2(1, 1) + A2(B2(p2), 4) + m2, b3 += "uc" + A2(y2.length, 2) + y2);
          var E2 = "";
          return E2 += "\n\0", E2 += A2(S2, 2), E2 += u2.magic, E2 += A2(a2, 2), E2 += A2(o2, 2), E2 += A2(x2.crc32, 4), E2 += A2(x2.compressedSize, 4), E2 += A2(x2.uncompressedSize, 4), E2 += A2(f2.length, 2), E2 += A2(b3.length, 2), { fileRecord: R2.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + E2 + f2 + b3, dirRecord: R2.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER + A2(C, 2) + E2 + A2(p2.length, 2) + "\0\0\0\0" + A2(z2, 4) + A2(n4, 4) + f2 + b3 + p2 };
        var I2 = e2("../utils"), i3 = e2("../stream/GenericWorker"), O2 = e2("../utf8"), B2 = e2("../crc32"), R2 = e2("../signature");
        function s2(e3, t3, r3, n4) {
          i3.call(this, "ZipFileWorker"), this.bytesWritten = 0, this.zipComment = t3, this.zipPlatform = r3, this.encodeFileName = n4, this.streamFiles = e3, this.accumulate = false, this.contentBuffer = [], this.dirRecords = [], this.currentSourceOffset = 0, this.entriesCount = 0, this.currentFile = null, this._sources = [];
        I2.inherits(s2, i3), s2.prototype.push = function(e3) {
          var t3 = e3.meta.percent || 0, r3 = this.entriesCount, n4 = this._sources.length;
          this.accumulate ? this.contentBuffer.push(e3) : (this.bytesWritten += e3.data.length, i3.prototype.push.call(this, { data: e3.data, meta: { currentFile: this.currentFile, percent: r3 ? (t3 + 100 * (r3 - n4 - 1)) / r3 : 100 } }));
        }, s2.prototype.openedSource = function(e3) {
          this.currentSourceOffset = this.bytesWritten, this.currentFile = e3.file.name;
          var t3 = this.streamFiles && !e3.file.dir;
          if (t3) {
            var r3 = n3(e3, t3, false, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName);
            this.push({ data: r3.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } });
          } else this.accumulate = true;
        }, s2.prototype.closedSource = function(e3) {
          this.accumulate = false;
          var t3 = this.streamFiles && !e3.file.dir, r3 = n3(e3, t3, true, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName);
          if (this.dirRecords.push(r3.dirRecord), t3) this.push({ data: function(e4) {
            return R2.DATA_DESCRIPTOR + A2(e4.crc32, 4) + A2(e4.compressedSize, 4) + A2(e4.uncompressedSize, 4);
          }(e3), meta: { percent: 100 } });
          else for (this.push({ data: r3.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }); this.contentBuffer.length; ) this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift());
          this.currentFile = null;
        }, s2.prototype.flush = function() {
          for (var e3 = this.bytesWritten, t3 = 0; t3 < this.dirRecords.length; t3++) this.push({ data: this.dirRecords[t3], meta: { percent: 100 } });
          var r3 = this.bytesWritten - e3, n4 = function(e4, t4, r4, n5, i4) {
            var s3 = I2.transformTo("string", i4(n5));
            return R2.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END + "\0\0\0\0" + A2(e4, 2) + A2(e4, 2) + A2(t4, 4) + A2(r4, 4) + A2(s3.length, 2) + s3;
          }(this.dirRecords.length, r3, e3, this.zipComment, this.encodeFileName);
          this.push({ data: n4, meta: { percent: 100 } });
        }, s2.prototype.prepareNextSource = function() {
          this.previous = this._sources.shift(), this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo), this.isPaused ? this.previous.pause() : this.previous.resume();
        }, s2.prototype.registerPrevious = function(e3) {
          var t3 = this;
          return e3.on("data", function(e4) {
          }), e3.on("end", function() {
            t3.closedSource(t3.previous.streamInfo), t3._sources.length ? t3.prepareNextSource() : t3.end();
          }), e3.on("error", function(e4) {
          }), this;
        }, s2.prototype.resume = function() {
          return !!i3.prototype.resume.call(this) && (!this.previous && this._sources.length ? (this.prepareNextSource(), true) : this.previous || this._sources.length || this.generatedError ? void 0 : (this.end(), true));
        }, s2.prototype.error = function(e3) {
          var t3 = this._sources;
          if (!i3.prototype.error.call(this, e3)) return false;
          for (var r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) try {
          } catch (e4) {
          return true;
        }, s2.prototype.lock = function() {
          for (var e3 = this._sources, t3 = 0; t3 < e3.length; t3++) e3[t3].lock();
        }, t2.exports = s2;
      }, { "../crc32": 4, "../signature": 23, "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utf8": 31, "../utils": 32 }], 9: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var u2 = e2("../compressions"), n3 = e2("./ZipFileWorker");
        r2.generateWorker = function(e3, a2, t3) {
          var o2 = new n3(a2.streamFiles, t3, a2.platform, a2.encodeFileName), h2 = 0;
          try {
            e3.forEach(function(e4, t4) {
              var r3 = function(e5, t5) {
                var r4 = e5 || t5, n5 = u2[r4];
                if (!n5) throw new Error(r4 + " is not a valid compression method !");
                return n5;
              }(t4.options.compression, a2.compression), n4 = t4.options.compressionOptions || a2.compressionOptions || {}, i3 = t4.dir, s2 = t4.date;
              t4._compressWorker(r3, n4).withStreamInfo("file", { name: e4, dir: i3, date: s2, comment: t4.comment || "", unixPermissions: t4.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: t4.dosPermissions }).pipe(o2);
            }), o2.entriesCount = h2;
          } catch (e4) {
          return o2;
      }, { "../compressions": 3, "./ZipFileWorker": 8 }], 10: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        function n3() {
          if (!(this instanceof n3)) return new n3();
          if (arguments.length) throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
          this.files = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.comment = null, this.root = "", this.clone = function() {
            var e3 = new n3();
            for (var t3 in this) "function" != typeof this[t3] && (e3[t3] = this[t3]);
            return e3;
        (n3.prototype = e2("./object")).loadAsync = e2("./load"), n3.support = e2("./support"), n3.defaults = e2("./defaults"), n3.version = "3.10.1", n3.loadAsync = function(e3, t3) {
          return new n3().loadAsync(e3, t3);
        }, n3.external = e2("./external"), t2.exports = n3;
      }, { "./defaults": 5, "./external": 6, "./load": 11, "./object": 15, "./support": 30 }], 11: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var u2 = e2("./utils"), i3 = e2("./external"), n3 = e2("./utf8"), s2 = e2("./zipEntries"), a2 = e2("./stream/Crc32Probe"), l2 = e2("./nodejsUtils");
        function f2(n4) {
          return new i3.Promise(function(e3, t3) {
            var r3 = n4.decompressed.getContentWorker().pipe(new a2());
            r3.on("error", function(e4) {
            }).on("end", function() {
              r3.streamInfo.crc32 !== n4.decompressed.crc32 ? t3(new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch")) : e3();
        t2.exports = function(e3, o2) {
          var h2 = this;
          return o2 = u2.extend(o2 || {}, { base64: false, checkCRC32: false, optimizedBinaryString: false, createFolders: false, decodeFileName: n3.utf8decode }), l2.isNode && l2.isStream(e3) ? i3.Promise.reject(new Error("JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file.")) : u2.prepareContent("the loaded zip file", e3, true, o2.optimizedBinaryString, o2.base64).then(function(e4) {
            var t3 = new s2(o2);
            return t3.load(e4), t3;
          }).then(function(e4) {
            var t3 = [i3.Promise.resolve(e4)], r3 = e4.files;
            if (o2.checkCRC32) for (var n4 = 0; n4 < r3.length; n4++) t3.push(f2(r3[n4]));
            return i3.Promise.all(t3);
          }).then(function(e4) {
            for (var t3 = e4.shift(), r3 = t3.files, n4 = 0; n4 < r3.length; n4++) {
              var i4 = r3[n4], s3 = i4.fileNameStr, a3 = u2.resolve(i4.fileNameStr);
              h2.file(a3, i4.decompressed, { binary: true, optimizedBinaryString: true, date: i4.date, dir: i4.dir, comment: i4.fileCommentStr.length ? i4.fileCommentStr : null, unixPermissions: i4.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: i4.dosPermissions, createFolders: o2.createFolders }), i4.dir || (h2.file(a3).unsafeOriginalName = s3);
            return t3.zipComment.length && (h2.comment = t3.zipComment), h2;
      }, { "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntries": 33 }], 12: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("../utils"), i3 = e2("../stream/GenericWorker");
        function s2(e3, t3) {
          i3.call(this, "Nodejs stream input adapter for " + e3), this._upstreamEnded = false, this._bindStream(t3);
        n3.inherits(s2, i3), s2.prototype._bindStream = function(e3) {
          var t3 = this;
          (this._stream = e3).pause(), e3.on("data", function(e4) {
            t3.push({ data: e4, meta: { percent: 0 } });
          }).on("error", function(e4) {
            t3.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e4 : t3.error(e4);
          }).on("end", function() {
            t3.isPaused ? t3._upstreamEnded = true : t3.end();
        }, s2.prototype.pause = function() {
          return !!i3.prototype.pause.call(this) && (this._stream.pause(), true);
        }, s2.prototype.resume = function() {
          return !!i3.prototype.resume.call(this) && (this._upstreamEnded ? this.end() : this._stream.resume(), true);
        }, t2.exports = s2;
      }, { "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utils": 32 }], 13: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var i3 = e2("readable-stream").Readable;
        function n3(e3, t3, r3) {
          i3.call(this, t3), this._helper = e3;
          var n4 = this;
          e3.on("data", function(e4, t4) {
            n4.push(e4) || n4._helper.pause(), r3 && r3(t4);
          }).on("error", function(e4) {
            n4.emit("error", e4);
          }).on("end", function() {
        e2("../utils").inherits(n3, i3), n3.prototype._read = function() {
        }, t2.exports = n3;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "readable-stream": 16 }], 14: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = { isNode: "undefined" != typeof Buffer, newBufferFrom: function(e3, t3) {
          if (Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from) return Buffer.from(e3, t3);
          if ("number" == typeof e3) throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number');
          return new Buffer(e3, t3);
        }, allocBuffer: function(e3) {
          if (Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(e3);
          var t3 = new Buffer(e3);
          return t3.fill(0), t3;
        }, isBuffer: function(e3) {
          return Buffer.isBuffer(e3);
        }, isStream: function(e3) {
          return e3 && "function" == typeof e3.on && "function" == typeof e3.pause && "function" == typeof e3.resume;
        } };
      }, {}], 15: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        function s2(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4, i4 = u2.getTypeOf(t3), s3 = u2.extend(r3 || {}, f2);
          s3.date = s3.date || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), null !== s3.compression && (s3.compression = s3.compression.toUpperCase()), "string" == typeof s3.unixPermissions && (s3.unixPermissions = parseInt(s3.unixPermissions, 8)), s3.unixPermissions && 16384 & s3.unixPermissions && (s3.dir = true), s3.dosPermissions && 16 & s3.dosPermissions && (s3.dir = true), s3.dir && (e3 = g2(e3)), s3.createFolders && (n4 = _2(e3)) && b3.call(this, n4, true);
          var a3 = "string" === i4 && false === s3.binary && false === s3.base64;
          r3 && void 0 !== r3.binary || (s3.binary = !a3), (t3 instanceof c2 && 0 === t3.uncompressedSize || s3.dir || !t3 || 0 === t3.length) && (s3.base64 = false, s3.binary = true, t3 = "", s3.compression = "STORE", i4 = "string");
          var o3 = null;
          o3 = t3 instanceof c2 || t3 instanceof l2 ? t3 : p2.isNode && p2.isStream(t3) ? new m2(e3, t3) : u2.prepareContent(e3, t3, s3.binary, s3.optimizedBinaryString, s3.base64);
          var h3 = new d2(e3, o3, s3);
          this.files[e3] = h3;
        var i3 = e2("./utf8"), u2 = e2("./utils"), l2 = e2("./stream/GenericWorker"), a2 = e2("./stream/StreamHelper"), f2 = e2("./defaults"), c2 = e2("./compressedObject"), d2 = e2("./zipObject"), o2 = e2("./generate"), p2 = e2("./nodejsUtils"), m2 = e2("./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter"), _2 = function(e3) {
          "/" === e3.slice(-1) && (e3 = e3.substring(0, e3.length - 1));
          var t3 = e3.lastIndexOf("/");
          return 0 < t3 ? e3.substring(0, t3) : "";
        }, g2 = function(e3) {
          return "/" !== e3.slice(-1) && (e3 += "/"), e3;
        }, b3 = function(e3, t3) {
          return t3 = void 0 !== t3 ? t3 : f2.createFolders, e3 = g2(e3), this.files[e3] || s2.call(this, e3, null, { dir: true, createFolders: t3 }), this.files[e3];
        function h2(e3) {
          return "[object RegExp]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e3);
        var n3 = { load: function() {
          throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
        }, forEach: function(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n4;
          for (t3 in this.files) n4 = this.files[t3], (r3 = t3.slice(this.root.length, t3.length)) && t3.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root && e3(r3, n4);
        }, filter: function(r3) {
          var n4 = [];
          return this.forEach(function(e3, t3) {
            r3(e3, t3) && n4.push(t3);
          }), n4;
        }, file: function(e3, t3, r3) {
          if (1 !== arguments.length) return e3 = this.root + e3, s2.call(this, e3, t3, r3), this;
          if (h2(e3)) {
            var n4 = e3;
            return this.filter(function(e4, t4) {
              return !t4.dir && n4.test(e4);
          var i4 = this.files[this.root + e3];
          return i4 && !i4.dir ? i4 : null;
        }, folder: function(r3) {
          if (!r3) return this;
          if (h2(r3)) return this.filter(function(e4, t4) {
            return t4.dir && r3.test(e4);
          var e3 = this.root + r3, t3 = b3.call(this, e3), n4 = this.clone();
          return n4.root = t3.name, n4;
        }, remove: function(r3) {
          r3 = this.root + r3;
          var e3 = this.files[r3];
          if (e3 || ("/" !== r3.slice(-1) && (r3 += "/"), e3 = this.files[r3]), e3 && !e3.dir) delete this.files[r3];
          else for (var t3 = this.filter(function(e4, t4) {
            return t4.name.slice(0, r3.length) === r3;
          }), n4 = 0; n4 < t3.length; n4++) delete this.files[t3[n4].name];
          return this;
        }, generate: function() {
          throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
        }, generateInternalStream: function(e3) {
          var t3, r3 = {};
          try {
            if ((r3 = u2.extend(e3 || {}, { streamFiles: false, compression: "STORE", compressionOptions: null, type: "", platform: "DOS", comment: null, mimeType: "application/zip", encodeFileName: i3.utf8encode })).type = r3.type.toLowerCase(), r3.compression = r3.compression.toUpperCase(), "binarystring" === r3.type && (r3.type = "string"), !r3.type) throw new Error("No output type specified.");
            u2.checkSupport(r3.type), "darwin" !== r3.platform && "freebsd" !== r3.platform && "linux" !== r3.platform && "sunos" !== r3.platform || (r3.platform = "UNIX"), "win32" === r3.platform && (r3.platform = "DOS");
            var n4 = r3.comment || this.comment || "";
            t3 = o2.generateWorker(this, r3, n4);
          } catch (e4) {
            (t3 = new l2("error")).error(e4);
          return new a2(t3, r3.type || "string", r3.mimeType);
        }, generateAsync: function(e3, t3) {
          return this.generateInternalStream(e3).accumulate(t3);
        }, generateNodeStream: function(e3, t3) {
          return (e3 = e3 || {}).type || (e3.type = "nodebuffer"), this.generateInternalStream(e3).toNodejsStream(t3);
        } };
        t2.exports = n3;
      }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./defaults": 5, "./generate": 9, "./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter": 12, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipObject": 35 }], 16: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = e2("stream");
      }, { stream: void 0 }], 17: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./DataReader");
        function i3(e3) {
          n3.call(this, e3);
          for (var t3 = 0; t3 < this.data.length; t3++) e3[t3] = 255 & e3[t3];
        e2("../utils").inherits(i3, n3), i3.prototype.byteAt = function(e3) {
          return this.data[this.zero + e3];
        }, i3.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e3) {
          for (var t3 = e3.charCodeAt(0), r3 = e3.charCodeAt(1), n4 = e3.charCodeAt(2), i4 = e3.charCodeAt(3), s2 = this.length - 4; 0 <= s2; --s2) if (this.data[s2] === t3 && this.data[s2 + 1] === r3 && this.data[s2 + 2] === n4 && this.data[s2 + 3] === i4) return s2 - this.zero;
          return -1;
        }, i3.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e3) {
          var t3 = e3.charCodeAt(0), r3 = e3.charCodeAt(1), n4 = e3.charCodeAt(2), i4 = e3.charCodeAt(3), s2 = this.readData(4);
          return t3 === s2[0] && r3 === s2[1] && n4 === s2[2] && i4 === s2[3];
        }, i3.prototype.readData = function(e3) {
          if (this.checkOffset(e3), 0 === e3) return [];
          var t3 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e3);
          return this.index += e3, t3;
        }, t2.exports = i3;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 18: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("../utils");
        function i3(e3) {
          this.data = e3, this.length = e3.length, this.index = 0, this.zero = 0;
        i3.prototype = { checkOffset: function(e3) {
          this.checkIndex(this.index + e3);
        }, checkIndex: function(e3) {
          if (this.length < this.zero + e3 || e3 < 0) throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + e3 + "). Corrupted zip ?");
        }, setIndex: function(e3) {
          this.checkIndex(e3), this.index = e3;
        }, skip: function(e3) {
          this.setIndex(this.index + e3);
        }, byteAt: function() {
        }, readInt: function(e3) {
          var t3, r3 = 0;
          for (this.checkOffset(e3), t3 = this.index + e3 - 1; t3 >= this.index; t3--) r3 = (r3 << 8) + this.byteAt(t3);
          return this.index += e3, r3;
        }, readString: function(e3) {
          return n3.transformTo("string", this.readData(e3));
        }, readData: function() {
        }, lastIndexOfSignature: function() {
        }, readAndCheckSignature: function() {
        }, readDate: function() {
          var e3 = this.readInt(4);
          return new Date(Date.UTC(1980 + (e3 >> 25 & 127), (e3 >> 21 & 15) - 1, e3 >> 16 & 31, e3 >> 11 & 31, e3 >> 5 & 63, (31 & e3) << 1));
        } }, t2.exports = i3;
      }, { "../utils": 32 }], 19: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./Uint8ArrayReader");
        function i3(e3) {
          n3.call(this, e3);
        e2("../utils").inherits(i3, n3), i3.prototype.readData = function(e3) {
          var t3 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e3);
          return this.index += e3, t3;
        }, t2.exports = i3;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 20: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./DataReader");
        function i3(e3) {
          n3.call(this, e3);
        e2("../utils").inherits(i3, n3), i3.prototype.byteAt = function(e3) {
          return this.data.charCodeAt(this.zero + e3);
        }, i3.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e3) {
          return this.data.lastIndexOf(e3) - this.zero;
        }, i3.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e3) {
          return e3 === this.readData(4);
        }, i3.prototype.readData = function(e3) {
          var t3 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e3);
          return this.index += e3, t3;
        }, t2.exports = i3;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 21: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./ArrayReader");
        function i3(e3) {
          n3.call(this, e3);
        e2("../utils").inherits(i3, n3), i3.prototype.readData = function(e3) {
          if (this.checkOffset(e3), 0 === e3) return new Uint8Array(0);
          var t3 = this.data.subarray(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e3);
          return this.index += e3, t3;
        }, t2.exports = i3;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17 }], 22: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("../utils"), i3 = e2("../support"), s2 = e2("./ArrayReader"), a2 = e2("./StringReader"), o2 = e2("./NodeBufferReader"), h2 = e2("./Uint8ArrayReader");
        t2.exports = function(e3) {
          var t3 = n3.getTypeOf(e3);
          return n3.checkSupport(t3), "string" !== t3 || i3.uint8array ? "nodebuffer" === t3 ? new o2(e3) : i3.uint8array ? new h2(n3.transformTo("uint8array", e3)) : new s2(n3.transformTo("array", e3)) : new a2(e3);
      }, { "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17, "./NodeBufferReader": 19, "./StringReader": 20, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 23: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
      }, {}], 24: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./GenericWorker"), i3 = e2("../utils");
        function s2(e3) {
          n3.call(this, "ConvertWorker to " + e3), this.destType = e3;
        i3.inherits(s2, n3), s2.prototype.processChunk = function(e3) {
          this.push({ data: i3.transformTo(this.destType, e3.data), meta: e3.meta });
        }, t2.exports = s2;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 25: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./GenericWorker"), i3 = e2("../crc32");
        function s2() {
          n3.call(this, "Crc32Probe"), this.withStreamInfo("crc32", 0);
        e2("../utils").inherits(s2, n3), s2.prototype.processChunk = function(e3) {
          this.streamInfo.crc32 = i3(e3.data, this.streamInfo.crc32 || 0), this.push(e3);
        }, t2.exports = s2;
      }, { "../crc32": 4, "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 26: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("../utils"), i3 = e2("./GenericWorker");
        function s2(e3) {
          i3.call(this, "DataLengthProbe for " + e3), this.propName = e3, this.withStreamInfo(e3, 0);
        n3.inherits(s2, i3), s2.prototype.processChunk = function(e3) {
          if (e3) {
            var t3 = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0;
            this.streamInfo[this.propName] = t3 + e3.data.length;
          i3.prototype.processChunk.call(this, e3);
        }, t2.exports = s2;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 27: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("../utils"), i3 = e2("./GenericWorker");
        function s2(e3) {
          i3.call(this, "DataWorker");
          var t3 = this;
          this.dataIsReady = false, this.index = 0, this.max = 0, this.data = null, this.type = "", this._tickScheduled = false, e3.then(function(e4) {
            t3.dataIsReady = true, t3.data = e4, t3.max = e4 && e4.length || 0, t3.type = n3.getTypeOf(e4), t3.isPaused || t3._tickAndRepeat();
          }, function(e4) {
        n3.inherits(s2, i3), s2.prototype.cleanUp = function() {
          i3.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), this.data = null;
        }, s2.prototype.resume = function() {
          return !!i3.prototype.resume.call(this) && (!this._tickScheduled && this.dataIsReady && (this._tickScheduled = true, n3.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this)), true);
        }, s2.prototype._tickAndRepeat = function() {
          this._tickScheduled = false, this.isPaused || this.isFinished || (this._tick(), this.isFinished || (n3.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this), this._tickScheduled = true));
        }, s2.prototype._tick = function() {
          if (this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return false;
          var e3 = null, t3 = Math.min(this.max, this.index + 16384);
          if (this.index >= this.max) return this.end();
          switch (this.type) {
            case "string":
              e3 = this.data.substring(this.index, t3);
            case "uint8array":
              e3 = this.data.subarray(this.index, t3);
            case "array":
            case "nodebuffer":
              e3 = this.data.slice(this.index, t3);
          return this.index = t3, this.push({ data: e3, meta: { percent: this.max ? this.index / this.max * 100 : 0 } });
        }, t2.exports = s2;
      }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 28: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        function n3(e3) {
          this.name = e3 || "default", this.streamInfo = {}, this.generatedError = null, this.extraStreamInfo = {}, this.isPaused = true, this.isFinished = false, this.isLocked = false, this._listeners = { data: [], end: [], error: [] }, this.previous = null;
        n3.prototype = { push: function(e3) {
          this.emit("data", e3);
        }, end: function() {
          if (this.isFinished) return false;
          try {
            this.emit("end"), this.cleanUp(), this.isFinished = true;
          } catch (e3) {
            this.emit("error", e3);
          return true;
        }, error: function(e3) {
          return !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e3 : (this.isFinished = true, this.emit("error", e3), this.previous && this.previous.error(e3), this.cleanUp()), true);
        }, on: function(e3, t3) {
          return this._listeners[e3].push(t3), this;
        }, cleanUp: function() {
          this.streamInfo = this.generatedError = this.extraStreamInfo = null, this._listeners = [];
        }, emit: function(e3, t3) {
          if (this._listeners[e3]) for (var r3 = 0; r3 < this._listeners[e3].length; r3++) this._listeners[e3][r3].call(this, t3);
        }, pipe: function(e3) {
          return e3.registerPrevious(this);
        }, registerPrevious: function(e3) {
          if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
          this.streamInfo = e3.streamInfo, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this.previous = e3;
          var t3 = this;
          return e3.on("data", function(e4) {
          }), e3.on("end", function() {
          }), e3.on("error", function(e4) {
          }), this;
        }, pause: function() {
          return !this.isPaused && !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused = true, this.previous && this.previous.pause(), true);
        }, resume: function() {
          if (!this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return false;
          var e3 = this.isPaused = false;
          return this.generatedError && (this.error(this.generatedError), e3 = true), this.previous && this.previous.resume(), !e3;
        }, flush: function() {
        }, processChunk: function(e3) {
        }, withStreamInfo: function(e3, t3) {
          return this.extraStreamInfo[e3] = t3, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this;
        }, mergeStreamInfo: function() {
          for (var e3 in this.extraStreamInfo) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.extraStreamInfo, e3) && (this.streamInfo[e3] = this.extraStreamInfo[e3]);
        }, lock: function() {
          if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
          this.isLocked = true, this.previous && this.previous.lock();
        }, toString: function() {
          var e3 = "Worker " + this.name;
          return this.previous ? this.previous + " -> " + e3 : e3;
        } }, t2.exports = n3;
      }, {}], 29: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var h2 = e2("../utils"), i3 = e2("./ConvertWorker"), s2 = e2("./GenericWorker"), u2 = e2("../base64"), n3 = e2("../support"), a2 = e2("../external"), o2 = null;
        if (n3.nodestream) try {
          o2 = e2("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter");
        } catch (e3) {
        function l2(e3, o3) {
          return new a2.Promise(function(t3, r3) {
            var n4 = [], i4 = e3._internalType, s3 = e3._outputType, a3 = e3._mimeType;
            e3.on("data", function(e4, t4) {
              n4.push(e4), o3 && o3(t4);
            }).on("error", function(e4) {
              n4 = [], r3(e4);
            }).on("end", function() {
              try {
                var e4 = function(e5, t4, r4) {
                  switch (e5) {
                    case "blob":
                      return h2.newBlob(h2.transformTo("arraybuffer", t4), r4);
                    case "base64":
                      return u2.encode(t4);
                      return h2.transformTo(e5, t4);
                }(s3, function(e5, t4) {
                  var r4, n5 = 0, i5 = null, s4 = 0;
                  for (r4 = 0; r4 < t4.length; r4++) s4 += t4[r4].length;
                  switch (e5) {
                    case "string":
                      return t4.join("");
                    case "array":
                      return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t4);
                    case "uint8array":
                      for (i5 = new Uint8Array(s4), r4 = 0; r4 < t4.length; r4++) i5.set(t4[r4], n5), n5 += t4[r4].length;
                      return i5;
                    case "nodebuffer":
                      return Buffer.concat(t4);
                      throw new Error("concat : unsupported type '" + e5 + "'");
                }(i4, n4), a3);
              } catch (e5) {
              n4 = [];
        function f2(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4 = t3;
          switch (t3) {
            case "blob":
            case "arraybuffer":
              n4 = "uint8array";
            case "base64":
              n4 = "string";
          try {
            this._internalType = n4, this._outputType = t3, this._mimeType = r3, h2.checkSupport(n4), this._worker = e3.pipe(new i3(n4)), e3.lock();
          } catch (e4) {
            this._worker = new s2("error"), this._worker.error(e4);
        f2.prototype = { accumulate: function(e3) {
          return l2(this, e3);
        }, on: function(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = this;
          return "data" === e3 ? this._worker.on(e3, function(e4) {
            t3.call(r3, e4.data, e4.meta);
          }) : this._worker.on(e3, function() {
            h2.delay(t3, arguments, r3);
          }), this;
        }, resume: function() {
          return h2.delay(this._worker.resume, [], this._worker), this;
        }, pause: function() {
          return this._worker.pause(), this;
        }, toNodejsStream: function(e3) {
          if (h2.checkSupport("nodestream"), "nodebuffer" !== this._outputType) throw new Error(this._outputType + " is not supported by this method");
          return new o2(this, { objectMode: "nodebuffer" !== this._outputType }, e3);
        } }, t2.exports = f2;
      }, { "../base64": 1, "../external": 6, "../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter": 13, "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ConvertWorker": 24, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 30: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        if (r2.base64 = true, r2.array = true, r2.string = true, r2.arraybuffer = "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array, r2.nodebuffer = "undefined" != typeof Buffer, r2.uint8array = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array, "undefined" == typeof ArrayBuffer) r2.blob = false;
        else {
          var n3 = new ArrayBuffer(0);
          try {
            r2.blob = 0 === new Blob([n3], { type: "application/zip" }).size;
          } catch (e3) {
            try {
              var i3 = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)();
              i3.append(n3), r2.blob = 0 === i3.getBlob("application/zip").size;
            } catch (e4) {
              r2.blob = false;
        try {
          r2.nodestream = !!e2("readable-stream").Readable;
        } catch (e3) {
          r2.nodestream = false;
      }, { "readable-stream": 16 }], 31: [function(e2, t2, s2) {
        for (var o2 = e2("./utils"), h2 = e2("./support"), r2 = e2("./nodejsUtils"), n3 = e2("./stream/GenericWorker"), u2 = new Array(256), i3 = 0; i3 < 256; i3++) u2[i3] = 252 <= i3 ? 6 : 248 <= i3 ? 5 : 240 <= i3 ? 4 : 224 <= i3 ? 3 : 192 <= i3 ? 2 : 1;
        u2[254] = u2[254] = 1;
        function a2() {
          n3.call(this, "utf-8 decode"), this.leftOver = null;
        function l2() {
          n3.call(this, "utf-8 encode");
        s2.utf8encode = function(e3) {
          return h2.nodebuffer ? r2.newBufferFrom(e3, "utf-8") : function(e4) {
            var t3, r3, n4, i4, s3, a3 = e4.length, o3 = 0;
            for (i4 = 0; i4 < a3; i4++) 55296 == (64512 & (r3 = e4.charCodeAt(i4))) && i4 + 1 < a3 && 56320 == (64512 & (n4 = e4.charCodeAt(i4 + 1))) && (r3 = 65536 + (r3 - 55296 << 10) + (n4 - 56320), i4++), o3 += r3 < 128 ? 1 : r3 < 2048 ? 2 : r3 < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
            for (t3 = h2.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(o3) : new Array(o3), i4 = s3 = 0; s3 < o3; i4++) 55296 == (64512 & (r3 = e4.charCodeAt(i4))) && i4 + 1 < a3 && 56320 == (64512 & (n4 = e4.charCodeAt(i4 + 1))) && (r3 = 65536 + (r3 - 55296 << 10) + (n4 - 56320), i4++), r3 < 128 ? t3[s3++] = r3 : (r3 < 2048 ? t3[s3++] = 192 | r3 >>> 6 : (r3 < 65536 ? t3[s3++] = 224 | r3 >>> 12 : (t3[s3++] = 240 | r3 >>> 18, t3[s3++] = 128 | r3 >>> 12 & 63), t3[s3++] = 128 | r3 >>> 6 & 63), t3[s3++] = 128 | 63 & r3);
            return t3;
        }, s2.utf8decode = function(e3) {
          return h2.nodebuffer ? o2.transformTo("nodebuffer", e3).toString("utf-8") : function(e4) {
            var t3, r3, n4, i4, s3 = e4.length, a3 = new Array(2 * s3);
            for (t3 = r3 = 0; t3 < s3; ) if ((n4 = e4[t3++]) < 128) a3[r3++] = n4;
            else if (4 < (i4 = u2[n4])) a3[r3++] = 65533, t3 += i4 - 1;
            else {
              for (n4 &= 2 === i4 ? 31 : 3 === i4 ? 15 : 7; 1 < i4 && t3 < s3; ) n4 = n4 << 6 | 63 & e4[t3++], i4--;
              1 < i4 ? a3[r3++] = 65533 : n4 < 65536 ? a3[r3++] = n4 : (n4 -= 65536, a3[r3++] = 55296 | n4 >> 10 & 1023, a3[r3++] = 56320 | 1023 & n4);
            return a3.length !== r3 && (a3.subarray ? a3 = a3.subarray(0, r3) : a3.length = r3), o2.applyFromCharCode(a3);
          }(e3 = o2.transformTo(h2.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e3));
        }, o2.inherits(a2, n3), a2.prototype.processChunk = function(e3) {
          var t3 = o2.transformTo(h2.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e3.data);
          if (this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length) {
            if (h2.uint8array) {
              var r3 = t3;
              (t3 = new Uint8Array(r3.length + this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver, 0), t3.set(r3, this.leftOver.length);
            } else t3 = this.leftOver.concat(t3);
            this.leftOver = null;
          var n4 = function(e4, t4) {
            var r4;
            for ((t4 = t4 || e4.length) > e4.length && (t4 = e4.length), r4 = t4 - 1; 0 <= r4 && 128 == (192 & e4[r4]); ) r4--;
            return r4 < 0 ? t4 : 0 === r4 ? t4 : r4 + u2[e4[r4]] > t4 ? r4 : t4;
          }(t3), i4 = t3;
          n4 !== t3.length && (h2.uint8array ? (i4 = t3.subarray(0, n4), this.leftOver = t3.subarray(n4, t3.length)) : (i4 = t3.slice(0, n4), this.leftOver = t3.slice(n4, t3.length))), this.push({ data: s2.utf8decode(i4), meta: e3.meta });
        }, a2.prototype.flush = function() {
          this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length && (this.push({ data: s2.utf8decode(this.leftOver), meta: {} }), this.leftOver = null);
        }, s2.Utf8DecodeWorker = a2, o2.inherits(l2, n3), l2.prototype.processChunk = function(e3) {
          this.push({ data: s2.utf8encode(e3.data), meta: e3.meta });
        }, s2.Utf8EncodeWorker = l2;
      }, { "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 32: [function(e2, t2, a2) {
        var o2 = e2("./support"), h2 = e2("./base64"), r2 = e2("./nodejsUtils"), u2 = e2("./external");
        function n3(e3) {
          return e3;
        function l2(e3, t3) {
          for (var r3 = 0; r3 < e3.length; ++r3) t3[r3] = 255 & e3.charCodeAt(r3);
          return t3;
        e2("setimmediate"), a2.newBlob = function(t3, r3) {
          try {
            return new Blob([t3], { type: r3 });
          } catch (e3) {
            try {
              var n4 = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)();
              return n4.append(t3), n4.getBlob(r3);
            } catch (e4) {
              throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
        var i3 = { stringifyByChunk: function(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4 = [], i4 = 0, s3 = e3.length;
          if (s3 <= r3) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e3);
          for (; i4 < s3; ) "array" === t3 || "nodebuffer" === t3 ? n4.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e3.slice(i4, Math.min(i4 + r3, s3)))) : n4.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e3.subarray(i4, Math.min(i4 + r3, s3)))), i4 += r3;
          return n4.join("");
        }, stringifyByChar: function(e3) {
          for (var t3 = "", r3 = 0; r3 < e3.length; r3++) t3 += String.fromCharCode(e3[r3]);
          return t3;
        }, applyCanBeUsed: { uint8array: function() {
          try {
            return o2.uint8array && 1 === String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length;
          } catch (e3) {
            return false;
        }(), nodebuffer: function() {
          try {
            return o2.nodebuffer && 1 === String.fromCharCode.apply(null, r2.allocBuffer(1)).length;
          } catch (e3) {
            return false;
        }() } };
        function s2(e3) {
          var t3 = 65536, r3 = a2.getTypeOf(e3), n4 = true;
          if ("uint8array" === r3 ? n4 = i3.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array : "nodebuffer" === r3 && (n4 = i3.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer), n4) for (; 1 < t3; ) try {
            return i3.stringifyByChunk(e3, r3, t3);
          } catch (e4) {
            t3 = Math.floor(t3 / 2);
          return i3.stringifyByChar(e3);
        function f2(e3, t3) {
          for (var r3 = 0; r3 < e3.length; r3++) t3[r3] = e3[r3];
          return t3;
        a2.applyFromCharCode = s2;
        var c2 = {};
        c2.string = { string: n3, array: function(e3) {
          return l2(e3, new Array(e3.length));
        }, arraybuffer: function(e3) {
          return c2.string.uint8array(e3).buffer;
        }, uint8array: function(e3) {
          return l2(e3, new Uint8Array(e3.length));
        }, nodebuffer: function(e3) {
          return l2(e3, r2.allocBuffer(e3.length));
        } }, c2.array = { string: s2, array: n3, arraybuffer: function(e3) {
          return new Uint8Array(e3).buffer;
        }, uint8array: function(e3) {
          return new Uint8Array(e3);
        }, nodebuffer: function(e3) {
          return r2.newBufferFrom(e3);
        } }, c2.arraybuffer = { string: function(e3) {
          return s2(new Uint8Array(e3));
        }, array: function(e3) {
          return f2(new Uint8Array(e3), new Array(e3.byteLength));
        }, arraybuffer: n3, uint8array: function(e3) {
          return new Uint8Array(e3);
        }, nodebuffer: function(e3) {
          return r2.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(e3));
        } }, c2.uint8array = { string: s2, array: function(e3) {
          return f2(e3, new Array(e3.length));
        }, arraybuffer: function(e3) {
          return e3.buffer;
        }, uint8array: n3, nodebuffer: function(e3) {
          return r2.newBufferFrom(e3);
        } }, c2.nodebuffer = { string: s2, array: function(e3) {
          return f2(e3, new Array(e3.length));
        }, arraybuffer: function(e3) {
          return c2.nodebuffer.uint8array(e3).buffer;
        }, uint8array: function(e3) {
          return f2(e3, new Uint8Array(e3.length));
        }, nodebuffer: n3 }, a2.transformTo = function(e3, t3) {
          if (t3 = t3 || "", !e3) return t3;
          var r3 = a2.getTypeOf(t3);
          return c2[r3][e3](t3);
        }, a2.resolve = function(e3) {
          for (var t3 = e3.split("/"), r3 = [], n4 = 0; n4 < t3.length; n4++) {
            var i4 = t3[n4];
            "." === i4 || "" === i4 && 0 !== n4 && n4 !== t3.length - 1 || (".." === i4 ? r3.pop() : r3.push(i4));
          return r3.join("/");
        }, a2.getTypeOf = function(e3) {
          return "string" == typeof e3 ? "string" : "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e3) ? "array" : o2.nodebuffer && r2.isBuffer(e3) ? "nodebuffer" : o2.uint8array && e3 instanceof Uint8Array ? "uint8array" : o2.arraybuffer && e3 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? "arraybuffer" : void 0;
        }, a2.checkSupport = function(e3) {
          if (!o2[e3.toLowerCase()]) throw new Error(e3 + " is not supported by this platform");
        }, a2.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535, a2.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1, a2.pretty = function(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n4 = "";
          for (r3 = 0; r3 < (e3 || "").length; r3++) n4 += "\\x" + ((t3 = e3.charCodeAt(r3)) < 16 ? "0" : "") + t3.toString(16).toUpperCase();
          return n4;
        }, a2.delay = function(e3, t3, r3) {
          setImmediate(function() {
            e3.apply(r3 || null, t3 || []);
        }, a2.inherits = function(e3, t3) {
          function r3() {
          r3.prototype = t3.prototype, e3.prototype = new r3();
        }, a2.extend = function() {
          var e3, t3, r3 = {};
          for (e3 = 0; e3 < arguments.length; e3++) for (t3 in arguments[e3]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(arguments[e3], t3) && void 0 === r3[t3] && (r3[t3] = arguments[e3][t3]);
          return r3;
        }, a2.prepareContent = function(r3, e3, n4, i4, s3) {
          return u2.Promise.resolve(e3).then(function(n5) {
            return o2.blob && (n5 instanceof Blob || -1 !== ["[object File]", "[object Blob]"].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(n5))) && "undefined" != typeof FileReader ? new u2.Promise(function(t3, r4) {
              var e4 = new FileReader();
              e4.onload = function(e5) {
              }, e4.onerror = function(e5) {
              }, e4.readAsArrayBuffer(n5);
            }) : n5;
          }).then(function(e4) {
            var t3 = a2.getTypeOf(e4);
            return t3 ? ("arraybuffer" === t3 ? e4 = a2.transformTo("uint8array", e4) : "string" === t3 && (s3 ? e4 = h2.decode(e4) : n4 && true !== i4 && (e4 = function(e5) {
              return l2(e5, o2.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(e5.length) : new Array(e5.length));
            }(e4))), e4) : u2.Promise.reject(new Error("Can't read the data of '" + r3 + "'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?"));
      }, { "./base64": 1, "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./support": 30, setimmediate: 54 }], 33: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./reader/readerFor"), i3 = e2("./utils"), s2 = e2("./signature"), a2 = e2("./zipEntry"), o2 = e2("./support");
        function h2(e3) {
          this.files = [], this.loadOptions = e3;
        h2.prototype = { checkSignature: function(e3) {
          if (!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(e3)) {
            this.reader.index -= 4;
            var t3 = this.reader.readString(4);
            throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature (" + i3.pretty(t3) + ", expected " + i3.pretty(e3) + ")");
        }, isSignature: function(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = this.reader.index;
          var n4 = this.reader.readString(4) === t3;
          return this.reader.setIndex(r3), n4;
        }, readBlockEndOfCentral: function() {
          this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4), this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2);
          var e3 = this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength), t3 = o2.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", r3 = i3.transformTo(t3, e3);
          this.zipComment = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r3);
        }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function() {
          this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.reader.skip(4), this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8), this.zip64ExtensibleData = {};
          for (var e3, t3, r3, n4 = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44; 0 < n4; ) e3 = this.reader.readInt(2), t3 = this.reader.readInt(4), r3 = this.reader.readData(t3), this.zip64ExtensibleData[e3] = { id: e3, length: t3, value: r3 };
        }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function() {
          if (this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8), this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4), 1 < this.disksCount) throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported");
        }, readLocalFiles: function() {
          var e3, t3;
          for (e3 = 0; e3 < this.files.length; e3++) t3 = this.files[e3], this.reader.setIndex(t3.localHeaderOffset), this.checkSignature(s2.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER), t3.readLocalPart(this.reader), t3.handleUTF8(), t3.processAttributes();
        }, readCentralDir: function() {
          var e3;
          for (this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset); this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(s2.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER); ) (e3 = new a2({ zip64: this.zip64 }, this.loadOptions)).readCentralPart(this.reader), this.files.push(e3);
          if (this.centralDirRecords !== this.files.length && 0 !== this.centralDirRecords && 0 === this.files.length) throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: expected " + this.centralDirRecords + " records in central dir, got " + this.files.length);
        }, readEndOfCentral: function() {
          var e3 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s2.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END);
          if (e3 < 0) throw !this.isSignature(0, s2.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER) ? new Error("Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html") : new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory");
          var t3 = e3;
          if (this.checkSignature(s2.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockEndOfCentral(), this.diskNumber === i3.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === i3.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === i3.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === i3.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === i3.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === i3.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
            if (this.zip64 = true, (e3 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s2.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR)) < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator");
            if (this.reader.setIndex(e3), this.checkSignature(s2.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(), !this.isSignature(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir, s2.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END) && (this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s2.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir < 0)) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory");
            this.reader.setIndex(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir), this.checkSignature(s2.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral();
          var r3 = this.centralDirOffset + this.centralDirSize;
          this.zip64 && (r3 += 20, r3 += 12 + this.zip64EndOfCentralSize);
          var n4 = t3 - r3;
          if (0 < n4) this.isSignature(t3, s2.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) || (this.reader.zero = n4);
          else if (n4 < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: missing " + Math.abs(n4) + " bytes.");
        }, prepareReader: function(e3) {
          this.reader = n3(e3);
        }, load: function(e3) {
          this.prepareReader(e3), this.readEndOfCentral(), this.readCentralDir(), this.readLocalFiles();
        } }, t2.exports = h2;
      }, { "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./signature": 23, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntry": 34 }], 34: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = e2("./reader/readerFor"), s2 = e2("./utils"), i3 = e2("./compressedObject"), a2 = e2("./crc32"), o2 = e2("./utf8"), h2 = e2("./compressions"), u2 = e2("./support");
        function l2(e3, t3) {
          this.options = e3, this.loadOptions = t3;
        l2.prototype = { isEncrypted: function() {
          return 1 == (1 & this.bitFlag);
        }, useUTF8: function() {
          return 2048 == (2048 & this.bitFlag);
        }, readLocalPart: function(e3) {
          var t3, r3;
          if (e3.skip(22), this.fileNameLength = e3.readInt(2), r3 = e3.readInt(2), this.fileName = e3.readData(this.fileNameLength), e3.skip(r3), -1 === this.compressedSize || -1 === this.uncompressedSize) throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)");
          if (null === (t3 = function(e4) {
            for (var t4 in h2) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h2, t4) && h2[t4].magic === e4) return h2[t4];
            return null;
          }(this.compressionMethod))) throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + s2.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + s2.transformTo("string", this.fileName) + ")");
          this.decompressed = new i3(this.compressedSize, this.uncompressedSize, this.crc32, t3, e3.readData(this.compressedSize));
        }, readCentralPart: function(e3) {
          this.versionMadeBy = e3.readInt(2), e3.skip(2), this.bitFlag = e3.readInt(2), this.compressionMethod = e3.readString(2), this.date = e3.readDate(), this.crc32 = e3.readInt(4), this.compressedSize = e3.readInt(4), this.uncompressedSize = e3.readInt(4);
          var t3 = e3.readInt(2);
          if (this.extraFieldsLength = e3.readInt(2), this.fileCommentLength = e3.readInt(2), this.diskNumberStart = e3.readInt(2), this.internalFileAttributes = e3.readInt(2), this.externalFileAttributes = e3.readInt(4), this.localHeaderOffset = e3.readInt(4), this.isEncrypted()) throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported");
          e3.skip(t3), this.readExtraFields(e3), this.parseZIP64ExtraField(e3), this.fileComment = e3.readData(this.fileCommentLength);
        }, processAttributes: function() {
          this.unixPermissions = null, this.dosPermissions = null;
          var e3 = this.versionMadeBy >> 8;
          this.dir = !!(16 & this.externalFileAttributes), 0 == e3 && (this.dosPermissions = 63 & this.externalFileAttributes), 3 == e3 && (this.unixPermissions = this.externalFileAttributes >> 16 & 65535), this.dir || "/" !== this.fileNameStr.slice(-1) || (this.dir = true);
        }, parseZIP64ExtraField: function() {
          if (this.extraFields[1]) {
            var e3 = n3(this.extraFields[1].value);
            this.uncompressedSize === s2.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.uncompressedSize = e3.readInt(8)), this.compressedSize === s2.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.compressedSize = e3.readInt(8)), this.localHeaderOffset === s2.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.localHeaderOffset = e3.readInt(8)), this.diskNumberStart === s2.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.diskNumberStart = e3.readInt(4));
        }, readExtraFields: function(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n4, i4 = e3.index + this.extraFieldsLength;
          for (this.extraFields || (this.extraFields = {}); e3.index + 4 < i4; ) t3 = e3.readInt(2), r3 = e3.readInt(2), n4 = e3.readData(r3), this.extraFields[t3] = { id: t3, length: r3, value: n4 };
        }, handleUTF8: function() {
          var e3 = u2.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array";
          if (this.useUTF8()) this.fileNameStr = o2.utf8decode(this.fileName), this.fileCommentStr = o2.utf8decode(this.fileComment);
          else {
            var t3 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath();
            if (null !== t3) this.fileNameStr = t3;
            else {
              var r3 = s2.transformTo(e3, this.fileName);
              this.fileNameStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r3);
            var n4 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment();
            if (null !== n4) this.fileCommentStr = n4;
            else {
              var i4 = s2.transformTo(e3, this.fileComment);
              this.fileCommentStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(i4);
        }, findExtraFieldUnicodePath: function() {
          var e3 = this.extraFields[28789];
          if (e3) {
            var t3 = n3(e3.value);
            return 1 !== t3.readInt(1) ? null : a2(this.fileName) !== t3.readInt(4) ? null : o2.utf8decode(t3.readData(e3.length - 5));
          return null;
        }, findExtraFieldUnicodeComment: function() {
          var e3 = this.extraFields[25461];
          if (e3) {
            var t3 = n3(e3.value);
            return 1 !== t3.readInt(1) ? null : a2(this.fileComment) !== t3.readInt(4) ? null : o2.utf8decode(t3.readData(e3.length - 5));
          return null;
        } }, t2.exports = l2;
      }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./compressions": 3, "./crc32": 4, "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./support": 30, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32 }], 35: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        function n3(e3, t3, r3) {
          this.name = e3, this.dir = r3.dir, this.date = r3.date, this.comment = r3.comment, this.unixPermissions = r3.unixPermissions, this.dosPermissions = r3.dosPermissions, this._data = t3, this._dataBinary = r3.binary, this.options = { compression: r3.compression, compressionOptions: r3.compressionOptions };
        var s2 = e2("./stream/StreamHelper"), i3 = e2("./stream/DataWorker"), a2 = e2("./utf8"), o2 = e2("./compressedObject"), h2 = e2("./stream/GenericWorker");
        n3.prototype = { internalStream: function(e3) {
          var t3 = null, r3 = "string";
          try {
            if (!e3) throw new Error("No output type specified.");
            var n4 = "string" === (r3 = e3.toLowerCase()) || "text" === r3;
            "binarystring" !== r3 && "text" !== r3 || (r3 = "string"), t3 = this._decompressWorker();
            var i4 = !this._dataBinary;
            i4 && !n4 && (t3 = t3.pipe(new a2.Utf8EncodeWorker())), !i4 && n4 && (t3 = t3.pipe(new a2.Utf8DecodeWorker()));
          } catch (e4) {
            (t3 = new h2("error")).error(e4);
          return new s2(t3, r3, "");
        }, async: function(e3, t3) {
          return this.internalStream(e3).accumulate(t3);
        }, nodeStream: function(e3, t3) {
          return this.internalStream(e3 || "nodebuffer").toNodejsStream(t3);
        }, _compressWorker: function(e3, t3) {
          if (this._data instanceof o2 && this._data.compression.magic === e3.magic) return this._data.getCompressedWorker();
          var r3 = this._decompressWorker();
          return this._dataBinary || (r3 = r3.pipe(new a2.Utf8EncodeWorker())), o2.createWorkerFrom(r3, e3, t3);
        }, _decompressWorker: function() {
          return this._data instanceof o2 ? this._data.getContentWorker() : this._data instanceof h2 ? this._data : new i3(this._data);
        } };
        for (var u2 = ["asText", "asBinary", "asNodeBuffer", "asUint8Array", "asArrayBuffer"], l2 = function() {
          throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
        }, f2 = 0; f2 < u2.length; f2++) n3.prototype[u2[f2]] = l2;
        t2.exports = n3;
      }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./stream/DataWorker": 27, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31 }], 36: [function(e2, l2, t2) {
        (function(t3) {
          var r2, n3, e3 = t3.MutationObserver || t3.WebKitMutationObserver;
          if (e3) {
            var i3 = 0, s2 = new e3(u2), a2 = t3.document.createTextNode("");
            s2.observe(a2, { characterData: true }), r2 = function() {
              a2.data = i3 = ++i3 % 2;
          } else if (t3.setImmediate || void 0 === t3.MessageChannel) r2 = "document" in t3 && "onreadystatechange" in t3.document.createElement("script") ? function() {
            var e4 = t3.document.createElement("script");
            e4.onreadystatechange = function() {
              u2(), e4.onreadystatechange = null, e4.parentNode.removeChild(e4), e4 = null;
            }, t3.document.documentElement.appendChild(e4);
          } : function() {
            setTimeout(u2, 0);
          else {
            var o2 = new t3.MessageChannel();
            o2.port1.onmessage = u2, r2 = function() {
          var h2 = [];
          function u2() {
            var e4, t4;
            n3 = true;
            for (var r3 = h2.length; r3; ) {
              for (t4 = h2, h2 = [], e4 = -1; ++e4 < r3; ) t4[e4]();
              r3 = h2.length;
            n3 = false;
          l2.exports = function(e4) {
            1 !== h2.push(e4) || n3 || r2();
        }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof commonjsGlobal ? commonjsGlobal : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {});
      }, {}], 37: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var i3 = e2("immediate");
        function u2() {
        var l2 = {}, s2 = ["REJECTED"], a2 = ["FULFILLED"], n3 = ["PENDING"];
        function o2(e3) {
          if ("function" != typeof e3) throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");
          this.state = n3, this.queue = [], this.outcome = void 0, e3 !== u2 && d2(this, e3);
        function h2(e3, t3, r3) {
          this.promise = e3, "function" == typeof t3 && (this.onFulfilled = t3, this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled), "function" == typeof r3 && (this.onRejected = r3, this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected);
        function f2(t3, r3, n4) {
          i3(function() {
            var e3;
            try {
              e3 = r3(n4);
            } catch (e4) {
              return l2.reject(t3, e4);
            e3 === t3 ? l2.reject(t3, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")) : l2.resolve(t3, e3);
        function c2(e3) {
          var t3 = e3 && e3.then;
          if (e3 && ("object" == typeof e3 || "function" == typeof e3) && "function" == typeof t3) return function() {
            t3.apply(e3, arguments);
        function d2(t3, e3) {
          var r3 = false;
          function n4(e4) {
            r3 || (r3 = true, l2.reject(t3, e4));
          function i4(e4) {
            r3 || (r3 = true, l2.resolve(t3, e4));
          var s3 = p2(function() {
            e3(i4, n4);
          "error" === s3.status && n4(s3.value);
        function p2(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = {};
          try {
            r3.value = e3(t3), r3.status = "success";
          } catch (e4) {
            r3.status = "error", r3.value = e4;
          return r3;
        (t2.exports = o2).prototype.finally = function(t3) {
          if ("function" != typeof t3) return this;
          var r3 = this.constructor;
          return this.then(function(e3) {
            return r3.resolve(t3()).then(function() {
              return e3;
          }, function(e3) {
            return r3.resolve(t3()).then(function() {
              throw e3;
        }, o2.prototype.catch = function(e3) {
          return this.then(null, e3);
        }, o2.prototype.then = function(e3, t3) {
          if ("function" != typeof e3 && this.state === a2 || "function" != typeof t3 && this.state === s2) return this;
          var r3 = new this.constructor(u2);
          this.state !== n3 ? f2(r3, this.state === a2 ? e3 : t3, this.outcome) : this.queue.push(new h2(r3, e3, t3));
          return r3;
        }, h2.prototype.callFulfilled = function(e3) {
          l2.resolve(this.promise, e3);
        }, h2.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(e3) {
          f2(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, e3);
        }, h2.prototype.callRejected = function(e3) {
          l2.reject(this.promise, e3);
        }, h2.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(e3) {
          f2(this.promise, this.onRejected, e3);
        }, l2.resolve = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = p2(c2, t3);
          if ("error" === r3.status) return l2.reject(e3, r3.value);
          var n4 = r3.value;
          if (n4) d2(e3, n4);
          else {
            e3.state = a2, e3.outcome = t3;
            for (var i4 = -1, s3 = e3.queue.length; ++i4 < s3; ) e3.queue[i4].callFulfilled(t3);
          return e3;
        }, l2.reject = function(e3, t3) {
          e3.state = s2, e3.outcome = t3;
          for (var r3 = -1, n4 = e3.queue.length; ++r3 < n4; ) e3.queue[r3].callRejected(t3);
          return e3;
        }, o2.resolve = function(e3) {
          if (e3 instanceof this) return e3;
          return l2.resolve(new this(u2), e3);
        }, o2.reject = function(e3) {
          var t3 = new this(u2);
          return l2.reject(t3, e3);
        }, o2.all = function(e3) {
          var r3 = this;
          if ("[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e3)) return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
          var n4 = e3.length, i4 = false;
          if (!n4) return this.resolve([]);
          var s3 = new Array(n4), a3 = 0, t3 = -1, o3 = new this(u2);
          for (; ++t3 < n4; ) h3(e3[t3], t3);
          return o3;
          function h3(e4, t4) {
            r3.resolve(e4).then(function(e5) {
              s3[t4] = e5, ++a3 !== n4 || i4 || (i4 = true, l2.resolve(o3, s3));
            }, function(e5) {
              i4 || (i4 = true, l2.reject(o3, e5));
        }, o2.race = function(e3) {
          var t3 = this;
          if ("[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e3)) return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
          var r3 = e3.length, n4 = false;
          if (!r3) return this.resolve([]);
          var i4 = -1, s3 = new this(u2);
          for (; ++i4 < r3; ) a3 = e3[i4], t3.resolve(a3).then(function(e4) {
            n4 || (n4 = true, l2.resolve(s3, e4));
          }, function(e4) {
            n4 || (n4 = true, l2.reject(s3, e4));
          var a3;
          return s3;
      }, { immediate: 36 }], 38: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = {};
        (0, e2("./lib/utils/common").assign)(n3, e2("./lib/deflate"), e2("./lib/inflate"), e2("./lib/zlib/constants")), t2.exports = n3;
      }, { "./lib/deflate": 39, "./lib/inflate": 40, "./lib/utils/common": 41, "./lib/zlib/constants": 44 }], 39: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var a2 = e2("./zlib/deflate"), o2 = e2("./utils/common"), h2 = e2("./utils/strings"), i3 = e2("./zlib/messages"), s2 = e2("./zlib/zstream"), u2 = Object.prototype.toString, l2 = 0, f2 = -1, c2 = 0, d2 = 8;
        function p2(e3) {
          if (!(this instanceof p2)) return new p2(e3);
          this.options = o2.assign({ level: f2, method: d2, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: c2, to: "" }, e3 || {});
          var t3 = this.options;
          t3.raw && 0 < t3.windowBits ? t3.windowBits = -t3.windowBits : t3.gzip && 0 < t3.windowBits && t3.windowBits < 16 && (t3.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = false, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new s2(), this.strm.avail_out = 0;
          var r3 = a2.deflateInit2(this.strm, t3.level, t3.method, t3.windowBits, t3.memLevel, t3.strategy);
          if (r3 !== l2) throw new Error(i3[r3]);
          if (t3.header && a2.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, t3.header), t3.dictionary) {
            var n4;
            if (n4 = "string" == typeof t3.dictionary ? h2.string2buf(t3.dictionary) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === u2.call(t3.dictionary) ? new Uint8Array(t3.dictionary) : t3.dictionary, (r3 = a2.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, n4)) !== l2) throw new Error(i3[r3]);
            this._dict_set = true;
        function n3(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = new p2(t3);
          if (r3.push(e3, true), r3.err) throw r3.msg || i3[r3.err];
          return r3.result;
        p2.prototype.push = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4 = this.strm, s3 = this.options.chunkSize;
          if (this.ended) return false;
          n4 = t3 === ~~t3 ? t3 : true === t3 ? 4 : 0, "string" == typeof e3 ? i4.input = h2.string2buf(e3) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === u2.call(e3) ? i4.input = new Uint8Array(e3) : i4.input = e3, i4.next_in = 0, i4.avail_in = i4.input.length;
          do {
            if (0 === i4.avail_out && (i4.output = new o2.Buf8(s3), i4.next_out = 0, i4.avail_out = s3), 1 !== (r3 = a2.deflate(i4, n4)) && r3 !== l2) return this.onEnd(r3), !(this.ended = true);
            0 !== i4.avail_out && (0 !== i4.avail_in || 4 !== n4 && 2 !== n4) || ("string" === this.options.to ? this.onData(h2.buf2binstring(o2.shrinkBuf(i4.output, i4.next_out))) : this.onData(o2.shrinkBuf(i4.output, i4.next_out)));
          } while ((0 < i4.avail_in || 0 === i4.avail_out) && 1 !== r3);
          return 4 === n4 ? (r3 = a2.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r3), this.ended = true, r3 === l2) : 2 !== n4 || (this.onEnd(l2), !(i4.avail_out = 0));
        }, p2.prototype.onData = function(e3) {
        }, p2.prototype.onEnd = function(e3) {
          e3 === l2 && ("string" === this.options.to ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = o2.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e3, this.msg = this.strm.msg;
        }, r2.Deflate = p2, r2.deflate = n3, r2.deflateRaw = function(e3, t3) {
          return (t3 = t3 || {}).raw = true, n3(e3, t3);
        }, r2.gzip = function(e3, t3) {
          return (t3 = t3 || {}).gzip = true, n3(e3, t3);
      }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/deflate": 46, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 40: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var c2 = e2("./zlib/inflate"), d2 = e2("./utils/common"), p2 = e2("./utils/strings"), m2 = e2("./zlib/constants"), n3 = e2("./zlib/messages"), i3 = e2("./zlib/zstream"), s2 = e2("./zlib/gzheader"), _2 = Object.prototype.toString;
        function a2(e3) {
          if (!(this instanceof a2)) return new a2(e3);
          this.options = d2.assign({ chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 0, to: "" }, e3 || {});
          var t3 = this.options;
          t3.raw && 0 <= t3.windowBits && t3.windowBits < 16 && (t3.windowBits = -t3.windowBits, 0 === t3.windowBits && (t3.windowBits = -15)), !(0 <= t3.windowBits && t3.windowBits < 16) || e3 && e3.windowBits || (t3.windowBits += 32), 15 < t3.windowBits && t3.windowBits < 48 && 0 == (15 & t3.windowBits) && (t3.windowBits |= 15), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = false, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new i3(), this.strm.avail_out = 0;
          var r3 = c2.inflateInit2(this.strm, t3.windowBits);
          if (r3 !== m2.Z_OK) throw new Error(n3[r3]);
          this.header = new s2(), c2.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header);
        function o2(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = new a2(t3);
          if (r3.push(e3, true), r3.err) throw r3.msg || n3[r3.err];
          return r3.result;
        a2.prototype.push = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4, s3, a3, o3, h2 = this.strm, u2 = this.options.chunkSize, l2 = this.options.dictionary, f2 = false;
          if (this.ended) return false;
          n4 = t3 === ~~t3 ? t3 : true === t3 ? m2.Z_FINISH : m2.Z_NO_FLUSH, "string" == typeof e3 ? h2.input = p2.binstring2buf(e3) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === _2.call(e3) ? h2.input = new Uint8Array(e3) : h2.input = e3, h2.next_in = 0, h2.avail_in = h2.input.length;
          do {
            if (0 === h2.avail_out && (h2.output = new d2.Buf8(u2), h2.next_out = 0, h2.avail_out = u2), (r3 = c2.inflate(h2, m2.Z_NO_FLUSH)) === m2.Z_NEED_DICT && l2 && (o3 = "string" == typeof l2 ? p2.string2buf(l2) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === _2.call(l2) ? new Uint8Array(l2) : l2, r3 = c2.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, o3)), r3 === m2.Z_BUF_ERROR && true === f2 && (r3 = m2.Z_OK, f2 = false), r3 !== m2.Z_STREAM_END && r3 !== m2.Z_OK) return this.onEnd(r3), !(this.ended = true);
            h2.next_out && (0 !== h2.avail_out && r3 !== m2.Z_STREAM_END && (0 !== h2.avail_in || n4 !== m2.Z_FINISH && n4 !== m2.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) || ("string" === this.options.to ? (i4 = p2.utf8border(h2.output, h2.next_out), s3 = h2.next_out - i4, a3 = p2.buf2string(h2.output, i4), h2.next_out = s3, h2.avail_out = u2 - s3, s3 && d2.arraySet(h2.output, h2.output, i4, s3, 0), this.onData(a3)) : this.onData(d2.shrinkBuf(h2.output, h2.next_out)))), 0 === h2.avail_in && 0 === h2.avail_out && (f2 = true);
          } while ((0 < h2.avail_in || 0 === h2.avail_out) && r3 !== m2.Z_STREAM_END);
          return r3 === m2.Z_STREAM_END && (n4 = m2.Z_FINISH), n4 === m2.Z_FINISH ? (r3 = c2.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r3), this.ended = true, r3 === m2.Z_OK) : n4 !== m2.Z_SYNC_FLUSH || (this.onEnd(m2.Z_OK), !(h2.avail_out = 0));
        }, a2.prototype.onData = function(e3) {
        }, a2.prototype.onEnd = function(e3) {
          e3 === m2.Z_OK && ("string" === this.options.to ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = d2.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e3, this.msg = this.strm.msg;
        }, r2.Inflate = a2, r2.inflate = o2, r2.inflateRaw = function(e3, t3) {
          return (t3 = t3 || {}).raw = true, o2(e3, t3);
        }, r2.ungzip = o2;
      }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/constants": 44, "./zlib/gzheader": 47, "./zlib/inflate": 49, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 41: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var n3 = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array && "undefined" != typeof Uint16Array && "undefined" != typeof Int32Array;
        r2.assign = function(e3) {
          for (var t3 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); t3.length; ) {
            var r3 = t3.shift();
            if (r3) {
              if ("object" != typeof r3) throw new TypeError(r3 + "must be non-object");
              for (var n4 in r3) r3.hasOwnProperty(n4) && (e3[n4] = r3[n4]);
          return e3;
        }, r2.shrinkBuf = function(e3, t3) {
          return e3.length === t3 ? e3 : e3.subarray ? e3.subarray(0, t3) : (e3.length = t3, e3);
        var i3 = { arraySet: function(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4) {
          if (t3.subarray && e3.subarray) e3.set(t3.subarray(r3, r3 + n4), i4);
          else for (var s3 = 0; s3 < n4; s3++) e3[i4 + s3] = t3[r3 + s3];
        }, flattenChunks: function(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n4, i4, s3, a2;
          for (t3 = n4 = 0, r3 = e3.length; t3 < r3; t3++) n4 += e3[t3].length;
          for (a2 = new Uint8Array(n4), t3 = i4 = 0, r3 = e3.length; t3 < r3; t3++) s3 = e3[t3], a2.set(s3, i4), i4 += s3.length;
          return a2;
        } }, s2 = { arraySet: function(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4) {
          for (var s3 = 0; s3 < n4; s3++) e3[i4 + s3] = t3[r3 + s3];
        }, flattenChunks: function(e3) {
          return [].concat.apply([], e3);
        } };
        r2.setTyped = function(e3) {
          e3 ? (r2.Buf8 = Uint8Array, r2.Buf16 = Uint16Array, r2.Buf32 = Int32Array, r2.assign(r2, i3)) : (r2.Buf8 = Array, r2.Buf16 = Array, r2.Buf32 = Array, r2.assign(r2, s2));
        }, r2.setTyped(n3);
      }, {}], 42: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var h2 = e2("./common"), i3 = true, s2 = true;
        try {
          String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]);
        } catch (e3) {
          i3 = false;
        try {
          String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
        } catch (e3) {
          s2 = false;
        for (var u2 = new h2.Buf8(256), n3 = 0; n3 < 256; n3++) u2[n3] = 252 <= n3 ? 6 : 248 <= n3 ? 5 : 240 <= n3 ? 4 : 224 <= n3 ? 3 : 192 <= n3 ? 2 : 1;
        function l2(e3, t3) {
          if (t3 < 65537 && (e3.subarray && s2 || !e3.subarray && i3)) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, h2.shrinkBuf(e3, t3));
          for (var r3 = "", n4 = 0; n4 < t3; n4++) r3 += String.fromCharCode(e3[n4]);
          return r3;
        u2[254] = u2[254] = 1, r2.string2buf = function(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n4, i4, s3, a2 = e3.length, o2 = 0;
          for (i4 = 0; i4 < a2; i4++) 55296 == (64512 & (r3 = e3.charCodeAt(i4))) && i4 + 1 < a2 && 56320 == (64512 & (n4 = e3.charCodeAt(i4 + 1))) && (r3 = 65536 + (r3 - 55296 << 10) + (n4 - 56320), i4++), o2 += r3 < 128 ? 1 : r3 < 2048 ? 2 : r3 < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
          for (t3 = new h2.Buf8(o2), i4 = s3 = 0; s3 < o2; i4++) 55296 == (64512 & (r3 = e3.charCodeAt(i4))) && i4 + 1 < a2 && 56320 == (64512 & (n4 = e3.charCodeAt(i4 + 1))) && (r3 = 65536 + (r3 - 55296 << 10) + (n4 - 56320), i4++), r3 < 128 ? t3[s3++] = r3 : (r3 < 2048 ? t3[s3++] = 192 | r3 >>> 6 : (r3 < 65536 ? t3[s3++] = 224 | r3 >>> 12 : (t3[s3++] = 240 | r3 >>> 18, t3[s3++] = 128 | r3 >>> 12 & 63), t3[s3++] = 128 | r3 >>> 6 & 63), t3[s3++] = 128 | 63 & r3);
          return t3;
        }, r2.buf2binstring = function(e3) {
          return l2(e3, e3.length);
        }, r2.binstring2buf = function(e3) {
          for (var t3 = new h2.Buf8(e3.length), r3 = 0, n4 = t3.length; r3 < n4; r3++) t3[r3] = e3.charCodeAt(r3);
          return t3;
        }, r2.buf2string = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4, s3, a2 = t3 || e3.length, o2 = new Array(2 * a2);
          for (r3 = n4 = 0; r3 < a2; ) if ((i4 = e3[r3++]) < 128) o2[n4++] = i4;
          else if (4 < (s3 = u2[i4])) o2[n4++] = 65533, r3 += s3 - 1;
          else {
            for (i4 &= 2 === s3 ? 31 : 3 === s3 ? 15 : 7; 1 < s3 && r3 < a2; ) i4 = i4 << 6 | 63 & e3[r3++], s3--;
            1 < s3 ? o2[n4++] = 65533 : i4 < 65536 ? o2[n4++] = i4 : (i4 -= 65536, o2[n4++] = 55296 | i4 >> 10 & 1023, o2[n4++] = 56320 | 1023 & i4);
          return l2(o2, n4);
        }, r2.utf8border = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3;
          for ((t3 = t3 || e3.length) > e3.length && (t3 = e3.length), r3 = t3 - 1; 0 <= r3 && 128 == (192 & e3[r3]); ) r3--;
          return r3 < 0 ? t3 : 0 === r3 ? t3 : r3 + u2[e3[r3]] > t3 ? r3 : t3;
      }, { "./common": 41 }], 43: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = function(e3, t3, r3, n3) {
          for (var i3 = 65535 & e3 | 0, s2 = e3 >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, a2 = 0; 0 !== r3; ) {
            for (r3 -= a2 = 2e3 < r3 ? 2e3 : r3; s2 = s2 + (i3 = i3 + t3[n3++] | 0) | 0, --a2; ) ;
            i3 %= 65521, s2 %= 65521;
          return i3 | s2 << 16 | 0;
      }, {}], 44: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
      }, {}], 45: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var o2 = function() {
          for (var e3, t3 = [], r3 = 0; r3 < 256; r3++) {
            e3 = r3;
            for (var n3 = 0; n3 < 8; n3++) e3 = 1 & e3 ? 3988292384 ^ e3 >>> 1 : e3 >>> 1;
            t3[r3] = e3;
          return t3;
        t2.exports = function(e3, t3, r3, n3) {
          var i3 = o2, s2 = n3 + r3;
          e3 ^= -1;
          for (var a2 = n3; a2 < s2; a2++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i3[255 & (e3 ^ t3[a2])];
          return -1 ^ e3;
      }, {}], 46: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var h2, c2 = e2("../utils/common"), u2 = e2("./trees"), d2 = e2("./adler32"), p2 = e2("./crc32"), n3 = e2("./messages"), l2 = 0, f2 = 4, m2 = 0, _2 = -2, g2 = -1, b3 = 4, i3 = 2, v2 = 8, y2 = 9, s2 = 286, a2 = 30, o2 = 19, w2 = 2 * s2 + 1, k2 = 15, x2 = 3, S2 = 258, z2 = S2 + x2 + 1, C = 42, E2 = 113, A2 = 1, I2 = 2, O2 = 3, B2 = 4;
        function R2(e3, t3) {
          return e3.msg = n3[t3], t3;
        function T2(e3) {
          return (e3 << 1) - (4 < e3 ? 9 : 0);
        function D2(e3) {
          for (var t3 = e3.length; 0 <= --t3; ) e3[t3] = 0;
        function F3(e3) {
          var t3 = e3.state, r3 = t3.pending;
          r3 > e3.avail_out && (r3 = e3.avail_out), 0 !== r3 && (c2.arraySet(e3.output, t3.pending_buf, t3.pending_out, r3, e3.next_out), e3.next_out += r3, t3.pending_out += r3, e3.total_out += r3, e3.avail_out -= r3, t3.pending -= r3, 0 === t3.pending && (t3.pending_out = 0));
        function N2(e3, t3) {
          u2._tr_flush_block(e3, 0 <= e3.block_start ? e3.block_start : -1, e3.strstart - e3.block_start, t3), e3.block_start = e3.strstart, F3(e3.strm);
        function U2(e3, t3) {
          e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = t3;
        function P2(e3, t3) {
          e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = t3 >>> 8 & 255, e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = 255 & t3;
        function L(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4 = e3.max_chain_length, s3 = e3.strstart, a3 = e3.prev_length, o3 = e3.nice_match, h3 = e3.strstart > e3.w_size - z2 ? e3.strstart - (e3.w_size - z2) : 0, u3 = e3.window, l3 = e3.w_mask, f3 = e3.prev, c3 = e3.strstart + S2, d3 = u3[s3 + a3 - 1], p3 = u3[s3 + a3];
          e3.prev_length >= e3.good_match && (i4 >>= 2), o3 > e3.lookahead && (o3 = e3.lookahead);
          do {
            if (u3[(r3 = t3) + a3] === p3 && u3[r3 + a3 - 1] === d3 && u3[r3] === u3[s3] && u3[++r3] === u3[s3 + 1]) {
              s3 += 2, r3++;
              do {
              } while (u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && u3[++s3] === u3[++r3] && s3 < c3);
              if (n4 = S2 - (c3 - s3), s3 = c3 - S2, a3 < n4) {
                if (e3.match_start = t3, o3 <= (a3 = n4)) break;
                d3 = u3[s3 + a3 - 1], p3 = u3[s3 + a3];
          } while ((t3 = f3[t3 & l3]) > h3 && 0 != --i4);
          return a3 <= e3.lookahead ? a3 : e3.lookahead;
        function j2(e3) {
          var t3, r3, n4, i4, s3, a3, o3, h3, u3, l3, f3 = e3.w_size;
          do {
            if (i4 = e3.window_size - e3.lookahead - e3.strstart, e3.strstart >= f3 + (f3 - z2)) {
              for (c2.arraySet(e3.window, e3.window, f3, f3, 0), e3.match_start -= f3, e3.strstart -= f3, e3.block_start -= f3, t3 = r3 = e3.hash_size; n4 = e3.head[--t3], e3.head[t3] = f3 <= n4 ? n4 - f3 : 0, --r3; ) ;
              for (t3 = r3 = f3; n4 = e3.prev[--t3], e3.prev[t3] = f3 <= n4 ? n4 - f3 : 0, --r3; ) ;
              i4 += f3;
            if (0 === e3.strm.avail_in) break;
            if (a3 = e3.strm, o3 = e3.window, h3 = e3.strstart + e3.lookahead, u3 = i4, l3 = void 0, l3 = a3.avail_in, u3 < l3 && (l3 = u3), r3 = 0 === l3 ? 0 : (a3.avail_in -= l3, c2.arraySet(o3, a3.input, a3.next_in, l3, h3), 1 === a3.state.wrap ? a3.adler = d2(a3.adler, o3, l3, h3) : 2 === a3.state.wrap && (a3.adler = p2(a3.adler, o3, l3, h3)), a3.next_in += l3, a3.total_in += l3, l3), e3.lookahead += r3, e3.lookahead + e3.insert >= x2) for (s3 = e3.strstart - e3.insert, e3.ins_h = e3.window[s3], e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[s3 + 1]) & e3.hash_mask; e3.insert && (e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[s3 + x2 - 1]) & e3.hash_mask, e3.prev[s3 & e3.w_mask] = e3.head[e3.ins_h], e3.head[e3.ins_h] = s3, s3++, e3.insert--, !(e3.lookahead + e3.insert < x2)); ) ;
          } while (e3.lookahead < z2 && 0 !== e3.strm.avail_in);
        function Z2(e3, t3) {
          for (var r3, n4; ; ) {
            if (e3.lookahead < z2) {
              if (j2(e3), e3.lookahead < z2 && t3 === l2) return A2;
              if (0 === e3.lookahead) break;
            if (r3 = 0, e3.lookahead >= x2 && (e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[e3.strstart + x2 - 1]) & e3.hash_mask, r3 = e3.prev[e3.strstart & e3.w_mask] = e3.head[e3.ins_h], e3.head[e3.ins_h] = e3.strstart), 0 !== r3 && e3.strstart - r3 <= e3.w_size - z2 && (e3.match_length = L(e3, r3)), e3.match_length >= x2) if (n4 = u2._tr_tally(e3, e3.strstart - e3.match_start, e3.match_length - x2), e3.lookahead -= e3.match_length, e3.match_length <= e3.max_lazy_match && e3.lookahead >= x2) {
              for (e3.match_length--; e3.strstart++, e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[e3.strstart + x2 - 1]) & e3.hash_mask, r3 = e3.prev[e3.strstart & e3.w_mask] = e3.head[e3.ins_h], e3.head[e3.ins_h] = e3.strstart, 0 != --e3.match_length; ) ;
            } else e3.strstart += e3.match_length, e3.match_length = 0, e3.ins_h = e3.window[e3.strstart], e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[e3.strstart + 1]) & e3.hash_mask;
            else n4 = u2._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++;
            if (n4 && (N2(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out)) return A2;
          return e3.insert = e3.strstart < x2 - 1 ? e3.strstart : x2 - 1, t3 === f2 ? (N2(e3, true), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out ? O2 : B2) : e3.last_lit && (N2(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out) ? A2 : I2;
        function W(e3, t3) {
          for (var r3, n4, i4; ; ) {
            if (e3.lookahead < z2) {
              if (j2(e3), e3.lookahead < z2 && t3 === l2) return A2;
              if (0 === e3.lookahead) break;
            if (r3 = 0, e3.lookahead >= x2 && (e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[e3.strstart + x2 - 1]) & e3.hash_mask, r3 = e3.prev[e3.strstart & e3.w_mask] = e3.head[e3.ins_h], e3.head[e3.ins_h] = e3.strstart), e3.prev_length = e3.match_length, e3.prev_match = e3.match_start, e3.match_length = x2 - 1, 0 !== r3 && e3.prev_length < e3.max_lazy_match && e3.strstart - r3 <= e3.w_size - z2 && (e3.match_length = L(e3, r3), e3.match_length <= 5 && (1 === e3.strategy || e3.match_length === x2 && 4096 < e3.strstart - e3.match_start) && (e3.match_length = x2 - 1)), e3.prev_length >= x2 && e3.match_length <= e3.prev_length) {
              for (i4 = e3.strstart + e3.lookahead - x2, n4 = u2._tr_tally(e3, e3.strstart - 1 - e3.prev_match, e3.prev_length - x2), e3.lookahead -= e3.prev_length - 1, e3.prev_length -= 2; ++e3.strstart <= i4 && (e3.ins_h = (e3.ins_h << e3.hash_shift ^ e3.window[e3.strstart + x2 - 1]) & e3.hash_mask, r3 = e3.prev[e3.strstart & e3.w_mask] = e3.head[e3.ins_h], e3.head[e3.ins_h] = e3.strstart), 0 != --e3.prev_length; ) ;
              if (e3.match_available = 0, e3.match_length = x2 - 1, e3.strstart++, n4 && (N2(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out)) return A2;
            } else if (e3.match_available) {
              if ((n4 = u2._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart - 1])) && N2(e3, false), e3.strstart++, e3.lookahead--, 0 === e3.strm.avail_out) return A2;
            } else e3.match_available = 1, e3.strstart++, e3.lookahead--;
          return e3.match_available && (n4 = u2._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart - 1]), e3.match_available = 0), e3.insert = e3.strstart < x2 - 1 ? e3.strstart : x2 - 1, t3 === f2 ? (N2(e3, true), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out ? O2 : B2) : e3.last_lit && (N2(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out) ? A2 : I2;
        function M2(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4) {
          this.good_length = e3, this.max_lazy = t3, this.nice_length = r3, this.max_chain = n4, this.func = i4;
        function H() {
          this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = v2, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new c2.Buf16(2 * w2), this.dyn_dtree = new c2.Buf16(2 * (2 * a2 + 1)), this.bl_tree = new c2.Buf16(2 * (2 * o2 + 1)), D2(this.dyn_ltree), D2(this.dyn_dtree), D2(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new c2.Buf16(k2 + 1), this.heap = new c2.Buf16(2 * s2 + 1), D2(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new c2.Buf16(2 * s2 + 1), D2(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0;
        function G2(e3) {
          var t3;
          return e3 && e3.state ? (e3.total_in = e3.total_out = 0, e3.data_type = i3, (t3 = e3.state).pending = 0, t3.pending_out = 0, t3.wrap < 0 && (t3.wrap = -t3.wrap), t3.status = t3.wrap ? C : E2, e3.adler = 2 === t3.wrap ? 0 : 1, t3.last_flush = l2, u2._tr_init(t3), m2) : R2(e3, _2);
        function K2(e3) {
          var t3 = G2(e3);
          return t3 === m2 && function(e4) {
            e4.window_size = 2 * e4.w_size, D2(e4.head), e4.max_lazy_match = h2[e4.level].max_lazy, e4.good_match = h2[e4.level].good_length, e4.nice_match = h2[e4.level].nice_length, e4.max_chain_length = h2[e4.level].max_chain, e4.strstart = 0, e4.block_start = 0, e4.lookahead = 0, e4.insert = 0, e4.match_length = e4.prev_length = x2 - 1, e4.match_available = 0, e4.ins_h = 0;
          }(e3.state), t3;
        function Y2(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4, s3) {
          if (!e3) return _2;
          var a3 = 1;
          if (t3 === g2 && (t3 = 6), n4 < 0 ? (a3 = 0, n4 = -n4) : 15 < n4 && (a3 = 2, n4 -= 16), i4 < 1 || y2 < i4 || r3 !== v2 || n4 < 8 || 15 < n4 || t3 < 0 || 9 < t3 || s3 < 0 || b3 < s3) return R2(e3, _2);
          8 === n4 && (n4 = 9);
          var o3 = new H();
          return (e3.state = o3).strm = e3, o3.wrap = a3, o3.gzhead = null, o3.w_bits = n4, o3.w_size = 1 << o3.w_bits, o3.w_mask = o3.w_size - 1, o3.hash_bits = i4 + 7, o3.hash_size = 1 << o3.hash_bits, o3.hash_mask = o3.hash_size - 1, o3.hash_shift = ~~((o3.hash_bits + x2 - 1) / x2), o3.window = new c2.Buf8(2 * o3.w_size), o3.head = new c2.Buf16(o3.hash_size), o3.prev = new c2.Buf16(o3.w_size), o3.lit_bufsize = 1 << i4 + 6, o3.pending_buf_size = 4 * o3.lit_bufsize, o3.pending_buf = new c2.Buf8(o3.pending_buf_size), o3.d_buf = 1 * o3.lit_bufsize, o3.l_buf = 3 * o3.lit_bufsize, o3.level = t3, o3.strategy = s3, o3.method = r3, K2(e3);
        h2 = [new M2(0, 0, 0, 0, function(e3, t3) {
          var r3 = 65535;
          for (r3 > e3.pending_buf_size - 5 && (r3 = e3.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) {
            if (e3.lookahead <= 1) {
              if (j2(e3), 0 === e3.lookahead && t3 === l2) return A2;
              if (0 === e3.lookahead) break;
            e3.strstart += e3.lookahead, e3.lookahead = 0;
            var n4 = e3.block_start + r3;
            if ((0 === e3.strstart || e3.strstart >= n4) && (e3.lookahead = e3.strstart - n4, e3.strstart = n4, N2(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out)) return A2;
            if (e3.strstart - e3.block_start >= e3.w_size - z2 && (N2(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out)) return A2;
          return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f2 ? (N2(e3, true), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out ? O2 : B2) : (e3.strstart > e3.block_start && (N2(e3, false), e3.strm.avail_out), A2);
        }), new M2(4, 4, 8, 4, Z2), new M2(4, 5, 16, 8, Z2), new M2(4, 6, 32, 32, Z2), new M2(4, 4, 16, 16, W), new M2(8, 16, 32, 32, W), new M2(8, 16, 128, 128, W), new M2(8, 32, 128, 256, W), new M2(32, 128, 258, 1024, W), new M2(32, 258, 258, 4096, W)], r2.deflateInit = function(e3, t3) {
          return Y2(e3, t3, v2, 15, 8, 0);
        }, r2.deflateInit2 = Y2, r2.deflateReset = K2, r2.deflateResetKeep = G2, r2.deflateSetHeader = function(e3, t3) {
          return e3 && e3.state ? 2 !== e3.state.wrap ? _2 : (e3.state.gzhead = t3, m2) : _2;
        }, r2.deflate = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4, s3;
          if (!e3 || !e3.state || 5 < t3 || t3 < 0) return e3 ? R2(e3, _2) : _2;
          if (n4 = e3.state, !e3.output || !e3.input && 0 !== e3.avail_in || 666 === n4.status && t3 !== f2) return R2(e3, 0 === e3.avail_out ? -5 : _2);
          if (n4.strm = e3, r3 = n4.last_flush, n4.last_flush = t3, n4.status === C) if (2 === n4.wrap) e3.adler = 0, U2(n4, 31), U2(n4, 139), U2(n4, 8), n4.gzhead ? (U2(n4, (n4.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (n4.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (n4.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + (n4.gzhead.name ? 8 : 0) + (n4.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), U2(n4, 255 & n4.gzhead.time), U2(n4, n4.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), U2(n4, n4.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), U2(n4, n4.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), U2(n4, 9 === n4.level ? 2 : 2 <= n4.strategy || n4.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U2(n4, 255 & n4.gzhead.os), n4.gzhead.extra && n4.gzhead.extra.length && (U2(n4, 255 & n4.gzhead.extra.length), U2(n4, n4.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), n4.gzhead.hcrc && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending, 0)), n4.gzindex = 0, n4.status = 69) : (U2(n4, 0), U2(n4, 0), U2(n4, 0), U2(n4, 0), U2(n4, 0), U2(n4, 9 === n4.level ? 2 : 2 <= n4.strategy || n4.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U2(n4, 3), n4.status = E2);
          else {
            var a3 = v2 + (n4.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8;
            a3 |= (2 <= n4.strategy || n4.level < 2 ? 0 : n4.level < 6 ? 1 : 6 === n4.level ? 2 : 3) << 6, 0 !== n4.strstart && (a3 |= 32), a3 += 31 - a3 % 31, n4.status = E2, P2(n4, a3), 0 !== n4.strstart && (P2(n4, e3.adler >>> 16), P2(n4, 65535 & e3.adler)), e3.adler = 1;
          if (69 === n4.status) if (n4.gzhead.extra) {
            for (i4 = n4.pending; n4.gzindex < (65535 & n4.gzhead.extra.length) && (n4.pending !== n4.pending_buf_size || (n4.gzhead.hcrc && n4.pending > i4 && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending - i4, i4)), F3(e3), i4 = n4.pending, n4.pending !== n4.pending_buf_size)); ) U2(n4, 255 & n4.gzhead.extra[n4.gzindex]), n4.gzindex++;
            n4.gzhead.hcrc && n4.pending > i4 && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending - i4, i4)), n4.gzindex === n4.gzhead.extra.length && (n4.gzindex = 0, n4.status = 73);
          } else n4.status = 73;
          if (73 === n4.status) if (n4.gzhead.name) {
            i4 = n4.pending;
            do {
              if (n4.pending === n4.pending_buf_size && (n4.gzhead.hcrc && n4.pending > i4 && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending - i4, i4)), F3(e3), i4 = n4.pending, n4.pending === n4.pending_buf_size)) {
                s3 = 1;
              s3 = n4.gzindex < n4.gzhead.name.length ? 255 & n4.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(n4.gzindex++) : 0, U2(n4, s3);
            } while (0 !== s3);
            n4.gzhead.hcrc && n4.pending > i4 && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending - i4, i4)), 0 === s3 && (n4.gzindex = 0, n4.status = 91);
          } else n4.status = 91;
          if (91 === n4.status) if (n4.gzhead.comment) {
            i4 = n4.pending;
            do {
              if (n4.pending === n4.pending_buf_size && (n4.gzhead.hcrc && n4.pending > i4 && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending - i4, i4)), F3(e3), i4 = n4.pending, n4.pending === n4.pending_buf_size)) {
                s3 = 1;
              s3 = n4.gzindex < n4.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & n4.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(n4.gzindex++) : 0, U2(n4, s3);
            } while (0 !== s3);
            n4.gzhead.hcrc && n4.pending > i4 && (e3.adler = p2(e3.adler, n4.pending_buf, n4.pending - i4, i4)), 0 === s3 && (n4.status = 103);
          } else n4.status = 103;
          if (103 === n4.status && (n4.gzhead.hcrc ? (n4.pending + 2 > n4.pending_buf_size && F3(e3), n4.pending + 2 <= n4.pending_buf_size && (U2(n4, 255 & e3.adler), U2(n4, e3.adler >> 8 & 255), e3.adler = 0, n4.status = E2)) : n4.status = E2), 0 !== n4.pending) {
            if (F3(e3), 0 === e3.avail_out) return n4.last_flush = -1, m2;
          } else if (0 === e3.avail_in && T2(t3) <= T2(r3) && t3 !== f2) return R2(e3, -5);
          if (666 === n4.status && 0 !== e3.avail_in) return R2(e3, -5);
          if (0 !== e3.avail_in || 0 !== n4.lookahead || t3 !== l2 && 666 !== n4.status) {
            var o3 = 2 === n4.strategy ? function(e4, t4) {
              for (var r4; ; ) {
                if (0 === e4.lookahead && (j2(e4), 0 === e4.lookahead)) {
                  if (t4 === l2) return A2;
                if (e4.match_length = 0, r4 = u2._tr_tally(e4, 0, e4.window[e4.strstart]), e4.lookahead--, e4.strstart++, r4 && (N2(e4, false), 0 === e4.strm.avail_out)) return A2;
              return e4.insert = 0, t4 === f2 ? (N2(e4, true), 0 === e4.strm.avail_out ? O2 : B2) : e4.last_lit && (N2(e4, false), 0 === e4.strm.avail_out) ? A2 : I2;
            }(n4, t3) : 3 === n4.strategy ? function(e4, t4) {
              for (var r4, n5, i5, s4, a4 = e4.window; ; ) {
                if (e4.lookahead <= S2) {
                  if (j2(e4), e4.lookahead <= S2 && t4 === l2) return A2;
                  if (0 === e4.lookahead) break;
                if (e4.match_length = 0, e4.lookahead >= x2 && 0 < e4.strstart && (n5 = a4[i5 = e4.strstart - 1]) === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5]) {
                  s4 = e4.strstart + S2;
                  do {
                  } while (n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && n5 === a4[++i5] && i5 < s4);
                  e4.match_length = S2 - (s4 - i5), e4.match_length > e4.lookahead && (e4.match_length = e4.lookahead);
                if (e4.match_length >= x2 ? (r4 = u2._tr_tally(e4, 1, e4.match_length - x2), e4.lookahead -= e4.match_length, e4.strstart += e4.match_length, e4.match_length = 0) : (r4 = u2._tr_tally(e4, 0, e4.window[e4.strstart]), e4.lookahead--, e4.strstart++), r4 && (N2(e4, false), 0 === e4.strm.avail_out)) return A2;
              return e4.insert = 0, t4 === f2 ? (N2(e4, true), 0 === e4.strm.avail_out ? O2 : B2) : e4.last_lit && (N2(e4, false), 0 === e4.strm.avail_out) ? A2 : I2;
            }(n4, t3) : h2[n4.level].func(n4, t3);
            if (o3 !== O2 && o3 !== B2 || (n4.status = 666), o3 === A2 || o3 === O2) return 0 === e3.avail_out && (n4.last_flush = -1), m2;
            if (o3 === I2 && (1 === t3 ? u2._tr_align(n4) : 5 !== t3 && (u2._tr_stored_block(n4, 0, 0, false), 3 === t3 && (D2(n4.head), 0 === n4.lookahead && (n4.strstart = 0, n4.block_start = 0, n4.insert = 0))), F3(e3), 0 === e3.avail_out)) return n4.last_flush = -1, m2;
          return t3 !== f2 ? m2 : n4.wrap <= 0 ? 1 : (2 === n4.wrap ? (U2(n4, 255 & e3.adler), U2(n4, e3.adler >> 8 & 255), U2(n4, e3.adler >> 16 & 255), U2(n4, e3.adler >> 24 & 255), U2(n4, 255 & e3.total_in), U2(n4, e3.total_in >> 8 & 255), U2(n4, e3.total_in >> 16 & 255), U2(n4, e3.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (P2(n4, e3.adler >>> 16), P2(n4, 65535 & e3.adler)), F3(e3), 0 < n4.wrap && (n4.wrap = -n4.wrap), 0 !== n4.pending ? m2 : 1);
        }, r2.deflateEnd = function(e3) {
          var t3;
          return e3 && e3.state ? (t3 = e3.state.status) !== C && 69 !== t3 && 73 !== t3 && 91 !== t3 && 103 !== t3 && t3 !== E2 && 666 !== t3 ? R2(e3, _2) : (e3.state = null, t3 === E2 ? R2(e3, -3) : m2) : _2;
        }, r2.deflateSetDictionary = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4, s3, a3, o3, h3, u3, l3 = t3.length;
          if (!e3 || !e3.state) return _2;
          if (2 === (s3 = (r3 = e3.state).wrap) || 1 === s3 && r3.status !== C || r3.lookahead) return _2;
          for (1 === s3 && (e3.adler = d2(e3.adler, t3, l3, 0)), r3.wrap = 0, l3 >= r3.w_size && (0 === s3 && (D2(r3.head), r3.strstart = 0, r3.block_start = 0, r3.insert = 0), u3 = new c2.Buf8(r3.w_size), c2.arraySet(u3, t3, l3 - r3.w_size, r3.w_size, 0), t3 = u3, l3 = r3.w_size), a3 = e3.avail_in, o3 = e3.next_in, h3 = e3.input, e3.avail_in = l3, e3.next_in = 0, e3.input = t3, j2(r3); r3.lookahead >= x2; ) {
            for (n4 = r3.strstart, i4 = r3.lookahead - (x2 - 1); r3.ins_h = (r3.ins_h << r3.hash_shift ^ r3.window[n4 + x2 - 1]) & r3.hash_mask, r3.prev[n4 & r3.w_mask] = r3.head[r3.ins_h], r3.head[r3.ins_h] = n4, n4++, --i4; ) ;
            r3.strstart = n4, r3.lookahead = x2 - 1, j2(r3);
          return r3.strstart += r3.lookahead, r3.block_start = r3.strstart, r3.insert = r3.lookahead, r3.lookahead = 0, r3.match_length = r3.prev_length = x2 - 1, r3.match_available = 0, e3.next_in = o3, e3.input = h3, e3.avail_in = a3, r3.wrap = s3, m2;
        }, r2.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)";
      }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./messages": 51, "./trees": 52 }], 47: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = function() {
          this.text = 0, this.time = 0, this.xflags = 0, this.os = 0, this.extra = null, this.extra_len = 0, this.name = "", this.comment = "", this.hcrc = 0, this.done = false;
      }, {}], 48: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n3, i3, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2, c2, d2, p2, m2, _2, g2, b3, v2, y2, w2, k2, x2, S2, z2, C;
          r3 = e3.state, n3 = e3.next_in, z2 = e3.input, i3 = n3 + (e3.avail_in - 5), s2 = e3.next_out, C = e3.output, a2 = s2 - (t3 - e3.avail_out), o2 = s2 + (e3.avail_out - 257), h2 = r3.dmax, u2 = r3.wsize, l2 = r3.whave, f2 = r3.wnext, c2 = r3.window, d2 = r3.hold, p2 = r3.bits, m2 = r3.lencode, _2 = r3.distcode, g2 = (1 << r3.lenbits) - 1, b3 = (1 << r3.distbits) - 1;
          e: do {
            p2 < 15 && (d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, p2 += 8, d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, p2 += 8), v2 = m2[d2 & g2];
            t: for (; ; ) {
              if (d2 >>>= y2 = v2 >>> 24, p2 -= y2, 0 === (y2 = v2 >>> 16 & 255)) C[s2++] = 65535 & v2;
              else {
                if (!(16 & y2)) {
                  if (0 == (64 & y2)) {
                    v2 = m2[(65535 & v2) + (d2 & (1 << y2) - 1)];
                    continue t;
                  if (32 & y2) {
                    r3.mode = 12;
                    break e;
                  e3.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r3.mode = 30;
                  break e;
                w2 = 65535 & v2, (y2 &= 15) && (p2 < y2 && (d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, p2 += 8), w2 += d2 & (1 << y2) - 1, d2 >>>= y2, p2 -= y2), p2 < 15 && (d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, p2 += 8, d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, p2 += 8), v2 = _2[d2 & b3];
                r: for (; ; ) {
                  if (d2 >>>= y2 = v2 >>> 24, p2 -= y2, !(16 & (y2 = v2 >>> 16 & 255))) {
                    if (0 == (64 & y2)) {
                      v2 = _2[(65535 & v2) + (d2 & (1 << y2) - 1)];
                      continue r;
                    e3.msg = "invalid distance code", r3.mode = 30;
                    break e;
                  if (k2 = 65535 & v2, p2 < (y2 &= 15) && (d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, (p2 += 8) < y2 && (d2 += z2[n3++] << p2, p2 += 8)), h2 < (k2 += d2 & (1 << y2) - 1)) {
                    e3.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r3.mode = 30;
                    break e;
                  if (d2 >>>= y2, p2 -= y2, (y2 = s2 - a2) < k2) {
                    if (l2 < (y2 = k2 - y2) && r3.sane) {
                      e3.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r3.mode = 30;
                      break e;
                    if (S2 = c2, (x2 = 0) === f2) {
                      if (x2 += u2 - y2, y2 < w2) {
                        for (w2 -= y2; C[s2++] = c2[x2++], --y2; ) ;
                        x2 = s2 - k2, S2 = C;
                    } else if (f2 < y2) {
                      if (x2 += u2 + f2 - y2, (y2 -= f2) < w2) {
                        for (w2 -= y2; C[s2++] = c2[x2++], --y2; ) ;
                        if (x2 = 0, f2 < w2) {
                          for (w2 -= y2 = f2; C[s2++] = c2[x2++], --y2; ) ;
                          x2 = s2 - k2, S2 = C;
                    } else if (x2 += f2 - y2, y2 < w2) {
                      for (w2 -= y2; C[s2++] = c2[x2++], --y2; ) ;
                      x2 = s2 - k2, S2 = C;
                    for (; 2 < w2; ) C[s2++] = S2[x2++], C[s2++] = S2[x2++], C[s2++] = S2[x2++], w2 -= 3;
                    w2 && (C[s2++] = S2[x2++], 1 < w2 && (C[s2++] = S2[x2++]));
                  } else {
                    for (x2 = s2 - k2; C[s2++] = C[x2++], C[s2++] = C[x2++], C[s2++] = C[x2++], 2 < (w2 -= 3); ) ;
                    w2 && (C[s2++] = C[x2++], 1 < w2 && (C[s2++] = C[x2++]));
          } while (n3 < i3 && s2 < o2);
          n3 -= w2 = p2 >> 3, d2 &= (1 << (p2 -= w2 << 3)) - 1, e3.next_in = n3, e3.next_out = s2, e3.avail_in = n3 < i3 ? i3 - n3 + 5 : 5 - (n3 - i3), e3.avail_out = s2 < o2 ? o2 - s2 + 257 : 257 - (s2 - o2), r3.hold = d2, r3.bits = p2;
      }, {}], 49: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var I2 = e2("../utils/common"), O2 = e2("./adler32"), B2 = e2("./crc32"), R2 = e2("./inffast"), T2 = e2("./inftrees"), D2 = 1, F3 = 2, N2 = 0, U2 = -2, P2 = 1, n3 = 852, i3 = 592;
        function L(e3) {
          return (e3 >>> 24 & 255) + (e3 >>> 8 & 65280) + ((65280 & e3) << 8) + ((255 & e3) << 24);
        function s2() {
          this.mode = 0, this.last = false, this.wrap = 0, this.havedict = false, this.flags = 0, this.dmax = 0, this.check = 0, this.total = 0, this.head = null, this.wbits = 0, this.wsize = 0, this.whave = 0, this.wnext = 0, this.window = null, this.hold = 0, this.bits = 0, this.length = 0, this.offset = 0, this.extra = 0, this.lencode = null, this.distcode = null, this.lenbits = 0, this.distbits = 0, this.ncode = 0, this.nlen = 0, this.ndist = 0, this.have = 0, this.next = null, this.lens = new I2.Buf16(320), this.work = new I2.Buf16(288), this.lendyn = null, this.distdyn = null, this.sane = 0, this.back = 0, this.was = 0;
        function a2(e3) {
          var t3;
          return e3 && e3.state ? (t3 = e3.state, e3.total_in = e3.total_out = t3.total = 0, e3.msg = "", t3.wrap && (e3.adler = 1 & t3.wrap), t3.mode = P2, t3.last = 0, t3.havedict = 0, t3.dmax = 32768, t3.head = null, t3.hold = 0, t3.bits = 0, t3.lencode = t3.lendyn = new I2.Buf32(n3), t3.distcode = t3.distdyn = new I2.Buf32(i3), t3.sane = 1, t3.back = -1, N2) : U2;
        function o2(e3) {
          var t3;
          return e3 && e3.state ? ((t3 = e3.state).wsize = 0, t3.whave = 0, t3.wnext = 0, a2(e3)) : U2;
        function h2(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4;
          return e3 && e3.state ? (n4 = e3.state, t3 < 0 ? (r3 = 0, t3 = -t3) : (r3 = 1 + (t3 >> 4), t3 < 48 && (t3 &= 15)), t3 && (t3 < 8 || 15 < t3) ? U2 : (null !== n4.window && n4.wbits !== t3 && (n4.window = null), n4.wrap = r3, n4.wbits = t3, o2(e3))) : U2;
        function u2(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4;
          return e3 ? (n4 = new s2(), (e3.state = n4).window = null, (r3 = h2(e3, t3)) !== N2 && (e3.state = null), r3) : U2;
        var l2, f2, c2 = true;
        function j2(e3) {
          if (c2) {
            var t3;
            for (l2 = new I2.Buf32(512), f2 = new I2.Buf32(32), t3 = 0; t3 < 144; ) e3.lens[t3++] = 8;
            for (; t3 < 256; ) e3.lens[t3++] = 9;
            for (; t3 < 280; ) e3.lens[t3++] = 7;
            for (; t3 < 288; ) e3.lens[t3++] = 8;
            for (T2(D2, e3.lens, 0, 288, l2, 0, e3.work, { bits: 9 }), t3 = 0; t3 < 32; ) e3.lens[t3++] = 5;
            T2(F3, e3.lens, 0, 32, f2, 0, e3.work, { bits: 5 }), c2 = false;
          e3.lencode = l2, e3.lenbits = 9, e3.distcode = f2, e3.distbits = 5;
        function Z2(e3, t3, r3, n4) {
          var i4, s3 = e3.state;
          return null === s3.window && (s3.wsize = 1 << s3.wbits, s3.wnext = 0, s3.whave = 0, s3.window = new I2.Buf8(s3.wsize)), n4 >= s3.wsize ? (I2.arraySet(s3.window, t3, r3 - s3.wsize, s3.wsize, 0), s3.wnext = 0, s3.whave = s3.wsize) : (n4 < (i4 = s3.wsize - s3.wnext) && (i4 = n4), I2.arraySet(s3.window, t3, r3 - n4, i4, s3.wnext), (n4 -= i4) ? (I2.arraySet(s3.window, t3, r3 - n4, n4, 0), s3.wnext = n4, s3.whave = s3.wsize) : (s3.wnext += i4, s3.wnext === s3.wsize && (s3.wnext = 0), s3.whave < s3.wsize && (s3.whave += i4))), 0;
        r2.inflateReset = o2, r2.inflateReset2 = h2, r2.inflateResetKeep = a2, r2.inflateInit = function(e3) {
          return u2(e3, 15);
        }, r2.inflateInit2 = u2, r2.inflate = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4, s3, a3, o3, h3, u3, l3, f3, c3, d2, p2, m2, _2, g2, b3, v2, y2, w2, k2, x2, S2, z2, C = 0, E2 = new I2.Buf8(4), A2 = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15];
          if (!e3 || !e3.state || !e3.output || !e3.input && 0 !== e3.avail_in) return U2;
          12 === (r3 = e3.state).mode && (r3.mode = 13), a3 = e3.next_out, i4 = e3.output, h3 = e3.avail_out, s3 = e3.next_in, n4 = e3.input, o3 = e3.avail_in, u3 = r3.hold, l3 = r3.bits, f3 = o3, c3 = h3, x2 = N2;
          e: for (; ; ) switch (r3.mode) {
            case P2:
              if (0 === r3.wrap) {
                r3.mode = 13;
              for (; l3 < 16; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              if (2 & r3.wrap && 35615 === u3) {
                E2[r3.check = 0] = 255 & u3, E2[1] = u3 >>> 8 & 255, r3.check = B2(r3.check, E2, 2, 0), l3 = u3 = 0, r3.mode = 2;
              if (r3.flags = 0, r3.head && (r3.head.done = false), !(1 & r3.wrap) || (((255 & u3) << 8) + (u3 >> 8)) % 31) {
                e3.msg = "incorrect header check", r3.mode = 30;
              if (8 != (15 & u3)) {
                e3.msg = "unknown compression method", r3.mode = 30;
              if (l3 -= 4, k2 = 8 + (15 & (u3 >>>= 4)), 0 === r3.wbits) r3.wbits = k2;
              else if (k2 > r3.wbits) {
                e3.msg = "invalid window size", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.dmax = 1 << k2, e3.adler = r3.check = 1, r3.mode = 512 & u3 ? 10 : 12, l3 = u3 = 0;
            case 2:
              for (; l3 < 16; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              if (r3.flags = u3, 8 != (255 & r3.flags)) {
                e3.msg = "unknown compression method", r3.mode = 30;
              if (57344 & r3.flags) {
                e3.msg = "unknown header flags set", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.head && (r3.head.text = u3 >> 8 & 1), 512 & r3.flags && (E2[0] = 255 & u3, E2[1] = u3 >>> 8 & 255, r3.check = B2(r3.check, E2, 2, 0)), l3 = u3 = 0, r3.mode = 3;
            case 3:
              for (; l3 < 32; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              r3.head && (r3.head.time = u3), 512 & r3.flags && (E2[0] = 255 & u3, E2[1] = u3 >>> 8 & 255, E2[2] = u3 >>> 16 & 255, E2[3] = u3 >>> 24 & 255, r3.check = B2(r3.check, E2, 4, 0)), l3 = u3 = 0, r3.mode = 4;
            case 4:
              for (; l3 < 16; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              r3.head && (r3.head.xflags = 255 & u3, r3.head.os = u3 >> 8), 512 & r3.flags && (E2[0] = 255 & u3, E2[1] = u3 >>> 8 & 255, r3.check = B2(r3.check, E2, 2, 0)), l3 = u3 = 0, r3.mode = 5;
            case 5:
              if (1024 & r3.flags) {
                for (; l3 < 16; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                r3.length = u3, r3.head && (r3.head.extra_len = u3), 512 & r3.flags && (E2[0] = 255 & u3, E2[1] = u3 >>> 8 & 255, r3.check = B2(r3.check, E2, 2, 0)), l3 = u3 = 0;
              } else r3.head && (r3.head.extra = null);
              r3.mode = 6;
            case 6:
              if (1024 & r3.flags && (o3 < (d2 = r3.length) && (d2 = o3), d2 && (r3.head && (k2 = r3.head.extra_len - r3.length, r3.head.extra || (r3.head.extra = new Array(r3.head.extra_len)), I2.arraySet(r3.head.extra, n4, s3, d2, k2)), 512 & r3.flags && (r3.check = B2(r3.check, n4, d2, s3)), o3 -= d2, s3 += d2, r3.length -= d2), r3.length)) break e;
              r3.length = 0, r3.mode = 7;
            case 7:
              if (2048 & r3.flags) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                for (d2 = 0; k2 = n4[s3 + d2++], r3.head && k2 && r3.length < 65536 && (r3.head.name += String.fromCharCode(k2)), k2 && d2 < o3; ) ;
                if (512 & r3.flags && (r3.check = B2(r3.check, n4, d2, s3)), o3 -= d2, s3 += d2, k2) break e;
              } else r3.head && (r3.head.name = null);
              r3.length = 0, r3.mode = 8;
            case 8:
              if (4096 & r3.flags) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                for (d2 = 0; k2 = n4[s3 + d2++], r3.head && k2 && r3.length < 65536 && (r3.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(k2)), k2 && d2 < o3; ) ;
                if (512 & r3.flags && (r3.check = B2(r3.check, n4, d2, s3)), o3 -= d2, s3 += d2, k2) break e;
              } else r3.head && (r3.head.comment = null);
              r3.mode = 9;
            case 9:
              if (512 & r3.flags) {
                for (; l3 < 16; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                if (u3 !== (65535 & r3.check)) {
                  e3.msg = "header crc mismatch", r3.mode = 30;
                l3 = u3 = 0;
              r3.head && (r3.head.hcrc = r3.flags >> 9 & 1, r3.head.done = true), e3.adler = r3.check = 0, r3.mode = 12;
            case 10:
              for (; l3 < 32; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              e3.adler = r3.check = L(u3), l3 = u3 = 0, r3.mode = 11;
            case 11:
              if (0 === r3.havedict) return e3.next_out = a3, e3.avail_out = h3, e3.next_in = s3, e3.avail_in = o3, r3.hold = u3, r3.bits = l3, 2;
              e3.adler = r3.check = 1, r3.mode = 12;
            case 12:
              if (5 === t3 || 6 === t3) break e;
            case 13:
              if (r3.last) {
                u3 >>>= 7 & l3, l3 -= 7 & l3, r3.mode = 27;
              for (; l3 < 3; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              switch (r3.last = 1 & u3, l3 -= 1, 3 & (u3 >>>= 1)) {
                case 0:
                  r3.mode = 14;
                case 1:
                  if (j2(r3), r3.mode = 20, 6 !== t3) break;
                  u3 >>>= 2, l3 -= 2;
                  break e;
                case 2:
                  r3.mode = 17;
                case 3:
                  e3.msg = "invalid block type", r3.mode = 30;
              u3 >>>= 2, l3 -= 2;
            case 14:
              for (u3 >>>= 7 & l3, l3 -= 7 & l3; l3 < 32; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              if ((65535 & u3) != (u3 >>> 16 ^ 65535)) {
                e3.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", r3.mode = 30;
              if (r3.length = 65535 & u3, l3 = u3 = 0, r3.mode = 15, 6 === t3) break e;
            case 15:
              r3.mode = 16;
            case 16:
              if (d2 = r3.length) {
                if (o3 < d2 && (d2 = o3), h3 < d2 && (d2 = h3), 0 === d2) break e;
                I2.arraySet(i4, n4, s3, d2, a3), o3 -= d2, s3 += d2, h3 -= d2, a3 += d2, r3.length -= d2;
              r3.mode = 12;
            case 17:
              for (; l3 < 14; ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              if (r3.nlen = 257 + (31 & u3), u3 >>>= 5, l3 -= 5, r3.ndist = 1 + (31 & u3), u3 >>>= 5, l3 -= 5, r3.ncode = 4 + (15 & u3), u3 >>>= 4, l3 -= 4, 286 < r3.nlen || 30 < r3.ndist) {
                e3.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.have = 0, r3.mode = 18;
            case 18:
              for (; r3.have < r3.ncode; ) {
                for (; l3 < 3; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                r3.lens[A2[r3.have++]] = 7 & u3, u3 >>>= 3, l3 -= 3;
              for (; r3.have < 19; ) r3.lens[A2[r3.have++]] = 0;
              if (r3.lencode = r3.lendyn, r3.lenbits = 7, S2 = { bits: r3.lenbits }, x2 = T2(0, r3.lens, 0, 19, r3.lencode, 0, r3.work, S2), r3.lenbits = S2.bits, x2) {
                e3.msg = "invalid code lengths set", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.have = 0, r3.mode = 19;
            case 19:
              for (; r3.have < r3.nlen + r3.ndist; ) {
                for (; g2 = (C = r3.lencode[u3 & (1 << r3.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b3 = 65535 & C, !((_2 = C >>> 24) <= l3); ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                if (b3 < 16) u3 >>>= _2, l3 -= _2, r3.lens[r3.have++] = b3;
                else {
                  if (16 === b3) {
                    for (z2 = _2 + 2; l3 < z2; ) {
                      if (0 === o3) break e;
                      o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                    if (u3 >>>= _2, l3 -= _2, 0 === r3.have) {
                      e3.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r3.mode = 30;
                    k2 = r3.lens[r3.have - 1], d2 = 3 + (3 & u3), u3 >>>= 2, l3 -= 2;
                  } else if (17 === b3) {
                    for (z2 = _2 + 3; l3 < z2; ) {
                      if (0 === o3) break e;
                      o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                    l3 -= _2, k2 = 0, d2 = 3 + (7 & (u3 >>>= _2)), u3 >>>= 3, l3 -= 3;
                  } else {
                    for (z2 = _2 + 7; l3 < z2; ) {
                      if (0 === o3) break e;
                      o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                    l3 -= _2, k2 = 0, d2 = 11 + (127 & (u3 >>>= _2)), u3 >>>= 7, l3 -= 7;
                  if (r3.have + d2 > r3.nlen + r3.ndist) {
                    e3.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r3.mode = 30;
                  for (; d2--; ) r3.lens[r3.have++] = k2;
              if (30 === r3.mode) break;
              if (0 === r3.lens[256]) {
                e3.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", r3.mode = 30;
              if (r3.lenbits = 9, S2 = { bits: r3.lenbits }, x2 = T2(D2, r3.lens, 0, r3.nlen, r3.lencode, 0, r3.work, S2), r3.lenbits = S2.bits, x2) {
                e3.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", r3.mode = 30;
              if (r3.distbits = 6, r3.distcode = r3.distdyn, S2 = { bits: r3.distbits }, x2 = T2(F3, r3.lens, r3.nlen, r3.ndist, r3.distcode, 0, r3.work, S2), r3.distbits = S2.bits, x2) {
                e3.msg = "invalid distances set", r3.mode = 30;
              if (r3.mode = 20, 6 === t3) break e;
            case 20:
              r3.mode = 21;
            case 21:
              if (6 <= o3 && 258 <= h3) {
                e3.next_out = a3, e3.avail_out = h3, e3.next_in = s3, e3.avail_in = o3, r3.hold = u3, r3.bits = l3, R2(e3, c3), a3 = e3.next_out, i4 = e3.output, h3 = e3.avail_out, s3 = e3.next_in, n4 = e3.input, o3 = e3.avail_in, u3 = r3.hold, l3 = r3.bits, 12 === r3.mode && (r3.back = -1);
              for (r3.back = 0; g2 = (C = r3.lencode[u3 & (1 << r3.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b3 = 65535 & C, !((_2 = C >>> 24) <= l3); ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              if (g2 && 0 == (240 & g2)) {
                for (v2 = _2, y2 = g2, w2 = b3; g2 = (C = r3.lencode[w2 + ((u3 & (1 << v2 + y2) - 1) >> v2)]) >>> 16 & 255, b3 = 65535 & C, !(v2 + (_2 = C >>> 24) <= l3); ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                u3 >>>= v2, l3 -= v2, r3.back += v2;
              if (u3 >>>= _2, l3 -= _2, r3.back += _2, r3.length = b3, 0 === g2) {
                r3.mode = 26;
              if (32 & g2) {
                r3.back = -1, r3.mode = 12;
              if (64 & g2) {
                e3.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.extra = 15 & g2, r3.mode = 22;
            case 22:
              if (r3.extra) {
                for (z2 = r3.extra; l3 < z2; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                r3.length += u3 & (1 << r3.extra) - 1, u3 >>>= r3.extra, l3 -= r3.extra, r3.back += r3.extra;
              r3.was = r3.length, r3.mode = 23;
            case 23:
              for (; g2 = (C = r3.distcode[u3 & (1 << r3.distbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b3 = 65535 & C, !((_2 = C >>> 24) <= l3); ) {
                if (0 === o3) break e;
                o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
              if (0 == (240 & g2)) {
                for (v2 = _2, y2 = g2, w2 = b3; g2 = (C = r3.distcode[w2 + ((u3 & (1 << v2 + y2) - 1) >> v2)]) >>> 16 & 255, b3 = 65535 & C, !(v2 + (_2 = C >>> 24) <= l3); ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                u3 >>>= v2, l3 -= v2, r3.back += v2;
              if (u3 >>>= _2, l3 -= _2, r3.back += _2, 64 & g2) {
                e3.msg = "invalid distance code", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.offset = b3, r3.extra = 15 & g2, r3.mode = 24;
            case 24:
              if (r3.extra) {
                for (z2 = r3.extra; l3 < z2; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                r3.offset += u3 & (1 << r3.extra) - 1, u3 >>>= r3.extra, l3 -= r3.extra, r3.back += r3.extra;
              if (r3.offset > r3.dmax) {
                e3.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r3.mode = 30;
              r3.mode = 25;
            case 25:
              if (0 === h3) break e;
              if (d2 = c3 - h3, r3.offset > d2) {
                if ((d2 = r3.offset - d2) > r3.whave && r3.sane) {
                  e3.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r3.mode = 30;
                p2 = d2 > r3.wnext ? (d2 -= r3.wnext, r3.wsize - d2) : r3.wnext - d2, d2 > r3.length && (d2 = r3.length), m2 = r3.window;
              } else m2 = i4, p2 = a3 - r3.offset, d2 = r3.length;
              for (h3 < d2 && (d2 = h3), h3 -= d2, r3.length -= d2; i4[a3++] = m2[p2++], --d2; ) ;
              0 === r3.length && (r3.mode = 21);
            case 26:
              if (0 === h3) break e;
              i4[a3++] = r3.length, h3--, r3.mode = 21;
            case 27:
              if (r3.wrap) {
                for (; l3 < 32; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 |= n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                if (c3 -= h3, e3.total_out += c3, r3.total += c3, c3 && (e3.adler = r3.check = r3.flags ? B2(r3.check, i4, c3, a3 - c3) : O2(r3.check, i4, c3, a3 - c3)), c3 = h3, (r3.flags ? u3 : L(u3)) !== r3.check) {
                  e3.msg = "incorrect data check", r3.mode = 30;
                l3 = u3 = 0;
              r3.mode = 28;
            case 28:
              if (r3.wrap && r3.flags) {
                for (; l3 < 32; ) {
                  if (0 === o3) break e;
                  o3--, u3 += n4[s3++] << l3, l3 += 8;
                if (u3 !== (4294967295 & r3.total)) {
                  e3.msg = "incorrect length check", r3.mode = 30;
                l3 = u3 = 0;
              r3.mode = 29;
            case 29:
              x2 = 1;
              break e;
            case 30:
              x2 = -3;
              break e;
            case 31:
              return -4;
            case 32:
              return U2;
          return e3.next_out = a3, e3.avail_out = h3, e3.next_in = s3, e3.avail_in = o3, r3.hold = u3, r3.bits = l3, (r3.wsize || c3 !== e3.avail_out && r3.mode < 30 && (r3.mode < 27 || 4 !== t3)) && Z2(e3, e3.output, e3.next_out, c3 - e3.avail_out) ? (r3.mode = 31, -4) : (f3 -= e3.avail_in, c3 -= e3.avail_out, e3.total_in += f3, e3.total_out += c3, r3.total += c3, r3.wrap && c3 && (e3.adler = r3.check = r3.flags ? B2(r3.check, i4, c3, e3.next_out - c3) : O2(r3.check, i4, c3, e3.next_out - c3)), e3.data_type = r3.bits + (r3.last ? 64 : 0) + (12 === r3.mode ? 128 : 0) + (20 === r3.mode || 15 === r3.mode ? 256 : 0), (0 == f3 && 0 === c3 || 4 === t3) && x2 === N2 && (x2 = -5), x2);
        }, r2.inflateEnd = function(e3) {
          if (!e3 || !e3.state) return U2;
          var t3 = e3.state;
          return t3.window && (t3.window = null), e3.state = null, N2;
        }, r2.inflateGetHeader = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3;
          return e3 && e3.state ? 0 == (2 & (r3 = e3.state).wrap) ? U2 : ((r3.head = t3).done = false, N2) : U2;
        }, r2.inflateSetDictionary = function(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4 = t3.length;
          return e3 && e3.state ? 0 !== (r3 = e3.state).wrap && 11 !== r3.mode ? U2 : 11 === r3.mode && O2(1, t3, n4, 0) !== r3.check ? -3 : Z2(e3, t3, n4, n4) ? (r3.mode = 31, -4) : (r3.havedict = 1, N2) : U2;
        }, r2.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)";
      }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./inffast": 48, "./inftrees": 50 }], 50: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var D2 = e2("../utils/common"), F3 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0], N2 = [16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78], U2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0], P2 = [16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64];
        t2.exports = function(e3, t3, r3, n3, i3, s2, a2, o2) {
          var h2, u2, l2, f2, c2, d2, p2, m2, _2, g2 = o2.bits, b3 = 0, v2 = 0, y2 = 0, w2 = 0, k2 = 0, x2 = 0, S2 = 0, z2 = 0, C = 0, E2 = 0, A2 = null, I2 = 0, O2 = new D2.Buf16(16), B2 = new D2.Buf16(16), R2 = null, T2 = 0;
          for (b3 = 0; b3 <= 15; b3++) O2[b3] = 0;
          for (v2 = 0; v2 < n3; v2++) O2[t3[r3 + v2]]++;
          for (k2 = g2, w2 = 15; 1 <= w2 && 0 === O2[w2]; w2--) ;
          if (w2 < k2 && (k2 = w2), 0 === w2) return i3[s2++] = 20971520, i3[s2++] = 20971520, o2.bits = 1, 0;
          for (y2 = 1; y2 < w2 && 0 === O2[y2]; y2++) ;
          for (k2 < y2 && (k2 = y2), b3 = z2 = 1; b3 <= 15; b3++) if (z2 <<= 1, (z2 -= O2[b3]) < 0) return -1;
          if (0 < z2 && (0 === e3 || 1 !== w2)) return -1;
          for (B2[1] = 0, b3 = 1; b3 < 15; b3++) B2[b3 + 1] = B2[b3] + O2[b3];
          for (v2 = 0; v2 < n3; v2++) 0 !== t3[r3 + v2] && (a2[B2[t3[r3 + v2]]++] = v2);
          if (d2 = 0 === e3 ? (A2 = R2 = a2, 19) : 1 === e3 ? (A2 = F3, I2 -= 257, R2 = N2, T2 -= 257, 256) : (A2 = U2, R2 = P2, -1), b3 = y2, c2 = s2, S2 = v2 = E2 = 0, l2 = -1, f2 = (C = 1 << (x2 = k2)) - 1, 1 === e3 && 852 < C || 2 === e3 && 592 < C) return 1;
          for (; ; ) {
            for (p2 = b3 - S2, _2 = a2[v2] < d2 ? (m2 = 0, a2[v2]) : a2[v2] > d2 ? (m2 = R2[T2 + a2[v2]], A2[I2 + a2[v2]]) : (m2 = 96, 0), h2 = 1 << b3 - S2, y2 = u2 = 1 << x2; i3[c2 + (E2 >> S2) + (u2 -= h2)] = p2 << 24 | m2 << 16 | _2 | 0, 0 !== u2; ) ;
            for (h2 = 1 << b3 - 1; E2 & h2; ) h2 >>= 1;
            if (0 !== h2 ? (E2 &= h2 - 1, E2 += h2) : E2 = 0, v2++, 0 == --O2[b3]) {
              if (b3 === w2) break;
              b3 = t3[r3 + a2[v2]];
            if (k2 < b3 && (E2 & f2) !== l2) {
              for (0 === S2 && (S2 = k2), c2 += y2, z2 = 1 << (x2 = b3 - S2); x2 + S2 < w2 && !((z2 -= O2[x2 + S2]) <= 0); ) x2++, z2 <<= 1;
              if (C += 1 << x2, 1 === e3 && 852 < C || 2 === e3 && 592 < C) return 1;
              i3[l2 = E2 & f2] = k2 << 24 | x2 << 16 | c2 - s2 | 0;
          return 0 !== E2 && (i3[c2 + E2] = b3 - S2 << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0), o2.bits = k2, 0;
      }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 51: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = { 2: "need dictionary", 1: "stream end", 0: "", "-1": "file error", "-2": "stream error", "-3": "data error", "-4": "insufficient memory", "-5": "buffer error", "-6": "incompatible version" };
      }, {}], 52: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        var i3 = e2("../utils/common"), o2 = 0, h2 = 1;
        function n3(e3) {
          for (var t3 = e3.length; 0 <= --t3; ) e3[t3] = 0;
        var s2 = 0, a2 = 29, u2 = 256, l2 = u2 + 1 + a2, f2 = 30, c2 = 19, _2 = 2 * l2 + 1, g2 = 15, d2 = 16, p2 = 7, m2 = 256, b3 = 16, v2 = 17, y2 = 18, w2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0], k2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13], x2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7], S2 = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], z2 = new Array(2 * (l2 + 2));
        var C = new Array(2 * f2);
        var E2 = new Array(512);
        var A2 = new Array(256);
        var I2 = new Array(a2);
        var O2, B2, R2, T2 = new Array(f2);
        function D2(e3, t3, r3, n4, i4) {
          this.static_tree = e3, this.extra_bits = t3, this.extra_base = r3, this.elems = n4, this.max_length = i4, this.has_stree = e3 && e3.length;
        function F3(e3, t3) {
          this.dyn_tree = e3, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = t3;
        function N2(e3) {
          return e3 < 256 ? E2[e3] : E2[256 + (e3 >>> 7)];
        function U2(e3, t3) {
          e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = 255 & t3, e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = t3 >>> 8 & 255;
        function P2(e3, t3, r3) {
          e3.bi_valid > d2 - r3 ? (e3.bi_buf |= t3 << e3.bi_valid & 65535, U2(e3, e3.bi_buf), e3.bi_buf = t3 >> d2 - e3.bi_valid, e3.bi_valid += r3 - d2) : (e3.bi_buf |= t3 << e3.bi_valid & 65535, e3.bi_valid += r3);
        function L(e3, t3, r3) {
          P2(e3, r3[2 * t3], r3[2 * t3 + 1]);
        function j2(e3, t3) {
          for (var r3 = 0; r3 |= 1 & e3, e3 >>>= 1, r3 <<= 1, 0 < --t3; ) ;
          return r3 >>> 1;
        function Z2(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4, i4, s3 = new Array(g2 + 1), a3 = 0;
          for (n4 = 1; n4 <= g2; n4++) s3[n4] = a3 = a3 + r3[n4 - 1] << 1;
          for (i4 = 0; i4 <= t3; i4++) {
            var o3 = e3[2 * i4 + 1];
            0 !== o3 && (e3[2 * i4] = j2(s3[o3]++, o3));
        function W(e3) {
          var t3;
          for (t3 = 0; t3 < l2; t3++) e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3] = 0;
          for (t3 = 0; t3 < f2; t3++) e3.dyn_dtree[2 * t3] = 0;
          for (t3 = 0; t3 < c2; t3++) e3.bl_tree[2 * t3] = 0;
          e3.dyn_ltree[2 * m2] = 1, e3.opt_len = e3.static_len = 0, e3.last_lit = e3.matches = 0;
        function M2(e3) {
          8 < e3.bi_valid ? U2(e3, e3.bi_buf) : 0 < e3.bi_valid && (e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = e3.bi_buf), e3.bi_buf = 0, e3.bi_valid = 0;
        function H(e3, t3, r3, n4) {
          var i4 = 2 * t3, s3 = 2 * r3;
          return e3[i4] < e3[s3] || e3[i4] === e3[s3] && n4[t3] <= n4[r3];
        function G2(e3, t3, r3) {
          for (var n4 = e3.heap[r3], i4 = r3 << 1; i4 <= e3.heap_len && (i4 < e3.heap_len && H(t3, e3.heap[i4 + 1], e3.heap[i4], e3.depth) && i4++, !H(t3, n4, e3.heap[i4], e3.depth)); ) e3.heap[r3] = e3.heap[i4], r3 = i4, i4 <<= 1;
          e3.heap[r3] = n4;
        function K2(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4, i4, s3, a3, o3 = 0;
          if (0 !== e3.last_lit) for (; n4 = e3.pending_buf[e3.d_buf + 2 * o3] << 8 | e3.pending_buf[e3.d_buf + 2 * o3 + 1], i4 = e3.pending_buf[e3.l_buf + o3], o3++, 0 === n4 ? L(e3, i4, t3) : (L(e3, (s3 = A2[i4]) + u2 + 1, t3), 0 !== (a3 = w2[s3]) && P2(e3, i4 -= I2[s3], a3), L(e3, s3 = N2(--n4), r3), 0 !== (a3 = k2[s3]) && P2(e3, n4 -= T2[s3], a3)), o3 < e3.last_lit; ) ;
          L(e3, m2, t3);
        function Y2(e3, t3) {
          var r3, n4, i4, s3 = t3.dyn_tree, a3 = t3.stat_desc.static_tree, o3 = t3.stat_desc.has_stree, h3 = t3.stat_desc.elems, u3 = -1;
          for (e3.heap_len = 0, e3.heap_max = _2, r3 = 0; r3 < h3; r3++) 0 !== s3[2 * r3] ? (e3.heap[++e3.heap_len] = u3 = r3, e3.depth[r3] = 0) : s3[2 * r3 + 1] = 0;
          for (; e3.heap_len < 2; ) s3[2 * (i4 = e3.heap[++e3.heap_len] = u3 < 2 ? ++u3 : 0)] = 1, e3.depth[i4] = 0, e3.opt_len--, o3 && (e3.static_len -= a3[2 * i4 + 1]);
          for (t3.max_code = u3, r3 = e3.heap_len >> 1; 1 <= r3; r3--) G2(e3, s3, r3);
          for (i4 = h3; r3 = e3.heap[1], e3.heap[1] = e3.heap[e3.heap_len--], G2(e3, s3, 1), n4 = e3.heap[1], e3.heap[--e3.heap_max] = r3, e3.heap[--e3.heap_max] = n4, s3[2 * i4] = s3[2 * r3] + s3[2 * n4], e3.depth[i4] = (e3.depth[r3] >= e3.depth[n4] ? e3.depth[r3] : e3.depth[n4]) + 1, s3[2 * r3 + 1] = s3[2 * n4 + 1] = i4, e3.heap[1] = i4++, G2(e3, s3, 1), 2 <= e3.heap_len; ) ;
          e3.heap[--e3.heap_max] = e3.heap[1], function(e4, t4) {
            var r4, n5, i5, s4, a4, o4, h4 = t4.dyn_tree, u4 = t4.max_code, l3 = t4.stat_desc.static_tree, f3 = t4.stat_desc.has_stree, c3 = t4.stat_desc.extra_bits, d3 = t4.stat_desc.extra_base, p3 = t4.stat_desc.max_length, m3 = 0;
            for (s4 = 0; s4 <= g2; s4++) e4.bl_count[s4] = 0;
            for (h4[2 * e4.heap[e4.heap_max] + 1] = 0, r4 = e4.heap_max + 1; r4 < _2; r4++) p3 < (s4 = h4[2 * h4[2 * (n5 = e4.heap[r4]) + 1] + 1] + 1) && (s4 = p3, m3++), h4[2 * n5 + 1] = s4, u4 < n5 || (e4.bl_count[s4]++, a4 = 0, d3 <= n5 && (a4 = c3[n5 - d3]), o4 = h4[2 * n5], e4.opt_len += o4 * (s4 + a4), f3 && (e4.static_len += o4 * (l3[2 * n5 + 1] + a4)));
            if (0 !== m3) {
              do {
                for (s4 = p3 - 1; 0 === e4.bl_count[s4]; ) s4--;
                e4.bl_count[s4]--, e4.bl_count[s4 + 1] += 2, e4.bl_count[p3]--, m3 -= 2;
              } while (0 < m3);
              for (s4 = p3; 0 !== s4; s4--) for (n5 = e4.bl_count[s4]; 0 !== n5; ) u4 < (i5 = e4.heap[--r4]) || (h4[2 * i5 + 1] !== s4 && (e4.opt_len += (s4 - h4[2 * i5 + 1]) * h4[2 * i5], h4[2 * i5 + 1] = s4), n5--);
          }(e3, t3), Z2(s3, u3, e3.bl_count);
        function X(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4, i4, s3 = -1, a3 = t3[1], o3 = 0, h3 = 7, u3 = 4;
          for (0 === a3 && (h3 = 138, u3 = 3), t3[2 * (r3 + 1) + 1] = 65535, n4 = 0; n4 <= r3; n4++) i4 = a3, a3 = t3[2 * (n4 + 1) + 1], ++o3 < h3 && i4 === a3 || (o3 < u3 ? e3.bl_tree[2 * i4] += o3 : 0 !== i4 ? (i4 !== s3 && e3.bl_tree[2 * i4]++, e3.bl_tree[2 * b3]++) : o3 <= 10 ? e3.bl_tree[2 * v2]++ : e3.bl_tree[2 * y2]++, s3 = i4, u3 = (o3 = 0) === a3 ? (h3 = 138, 3) : i4 === a3 ? (h3 = 6, 3) : (h3 = 7, 4));
        function V2(e3, t3, r3) {
          var n4, i4, s3 = -1, a3 = t3[1], o3 = 0, h3 = 7, u3 = 4;
          for (0 === a3 && (h3 = 138, u3 = 3), n4 = 0; n4 <= r3; n4++) if (i4 = a3, a3 = t3[2 * (n4 + 1) + 1], !(++o3 < h3 && i4 === a3)) {
            if (o3 < u3) for (; L(e3, i4, e3.bl_tree), 0 != --o3; ) ;
            else 0 !== i4 ? (i4 !== s3 && (L(e3, i4, e3.bl_tree), o3--), L(e3, b3, e3.bl_tree), P2(e3, o3 - 3, 2)) : o3 <= 10 ? (L(e3, v2, e3.bl_tree), P2(e3, o3 - 3, 3)) : (L(e3, y2, e3.bl_tree), P2(e3, o3 - 11, 7));
            s3 = i4, u3 = (o3 = 0) === a3 ? (h3 = 138, 3) : i4 === a3 ? (h3 = 6, 3) : (h3 = 7, 4);
        var q2 = false;
        function J(e3, t3, r3, n4) {
          P2(e3, (s2 << 1) + (n4 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e4, t4, r4, n5) {
            M2(e4), U2(e4, r4), U2(e4, ~r4), i3.arraySet(e4.pending_buf, e4.window, t4, r4, e4.pending), e4.pending += r4;
          }(e3, t3, r3);
        r2._tr_init = function(e3) {
          q2 || (function() {
            var e4, t3, r3, n4, i4, s3 = new Array(g2 + 1);
            for (n4 = r3 = 0; n4 < a2 - 1; n4++) for (I2[n4] = r3, e4 = 0; e4 < 1 << w2[n4]; e4++) A2[r3++] = n4;
            for (A2[r3 - 1] = n4, n4 = i4 = 0; n4 < 16; n4++) for (T2[n4] = i4, e4 = 0; e4 < 1 << k2[n4]; e4++) E2[i4++] = n4;
            for (i4 >>= 7; n4 < f2; n4++) for (T2[n4] = i4 << 7, e4 = 0; e4 < 1 << k2[n4] - 7; e4++) E2[256 + i4++] = n4;
            for (t3 = 0; t3 <= g2; t3++) s3[t3] = 0;
            for (e4 = 0; e4 <= 143; ) z2[2 * e4 + 1] = 8, e4++, s3[8]++;
            for (; e4 <= 255; ) z2[2 * e4 + 1] = 9, e4++, s3[9]++;
            for (; e4 <= 279; ) z2[2 * e4 + 1] = 7, e4++, s3[7]++;
            for (; e4 <= 287; ) z2[2 * e4 + 1] = 8, e4++, s3[8]++;
            for (Z2(z2, l2 + 1, s3), e4 = 0; e4 < f2; e4++) C[2 * e4 + 1] = 5, C[2 * e4] = j2(e4, 5);
            O2 = new D2(z2, w2, u2 + 1, l2, g2), B2 = new D2(C, k2, 0, f2, g2), R2 = new D2(new Array(0), x2, 0, c2, p2);
          }(), q2 = true), e3.l_desc = new F3(e3.dyn_ltree, O2), e3.d_desc = new F3(e3.dyn_dtree, B2), e3.bl_desc = new F3(e3.bl_tree, R2), e3.bi_buf = 0, e3.bi_valid = 0, W(e3);
        }, r2._tr_stored_block = J, r2._tr_flush_block = function(e3, t3, r3, n4) {
          var i4, s3, a3 = 0;
          0 < e3.level ? (2 === e3.strm.data_type && (e3.strm.data_type = function(e4) {
            var t4, r4 = 4093624447;
            for (t4 = 0; t4 <= 31; t4++, r4 >>>= 1) if (1 & r4 && 0 !== e4.dyn_ltree[2 * t4]) return o2;
            if (0 !== e4.dyn_ltree[18] || 0 !== e4.dyn_ltree[20] || 0 !== e4.dyn_ltree[26]) return h2;
            for (t4 = 32; t4 < u2; t4++) if (0 !== e4.dyn_ltree[2 * t4]) return h2;
            return o2;
          }(e3)), Y2(e3, e3.l_desc), Y2(e3, e3.d_desc), a3 = function(e4) {
            var t4;
            for (X(e4, e4.dyn_ltree, e4.l_desc.max_code), X(e4, e4.dyn_dtree, e4.d_desc.max_code), Y2(e4, e4.bl_desc), t4 = c2 - 1; 3 <= t4 && 0 === e4.bl_tree[2 * S2[t4] + 1]; t4--) ;
            return e4.opt_len += 3 * (t4 + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, t4;
          }(e3), i4 = e3.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, (s3 = e3.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3) <= i4 && (i4 = s3)) : i4 = s3 = r3 + 5, r3 + 4 <= i4 && -1 !== t3 ? J(e3, t3, r3, n4) : 4 === e3.strategy || s3 === i4 ? (P2(e3, 2 + (n4 ? 1 : 0), 3), K2(e3, z2, C)) : (P2(e3, 4 + (n4 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e4, t4, r4, n5) {
            var i5;
            for (P2(e4, t4 - 257, 5), P2(e4, r4 - 1, 5), P2(e4, n5 - 4, 4), i5 = 0; i5 < n5; i5++) P2(e4, e4.bl_tree[2 * S2[i5] + 1], 3);
            V2(e4, e4.dyn_ltree, t4 - 1), V2(e4, e4.dyn_dtree, r4 - 1);
          }(e3, e3.l_desc.max_code + 1, e3.d_desc.max_code + 1, a3 + 1), K2(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, e3.dyn_dtree)), W(e3), n4 && M2(e3);
        }, r2._tr_tally = function(e3, t3, r3) {
          return e3.pending_buf[e3.d_buf + 2 * e3.last_lit] = t3 >>> 8 & 255, e3.pending_buf[e3.d_buf + 2 * e3.last_lit + 1] = 255 & t3, e3.pending_buf[e3.l_buf + e3.last_lit] = 255 & r3, e3.last_lit++, 0 === t3 ? e3.dyn_ltree[2 * r3]++ : (e3.matches++, t3--, e3.dyn_ltree[2 * (A2[r3] + u2 + 1)]++, e3.dyn_dtree[2 * N2(t3)]++), e3.last_lit === e3.lit_bufsize - 1;
        }, r2._tr_align = function(e3) {
          P2(e3, 2, 3), L(e3, m2, z2), function(e4) {
            16 === e4.bi_valid ? (U2(e4, e4.bi_buf), e4.bi_buf = 0, e4.bi_valid = 0) : 8 <= e4.bi_valid && (e4.pending_buf[e4.pending++] = 255 & e4.bi_buf, e4.bi_buf >>= 8, e4.bi_valid -= 8);
      }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 53: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        t2.exports = function() {
          this.input = null, this.next_in = 0, this.avail_in = 0, this.total_in = 0, this.output = null, this.next_out = 0, this.avail_out = 0, this.total_out = 0, this.msg = "", this.state = null, this.data_type = 2, this.adler = 0;
      }, {}], 54: [function(e2, t2, r2) {
        (function(e3) {
          !function(r3, n3) {
            if (!r3.setImmediate) {
              var i3, s2, t3, a2, o2 = 1, h2 = {}, u2 = false, l2 = r3.document, e4 = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(r3);
              e4 = e4 && e4.setTimeout ? e4 : r3, i3 = "[object process]" === {}.toString.call(r3.process) ? function(e5) {
                process.nextTick(function() {
              } : function() {
                if (r3.postMessage && !r3.importScripts) {
                  var e5 = true, t4 = r3.onmessage;
                  return r3.onmessage = function() {
                    e5 = false;
                  }, r3.postMessage("", "*"), r3.onmessage = t4, e5;
              }() ? (a2 = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$", r3.addEventListener ? r3.addEventListener("message", d2, false) : r3.attachEvent("onmessage", d2), function(e5) {
                r3.postMessage(a2 + e5, "*");
              }) : r3.MessageChannel ? ((t3 = new MessageChannel()).port1.onmessage = function(e5) {
              }, function(e5) {
              }) : l2 && "onreadystatechange" in l2.createElement("script") ? (s2 = l2.documentElement, function(e5) {
                var t4 = l2.createElement("script");
                t4.onreadystatechange = function() {
                  c2(e5), t4.onreadystatechange = null, s2.removeChild(t4), t4 = null;
                }, s2.appendChild(t4);
              }) : function(e5) {
                setTimeout(c2, 0, e5);
              }, e4.setImmediate = function(e5) {
                "function" != typeof e5 && (e5 = new Function("" + e5));
                for (var t4 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), r4 = 0; r4 < t4.length; r4++) t4[r4] = arguments[r4 + 1];
                var n4 = { callback: e5, args: t4 };
                return h2[o2] = n4, i3(o2), o2++;
              }, e4.clearImmediate = f2;
            function f2(e5) {
              delete h2[e5];
            function c2(e5) {
              if (u2) setTimeout(c2, 0, e5);
              else {
                var t4 = h2[e5];
                if (t4) {
                  u2 = true;
                  try {
                    !function(e6) {
                      var t5 = e6.callback, r4 = e6.args;
                      switch (r4.length) {
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                          t5(r4[0], r4[1]);
                        case 3:
                          t5(r4[0], r4[1], r4[2]);
                          t5.apply(n3, r4);
                  } finally {
                    f2(e5), u2 = false;
            function d2(e5) {
              e5.source === r3 && "string" == typeof e5.data && 0 === e5.data.indexOf(a2) && c2(+e5.data.slice(a2.length));
          }("undefined" == typeof self ? void 0 === e3 ? this : e3 : self);
        }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof commonjsGlobal ? commonjsGlobal : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {});
      }, {}] }, {}, [10])(10);
  var jszip_minExports = jszip_min.exports;
  const JSZip = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(jszip_minExports);
  var FileSaver_min = { exports: {} };
  (function(module, exports) {
    (function(a2, b3) {
    })(commonjsGlobal, function() {
      function b3(a3, b4) {
        return "undefined" == typeof b4 ? b4 = { autoBom: false } : "object" != typeof b4 && (console.warn("Deprecated: Expected third argument to be a object"), b4 = { autoBom: !b4 }), b4.autoBom && /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(a3.type) ? new Blob(["\uFEFF", a3], { type: a3.type }) : a3;
      function c2(a3, b4, c3) {
        var d3 = new XMLHttpRequest();
        d3.open("GET", a3), d3.responseType = "blob", d3.onload = function() {
          g2(d3.response, b4, c3);
        }, d3.onerror = function() {
          console.error("could not download file");
        }, d3.send();
      function d2(a3) {
        var b4 = new XMLHttpRequest();
        b4.open("HEAD", a3, false);
        try {
        } catch (a4) {
        return 200 <= b4.status && 299 >= b4.status;
      function e2(a3) {
        try {
          a3.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
        } catch (c3) {
          var b4 = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
          b4.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null), a3.dispatchEvent(b4);
      var f2 = "object" == typeof window && window.window === window ? window : "object" == typeof self && self.self === self ? self : "object" == typeof commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.global === commonjsGlobal ? commonjsGlobal : void 0, a2 = f2.navigator && /Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent), g2 = f2.saveAs || ("object" != typeof window || window !== f2 ? function() {
      } : "download" in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype && !a2 ? function(b4, g3, h2) {
        var i3 = f2.URL || f2.webkitURL, j2 = document.createElement("a");
        g3 = g3 || b4.name || "download", j2.download = g3, j2.rel = "noopener", "string" == typeof b4 ? (j2.href = b4, j2.origin === location.origin ? e2(j2) : d2(j2.href) ? c2(b4, g3, h2) : e2(j2, j2.target = "_blank")) : (j2.href = i3.createObjectURL(b4), setTimeout(function() {
        }, 4e4), setTimeout(function() {
        }, 0));
      } : "msSaveOrOpenBlob" in navigator ? function(f3, g3, h2) {
        if (g3 = g3 || f3.name || "download", "string" != typeof f3) navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(b3(f3, h2), g3);
        else if (d2(f3)) c2(f3, g3, h2);
        else {
          var i3 = document.createElement("a");
          i3.href = f3, i3.target = "_blank", setTimeout(function() {
      } : function(b4, d3, e3, g3) {
        if (g3 = g3 || open("", "_blank"), g3 && (g3.document.title = g3.document.body.innerText = "downloading..."), "string" == typeof b4) return c2(b4, d3, e3);
        var h2 = "application/octet-stream" === b4.type, i3 = /constructor/i.test(f2.HTMLElement) || f2.safari, j2 = /CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent);
        if ((j2 || h2 && i3 || a2) && "undefined" != typeof FileReader) {
          var k2 = new FileReader();
          k2.onloadend = function() {
            var a3 = k2.result;
            a3 = j2 ? a3 : a3.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, "data:attachment/file;"), g3 ? g3.location.href = a3 : location = a3, g3 = null;
          }, k2.readAsDataURL(b4);
        } else {
          var l2 = f2.URL || f2.webkitURL, m2 = l2.createObjectURL(b4);
          g3 ? g3.location = m2 : location.href = m2, g3 = null, setTimeout(function() {
          }, 4e4);
      f2.saveAs = g2.saveAs = g2, module.exports = g2;
  var FileSaver_minExports = FileSaver_min.exports;
  const snapshotStorage = localforage.createInstance({
    name: "snapshot",
    version: 1
  const screenshotStorage = localforage.createInstance({
    name: "screenshot",
    version: 1
  const simplyActivityIds = async (snapshotId) => {
    const snapshotInfo = await snapshotStorage.getItem(snapshotId);
    if (snapshotInfo == null ? void 0 : snapshotInfo.activityId) {
      if (snapshotInfo == null ? void 0 : snapshotInfo.activityId.startsWith(snapshotInfo.appId)) {
        const simplyActivityIds2 = snapshotInfo.activityId.replace(snapshotInfo.appId, "");
        return simplyActivityIds2;
      } else return false;
    } else return false;
  const editNode = async (snapshotId, nodeId, options) => {
    try {
      const snapshotInfo = await snapshotStorage.getItem(snapshotId);
      const nodes = snapshotInfo.nodes;
      const nodeAttr = nodes[nodeId].attr;
      options.forEach((option) => nodeAttr[option.target] = option.value);
      nodes[nodeId].attr = nodeAttr;
      snapshotInfo.nodes = nodes;
      await snapshotStorage.setItem(snapshotId, snapshotInfo);
      return true;
    } catch {
      return false;
  const downloadSnapshot = async (snapshotId) => {
    const snapshotInfo = await snapshotStorage.getItem(snapshotId);
    const screenshot = await screenshotStorage.getItem(snapshotId);
    const jszip = new JSZip();
    jszip.file(`snapshot-${snapshotId}.json`, JSON.stringify(snapshotInfo, void 0, 2));
    jszip.file(`screenshot-${snapshotId}.png`, screenshot);
    jszip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" }).then((snapshotFile) => {
      FileSaver_minExports.saveAs(snapshotFile, `snapshot-${snapshotId}.zip`);
  const getSnapshotId = () => {
    return location.pathname.split("/")[2];
  const replaceNodeInfo = () => {
    const snapshotId = getSnapshotId();
    const nodeId = Number(document.querySelectorAll("tr > td > span")[23].textContent);
    editNode(snapshotId, nodeId, [
        target: "text",
        value: "本节点信息已由 GKD网页审查工具增强 脚本修改"
        target: "desc",
        value: "本节点信息已由 GKD网页审查工具增强 脚本修改"
    ]).then((result) => {
      if (result) snackbar({
        message: "修改成功!你可以选择上传获取导入链接或下载快照分享",
        placement: "top"
  const replaceNodeInfo$1 = () => {
      headline: "确认要对该节点打码吗?",
      description: "进行打码操作会对导入的快照造成无法恢复的修改,如需恢复,需要删除当前快照重新导入。建议你先下载备份!",
      actions: [
          text: "我再想想"
          text: "下载快照文件并打码",
          onClick: () => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                message: "开始下载中……下载开始后会自动关闭弹窗",
                placement: "top",
                autoCloseDelay: 1e3
              downloadSnapshot(getSnapshotId()).then(() => {
              }).catch(() => {
                  message: "下载失败",
                  placement: "top",
                  autoCloseDelay: 1e3
          text: "直接打码",
          onClick: () => replaceNodeInfo()
      closeOnEsc: true,
      closeOnOverlayClick: true
  observeElement(".n-radio-group > div", () => {
    const radioGroup = document.querySelector(".n-radio-group > div");
    const UseSelectorIcon = document.createElement("mdui-button-icon");
    UseSelectorIcon.icon = "search";
    UseSelectorIcon.onclick = () => {
    const AddSelectorIcon = document.createElement("mdui-button-icon");
    AddSelectorIcon.icon = "add";
    AddSelectorIcon.onclick = () => {
    const ManageSelectorsIcon = document.createElement("mdui-button-icon");
    ManageSelectorsIcon.icon = "edit";
    ManageSelectorsIcon.onclick = () => {
    const SettingsIcon = document.createElement("mdui-button-icon");
    SettingsIcon.icon = "settings";
    SettingsIcon.onclick = () => {
    const HelpIcon = document.createElement("mdui-button-icon");
    HelpIcon.icon = "help";
    HelpIcon.onclick = () => {
    radioGroup.append(UseSelectorIcon, AddSelectorIcon, ManageSelectorsIcon, SettingsIcon, HelpIcon);
  observeElement(".z-1.box-shadow-dim.bg-white", () => {
    const app = document.querySelector("#app");
    const editNodeIcon = document.createElement("mdui-fab");
    editNodeIcon.icon = "edit";
    editNodeIcon.variant = "secondary";
    editNodeIcon.extended = true;
    editNodeIcon.textContent = "替换当前节点信息";
    editNodeIcon.style.right = "16px";
    editNodeIcon.style.bottom = "120px";
    editNodeIcon.setAttribute("fixed", "");
    editNodeIcon.onclick = replaceNodeInfo$1;
  const iArrayToArray = (array = []) => {
    return Array().concat(array);
  const groupsKeyOrder = [
  const rulesKeyOrder = [
  const sort = (groups) => {
    const groupsKeyValue = [];
    const rulesKeyValue = [];
    groupsKeyOrder.forEach((groupsKey) => {
      if (groups[groupsKey] !== void 0) groupsKeyValue.push(groups[groupsKey]);
      else groupsKeyValue.push(void 0);
    rulesKeyOrder.forEach((rulesKey) => {
      if (groups.rules[0][rulesKey] !== void 0) rulesKeyValue.push(groups.rules[0][rulesKey]);
      else rulesKeyValue.push(void 0);
    const sortedRules = {
      key: rulesKeyValue[0],
      preKeys: rulesKeyValue[1],
      fastQuery: rulesKeyValue[2],
      quickFind: rulesKeyValue[3],
      matchTime: rulesKeyValue[4],
      actionMaximum: rulesKeyValue[5],
      resetMatch: rulesKeyValue[6],
      action: rulesKeyValue[7],
      activityIds: rulesKeyValue[8],
      position: rulesKeyValue[9],
      matches: rulesKeyValue[10],
      exampleUrls: rulesKeyValue[11],
      snapshotUrls: rulesKeyValue[12]
    const sortedGroups = {
      key: groupsKeyValue[0],
      name: groupsKeyValue[1],
      desc: groupsKeyValue[2],
      matchTime: groupsKeyValue[3],
      actionMaximum: groupsKeyValue[4],
      resetMatch: groupsKeyValue[5],
      rules: [sortedRules]
    return sortedGroups;
  const checkPositionLegal = (position) => {
    const { top, left, right, bottom } = position;
    if (top) {
      if (bottom || !left && !right) {
          message: "非法坐标",
          placement: "top"
        return false;
    if (left) {
      if (right || !top && !bottom) {
          message: "非法坐标",
          placement: "top"
        return false;
    if (right) {
      if (left || !top && !bottom) {
          message: "非法坐标",
          placement: "top"
        return false;
    if (bottom) {
      if (top || !left && !right) {
          message: "非法坐标",
          placement: "top"
        return false;
    return true;
  const finish = async () => {
    const mode = document.querySelector("#mode").value;
    const action = document.querySelector("#action").value;
    const ruleName = document.querySelector("#ruleName").value;
    const ruleDesc = document.querySelector("#ruleDesc").value;
    const category = window.Hanashiro.currentCategory;
    const isLimit = document.querySelector("#limit").checked;
    const isNoExample = document.querySelector("#noExample").checked;
    const isUseFastQuery = document.querySelector("#fastQuery").checked;
    const preKeys = document.querySelector("#preKeys").value;
    const position = document.querySelector("#position").value;
    const isSimplyActivityIds = window.localStorage.getItem("activityIdsSimply");
    const origin = lib.parse(window.Hanashiro.originRule);
    if (ruleName) origin.groups[0].name = ruleName;
    else origin.groups[0].name = "";
    if (ruleDesc) origin.groups[0].desc = ruleDesc;
    else delete origin.groups[0].desc;
    if (category) {
      if (!ruleName) origin.groups[0].name = category;
      else origin.groups[0].name = `${category}-${origin.groups[0].name}`;
      if (category == "开屏广告") {
        const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
        delete rule.activityIds;
        origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
    if (action) {
      const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
      rule.action = action;
      origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
    if (isLimit) {
      if (mode == "rules") {
        const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
        rule.actionMaximum = 1;
        rule.resetMatch = "app";
        rule.matchTime = 1e4;
        origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
      } else {
        origin.groups[0].actionMaximum = 1;
        origin.groups[0].resetMatch = "app";
        origin.groups[0].matchTime = 1e4;
    if (isNoExample) {
      const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
      delete rule.exampleUrls;
      origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
    if (isUseFastQuery) {
      const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
      if (rule.quickFind) {
        delete rule.quickFind;
        rule.fastQuery = true;
      origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
    if (preKeys) {
      const preKeysArray = preKeys.split(",");
      const preKeysNumberArray = [];
      preKeysArray.forEach((preKey) => {
      const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
      rule.preKeys = preKeysNumberArray;
      origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
    if (position) {
      if (position.startsWith("[") && position.endsWith("]")) {
        const purePosition = position.slice(1, position.length - 1);
        const positionArray = purePosition.split(",");
        const positionName = ["top", "left", "right", "bottom"];
        const positionObject = {};
        positionArray.forEach((position2, index) => {
          if (position2) {
            positionObject[positionName[index]] = position2;
        if (!checkPositionLegal(positionObject)) {
            message: "非法坐标",
            placement: "top"
        const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
        rule.position = positionObject;
        origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
      } else {
          message: "非法坐标",
          placement: "top"
    if (isSimplyActivityIds === "true") {
      const snapshotId = getSnapshotId();
      const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
      const result = await simplyActivityIds(snapshotId);
      if (result && rule.activityIds) {
        rule.activityIds = result;
        origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
    origin.groups[0] = sort(origin.groups[0]);
    const stringify3 = lib.stringify(origin, null, 2);
    if (mode == "ts") {
      const text = `import { defineGkdApp } from '@gkd-kit/define';\r\rexport default defineGkdApp(${stringify3});\r`;
      window.Hanashiro.returnResult = text;
    } else if (mode == "app") window.Hanashiro.returnResult = stringify3;
    else if (mode == "groups") window.Hanashiro.returnResult = lib.stringify(origin.groups[0], null, 2);
    else if (mode == "rules") window.Hanashiro.returnResult = lib.stringify(iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0], null, 2);
    document.querySelector("#page").open = false;
  const key = () => {
    const mode = document.querySelector("#mode").value;
    const key2 = document.querySelector("#key").value;
    const origin = lib.parse(window.Hanashiro.originRule);
    if (key2) {
      if (mode == "rules") {
        const rule = iArrayToArray(origin.groups[0].rules)[0];
        rule.key = Number(key2);
        origin.groups[0].rules = [rule];
      } else origin.groups[0].key = Number(key2);
      window.Hanashiro.originRule = lib.stringify(origin, null, 2);
        message: "key值修改成功!",
        placement: "top"
  const renderedCategories = () => {
    const categoriesString = window.localStorage.getItem("categories");
    const categoriesGroup = document.querySelector("#category");
    if (categoriesString) {
      const categories = lib.parse(categoriesString);
      let innerHtmlString = "";
      categories.forEach((category) => {
        innerHtmlString += `<mdui-radio value=${category.name}>${category.name}</mdui-radio>`;
      categoriesGroup.innerHTML = innerHtmlString;
  const _sfc_main$6 = vue.defineComponent({
    methods: {
      async finish() {
        await finish();
      key() {
    data() {
      return {
        originRule: lib.parse(window.Hanashiro.originRule)
    mounted() {
      window.Hanashiro.currentCategory = "";
      document.querySelector("#category").addEventListener("change", (e2) => {
        window.Hanashiro.currentCategory = e2.target.value;
      document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
      receive("MainOpen", () => {
        document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
  const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
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    for (const [key2, val] of props) {
      target[key2] = val;
    return target;
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    "close-on-esc": ""
  const _hoisted_2 = ["placeholder"];
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    return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("mdui-dialog", _hoisted_1$4, [
      _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = vue.createStaticVNode('<div><span>选择模式:</span><mdui-radio-group id="mode" value="app"><mdui-radio value="ts">ts模式</mdui-radio><mdui-radio value="app">app模式</mdui-radio><mdui-radio value="groups">groups模式</mdui-radio><mdui-radio value="rules">rules模式</mdui-radio></mdui-radio-group></div><div><span>选择分类:</span><mdui-radio-group id="category"></mdui-radio-group></div><div><span>插入action类型:</span><mdui-radio-group id="action"><mdui-radio value="clickCenter">clickCenter</mdui-radio><mdui-radio value="back">back</mdui-radio></mdui-radio-group></div><div><span>插入限制字段:</span><mdui-switch id="limit"></mdui-switch><span class="introduction">插入matchTime、resetMatch和actionMaximum</span></div><div><span>去除exampleUrls:</span><mdui-switch id="noExample"></mdui-switch></div><div><span>使用fastQuery:</span><mdui-switch id="fastQuery" checked></mdui-switch><span class="introduction">使用fastQuery替换quickFind</span></div>', 6)),
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "修改key值为:", -1)),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          id: "key",
          variant: "filled",
          type: "number",
          label: "key",
          placeholder: "填写一个数字",
          helper: "rules模式修改ruleKey,其余修改groupKey。请提前选好模式,失焦保存!",
          onChange: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => _ctx.key && _ctx.key(...args))
        }, null, 32)
      _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "修改preKeys值为:"),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          id: "preKeys",
          variant: "filled",
          label: "preKeys",
          placeholder: "填写多个以英文逗号分隔的数字",
          helper: "失焦保存"
      ], -1)),
      _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "坐标:"),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          variant: "filled",
          id: "position",
          label: "坐标",
          placeholder: "填入[top,left,right,bottom]的合法坐标,空出无用项"
      ], -1)),
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "规则组名称:", -1)),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          id: "ruleName",
          variant: "filled",
          label: "名称",
          placeholder: _ctx.originRule.groups[0].name
        }, null, 8, _hoisted_2)
      _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "规则组描述:"),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          id: "ruleDesc",
          variant: "filled",
          label: "描述",
          placeholder: "没有描述不填"
      ], -1)),
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-button", {
          slot: "action",
          variant: "tonal",
          onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => _ctx.finish && _ctx.finish(...args))
        }, "确定")
  const Main = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$6, [["render", _sfc_render$5]]);
  const settings = () => {
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    const isAutoAddSelector = document.querySelector("#autoAddSelector").checked;
    const isActivityIdsSimply = document.querySelector("#activityIdsSimply").checked;
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    methods: {
      settings() {
    mounted() {
      if (window.localStorage.getItem("categories")) {
        document.querySelector("#categories").value = window.localStorage.getItem("categories");
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      if (window.localStorage.getItem("activityIdsSimply") == "true") document.querySelector("#activityIdsSimply").checked = true;
      document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
      receive("SettingsOpen", () => {
        document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
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    headline: "设置",
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      _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "分类设置:"),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          variant: "filled",
          id: "categories",
          label: "分类",
          placeholder: "填入合法的分类",
          rows: "10"
      ], -1)),
      _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = vue.createStaticVNode('<div><span>name属性复制优化:</span><mdui-switch id="simplyName"></mdui-switch><span class="introduction">在复制name属性时,会自动优化复制的内容。如复制 android.widget.TextView 时会优化为 TextView</span></div><div><span>选择器分享自动添加快捷搜索:</span><mdui-switch id="autoAddSelector"></mdui-switch><span class="introduction">在分享选择器时,自动添加到快捷搜索列表中</span></div><div><span>activityIds规则复制优化:</span><mdui-switch id="activityIdsSimply"></mdui-switch><span class="introduction">在复制规则代码时,若activityIds满足简写条件时,使用简写</span></div>', 3)),
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-button", {
          slot: "action",
          variant: "tonal",
          onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => _ctx.settings && _ctx.settings(...args))
        }, "确定")
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  const _sfc_main$4 = vue.defineComponent({
    mounted() {
      document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
      receive("HelpOpen", () => {
        document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
  const _hoisted_1$2 = {
    id: "page",
    headline: "帮助",
    "close-on-overlay-click": "",
    "close-on-esc": ""
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    return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("mdui-dialog", _hoisted_1$2, _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = [
      vue.createStaticVNode('<div><p> 本脚本已开源至Github,欢迎反馈:<a href="https://github.com/adproqwq/MakeGKDInspectBetter">Github仓库</a><br><br> 你可以通过以下方式联系我:<br> QQ群:494273126<br> 邮箱:adpro_qwq@qq.com<br> Telegram群组:<a href="https://t.me/+P4y5kLo3UrUxMWY1">Telegram群组</a><br> Telegram频道:<a href="https://t.me/adproqwq">Telegram频道</a><br><br> 如果你觉得脚本好用,可以通过赞助支持我:<br><a href="https://afdian.com/a/Adpro">爱发电</a><br><br> 在这里推荐AIsouler的GKD订阅,特别好用,拥有2k+的star!<a href="https://github.com/AIsouler/GKD_subscription">Github仓库</a></p></div>', 1)
  const Help = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$4, [["render", _sfc_render$3]]);
  const generateSelectors$1 = () => {
    const selectors = lib.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("selectors"));
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    selectors.forEach(({ name, base64 }, index) => {
      innerHtmlString += `<mdui-radio id="selector" value=${base64} data-index="${String(index)}">${name}</mdui-radio>`;
    selectorsGroup.innerHTML = innerHtmlString;
    document.querySelectorAll("#selector").forEach((radio) => {
      radio.addEventListener("click", (e2) => {
        window.Hanashiro.currentUseSelectorIndex = Number(e2.target.getAttribute("data-index"));
  const search = () => {
    const selectors = lib.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("selectors"));
    const target = new URL(window.location.href);
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    window.location.href = target.toString();
  const _sfc_main$3 = vue.defineComponent({
    methods: {
      search() {
    mounted() {
      document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
      receive("ManageSelectorsOpen", () => {
        document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
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    id: "page",
    headline: "使用选择器",
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    "close-on-esc": ""
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        vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "选择选择器:"),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-radio-group", { id: "selectors" })
      ], -1)),
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          slot: "action",
          variant: "tonal",
          onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => _ctx.search && _ctx.search(...args))
        }, "搜索")
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  const _TD = typeof TextDecoder === "function" ? new TextDecoder() : void 0;
  const _TE = typeof TextEncoder === "function" ? new TextEncoder() : void 0;
  const b64ch = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
  const b64chs = Array.prototype.slice.call(b64ch);
  const b64tab = ((a2) => {
    let tab = {};
    a2.forEach((c2, i3) => tab[c2] = i3);
    return tab;
  const b64re = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+\/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+\/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+\/]{3}=?)?$/;
  const _fromCC = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
  const _U8Afrom = typeof Uint8Array.from === "function" ? Uint8Array.from.bind(Uint8Array) : (it) => new Uint8Array(Array.prototype.slice.call(it, 0));
  const _mkUriSafe = (src) => src.replace(/=/g, "").replace(/[+\/]/g, (m0) => m0 == "+" ? "-" : "_");
  const _tidyB64 = (s2) => s2.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, "");
  const btoaPolyfill = (bin) => {
    let u32, c0, c1, c2, asc = "";
    const pad = bin.length % 3;
    for (let i3 = 0; i3 < bin.length; ) {
      if ((c0 = bin.charCodeAt(i3++)) > 255 || (c1 = bin.charCodeAt(i3++)) > 255 || (c2 = bin.charCodeAt(i3++)) > 255)
        throw new TypeError("invalid character found");
      u32 = c0 << 16 | c1 << 8 | c2;
      asc += b64chs[u32 >> 18 & 63] + b64chs[u32 >> 12 & 63] + b64chs[u32 >> 6 & 63] + b64chs[u32 & 63];
    return pad ? asc.slice(0, pad - 3) + "===".substring(pad) : asc;
  const _btoa = typeof btoa === "function" ? (bin) => btoa(bin) : _hasBuffer ? (bin) => Buffer.from(bin, "binary").toString("base64") : btoaPolyfill;
  const _fromUint8Array = _hasBuffer ? (u8a) => Buffer.from(u8a).toString("base64") : (u8a) => {
    const maxargs = 4096;
    let strs = [];
    for (let i3 = 0, l2 = u8a.length; i3 < l2; i3 += maxargs) {
      strs.push(_fromCC.apply(null, u8a.subarray(i3, i3 + maxargs)));
    return _btoa(strs.join(""));
  const cb_utob = (c2) => {
    if (c2.length < 2) {
      var cc2 = c2.charCodeAt(0);
      return cc2 < 128 ? c2 : cc2 < 2048 ? _fromCC(192 | cc2 >>> 6) + _fromCC(128 | cc2 & 63) : _fromCC(224 | cc2 >>> 12 & 15) + _fromCC(128 | cc2 >>> 6 & 63) + _fromCC(128 | cc2 & 63);
    } else {
      var cc2 = 65536 + (c2.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (c2.charCodeAt(1) - 56320);
      return _fromCC(240 | cc2 >>> 18 & 7) + _fromCC(128 | cc2 >>> 12 & 63) + _fromCC(128 | cc2 >>> 6 & 63) + _fromCC(128 | cc2 & 63);
  const re_utob = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g;
  const utob = (u2) => u2.replace(re_utob, cb_utob);
  const _encode = _hasBuffer ? (s2) => Buffer.from(s2, "utf8").toString("base64") : _TE ? (s2) => _fromUint8Array(_TE.encode(s2)) : (s2) => _btoa(utob(s2));
  const encode = (src, urlsafe = false) => urlsafe ? _mkUriSafe(_encode(src)) : _encode(src);
  const encodeURI = (src) => encode(src, true);
  const re_btou = /[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3}/g;
  const cb_btou = (cccc) => {
    switch (cccc.length) {
      case 4:
        var cp = (7 & cccc.charCodeAt(0)) << 18 | (63 & cccc.charCodeAt(1)) << 12 | (63 & cccc.charCodeAt(2)) << 6 | 63 & cccc.charCodeAt(3), offset = cp - 65536;
        return _fromCC((offset >>> 10) + 55296) + _fromCC((offset & 1023) + 56320);
      case 3:
        return _fromCC((15 & cccc.charCodeAt(0)) << 12 | (63 & cccc.charCodeAt(1)) << 6 | 63 & cccc.charCodeAt(2));
        return _fromCC((31 & cccc.charCodeAt(0)) << 6 | 63 & cccc.charCodeAt(1));
  const btou = (b3) => b3.replace(re_btou, cb_btou);
  const atobPolyfill = (asc) => {
    asc = asc.replace(/\s+/g, "");
    if (!b64re.test(asc))
      throw new TypeError("malformed base64.");
    asc += "==".slice(2 - (asc.length & 3));
    let u24, bin = "", r1, r2;
    for (let i3 = 0; i3 < asc.length; ) {
      u24 = b64tab[asc.charAt(i3++)] << 18 | b64tab[asc.charAt(i3++)] << 12 | (r1 = b64tab[asc.charAt(i3++)]) << 6 | (r2 = b64tab[asc.charAt(i3++)]);
      bin += r1 === 64 ? _fromCC(u24 >> 16 & 255) : r2 === 64 ? _fromCC(u24 >> 16 & 255, u24 >> 8 & 255) : _fromCC(u24 >> 16 & 255, u24 >> 8 & 255, u24 & 255);
    return bin;
  const _atob = typeof atob === "function" ? (asc) => atob(_tidyB64(asc)) : _hasBuffer ? (asc) => Buffer.from(asc, "base64").toString("binary") : atobPolyfill;
  const _toUint8Array = _hasBuffer ? (a2) => _U8Afrom(Buffer.from(a2, "base64")) : (a2) => _U8Afrom(_atob(a2).split("").map((c2) => c2.charCodeAt(0)));
  const _decode = _hasBuffer ? (a2) => Buffer.from(a2, "base64").toString("utf8") : _TD ? (a2) => _TD.decode(_toUint8Array(a2)) : (a2) => btou(_atob(a2));
  const _unURI = (a2) => _tidyB64(a2.replace(/[-_]/g, (m0) => m0 == "-" ? "+" : "/"));
  const decode = (src) => _decode(_unURI(src));
  const _sfc_main$2 = vue.defineComponent({
    mounted() {
      receive("AddSelectorOpen", () => {
          headline: "请输入选择器备注",
          description: "对该选择器的备注,方便辨认",
          confirmText: "就决定是你了!",
          cancelText: "算了",
          closeOnEsc: true,
          closeOnOverlayClick: true,
          onConfirm: (name) => {
            if (!name) {
                message: "请不要留空哦~",
                placement: "top"
              return false;
            } else {
                headline: "请输入选择器",
                description: "输入选择器",
                confirmText: "好了~",
                cancelText: "算了",
                closeOnEsc: true,
                closeOnOverlayClick: true,
                onConfirm: (selector) => {
                  if (!selector) {
                      message: "请不要留空哦~",
                      placement: "top"
                    return false;
                  } else {
                    const savedSelectors = lib.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("selectors"));
                      base64: encodeURI(selector)
                    window.localStorage.setItem("selectors", lib.stringify(savedSelectors));
  const generateSelectors = () => {
    const selectors = lib.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("selectors"));
    const selectorsGroup = document.querySelector("#selectors");
    let innerHtmlString = "";
    selectors.forEach(({ name, base64 }, index) => {
      innerHtmlString += `<mdui-radio id="selectorRadio" value=${base64} data-index="${String(index)}">${name}</mdui-radio>`;
    selectorsGroup.innerHTML = innerHtmlString;
    document.querySelectorAll("#selectorRadio").forEach((radio) => {
      radio.addEventListener("click", (e2) => {
        const nameTextField = document.querySelector("#name");
        const selectorTextField = document.querySelector("#selector");
        nameTextField.value = e2.target.innerText;
        selectorTextField.value = decode(e2.target.value);
        window.Hanashiro.currentSelector = {
          index: Number(e2.target.getAttribute("data-index")),
          name: e2.target.innerText,
          base64: e2.target.value
  const editSelector = () => {
    let selectors = lib.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("selectors"));
    const nameTextField = document.querySelector("#name");
    const selectorTextField = document.querySelector("#selector");
    if (selectorTextField.value) {
      selectors[window.Hanashiro.currentSelector.index] = {
        name: nameTextField.value,
        base64: encodeURI(selectorTextField.value)
    } else selectors.splice(window.Hanashiro.currentSelector.index, 1);
    window.localStorage.setItem("selectors", lib.stringify(selectors));
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    methods: {
      editSelector() {
      close() {
        document.querySelector("#page").open = false;
    mounted() {
      document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
      receive("ManageSelectorsOpen", () => {
        document.querySelector("#page").open = true;
  const _hoisted_1 = {
    id: "page",
    headline: "管理选择器",
    "close-on-overlay-click": "",
    "close-on-esc": ""
  function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
    return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("mdui-dialog", _hoisted_1, [
      _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "选择选择器:"),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-radio-group", { id: "selectors" })
      ], -1)),
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "备注:", -1)),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          variant: "filled",
          id: "name",
          label: "备注",
          onChange: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => _ctx.editSelector && _ctx.editSelector(...args))
        }, null, 32),
        _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = vue.createElementVNode("span", { class: "introduction" }, "失焦保存", -1))
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
        _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "选择器:", -1)),
        vue.createElementVNode("mdui-text-field", {
          variant: "filled",
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          label: "选择器",
          onChange: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => _ctx.editSelector && _ctx.editSelector(...args))
        }, null, 32),
        _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = vue.createElementVNode("span", { class: "introduction" }, "留空删除。失焦保存", -1))
      vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [
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          slot: "action",
          variant: "tonal",
          onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => _ctx.close && _ctx.close(...args))
        }, "关闭")
  const ManageSelectors = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["render", _sfc_render$1]]);
  const _sfc_main = vue.defineComponent({
    components: {
      AddSelector: _sfc_main$2,
    data() {
      return {
        currentComponent: ""
    created() {
      receive("copyEvent", () => {
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        else send("MainOpen");
      receive("openSettings", () => {
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        else send("SettingsOpen");
      receive("openHelp", () => {
        if (this.currentComponent != "Help") this.currentComponent = "Help";
        else send("HelpOpen");
      receive("openUseSelector", () => {
        if (this.currentComponent != "UseSelector") this.currentComponent = "UseSelector";
        else send("UseSelectorOpen");
      receive("openAddSelector", () => {
        if (this.currentComponent != "AddSelector") this.currentComponent = "AddSelector";
        else send("AddSelectorOpen");
      receive("openManageSelectors", () => {
        if (this.currentComponent != "ManageSelectors") this.currentComponent = "ManageSelectors";
        else send("ManageSelectorsOpen");
  function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
    return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.currentComponent));
  const App = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["render", _sfc_render]]);
    (() => {
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