Twitch Chat User Highlight

Highlights messages by user, on username or @username click

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v0.5 23.07.2021
  • v0.5 23.07.2021

    Fixed (some selectors) and also made it slightly easier to fix again in the future if twitch makes changes again

  • v0.4 07.02.2021 Changed the highlight-auto-stop-timer to start when mouse leaves the chat area and stop the timer when the mouse enters it again. i.e. Auto-stop-highlight happens after the mouse has been outside the chat area for x(5 by default) seconds. + Added option change to Tampermonkey menu
  • v0.3 23.01.2021 Added option to auto stop user highlight after x seconds - currently you need to open the script to change settings. Will make a proper options menu of some sort later
  • v0.2 21.01.2021 added soft page change script initialization + added support for one more type of mention
  • v0.1 21.01.2021
  • v0.1 21.01.2021
  • v0.1 21.01.2021
  • v0.1 21.01.2021