New IMDB Message Boards - Moviechat

Directly integrated replacement on the IMDB message boards using, appears at bottom of all IMDB movie/tv page listings, includes millions of archived posts saved from before the boards closed.

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Posted: 04.03.2017

[Bug] MovieChat homepage appearing on top of search results

Like this.

I tried with Firefox and Chrome and this problem appears on both.

Posted: 04.03.2017

fixed, update for latest version

Posted: 04.03.2017

You're fast, thanks!

Well, I've been clicking links randomly and it seems like the same problem appears on IMDb Picks and other sections. Sorry :-/

(Hey by the way, I noticed this script doesn't work on, yet some people are using it. Could you fix this too?)

Posted: 04.03.2017
Edited: 04.03.2017

I think including only the following


would fix most of our problems, no?

Edit: This code works fine here. (I excluded since this script isn't compatible with the mobile version of IMDb)

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