The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 17.11.2017
Edited: 17.11.2017

TART not working after Firefox 57 update (windows 10)

Not sure of this is a TART or Greasy Fork issue: But TART stopped working after Mozilla Firefox 57 ("Quantum") update (Windows 10).

Suggestions welcome:-)

Posted: 17.11.2017
Edited: 17.11.2017

Ah, yes... it is NOT a TART issue. But, I wish I had addressed this preemptively, since this Firefox / Greasemonkey issue was expected, and obviously does affect some TART users.

Firefox 57 changed the framework for extensions (such as Greasemonkey, under which scripts like TART function). ALL old extensions became unusable. Some extension writers updated their works, and may have auto-updated along with FF57, so, continue to work.

Greasemonkey is a very complicated extension. There was some question as to whether Greasemonkey would be effectively transitioned. I do not know the official word about that, now that FF57 is actually released. I have not updated my personal Firefox install to 57, so, can not yet offer personal experience. But...

I have known what the possible outcomes might be if Greasemonkey is not updated:

Option 1 -- Go to the FF extension manager and do a search for Tampermonkey. This is the script manager that Chrome, Safari, Edge users have already been using. I expect that it should be available for FF57. Install that, then re-install TART and any other scripts. Tampermonkey is actually more polished and user friendly than Greasemonkey ever was -- though we owe much gratitude to Greasemonkey for having developed most of the advanced features of scripting.

Option 2 -- Switch to Chrome, or other browser, and use Tampermonkey, and install TART. This will be kind of painful, if I must abandon Firefox entirely. I was one of those that donated a few dollars to the Firefox project in its early days. But, I have been using Chrome on a Chromebook for several years, and have watched Chrome get better, as Firefox has lost its direction... trying so hard to BE just like Chrome... making Firefox kind of redundant. If you have to switch to Chrome, you will probably find it satisfactory after a short while.

If you try Option 1, please report back!

And, please change the icon color for this comment thread from RED, to Green or Blue.

Posted: 17.11.2017
Edited: 17.11.2017

I looked in the Firefox extension repository, and see that Greasemonkey 4 is available for Firefox 57. See if your Greasemonkey install auto-updated with Firefox. If not, go to the extension manager, and do a new install. Then, install TART.

I don't know if this new Greasemonkey will be fully functional, or, if it may need time to mature. Anyone that tries this, please report back!

UPDATE: I've now seen that Greasemonkey 4 expects some changes in scripts to make them compatible! No, I don't think I'll do that. Not immediately, at any rate. So, THERE is NO POINT at this time, to pursue use of Greasemonkey, to continue using TART. So, back to trying Option 1, in my reply, above.

Posted: 17.11.2017

AND, I see that the new Firefox extensions framework is not yet considered complete!! So, it may possible that both Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey may have problems running certain scripts... until Firefox stabilizes further. We'll just have to wait for reports to roll in.

Posted: 17.11.2017

Thanks for the feedback.
First, sorry about the color coding. Honestly, I overlooked it; I was a VERY happy user of TART until Firefox 57.

Tampermonkey is discussed on the the Greasymonkey home page. I'll give it a try later tonight and let you know the outcome (or try it in Chrome). Love Chrome...hate it's like of a persistently visible menu bar!

Posted: 17.11.2017

Option 1 (Running TART via Tampermonkey) worked fine!
FYI: Greasmonkey 4 had already been running.

Posted: 17.11.2017
Edited: 17.11.2017

Good to know, drdinkthecat. Thank you! I almost wonder why the Greasemonkey guys are even putting in the effort, since Tampermonkey is more prevalent, and already offers a working product for the new Firefox framework, with no script code changes required.

You should probably disable or remove Greasemonkey, so you don't have 2 script hosts trying to work over the same web pages.

Posted: 19.11.2017

Since drdinkthecat found Tampermonkey with FF57 to be good, I went ahead and upgraded my Firefox, and did the same. Works perfectly, just as I have see with Tampermonkey in Chrome. And, while the visible changes to Firefox are subtle, I do like it better than FF55 that I had been using.

Posted: 21.11.2017
Edited: 21.11.2017

Can you provide a url to TART for Tampermonkey?

I found FAQ for installing new cripts to Tampermonkey but having trouble locating TART

Posted: 21.11.2017

Use Tampermonkey! Read the thread, for more information about this.

Posted: 21.11.2017

All set. Thanks. Good bye Greesemonkey, uninstalled.

Posted: 08.06.2018
Edited: 08.06.2018

Here's a comprehensive guide to Windows 10 c minus minus

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