Greasy Fork is available in English.

[.01 Nova]Categorize a product.


// ==UserScript==
// @name        [.01 Nova]Categorize a product. 
// @author robert
// @namespace
// @include*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// @require
// @description:en Hotkeys
// @description Hotkeys
// ==/UserScript==

// Based heavily on Kadauchi's Nova Compare two products

// true if you want to submit immediately after making a selection
var autosubmit=false;
// true if you want to hide the instructions
var hideInstructions=true;

//Instruction hider
if (hideInstructions)
if ( $("label:contains('For the product above, which category below fits best?')").length )
    window.onkeydown = function(e)
        if (e.keyCode === 97 || e.keyCode === 49) //1 
            $("input:radio[name=category]:nth(0)").attr('checked', true);
            if (autosubmit)
                $("input[id='submitButton']" ).click();
        if (e.keyCode === 98 || e.keyCode === 50) //2
            $("input:radio[name=category]:nth(1)").attr('checked', true);
            if (autosubmit) 
                $("input[id='submitButton']" ).click();
        if (e.keyCode === 99 || e.keyCode === 51) //3 
            $("input:radio[name=category]:nth(2)").attr('checked', true);
            if (autosubmit) 
                $("input[id='submitButton']" ).click();
        if (e.keyCode === 100 || e.keyCode === 52) //4 
            $("input:radio[name=category]:nth(3)").attr('checked', true);
            if (autosubmit) 
                $("input[id='submitButton']" ).click();
        //"None of the above"
        if (e.keyCode === 96 || e.keyCode === 48) //0 
            $("input:radio[name=category]:nth(4)").attr('checked', true);
            if (autosubmit) 
                $("input[id='submitButton']" ).click();
        // Submit
        if (e.keyCode === 13 ) //enter
            $("input[id='submitButton']" ).click();
0 - 4 to check the first 4 radio buttons
0 to check "None of the above"

change autosubmit variable to have script automatically submit after pressing a button

change hideInstructions if you want to hide the instructions 