Discussions » Greasy Fork'ის შეფასება

建议杜绝 SS 等科学上网工具的分享行为

Posted: 11.12.2019

建议杜绝 SS 等科学上网工具的分享行为

@文科 基于中国国情,这些 SS 账号都是违法的,一些脚本作者利用 Greasy Fork 这个平台来散布工具和帐号,会让 Greasy Fork 更容易被屏蔽。 如果目前的审查规则不认定这些脚本违反发布规定,可以让这些脚本只能发布于 Sleazyfork。


@JasonBarnabe These SS accounts are illegal in China. Some script authors use Greasy Fork to distribute tools and accounts, which will make Greasy Fork more easily blocked. If the current censorship rules do not determine that these scripts violate the publishing requirements, make them available only to Sleazyfork.

Recently, Greasy Fork has appeared a large number of scripts that induce users to pay attention to the behavior of WeChat public account, and even require users to register to use the functions of these scripts. Should these be considered as potentially harmful scripts?

example: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/389813 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/391677 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390952 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/392487

Posted: 20.12.2019

@JasonBarnabe 说道: I think that requiring registration to an unrelated service would be against this site's rules. What do you think @mach6 @"3142 maple"?

Hi, Jason. FYI, shadowsocks (short name: SS) is a kind of advanced VPN service which can bypass the block of some websites by Chinese government, aka, GFW. It requires some knowledge to set up a SS service on VPS and also money to pay for the VPS. The author of these scripts provide "free" SS accounts. They may ask the users to open certain websites or register certain accounts in order to pay back the fee of the SS server.

I agree with the new rule that "requiring registration to an unrelated service would be against this site's rules". If you check the moderator log, you can see how many time I have ban the serial spammer. He keeps registering new account, and publishes scripts which requires registration of a series of unrelated accounts but don't do what it is said in the script. (Is there a way we can ban his IP?)

But I think the main concern @ThisAV raises is that, GFW could block greasyfork if it finds there are so many scripts providing Bypass GFW service. This certainly will make Chinese users not able to download, update scripts and visit Greasyfork. To avoid such risk, we may need to add a rule, specifically block the sharing of SS accounts on Greasyfork.

Posted: 21.12.2019

@JasonBarnabe 說: I think that requiring registration to an unrelated service would be against this site's rules. What do you think @mach6 @"3142 maple"?

I come from Taiwan, so I am not really familar with Chinese goverment. But I think it is possible to implement a way to let a script not viewable by specific language, say, Simplified Chinese. I am not sure whether this could prevent GreasyFork from being blocked by GFW, but this could be a compromise.

Posted: 21.12.2019

Those scripts provide username and password of the VPN service. Some of them ask you to open certain promotion website to get the username and password in order to pay back their cost. Some of them just voluntarily provide the service.

Posted: 23.12.2019

@JasonBarnabe Thank you concerned about this issue. It is forbidden in China to share VPN accounts without state review. The VPN accounts shared by these scripts are all illegal. At the same time, many of these VPN accounts are not owned by the script authors themselves, but are free accounts of third parties. These account information can only be viewed by the user by visiting the script author's website. At the same time, the VPN account information is not directly written in the website code, but in the script code. This can prevent the script author's website from being censored by China and take legal responsibility.

These script authors use this free information to induce script users to visit their own website for a profit. At the same time, the problem of legal liability is passed on to Grease Fork, which is not good for Grease Fork.

Posted: 26.12.2019
Edited: 26.12.2019

@JasonBarnabe 说道: I've updated the (English) rules to say that the script needs to have a reason to exist - grabbing some info off a website isn't enough when you could just visit the website instead. I think that covers this situation.

Note that there is still no rule specifically about VPNs.

I don't think all VPNs script should be ban, but I doubte most of them especialy which upload for Chinese user with very long title have reason to exist. Almost all of them was copy from other's and violate the copyrights, and almost all of them inject third part script into website directly which insert advertisements, clip coupons or even malicious function without notice, these behavior violation the existed rules without add more:


  • Scripts must include a description of what they do and may not do things unreasonably outside of this description. Users must know what a script will do before installing it. Code
  • Libraries that a script uses should be @require-d Copyright
  • Your script must respect others' copyrights.
  • Even in cases not violating the copyright rule, reposts of scripts that are already on Greasy Fork are not allowed unless they are improving upon the original.

Unfortunately there is no effective way to ban them

Actually there is mature supply chain of people who use these way to make money, that's why there are numerous such script exist on this site, once you delete them another will upload soon, and you can see a lots of praise discuss for these script on the forum now, even they have no installed count, because it's easy for them to do that so their script will survice

Posted: 05.04.2020


Posted: 30.04.2020

首先我不是开发者,我的资历也不足以对这些评头论足,我只是随便说说。 楼主的担心不无道理,我觉得杜绝科学上网的工具有必要,实际上我们国内获取新闻或内容的渠道够多,外网也就是偶尔进入,我也担心哪一天Greasy Fork 我用不了,担心油猴插件给禁止了,应说国家现阶段对这个睁一只眼闭一只眼,但如果真的想查你,一查一个准,为了防止这种结果造成,有必要杜绝或者减少此类插件的存在,以免引起不必要的麻烦,事实上,上网工具有很多民间软件做的很好,只要你付费,可以有很好的体验——假如被查到,损失的只是一个软件,但我们被查到,失去的一个论坛,失去的可就不止一种服务。 另外,一些作者向公众号引流,我觉得这种东西不要做得太过分就好,毕竟作者也要吃饭,不用也不会被引流,对吧,用的话说明信赖,可以在公众号上探索更多的东西,如果真的禁止,我们也许会失去一些优秀的开发者,因为他们没有任何理由继续分享下去,所以这个事情,有待斟酌商议。

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