Greasy Fork is available in English.

Kongregate One

Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.

// ==UserScript==
// @name             Kongregate One
// @namespace
// @author           UnknownGuardian, AlphaOverall, Ruudiluca, Resterman
// @version          3.0.1
// @date             06/25/2020
// @include          *://*
// @description      Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
// @grant            GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

// ^^ UPDATE this value in header / as well ^^
unsafeWindow.KongOneVersion = "3.0.1";

// UPDATE as needed per release
unsafeWindow.KongOneUpdateText = `
<b>What's new in this update?</b><br>
After major refactor, script wasn't fully working in chat. This minor revision should fix most issues.<br>
Anyways, if you find issues, please log them on <a href=''>GitHub</a> and I will try to fix them. x)<br><br>
Yours truly, --AlphaOverall

"use strict";

var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return; } };

var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();

function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }

function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }

// Categories enum
    MISC: "Miscellaneous",
    HIDDEN: "Hidden",
    CHAT: "Chat",
    FORUM: "Forum",
    SITEWIDE: "Site-wide"

var Script = function () {
    function Script(name, path, defaultEnabled, category) {
        _classCallCheck(this, Script); = name;
        this.path = path;
        this.dom = null;
        this.defaultEnabled = defaultEnabled;
        this.category = category || Script.CATEGORIES.MISC;

    _createClass(Script, [{
        key: "checkPath",
        value: function checkPath() {
            var documentPath = document.location.pathname;
            return this.path.test(documentPath);
    }, {
        key: "initialize",
        value: function initialize() {
            this.dom = typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? window : unsafeWindow;

            if (!this.defaultEnabled && GM_getValue("onescript-" +, "null") == "null") //never been touched before
                GM_setValue("onescript-" +, "false");

            if (this.checkPath() && GM_getValue("onescript-" +, "true") == "true") {
                console.log("[KongOne] Adding Script: " +;
                this.added = true;
    }, {
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            throw "run() not implemented for #{} script";
    }], [{
        key: "CATEGORIES",
        get: function get() {
            return CATEGORIES;

    return Script;

var HolodeckScript = function (_Script) {
    _inherits(HolodeckScript, _Script);

    function HolodeckScript(name, path, defaultEnabled, category) {
        _classCallCheck(this, HolodeckScript);

        var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (HolodeckScript.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(HolodeckScript)).call(this, name, path, defaultEnabled, category));

        _this.holodeckCheckCounter = 0;
        return _this;

    _createClass(HolodeckScript, [{
        key: "initialize",
        value: function initialize() {
            var _this2 = this;

            // Don't load script if incorrect path
            if (!this.checkPath()) return;

            // Load script

            if (typeof holodeck !== 'undefined' && holodeck.ready) {
                _get(HolodeckScript.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(HolodeckScript.prototype), "initialize", this).call(this);

            if (this.holodeckCheckCounter > HolodeckScript.COUNTER_LIMIT) {
                console.log("[KongOne] " + + " failed to load holodeck");

            setTimeout(function () {
                return _this2.initialize();
            }, 100);

    return HolodeckScript;

HolodeckScript.COUNTER_LIMIT = 100;

var AfkCommand = function (_HolodeckScript) {
    _inherits(AfkCommand, _HolodeckScript);

    function AfkCommand() {
        _classCallCheck(this, AfkCommand);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (AfkCommand.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(AfkCommand)).call(this, 'Chat Afk Command', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(AfkCommand, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var AUTOAFK = "kongregate_autoAFKTimeout";
            var AUTOAFK_MSG = "kongregate_autoAFKMessage";

            var dom = this.dom,
                holodeck = dom.holodeck,
                CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue,
                CRoom = dom.ChatRoom,
                CWindow = dom.ChatWindow,
                Base64 = dom.Base64;

            if (holodeck && CDialogue) {
                CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype || dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
                CRoom.prototype = dom.CRprototype || dom.ChatRoom.prototype;
                CWindow.prototype = dom.CWprototype || dom.ChatWindow.prototype;

                if (!holodeck.__afk) {
                    holodeck.__afk = true;
                    if (!holodeck.setPresenceAwayOld) {
                        holodeck.setPresenceAwayOld = holodeck.setPresenceAway;
                        holodeck.setPresenceAway = function () {
                            this._afk = 1;
                    if (!holodeck.setPresenceChatOld) {
                        holodeck.setPresenceChatOld = holodeck.setPresenceChat;
                        holodeck.setPresenceChat = function () {
                            this._afk = 0;

                    if (!CRoom.prototype.updateUserOld_AFK) {
                        CRoom.prototype.updateUserOld_AFK = CRoom.prototype.updateUser;
                        CRoom.prototype.updateUser = function (user) {
                            this.updateUserOld_AFK.apply(this, arguments);
                            if (user.username == this._chat_window.username()) {
                                if (this._presence != user.variables.presence) {
                                    switch (user.variables.presence) {
                                        case "chat":
                                            if (!this._chat_window._holodeck._afktoggle) this._chat_window._holodeck._afk = 0;
                                        case "away":
                                            this._chat_window._holodeck._afk = 1;

                    holodeck._chat_commands.afk[0] = function (l, n) {
                        if (l._afk === 0) {
                        } else {
                        return false;
                    holodeck._chat_commands.back[0] = function (l, n) {
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("afkmessage", function (l, n) {
                        var a = void 0;
                        var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                        if (z) {
                            a = z[1];
                            GM_setValue(AUTOAFK_MSG, a);
                            l._afkmessage = a;
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("AFK-message set to: " + a);
                        } else {
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Current AFK-message: " + l._afkmessage);
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("afktoggle", function (l, n) {
                        if (l._afktoggle === 0) {
                            l._afktoggle = 1;
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Your AFK-flag won't get removed automatically");
                        } else {
                            l._afktoggle = 0;
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Your AFK-flag will be removed automatically");
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("autoafk", function (l, n) {
                        var match = n.match(/^\/autoafk\s+(\d+)/),
                            timeout = 15;

                        if (match && match[1]) {
                            timeout = parseInt(match[1], 10);

                        l._autoAFK = timeout * 60 * 1000;
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                            GM_setValue(AUTOAFK, timeout);
                        }, 0);

                        if (l._autoAFKTimeout) {

                        if (timeout) {
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Set auto-AFK timeout to " + timeout + " minute" + (timeout > 1 ? "s" : ""));
                            l._autoAFKTimeout = setTimeout(function (a) {
                            }, l._autoAFK, l);
                        } else {
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Disabled auto-AFK");

                        return false;

                    holodeck.checkAFK = function () {
                        if (!this._afktoggle) {
                            this._afk = 0;
                        if (this._autoAFKTimeout) {
                        if (this._autoAFK) {
                            this._autoAFKTimeout = setTimeout(function (a) {
                            }, this._autoAFK, this);

                    holodeck.addOutgoingMessageFilter(function (message, nextFunction) {
                        nextFunction(message, nextFunction);

                    // Outgoing whispers aren't filtered (yet), so check them manually...
                    if (!CWindow.prototype.oldSendPrivateMessageAFK) {
                        CWindow.prototype.oldSendPrivateMessageAFK = CWindow.prototype.sendPrivateMessage;
                        CWindow.prototype.sendPrivateMessage = function (user, msg) {
                            if (msg.indexOf(this._holodeck._afkprefix) !== 0) {
                            this.oldSendPrivateMessageAFK(user, msg);

                    // Create setTimeout on session reconnect
                    if (!CWindow.prototype.onLoginOldAFK) {
                        CWindow.prototype.onLoginOldAFK = CWindow.prototype.onLogin;
                        CWindow.prototype.onLogin = function () {
                            if (this._holodeck._afk) {
                            } else {

                    if (!CDialogue.prototype.reply) {
                        CDialogue.prototype.reply = function (a) {};

                    if (!CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM) {
                        CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM = CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage;

                    CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage = function (a) {
                        if ( {
                            if (this._holodeck._afk && Base64.decode( !== 0) {
                                this.sendPrivateMessage(, this._holodeck._afkprefix + this._holodeck._afkmessage);

                    holodeck._afk = 0;

                    holodeck._afktoggle = 0;

                    holodeck._afkmessage = GM_getValue(AUTOAFK_MSG, "I am currently AFK");

                    holodeck._afkprefix = "[AFK] ";

                    var autoAFK = 15;

                    try {
                        if (GM_setValue) {
                            autoAFK = GM_getValue(AUTOAFK, 15);
                        } else {
                            GM_setValue = function GM_setValue(a, b) {};
                    } catch (e) {
                        GM_setValue = function GM_setValue(a, b) {};

                    holodeck._autoAFK = autoAFK * 60 * 1000;
                    if (holodeck._autoAFK > 0) {
                        holodeck._autoAFKTimeout = setTimeout(function (a) {
                        }, holodeck._autoAFK, holodeck);

    return AfkCommand;

//=require ../script.js

var BetterQuotes = function (_Script2) {
    _inherits(BetterQuotes, _Script2);

    function BetterQuotes() {
        _classCallCheck(this, BetterQuotes);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (BetterQuotes.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(BetterQuotes)).call(this, 'Better Quotes', /\/(topics|posts)/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.FORUM));

    _createClass(BetterQuotes, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            // Make sure $ is jQuery. Kongregate should load jQuery by default
            // But has weird $ assignment
            var $ = jQuery;

            //Add styles
            GM_addStyle("\n      .expandQuote {\n        text-align: center;\n        background-color: #9A7;\n        color: #EFC;\n        font-style: italic;\n        margin-top: -1px;\n        -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;\n        -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;\n        -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;\n        -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px;\n        border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;\n        border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;\n        -webkit-touch-callout: none;\n        -webkit-user-select: none;\n        -khtml-user-select: none;\n        -moz-user-select: none;\n        -ms-user-select: none;\n        user-select: none;\n        cursor:pointer;\n      }");

            GM_addStyle("\n    .posts .post .body blockquote {\n      overflow:hidden;\n      display: block;\n    }\n    ");

            GM_addStyle(".forum--entry blockquote { margin: 0px; }"); //Fixes Kongregate's dodgy quote padding.

            //Begin script
            var quoteTotal = 0;

            function addBetterQuotes() {
                var quotes = document.querySelectorAll(".rendered_post > blockquote");

                var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
                var _didIteratorError = false;
                var _iteratorError = undefined;

                try {
                    for (var _iterator = quotes[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
                        var quote = _step.value;

                        //Create the button
                        if ($(quote).height() > 205) {
                            var qB = document.createElement("div");
                            qB.innerHTML = "Read more...";
                            qB.className = "expandQuote";
                            $(qB).prop = ("disabled", true);
                            var sB = document.createElement("span"); //stops 'closest' from getting confused


                            //Insert fake quote
                            var fQ = document.createElement("blockquote");
                            fQ.className = "fakeQuote";
                            fQ.innerHTML = "[quote]";
                            $(fQ).css("margin", "5px 0px 5px 0px");

                            var hQ = $(quote).find("blockquote");
                            $(hQ).attr("class", "hiddenQuote");
                            $(hQ).css("display", "none");

                            //Remove read more button if necessary
                            if ($(quote).height() <= 195) {
                            } else {

                    //When the user clicks the expand button
                } catch (err) {
                    _didIteratorError = true;
                    _iteratorError = err;
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
                    } finally {
                        if (_didIteratorError) {
                            throw _iteratorError;

                $(".expandQuote").click(function () {
                    var state = $(this).data('state');
                    var dQ = $(this).prev();
                    if (!state) {
                        $(this).html("Read less...");
                        $(this).data('state', true);

                        //toggle quotes
                        dQ.find(".fakeQuote").css("display", "none");
                        dQ.find(".hiddenQuote").css("display", "inherit");

                        //toggle size
                        $(dQ).css("height", "auto");
                    } else {
                        $(this).html("Read more...");
                        $(this).data('state', false);

                        //toggle quotes
                        dQ.find(".fakeQuote").css("display", "inherit");
                        dQ.find(".hiddenQuote").css("display", "none");

                        //toggle size
                        $(dQ).css("height", dQ[0].scrollHeight + "px");
                        if ($(dQ).height() > 200) {
                            $(dQ).css("height", "200px");

            var loadCheck = setInterval(function () {
                if (document.getElementsByClassName('rendered_post').length > 0) {
                if (quoteTotal > 0) {
            }, 100);

    return BetterQuotes;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ChatCharacterLimit = function (_HolodeckScript2) {
    _inherits(ChatCharacterLimit, _HolodeckScript2);

    function ChatCharacterLimit() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatCharacterLimit);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ChatCharacterLimit.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ChatCharacterLimit)).call(this, 'Chat Character-limit', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ChatCharacterLimit, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dom = this.dom,
                CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;

            if (CDialogue) {
                CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype || dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;

                if (!CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressLimit) {
                    CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressLimit = CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress;
                    CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress = function (a) {
                        var node = this._input_node.wrappedJSObject || this._input_node;
                        if (node.getValue().length > 249) {
                            var z = node.getValue();
                            var y = "";
                            var n = z.match(/^(\/\S+\s+\S*\s*)(.*)/);
                            if (n) {
                                y = n[2];
                                if (y.length > 249) {
                                    node.setValue(n[1] + y.substr(0, 249));
                            } else {
                                node.setValue(node.getValue().substr(0, 249));

    return ChatCharacterLimit;
//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ChatLineHighlight = function (_HolodeckScript3) {
    _inherits(ChatLineHighlight, _HolodeckScript3);

    function ChatLineHighlight() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatLineHighlight);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ChatLineHighlight.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ChatLineHighlight)).call(this, 'Chat Line Highlight', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ChatLineHighlight, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dom = this.dom,
                holodeck = dom.holodeck,
                CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue,
                CRoom = dom.ChatRoom,
                CWindow = dom.ChatWindow;

            if (CRoom && CDialogue) {
                CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype || dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
                CRoom.prototype = dom.CRprototype || dom.ChatRoom.prototype;
                CWindow.prototype = dom.CWprototype || dom.ChatWindow.prototype;

                if (!CDialogue.prototype.searchWord) {
                    if (!String.prototype.trim) {
                        String.prototype.trim = function () {
                            return this.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");

                    CDialogue.prototype.searchWord = function (a, b) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
                            var r = b[i].replace(/(\/|\.|\*|\+|\?|\||\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\\)/g, '\\$1'),
                                reg = new RegExp("\\b" + r + "\\b");
                            if (reg.test(a)) return true;
                        return false;

                    CDialogue.prototype.searchUser = function (a) {
                        return this.searchWord(a, this._holodeck._hluser);

                    CDialogue.prototype.searchText = function (a) {
                        var l = this._holodeck,
                            z = l._highlighting.concat([l._username.toLowerCase()]);
                        return this.searchWord(a, z);

                    CWindow.prototype.hlFriend = function (a) {
                        return this._holodeck._hl_friends && this.isFriend(a);

                    CWindow.prototype.hlMod = function (a) {
                        if (!this._holodeck._hl_mods) return;

                        return this._rooms.any(function (roomArr) {
                            var room = roomArr[1];
                            var user = room.user(a);
                            return user && room.canUserModerate(user);

                    CWindow.prototype.friendOrMod = function (a) {
                        if (a.toLowerCase() == this._holodeck._username.toLowerCase()) return "";

                        var colors = [];
                        if (this.hlMod(a)) colors.push(" hlmod");
                        if (this.hlFriend(a)) colors.push(" hlfriend");
                        if (colors.length > 1) return colors[this._holodeck._hl_priority];

                        return colors[0] || "";

                    CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessageOldHighlight = CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage;

                    CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage = function (user, msg, attributes, options) {
                        if (!attributes) attributes = {};
                        var classes = attributes["class"] || "";
                        var isWhisper = classes.indexOf("whisper") >= 0;

                        if (!(options && options["private"])) classes += this._user_manager.friendOrMod(user.toLowerCase());

                        if (!isWhisper && !this._user_manager.isMuted(user.toLowerCase()) && (this.searchUser(user.toLowerCase()) || this.searchText(msg.toLowerCase()))) {
                            classes += " highlight";
                            if (typeof this.new_private_message === "function") {
                                var oldChime = holodeck._pm_chime;
                                holodeck._pm_chime = holodeck._hl_chime;
                                holodeck._pm_chime = oldChime;

                        attributes["class"] = classes;

                        this.displayUnsanitizedMessageOldHighlight(user, msg, attributes, options);

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("highlight", function (l, n) {
                        var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
                            z = "";
                        k && (z = k[1]);
                        if (z) {
                            z = z.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_setValue("kong_highlighting", z.toLowerCase());
                            }, 0);
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now highlighting: " + z + " " + l._username);
                            l._highlighting = z.toLowerCase().split(' ');
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hluser", function (l, n) {
                        var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
                            z = "";
                        k && (z = k[1]);
                        if (z) {
                            z = z.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_setValue("kong_highlightuser", z.toLowerCase());
                            }, 0);
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now highlighting user(s): " + z);
                            l._hluser = z.toLowerCase().split(' ');
                        return false;

                    var generateCallback = function generateCallback(name, stop, start) {
                        return function (l, n) {
                            if (l["_hl_" + name]) {
                                l["_hl_" + name] = 0;
                                l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage(stop || "Stopped highlighting messages by " + name);
                            } else {
                                l["_hl_" + name] = 1;
                                l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage(start || "Now highlighting messages by " + name);
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_setValue("kong_highlight" + name, l["_hl_" + name]);
                            }, 0);
                            return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hlmods", generateCallback("mods"));
                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hlfriends", generateCallback("friends"));
                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hlchime", generateCallback("chime", "Stopped playing the chime for highlighted messages", "Now playing the chime for highlighted messages"));
                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hlpriority", generateCallback("priority", "Now prioritizing mods over friends", "Now prioritizing friends over mods"));

                    var generateColorCallback = function generateColorCallback(selector, rule, name, text, max) {
                        if (!max) max = 1;
                        return function (l, n) {
                            var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+#?([0-9a-f]{6})/i),
                                z = "",
                                count = 0;
                            if (k) z = "#" + k[1];
                            if (z) {
                                var f = function f() {
                                    return GM_setValue("kong_" + name, z);
                                for (var i = 0; i < sheet.cssRules.length; i++) {
                                    if (sheet.cssRules[i].selectorText.indexOf(selector) === 0) {
                                        sheet.cssRules[i].style.setProperty(rule, z, "important");
                                        if (++count == max) {
                                            window.setTimeout(f, 0);
                                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("New " + (text || name) + ": " + z);
                                            return false;
                            } else {
                                l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("No valid color! Format is /" + name + " XXXXXX (X = hex character)");
                            return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("whispercolor", generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .whisper", "background-color", "whispercolor"));

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("friendcolor", generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlfriend span.chat_message_window_username", "color", "friendcolor"));

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hlcolor", generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight", "background-color", "hlcolor", "highlighting-color", 2));

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("modcolor", generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlmod span.chat_message_window_username", "color", "modcolor"));

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hllist", function (l, n) {
                        var diag = l.activeDialogue();

                        function botMessage(msg) {
                            diag.displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", msg, {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true

                        botMessage("Current highlighting settings:");

                        if (holodeck._hluser.length > 0) {
                            botMessage('Users: ' + (user) {
                                return ['<a href="#" onclick="holodeck.showMiniProfile(\'', user, '\'); return false;">', user, '</a>'].join("");
                            }).join(" "));
                        } else {
                            botMessage("No users highlighted");

                        if (holodeck._highlighting.length > 0) {
                            botMessage('Words: ' + holodeck._highlighting.join(" "));
                        } else {
                            botMessage("No words highlighted");

                        botMessage('Highlight color: <span style="color: ' + color + '">' + color + '</span>');
                        botMessage('Whisper color: <span style="color: ' + wcolor + '">' + wcolor + '</span>');

                        botMessage("Highlighting friends: " + (holodeck._hl_friends ? "Yes" : "No") + ' (color: <span style="color: ' + fcolor + '">' + fcolor + '</span>)');
                        botMessage("Highlighting mods: " + (holodeck._hl_mods ? "Yes" : "No") + ' (color: <span style="color: ' + mcolor + '">' + mcolor + '</span>)');

                        botMessage("Highlight priority: " + (holodeck._hl_priority ? "Friends over mods" : "Mods over friends"));
                        botMessage("Playing chime: " + (holodeck._hl_chime ? typeof holodeck._pm_chime !== "undefined" ? "Yes" : 'Script not installed' : "No"));
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("hlreset", function (l, n) {
                        var diag = l.activeDialogue();
                        diag.kongBotMessage("Resetting all highlighting preferences");

                        holodeck._chat_commands.hlcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #def6ea");
                        holodeck._chat_commands.whispercolor[0](holodeck, "/color #deeaf6");
                        holodeck._chat_commands.friendcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #006600");
                        holodeck._chat_commands.modcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #ba6328");
                        holodeck._hl_priority = 1;
                        holodeck._hl_friends = 1;
                        holodeck._hl_mods = 1;
                        holodeck._hl_chime = 1;
                        holodeck._highlighting = [];
                        holodeck._hluser = [];

                        ["highlighting", "highlightuser", "hlcolor", "whispercolor", "friendcolor", "modcolor", "highlightfriends", "highlightpriority", "highlightmods", "highlightchime"].forEach(function (pref) {
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_deleteValue("kong_" + pref);
                            }, 0);

                        return false;

                    holodeck._chat_commands.hl = holodeck._chat_commands.highlight;
                    holodeck._chat_commands.hlfriend = holodeck._chat_commands.hlfriends;

                    holodeck._highlighting = [];
                    holodeck._hluser = [];

                    var color = "#def6ea",
                        wcolor = "#deeaf6",
                        fcolor = "#006600",
                        mcolor = "#ba6328",
                        priority = 1,
                        friends = 1,
                        mods = 1,
                        chime = 1;

                    if (typeof GM_setValue !== "function") {
                        GM_setValue = GM_getValue = function GM_getValue() {};
                    } else {
                        // migrate old value
                        var temp = GM_getValue("kong_highlightcolor", "");
                        if (temp) {
                            GM_setValue("kong_hlcolor", temp);
                            if (typeof GM_deleteValue === "undefined") {
                                GM_setValue("kong_highlightcolor", "");
                            } else {

                        var list = GM_getValue("kong_highlighting"),
                            user = GM_getValue("kong_highlightuser");
                        color = GM_getValue("kong_hlcolor", "#def6ea") || "#def6ea";
                        wcolor = GM_getValue("kong_whispercolor", "#deeaf6") || "#deeaf6";
                        fcolor = GM_getValue("kong_friendcolor", "#006600") || "#006600";
                        mcolor = GM_getValue("kong_modcolor", "#ba6328") || "#ba6328";
                        friends = GM_getValue("kong_highlightfriends", 1);
                        priority = GM_getValue("kong_highlightpriority", 1);
                        mods = GM_getValue("kong_highlightmods", 1);
                        chime = GM_getValue("kong_highlightchime", 1);
                        if (list) {
                            holodeck._highlighting = list.trim().split(' ');
                        if (user) {
                            holodeck._hluser = user.trim().split(' ');

                    holodeck._hl_friends = friends;
                    holodeck._hl_mods = mods;
                    holodeck._hl_chime = chime;
                    holodeck._hl_priority = priority;

                    // guarantee we have a non-crossdomain stylesheet
                    var style = document.createElement("style");
                    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
                    (head || document.body).appendChild(style);

                    // now find it...
                    var sheet = null;
                    for (var s = document.styleSheets.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) {
                        try {
                            if (document.styleSheets[s].cssRules && document.styleSheets[s].cssRules.length) {
                                sheet = document.styleSheets[s];
                        } catch (e) {/* no-op */}

                    if (!sheet) {
                        alert("Kongregate Chat Line Highlighting could not find a style sheet!\nPlease send a message to Ventero about this problem.");

                    sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .whisper { background-color: ' + wcolor + ' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
                    sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight.even { background-color: ' + color + ' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
                    sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight { background-color: ' + color + ' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
                    sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlfriend span.chat_message_window_username { color: ' + fcolor + ' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
                    sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlmod span.chat_message_window_username { color: ' + mcolor + ' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);

    return ChatLineHighlight;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ChatLog = function (_HolodeckScript4) {
    _inherits(ChatLog, _HolodeckScript4);

    function ChatLog() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatLog);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ChatLog.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ChatLog)).call(this, 'ChatLog', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ChatLog, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            holodeck.addChatCommand("chatlog", function (l, msg) {
                var z = msg.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
                    type = ".txt";
                // Allow an optional html download
                if (z && z[1] == "html") type = ".html";
                // Get active chat message window and log
                var element = jQuery(".chat_room_template:visible .chat_message_window")[0];
                var log = element.innerText;
                if (type === ".html") {
                    // Add styling to html files
                    // Just grabbed these from Kong, probably not comprehensive or all necessary
                    log = "\n                <style>\n                .chat_message_window {\n                    background-color: #fff;\n                    margin-top: 3px;\n                    max-height: 500px;\n                    overflow-x: hidden;\n                    overflow-y: auto;\n                    text-align: left;\n                    font: normal 11px/15px Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window p .timestamp {\n                    color: #888;\n                    display: block;\n                    font: 10px/12px Arial, sans-serif;\n                    text-transform: uppercase;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window p .username {\n                    text-decoration: none;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window .chat_message_window_username {\n                    color: #285588;\n                    cursor: pointer;\n                    text-decoration: underline;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window .is_self, .chat_message_window .sent_whisper span.username {\n                    color: #900;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window p .message {\n                    line-height: 14px;\n                }\n                .hyphenate, .hyphenate * {\n                    word-wrap: break-word;\n                    -webkit-hyphens: auto;\n                    -moz-hyphens: auto;\n                    -ms-hyphens: auto;\n                    hyphens: auto;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window .even {\n                    background-color: #e3e3e3;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window p {\n                    margin: 1px 0;\n                    padding: 4px 6px 4px 5px;\n                }\n                .chat_message_window .whisper {\n                    background-color: #deeaf6;\n                    font-style: italic;\n                    margin: 2px 0;\n                }\n                </style>";
                    log += "<div class=\"chat_message_window\">" + element.innerHTML + "</div>";
                // Create link to download document
                var download = document.createElement("a");
                download.href = "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent(log);
       = "_blank";
                // Set a unique name
       = "Log_" + new Date().toLocaleString() + type;
                // Add element (needed for FF)
                // Download it
                // Remove element
                // Don't send command to chat window
                return false;
            // Add /log as an optional form of command
            holodeck._chat_commands.log = holodeck._chat_commands.chatlog;

    return ChatLog;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ChatMouseoverTimestamp = function (_HolodeckScript5) {
    _inherits(ChatMouseoverTimestamp, _HolodeckScript5);

    function ChatMouseoverTimestamp() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatMouseoverTimestamp);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ChatMouseoverTimestamp.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ChatMouseoverTimestamp)).call(this, 'Chat Mouseover Timestamp', /^\/games/, false, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ChatMouseoverTimestamp, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dom = this.dom,
                holodeck = dom.holodeck,
                ChatDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue,
                $ = dom.$;

            function injectMouseover(dom, $, holodeck, ChatDialogue) {
                var message_rollover_template = new dom.Element("div", {
                    id: "message_rollover_template",
                    "class": "user_rollover_container spritesite",
                    style: "display: none"
                var message_rollover = new dom.Element("div", {
                    "class": "user_rollover spritesite"
                var message_rollover_inner = new dom.Element("div", {
                    "class": "user_rollover_inner"
                var rollover_private_message_holder = new dom.Element("p", {
                    "class": "rollover_message_private_message_link_message_link_holder"
                var rollover_private_message_link = new dom.Element("a", {
                    id: "rollover_message_private_message_link",
                    "class": "rollover_message_private_message_link",
                    href: "#"
                }).update("Private Message");
                var rollover_time_text = new dom.Element("p", {
                    id: "rollover_time_text"

                var MessageRollover = dom.MessageRollover = function (chat_dialogue) {
                    return this;

                MessageRollover.prototype = {
                    initialize: function initialize(chat_dialogue) {
                        this._active_dialogue = chat_dialogue;
                        this._holodeck = chat_dialogue._holodeck;
                        this._rollover_template_node = $('message_rollover_template');
                        this._private_message_node = $('rollover_message_private_message_link');
                        this._time_node = $('rollover_time_text');

                        this._private_message_observer = function () {};

                        if (this._rollover_template_node) {
                            var rollover = this;
                            this._rollover_template_node.observe('mouseover', function (event) {
                            this._rollover_template_node.observe('mouseout', function (event) {
                    show: function show(time, user, event) {
                        if (this._hideTimer) clearTimeout(this._hideTimer);
                    setRolloverPosition: function setRolloverPosition(event) {
                        var messagenode =;
                        var current_scroll_top = this._active_dialogue._message_window_node.scrollTop;
                        var current_message_top = messagenode.positionedOffset()[1];
                        // nudge the user rollover up a little
                        current_message_top = current_message_top - 9;

                        var new_top_val = current_message_top;
                        if (current_scroll_top < current_message_top) {
                            new_top_val = current_message_top - current_scroll_top;

                        var top_style_str = new_top_val + 'px';
                            top: top_style_str

                        // set left position based on username length
                        var username_width = messagenode.getWidth();
                        var new_left_val = 20 + username_width;

                        var left_style_str = new_left_val + 'px';
                            left: left_style_str

                    updatePrivateMessageLink: function updatePrivateMessageLink(username) {
                        var cw = this._holodeck.chatWindow();
                        // replace observer
                        this._private_message_observer = dom.CapturesToInlineRegistration.decorate(function (event) {
                            // just put /w <username> in the chat input field
                            return false;
                        this._private_message_node.observe('click', this._private_message_observer);
                    updateTimeText: function updateTimeText(time) {
                        this._time_node.innerHTML = time;
                    beginHide: function beginHide() {
                        var rollover = this;
                        if (this._hideTimer) {
                        this._hideTimer = setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 500);
                    stopHide: function stopHide() {
                    hide: function hide() {

                ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.template = '<p class="#{classNames}"><span username="#{username}" time="#{time}" class="username #{userClassNames}">#{prefix}#{username}</span><span class="separator">: </span><span class="message">#{message}</span><span class="clear"></span></p>';
                ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.old_evaluate = ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate;
                ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate = function (args) {
                    var date = new Date();
                    var hours = date.getHours();
                    var minutes = date.getMinutes();
                    var seconds = date.getSeconds();
                    var time;
                    if (holodeck._timeFormat == 12) {
                        time = (hours < 10 ? hours === 0 ? "12" : "0" + hours : hours > 12 ? hours > 21 ? hours - 12 : "0" + (hours - 12) : hours) + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds + (hours > 11 ? " PM" : " AM"); // 12-hour clock
                    } else {
                        time = (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; //24-hour clock
                    args.time = time;
                    return this.old_evaluate(args);

                ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize = ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize.wrap(function (old, parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager) {
                    old(parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager);
                    this._message_rollover_manager = new MessageRollover(this);

                    // Establish references to re-used nodes
                    this._message_window_node = parent_node.down('.chat_message_window');
                    this._input_node = parent_node.down('.chat_input');

                    this._messages_to_retain = 200;


                    this._message_window_node.observe('mouseover', function (event) {
                        var time ="time"),
                            user ="username");
                        if (time) {
                            holodeck.activeDialogue().showMessageRollover(time, user, event);

                    this._message_window_node.observe('mouseout', function (event) {

                    // Bind event listeners
                    var dialogue = this,
                        input_node = this._input_node;
                    this._input_node.observe('keypress', function (event) {
                    this._input_node.observe('focus', function (event) {

                    // Trigger mini-profile for clicks on usernames in chat.
                    this._message_window_node.observe('click', function (event) {
                        if ( {
                            var username ='username');
                            if (username) {

                ChatDialogue.prototype.showMessageRollover = function (time, user, event) {
          , user, event);

                ChatDialogue.prototype.hideMessageRollover = function () {

            if (holodeck && ChatDialogue) {
                if (!ChatDialogue.prototype && dom.CDprototype) ChatDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype;

                if (!holodeck.__mouseover) {
                    holodeck.__mouseover = true;

                    var script = document.createElement("script");
                    script.type = "text/javascript";
                    script.textContent = "(" + injectMouseover.toString() + ")(window, $, holodeck, ChatDialogue);";
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 100);

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("timeformat", function (l, n) {
                        var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)/),
                            m = "",
                            q = l.activeDialogue();
                        k && (m = k[1]);
                        if (m == 12 || m == 24) {
                            l._timeFormat = m;
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_setValue("kong_timeformat", m);
                            }, 0);
                            q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Set to " + m + "-hour clock (hh:mm:ss" + (m == 12 ? " AM/PM)" : ")"), {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        } else {
                            q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Allowed values: 12 and 24", {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        return false;

                    var timeformat = 12;

                    if (typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined") {
                        timeformat = GM_getValue("kong_timeformat", 12) || 12;
                    } else {
                        GM_setValue = function GM_setValue() {};

                    holodeck._timeFormat = timeformat;

    return ChatMouseoverTimestamp;

//= require ../holodeckScript.js

var ChatResizer = function (_HolodeckScript6) {
    _inherits(ChatResizer, _HolodeckScript6);

    function ChatResizer() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatResizer);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ChatResizer.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ChatResizer)).call(this, 'Chat Resizer', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ChatResizer, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var _this10 = this;

            var dom = this.dom;

            dom.defaultWidth = 500;
            dom.defaultHeight = 600;
            dom.spaceLeft = 200;
   = true;
            dom.userListHeight = 100;

            if (!$('maingamecontent')) return;
            var initialOffsetTop = $('maingamecontent').offsetTop + $('chat_tab_pane').offsetTop;
            var initialOffsetLeft = $('maingamecontent').offsetLeft + $('chat_tab_pane').offsetLeft;
            var minimumHeight = parseInt($("game").style.height, 10) - parseInt($('main_tab_set').clientHeight, 10) - 16;
            var minimumWidth = 300;

            if (dom.holodeck) {
                var holodeck = dom.holodeck;
                holodeck.addChatCommand("size", function (l, n) {
                    var m = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\S+)/);
                    var o = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(?:\s+(\d+))?/);

                    if (m && m[1] == "reset") {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Resetting size for this game to defaults.");
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                            GM_deleteValue("kong_resize_" + location.pathname);
                        }, 0);
                        this.setHeight(window._defaultChatHeight, window._defaultUserlistHeight, window._currentGameCentered);

                        return false;
                    } else if (m && m[1] == "show") {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Current chat size: width: " + window._currentChatWidth + "px, height: " + window._currentChatHeight + "px, userlist-height: " + window._currentChatUserlistHeight + "px.");
                        return false;
                    } else if (!o) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Please specify a width and a height: /size width height. Example: /size 500 500");
                        return false;

                    var width = parseInt(o[1], 10);
                    var height = parseInt(o[2], 10);
                    var listHeight = parseInt(o[3] || 100, 10);
                    var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);
                    if (width < 300) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Minimum width is 300. Setting width to 300px.");
                        width = 300;

                    if (height < gameHeight) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Minimum height is the game's height. Setting height to " + gameHeight + "px.");
                        height = gameHeight;

                    if (listHeight > height - 200) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Userlist height is too large. Setting it to 100px");
                        listHeight = 100;

                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        GM_setValue("kong_resize_" + location.pathname, width + "/" + height + "/" + listHeight);
                    }, 0);
                    l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Resizing chat to " + width + "px/" + height + "px/" + listHeight + "px");
                    this.setHeight(height, listHeight, window._currentGameCentered);

                    return false;

                holodeck.addChatCommand("defaultsize", function (l, n) {
                    var m = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\S+)/);
                    var o = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(?:\s+(\d+))?/);
                    if (m && m[1] == "reset") {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Resetting default size to 500/600/100");
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 0);

                        return false;
                    } else if (m && m[1] == "show") {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Current chat size: width: " + window._defaultChatWidth + "px, height: " + window._defaultChatHeight + "px, userlist-height: " + window._defaultUserlistHeight + "px.");
                        return false;
                    } else if (!o) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Syntax /defaultsize width height userlist-height. userlist-height is optional. Example: /defaultsize 500 500 100");

                    var width = parseInt(o[1], 10);
                    var height = parseInt(o[2], 10);
                    var listHeight = parseInt(o[3] || 100, 10);
                    if (width < 300) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Minimum width is 300. Setting width to 300px.");
                        width = 300;

                    if (listHeight > height) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Userlist height is too large. Setting it to 100px");
                        listHeight = 100;

                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        GM_setValue("kong_resize_default", width + "/" + height + "/" + listHeight);
                    }, 0);
                    l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Set default values to width: " + width + "px, height: " + height + "px, userlist-height: " + listHeight + "px.");

                    return false;

                holodeck.addChatCommand("centergame", function (l, n) {
                    var center = !window._currentGameCentered;
                    if (center) {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now centering the game");
                    } else {
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now aligning the game to the chat's bottom");
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        GM_setValue("kong_resize_center", center ? 1 : 0);
                    }, 0);


                    return false;

                holodeck.addChatCommand("draggable", function (l, n) {
                    var chatwindow = document.getElementById("chat_container");
                    // = "auto";
           = "both";
                    chatwindow.onresize = function () {
                        var chatcontainer = document.getElementById("chat_window");
                        l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Chat window is now resizeable");
                    return false;

            var getString = "",
                centerVal = -1,
                defaults = "";
            getString = GM_getValue("kong_resize_" + location.pathname, "");
            centerVal = GM_getValue("kong_resize_center", -1);
            defaults = GM_getValue("kong_resize_default", "");

            var splitArr = void 0;
            if (defaults) {
                splitArr = defaults.split("/");
                dom.defaultWidth = parseInt(splitArr[0], 10) || dom.defaultWidth;
                dom.defaultHeight = parseInt(splitArr[1], 10) || dom.defaultHeight;
                dom.userListHeight = parseInt(splitArr[2], 10) || dom.userListHeight;

            window._defaultChatWidth = dom.defaultWidth;
            window._defaultChatHeight = dom.defaultHeight;
            window._defaultUserlistHeight = dom.userListHeight;

            var x = dom.defaultWidth,
                y = dom.defaultHeight,
                l = dom.userListHeight,
                cg =,
                override = false;

            if (centerVal != -1) {
                cg = centerVal == 1;

            if (getString) {
                splitArr = getString.split("/");
                x = parseInt(splitArr[0], 10) || dom.defaultWidth;
                y = parseInt(splitArr[1], 10) || dom.defaultHeight;
                l = parseInt(splitArr[2], 10) || dom.userListHeight;
                override = true;

            var gameWidth = parseInt($('game').style.width, 10);
            var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);

            if (x > minimumWidth) {
                if (override || gameWidth + x < screen.width - dom.spaceLeft) {
                    // enough place to resize to specified width
                } else {
                    // resize as far as possible
                    var chatWidth = screen.width - gameWidth - dom.spaceLeft;
                    if (chatWidth > minimumWidth) this.setWidth(chatWidth);

            if (y > minimumHeight && y > gameHeight) {
                this.setHeight(y, l, cg);
            } else {
                this.setHeight(gameHeight, l, cg);
    }, {
        key: "centerGame",
        value: function centerGame(center) {
            window._currentGameCentered = center;
            if (center) {
                var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);
                var mainHeight = parseInt($("maingame").style.height, 10);
                $('game') = (mainHeight - gameHeight) / 2 + "px";
                $('game').style.position = "relative";
            } else {
                $('game').style.bottom = "0px";
                $('game') = "";
                $('game').style.position = "absolute";
    }, {
        key: "setHeight",
        value: function setHeight(height, userListHeight, center) {
            if (!userListHeight) userListHeight = 100;

            window._currentChatHeight = height;
            window._currentChatUserlistHeight = userListHeight;

            var quicklinksHeight = $('quicklinks') ? $('quicklinks').parentNode.clientHeight : 26;
            var maintabHeight = $('main_tab_set').clientHeight;

            var tabPaneHeight = height - 16;
            var mainHeight = height + quicklinksHeight + maintabHeight;
            var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);

            $("maingame").style.height = mainHeight + "px";
            $("maingamecontent").style.height = mainHeight + "px";
            $("flashframecontent").style.height = mainHeight + "px";
            $("chat_container").style.height = height + maintabHeight + "px";
            $("user_mini_profile_container").style.height = height - 65 + "px";
            $("user_mini_profile").style.height = height - 65 + "px";

            var messageWindows = $$(".chat_message_window");
            for (var i = 0; i < messageWindows.length; i++) {
                messageWindows[i].style.height = tabPaneHeight - userListHeight - 93 - 14 + "px"; // 93 = roomname, users in room etc., 14 = charcount

            var usersInRoom = $$(".users_in_room");
            for (i = 0; i < usersInRoom.length; i++) {
                usersInRoom[i].style.height = userListHeight + "px";

            var roomsList = $$(".rooms_list");
            for (i = 0; i < roomsList.length; i++) {
                roomsList[i].style.height = height - 79 + "px";

            var z = $("kong_game_ui").childNodes;
            for (i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
                if (z[i].nodeName == "DIV") {
                    z[i].style.height = tabPaneHeight + "px";
            if (center != -1 && center !== undefined) this.centerGame(center);
    }, {
        key: "setWidth",
        value: function setWidth(width) {
            window._currentChatWidth = width;
            var gameWidth = parseInt($("game").style.width, 10);
            $("maingame").style.width = gameWidth + 3 + width + "px";
            $("maingamecontent").style.width = gameWidth + 3 + width + "px";
            $("flashframecontent").style.width = gameWidth + 3 + width + "px";
            $("chat_container").style.width = width + "px";
            $('chat_window_spinner').style.right = width / 2 - 38 + "px";
            if ($('high_scores_spinner')) $('high_scores_spinner').style.right = width / 2 - 38 + "px";
            var ui = $("kong_game_ui");
            var z = ui.childNodes;
            for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
                if (z[i].tagName == "DIV") z[i].style.width = width - 17 + "px";
            this.$A(ui.querySelectorAll("textarea.chat_input")).forEach(function (el) {
       = width - 21 + "px";
    }, {
        key: "$A",
        value: function $A(c) {
            return [];

    return ChatResizer;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ChatTimestamp = function (_HolodeckScript7) {
    _inherits(ChatTimestamp, _HolodeckScript7);

    function ChatTimestamp() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatTimestamp);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ChatTimestamp.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ChatTimestamp)).call(this, 'Chat Timestamp', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ChatTimestamp, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dom = this.dom,
                holodeck = dom.holodeck,
                ChatDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;

            if (holodeck && ChatDialogue) {
                ChatDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype || dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;

                if (!holodeck.__timestamp) {
                    holodeck.__timestamp = true;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("timeformat", function (l, n) {
                        var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)/),
                            m = "",
                            q = l.activeDialogue();
                        k && (m = k[1]);
                        if (m == 12 || m == 24) {
                            l._timeFormat = m;
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_setValue("kong_timeformat", m);
                            }, 0);
                            q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Set to " + m + "-hour clock (hh:mm:ss" + (m == 12 ? " AM/PM)" : ")"), {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        } else {
                            q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Allowed values: 12 and 24", {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("tscolor", function (l, n) {
                        var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+([0-9a-f]{6})/i),
                            z = "";
                        k && (z = "#" + k[1]);
                        if (z) {
                            window.setTimeout(function () {
                                GM_setValue("kong_timestampcolor", z);
                            }, 0);
                            l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "Set font-color to " + z, {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        } else {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "No valid color! Format is /tscolor ###### (# = hex character)", {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        return false;

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("toggleseconds", function (l, n) {
                        if (l._showSeconds) {
                            l._showSeconds = 0;
                            l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "Now hiding seconds", {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        } else {
                            l._showSeconds = 1;
                            l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "Now showing seconds", {
                                "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                            }, {
                                non_user: true
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                            GM_setValue("kong_timeshowseconds", l._showSeconds);
                        }, 0);
                        return false;

                    var timeformat = 12,
                        fontcolor = "#999999",
                        seconds = 0;

                    timeformat = GM_getValue("kong_timeformat", 12) || 12;
                    fontcolor = GM_getValue("kong_timestampcolor", "#999999") || "#999999";
                    seconds = GM_getValue("kong_timeshowseconds", 0) || 0;

                    holodeck._timeFormat = timeformat;
                    holodeck._showSeconds = seconds;

                    var updateColor = function (c) {
                        var style = document.createElement("style");
                        style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");

                        function _updateColor(color) {
                            style.innerHTML = "span.inline_timestamp { color: " + color + " !important; }";


                        return _updateColor;
                    ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.template = '<p class="#{classNames}"><span style="float: left;" class="inline_timestamp">[#{time}]&nbsp;</span><span username="#{username}" class="username #{userClassNames}">#{prefix}#{username}</span><span class="separator">: </span><span class="message">#{message}</span><span class="clear"></span></p>';
                    ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.old_evaluate_inline = ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate;
                    ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate = function (args) {
                        var date = new Date();
                        var hours = date.getHours();
                        var minutes = date.getMinutes();
                        var seconds = date.getSeconds();
                        var time;
                        if (holodeck._timeFormat == 12) {
                            time = (hours < 10 ? hours === 0 ? "12" : "0" + hours : hours > 12 ? hours > 21 ? hours - 12 : "0" + (hours - 12) : hours) + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + (holodeck._showSeconds ? ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds : "") + (hours > 11 ? " PM" : " AM");
                        } else {
                            time = (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + (holodeck._showSeconds ? ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds : "");
                        args.time = time;
                        return this.old_evaluate_inline(args);

    return ChatTimestamp;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ImagePreview = function (_HolodeckScript8) {
    _inherits(ImagePreview, _HolodeckScript8);

    function ImagePreview() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ImagePreview);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ImagePreview.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ImagePreview)).call(this, 'Image Preview', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ImagePreview, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            setTimeout(function () {
                javascript: void function () {
                    window.location.assign("javascript:void((function(){var cont=new Element('p');'kong_game_ui',$('subwrap').insertBefore(cont, $('secondary'));cont.innerHTML=\"<div style='left: 144px; top: 58px; display: none;' class='user_rollover_container' id='user_popup'><div class='user_rollover'><div class='user_rollover_inner'><img src='' style='max-width: 101px; max-height: 200px; margin: 3px 0px 0px 7px;' id='previewpop'></div></div></div>\";holodeck.addIncomingMessageFilter(function(m,n){var REGEX=/(<\\S[^>]+>)?(\\b(?:(?:(ht|f)tp)s?:\\/\\/)?(((?:(?:[^.]+)[.])*(?:(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]{0,61})?[a-z0-9])[.])*(a(?:c|d|e(?:ro)?|f|g|i|l|m|n|o|q|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?|t|u|w|x|z)|b(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|iz|j|l|m|n|o|r|s|t|v|w|y|z)|c(?:at?|c|d|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o(?:m|op)?|r|u|v|x|y|z)|d[ejkmoz]|e(?:c|du|e|g|h|r|s|t|u)|f[ijkmor]|g(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|l|m|n|ov|p|q|r|s|t|u|w|y)|h[kmnrtu]|i(?:d|e|l|m|n(?:fo|t)|o|q|r|s|t)|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m(?:a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i?l|k|m|n|o(?:bi)?|p|q|r|s|t|u(?:seum)?|v|w|x|y|z)|n(?:a(?:me)?|c|et?|f|g|i|l|o|p|r|u|z)|om|org|p(?:a|e|f|g|h|k|l|m|n|ro?|s|t|w|y)|qa|r[eosuw]|s(?:a|b|c|d|e|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|r|t|u|v|y|z)|t(?:c|d|e?l|f|g|th|j|k|m|n|o|p|r(?:avel)?|t|v|w|z)|u[agkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw])\\b([.]\\B)?|\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3})(?::\\d+)?)(\\/(?:\\B|\\S+)(?:\\.(?:jpe?g|jpe|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|jfif|exif|raw|p[pgbn]m|svg|ico)(?:[?](?:\\B|\\S+))?)(?:\\b|\\s))/ig,lF=/(?:<(\\S)[^>]+?href=[\"'])(?:\\b((?:(ht|f)tp)s?:\\/\\/)?(((?:(?:[^.]+)[.])*(?:(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]{0,61})?[a-z0-9])[.])?(a(?:c|d|e(?:ro)?|f|g|i|l|m|n|o|q|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?|t|u|w|x|z)|b(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|iz|j|l|m|n|o|r|s|t|v|w|y|z)|c(?:at?|c|d|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o(?:m|op)?|r|u|v|x|y|z)|d[ejkmoz]|e(?:c|du|e|g|h|r|s|t|u)|f[ijkmor]|g(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|l|m|n|ov|p|q|r|s|t|u|w|y)|h[kmnrtu]|i(?:d|e|l|m|n(?:fo|t)|o|q|r|s|t)|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m(?:a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i?l|k|m|n|o(?:bi)?|p|q|r|s|t|u(?:seum)?|v|w|x|y|z)|n(?:a(?:me)?|c|et?|f|g|i|l|o|p|r|u|z)|om|org|p(?:a|e|f|g|h|k|l|m|n|ro?|s|t|w|y)|qa|r[eosuw]|s(?:a|b|c|d|e|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|r|t|u|v|y|z)|t(?:c|d|e?l|f|g|th|j|k|m|n|o|p|r(?:avel)?|t|v|w|z)|u[agkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw])\\b([.]\\B)?|\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3}[.]\\d{1,3})(?::\\d+)?)?(\\/(?:\\B|\\S+)(?:\\.(?:jpe?g|jpe|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|jfif|exif|raw|p[pgbn]m|svg|ico)(?:[?](?:\\B|\\S+))?))(?:[\"'][^>]*>([\\s\\S]+?)<\\/\\1>)/gi,q=function(w,c,r,l){var t,a,d;w=w.substring(0,(t=r.lastIndex)-(a=c[0]).length)+(a=(\"<a class='\"+(l?l[1]:'poppreview')+\"' onmouseover=\\\"$('user_popup').setStyle({display:'block',top:(event.pageY-17)+'px',left:(event.pageX+5)+'px'});$('previewpop').src=this.href;\\\" onmouseout=\\\"$('user_popup').style.display='none'\\\" href='\"+(l=((((d=c[3])=='ht'||d=='f')?'':'http://')+(d=a).replace(/<a[^>]+?href=([\"'])([\\s\\S]+?)\\1[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]+<\\/a>/, '$2')))+\"' target='_blank'>\"+(c[9]||d.replace(/(.{38}(?=.{9}))/g, '$1\\n').strip())+'</a>'))+w.substring(t,w.length);REGEX.lastIndex+=(a=a.length-d.length),r.lastIndex+=a;return w},Q=function(b){var w=b,t=REGEX.lastIndex=0,a,c,d;while(c=REGEX.exec(w)){if(c[1]||(!c[5]&&!c[7])||(c[7]&&!(c[3]||c[8])))continue;w=q(w,c,REGEX)};while(c=lF.exec(w)){c[3]='ht';w=q(w,c,lF,c[0].match(/class=(['\"])([^>]+?)\\2[\\s\\S]*?>/i))};return w};return n(Q(m),n)})})())");
            }, 1250);

    return ImagePreview;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

// Helper class

var ChatRoomList = function () {
    function ChatRoomList() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ChatRoomList);

        this.loaded = false;
        this.list = null;

    _createClass(ChatRoomList, [{
        key: "parseList",
        value: function parseList(crlist) {
            var newlist = [],
                listids = [];
            var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
            var _didIteratorError2 = false;
            var _iteratorError2 = undefined;

            try {
                for (var _iterator2 = crlist[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
                    var group = _step2.value;
                    var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
                    var _didIteratorError3 = false;
                    var _iteratorError3 = undefined;

                    try {
                        for (var _iterator3 = group.rooms[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
                            var room = _step3.value;

                            if (listids.indexOf( < 0) {
                    } catch (err) {
                        _didIteratorError3 = true;
                        _iteratorError3 = err;
                    } finally {
                        try {
                            if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) {
                        } finally {
                            if (_didIteratorError3) {
                                throw _iteratorError3;
            } catch (err) {
                _didIteratorError2 = true;
                _iteratorError2 = err;
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
                } finally {
                    if (_didIteratorError2) {
                        throw _iteratorError2;

            return newlist;
    }, {
        key: "getRoom",
        value: function getRoom(match) {
            return this.getList().then(function (list) {
                var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true;
                var _didIteratorError4 = false;
                var _iteratorError4 = undefined;

                try {
                    for (var _iterator4 = list[Symbol.iterator](), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) {
                        var room = _step4.value;

                        if ( === match || RegExp(match, "i").test( {
                            return room;
                } catch (err) {
                    _didIteratorError4 = true;
                    _iteratorError4 = err;
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4.return) {
                    } finally {
                        if (_didIteratorError4) {
                            throw _iteratorError4;

                return null;
    }, {
        key: "getList",
        value: function getList() {
            var rooms = this;
            // If list already exists, return it as a promise
            if (rooms.list) return new Promise(function (resolve) {
                return resolve(rooms.list.slice());
            // Otherwise query for list
            return jQuery.getJSON(location.origin + "/rooms.js").always(function (result) {
                try {
                    rooms.list = rooms.parseList(JSON.parse(result.responseText.slice(20, -3)));
                    rooms.loaded = true;
                    return new Promise(function (resolve) {
                        return resolve(rooms.list.slice());
                } catch (ex) {
                    console.log("[KongOne]: Could not load room list for current chatroom change script");
                    return Promise.reject(Error(ex));

    return ChatRoomList;

// Script

var JoinChatRoom = function (_HolodeckScript9) {
    _inherits(JoinChatRoom, _HolodeckScript9);

    function JoinChatRoom() {
        _classCallCheck(this, JoinChatRoom);

        var _this13 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (JoinChatRoom.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(JoinChatRoom)).call(this, 'Join Chat by ID/Name', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

        _this13._chatRoomList = new ChatRoomList();
        return _this13;

    _createClass(JoinChatRoom, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var _this14 = this;

            holodeck._chatRoomList = this._chatRoomList;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("join", function (l, msg) {
                msg = msg.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/)[1];
                _this14._chatRoomList.getRoom(msg).then(function (data) {
                    if (data) l.chatWindow().joinRoom(data);else l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Cannot find specified chat", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

    return JoinChatRoom;
//= require ../holodeckScript.js

var Kongquer = function (_HolodeckScript10) {
    _inherits(Kongquer, _HolodeckScript10);

    function Kongquer() {
        _classCallCheck(this, Kongquer);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Kongquer.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Kongquer)).call(this, 'Kongquer', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(Kongquer, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            if (typeof holodeck !== "undefined" && !holodeck.__urlregex) {
                holodeck.__urlregex = true;
            function makeLink(user) {
                return '<a href="#" onclick="holodeck.showMiniProfile(\'' + user + '\'); return false;">' + user + '</a>';
            var dom = this.dom,
                holodeck = dom.holodeck,
                ChatDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
            //Test command so you don't look stupid if script doesn't load
            holodeck.addChatCommand("test", function (l, n) {
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Script is active! Have fun...", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            //From original Kongregate Get script (
            holodeck.addChatCommand("avg", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var allLevels = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                    allLevels += allUsers[i]._level;
                var avgLevel = Math.round(allLevels / allUsers.length * 10) / 10;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Average Level in Room", avgLevel, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            if (holodeck && ChatDialogue && !holodeck._chat_commands.mostplayed) {
                //Credit goes entirely to Ventero for this command. Thanks for fixing the command after the Kongregate update, Vent :)
                holodeck.addChatCommand("mostplayed", function (l, n) {
                    var matchArr = n.match(/\/\S+\s+(\d+)/),
                        dialog = l.activeDialogue(),
                        gamesCount = 5,
                        userList = dom.$A(l.chatWindow().activeRoom().users()),
                        usersCount = userList.length;
                    if (matchArr && matchArr[1]) gamesCount = matchArr[1];
                    function p(count) {
                        return count == 1 ? "" : "s";
                    var games = dom.$H();
                    userList.each(function (user) {
                        var o = user._game_url;
                        if (!games.get(o)) {
                            games.set(o, {
                                title: user._game_title,
                                count: 0,
                                user: "",
                                url: o
                        games.get(o).user = user.username;

                    var countArr = games.values().sort(function (a, b) {
                        return +b.count - +a.count;
                    }).slice(0, gamesCount);
                    var totalCount = games.size();

                    dialog.displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", usersCount + " user" + p(usersCount) + " playing " + totalCount + " different game" + p(totalCount), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    dialog.displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", gamesCount + " most played game" + p(gamesCount) + ":", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    countArr.each(function (obj) {
                        dialog.displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", obj.count + " user" + p(obj.count) + " (" + (obj.count > 1 ? "" : makeLink(obj.user) + ", ") + (100 * obj.count / usersCount).toFixed(1) + "%) " + (obj.count > 1 ? "are" : "is") + ' playing <a href="' + obj.url + '">' + obj.title + "</a>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    return false;
       = holodeck._chat_commands.getmp = holodeck._chat_commands.mostplayed;
            //Rest by AlphaOverall
            holodeck.addChatCommand("highlvl", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var highLevels = "";
                var highestLevel = 0;
                var count = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                    if (allUsers[i]._level > highestLevel) {
                        highestLevel = allUsers[i]._level;
                        highLevels = "<img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                        count = 1;
                    } else if (allUsers[i]._level == highestLevel) {
                        highLevels = highLevels + ", <img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                        count += 1;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Highest Level in Room", highestLevel + ", Usercount: " + count + ", Users: " + highLevels, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("lowlvl", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var lowLevels = "";
                var lowestLevel = Infinity; //Just to makes sure :P
                var count = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                    if (allUsers[i]._level < lowestLevel) {
                        lowestLevel = allUsers[i]._level;
                        lowLevels = "<img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                        count = 1;
                    } else if (allUsers[i]._level == lowestLevel) {
                        count += 1;
                        lowLevels = lowLevels + ", <img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Lowest Level in Room", lowestLevel + ", Usercount: " + count + ", Users: " + lowLevels, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("list", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var userList = "";
                var word = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                var count = 0;
                if (word) {
                    var toFind = word[1];
                    for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                        if (allUsers[i].username.toLowerCase().includes(toFind.toLowerCase())) {
                            if (userList === "") {
                                userList = "<img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                                count = 1;
                            } else {
                                count += 1;
                                userList = userList + ", <img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Usernames Containing " + word[1], "Usercount: " + count + ", Users: " + userList, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                } else {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Please use this command like " + n + " cat", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("levels", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var levelCount = void 0,
                    a = void 0;
                if (z) {
                    var userLevels = "";
                    var displaymessage = "";
                    levelCount = [];
                    if (z[1].includes("-")) {
                        var inbetween = z[1].split("-");
                        if (inbetween[0] < inbetween[1]) {
                            for (a = inbetween[0]; a <= inbetween[1]; a++) {
                        } else {
                            for (a = inbetween[1]; a <= inbetween[0]; a++) {
                        displaymessage = z[1];
                    } else {
                        levelCount = z[1].split(" ");
                        displaymessage = levelCount.join(", ");
                    var count = 0;
                    for (var b = 0; b <= levelCount.length; b++) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                            if (allUsers[i]._level == levelCount[b] && userLevels === "") {
                                userLevels = "<img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                                count = 1;
                            } else if (allUsers[i]._level == levelCount[b]) {
                                count += 1;
                                userLevels = userLevels + ", <img src=\"" + allUsers[i]._chat_avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(allUsers[i].username);
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Level " + displaymessage, "Usercount: " + count + ", Users: " + userLevels, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    return false;
                } else {
                    var levelsList = [l._active_user._attributes._object.level];
                    for (var j = 0; j < allUsers.length; j++) {
                        for (var k = 0; k <= allUsers[j]._level; k++) {
                            if (allUsers[j]._level == k) {
                                if (levelsList.indexOf(k) < 0) {
                    levelsList.sort(function (a, b) {
                        return a - b;
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Levels", levelsList.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("highfans", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var highFans = "";
                var count = 0,
                    users = [],
                    finished = 0;

                var gets = (user) {
                    return jQuery.get(location.origin + "/accounts/" + user.username, function (data) {
                        var div = jQuery(data);
                        var ncount = parseInt(jQuery(div).find("#user_followers").text().replace(/\D/g, ""));
                        if (ncount > count) {
                            count = ncount;
                            users = [user.username];
                        } else if (ncount === count) {
                        if (finished === allUsers.length) {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Highest Fans in Room", count + " for user" + (users.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " " + users.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("developer", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var devs = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                    if (allUsers[i]._developer) {
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Developers in room", devs.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("admin", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var admins = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                    if (allUsers[i]._admin) {
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Admins in room", admins.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("moderator", function (l, n) {
                var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                var mods = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                    if (allUsers[i]._moderator_room_ids.length > 0 || allUsers[i]._moderator_game_ids.length > 0) {
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Mods in room", mods.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            //Simple commands that will show up in user info also
            holodeck.addChatCommand("id", function (l, n) {
                var user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("ID",, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("username", function (l, n) {
                var user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Username", makeLink(user.username), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("kreds", function (l, n) {
                var user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kreds", user.kreds_balance, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("level", function (l, n) {
                var user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Level", user.level, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("age", function (l, n) {
                var user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Age", user.age, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("email", function (l, n) {
                var user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Name/Email", user.sender_name_or_email, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("user", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                var user = void 0;
                if (z) {
                    var roomDetails = l.chatWindow().activeRoom();
                    var allUsers = roomDetails.users();
                    for (var i = 0; i < allUsers.length; i++) {
                        if (i == allUsers.length - 1 && allUsers[i].username != z[1]) {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "User not in chat... Opening mini profile", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            return false;
                        if (allUsers[i].username == z[1]) {
                            user = allUsers[i];
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Username", "<img src=\"" + user._chat_avatar_url + "\"></img>" + makeLink(user.username), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Level", user._level, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            if (user._moderator_room_ids.length === 0 && user._moderator_game_ids.length === 0) {
                                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Admin/Moderator/Developer/Premium", user._admin + "/false/" + user._developer + "/" + user._premium, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            } else {
                                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Admin/Moderator/Developer/Premium", user._admin + "/true/" + user._developer + "/" + user._premium, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                                if (!user._admin) {
                                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Moderator Game Ids", user._moderator_game_ids.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Moderator Room Ids", user._moderator_room_ids.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Playing", "<a href=\"" + (location.origin + user._game_url) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + user._game_title + "</a>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Presence", user._presence, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Role", user._role, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                            return false;
                } else {
                    user = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Username", "<img src=\"" + user.avatar_url + "\">" + makeLink(user.username), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Age", user.age, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Admin/Moderator/Developer/Premium", user.admin + "/" + user.moderator + "/" + user.developer + "/" + user.premium, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("ID",, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Level", user.level, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Points for Next Level", user.points_away, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Total Points", user.points, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Last Level Up", user.last_levelup_at, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kreds", user.kreds_balance, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Gameplays", user.gameplays_count, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Game Ratings", user.ratings_count, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("BOTD Earned This Week", user.botds_this_week, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Name/Email", user.sender_name_or_email, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("available", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Availability of " + z[1] + ":<iframe src=\"" + location.origin + "/accounts/availability?username=" + z[1] + "\" width=\"100%\" height=\"30\"></iframe>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("info", function (l, n) {
                var info = l._chat_window._active_room;
                var room = info._room;
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Room Name",, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Room ID",, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Room Owner", room.owner ? "<a href=\"" + location.origin + "/accounts/" + room.owner + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + room.owner + "</a>" : "none", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Room Type", room.type, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Favorite Room", info._favorite_room, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Users In Room", info._number_in_room_node.innerText, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Guests In Room", info._guests_in_room_node.innerText, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("botd", function (l, n) {
                var kbotd = l._active_user._attributes._object;
                var typeOf = "(easy)";
                if (kbotd.botd_reward_points == 5) {//Do nothing
                } else if (kbotd.botd_reward_points == 15) {
                    typeOf = "(medium)";
                } else if (kbotd.botd_reward_points == 30) {
                    typeOf = "(hard)";
                } else if (kbotd.botd_reward_points == 60) {
                    typeOf = "(impossible)";
                } else {
                    typeOf = "Points: " + kbotd.botd_reward_points;
                } //Just in case
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("BOTD", "<img src=\"" + kbotd.botd_icon_uri + "\"></img><a href=\"" + kbotd.botd_game_uri + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + kbotd.botd_game_name + " - " + kbotd.botd_description + "</a> " + typeOf, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("friends", function (l, n) {
                var kongfriends = l._chat_window._friends;
                var final = [];
                for (var friend in kongfriends) {
                    final.push("<a href=\"" + location.origin + "/accounts/" + friend + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + friend + "</a>");
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Friends", final.join(", "), { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("online", function (l, n) {
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("exit", function (l, n) {
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("open", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z && z[1]) {
                    var m = z[1].split(" ");
                    if (m[0] == "accounts") {
                        if (m[1]) {
                            open(location.origin + "/accounts/" + m[1], "_blank");
                        } else {
                            open(location.origin + "/accounts/" + l._active_user._attributes._object.username);
                    } else if (m[0] == "games") {
                        if (m[1]) {
                            if (m[2]) {
                                open(location.origin + "/games/" + m[1] + "/" + m[2], "_blank");
                            } else {
                                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "No specified game", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                        } else {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "No specified game creator", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    } else {
                        open(location.origin + "/search?q=" + z[1], "_blank");
                } else {
                    open(location.origin + "/accounts/" + l._active_user._attributes._object.username);
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("khelp", function (l, n) {
                open(location.origin + "/pages/help", "_blank");
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("kong", function (l, n) {
                open("" + location.origin, "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("help", function (l, n) {
                open("", "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("signup", function (l, n) {
                lightbox.prototype.initializeKongregateLightboxFromAjax('/accounts/new/behind_login?game_id=' + active_user.gameId(), { afterStaticContentLoad: lightbox.prototype.toggleRegistration });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("login", function (l, n) {
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("signout", function (l, n) {
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("google", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    open("" + z[1], "_blank");
                } else {
                    open("", "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("bing", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    open("" + z[1], "_blank");
                } else {
                    open("", "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("yahoo", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    open(";_ylt=Aq7xBwaF.DQZx151DcVK87ybvZx4?p=" + z[1], "_blank");
                } else {
                    open("", "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("wikipedia", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    open("" + z[1].replace(" ", "_"), "_blank");
                } else {
                    open("", "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("url", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    if (!z[1].includes("http://") && !z[1].includes("https://")) {
                        open("http://" + z[1], "_blank");
                    } else {
                        open(z[1], "_blank");
                } else {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Please use command like " + n + "", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;

            holodeck.addChatCommand("calculator", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                var output = "Nothing happened";
                if (z) {
                    /*jshint multistr: true */
                    if (z[1] == "help") {
                        l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Math Commands", "+,-,*,<br>Math.abs(a) = absolute value of a<br>Math.acos(a) = arc cosine of a<br>\
Math.asin(a) = arc sine of a<br>Math.atan(a) = arc tangent of a<br>Math.atan2(a,b) = arc tangent of a/b<br>Math.ceil(a) = integer closest to a and not less than a<br>\
Math.cos(a) = cosine of a<br>Math.exp(a) = exponent of a (Math.E to the power a)<br>Math.floor(a) = integer closest to a, not greater than a<br>Math.log(a) = log of a base e<br>\
Math.max(a,b) = the maximum of a and b<br>Math.min(a,b) = the minimum of a and b<br>Math.pow(a,b) = a to the power b<br>Math.random() = pseudorandom number 0 to 1<br>\
Math.round(a) =  integer closest to a <br> Math.sin(a) = sine of a<br>Math.sqrt(a) = square root of a<br>Math.tan(a) = tangent of a", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    } else {
                        try {
                            output = eval(z[1]); //I know, I know, eval is evil
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Calculation", z[1] + " = " + output, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                        } catch (err) {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", err, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                } else {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Please use command like " + n + " 4+3-8*9/3^.5", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("youtube", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z) {
                    var m = z[1].split(" ");
                    if (m[0] == "embed") {
                        var chatWindow = document.getElementsByClassName("chat_message_window");
                        var chatWin;
                        if (chatWindow[2] !== undefined && chatWindow[2].offsetHeight > chatWindow[1].offsetHeight) {
                            chatWin = chatWindow[2];
                        } else {
                            chatWin = chatWindow[1];
                        var h = chatWin.offsetHeight;
                        if (chatWin.offsetWidth > chatWin.offsetHeight) {
                            h = chatWin.offsetHeight;
                        } else {
                            h = chatWin.offsetWidth * 9 / 16; //YouTube 16:9 aspect ratio
                        if (m[1].includes("")) {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("YouTube", "<iframe src=\"" + m[1].split("")[1] + "\" width=\"100%\" height=\"" + h + "\"></iframe>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                        } else if (m[1].includes("")) {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("YouTube", "<iframe src=\"" + m[1].split("")[1] + "\" width=\"100%\" height=\"" + h + "\"></iframe>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                        } else {
                            l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("YouTube", "Invalid YouTube video url", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                    } else {
                        open("" + z[1], "_blank");
                } else {
                    open("", "_blank");
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("mp3", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z[1].includes(".mp3")) {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("MP3 Container", "<audio src=\"" + z[1] + "\" controls><embed src=\"" + z[1] + "\"	width=\"100%\" height=\"90\" loop=\"false\" autostart=\"true\"/>" + "</audio>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                } else {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("MP3 Container", "Invalid mp3 url", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("img", function (l, n) {
                var z = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/);
                if (z[1].includes(".jpg") || z[1].includes(".jpeg") || z[1].includes(".png") || z[1].includes(".gif") || z[1].includes(".bmp")) {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("IMG Container", "<img src=\"" + z[1] + "\" style=\"max-width:100%; max-height:100%;\"/>", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                } else {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("IMG Container", "Invalid img url", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("time", function (l, n) {
                var today = new Date();
                var format = today.getDate() + "/" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + today.getFullYear() + ", " + today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();
                l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Date/Time", format, { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("reload", function (l, n) {
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("reloadgame", function (l, n) {
                document.getElementById("gameholder").style.display = "table-cell";
                gameLoader.loadGame(""); // Default function on Kongregate to reload/activate game
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("removegame", function (l, n) {
                try {
                    document.getElementById("gameiframe").src = "about:blank";
                    document.getElementById("gameholder").style.display = "none";
                } catch (e) {
                    l.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "No Game Found / Could not resize", { "class": "whisper received_whisper" }, { non_user: true });
                return false;
            holodeck.addChatCommand("clear", function (l, n) {
                return false;
   = holodeck._chat_commands.wikipedia;
   = holodeck._chat_commands.hi = holodeck._chat_commands.hmm = holodeck._chat_commands.test;
            holodeck._chat_commands.userlist = holodeck._chat_commands.username = holodeck._chat_commands.list;
   = holodeck._chat_commands.datetime = = holodeck._chat_commands.time;
            holodeck._chat_commands.math = holodeck._chat_commands.calc = holodeck._chat_commands.calculator;
            holodeck._chat_commands.goto = holodeck._chat_commands.http = holodeck._chat_commands.www = holodeck._chat_commands.url;
            holodeck._chat_commands.lvl = holodeck._chat_commands.level;
            holodeck._chat_commands.konghelp = holodeck._chat_commands.kongregatehelp = holodeck._chat_commands.khelp;
            holodeck._chat_commands.kongregate = holodeck._chat_commands.kong;
            holodeck._chat_commands.avglvl = holodeck._chat_commands.alvl = holodeck._chat_commands.avg;
            holodeck._chat_commands.close = holodeck._chat_commands.exit;
            holodeck._chat_commands.roominfo =;
            holodeck._chat_commands.friendsonline =;
            holodeck._chat_commands.u = holodeck._chat_commands.user;
            holodeck._chat_commands.admins = holodeck._chat_commands.administrator = holodeck._chat_commands.administrators = holodeck._chat_commands.admin;
   = holodeck._chat_commands.devs = holodeck._chat_commands.developers = holodeck._chat_commands.developer;
            holodeck._chat_commands.mod = holodeck._chat_commands.mods = holodeck._chat_commands.moderators = holodeck._chat_commands.moderator;
            holodeck._chat_commands.hlvl = holodeck._chat_commands.highlevel = holodeck._chat_commands.hlevel = holodeck._chat_commands.highlvl;
            holodeck._chat_commands.llvl = holodeck._chat_commands.lowlevel = holodeck._chat_commands.llevel = holodeck._chat_commands.lowlvl;
   = holodeck._chat_commands.getmp = holodeck._chat_commands.mostplayed;

    return Kongquer;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var KongreLink = function (_HolodeckScript11) {
    _inherits(KongreLink, _HolodeckScript11);

    function KongreLink() {
        _classCallCheck(this, KongreLink);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (KongreLink.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(KongreLink)).call(this, 'Chat KongreLink', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(KongreLink, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            window.location.assign("javascript:void(holodeck.addIncomingMessageFilter(function(m,n){var REGEX=/((?:<\\S[^>]+?)?(?:>)?)?(\\b(?:(?:(ht|f)tp)s?:\\/\\/)?(((?:\\w+[.])?(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9]{1,2})[.])*(a(?:c|d|e(?:ro)?|f|g|i|l|m|n|o|q|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?|t|u|w|x|z)|b(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|iz|j|l|m|n|o|r|s|t|v|w|y|z)|c(?:at?|c|d|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o(?:m|op)?|r|u|v|x|y|z)|d[ejkmoz]|e(?:c|du|e|g|h|r|s|t|u)|f[ijkmor]|g(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|l|m|n|ov|p|q|r|s|t|u|w|y)|h[kmnrtu]|i(?:d|e|l|m|n(?:fo|t)|o|q|r|s|t)|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m(?:a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i?l|k|m|n|o(?:bi)?|p|q|r|s|t|u(?:seum)?|v|w|x|y|z)|n(?:a(?:me)?|c|et?|f|g|i|l|o|p|r|u|z)|om|org|p(?:a|e|f|g|h|k|l|m|n|ro?|s|t|w|y)|qa|r[eosuw]|s(?:a|b|c|d|e|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|r|t|u|v|y|z)|t(?:c|d|e?l|f|g|th|j|k|m|n|o|p|r(?:avel)?|t|v|w|z)|u[agkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw])\\b([.]\\B)?|\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+)(?::\\d+)?)(\\/+\\??(?:\\S+))?/ig,lF=/(?:<(\\S)[^>]+?href=[\"'])(?:\\b((?:(ht|f)tp)s?:\\/\\/)?(((?:\\S+[.])?(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9]{1,2})[.])*(a(?:c|d|e(?:ro)?|f|g|i|l|m|n|o|q|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?|t|u|w|x|z)|b(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|iz|j|l|m|n|o|r|s|t|v|w|y|z)|c(?:at?|c|d|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o(?:m|op)?|r|u|v|x|y|z)|d[ejkmoz]|e(?:c|du|e|g|h|r|s|t|u)|f[ijkmor]|g(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|l|m|n|ov|p|q|r|s|t|u|w|y)|h[kmnrtu]|i(?:d|e|l|m|n(?:fo|t)|o|q|r|s|t)|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m(?:a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i?l|k|m|n|o(?:bi)?|p|q|r|s|t|u(?:seum)?|v|w|x|y|z)|n(?:a(?:me)?|c|et?|f|g|i|l|o|p|r|u|z)|om|org|p(?:a|e|f|g|h|k|l|m|n|ro?|s|t|w|y)|qa|r[eosuw]|s(?:a|b|c|d|e|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|r|t|u|v|y|z)|t(?:c|d|e?l|f|g|th|j|k|m|n|o|p|r(?:avel)?|t|v|w|z)|u[agkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw])\\b([.]\\B)?|\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+)(?::\\d+)?)?(\\/+(?:\\S+))??(?:[\"'][^>]*?>([\\s\\S]+?)<\\/\\1>)/gi,q=function(w,c,r,l){var t,a,d;w=w.substring(0,(t=r.lastIndex)-(a=c[0]).length)+(a=(\"<a \"+(l?l[1]:'')+\" href='\"+(((d=c[3])==\"ht\"||d==\"f\")?\"\":\"http://\")+(d=a).replace(/<a[^>]+?href=([\"'])([\\s\\S]+?)\\1[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]+<\\/a>/, \"$2\")+\"' target='_blank'>\"+(c[9]||d)+\"</a>\"))+w.substring(t,w.length);REGEX.lastIndex+=a.length-d.length;return w},Q=function(b){var w=b,t=REGEX.lastIndex=0,a,c,d;while(c=REGEX.exec(w)){if(c[1]||(!c[5]&&!c[7])||(c[7]&&!(c[3]||c[8])))continue;w=q(w,c,REGEX)};while(c=lF.exec(w)){c[3]='ht';w=q(w,c,lF,c[0].match(/(class=(['\"])[^>]+?\\2)[\\s\\S]*?>/i))};return w};return n(Q(m),n)}))");

    return KongreLink;

//=require ../script.js

var LargerAvatars = function (_Script3) {
    _inherits(LargerAvatars, _Script3);

    function LargerAvatars() {
        _classCallCheck(this, LargerAvatars);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (LargerAvatars.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(LargerAvatars)).call(this, 'Larger Forum Avatars', /\/(topics|posts|messages|private_messages)/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.FORUM));

    _createClass(LargerAvatars, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var aStyle = document.createElement("style");
            aStyle.innerHTML = ".post .user_avatar, .messages_table .user_avatar {width: 80px; height: 80px;} .sender_info {width: auto !important;}"; //Change px values for different sizes
            var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

            //Replace avatar image with non-pixelated version
            var aImgs = document.getElementsByClassName("hover_profile");
            for (var i = 0; i < aImgs.length; i++) {
                aImgs[i].innerHTML = aImgs[i].innerHTML.replace("width:40", "width:140");

            // This and its grant tag mess things up... :/
            // GM_addStyle(".post .author {width: 260px; #feature {width: 952px;}}");

    return LargerAvatars;
//=require ../script.js

var LevelExtension = function (_Script4) {
    _inherits(LevelExtension, _Script4);

    function LevelExtension() {
        _classCallCheck(this, LevelExtension);

        var _this18 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (LevelExtension.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(LevelExtension)).call(this, 'Level Extension', /^\//, true, Script.CATEGORIES.SITEWIDE));

        var lethis = _this18;
        _this18.UserStorage = {
            levelPoints: [],
            REAL_MAX_LVL: 75,
            FAKE_MAX_LVL: 100,
            USER_INFO: location.origin + "/api/user_info.json?username="

        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[75] = 57885;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[76] = 60485;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[77] = 63180;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[78] = 65970;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[79] = 68855;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[80] = 71835;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[81] = 74920;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[82] = 78110;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[83] = 81405;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[84] = 84805;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[85] = 88310;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[86] = 91930;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[87] = 95665;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[88] = 99515;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[89] = 103480;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[90] = 107560;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[91] = 111765;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[92] = 116095;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[92] = 116095;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[93] = 120550;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[94] = 125130;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[95] = 129835;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[96] = 134675;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[97] = 139650;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[98] = 144760;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[99] = 150005;
        _this18.UserStorage.levelPoints[100] = 155385;

        _this18.Actions = {
            HEADER: function HEADER(le) {

                var ks = new le.KongScript();
                ks.waitFor('active_user', le, null, 50).then(function (active_user) {
                    var user = new le.LevelCapUser(active_user.username());
                    user.points = active_user.points();
                    user.getLevel().then(function (level) {
                        if (level < le.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL) return;

                        // Update nav_welcome_box levelbug
                        var levelbug = document.getElementById('mini-profile-level');
                        le.updateLevelbug(levelbug, level);

                        // Update my kong hover profile
                    }).catch(function (err) {

            CHAT: function CHAT(le) {
                var ks = new le.KongScript();
                ks.waitFor('ChatRoom', le).then(function (cr) {
                    ks.waitFor('MiniProfile', le);
                }).then(function (mp) {
                    ks.waitFor('holodeck', le);
                }).then(function (h) {

            PROFILE: function PROFILE(le) {
                var user = new le.ProfileUser();
                user.getPoints().then(function (points) {
                    if (points < le.UserStorage.levelPoints[le.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL]) return Promise.reject('No need to update.');

                    return user.getLevel(le);
                }).then(function (level) {
                    // Update level number
                    var htmlLevel = document.getElementById('user_level').getElementsByTagName('a')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
                    htmlLevel.innerHTML = '' + level;

                    // Update levelbug
                    var levelbug = document.getElementById('profile_hgroup').getElementsByClassName('levelbug')[0];
                    le.updateLevelbug(levelbug, level);

                    le.updateProfileProgressBar(user.points, user.level);
                }).catch(function (err) {

            LEVELBUG: function LEVELBUG(le) {
                Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("levelbug")).filter(function (a) {
                    return a.innerText;
                }).forEach(function (levelbug) {
                    var user = new le.LevelCapUser(levelbug.innerText);
                    user.getPoints().then(function (points) {
                        if (points < le.UserStorage.levelPoints[le.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL]) return Promise.reject('No need to update.');

                        return user.getLevel(le);
                    }).then(function (level) {
                        le.updateLevelbug(levelbug, level);
                    }).catch(function (err) {

            HOVER_BOX: function HOVER_BOX(le) {
                var ks = new le.KongScript();

                ks.waitFor('UserProfileHoverbox', le).then(function (u) {


        _this18.UpdateActions = [{
            pattern: new RegExp('https?://', 'i'),
            actions: [_this18.Actions.HEADER, _this18.Actions.HOVER_BOX, _this18.Actions.LEVELBUG]
        }, {
            pattern: new RegExp('https?://', 'i'),
            actions: [_this18.Actions.PROFILE]
        }, {
            pattern: new RegExp('https?://', 'i'),
            actions: [_this18.Actions.CHAT]

        _this18.KongScript = function () {};
        _this18.KongScript.prototype = {

            CHECK_TIMEOUT: 10, // seconds before reaching timeout
            CHECK_INTERVAL: 100, // milliseconds between class existance check

             *	Waits for a class to be defined.
             *	@param	{String}	className The class name to wait for.
             *	@param	{Number}	[timeout=CHECK_TIMEOUT] Seconds before timeout
             *	@param	{Number}	[interval=CHECK_INTERVAL] Milliseconds between
             *		each check.
             *	@return a promise that is fulfilled whenever the class is defined
             *		and is rejected when the timeout is reached.
            waitFor: function waitFor(className, ctx, timeout, interval) {
                if (!className || !ctx) return Promise.reject('Class name must be specified with context.');

                timeout = timeout !== undefined ? timeout : this.CHECK_TIMEOUT;
                interval = interval !== undefined ? interval : this.CHECK_INTERVAL;

                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                    var checkTimes = timeout * 1000 / interval;
                    var timeInterval = setInterval(function () {
                        if (ctx.dom.window[className]) {
                            console.log(className + ' loaded.');

                        } else if (checkTimes-- <= 0) {

                            reject(className + ' couldn\'t be loaded.');
                    }, interval);


        _this18.ProfileUser = function () {
            this.points = null;
            this.level = null;
        _this18.ProfileUser.prototype = {

             *	Return points based on the points in the loaded profile page.
            getPoints: function getPoints() {
                var promise,
                    user = this;

                if (user.points === null) {
                    promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                        var reps = 0;
                        var interval = setInterval(function () {
                            var user_points = document.getElementById('user_points');
                            var navPoints = user_points ? user_points.getElementsByClassName('user_metric_stat')[0].getElementsByTagName('span')[0] : null;

                            if (navPoints) {
                                var points = parseInt(navPoints.textContent);
                                user.points = points;


                            if (reps++ > 10000) {

                        }, 100);
                } else {
                    promise = Promise.resolve(user.points);

                return promise;

            getLevel: function getLevel(le) {
                var user = this;

                if (user.level === null) {
                    var promise = user.getPoints().then(function (points) {
                        var level = le.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL;
                        while (level <= le.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL && points >= le.UserStorage.levelPoints[level]) {
                        }return user.level = level - 1;

                    return promise;
                } else {
                    return Promise.resolve(user.level);


        _this18.LevelCapUser = function (username) {
            this.username = username;
            this.points = null;
            this.level = null;
        _this18.LevelCapUser.prototype = {

             *	Return the user points. If points weren't loaded, it will load them
             *	with an http request.
             *	@return a promise resolved with user points.
            getPoints: function getPoints() {
                var user = this;

                if (user.points === null) {
                    var promise = lethis.HttpGetPromise(lethis.UserStorage.USER_INFO + user.username).then(function (json) {
                        return JSON.parse(json).user_vars.points;
                    }).then(function (points) {
                        return user.points = points;

                    return promise;
                } else {
                    return Promise.resolve(user.points);

             *	Return the user level. If points weren't loaded, it will load them
             *	with an http request.
             *	@return a promise resolverd with user level.
            getLevel: function getLevel() {
                var user = this;

                if (user.level === null) {
                    var promise = user.getPoints().then(function (points) {
                        var level = lethis.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL;
                        while (level <= lethis.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL && points >= lethis.UserStorage.levelPoints[level]) {
                        }return user.level = level - 1;

                    return promise;
                } else {
                    return Promise.resolve(user.level);


        _this18.ChatUserStorage = function () {
            this.users = {};
        _this18.ChatUserStorage.prototype = {
             *	Return the level of the user.
             *	@return user level.
            getLevel: function getLevel(username) {
                username = username.toLowerCase();
                if (this.users[username] === undefined) this.users[username] = new lethis.LevelCapUser(username);

                return this.users[username].getLevel();

        return _this18;

    _createClass(LevelExtension, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var _this19 = this;

            window.addEventListener('load', function () {
                _this19.UpdateActions.forEach(function (uAction, i, arr) {
                    if (uAction.pattern.test(document.URL)) uAction.actions.forEach(function (f, i, arr) {

        // Update profile progress bar

    }, {
        key: "updateProfileProgressBar",
        value: function updateProfileProgressBar(points, level) {
            if (points >= this.UserStorage.levelPoints[this.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL]) return;

            var currLevelPoints = this.UserStorage.levelPoints[level],
                nextLevelPoints = this.UserStorage.levelPoints[level + 1],
                pointsLeft = nextLevelPoints - points,
                pointsBetween = nextLevelPoints - currLevelPoints,
                percentageRemaining = 100 * (1 - pointsLeft / pointsBetween);

            var pointsInfo = document.createElement('span');
            pointsInfo.className = 'points_bar_container';

            var pointsInfoP = document.createElement('p');

            var pointsBarContainer = document.createElement('points_bar_container');
            pointsBarContainer.className = 'points_info mlm';
            pointsBarContainer.innerHTML = 'Points needed for next level: <strong class="points_to_level_up">' + pointsLeft + '</strong></span>';

            var pointsBar = document.createElement('span');
            pointsBar.className = 'points_bar mhm';

            var pointsProgress = document.createElement('span');
            pointsProgress.className = 'points_progress';
            pointsProgress.setAttribute('style', 'width:' + percentageRemaining + '%;');

            var pointsLevel = this.createLevelbug(level + 1);

    }, {
        key: "HttpGetPromise",
        value: function HttpGetPromise(url) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      'GET', url, true);

                xhr.addEventListener('load', function () {
                    if (this.status == 200) {
                    } else {

                xhr.addEventListener('error', function () {

        // Update my kong hover profile

    }, {
        key: "updateMyKongProfile",
        value: function updateMyKongProfile(user) {
            var points = user.points,
                level = user.level;

            // Update levelbug
            var userP = document.getElementById('main_nav_mykong').getElementsByClassName('user')[0];
            this.updateLevelbug(userP.getElementsByClassName('levelbug')[0], level);

            if (level == this.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL) return;

            // Remove cake and draw points left message, level progress bar and
            // next level levelbug
            var pointsNeeded = this.UserStorage.levelPoints[level + 1] - points;
            var pointsPercent = 100 * (points - this.UserStorage.levelPoints[level]) / (this.UserStorage.levelPoints[level + 1] - this.UserStorage.levelPoints[level]);

            var pointsP = document.createElement('p');
            pointsP.className = 'points';
            pointsP.innerHTML = '<strong>' + pointsNeeded + ' points</strong> needed for the next level';

            var barP = document.createElement('p');
            barP.className = 'progress';

            var barSpan = document.createElement('span');
            barSpan.className = 'progress_bar';

            var barPercentSpan = document.createElement('span');
            barPercentSpan.className = 'progress_percent';
            barPercentSpan.setAttribute('style', 'width:' + pointsPercent + '%;');

            var levelStrong = document.createElement('strong');
            levelStrong.className = 'level';
            levelStrong.innerHTML = 'Level';

            var levelbug = this.createLevelbug(level + 1);

            var cake = document.getElementsByClassName('points w_cake')[0];

            var parent = cake.parentNode;
    }, {
        key: "injectChatRoomCode",
        value: function injectChatRoomCode() {
            ChatRoom.prototype._updateUser = ChatRoom.prototype.updateUser;
            var lethis = this;
            ChatRoom.prototype.updateUser = function (a, b) {
                holodeck.uStorage = holodeck.uStorage || new lethis.ChatUserStorage();

                var u = a.variables,
                    chatRoom = this;
                if (u.level == lethis.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL) {
                    holodeck.uStorage.getLevel(u.username).then(function (level) {
                        u.level = level;
                        chatRoom._updateUser(a, b);
                } else {
                    this._updateUser(a, b);
    }, {
        key: "injectMiniProfileCode",
        value: function injectMiniProfileCode() {
            var lethis = this;
            MiniProfile.prototype.activate = function (a, b) {
                this._current_username = a;
                this._current_room = b;
                var c = this._container,
                    d = this._chat_window,
                    e = this;
                d._chat_tab_clicked = !1;
                new Ajax.Updater({
                    success: "user_mini_profile"
                }, "/accounts/" + a + ".chat", {
                    method: "get",
                    onComplete: function onComplete() {
                        // Change only if the user is max lvl
                        holodeck.uStorage.getLevel(a).then(function (level) {
                            var miniProfile = document.getElementById('user_mini_profile');
                            var levelRegExp = /level_([0-9]*)/i;

                            if (level >= lethis.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL) miniProfile.innerHTML = miniProfile.innerHTML.replace(levelRegExp, 'level_' + level);

                            !1 === d._chat_tab_clicked && (d.hideSpinner(), e.setupBanAndSilencingControls(a), active_user.addCapturedSelector("#mute_user"));
                            // Originally included an addCapturedSelector for add friend but can't have that text on greasyfork
                            // I don't think it breaks functionality so for now we can remove it.
    }, {
        key: "injectUserProfileHoverbox",
        value: function injectUserProfileHoverbox() {
            UserProfileHoverbox.prototype._openHoverbox = UserProfileHoverbox.prototype.openHoverbox;
            var p = UserProfileHoverbox.prototype.openHoverbox.__proto__;
            var lethis = this;

            UserProfileHoverbox.prototype.openHoverbox = function () {
                var hoverbox = this;
                var user = this._currentUserAnchor.href.match(/accounts\/(.*)/i)[1];

                if (this._hoverboxCache[this._currentUserAnchor.href]) {
                } else {
                    var u = new lethis.LevelCapUser(user);
                    u.getLevel().then(function (level) {

                        if (level < lethis.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL) return;

                        hoverbox._hoverbox.observe('afterOpen', function () {
                            var l = hoverbox._hoverbox.container.getElementsByClassName('mini_profile_level')[0];
                            l.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent = '' + level;
                    }).catch(function (err) {
                        // Open it anyways, but the level may be capped at max
            // Restoring __proto__ because firefox rips if not
            UserProfileHoverbox.prototype.openHoverbox.__proto__ = p;
    }, {
        key: "createLevelbug",
        value: function createLevelbug(level) {
            var levelbug = document.createElement('span');
            levelbug.className = 'spritesite levelbug level_' + level;
            levelbug.alt = 'Levelbug ' + level;
            levelbug.title = 'Level ' + level;

            return levelbug;
    }, {
        key: "updateLevelbug",
        value: function updateLevelbug(levelbug, level) {
            levelbug.className = levelbug.className.replace(/level_[0-9]*/, 'level_' + level);
            levelbug.title = 'Level ' + level;
    }, {
        key: "getFakeMaxLevel",
        value: function getFakeMaxLevel() {
            var l = localStorage.getItem('fake_max_level');

            if (l !== null) this.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL = l;
    }, {
        key: "setFakeMaxLevel",
        value: function setFakeMaxLevel() {
            var level = window.prompt('Set the new level cap.', this.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL);
            level = parseInt(level);

            if (level > 75 && level <= 100) {
                this.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL = level;
                localStorage.setItem('fake_max_level', level);
            } else if (!isNaN(level)) alert('New level cap must be between 76 and 100');

        // Creates the button to change the level cap

    }, {
        key: "createCapChanger",
        value: function createCapChanger() {
            var _this20 = this;

            var levelCapChanger = document.createElement('li');

            var levelCapStyle = document.createElement('style');
            levelCapStyle.innerHTML = "#level_cap_control::after {border-bottom:1px dotted #9b9a9a;bottom:0;content:'';display:block;left:11px;position:absolute;right:11px;}";

            var linkCapChanger = document.createElement('a');
   = 'level_cap_control';
            linkCapChanger.innerHTML = 'Level cap';
            linkCapChanger.href = '#';
            linkCapChanger.addEventListener('click', function () {

            var signOut = document.getElementById('welcome_box_sign_out');
            var cogList = signOut.parentNode.parentNode;
            cogList.insertBefore(levelCapChanger, signOut.parentNode);

        // Creates new levelbug css classes till level 100

    }, {
        key: "createLevelbugCSS",
        value: function createLevelbugCSS() {
            var levelStyle = document.createElement('style');

            for (var i = this.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL; i <= this.UserStorage.FAKE_MAX_LVL; i++) {
                levelStyle.innerHTML += '.level_' + i + '{background-position: 100% ' + (-1755 - 20 * (i - this.UserStorage.REAL_MAX_LVL)) + 'px;}';

    return LevelExtension;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var PmNotifier = function (_HolodeckScript12) {
    _inherits(PmNotifier, _HolodeckScript12);

    function PmNotifier() {
        _classCallCheck(this, PmNotifier);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (PmNotifier.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PmNotifier)).call(this, 'Chat PM Notifier', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(PmNotifier, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dom = this.dom,
                holodeck = dom.holodeck,
                CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;

            if (CDialogue) {
                CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype || dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
                if (!CDialogue.prototype.new_private_message) {
                    dom._animatedFav = false;
                    dom._pmCount = 0;
                    dom._baseTitle = document.title;
                    dom._blurred = false;
                    dom._chime = dom.document.createElement('audio');
                    dom._chime.setAttribute('src', 'data:audio/wav;base64,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');

                    //dom.document.addEventListener("blur", function() {
                    dom.window.onblur = function () {
                        dom._blurred = true;
                    }; //, false);
                    //dom.document.addEventListener("focus", function() {
                    dom.window.onfocus = function () {
                        dom._blurred = false;
                    }; //, false);

                    dom.pmReset = function () {
                        if (dom._animatedFav) {
                        dom._pmCount = 0;
                        document.title = dom._baseTitle;

                    dom.createFavLink = function (attr) {
                        var link = document.createElement("link");
                        link.type = attr.type;
                        link.rel = attr.rel;
                        link.href = attr.href;
                        return link;

                    dom.toggleFavLink = function () {
                        var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
                        var links = head.getElementsByTagName("link");
                        for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
                            var link = links[i];
                            if (link.rel == "shortcut icon") {
                        if (dom._animatedFav) {
                        } else {
                        dom._animatedFav = !dom._animatedFav;

                    dom._staticFavLinkAttr = {
                        'rel': 'shortcut icon',
                        'href': '/favicon.ico',
                        'type': 'image/x-icon'
                    dom._animatedFavLinkAttr = {
                        'rel': 'shortcut icon',
                        'type': 'image/gif'

                    CDialogue.prototype.new_private_message = function () {
                        if (dom._blurred || document.hidden !== undefined && document.hidden || document.webkitHidden !== undefined && document.webkitHidden) {
                            if (!dom._animatedFav) {
                            document.title = "[" + dom._pmCount + "] " + dom._baseTitle;
                            if (holodeck._pm_chime) {

                    if (!CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM_notifier) {
                        CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM_notifier = CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage;
                        CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage = function (a) {
                            if ( && !this._user_manager.isMuted( {

                    holodeck.addChatCommand("pmchime", function (l, n) {
                        if (l._pm_chime) {
                            l._pm_chime = 0;
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("PM chime is OFF");
                        } else {
                            l._pm_chime = 1;
                            l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("PM chime is ON");
                        window.setTimeout(function () {
                            GM_setValue("kong_pmchime", l._pm_chime);
                        }, 0);
                        return false;
                    var pm_chime = void 0;
                    try {
                        if (GM_setValue) {
                            pm_chime = GM_getValue("kong_pmchime", 1);
                        } else {
                            pm_chime = 1;
                    } catch (e) {
                        pm_chime = 1;
                    holodeck._pm_chime = pm_chime;

    return PmNotifier;

//=require ../script.js

var PostCount = function (_Script5) {
    _inherits(PostCount, _Script5);

    function PostCount() {
        _classCallCheck(this, PostCount);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (PostCount.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PostCount)).call(this, 'Forum Post Count', /\/topics\//, true, Script.CATEGORIES.FORUM));

    _createClass(PostCount, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var a = document.getElementsByClassName("updated");
            for (var i = 1; i <= a.length; i++) {
                // Get post number
                var cP = document.getElementsByClassName("current");
                cP = cP.length > 0 ? cP[0].innerHTML : 1;
                var n = cP > 1 ? (cP - 1) * 25 + i : i;
                // Set number
                var abbr = a[i - 1];
                abbr.innerHTML = "#" + n + " - " + abbr.innerHTML;

    return PostCount;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var ReplyCommand = function (_HolodeckScript13) {
    _inherits(ReplyCommand, _HolodeckScript13);

    function ReplyCommand() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ReplyCommand);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ReplyCommand.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ReplyCommand)).call(this, 'Chat Reply-command', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(ReplyCommand, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dom = this.dom,
                CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;

            if (CDialogue) {

                CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype || dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
                if (!CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressReply) {

                    CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressReply = CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress;

                    if (CDialogue.prototype.reply) {
                        CDialogue.prototype.oldreply = CDialogue.prototype.reply;
                    } else {
                        CDialogue.prototype.oldreply = function (a) {};
                    CDialogue.prototype.reply = function (a) {
                        this._holodeck._reply = a;

                    if (!CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM) {
                        CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM = CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage;
                        CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage = function (a) {
                            if ( {

                    CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress = function (a) {
                        var z,
                            node = this._input_node.wrappedJSObject || this._input_node;
                        if (a.which == 32 && (a.currentTarget.selectionStart == 2 && (z = node.getValue().match(/^\/r(.*)/i)) || (z = node.getValue().match(/^\/r\b(.*)/i)))) {
                            var x = z[1] || "";
                            if (this._holodeck._reply) {
                                this.setInput("/w " + this._holodeck._reply + " " + x);
                            } else {
                                this.setInput("/w ");
                            if (a.stop) a.stop();
                            if (a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();


    return ReplyCommand;

//=require ../script.js

var ShowScriptOptions = function (_Script6) {
    _inherits(ShowScriptOptions, _Script6);

    function ShowScriptOptions() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ShowScriptOptions);

        var _this24 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ShowScriptOptions.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ShowScriptOptions)).call(this, 'this', /^\//, true, Script.CATEGORIES.HIDDEN));

        _this24.scripts = [];
        return _this24;

    _createClass(ShowScriptOptions, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dContainer = new Element("div", { "style": "background-color:#00000080;position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:10000;display:none;" });
            var div = new Element("div", { "style": "background-color:#FFF;font:normal 11px/15px 'Lucida Grande',Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;padding:15px;display:none;position:fixed;transform:translate(-50%, -50%);top:50%;left:50%;z-index:10000;padding-bottom:50px;" }).update("<h2>Scripts (v" + unsafeWindow.KongOneVersion + ")</h2>Enable - Script Name<p></p>");
            dContainer.onclick = toggleVisibility;

            var categories = {};
            for (var category in Script.CATEGORIES) {
                // Don't add hidden category
                if (Script.CATEGORIES[category] === Script.CATEGORIES.HIDDEN) continue;
                // Add div and header for other categories
                var catdiv = new Element("div", { "style": "float:left;padding:10px;" });
                var header = new Element("h5", { "style": "text-align:center" });
                categories[Script.CATEGORIES[category]] = catdiv;

   (item) {
                if (item.category === Script.CATEGORIES.HIDDEN) return true; //aka, continue for each loops

                var span = new Element("span", { "style": "margin-top: 5px !important;display: block;" });

                var checkbox = new Element("input", { "type": "checkbox", "id": "onescript-" +, "style": "margin-top:2px;vertical-align:top;margin-right:8px;" });
                var label = new Element("label", { "class": "pls" });
                checkbox.checked = GM_getValue(, item.defaultEnabled ? "true" : "false") == "true";


                checkbox.onchange = toggleScript;

                function toggleScript() {
                    console.log("[KongOne] Toggled script");
                    GM_setValue(, this.checked);

            for (var _category in categories) {
                var _catdiv = categories[_category];
                if (_catdiv.childElementCount > 1) {

            var exitCon = new Element("div", { "style": "width:100%;height:50px;bottom:0px;position:absolute;" });
            var exit = new Element("button", { "class": "btn btn_wide btn_action", "style": "display:block;margin:6px auto auto;" }).update("Exit");
            exit.onclick = toggleVisibility;
            var note = new Element("p", { "style": "text-align:center" }).update("Refresh to apply your changes. ");
            var anchor = new Element("a", { "href": "", "target": "_blank" }).update("Check out script thread.");
            var sOB = document.getElementById("welcome_box_sign_out");
            var sButton = document.createElement("li");
            sButton.innerHTML = "<a href='#' style='border-bottom: 1px dotted #9b9a9a;display: inline;padding: 0px 5px 10px 5px;'>KongOne</a>";
            sButton.onclick = toggleVisibility;
            sOB.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(sButton, sOB.parentNode);
            var gFrame = document.getElementById("game");
            function toggleVisibility() {
                if ( != "none") {
           = "none";
           = "none";
                    if (gFrame) = "visible";
                } else {
           = "";
           = "";
                    if (gFrame) = "hidden";

    return ShowScriptOptions;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var SpamIstTot = function (_HolodeckScript14) {
    _inherits(SpamIstTot, _HolodeckScript14);

    function SpamIstTot() {
        _classCallCheck(this, SpamIstTot);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (SpamIstTot.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(SpamIstTot)).call(this, 'Spam Ist Tot', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(SpamIstTot, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            ChatDialogue.prototype.incrementMessageCount = function (a) {
                var hasCount = a.getElementsByClassName('spam-count').length > 0;

                if (hasCount) {
                    var count = a.getElementsByClassName('spam-count')[0],
                        amount = parseInt(count.getAttribute('amount'));
                    count.innerHTML = 'x' + (amount + 1);
                    count.setAttribute('amount', amount + 1);
                } else {
                    a.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML += '<span amount="2" class="spam-count" style="float: right; color: #888">x2</span>';

            ChatDialogue.prototype.compareMessages = function (a, b) {
                if (!a || !b) return false;

                var c = a.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].getAttribute('username'),
                    d = b.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].getAttribute('username'),
                    e = a.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].innerHTML,
                    f = b.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].innerHTML;

                return c == d && e == f;

            ChatDialogue.prototype.insert = function (a, b, c) {
                var d = this,
                    e = this._message_window_node,
                    f = this._holodeck;
                f.scheduleRender(function () {
                    var g = e.getHeight(),
                        h = g + e.scrollTop + ChatDialogue.SCROLL_FUDGE >= e.scrollHeight,
                        r = 0 !== g && h;
                    f.scheduleRender(function () {
                        var messages = e.getElementsByClassName('chat-message');
                        var lastMsg = messages.length ? messages[messages.length - 1] : null;

                        if ("string" == typeof a || a instanceof String) a = $j("<div/>", {
                            html: a,
                            "class": "chat-message"

                        if (d.compareMessages(lastMsg, a[0])) {

                        if (c && c.timestamp) {
                            var f = $j(e).children(".chat-message").filter(function () {
                                return $j(this).data("timestamp") > c.timestamp;
                            0 < f.length ? ($j(a).data(c).insertBefore(f.first()), r = !1) : $j(a).data(c).appendTo(e);
                        } else $j(a).appendTo(e);
                        r && d.scrollToBottom();
                        b && b();

    return SpamIstTot;
//=require ../script.js

var ThreadWatcher = function (_Script7) {
    _inherits(ThreadWatcher, _Script7);

    function ThreadWatcher() {
        _classCallCheck(this, ThreadWatcher);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ThreadWatcher.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ThreadWatcher)).call(this, 'Thread Watcher', /^\//, true, Script.CATEGORIES.SITEWIDE));

    _createClass(ThreadWatcher, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            function Thread(threadId, threadTitle, lastPostId, lastPostAuthor, forumId) {
                this.threadId = threadId;
                this.threadTitle = threadTitle;
                this.lastPostId = lastPostId;
                this.lastPostAuthor = lastPostAuthor;
                this.forumId = forumId;

            Thread.prototype = {

                THREADS_KEY: "thread",

                save: function save() {
                    var threadsWatched = localStorage.getItem(this.THREADS_KEY);
                    if (threadsWatched === null) threadsWatched = {};else threadsWatched = JSON.parse(threadsWatched);

                    threadsWatched[this.threadId] = {
                        threadId: this.threadId,
                        forumId: this.forumId,
                        lastPostId: this.lastPostId,
                        threadTitle: this.threadTitle,
                        lastPostAuthor: this.lastPostAuthor

                    localStorage.setItem(this.THREADS_KEY, JSON.stringify(threadsWatched));

                watch: function watch() {

                unwatch: function unwatch() {
                    var threadsWatched = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.THREADS_KEY));
                    if (threadsWatched === null || !this.isWatched()) return;

                    delete threadsWatched[this.threadId];
                    localStorage.setItem(this.THREADS_KEY, JSON.stringify(threadsWatched));

                wasUpdated: function wasUpdated() {
                    if (!this.isWatched()) return false;

                    var storedThread = Thread.get(this.threadId);
                    return storedThread ? storedThread.lastPostId < this.lastPostId : false;

                isOlder: function isOlder(aThread) {
                    return this.lastPostId < aThread.lastPostId;

                isWatched: function isWatched() {
                    return !!Thread.get(this.threadId);

                getUrl: function getUrl() {
                    return '/forums/' + this.forumId + '/topics/' + this.threadId;

                createWatchButton: function createWatchButton() {
                    var link = new Element('a', { href: 'javascript:void(0);' }).update(this.isWatched() ? Thread.UNWATCH : Thread.WATCH);
                    link.setAttribute('class', this.isWatched() ? 'unwatch-btn' : 'watch-btn');

                    var self = this;
                    link.observe('click', function (e) {

                        if (self.isWatched()) {
                            link.update(Thread.WATCH).setAttribute('class', 'watch-btn');
                        } else {
                            link.update(Thread.UNWATCH).setAttribute('class', 'unwatch-btn');

                    return link;


            Thread.WATCH = 'watch';
            Thread.UNWATCH = 'unwatch';

            Thread.getPostIdFromUrl = function (url) {
                var matches = url.match(/posts-([0-9]+)-row/);
                return matches !== null ? parseInt(matches[1]) : null;

            Thread.getThreadIdFromUrl = function (url) {
                var matches = url.match(/topics\/([0-9]+)/);
                return matches !== null ? parseInt(matches[1]) : null;

            Thread.getForumIdFromUrl = function (url) {
                var matches = url.match(/forums\/([0-9]+)/);
                return matches !== null ? parseInt(matches[1]) : null;

            Thread.create = function (threadId, threadTitle, lastPostId, lastPostAuthor, forumId) {
                return new Thread(threadId, threadTitle, lastPostId, lastPostAuthor, forumId);

            Thread.createFromUrl = function (url) {
                return Thread.create(Thread.getThreadIdFromUrl(url), null, Thread.getPostIdFromUrl(url), null, Thread.getForumIdFromUrl(url));

            Thread.get = function (threadId) {
                var threadsWatched = Thread.getAllWatched();
                if (threadsWatched === null) return null;

                return threadsWatched[threadId];

            Thread.getAllWatched = function () {
                var threadsWatched = localStorage.getItem(Thread.prototype.THREADS_KEY);
                if (threadsWatched === null) return null;

                threadsWatched = JSON.parse(threadsWatched);
                for (var i in threadsWatched) {
                    var obj = threadsWatched[i];
                    threadsWatched[i] = Thread.create(obj.threadId, obj.threadTitle, obj.lastPostId, obj.lastPostAuthor, obj.forumId);

                return threadsWatched;

            /* url: */
            function threads() {
                var css = document.createElement('style');
                css.innerHTML = 'td.lp span a.unwatch-btn { color: #336699; } td.lp span a.unwatch-btn { color: #900; }';

                var threads = $$('.hentry');
                threads.each(function (thread) {
                    var links ='a');
                    var url = links[links.length - 1].href;
                    var t = Thread.createFromUrl(url);
                    t.threadTitle ='.entry-title')[0].innerText;
                    t.lastPostAuthor ='.author')[0].firstChild.innerText;

                    var actionLink = t.createWatchButton();
                        'margin-left': '2px'
          '.lp')[0].insert(new Element('span').insert(actionLink));

                    if (t.isWatched() && t.wasUpdated()) {
                            transition: 'all ease 0.5s',
                            backgroundColor: 'deepskyblue'

            // url:*/topics/*
            function thread() {
                var id = Thread.getThreadIdFromUrl(location.href),
                    thread = Thread.get(id);

                var titleClone = $$('.forum_header h1')[0].clone(true);
                var threadTools ='#topic_mod')[0];
                if (threadTools) threadTools.remove();

                var threadTitle = titleClone.innerText.match(/(.*?)(\s+page\s+[0-9]+|$)/m)[1];

                if (!thread) {
                    thread = Thread.createFromUrl(location.href);
                    // Avoid fetching real last id, setting to negative id
                    thread.lastPostId = -1;
                    thread.lastPostAuthor = null; // Doesn't matter

                    thread.threadTitle = threadTitle;

                if (thread.isWatched() && thread.threadTitle !== threadTitle) {
                    thread.threadTitle = threadTitle;

                var lastPost = $$('.post:last')[0];
                if (!lastPost) return;

                var lastId = lastPost.getAttribute('id').match(/posts-([0-9]+)-row/)[1];
                if (thread.isWatched() && lastId > thread.lastPostId) {
                    thread.lastPostId = lastId;

                var watchButton = thread.createWatchButton().setStyle({ marginLeft: '10px' });
                $$('.media.mbs').each(function (i) {
          '.utility').each(function (j) {
                            after: watchButton


            /* url: */
            function community() {
                var containerTitle = new Element('h3', {
                    id: 'watched_threads_title',
                    class: 'forum_group_title h2 mtl'
                }).update('Watched Threads');

                var threadsTable = new Element('table');
                $('forums_title').parentNode.insert({ bottom: containerTitle });
                $('forums_title').parentNode.insert({ bottom: threadsTable });

                var threadsTableBody = new Element('tbody');

                var onUnwatchClick = function onUnwatchClick(thread, row) {
                    return function (e) {

                var threads = Thread.getAllWatched();
                for (var i in threads) {
                    var t = threads[i];
                    var row = new Element('tr');

                    var titleContainer = new Element('td', {
                        class: 'c2 pts'

                    var title = new Element('a', {
                        class: 'title h3',
                        href: t.getUrl()

                    var unwatchButton = new Element('a', {
                        href: 'javascript:void(0);'
                        'float': 'right'

                    unwatchButton.observe('click', onUnwatchClick(t, row));


            function buildWelcomeBarIcon() {
                //on new page load, we will strip the "is parsing right now";
                var isProcessing = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING)) || false;
                if (isProcessing) localStorage.setItem(THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING, false);

                console.log("Building Welcome Bar");
                var welcomeBar = $("nav_welcome_box");
                var welcomeBarElementToInsertAfter = $$(".friends");
                var forumIcon = new Element('li', {
                    class: 'forum_profile_control messages profile_control'
                    width: "80px",
                    cursor: 'pointer',
                    'font': "600 14px/27px 'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica', Arial, sans-serif",
                    'padding-left': '7px'

                var linkElement = new Element('a', {
                    class: 'my-messages',
                    href: '#'
                    display: 'inline-block',
                    'padding-left': '0px'

                var iconElement = new Element('span', {
                    class: 'alert_messages',
                    id: 'profile_bar_messages',
                    href: '#'

                var alertIconElement = new Element('span', {
                    class: 'kong_ico',
                    href: '#'

                var alertMessageElement = new Element('span', {
                    class: 'msg-count mls has_messages',
                    id: 'forum_counter',
                    href: '#'
                var threadDisplayElement = new Element('ul', {
                    id: 'forum_activity_lister'

                welcomeBarElementToInsertAfter.first().insert({ after: forumIcon });


                <a class="my-messages" href="/accounts/UnknownGuardian/private_messages" id="my-messages-link" title="0 shouts, 1 whispers">  
                    <span id="profile_bar_messages" class="alert_messages">
                        <span aria-hidden="true" class="kong_ico">m</span><span id="profile_control_unread_message_count" class="msg-count mls has_messages">1</span>
                var css = document.createElement('style');
                css.innerHTML = ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control.messages:hover{background-color:#423f3e;padding-bottom:1px}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control{cursor:pointer;width:49px}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control:hover ul{background-color:#423f3e;display:block}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;font:600 14px/35px 'Source Sans Pro',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;padding:0 0px;position:relative;text-decoration:none;width:100%}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul li a:after{border-bottom:1px dotted #9b9a9a;bottom:0;content:'';display:block;left:0px;position:absolute;right:0px}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul{display:none;list-style:none;position:absolute;right:0;top:100%;width:480px;text-align: left;padding: 0 15px;}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul li .faded_in_menu{color:#bbb}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul li .thread_title_in_menu:hover{color:#ffe9ad !important}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul li .post_count_in_menu{color:#bbb; float:right}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul .setting_in_menu{color:#bbb; font-size:12px; padding-right:15px}";
                css.innerHTML += ".welcome-user .forum_profile_control ul .setting_in_menu:hover{color:#ffe9ad;}";
            var TIME_BETWEEN_PULLS = 1000 * 60 * 1; // 1000 milliseconds per 1 second * 60 seconds per 1 minute * 5 minutes (greater than 5 minutes have past)
            var MAX_RECENT_POSTS = 25;
            function startRecentPostsPull() {
                window._PULL_ID = "posts_ajax_last_request";

                var lastPullDate = Date.parse(localStorage.getItem(window._PULL_ID) || 0); //default to 0
                var currentDate = new Date();
                if (currentDate - lastPullDate > TIME_BETWEEN_PULLS) {
                } else {
                    var timeLeftToElapse = TIME_BETWEEN_PULLS - (currentDate - lastPullDate);
                    setTimeout(pullWatchedThreadsAndRecentPosts, timeLeftToElapse);

            function pullWatchedThreadsAndRecentPosts() {
                localStorage.setItem(window._PULL_ID, new Date());
                new Ajax.Request(location.origin + "/users/" + + '/posts.json', {
                    method: 'get',
                    onSuccess: function onSuccess(transport) {
                        var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();console.log("Found users", json.users.length);
                        var idsOfRecentThreads = [];
                        var idsOfRecentForums = [];
                        for (var j = 0; j < json.posts.length && j < MAX_RECENT_POSTS; j++) {
                            var threadID = json.posts[j].topic_id;
                            idsOfRecentForums.push(getForumIDFromThreadID(json, threadID));
                        console.log("[Thread Watcher] We'll want to pull recent threads with IDS", idsOfRecentThreads);
                        clearOldThreads(idsOfRecentThreads, idsOfRecentForums);
                    onFailure: function onFailure(t) {
                        //silently fail 
                        console.log("[Thread Watcher] We could not find the latest posts");
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Setting check time again in " + TIME_BETWEEN_PULLS / 1000 + " seconds.");
                setTimeout(pullWatchedThreadsAndRecentPosts, TIME_BETWEEN_PULLS);

            function getForumIDFromThreadID(json, id) {
                for (var i = 0; i < json.topics.length; i++) {
                    if (json.topics[i].id == id) {
                        return json.topics[i].forum_id;
                return -1; //some might not have this?

            /* array of new thread ids. Discard those that don't match up */
            var STORED_RECENT_THREADS = "stored_recent_threads";
            var STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX = "thread_";
            function clearOldThreads(arr, arrForums) {
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Clearing old threads: ", STORED_RECENT_THREADS);
                var alreadyStored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS)) || {};
                var newToStore = {};
                for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    console.log("[Thread Watcher] Clearing old threads inner", i);
                    if (alreadyStored[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + arr[i]] != undefined) {
                        //only copy over the ones that exist in the new array. discard the other ones
                        newToStore[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + arr[i]] = alreadyStored[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + arr[i]]; //what is stored is the post count and forum ID
                    } else {
                        newToStore[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + arr[i]] = { forumID: arrForums[i], threadID: arr[i], seenPostCount: 0, livePostCount: 0 };
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Clearing old threads saving");
                localStorage.setItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS, JSON.stringify(newToStore)); //set the item to the ones we are interested in.

            var THREADS_TO_PROCESS = "threads_to_process";
            var THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING = "threads_currently_processing";
            function checkIfUpdateToListOfThreads(arr) {
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Checking if up to date with list of threads");
                var toProcess = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(THREADS_TO_PROCESS));
                if (toProcess == null) toProcess = [];
                toProcess = toProcess.concat(arr);
                localStorage.setItem(THREADS_TO_PROCESS, JSON.stringify(toProcess)); //save the newly concatenated process list
                var isProcessing = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING)) || false; //default to false
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Checking if up to date with list of threads finished. Is it currently running?", isProcessing);
                if (!isProcessing) {
                    console.log("[Thread Watcher] Checking if up to date with list of threads finished. Before");
                    console.log("[Thread Watcher] Checking if up to date with list of threads finished. after");

            function processThreadsCheckingForUpdates() {
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Processing threads checking for updates");
                localStorage.setItem(THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING, true);
                var currentListToProcess = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(THREADS_TO_PROCESS)) || [];
                if (currentListToProcess.length == 0) {
                    //exit early. Not sure why it got here, perhaps recursion
                    console.log("[Thread Watcher] Current list to process is length of 0, Halting.");
                    localStorage.setItem(THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING, false);

                var alreadyStored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS)) || {};
                var processThreadID = currentListToProcess.shift();
                var storedThread = alreadyStored[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + processThreadID];
                if (storedThread == undefined) {
                    console.log("[Thread Watcher] Stored object was undefined:", processThreadID, " Halting.");
                    localStorage.setItem(THREADS_ARE_CURRENTLY_PROCESSING, false);
                var forumID = storedThread.forumID;
                var seenPostCount = storedThread.seenPostCount;
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] We are making a request to:", '' + forumID + '/topics/' + processThreadID + '.json');
                new Ajax.Request(location.origin + "/forums/" + forumID + '/topics/' + processThreadID + '.json', {
                    method: 'get',
                    onSuccess: function onSuccess(transport) {
                        console.log("[Thread Watcher] We got a response to:", '' + forumID + '/topics/' + processThreadID + '.json');
                        var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
                        var livePostCount = json.topic.posts_count;
                        if (livePostCount != seenPostCount) {
                            console.log("[Thread Watcher] We've found a thread that has new activity:", livePostCount - seenPostCount, "new posts. Thread ID:", processThreadID);
                            storedThread.differenceInPostCount = livePostCount - seenPostCount;
                            storedThread.livePostCount = livePostCount;
                            storedThread.title = json.topic.title;
                            storedThread.latestPostBy = json.topic.latest_post_by;
                            storedThread.lastPage = Math.ceil(json.topic.posts_count / 25); // 25 posts per page, estimate last page data
                        localStorage.setItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS, JSON.stringify(alreadyStored));
                        localStorage.setItem(THREADS_TO_PROCESS, JSON.stringify(currentListToProcess)); //save the shifted array
                        if (livePostCount != seenPostCount) {
                        //recursive call:
                    onFailure: function onFailure(t) {
                        //silently fail 
                        console.log("[Thread Watcher] We could not find the thread");

            function updateIfThreadIsRecent(id) {
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Updating if thread is recent", id);
                var alreadyStored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS)) || {};
                console.log("We found", alreadyStored);
                if (alreadyStored[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + id] != undefined) {
                    console.log("[Thread Watcher] Updating recent thread to live post count");
                    var thread = alreadyStored[STORED_RECENT_THREADS_PREFIX + id];
                    thread.seenPostCount = thread.livePostCount;
                    localStorage.setItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS, JSON.stringify(alreadyStored));

            function updateThreadIcon() {
                //{forumID:arrForums[i], lastPage:0, threadID:arr[i], latestPostBy:"asd", seenPostCount:0, livePostCount:0}
                while ($('forum_activity_lister').firstDescendant()) {

                var threadsWithUpdatesMetaData = [];
                var alreadyStored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS)) || {};
                for (var key in alreadyStored) {
                    if (alreadyStored.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        var thread = alreadyStored[key];
                        if (thread.livePostCount > thread.seenPostCount) {
                            console.log("We are updating the thread icon");
                            var threadContainer = new Element("li");
                            var threadDisplay = new Element('a', {
                                target: /\.com\/games/.test(location.href) ? "_blank" : "",
                                href: '' + thread.forumID + '/topics/' + thread.threadID + (thread.lastPage > 0 ? '?page=' + thread.lastPage : '')
                            }).update(createStyledThreadUsername(thread.latestPostBy) + ' <i class="faded_in_menu">posted in</i> ' + createStyledThreadTitle(thread.title) + ' ' + createStyledThreadNewPostCount(thread.differenceInPostCount));

                            //var posterDisplay = new Element("span").update(thread.latestPostBy + ' | ');
                console.log("[Thread Watcher] Updating count in welcome bar");

            function addSettings() {
                var clear_cache_setting = new Element("span", { class: "setting_in_menu" }).update("Clear Cache");
                clear_cache_setting.on("click", function (e) {
           = "Cleared";
                    //remove all
                    while ($('forum_activity_lister').firstDescendant()) {
                    return false;

                var mark_as_read_setting = new Element("span", { class: "setting_in_menu" }).update("Mark all as read");
                mark_as_read_setting.on("click", function (e) {
                    var alreadyStored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS)) || {};
                    for (var key in alreadyStored) {
                        if (alreadyStored.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                            var thread = alreadyStored[key];
                            thread.seenPostCount = thread.livePostCount;
                    localStorage.setItem(STORED_RECENT_THREADS, JSON.stringify(alreadyStored));
                    return false;

            function createStyledThreadUsername(u) {
                return "<span class='username_in_menu'>" + u + "</span>";

            function createStyledThreadTitle(t) {
                if (t.length > 30) {
                    t = t.substring(0, 27) + '...';
                return "<span class='thread_title_in_menu'>" + t + "</span>";
            function createStyledThreadNewPostCount(p) {
                return "<span class='post_count_in_menu'>" + p + " new posts</span>";

            (function () {
                'use strict';

                if (/\.com\/forums\/.*\/topics/.test(location.href)) thread();else if (/\.com\/forums/.test(location.href)) threads();else if (/\.com\/community/.test(location.href)) community();


    return ThreadWatcher;
//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var UsernameCompletion = function (_HolodeckScript15) {
    _inherits(UsernameCompletion, _HolodeckScript15);

    function UsernameCompletion() {
        _classCallCheck(this, UsernameCompletion);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (UsernameCompletion.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(UsernameCompletion)).call(this, 'Chat Username-completion', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(UsernameCompletion, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            if (typeof ChatDialogue === "undefined" || ChatDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressTab) return;

            var isChrome = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0;
            if (isChrome) {
                ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize = ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize.wrap(function (old, p, i, h, u) {
                    old(p, i, h, u);
                    var self = this;
                    this._input_node.observe("keydown", function (event) {
                        if (event.keyCode != 9 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) return;

            ChatDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressTab = ChatDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress;
            ChatDialogue.prototype.tabcnt = 0;
            ChatDialogue.prototype.done = 1;
            ChatDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress = function (a) {
                if (a.keyCode != 9 || a.ctrlKey) {
                    this.tabcnt = 0;
                    this.done = 1;

                var node = this._input_node.wrappedJSObject || this._input_node;
                if (this.tabcnt === 0 && this.done == 1) {
                    var inputText = node.getValue(),
                        spaceAtCaret = inputText.substr(0, node.selectionStart).lastIndexOf(' ');
                    this._caretPos = node.selectionStart;
                    this._start = inputText.substr(0, spaceAtCaret);
                    if (this._start) this._start += " ";

                    this._currentWord = inputText.substring(spaceAtCaret + 1, this._caretPos);
                    this._rest = inputText.substr(this._caretPos);
                this.done = 0;

                var userArray = this._holodeck.chatWindow().activeRoom()._users_list,
                    possibleMatches = [],
                    z = node.getValue();
                if (z.match(/\s+$/)) z = z.replace(/\s+$/, '');

                for (var i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
                    if (userArray[i].username.toLowerCase().indexOf(this._currentWord.toLowerCase()) === 0) {

                if (this.tabcnt < possibleMatches.length) {
                    node.setValue(this._start + possibleMatches[this.tabcnt] + (this._start ? " " : ": ") + this._rest);
                    node.selectionStart = this._caretPos + possibleMatches[this.tabcnt].length - this._currentWord.length + (this._start ? 1 : 2);
                    node.selectionEnd = node.selectionStart;
                    this.tabcnt += 1;
                } else {
                    node.setValue(this._start + this._currentWord + this._rest);
                    node.selectionStart = this._caretPos;
                    node.selectionEnd = this._caretPos;
                    this.tabcnt = 0;
                if (a.stop) a.stop();
                if (a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();

    return UsernameCompletion;

//=require ../script.js

var VersionCheck = function (_Script8) {
    _inherits(VersionCheck, _Script8);

    function VersionCheck() {
        _classCallCheck(this, VersionCheck);

        var _this28 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (VersionCheck.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(VersionCheck)).call(this, 'this', /^\//, true, Script.CATEGORIES.HIDDEN));

        _this28.previousVersion = GM_getValue("KongOneVersion", "1.2.5");
        _this28.latestVersion = unsafeWindow.KongOneVersion;

        // Next load, previous and latest should match
        GM_setValue("KongOneVersion", _this28.latestVersion);
        return _this28;

    _createClass(VersionCheck, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var dContainer = new Element("div", { "style": "background-color:#00000080;position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:10000;display:none;" });
            var div = new Element("div", { "style": "background-color:#FFF;font:normal 11px/15px 'Lucida Grande',Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;padding:15px;display:none;position:fixed;transform:translate(-50%, -50%);top:50%;left:50%;z-index:10000;padding-bottom:50px;" }).update("<h2>Kongregate One Update</h2>Version: " + this.latestVersion + "<p></p>" + unsafeWindow.KongOneUpdateText);
            dContainer.onclick = toggleVisibility;

            var exitCon = new Element("div", { "style": "width:100%;height:50px;bottom:0px;position:absolute;" });
            var exit = new Element("button", { "class": "btn btn_wide btn_action", "style": "display:block;margin:6px auto auto;" }).update("Close");
            exit.onclick = toggleVisibility;
            var anchor = new Element("a", { "href": "", "target": "_blank" }).update("Check out script thread.");

            var gFrame = document.getElementById("game");
            function toggleVisibility() {
                if ( != "none") {
           = "none";
           = "none";
                    if (gFrame) = "visible";
                } else {
           = "";
           = "";
                    if (gFrame) = "hidden";
            if (this.previousVersion !== this.latestVersion) toggleVisibility();

    return VersionCheck;

//=require ../holodeckScript.js

var WhisperCatch = function (_HolodeckScript16) {
    _inherits(WhisperCatch, _HolodeckScript16);

    function WhisperCatch() {
        _classCallCheck(this, WhisperCatch);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (WhisperCatch.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(WhisperCatch)).call(this, 'Whisper Catch', /^\/games/, true, Script.CATEGORIES.CHAT));

    _createClass(WhisperCatch, [{
        key: "run",
        value: function run() {
            var _this30 = this;

            var dom = this.dom;
            var CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
            var removeWhisper = function removeWhisper(w) {

            holodeck.__wc_whisperCount = 0;
            CDialogue.prototype.__wc_receivedPrivateMessage = CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage;
            CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage = function (a) {

       = holodeck.__wc_whisperCount;

                var whispers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPERS_SAVED_KEY)) || [];
                localStorage.setItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPERS_SAVED_KEY, JSON.stringify(whispers));
                setTimeout(removeWhisper, WhisperCatch.WHISPER_WAIT_TIME, a);

            this.__wc_interval = setInterval(function () {
            }, WhisperCatch.CHAT_DIALOGUE_RETRY);

            holodeck.addChatCommand('wctime', function (holodeck, str) {
                var args = str.split(' ').slice(1),
                    time = parseInt(args[0]);

                if (!isNaN(time)) {
                    localStorage.setItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPER_WAIT_TIME_KEY, time);
                    holodeck.activeDialogue().displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", "Whisper save time set to " + time + " seconds.", {
                        "class": "whisper received_whisper"
                    }, {
                        non_user: true

                return false;
    }, {
        key: "restoreWhispers",
        value: function restoreWhispers() {
            var chatDialogue = holodeck.activeDialogue(),
                whispers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPERS_SAVED_KEY)) || [];

            if (!chatDialogue) return;

            while (whispers.length > 0) {
                var w = whispers.shift();

    }, {
        key: "removeWhisper",
        value: function removeWhisper(w) {
            var whispers = (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPERS_SAVED_KEY)) || []).filter(function (o) {
                return !=;

            localStorage.setItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPERS_SAVED_KEY, JSON.stringify(whispers));

    return WhisperCatch;

WhisperCatch.WHISPERS_SAVED_KEY = "wc-whispers_saved";
WhisperCatch.WHISPER_WAIT_TIME_KEY = "wc-whisper_wait_time_key";
WhisperCatch.WHISPER_WAIT_TIME = 1000 * parseInt(localStorage.getItem(WhisperCatch.WHISPER_WAIT_TIME_KEY) || 15);
WhisperCatch.CHAT_DIALOGUE_RETRY = 100;

(function main() {
    console.log("[KongOne] Initializing...");

    if (typeof GM_setValue === 'undefined') {
        window.GM_setValue = function (a, b) {
            localStorage.setItem(a, b);
        window.GM_getValue = function (a, b) {
            var r = localStorage.getItem(a);
            return r === null ? b : r;
        window.GM_deleteValue = function (a) {

    if (unsafeWindow.ChatDialogue) {
        ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize = ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize.wrap(function (old, parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager) {
            old(parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager);
            this._messages_until_next_collection = 0;
            this._holodeck = holodeck;
            this._user_manager = user_manager;
            this._parent_node = parent_node;
            this._messages_count = 0;
            this._insertion_count = 0;
            this._onInputFunction = onInputFunction;

    var optionsScript = new ShowScriptOptions();
    var scripts = [optionsScript, new VersionCheck(), new ChatTimestamp(), new PmNotifier(), new ChatLineHighlight(), new ReplyCommand(), new UsernameCompletion(), new ChatMouseoverTimestamp(), new AfkCommand(), new ChatCharacterLimit(), new KongreLink(), new ChatResizer(), new Kongquer(), new WhisperCatch(), new LargerAvatars(), new BetterQuotes(), new PostCount(), new LevelExtension(), new ThreadWatcher(), new SpamIstTot(), new ImagePreview(), new ChatLog(), new JoinChatRoom()];

    optionsScript.scripts = scripts; (script) {
        return script.initialize();