Greasy Fork is available in English.

Fade In and Out

Adds fade out effect when the page is unloaded

< Fade In and Outについてのフィードバック

レート:可 - スクリプトは動作するがバグがある

投稿日: 2014/05/11
編集日: 2014/05/11

Opacity stays 0 after download

The script works great, many thanks for that! Only one problem, after performing a download opacity stays 0 and the transition is halted. Right-clicking and using the 'Save As' works, but it is rather annoying to do every download that way. Tested on both firefox and chrome with a fresh profile (version info below), making no other changes than installing either scriptish, greasemonkey or tampermonkey respectively and installing this script as the only user.js script. Noticed that other users are reporting similar trouble ( and I do hope this is something fixable, as it really enhances browsing *a lot* :-)

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OS: Ubuntu 13.10 / 14.04 (amd64)

Firefox 29.0 + Scriptish 1.13pre
Firefox 29.0 + Scriptish 1.11
Firefox 29.0 + Greasemonkey 1.15

Firefox 24.5 ESR + Scriptish 1.13pre
Firefox 24.5 ESR + Scriptish 1.11
Firefox 24.5 ESR + Greasemonkey 1.15

Chromium 36.0.1964.2 (Tampermonkey 3.7.48)

投稿日: 2014/05/11

Update: changing the addEeventListener from "beforeunload" to "onbeforeunload" fixed the issue on all download activity both in firefox and chrome. \o/

投稿日: 2015/06/17

Yeah but that fix just means no page ever fades out!

It's a fiddly problem. I think often even the browser itself thinks it is going to leave the page, until it sees the content-type of the requested resource. So how can JS detect this situation?

Possibly we could just fade back in again after a few seconds. There would be no ideal duration for this delay (too low and it will unfade when its not needed), but at least we won't be left looking at a blank page forever!

投稿日: 2015/08/26

I agree this is a BIG issue. It would be greatly appreciated if the creator to fix it.

投稿日: 2015/08/29

The script license is WTFPL. As stated in the source code

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License…

especially since I don't use it myself.

