- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Kongregate One
- // @namespace profusiongames.com
- // @author UnknownGuardian
- // @version 0.61
- // @date 04/19/2013
- // @include http://www.kongregate.com/games/*/*
- // @include http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/*
- // @description Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Written by UnknownGuardian (http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/UnknownGuardian) 2012 - 2013
- // Written by Ventero (http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/Ventero) 2009 - 2013
- // Licensed under MIT/X11 license
- // Copyright (c) Ventero, UnknownGuardian
- // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- // All terms, licenses, credits, etc from scripts used here (documented in comments) apply
- // This portion of attribution only applies to code written or modified based on MrSpontaneous' implementation
- // Written by MrSpontaneous (http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/MrSpontaneous) 01/03/2010
- //This portion of attribution only applies to code written or modified based on skyboy's implementation.
- /**
- *
- * Assorted Userscripts by skyboy.
- * Visit http://github.com/skyboy for documentation, updates
- * and more free code.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010, skyboy
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software with
- * restriction, with limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
- * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense copies of the Software,
- * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
- * subject to the following conditions and limitations:
- *
- * ^ Attribution will be given to:
- * skyboy, http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/skyboy;
- * http://github.com/skyboy; http://skybov.deviantart.com
- *
- * ^ Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in all copies or
- * substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- * ^ Redistributions of modified source code must be marked as such, with
- * the modifications marked and ducumented and the modifer's name clearly
- * listed as having modified the source code.
- *
- * ^ Redistributions of source code may not add to, subtract from, or in
- * any other way modify the above copyright notice, this list of conditions,
- * or the following disclaimer for any reason.
- *
- * ^ Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- function main()
- {
- console.log("KongOne Script running.");
- var dom = (typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined"?window:unsafeWindow);
- dom.oneScriptVersion = "1.101";
- init();
- function init()
- {
- if(typeof GM_setValue === 'undefined'){
- window.GM_setValue = function(a,b){localStorage.setItem(a,b)}
- window.GM_getValue = function(a,b){var r=localStorage.getItem(a);return (r==null?b:r)}
- window.GM_deleteValue = function(a){localStorage.removeItem(a)}
- }
- var url = dom.location.href;
- url = url.substr(url.indexOf(".com/") + ".com/".length);
- if(url.indexOf("/") != -1)
- oneDirectory = url.substring(0,url.indexOf("/"));
- else
- oneDirectory = url;
- oneDirectory = oneDirectory.split("?")[0];
- dom.holodeckCheckCounter = 0
- dom.holodeckInterval = dom.setInterval(checkIfHolodeckLoaded, 100)
- dom.oneScriptsInitialize = [];
- useScript("this", "accounts", init_showScriptOptions, false, true);
- useScript("Chat Timestamp", "games", init_chatTimestamp, true, true);
- useScript("Chat PM Notifier", "games", init_PMNotifier, true, true);
- useScript("Chat Line Highlighting", "games", init_chatLineHighlighting, true, true);
- useScript("Chat Reply-command", "games", init_replyCommand, true, true);
- useScript("Chat Username-completion", "games", init_usernameCompletion, true, true);
- //useScript("Chat Mouseover Timestamp", "games", init_chatMouseoverTimestamp, true, true);
- useScript("Chat Character-limit", "games", init_chatCharacterLimit, true, true);
- useScript("Chat KongreLink", "games", init_kongreLink, true, true);
- useScript("Chat Resizer", "games", init_chatResizer, true, false);
- addScripts(false);
- }
- function useScript(name, page, callback, requiresHolodeck, defaultEnabled)
- {
- dom.oneScriptsInitialize.push({name:name, page:page, callback:callback, requiresHolodeck:requiresHolodeck, added:false, defaultEnabled:defaultEnabled});
- }
- function checkIfHolodeckLoaded()
- {
- holodeckCheckCounter++;
- console.log("[KongOne] Checking if holodeck loaded");
- if(typeof holodeck === 'undefined')
- {
- }
- else if(holodeck.ready)
- {
- dom.clearInterval(dom.holodeckInterval);
- console.log("[KongOne] Holodeck loaded");
- addScripts(true);
- }
- if(holodeckCheckCounter > 40)
- {
- dom.clearInterval(dom.holodeckInterval);
- console.log("[KongOne] Holodeck failed to load");
- }
- }
- function addScripts(onlyHolodeckRequired)
- {
- console.log("[KongOne] Adding Scripts with holodeckRequired = " + onlyHolodeckRequired);
- dom.oneScriptsInitialize.each(function(item)
- {
- if(!item.defaultEnabled && GM_getValue("onescript-" + item.name, "null") == "null")//never been touched before
- GM_setValue("onescript-" + item.name, "false");
- if(item.requiresHolodeck == onlyHolodeckRequired && !item.added)
- {
- if(item.page == oneDirectory && GM_getValue("onescript-" + item.name, "true") == "true")
- {
- console.log("[KongOne] Adding Script: " + item.name);
- item.callback();
- item.added = true;
- }
- }
- })
- console.log("[KongOne] Added Scripts");
- }
- //============
- // This script's UI
- //============
- function init_showScriptOptions()
- {
- console.log("init shot script")
- var div = new Element("div", {"style":"background-color:#FFF;padding: 8px;"}).update("<h2>Scripts</h2>Enable - Script Name<p></p>");
- $("profile_aside").down().insert(div);
- dom.oneScriptsInitialize.each(function(item)
- {
- if(item.name == "this")
- return true; //aka, continue for each loops
- var span = new Element("span", {"style":"margin-top: 5px !important;display: block;"});
- div.insert(span);
- var checkbox = new Element("input", {"type":"checkbox", "id":"onescript-" + item.name, "style":"margin-top:2px;vertical-align:top;margin-right:8px;"});
- var label = new Element("label", {"class":"pls"})
- checkbox.checked = GM_getValue(checkbox.id,item.defaultEnabled?"true":"false") == "true";
- label.update(item.name);
- span.insert(checkbox);
- span.insert(label);
- checkbox.onchange = toggleScript;
- });
- }
- function toggleScript()
- {
- console.log("[KongOne] Toggled script");
- GM_setValue(this.id,this.checked);
- }
- //============
- // Chat Timestamps
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/55571
- //============
- function init_chatTimestamp()
- {
- var holodeck = dom.holodeck,
- ChatDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
- console.log(holodeck, " h", ChatDialogue, " c");
- if(holodeck && ChatDialogue)
- {
- ChatDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype||dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
- if(!holodeck.__timestamp){
- holodeck.__timestamp = true;
- holodeck.addChatCommand("timeformat", function(l,n){
- var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)/),
- m = "",
- q = l.activeDialogue();
- k && (m=k[1]);
- if(m==12 || m==24){
- l._timeFormat = m;
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_timeformat", m);}, 0);
- q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Set to "+m+"-hour clock (hh:mm:ss"+(m==12?" AM/PM)":")"), { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true});
- } else {
- q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Allowed values: 12 and 24", { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true});
- }
- return false;
- });
- holodeck.addChatCommand("tscolor", function(l,n){
- var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+([0-9a-f]{6})/i),
- z = "";
- k&&(z = "#"+k[1]);
- if (z){
- updateColor(z);
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_timestampcolor", z);}, 0);
- l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "Set font-color to "+z, { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true});
- } else {
- l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "No valid color! Format is /hlcolor ###### (# = hex character)", {"class":"whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true})
- }
- return false;
- });
- holodeck.addChatCommand("toggleseconds", function(l,n){
- if(l._showSeconds){
- l._showSeconds = 0;
- l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "Now hiding seconds", { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true});
- }else{
- l._showSeconds = 1;
- l.activeDialogue().displayMessage("Timestamp", "Now showing seconds", { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true})
- }
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_timeshowseconds", l._showSeconds);}, 0);
- return false;
- });
- var timeformat = 12, fontcolor = "#999999", seconds = 0;
- if(typeof GM_setValue !== "function"){
- GM_getValue = GM_setValue = function(){};
- } else {
- timeformat = GM_getValue("kong_timeformat", 12)||12;
- fontcolor = GM_getValue("kong_timestampcolor", "#999999")||"#999999";
- seconds = GM_getValue("kong_timeshowseconds", 0)||0;
- }
- holodeck._timeFormat = timeformat;
- holodeck._showSeconds = seconds;
- var updateColor = (function(c){
- var style = document.createElement("style");
- style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- function _updateColor(color){
- style.innerHTML = "span.inline_timestamp { color: " + color + " !important; }";
- };
- _updateColor(c);
- document.body.appendChild(style);
- return _updateColor;
- })(fontcolor);
- ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.template = '<p class="#{classNames}"><span style="float: left;" class="inline_timestamp">[#{time}] </span><span username="#{username}" class="username #{userClassNames}">#{prefix}#{username}</span><span class="separator">: </span><span class="message">#{message}</span><span class="clear"></span></p>'
- ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.old_evaluate_inline = ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate;
- ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate = function(args){
- var date = new Date();
- var hours = date.getHours();
- var minutes = date.getMinutes();
- var seconds = date.getSeconds();
- var time;
- if (holodeck._timeFormat == 12){
- time = (hours<10?(hours==0?"12":"0"+hours):(hours>12?(hours>21?hours-12:"0"+(hours-12)):hours))+":"+(minutes<10?"0":"")+minutes+(holodeck._showSeconds?(":"+(seconds<10?"0":"")+seconds):"")+(hours>11?" PM":" AM");
- } else {
- time = (hours<10?"0":"")+hours+":"+(minutes<10?"0":"")+minutes+(holodeck._showSeconds?(":"+(seconds<10?"0":"")+seconds):"");
- }
- args.time = time;
- return this.old_evaluate_inline(args);
- };
- }
- }
- }
- //============
- // Chat Line Highlighting
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/49868
- //============
- function init_chatLineHighlighting()
- {
- var holodeck = dom.holodeck,
- CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue,
- CRoom = dom.ChatRoom,
- CWindow = dom.ChatWindow;
- if(CRoom && CDialogue){
- CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype||dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
- CRoom.prototype = dom.CRprototype||dom.ChatRoom.prototype;
- CWindow.prototype = dom.CWprototype||dom.ChatWindow.prototype;
- if(!CDialogue.prototype.searchWord){
- if(!String.prototype.trim){
- String.prototype.trim = function(){
- return this.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
- }
- }
- CDialogue.prototype.searchWord = function(a, b){
- for (var i=0;i<b.length;i++){
- var r = b[i].replace(/(\/|\.|\*|\+|\?|\||\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\\)/g, '\\$1'),
- reg = new RegExp("\\b"+r+"\\b");
- if (reg.test(a)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- CDialogue.prototype.searchUser = function(a){
- return this.searchWord(a, this._holodeck._hluser);
- };
- CDialogue.prototype.searchText = function(a){
- var l = this._holodeck,
- z = l._highlighting.concat([l._username.toLowerCase()]);
- return this.searchWord(a, z);
- }
- CWindow.prototype.hlFriend = function(a){
- return this._holodeck._hl_friends && this.isFriend(a);
- }
- CWindow.prototype.hlMod = function(a){
- if(!this._holodeck._hl_mods) return;
- return this._rooms.any(function(roomArr){
- var room = roomArr[1];
- var user = room.user(a);
- return user && room.canUserModerate(user);
- });
- }
- CWindow.prototype.friendOrMod = function(a){
- if(a.toLowerCase() == this._holodeck._username.toLowerCase()) return "";
- var colors = [];
- if(this.hlMod(a)) colors.push(" hlmod");
- if(this.hlFriend(a)) colors.push(" hlfriend");
- if(colors.length > 1)
- return colors[this._holodeck._hl_priority]
- return (colors[0] || "");
- }
- CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessageOldHighlight = CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage;
- CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage = function(user, msg, attributes, options){
- if(!attributes) attributes = {};
- var classes = attributes["class"] || "";
- var isWhisper = (classes.indexOf("whisper") >= 0);
- if(!(options && options["private"]))
- classes += this._user_manager.friendOrMod(user.toLowerCase());
- if(!isWhisper &&
- !this._user_manager.isMuted(user.toLowerCase()) &&
- (this.searchUser(user.toLowerCase()) ||
- this.searchText(msg.toLowerCase()))) {
- classes += " highlight";
- if(typeof this.new_private_message === "function") {
- var oldChime = holodeck._pm_chime;
- holodeck._pm_chime = holodeck._hl_chime;
- this.new_private_message();
- holodeck._pm_chime = oldChime;
- }
- }
- attributes["class"] = classes;
- this.displayUnsanitizedMessageOldHighlight(user, msg, attributes, options);
- }
- holodeck.addChatCommand("highlight", function(l,n){
- var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
- z = "";
- k&&(z = k[1])
- if(z){
- z = z.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_highlighting", z.toLowerCase());}, 0);
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now highlighting: "+z+" "+l._username);
- l._highlighting = z.toLowerCase().split(' ');
- }
- return false;
- });
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hluser", function(l,n){
- var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
- z = "";
- k&&(z = k[1])
- if(z){
- z = z.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_highlightuser", z.toLowerCase());}, 0);
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now highlighting user(s): "+z);
- l._hluser = z.toLowerCase().split(' ');
- }
- return false;
- });
- function generateCallback(name, stop, start){
- return function(l, n){
- if(l["_hl_" + name]){
- l["_hl_" + name] = 0;
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage(stop || "Stopped highlighting messages by " + name);
- }else{
- l["_hl_" + name] = 1;
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage(start || "Now highlighting messages by " + name);
- }
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_highlight"+name, l["_hl_" + name]);}, 0);
- return false;
- }
- }
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hlmods", generateCallback("mods"));
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hlfriends", generateCallback("friends"));
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hlchime", generateCallback("chime", "Stopped playing the chime for highlighted messages",
- "Now playing the chime for highlighted messages"));
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hlpriority", generateCallback("priority", "Now prioritizing mods over friends", "Now prioritizing friends over mods"));
- function generateColorCallback(selector, rule, name, text, max){
- if(!max) max = 1;
- return function(l, n){
- var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+#?([0-9a-f]{6})/i),
- z = "",
- count = 0;
- if(k) z = "#" + k[1];
- if(z){
- for(var i = 0; i < sheet.cssRules.length; i++){
- if(sheet.cssRules[i].selectorText.indexOf(selector) == 0){
- sheet.cssRules[i].style.setProperty(rule, z, "important");
- if(++count == max){
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_" + name, z);}, 0);
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("New " + (text||name) + ": " + z);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("No valid color! Format is /" + name + " XXXXXX (X = hex character)");
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- holodeck.addChatCommand(
- "whispercolor",
- generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .whisper",
- "background-color",
- "whispercolor")
- )
- holodeck.addChatCommand(
- "friendcolor",
- generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlfriend span.chat_message_window_username",
- "color",
- "friendcolor")
- )
- holodeck.addChatCommand(
- "hlcolor",
- generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight",
- "background-color",
- "hlcolor",
- "highlighting-color",
- 2)
- )
- holodeck.addChatCommand(
- "modcolor",
- generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlmod span.chat_message_window_username",
- "color",
- "modcolor")
- )
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hllist", function(l, n) {
- var diag = l.activeDialogue();
- function botMessage(msg) {
- diag.displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", msg);
- }
- botMessage("Current highlighting settings:");
- if(holodeck._hluser.length > 0) {
- botMessage('Users:');
- botMessage('Users: ' + holodeck._hluser.map(function(user) {
- return ['<a href="#" onclick="holodeck.showMiniProfile(\'', user,
- '\'); return false;">', user, '</a>'].join("");
- }).join(" "));
- } else {
- botMessage("No users highlighted");
- }
- if(holodeck._highlighting.length > 0) {
- botMessage('Words: ' + holodeck._highlighting.join(" "));
- } else {
- botMessage("No words highlighted");
- }
- botMessage('Highlight color: <span style="color: ' + color + '">' +
- color + '</span>');
- botMessage('Whisper color: <span style="color: ' + wcolor + '">' +
- wcolor + '</span>');
- botMessage("Highlighting friends: " +
- (holodeck._hl_friends ? "Yes" : "No") +
- ' (color: <span style="color: ' + fcolor + '">' +
- fcolor + '</span>)');
- botMessage("Highlighting mods: " +
- (holodeck._hl_mods ? "Yes" : "No") +
- ' (color: <span style="color: ' + mcolor + '">' +
- mcolor + '</span>)');
- botMessage("Highlight priority: " +
- (holodeck._hl_priority ? "Friends over mods" : "Mods over friends"));
- botMessage("Playing chime: " +
- (holodeck._hl_chime ?
- (typeof holodeck._pm_chime !== "undefined" ? "Yes" :
- 'No, <a href="http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/65622">script</a> not installed') :
- "No"));
- return false;
- });
- holodeck.addChatCommand("hlreset", function(l, n) {
- var diag = l.activeDialogue();
- diag.kongBotMessage("Resetting all highlighting preferences");
- holodeck._chat_commands.hlcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #def6ea");
- holodeck._chat_commands.whispercolor[0](holodeck, "/color #deeaf6");
- holodeck._chat_commands.friendcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #006600");
- holodeck._chat_commands.modcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #ba6328");
- holodeck._hl_priority = 1;
- holodeck._hl_friends = 1;
- holodeck._hl_mods = 1;
- holodeck._hl_chime = 1;
- holodeck._highlighting = [];
- holodeck._hluser = [];
- ["highlighting", "highlightuser", "hlcolor", "whispercolor", "friendcolor",
- "modcolor", "highlightfriends", "highlightpriority", "highlightmods",
- "highlightchime"].forEach(function(pref) {
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- GM_deleteValue("kong_" + pref);
- }, 0);
- });
- return false;
- });
- holodeck._chat_commands.hl = holodeck._chat_commands.highlight;
- holodeck._chat_commands.hlfriend = holodeck._chat_commands.hlfriends;
- holodeck._highlighting = [];
- holodeck._hluser = [];
- var color = "#def6ea", wcolor = "#deeaf6", fcolor = "#006600", mcolor = "#ba6328", priority = 1, friends = 1, mods = 1, chime = 1;
- if(typeof GM_setValue !== "function"){
- GM_setValue = GM_getValue = function(){};
- } else {
- // migrate old value
- var temp = GM_getValue("kong_highlightcolor", "");
- if(temp){
- GM_setValue("kong_hlcolor", temp);
- if(typeof GM_deleteValue === "undefined"){
- GM_setValue("kong_highlightcolor", "");
- } else {
- GM_deleteValue("kong_highlightcolor");
- }
- }
- var list = GM_getValue("kong_highlighting"),
- user = GM_getValue("kong_highlightuser");
- color = GM_getValue("kong_hlcolor", "#def6ea")||"#def6ea";
- wcolor = GM_getValue("kong_whispercolor", "#deeaf6")||"#deeaf6";
- fcolor = GM_getValue("kong_friendcolor", "#006600")||"#006600";
- mcolor = GM_getValue("kong_modcolor", "#ba6328")||"#ba6328";
- friends = GM_getValue("kong_highlightfriends", 1);
- priority = GM_getValue("kong_highlightpriority", 1);
- mods = GM_getValue("kong_highlightmods", 1);
- chime = GM_getValue("kong_highlightchime", 1);
- if(list){holodeck._highlighting = list.trim().split(' ')};
- if(user){holodeck._hluser = user.trim().split(' ')}
- }
- holodeck._hl_friends = friends;
- holodeck._hl_mods = mods;
- holodeck._hl_chime = chime;
- holodeck._hl_priority = priority;
- // guarantee we have a non-crossdomain stylesheet
- var style = document.createElement("style");
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- (head || document.body).appendChild(style);
- // now find it...
- var sheet = null;
- for(var s = document.styleSheets.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) {
- try{
- if(document.styleSheets[s].cssRules && document.styleSheets[s].cssRules.length) {
- sheet = document.styleSheets[s];
- break;
- }
- }catch(e){ /* no-op */ }
- }
- if(!sheet) {
- alert("Kongregate Chat Line Highlighting could not find a style sheet!\nPlease send a message to Ventero about this problem.");
- return;
- }
- sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .whisper { background-color: '+wcolor+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
- sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight.even { background-color: '+color+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
- sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight { background-color: '+color+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
- sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlfriend span.chat_message_window_username { color: '+fcolor+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
- sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlmod span.chat_message_window_username { color: '+mcolor+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
- }
- }
- }
- //============
- // Reply-Command
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/47963
- //============
- function init_replyCommand()
- {
- var CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
- if (CDialogue){
- CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype||dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
- if(!CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressReply){
- CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressReply = CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress;
- if(CDialogue.prototype.reply){
- CDialogue.prototype.oldreply = CDialogue.prototype.reply
- } else {
- CDialogue.prototype.oldreply = function(a){};
- }
- CDialogue.prototype.reply = function(a){
- this._holodeck._reply = a;
- this.oldreply(a);
- }
- if(!CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM){
- CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM = CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage;
- CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage = function(a){
- if (a.data.success){
- this.reply(a.data.from)
- }
- this.showReceivedPM(a);
- }
- }
- CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress = function (a) {
- var z, node = (this._input_node.wrappedJSObject || this._input_node);
- if(a.which == 32 &&
- ((a.currentTarget.selectionStart == 2 && (z = node.getValue().match(/^\/r(.*)/i))) ||
- (z = node.getValue().match(/^\/r\b(.*)/i)))){
- var x=z[1]||"";
- if (this._holodeck._reply) {
- this.setInput("/w "+this._holodeck._reply+" "+x);
- } else {
- this.setInput("/w ");
- }
- if(a.stop) a.stop();
- if(a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();
- };
- this.oldKeyPressReply(a);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //============
- // Username-Completion
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/49872
- // Thanks to kaedenn for the idea of adding a colon if the username is the first word in the message
- //============
- function init_usernameCompletion()
- {
- if(typeof ChatDialogue === "undefined" ||
- ChatDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressTab) return;
- var isChrome = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0);
- if(isChrome) {
- ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize =
- ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize.wrap(function(old, p, i, h, u){
- old(p, i, h, u);
- var self = this;
- this._input_node.observe("keydown", function(event) {
- if(event.keyCode != 9 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) return;
- self.onKeyPress(event);
- });
- })
- }
- ChatDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressTab = ChatDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress;
- ChatDialogue.prototype.tabcnt = 0;
- ChatDialogue.prototype.done = 1;
- ChatDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress = function(a){
- if (a.keyCode != 9 || a.ctrlKey){
- this.tabcnt = 0;
- this.done = 1;
- this.oldKeyPressTab(a);
- return;
- }
- var node = (this._input_node.wrappedJSObject || this._input_node);
- if (this.tabcnt == 0 && this.done == 1){
- var inputText = node.getValue(),
- spaceAtCaret = inputText.substr(0, node.selectionStart).lastIndexOf(' ');
- this._caretPos = node.selectionStart;
- this._start = inputText.substr(0,spaceAtCaret);
- if(this._start) this._start+=" ";
- this._currentWord = inputText.substring(spaceAtCaret+1, this._caretPos);
- this._rest = inputText.substr(this._caretPos);
- }
- this.done = 0;
- var userArray = this._holodeck.chatWindow().activeRoom()._users_list,
- possibleMatches = [],
- z = node.getValue();
- if (z.match(/\s+$/)) z=z.replace(/\s+$/, '')
- for (var i=0;i<userArray.length;i++){
- if(userArray[i].username.toLowerCase().indexOf(this._currentWord.toLowerCase())==0){
- possibleMatches.push(userArray[i].username);
- }
- }
- if (this.tabcnt < possibleMatches.length){
- node.setValue(this._start + possibleMatches[this.tabcnt] + (this._start?" ":": ") + this._rest);
- node.selectionStart = this._caretPos + possibleMatches[this.tabcnt].length - this._currentWord.length+(this._start?1:2);
- node.selectionEnd = node.selectionStart;
- this.tabcnt+=1;
- } else {
- node.setValue(this._start + this._currentWord + this._rest);
- node.selectionStart = this._caretPos;
- node.selectionEnd = this._caretPos;
- this.tabcnt = 0
- }
- if(a.stop) a.stop();
- if(a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- //============
- // Kongregate Chat Mouseover Timestamp
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/50785
- //============
- function init_chatMouseoverTimestamp()
- {
- var holodeck = dom.holodeck,
- ChatDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
- function injectMouseover(dom, holodeck, ChatDialogue) {
- var message_rollover_template = new dom.Element("div", {id: "message_rollover_template", "class": "user_rollover_container spritesite", style: "display: none"});
- var message_rollover = new dom.Element("div", {"class": "user_rollover spritesite"});
- var message_rollover_inner = new dom.Element("div", {"class": "user_rollover_inner"});
- var rollover_private_message_holder = new dom.Element("p", {"class": "rollover_message_private_message_link_message_link_holder"});
- var rollover_private_message_link = new dom.Element("a", {id: "rollover_message_private_message_link", "class": "rollover_message_private_message_link", href: "#"}).update("Private Message");
- rollover_private_message_holder.appendChild(rollover_private_message_link);
- var rollover_time_text = new dom.Element("p", {id: "rollover_time_text"});
- message_rollover_inner.appendChild(rollover_time_text);
- message_rollover_inner.appendChild(rollover_private_message_holder);
- message_rollover.appendChild(message_rollover_inner);
- message_rollover_template.appendChild(message_rollover);
- $('chat_tab_pane').appendChild(message_rollover_template);
- var MessageRollover = dom.MessageRollover = function(chat_dialogue) {
- this.initialize(chat_dialogue);
- return this;
- }
- MessageRollover.prototype = {
- initialize: function(chat_dialogue){
- this._active_dialogue = chat_dialogue;
- this._holodeck = chat_dialogue._holodeck;
- this._rollover_template_node = $('message_rollover_template');
- this._private_message_node = $('rollover_message_private_message_link');
- this._time_node = $('rollover_time_text');
- this._private_message_observer = function(){};
- if(this._rollover_template_node){
- var rollover = this;
- this._rollover_template_node.observe('mouseover', function(event){
- rollover.stopHide();
- dom.Event.stop(event);
- });
- this._rollover_template_node.observe('mouseout', function(event){
- rollover.beginHide();
- dom.Event.stop(event);
- });
- }
- },
- show: function(time, user, event){
- if(this._hideTimer) clearTimeout(this._hideTimer);
- this.updatePrivateMessageLink(user);
- this.updateTimeText(time);
- this.setRolloverPosition(event);
- this._rollover_template_node.show();
- },
- setRolloverPosition: function(event) {
- var messagenode = event.target;
- var current_scroll_top = this._active_dialogue._message_window_node.scrollTop;
- var current_message_top = messagenode.positionedOffset()[1];
- // nudge the user rollover up a little
- current_message_top = current_message_top - 9;
- var new_top_val = current_message_top;
- if ( current_scroll_top < current_message_top ) {
- new_top_val = current_message_top - current_scroll_top;
- }
- var top_style_str = new_top_val + 'px';
- this._rollover_template_node.setStyle({ top: top_style_str });
- // set left position based on username length
- var username_width = messagenode.getWidth();
- var new_left_val = 20 + username_width;
- var left_style_str = new_left_val + 'px';
- this._rollover_template_node.setStyle({ left: left_style_str });
- },
- updatePrivateMessageLink: function(username){
- var cw = this._holodeck.chatWindow();
- // replace observer
- this._private_message_node.stopObserving('click');
- this._private_message_observer = dom.CapturesToInlineRegistration.decorate(function(event){
- // just put /w <username> in the chat input field
- cw.insertPrivateMessagePrefixFor(username);
- dom.Event.stop(event);
- return false;
- });
- this._private_message_node.observe('click', this._private_message_observer);
- },
- updateTimeText: function(time){
- this._time_node.innerHTML = time;
- },
- beginHide: function() {
- var rollover = this;
- if(this._hideTimer){ clearTimeout(this._hideTimer); }
- this._hideTimer = setTimeout(function() { rollover.hide(); }, 500);
- },
- stopHide: function() {
- clearTimeout(this._hideTimer);
- },
- hide: function() {
- this._rollover_template_node.hide();
- }
- };
- ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.template = '<p class="#{classNames}"><span username="#{username}" time="#{time}" class="username #{userClassNames}">#{prefix}#{username}</span><span class="separator">: </span><span class="message">#{message}</span><span class="clear"></span></p>';
- ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.old_evaluate = ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate;
- ChatDialogue.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate = function(args){
- var date = new Date();
- var hours = date.getHours();
- var minutes = date.getMinutes();
- var seconds = date.getSeconds();
- var time;
- if (holodeck._timeFormat == 12){
- time = (hours<10?(hours==0?"12":"0"+hours):(hours>12?(hours>21?hours-12:"0"+(hours-12)):hours))+":"+(minutes<10?"0":"")+minutes+":"+(seconds<10?"0":"")+seconds+(hours>11?" PM":" AM"); // 12-hour clock
- } else {
- time = (hours<10?"0":"")+hours+":"+(minutes<10?"0":"")+minutes+":"+(seconds<10?"0":"")+seconds; //24-hour clock
- }
- args.time = time;
- return this.old_evaluate(args);
- };
- ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize =
- ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize.wrap(function(old, parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager){
- old(parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager);
- //var self = this;
- //this._input_node.observe("keydown", function(event) {
- // if(event.keyCode != 9 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) return;
- // self.onKeyPress(event);
- //});
- //})
- //ChatDialogue.prototype.initialize = function(parent_node, onInputFunction, holodeck, user_manager) {
- this._messages_until_next_collection = 0;
- this._holodeck = holodeck;
- this._user_manager = user_manager;
- this._parent_node = parent_node;
- this._messages_count = 0;
- this._insertion_count = 0;
- this._onInputFunction = onInputFunction;
- this._message_rollover_manager = new MessageRollover(this);
- // Establish references to re-used nodes
- this._message_window_node = parent_node.down('.chat_message_window');
- this._input_node = parent_node.down('.chat_input');
- this._messages_to_retain = 200;
- this._message_window_node.stopObserving();
- this._message_window_node.observe('mouseover', function(event) {
- var time = event.target.getAttribute("time"),
- user = event.target.getAttribute("username");
- if (time){
- holodeck.activeDialogue().showMessageRollover(time, user, event);
- dom.Event.stop(event);
- }
- });
- this._message_window_node.observe('mouseout', function(event) {
- holodeck.activeDialogue().hideMessageRollover();
- dom.Event.stop(event);
- });
- // Bind event listeners
- var dialogue = this,
- input_node = this._input_node;
- this._input_node.observe('keypress', function(event) { dialogue.onKeyPress(event); });
- this._input_node.observe('focus', function(event) { dialogue.clearPrompt(); });
- // Trigger mini-profile for clicks on usernames in chat.
- this._message_window_node.observe('click',
- function(event) {
- if (event.target) {
- var username = event.target.getAttribute('username');
- if(username){
- event.stop();
- user_manager.showProfile(username);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- ChatDialogue.prototype.showMessageRollover = function (time, user, event){
- this._message_rollover_manager.show(time, user, event);
- }
- ChatDialogue.prototype.hideMessageRollover = function(){
- this._message_rollover_manager.beginHide();
- }
- }
- if(holodeck && ChatDialogue){
- if(!ChatDialogue.prototype && dom.CDprototype)
- ChatDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype;
- if(!holodeck.__mouseover){
- holodeck.__mouseover = true;
- var script = document.createElement("script");
- script.type = "text/javascript";
- script.textContent = "(" + injectMouseover.toString() + ")(window, $, holodeck, ChatDialogue);";
- document.body.appendChild(script);
- setTimeout(function(){document.body.removeChild(script);}, 100);
- holodeck.addChatCommand("timeformat", function(l,n){
- var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)/),
- m = "",
- q = l.activeDialogue();
- k && (m=k[1]);
- if(m==12 || m==24){
- l._timeFormat = m;
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_timeformat", m);}, 0);
- q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Set to "+m+"-hour clock (hh:mm:ss"+(m==12?" AM/PM)":")"), { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true});
- } else {
- q.displayMessage("Timeformat", "Allowed values: 12 and 24", { "class": "whisper received_whisper"}, {non_user: true});
- }
- return false;
- });
- var timeformat = 12;
- if(typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined"){
- timeformat = GM_getValue("kong_timeformat", 12)||12;
- }else{
- GM_setValue = function(){};
- }
- holodeck._timeFormat = timeformat;
- }
- }
- }
- //============
- // Character-limit
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/48979
- //============
- function init_chatCharacterLimit(){
- var CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
- if(CDialogue){
- CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype||dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
- if(!CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressLimit){
- CDialogue.prototype.oldKeyPressLimit = CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress;
- CDialogue.prototype.onKeyPress = function (a) {
- var node = (this._input_node.wrappedJSObject || this._input_node);
- this.oldKeyPressLimit(a);
- if (node.getValue().length > 249) {
- z = node.getValue();
- var y = "";
- if (n=z.match(/^(\/\S+\s+\S*\s*)(.*)/)){
- y=n[2];
- if (y.length>249){
- node.setValue(n[1]+y.substr(0, 249))
- }
- }else{
- node.setValue(node.getValue().substr(0, 249))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- }
- //============
- // KongreLink (skyboy attribution applies)
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/72163
- //============
- function init_kongreLink()
- {
- console.log("initializing the kongrelink js");
- window.location.assign("javascript:void(holodeck.addIncomingMessageFilter(function(m,n){var REGEX=/((?:<\\S[^>]+?)?(?:>)?)?(\\b(?:(?:(ht|f)tp)s?:\\/\\/)?(((?:\\w+[.])?(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9]{1,2})[.])*(a(?:c|d|e(?:ro)?|f|g|i|l|m|n|o|q|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?|t|u|w|x|z)|b(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|iz|j|l|m|n|o|r|s|t|v|w|y|z)|c(?:at?|c|d|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o(?:m|op)?|r|u|v|x|y|z)|d[ejkmoz]|e(?:c|du|e|g|h|r|s|t|u)|f[ijkmor]|g(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|l|m|n|ov|p|q|r|s|t|u|w|y)|h[kmnrtu]|i(?:d|e|l|m|n(?:fo|t)|o|q|r|s|t)|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m(?:a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i?l|k|m|n|o(?:bi)?|p|q|r|s|t|u(?:seum)?|v|w|x|y|z)|n(?:a(?:me)?|c|et?|f|g|i|l|o|p|r|u|z)|om|org|p(?:a|e|f|g|h|k|l|m|n|ro?|s|t|w|y)|qa|r[eosuw]|s(?:a|b|c|d|e|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|r|t|u|v|y|z)|t(?:c|d|e?l|f|g|th|j|k|m|n|o|p|r(?:avel)?|t|v|w|z)|u[agkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw])\\b([.]\\B)?|\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+)(?::\\d+)?)(\\/+\\??(?:\\S+))?/ig,lF=/(?:<(\\S)[^>]+?href=[\"'])(?:\\b((?:(ht|f)tp)s?:\\/\\/)?(((?:\\S+[.])?(?:[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9]{1,2})[.])*(a(?:c|d|e(?:ro)?|f|g|i|l|m|n|o|q|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?|t|u|w|x|z)|b(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|iz|j|l|m|n|o|r|s|t|v|w|y|z)|c(?:at?|c|d|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o(?:m|op)?|r|u|v|x|y|z)|d[ejkmoz]|e(?:c|du|e|g|h|r|s|t|u)|f[ijkmor]|g(?:a|b|d|e|f|g|h|i|l|m|n|ov|p|q|r|s|t|u|w|y)|h[kmnrtu]|i(?:d|e|l|m|n(?:fo|t)|o|q|r|s|t)|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m(?:a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i?l|k|m|n|o(?:bi)?|p|q|r|s|t|u(?:seum)?|v|w|x|y|z)|n(?:a(?:me)?|c|et?|f|g|i|l|o|p|r|u|z)|om|org|p(?:a|e|f|g|h|k|l|m|n|ro?|s|t|w|y)|qa|r[eosuw]|s(?:a|b|c|d|e|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|r|t|u|v|y|z)|t(?:c|d|e?l|f|g|th|j|k|m|n|o|p|r(?:avel)?|t|v|w|z)|u[agkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[etu]|z[amw])\\b([.]\\B)?|\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+[.]\\d+)(?::\\d+)?)?(\\/+(?:\\S+))??(?:[\"'][^>]*?>([\\s\\S]+?)<\\/\\1>)/gi,q=function(w,c,r,l){var t,a,d;w=w.substring(0,(t=r.lastIndex)-(a=c[0]).length)+(a=(\"<a \"+(l?l[1]:'')+\" href='\"+(((d=c[3])==\"ht\"||d==\"f\")?\"\":\"http://\")+(d=a).replace(/<a[^>]+?href=([\"'])([\\s\\S]+?)\\1[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]+<\\/a>/, \"$2\")+\"' target='_blank'>\"+(c[9]||d)+\"</a>\"))+w.substring(t,w.length);REGEX.lastIndex+=a.length-d.length;return w},Q=function(b){var w=b,t=REGEX.lastIndex=0,a,c,d;while(c=REGEX.exec(w)){if(c[1]||(!c[5]&&!c[7])||(c[7]&&!(c[3]||c[8])))continue;w=q(w,c,REGEX)};while(c=lF.exec(w)){c[3]='ht';w=q(w,c,lF,c[0].match(/(class=(['\"])[^>]+?\\2)[\\s\\S]*?>/i))};return w};return n(Q(m),n)}))");
- }
- //============
- // PM Notifier (MrSpontaneous attribution applies
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/48979
- //============
- function init_PMNotifier()
- {
- var holodeck = dom.holodeck,
- CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue;
- if (CDialogue)
- {
- CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype||dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
- console.log("pm1");
- if (!CDialogue.prototype.new_private_message)
- {
- console.log("pm2");
- dom._animatedFav = false;
- dom._pmCount = 0;
- dom._baseTitle = document.title;
- dom._blurred = false;
- dom._chime = dom.document.createElement('audio');
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- dom._chime.load();
- //dom.document.addEventListener("blur", function() {
- window.onblur=function(){
- dom._blurred = true;
- console.log("Blur1");
- };//, false);
- console.log("pm3");
- //dom.document.addEventListener("focus", function() {
- window.onfocus=function(){
- dom._blurred = false;
- console.log("Focus 1");
- dom.pmReset();
- };//, false);
- console.log("pm4");
- dom.pmReset = function() {
- if (dom._animatedFav) {
- dom.toggleFavLink();
- }
- dom._pmCount = 0;
- document.title = dom._baseTitle;
- }
- console.log("pm5");
- dom.createFavLink = function(attr) {
- var link = document.createElement("link");
- link.type = attr['type'];
- link.rel = attr['rel'];
- link.href = attr['href'];
- return link;
- }
- console.log("pm6");
- dom.toggleFavLink = function() {
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- var links = head.getElementsByTagName("link");
- for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
- var link = links[i];
- if (link.rel=="shortcut icon") {
- head.removeChild(link);
- }
- }
- if (dom._animatedFav) {
- head.appendChild(dom.createFavLink(dom._staticFavLinkAttr));
- }
- else {
- head.appendChild(dom.createFavLink(dom._animatedFavLinkAttr));
- }
- dom._animatedFav = !dom._animatedFav;
- }
- console.log("p7");
- dom._staticFavLinkAttr = {'rel':'shortcut icon', 'href':'/favicon.ico', 'type':'image/x-icon'};
- console.log("pm8");
- CDialogue.prototype.new_private_message = function() {
- console.log("got pm 1");
- if (_blurred || (document.hidden != undefined && document.hidden) || (document.webkitHidden != undefined && document.webkitHidden)) {
- console.log("got pm blurred");
- dom._pmCount++;
- if (!dom._animatedFav) {
- dom.toggleFavLink();
- }
- document.title = "[" + dom._pmCount + "] " + dom._baseTitle;
- if (holodeck._pm_chime) {
- dom._chime.play();
- }
- }
- }
- if(!CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM_notifier){
- CDialogue.prototype.showReceivedPM_notifier = CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage;
- CDialogue.prototype.receivedPrivateMessage = function(a){
- if (a.data.success && !this._user_manager.isMuted(a.data.from)) {
- this.new_private_message();
- }
- this.showReceivedPM_notifier(a);
- }
- }
- holodeck.addChatCommand("pmchime", function (l,n){
- if(l._pm_chime) {
- l._pm_chime = 0;
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("PM chime is OFF");
- } else {
- l._pm_chime = 1;
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("PM chime is ON");
- }
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_pmchime", l._pm_chime);}, 0);
- return false;
- });
- try{
- if (GM_setValue){
- var pm_chime = GM_getValue("kong_pmchime", 1);
- }else{
- GM_setValue = function(a,b){};
- var pm_chime = 1;
- }
- }catch(e){
- GM_setValue = function(a,b){};
- var pm_chime = 1;
- }
- holodeck._pm_chime = pm_chime;
- }
- }
- }
- //============
- // PM Notifier (MrSpontaneous attribution applies
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/48979
- //============
- function init_chatResizer()
- {
- dom.defaultWidth = 500;
- dom.defaultHeight = 600;
- dom.spaceLeft = 200;
- dom.center = true;
- dom.userListHeight = 100;
- if(!$('maingamecontent')) return;
- var initialOffsetTop = $('maingamecontent').offsetTop + $('chat_tab_pane').offsetTop;
- var initialOffsetLeft = $('maingamecontent').offsetLeft + $('chat_tab_pane').offsetLeft;
- var minimumHeight = parseInt($("game").style.height, 10) - parseInt($('main_tab_set').clientHeight, 10) - 16;
- var minimumWidth = 300;
- if(dom.holodeck){
- var holodeck = dom.holodeck;
- holodeck.addChatCommand("size", function(l, n){
- var m = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\S+)/);
- var o = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(?:\s+(\d+))?/)
- if(m && m[1] == "reset"){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Resetting size for this game to defaults.");
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_deleteValue("kong_resize_"+location.pathname)}, 0);
- setWidth(window._defaultChatWidth);
- setHeight(window._defaultChatHeight, window._defaultUserlistHeight, window._currentGameCentered);
- return false;
- } else if(m && m[1] == "show"){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Current chat size: width: " + window._currentChatWidth + "px, height: " + window._currentChatHeight + "px, userlist-height: " + window._currentChatUserlistHeight + "px.");
- return false;
- } else if(!o){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Please specify a width and a height: /size width height. Example: /size 500 500");
- return false;
- }
- var width = parseInt(o[1], 10);
- var height = parseInt(o[2], 10);
- var listHeight = parseInt(o[3]||100, 10);
- var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);
- if(width < 300){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Minimum width is 300. Setting width to 300px.");
- width = 300;
- }
- if(height < gameHeight){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Minimum height is the game's height. Setting height to " + gameHeight + "px.");
- height = gameHeight;
- }
- if(listHeight > height - 200){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Userlist height is too large. Setting it to 100px");
- listHeight = 100;
- }
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_resize_"+location.pathname, width+"/"+height+"/"+listHeight)}, 0);
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Resizing chat to " + width + "px/" + height + "px/" + listHeight + "px");
- setWidth(width);
- setHeight(height, listHeight, window._currentGameCentered);
- return false;
- });
- holodeck.addChatCommand("defaultsize", function(l, n){
- var m = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\S+)/);
- var o = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(?:\s+(\d+))?/)
- if(m && m[1] == "reset"){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Resetting default size to 500/600/100");
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_deleteValue("kong_resize_default")}, 0);
- return false;
- } else if(m && m[1] == "show"){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Current chat size: width: " + window._defaultChatWidth + "px, height: " + window._defaultChatHeight + "px, userlist-height: " + window._defaultUserlistHeight + "px.");
- return false;
- } else if(!o){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Syntax /defaultsize width height userlist-height. userlist-height is optional. Example: /defaultsize 500 500 100");
- }
- var width = parseInt(o[1], 10);
- var height = parseInt(o[2], 10);
- var listHeight = parseInt(o[3]||100, 10);
- if(width < 300){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Minimum width is 300. Setting width to 300px.");
- width = 300;
- }
- if(listHeight > height){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Userlist height is too large. Setting it to 100px");
- listHeight = 100;
- }
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_resize_default", width+"/"+height+"/"+listHeight)}, 0);
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Set default values to width: " + width + "px, height: " + height + "px, userlist-height: " + listHeight + "px.");
- return false;
- });
- holodeck.addChatCommand("centergame", function(l, n){
- var center = !window._currentGameCentered;
- if(center){
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now centering the game");
- } else {
- l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now aligning the game to the chat's bottom");
- }
- window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_resize_center", center?1:0)}, 0);
- centerGame(center);
- return false;
- });
- }
- var getString = "", centerVal = -1, defaults = "";
- getString = GM_getValue("kong_resize_"+location.pathname, "");
- centerVal = GM_getValue("kong_resize_center", -1);
- defaults = GM_getValue("kong_resize_default", "");
- if(defaults){
- var splitArr = defaults.split("/");
- defaultWidth = parseInt(splitArr[0], 10)||defaultWidth;
- defaultHeight = parseInt(splitArr[1], 10)||defaultHeight;
- userListHeight = parseInt(splitArr[2], 10)||userListHeight;
- }
- window._defaultChatWidth = defaultWidth;
- window._defaultChatHeight = defaultHeight;
- window._defaultUserlistHeight = userListHeight;
- var x = defaultWidth, y = defaultHeight, l = userListHeight, cg = center, override = false;
- if(centerVal != -1){
- cg = (centerVal == 1);
- }
- if(getString){
- var splitArr = getString.split("/");
- x = parseInt(splitArr[0], 10)||defaultWidth;
- y = parseInt(splitArr[1], 10)||defaultHeight;
- l = parseInt(splitArr[2], 10)||userListHeight;
- override = true;
- }
- var gameWidth = parseInt($('game').style.width, 10);
- var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);
- if(x > minimumWidth){
- if(override || gameWidth + x < screen.width - spaceLeft){ // enough place to resize to specified width
- setWidth(x);
- }else{ // resize as far as possible
- var chatWidth = screen.width - gameWidth - spaceLeft;
- if(chatWidth > minimumWidth) setWidth(chatWidth);
- }
- }
- if(y > minimumHeight && y > gameHeight){
- setHeight(y, l, cg);
- } else {
- setHeight(gameHeight, l, cg);
- }
- }
- function centerGame(center){
- window._currentGameCentered = center;
- if(center){
- var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);
- var mainHeight = parseInt($("maingame").style.height, 10);
- $('game').style.top = (mainHeight - gameHeight)/2+"px"
- $('game').style.position = "relative";
- }else{
- $('game').style.bottom = "0px";
- $('game').style.top = "";
- $('game').style.position = "absolute";
- }
- }
- function setHeight(height, userListHeight, center){
- if(!userListHeight) userListHeight = 100;
- window._currentChatHeight = height;
- window._currentChatUserlistHeight = userListHeight;
- var quicklinksHeight = $('quicklinks') ? $('quicklinks').parentNode.clientHeight : 26;
- var maintabHeight = $('main_tab_set').clientHeight;
- var tabPaneHeight = height - 16;
- var mainHeight = height + quicklinksHeight + maintabHeight;
- var gameHeight = parseInt($('game').style.height, 10);
- $("maingame").style.height = mainHeight + "px";
- $("maingamecontent").style.height = mainHeight + "px";
- $("flashframecontent").style.height = mainHeight + "px";
- $("chat_container").style.height = (height + maintabHeight) + "px";
- $("user_mini_profile_container").style.height = (height - 65) + "px";
- $("user_mini_profile").style.height = (height - 65) + "px";
- var messageWindows = $$(".chat_message_window");
- for(var i = 0; i < messageWindows.length; i++){
- messageWindows[i].style.height = (tabPaneHeight - userListHeight - 93)+"px"; // 93 = roomname, users in room etc.
- }
- var usersInRoom = $$(".users_in_room");
- for(i = 0; i < usersInRoom.length; i++){
- usersInRoom[i].style.height = userListHeight + "px";
- }
- var roomsList = $$(".rooms_list");
- for(i = 0; i < roomsList.length; i++){
- roomsList[i].style.height = (height - 79)+"px";
- }
- z = $("kong_game_ui").childNodes;
- for(i=0;i<z.length;i++){
- if(z[i].nodeName=="DIV"){
- z[i].style.height = tabPaneHeight + "px";
- }
- }
- if(center != -1 && center !== undefined)
- centerGame(center);
- }
- function setWidth(width){
- window._currentChatWidth = width;
- var gameWidth = parseInt($("game").style.width, 10);
- $("maingame").style.width = (gameWidth + 3 + width) + "px";
- $("maingamecontent").style.width = (gameWidth + 3 + width) + "px";
- $("flashframecontent").style.width = (gameWidth + 3 + width) + "px";
- $("chat_container").style.width = width + "px";
- $('chat_window_spinner').style.right = width/2 - 38 + "px";
- if($('high_scores_spinner'))
- $('high_scores_spinner').style.right = width/2 - 38 + "px";
- var ui = $("kong_game_ui");
- z = ui.childNodes
- for(i=0;i<z.length;i++){
- if(z[i].tagName == "DIV")
- z[i].style.width = (width - 17) + "px";
- }
- $A(ui.querySelectorAll("textarea.chat_input")).forEach(function(el){
- el.style.width = (width - 21) + "px";
- });
- }
- function $A(c){
- return [].slice.call(c);
- }
- }
- // This injects our script onto the page.
- // Kinda borrowed from http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/125666
- // Borrowed from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2303228
- var script = document.createElement('script');
- script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ main +')();'));
- (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);