Turkmaster (Mturk)

A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.

< Turkmaster (Mturk)についてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2016/11/09

Watcher will not save

I try to add a watcher and it doesn't show up when I refresh the my account page.

投稿日: 2016/11/12

Are you leaving your dashboard open in one tab while you add a watcher in another? It should work fine if you do it that way.

投稿日: 2016/11/15

That was it! Thank you thank you! I love the script and was dreading there was no answer lol.

