
在种子列表页中,过滤: 未作种,无国语,有中字,标题不含,描述不含,大小介于,IMDb/豆瓣大于输入值 的种子。配合dupapi可以实现Plex/Emby库查重。

// ==UserScript==
// @name         种子列表过滤
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/451748
// @version      1.5.1
// @license      GPL-3.0 License
// @description  在种子列表页中,过滤: 未作种,无国语,有中字,标题不含,描述不含,大小介于,IMDb/豆瓣大于输入值 的种子。配合dupapi可以实现Plex/Emby库查重。
// @author       ccf2012
// @source       https://github.com/ccf-2012/torfilter
// @icon         https://pterclub.com/favicon.ico
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @connect
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js
// @match        https://*pterclub.com/torrents.php*
// @match        https://*pterclub.com/officialgroup*
// @match        https://pterclub.com/details.php*
// @match        https://chdbits.co/torrents.php*
// @match        https://chdbits.co/details.php*
// @match        https://ptchdbits.co/torrents.php*
// @match        https://ptchdbits.co/details.php*
// @match        https://audiences.me/torrents.php*
// @match        https://audiences.me/details.php*
// @match        https://ourbits.club/torrents.php*
// @match        https://ourbits.club/details.php*
// @match        https://springsunday.net/torrents.php*
// @match        https://springsunday.net/details.php*
// @match        https://www.beitai.pt/torrents.php*
// @match        https://www.beitai.pt/details.php*
// @match        https://totheglory.im/browse.php?*
// @match        https://totheglory.im/t/*
// @match        https://pt.keepfrds.com/torrents.php*
// @match        https://pt.keepfrds.com/details.php*
// @match        https://*hdchina.org/torrents.php*
// @match        https://*hdchina.org/details.php*
// @match        https://hdsky.me/torrents.php*
// @match        https://hdsky.me/details.php*
// @match        https://hhanclub.top/torrents.php*
// @match        https://hhanclub.top/details.php*
// @match        https://leaves.red/torrents*
// @match        https://leaves.red/details*
// @match        https://hdhome.org/torrents.php*
// @match        https://hdhome.org/details.php*
// @match        https://wintersakura.net/torrents.php*
// @match        https://wintersakura.net/details.php*
// @match        https://pt.soulvoice.club/torrents.php*
// @match        https://pt.soulvoice.club/details.php*
// @match        https://ptsbao.club/torrents.php*
// @match        https://ptsbao.club/details.php*
// @match        https://pt.eastgame.org/torrents.php*
// @match        https://pt.eastgame.org/details.php*
// @match        https://www.hddolby.com/torrents.php*
// @match        https://www.hddolby.com/details.php*
// @match        https://pt.hd4fans.org/torrents.php*
// @match        https://pt.hd4fans.org/details.php*
// @match        https://hdfans.org/torrents.php*
// @match        https://hdfans.org/details.php*
// @match        https://pthome.net/torrents.php*
// @match        https://pthome.net/details.php*
// @match        https://kp.m-team.cc/torrents*
// @match        https://kp.m-team.cc/movie*
// @match        https://kp.m-team.cc/details*
// @match        https://piggo.me/torrents*
// @match        https://piggo.me/special*
// @match        https://piggo.me/details*
// @match        https://discfan.net/torrents*
// @match        https://discfan.net/details*
// @match        https://www.tjupt.org/torrents*
// @match        https://www.tjupt.org/details*

// ==/UserScript==

const API_SERVER = '';
const API_AUTH_USER = "admin";
const API_AUTH_PASS = "password";

const API_CHECKDUP = API_SERVER + '/api/checkdupeonly';
const API_DUPDOWNLOAD = API_SERVER + '/api/dupedownload';

const not_supported = (element) => {
  return "";

const skip_passkey = async () => {
  return "";

//  ====== pter
const pter_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find( "a span[data-imdbid]" );
  return t.text();
const pter_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("a span[data-imdbid]")
  return (t && t.attr("data-imdbid")) ? 'tt'+t.attr("data-imdbid") : ''

const pter_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("a span[data-doubanid]" 
  return d.text();

const pter_seeding = (element) => {
  // var d = $(element).find("img.progbargreen");
  return ($(element).find("img.progbargreen").length > 0);

const pter_downed = (element) => {
  // var d = $(element).find("img.progbargreen");
  return ($(element).find("img.progbarred").length > 0);

//  ====== chd
const chd_imdb = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find(
    "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)"
  return t.text();

const chd_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(10)");
  return (d.length > 0 && d.css("color") === 'rgb(0, 128, 0)')
  // return d.text() === "100%";

const chd_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(10)");
  // return (d.length > 0 && d.css("color") === 'rgb(0, 128, 0)')
  return d.text() != "--";

const chd_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  return "";
//  ====== ade
const ade_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find(
    "td.rowfollow.torrents-box > div.torrents-name > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(3)"
  return t.text();
const ade_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
      "td.rowfollow.torrents-box > div.torrents-name > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(3)"
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const ade_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find(
    "td.rowfollow.torrents-box > div.torrents-name > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(1)"
  return d.text();

const ade_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.torrents-progress");

  return d.length > 0 && d.css("width") != "0px";
  // return d.text() === "100%";

const ade_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.torrents-progress2");

  return d.length > 0 && d.css("width") != "0px";

const ade_passkey = async () => {
    let html =  await $.get("usercp.php")
    // debugger;
    // $(html).find("#passkey").css("display", "");
    let passkeyRow = $(html).find("#passkey");
    if (passkeyRow.length > 0){
        let key = passkeyRow.text().replace('(妥善保管,请勿泄露)', '');
        return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1" ;
    return "" ;

//  ====== ob
const ob_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find(
    "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > em > label"
  return t.text();
const ob_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > em > label"

  return t ? "tt" + t : "";

const ob_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find(
    "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > em > label"
  return d.text();
const ob_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.doing");
  return d.length > 0 && d.attr("title").includes("100%");
const ob_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.out");
  return d.length > 0 && d.attr("title").includes("100%");

const ob_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");

  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length <= 0) {
    passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密匙"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length <= 0) {
    passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("Passkey"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    let key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1";
  return "";

//  ====== redleaves
const rl_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("img[alt*='imdb']")
  return t.parent().text();

const rl_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("img[alt*='douban']");
  return d.parent().text();

const rl_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div[title]");
  return d.length > 0 && d.attr("title").includes("100");
const rl_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div[title]");
  return d.length > 0 && d.attr("title").includes("100");

const rl_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");

  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    let key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1";
  return "";

//  ====== ssd
const ssd_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("span.torrent-rating");
  if (t.length > 1){
    return $(t[0]).text()
  var s = t.parent().attr("href");
  if (s && s.match(/search=(\d+)\b.*search_area=4/)) {
    return $(t[0]).text()
  return ""
  // let imdb = "";
  // if (t.parent().attr("href") && t.parent().attr("href").includes("imdb")) {
  //   imdb = t.text();
  // }
  // return imdb;

const ssd_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
    .find("td:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > span > a:nth-child(1)")
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/search=(\d+)\b.*search_area=4/);
    if (m) {
      return (m[1].length < 7) ? "tt" + m[1].padStart(7, '0') : "tt" + m[1];
  return  "";

const ssd_douban = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("span.torrent-rating");
  if (t.length > 1){
    return $(t[1]).text()
  var s = t.parent().attr("href");
  if (s && s.match(/search=(\d+)\b.*search_area=5/)) {
    return $(t[0]).text()
  return ""

  // var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(2) > a > span");
  // if (d.length <= 0) {
  //   d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(3) > div > a > span");
  // }
  // let douban = "";
  // if (d.parent().attr("href") && d.parent().attr("href").includes("douban")) {
  //   douban = d.text();
  // }
  // return douban;

const ssd_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.p_seeding");
  return d.length > 0;

const ssd_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.p_inactive");
  return d.length > 0;

const ssd_passkey = async () => {
  // site changed 2022.12
  // let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  // let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  // if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
  //   var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
  //   return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1";
  // }
  return "";

const ssd_detailTable = (html) => {
  let downTr = $(html).find('tr:contains("下载"):first');
  if (downTr) {
    return downTr.parent();
  } else return null;

//  ====== ttg
const ttg_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("td:nth-child(2) > div.name_right > span.imdb_rate > a");
  return t.text();

const ttg_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("td:nth-child(2) > div.name_right > span.imdb_rate > a").attr("href");
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const ttg_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(2) > div.process.green > span");
  return d.length > 0;

const ttg_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("my.php");
  let passkeyRow = $("td", $(html)).filter(function() {
    return $(this).text() == "Passkey";

  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return key.trim();
  return "";

// beitai
const beitai_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  return d.text().includes("100%");

const beitai_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1";
  return "";

//  ====== frds
const frds_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(2)");
  let imdb = "";
  if (t.attr("src") && t.attr("src").includes("imdb")) {
    imdb = t.parent().text();
    imdb = imdb.replace(/(-+|\d+\.\d*)\s*$/, '').trim()
  return imdb;

const frds_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1";
  return "";

const frds_seeding = (element) => {
  // var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1)");
  var d = $("td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)", element)
  return d.length > 0 && (/2s_up.gif/.exec(d.html()))

const frds_downed = (element) => {
  // var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1)");
  var d = $("td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)", element)
  return d.length > 0 && (/2s_dled.gif/.exec(d.html()))

//  ====== hdc
const hdc_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find(
    "td.t_name > table > tbody > tr > td.act > a.imdb"
  return t.text();

const hdc_seeding = (element) => {
  var s = $(element).find("div.progress_seeding");
  var d = $(element).find("div.progressarea");
  return s.length > 0 || d.length > 0;
const hdc_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.progress_completed");
  return d.length > 0;

//  ====== hds
const sky_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find(
    "td > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(2)"
  return t.text();
const sky_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
      "td > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(2)"
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";


const sky_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find(
    "td > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(1)"
  return d.text();

const sky_seeding = (element) => {
  var s = $(element).find("div.progressseeding");
  var d = $(element).find("div.progressdownloading");
  return s.length > 0 || d.length > 0;

const sky_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.progressfinished");

  return d && d.length > 0 ;

const sky_passkey = async () => {
  // let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  // let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  // if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
  //   var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
  //   return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  // }
  return "";

//  ====== hhclub
const hh_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("img[title='imdb']");
  return t.parent().text();

const hh_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("img[title='douban']");
  return d.parent().text();

const hh_seeding = (element) => {
  var s = $(element).find("[title*='leeching']");
  var d = $(element).find("[title*='seeding']");
  return s.length > 0 || d.length > 0;

const hh_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("[title*='inactivity']");

  return d && d.length > 0 ;

const hh_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  return "";

//  ====== lemonhd
const lhd_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find( "a[href*='imdb']" );
  return t.text();
const lhd_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
    .find("a[href*='imdb']" )

  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const lhd_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("a[href*='douban']");
  return d.text();
const lhd_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td.rowfollow.peer-active");
  return d.length > 0 ;
const lhd_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(10) > b");
  return d.text() != "--";;

const lhd_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  return "";

//  ====== hdh
const hdh_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find(
    "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(3)"
  return t.text();
const hdh_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(3)"
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const hdh_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find(
    "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(1)"
  return d.text();
const hdh_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  return d.text().includes("100%");

const hdh_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  // return (d.length > 0 && d.css("color") === 'rgb(0, 128, 0)')
  return d.text() != "--";
const hdh_passkey = async () => {
  let html =  await $.get("usercp.php")
  // debugger;
  // $(html).find("#passkey").css("display", "");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find("#passkey");
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0){
      let key = passkeyRow.text().replace('(妥善保管,请勿泄露)', '');
      return "&passkey=" + key.trim() + "&https=1" ;
  return "" ;

//  ====== ptsbao
const ptsbao_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("img[title*='IMDb']")
  return t.parent().text();

const ptsbao_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div[title]");
  return d.length > 0 && d.attr("title").includes("100");
const ptsbao_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div[title]");
  return d.length > 0 && d.attr("title").includes("100");

//  ====== hddolby
const hddolby_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("img[src*='imdb.png']")
  return t.parent().text();

const hddolby_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("img[src='douban.png']");
  return d.parent().text();

const hddolby_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(3)"
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const hddolby_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  return d.text().includes("100%");
const hddolby_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  // return (d.length > 0 && d.css("color") === 'rgb(0, 128, 0)')
  return d.text().includes("Noseed");

const hddolby_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  return "";

//===== hd4fans

const hd4fans_seeding = (element) => {
  var s = $(element).find("div.progress_seeding");
  var d = $(element).find("div.progressarea");
  return s.length > 0 || d.length > 0;
const hd4fans_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("div.progressarea");
  return d.length > 0;

const hd4fans_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  return "";

//==== hdfans
const hdfans_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("img[title*='imdb']")
  return t.parent().text();

const hdfans_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("img[title='douban']");
  return d.parent().text();

const hdfans_seeding = (element) => {
  var s = $(element).find("[title*='leeching']");
  var d = $(element).find("[title*='seeding']");
  return s.length > 0 || d.length > 0;
const hdfans_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("[title*='inactivity']");

  return d && d.length > 0 ;

const hdfans_passkey = async () => {
  let html = await $.get("usercp.php");
  let passkeyRow = $(html).find('tr:contains("密钥"):last');
  if (passkeyRow.length > 0) {
    var key = passkeyRow.find("td:last").text();
    return "&passkey=" + key.trim();
  return "";

//===== pthome
const pthome_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find("img[src*='imdb']")
  return t.parent().text();

const pthome_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("img[src='douban']");
  return d.parent().text();

const pthome_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div > a:nth-child(3)"
  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const pthome_seeding = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  return (d.length > 0 && d.css("color") === 'rgb(0, 128, 0)')
const pthome_downed = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("td:nth-child(9)");
  return d.text().includes("100%");

// m-team
const mteam_imdbval = (element) => {
  var t = $(element).find( "a[href*='imdb']" );
  return t.text();
const mteam_imdbid = (element) => {
  var t = $(element)
    .find("a[href*='imdb']" )

  if (t) {
    var m = t.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/);
  return m ? m[1] : "";

const mteam_douban = (element) => {
  var d = $(element).find("a[href*='douban']");
  return d.text();

var config = [
    host: "pterclub.com",
    abbrev: "pter",
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    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: pter_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: pter_imdbid,
    funcDouban: pter_douban,
    funcSeeding: pter_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: pter_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: skip_passkey,
    host: "chdbits.co",
    abbrev: "chd",
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      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > font",
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      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)",
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    host: "audiences.me",
    abbrev: "aud",
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      "td > div.torrents-name > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > span",
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      "td > div.torrents-name > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)",
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    filterZZ: true,
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      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > a:nth-child(1)",
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    host: "leaves.red",
    abbrev: "rl",
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      "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)",
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    filterZZ: true,
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    host: "springsunday.net",
    abbrev: "ssd",
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    useTitleName: 1,
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      "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)  a",
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    filterZZ: true,
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    host: "totheglory.im",
    abbrev: "ttg",
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    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(5) > nobr",
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    eleIntnTag: "",
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      "td:nth-child(2) > div.name_right > span:nth-child(1) > a.dl_a",
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    host: "pt.keepfrds.com",
    abbrev: "frds",
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      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#outer > table:nth-child(2) > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td.rowfollow",
    filterGY: false,
    filterZZ: false,
    funcIMDb: frds_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: frds_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: frds_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: frds_passkey,
    host: "www.beitai.pt",
    abbrev: "beitai",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
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    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
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    eleIntnTag: "div.tag-gf",
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      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)",
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
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    filterGY: false,
    filterZZ: false,
    funcIMDb: not_supported,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: beitai_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: not_supported,
    funcGetPasskey: beitai_passkey,
    host: "hdchina.org",
    abbrev: "hdc",
    eleTorTable: "#form_torrent > table",
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    eleTorItemSize: "td.t_size",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "td.t_torrents > a",
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    filterGY: false,
    filterZZ: false,
    funcIMDb: hdc_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: hdc_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdc_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: not_supported,
    host: "hdsky.me",
    abbrev: "hds",
    eleTorTable: "#outer > table > tbody > tr > td > table",
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    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官组")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      "td > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleCatImg: "td.t_cat > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: sky_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: sky_imdbid,
    funcDouban: sky_douban,
    funcSeeding: sky_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: sky_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: sky_passkey,
    host: "hhanclub.top",
    abbrev: "hh",
    eleTorTable: "div.torrent-table-for-spider",
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    filterZZ: true,
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    funcDouban: hh_douban,
    funcSeeding: hh_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hh_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: not_supported,
  // TODO: gazella, animate cat fails
    host: "lemonhd.org",
    abbrev: "lhd",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
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    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(5) > span",
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    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: lhd_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: lhd_imdbid,
    funcDouban: lhd_douban,
    funcSeeding: lhd_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: lhd_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: lhd_passkey,
    host: "hdhome.org",
    abbrev: "hdh",
    eleTorTable: "#torrenttable",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(2) > font",
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    eleTorItemDesc: "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: "span.tgf",
    eleCnLangTag: "span.tgy",
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字"), span:contains("官字")',
      "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)",
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: hdh_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: hdh_imdbid,
    funcDouban: hdh_douban,
    funcSeeding: hdh_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdh_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hdh_passkey,
    host: "wintersakura.net",
    abbrev: "wintersakura",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官方")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)",
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: rl_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: rl_douban,
    funcSeeding: rl_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: rl_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: rl_passkey,
    host: "pt.soulvoice.club",
    abbrev: "soulvoice",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官方")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)",
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: rl_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: rl_douban,
    funcSeeding: rl_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: rl_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: rl_passkey,
    host: "ptsbao.club",
    abbrev: "ptsbao",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
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    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "td:nth-child(7)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(5) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官方")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
    '#torrents_td > table > tbody > tr > td  a[href*="passkey"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: ptsbao_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: ptsbao_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: ptsbao_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: rl_passkey,
    host: "pt.eastgame.org",
    abbrev: "tlf",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: "div.tag-gf",
    eleCnLangTag: "div.tag-gy",
    eleCnSubTag: "div.tag-zz",
    'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: false,
    filterZZ: false,
    funcIMDb: rl_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: rl_douban,
    funcSeeding: rl_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: rl_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: rl_passkey,
    host: "www.hddolby.com",
    abbrev: "hddolby",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: "span.tgf",
    eleCnLangTag: "span.tgy",
    eleCnSubTag: "span.tzz",
     'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: hddolby_imdbval,
    funcIMDbId: hddolby_imdbid,
    funcDouban: hddolby_douban,
    funcSeeding: hddolby_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hddolby_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hddolby_passkey,
    host: "pt.hd4fans.org",
    abbrev: "hd4fans",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官组")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
     'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: false,
    filterZZ: false,
    funcIMDb: not_supported,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcDouban: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: hd4fans_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hd4fans_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hd4fans_passkey,
    host: "hdfans.org",
    abbrev: "hdfans",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官组")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: hdfans_imdbval,
    funcDouban: hdfans_douban,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: hdfans_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdfans_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hdfans_passkey,
    host: "pthome.net",
    abbrev: "pthome",
    eleTorTable: "#torrenttable",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(2) > font",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > a",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: "span.tgf",
    eleCnLangTag: "span.tgy",
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字"), span:contains("官字")',
      'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: pthome_imdbval,
    funcDouban: pthome_douban,
    funcIMDbId: hddolby_imdbid,
    funcSeeding: pthome_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: pthome_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hddolby_passkey,
    host: "discfan.net",
    abbrev: "discfan",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr  a[href*='details.php']",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官组")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: mteam_imdbval,
    funcDouban: mteam_douban,
    funcIMDbId: mteam_imdbid,
    funcSeeding: hdfans_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdfans_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hdfans_passkey,
    host: "www.tjupt.org",
    abbrev: "tjupt",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr  a[href*='details.php']",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr a[href*='details.php']",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官方")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: hdfans_imdbval,
    funcDouban: hdfans_douban,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: hdfans_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdfans_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hdfans_passkey,
    host: "piggo.me",
    abbrev: "piggo",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr  a[href*='details.php']",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: 'span:contains("官组")',
    eleCnLangTag: 'span:contains("国语")',
    eleCnSubTag: 'span:contains("中字")',
      'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: hdfans_imdbval,
    funcDouban: hdfans_douban,
    funcIMDbId: not_supported,
    funcSeeding: hdfans_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdfans_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hdfans_passkey,
    host: "kp.m-team.cc",
    abbrev: "m-team",
    eleTorTable: "table.torrents",
    eleCurPage: "#outer > div > table > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > font:nth-child(4)",
    eleTorList: "table.torrents > tbody > tr",
    eleTorItem: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr  a[href*='details.php']",
    eleTorItemDesc: "table.torrentname > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)",
    eleTorItemSize: "> td:nth-child(5)",
    eleTorItemSeednum: "> td:nth-child(6)",
    eleTorItemAdded: "td:nth-child(4) > span",
    useTitleName: 1,
    eleIntnTag: '',
    eleCnLangTag: 'img.label_dub',
    eleCnSubTag: 'img.label_sub',
      'table.torrentname  > tbody > tr  a[href*="download.php"]',
    eleCatImg: "td:nth-child(1) > a > img",
    eleDetailTitle: "#top",
    filterGY: true,
    filterZZ: true,
    funcIMDb: mteam_imdbval,
    funcDouban: mteam_douban,
    funcIMDbId: mteam_imdbid,
    funcSeeding: hdfans_seeding,
    funcDownloaded: hdfans_downed,
    funcGetPasskey: hdfans_passkey,

var THISCONFIG = config.find((cc) => window.location.host.includes(cc.host));

function addFilterPanel() {
  var torTable = $(THISCONFIG.eleTorTable);
  if (torTable.length <= 0) {

  var donwnloadPanel = `
  <table align='center'> <tr>
    <td style='width: 78px; border: none;'>
          <td style='width: 68px; border: none;'>
            <input type="checkbox" id="chnsub" name="chnsub" value="uncheck"><label for="chnsub">有中字 </label>
          <td style='width: 68px; border: none;'>
            <input type="checkbox" id="nochnlang" name="nochnlang" value="uncheck"><label for="nochnlang">无国语 </label>
    <td style='width: 78px; border: none;'>
          <td style='width: 68px; border: none;'>
          <input type="checkbox" id="seeding" name="seeding" value="uncheck"><label for="seeding">未作种 </label>
          <td style='width: 68px; border: none;'>
            <input type="checkbox" id="downloaded" name="downloaded" value="uncheck"><label for="downloaded">未曾下 </label>

      <td style='width: 190px; border: none;'>
          <td style=' border: none;'>
          <div>标题不含 <input style='width: 110px;' id='titleregex' value="" />
          <td style='border: none;'>
          <div>描述不含 <input style='width: 110px;' id='titledescregex' value="" />

      <td style='width: 120px; border: none;'>
      <div>大小介于 <input style='width: 50px;' id='sizerange' value="" />

      <td style='width: 120px; border: none;'>
      <div>IMDb/豆瓣 > <input style='width: 30px;' id='minimdb' value="0" />
      <td style='width: 60px; border: none;'>
          <button type="button" id="btn-filterlist" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;margin-left: 5px;">
      <td style='width: 85px; border: none;'>
          <button type="button" id="btn-copydllink" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;margin-left: 5px;">
      <td style='width: 70px; border: none;'>
          <button type="button" id="btn-apicheckdupe" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;margin-left: 5px;">
      <td style='width: 70px; border: none;'>
          <button type="button" id="btn-apidownload" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;margin-left: 5px;">
      <td style='width: 90px; border: none;'> <div id="process-log" style="margin-left: 5px;"></div> </td>


  if (!THISCONFIG.filterGY) {
  if (!THISCONFIG.filterZZ) {

function addDetailPagePanel() {
  <div style=" width: 70px; height: 120px; position: fixed; top: 180px; right: 5px; z-index: 9999; ">
    <table align='center'> <tr>
    <td style='border: none;'>
        <button type="button" id="btn-detail-checkdupe" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 5px;color: rgb(25, 118, 210);  justify-content: center; align-items: center;" >
    <td style=' border: none;'>
        <button type="button" id="btn-detail-forceapidownload" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 5px;color: rgb(25, 118, 210);  justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
    <td style=' border: none;'>
        <button type="button" id="btn-detail-apidownload" style="margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 5px;color: rgb(25, 118, 210);  justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
    <td style=' border: none;'> <div id="detail-log" style="margin-top: 10px;justify-content: center; align-items: center;"> </div> </td>

function sizeStrToGB(sizeStr) {
  var regex = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?/g;
  var sizeStr2 = sizeStr.replace(/,/g, "");
  var num = sizeStr2.match(regex).map(function (v) {
    return parseFloat(v);
  var size = 0;
  if (sizeStr.match(/(KB|KiB)/i)) {
    size = num / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
  } else if (sizeStr.match(/(MB|MiB)/i)) {
    size = num / 1024.0;
  } else if (sizeStr.match(/(GB|GiB)/i)) {
    size = num;
  } else if (sizeStr.match(/(TB|TiB)/i)) {
    size = num * 1024.0;
  } else {
    size = num / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0;

  return size;

function getTorSizeRange(rangestr) {
  let m = rangestr.match(/(\d+)([,,-]\s*(\d+))?/);
  if (m) {
    return [parseInt(m[1]) || 0, parseInt(m[3]) || 0];
  return [0, 0];

function saveToCookie(filterParam) {
  var cookie_name = "filterParam";
  var cookie_value = filterParam;
  var d = new Date();
  // change expire time here, 60 * 1000 for 1 minute
  // d.setTime(d.getTime() + ( 60 * 1000));
  // this is 3 days
  d.setTime(d.getTime() + 300 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
  var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString();
  document.cookie =
    cookie_name + "=" + cookie_value + ";" + expires + ";path=/";

function saveParamToCookie() {
  let paramStr =
    "minimdb=" +
    $("#minimdb").val() +
    "&sizerange=" +
    $("#sizerange").val() +
    "&titleregex=" +
    $("#titleregex").val() +
    "&descregex=" +
    $("#titledescregex").val() +
    "&seeding=" +
    $("#seeding").is(":checked") +
    "&downloaded=" +
    $("#downloaded").is(":checked") +
    "&chnsub=" +
    $("#chnsub").is(":checked") +
    "&nochnlang=" +

const getCookieValue = (name) =>
  document.cookie.match("(^|;)\\s*" + name + "\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)")?.pop() || "";

function loadParamFromCookie() {
  var cc = getCookieValue("filterParam");
  if (cc) {

function fillParam(filterParam) {
  var paraList = filterParam.split("&");
  for (var i = 0; i < paraList.length; i++) {
    var m = paraList[i].match(/(\w+)\=(.*)/);
    if (m) {
      if (m[1] == "minimdb") {
      if (m[1] == "sizerange") {
      if (m[1] == "titleregex") {
      if (m[1] == "descregex") {
      if (m[1] == "seeding") {
        $("#seeding").prop("checked", m[2] == "true");
      if (m[1] == "downloaded") {
        $("#downloaded").prop("checked", m[2] == "true");
      if (m[1] == "chnsub") {
        $("#chnsub").prop("checked", m[2] == "true");
      if (m[1] == "nochnlang") {
        $("#nochnlang").prop("checked", m[2] == "true");

function getItemTitle(item) {
  let titlestr = "";

  if (THISCONFIG.useTitleName == 1) {
    titlestr = item.attr("title");
  } else if (THISCONFIG.useTitleName == 0) {
    titlestr = item.text();
  } else if (THISCONFIG.useTitleName == 2) {
    var elebr = item.parent().children("br").get(0);
    if (elebr) {
      var eletitle = elebr.nextSibling;
      if (eletitle.data) titlestr = eletitle.data;
      else if (eletitle.firstChild.data) titlestr = eletitle.firstChild.data;
  } else if (THISCONFIG.useTitleName == 3) {
    let titlehtml = item.html()
    titlestr = titlehtml.substring(0, titlehtml.indexOf('<br><span'));
  else if (THISCONFIG.useTitleName == 4) {
    let ele2 = item.parent().find("[href*='details']")
    titlestr = ele2.attr("title");
  return titlestr.trim();

var onClickFilterList = (html) => {
  let torlist = $(html).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorList);
  let imdbMinVal = parseFloat($("#minimdb").val()) || 0.0;
  let sizerange = getTorSizeRange($("#sizerange").val());
  let filterCount = 0;
  for (let index = 0; index < torlist.length; ++index) {
    let element = torlist[index];
    let item = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItem);
    if (item.length <= 0) {

    let titlestr = getItemTitle(item);
    let keepShow = true;

    if (sizerange[0] || sizerange[1]) {
      let sizestr = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemSize).text().trim();
      let torsize = 0;
      if (sizestr) {
        torsize = sizeStrToGB(sizestr);
      if (sizerange[0] && torsize < sizerange[0]) {
        keepShow = false;
      if (sizerange[1] && torsize > sizerange[1]) {
        keepShow = false;

    var seednum = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemSeednum).text().trim();
    seednum = seednum.replace(/\,/g, "");
    if (!seednum) {
      seednum = " ";

    var tortime;
    if ($(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemAdded)[0]) {
      tortime = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemAdded)[0].title;
    if (!tortime) {
      tortime = " ";

    let imdbval = parseFloat(THISCONFIG.funcIMDb(element)) || 0.0;
    let doubanval = parseFloat(THISCONFIG.funcDouban(element)) || 0.0;
    if (imdbMinVal > 0.1 && imdbval < imdbMinVal && doubanval < imdbMinVal) {
      keepShow = false;
    if ($("#titleregex").val()) {
      let regex = new RegExp($("#titleregex").val(), "gi");
      if (titlestr.match(regex)) {
        keepShow = false;
    let titledesc = ""
    if ($("#titledescregex").val()) {
      let regex = new RegExp($("#titledescregex").val(), "gi");
      let titleele = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemDesc);
      if (titleele){
        titledesc = titleele.text()
        titledesc = titledesc.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, '');
        titledesc = titledesc.replace(/\s{2,10}/g, ' ');
      if (titledesc.match(regex)) {
        keepShow = false;

    // if ($("#intn_tor").is(":checked") && $(torlist[index]).find(THISCONFIG.eleIntnTag).length <= 0) {
    //     keepShow = false;
    // }
    if ($("#seeding").is(":checked") && THISCONFIG.funcSeeding(element)) {
      keepShow = false;
    if ($("#downloaded").is(":checked") && THISCONFIG.funcDownloaded(element)) {
      keepShow = false;
    if (
      THISCONFIG.filterZZ &&
      $("#chnsub").is(":checked") &&
      $(torlist[index]).find(THISCONFIG.eleCnSubTag).length <= 0
    ) {
      keepShow = false;
    if (
      THISCONFIG.filterGY &&
      $("#nochnlang").is(":checked") &&
      $(torlist[index]).find(THISCONFIG.eleCnLangTag).length > 0
    ) {
      keepShow = false;

    if (keepShow) {
    } else {
      console.log("Filtered: "+ titlestr+" : "+titledesc)
  $("#process-log").text("过滤了:" + filterCount);

var asyncCopyLink = async (html) => {
  let passKeyStr = await THISCONFIG.funcGetPasskey();
  // console.log(passKeyStr);

  let torlist = $(html).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorList);
  var resulttext = "";
  for (let index = 1; index < torlist.length; ++index) {
    if ($(torlist[index]).is(":visible")) {
      let dllink = getDownloadLink(torlist[index], passKeyStr);
      if (dllink) {
        resulttext += dllink + "\n";
  GM_setClipboard(resulttext, "text");
  $("#process-log").text("下载链接 已拷贝在剪贴板中");

function onClickCopyDownloadLink(html) {


var postToFilterDownloadApi = async (tordata, doDownload, ele) => {
  var apiUrl = doDownload ? API_DUPDOWNLOAD : API_CHECKDUP
  let sizestr = $(ele).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemSize).text().trim();
  let torsize = 0;
  if (sizestr) {
    torsize = sizeStrToGB(sizestr);
  var resp = GM.xmlHttpRequest({
    method: "POST",
    url: apiUrl,
    data: JSON.stringify(tordata),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa(API_AUTH_USER + ":" + API_AUTH_PASS)
    onload: function (response) {
      if (response.status == 202) {
        $(ele).css("background-color", "lightgray");
        // console.log("Dupe: " + tordata.torname);
      } else if (response.status == 201) {
        let p = doDownload ? "下载 " : "无重 "
        SUM_SIZE += (parseFloat(torsize) || 0.0);
        $("#process-log").text(p + SUM_SIZE.toFixed(1) +" GB");
        if (doDownload){
          $(ele).css("background-color", "darkseagreen");
        else {
          $(ele).css("background-color", "LightBlue"); // CadetBlue, CornflowerBlue DodgerBlue DarkTurquoise
        // console.log("Add download: " + tordata.torname);
      } else if (response.status == 205) {
        $(ele).css("background-color", "darkturquoise");
        // console.log("no dupe but no download: " + tordata.torname);
      } else if (response.status == 203) {
        $(ele).css("background-color", "lightpink");
        // console.log("TMDbNotFound: " + tordata.torname);
      } else {
        $(ele).css("background-color", "red");
    onerror: function (reponse) {
      console.log("error: ", reponse);

function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

// modified from PT-Plugin-Plus/resource/schemas/NexusPHP/details.js
function _getDownloadUrlByPossibleHrefs(pagehtml) {
  const possibleHrefs = [
    // pthome
    // hdchina
    // misc

  var dllink = null;
  for (const href of possibleHrefs) {
    const query = $(href, pagehtml);
    if (query.length) {
      dllink = query.prop("href");
  if (!dllink) {
    dllink =
      $("input[value*='passkey']").prop("value") ||
      $("td.rowfollow:contains('&passkey='):last").text() ||
      $("a[href*='download'][href*='?id']:first").attr("href") ||
  return dllink;

function getHDCuid() {
  let bodytext = $("body").html();
  let datas = /userdetails\.php\?id=(\d+)/.exec( bodytext );
  if (datas && datas.length > 1) {
    return datas[1];
  return "";

function getCurrentPageIMDb() {
  let bodytext = $("body").html();
  let datas = /www\.imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)/.exec( bodytext );
  if (datas && datas.length > 1) {
    return datas[1];
  return "";

var postToDetailCheckDupeApi = async (apiurl, tordata) => {
  let logele = "#detail-log";
  let down = apiurl.indexOf('download')>0 ? true : false
  var resp = GM.xmlHttpRequest({
    method: "POST",
    url: apiurl,
    data: JSON.stringify(tordata),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa(API_AUTH_USER + ":" + API_AUTH_PASS)
    onload: function (response) {
      if (response.status == 202) {
        $(logele).parent().parent().css("background-color", "lightgray");
      } else if (response.status == 201) {
        $(logele).parent().parent().css("background-color", "darkseagreen");
        $(logele).text(down? "添加下载": "无重复.");
      } else if (response.status == 205) {
        $(logele).parent().parent().css("background-color", "darkturquoise");
      } else if (response.status == 203) {
        $(logele).parent().parent().css("background-color", "lightpink");
      } else {
        $(logele).parent().parent().css("background-color", "red");
    onerror: function (reponse) {
      console.log("error: ", reponse);

var asyncDetailApiDownload = async (html, forcedl) => {
  // dllink = $("#torrent_dl_url > a").href()
  // TODO:
  let titlestr = getDetailTitle();

  let dllink = _getDownloadUrlByPossibleHrefs(html);
  if (dllink) {
    let imdbid = getCurrentPageIMDb();
    let siteId = getSiteId(document.URL, imdbid);
    var tordata = {
      torname: titlestr,
      imdbid: imdbid,
      downloadlink: dllink,
      siteid: siteId,
      force: forcedl
    await postToDetailCheckDupeApi(

var fetchDetailPageGetIMDbAndDlink = async (detailLink, downloadLink) => {
  // let m = downloadLink.match(/\?id=(\d+)/);
  // if (!m) {
  //   return ["", downloadLink];
  // }
  // var torrentId = m[1];
  if (!detailLink) {
    return ["", downloadLink];

  let detailhtml = await $.get(detailLink);
  let datas = /www\.imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)/.exec( detailhtml );
  let dllink = _getDownloadUrlByPossibleHrefs(detailhtml);
  if (!dllink) {
    dllink = downloadLink;
  if (datas && datas.length > 1) {
    return [datas[1], dllink];
  else {
    return ["", dllink];

function linkPasskey(link, passKeyStr) {
  if (THISCONFIG.host == "totheglory.im")
    return link.replace(/\d+$/, "") + passKeyStr;
    return link + passKeyStr;

function getDownloadLink(element, passKeyStr){
  let hrefele = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleDownLink);
  if (hrefele.length > 0) {
    let url = hrefele.prop("href");
    let dllink = "";
    if (THISCONFIG.host == "hdchina.org"){
      let uidstr = getHDCuid();
      dllink = linkPasskey(url, passKeyStr) + "&uid=" + uidstr;
    else {
      dllink = linkPasskey(url, passKeyStr);
    // let dllink = linkPasskey(url, passKeyStr);

    return dllink
  return ""

function getSiteId(detailLink, imdbstr){
  var m = null
  if (THISCONFIG.host == "totheglory.im")
    m = detailLink.match(/t\/(\d+)/);
  else {
    m = detailLink.match(/\?id=(\d+)/);
  let sid = m ? m[1] : "";
  if (imdbstr){
    sid = sid + "_" + imdbstr
  return THISCONFIG.abbrev + "_" + sid

var DUPECHECKED = false;
var asyncApiDownload = async (html, doDownload) => {
  let dupeChecked = DUPECHECKED
  let passKeyStr = await THISCONFIG.funcGetPasskey();
  SUM_SIZE = 0;
  let torlist = $(html).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorList);
  for (let index = 1; index < torlist.length; ++index) {
    if ($(torlist[index]).is(":visible")) {
      let element = torlist[index];
      let item = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItem);
      let detailLink = item.prop("href");
      let seednum = parseInt($(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemSeednum).text().trim()) || 0;

      if (item.length == 0) { continue}
      // refer to Line 978:
      // } else if (response.status == 201) {
      //   $(ele).css("background-color", "darkseagreen"); 'rgb(143, 188, 143)'
       if (doDownload && dupeChecked && $(element).css('background-color') != 'rgb(173, 216, 230)') {

      let titlestr = getItemTitle(item);
      let imdbid = THISCONFIG.funcIMDbId(element);
      let dllink = getDownloadLink(torlist[index], passKeyStr);
      let siteId = getSiteId(detailLink, imdbid);

      // if (dllink && seednum > 0) {
      if (dllink ) {
          // check detal page imdb only when doDownload
        // hdsky exception: need fetch detail page
        if (doDownload && (!imdbid  || THISCONFIG.host == "hdsky.me")) {
          let res = await fetchDetailPageGetIMDbAndDlink(detailLink, dllink);
          imdbid = res[0];
          dllink = res[1];
          console.log("DETAIL_PAGE: ", titlestr, imdbid);
        var tordata = {
          torname: titlestr,
          imdbid: imdbid,
          downloadlink: dllink,
          siteid: siteId,
        await postToFilterDownloadApi(tordata, doDownload, element);
        if (doDownload){
          await sleep(2000);
        else {
          await sleep(200);
  if (!doDownload) DUPECHECKED = true;
  if ($("#process-log").text() == '处理中...'){
    let msg = (doDownload) ? "查重下载已提交" : "查重已提交";

function onClickApiDownload(html) {
  asyncApiDownload(html, true);

function onClickApiCheckDupe(html) {
  asyncApiDownload(html, false);

function onClickDetailDownload(html) {
  asyncDetailApiDownload(html, false);

function onClickDetailForceDownload(html) {
  asyncDetailApiDownload(html, true);

function getDetailTitle() {
  let titlestr = $(THISCONFIG.eleDetailTitle).text().trim();
  titlestr = titlestr.replace(/\[?禁转\s*/, "")
  titlestr = titlestr.replace(/\[[^\]]+\]\s*$/, "")
  titlestr = titlestr.replace(/\s*\[(50%|30%|(2X)?免费)\].*$/, "")
  titlestr = titlestr.replace(/\s*\(限时.*$/, "").trim()
  return titlestr;

var asyncDetailCheckDupe = async (html) => {
  // dllink = $("#torrent_dl_url > a").href()
  // let titlestr = $("#top").text();
  let titlestr = getDetailTitle();
  let dllink = _getDownloadUrlByPossibleHrefs(html);
  if (dllink) {
    let imdbid = getCurrentPageIMDb();
    var tordata = {
      torname: titlestr,
      imdbid: imdbid,
      downloadlink: dllink,
    await postToDetailCheckDupeApi(
  else {
    console.log("download link not found.")

function onClickDetailCheckDup(html) {

function addAdoptColumn(html) {
  // const torTable = $(THISCONFIG.eleTorTable);
  if (THISCONFIG.host != "pterclub.com") {
  const idregex = /id=(\d+)/;

  var torlist = $(html).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorList);
  for (let index = 0; index < torlist.length; ++index) {
    let element = torlist[index];
    let item = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItem);
    let href = item.attr("href");
    if (href) {
      let torid = href.match(idregex);
      if (torid) {
        let sizeele = $(element).find(THISCONFIG.eleTorItemSize);
          "<td ><a href=/viewclaims.php?add_torrent_id=" +
            torid[1] +
            "> 认领</a></td>"
    } else {
      $(element).append('<td class="colhead"> 认领种子 </td>');

(function () {
  "use strict";
    if (window.location.href.match(/details/) ||
        window.location.href.match(/totheglory.im\/t/) ) {
      $("#btn-detail-checkdupe").click(function () {
      $("#btn-detail-apidownload").click(function () {
      $("#btn-detail-forceapidownload").click(function () {
    } else {
      $("#btn-filterlist").click(function () {
      $("#btn-copydllink").click(function () {
      $("#btn-apidownload").click(function () {
      $("#btn-apicheckdupe").click(function () {