Greasy Fork is available in English. show player ids FINAL

Show players ids on

// ==UserScript==
// @name show player ids FINAL
// @namespace    q1k
// @version      1.0.3
// @description  Show players ids on
// @author       q1k
// @match
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

function begin(w, z) {
    function qa(a) {
        return a << 1

    function ra(a) {
        return a << 1

    function S() {
        return z.pointerLockElement === x || z.mozPointerLockElement === x || z.webkitPointerLockElement === x

    function aa() {
        a.fillStyle = "#000000";
        a.font = "35px NovaSquare";
        a.fillText("Please do not embed our website, thank you.", 400 - a.measureText("Please do not embed our website, thank you.").width / 2, 300);
        a.font = "16px NovaSquare";
        a.fillText("Play the game on", 400 - a.measureText("Play the game on").width / 2, 330);
        top.location = "";
        throw "Please do not embed our website, thank you.";

    function sa(a) {

    function U(a, b) {
        F = a;
        G = b;
        k = p = a;
        l = s = b;
        A = p << 1;
        B = s << 1

    function ta(a) {
        if (y) return H = !1, T(a), !1;
        S() ? V || (V = !0, U(k, l)) : (V = !1, y || I.checked || x.requestPointerLock && x.requestPointerLock());
        if (H) H = !1, J();
        else if (T(a), (a.ctrlKey || a.shiftKey) && !C.checked) W = !0, N = k, O = l;
        else if (100 < t - ba && p == k && s == l) {
            ba = t;
            D.push([p << 1, s << 1, t]);
            ua(p, s);
            var b = [p, s];
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 1E3)
        return !1

    function va(a) {
        W = !1

    function ca() {
        function a(b, n) {
            q = new WebSocket("ws://" + (b || "[" + n + "]") + ":2828");
            q.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
            q.onopen = wa;
            q.onmessage = xa;
            q.onclose = ya;
            q.onerror = za
        null == q && (Aa ? a("", null) : m28n.findServerPreference("cursors", function(b, c) {
            null == q && (b || 0 == c.length ? (console.error(b), setTimeout(ca, 1E3)) : a(c[0].ipv4, c[0].ipv6))

    function Ba() {
        w.localStorage && I && (w.localStorage.setItem("noCursorLock", I.checked ? "1" : "0"), w.localStorage.setItem("noDrawings", C.checked ? "1" : "0"))

    function T(a) {
        if (S()) {
            var b = a.webkitMovementX || a.mozMovementX || a.movementX || 0;
            a = a.webkitMovementY || a.mozMovementY || a.movementY || 0;
            300 > Math.abs(b) + Math.abs(a) && X(A + b, B + a)
        } else a.offsetX ? X(a.offsetX, a.offsetY) : a.layerX && X(a.layerX, a.layerY);
        if (y) k = p, l = s;
        else if (Y(), !S() || p == k && s == l || (a = b = 0, p > k && (b = 1), s > l && (a = 1), p = k, s = l, A = (p << 1) + b, B = (s << 1) + a), W && (N != k || O != l) && 50 < t - da) {
            b = N;
            a = O;
            var c = k,
                d = l;
            if (!y && null != q && q.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {
                var f = new ArrayBuffer(9),
                    e = new DataView(f);
                e.setUint8(0, 3);
                e.setUint16(1, b, !0);
                e.setUint16(3, a, !0);
                e.setUint16(5, c, !0);
                e.setUint16(7, d, !0);
            N = k;
            O = l;
            da = t

    function X(a, b) {
        A = a;
        B = b;
        p = A >> 1;
        s = B >> 1

    function Y() {
        var a = k,
            b = l;
        if (P(k, l)) {
            var c;
            a: {
                c = k;
                var d = l,
                    f = [],
                    e = new Uint8Array(12E4);f.push([c, d]);e[c + 400 * d] = 1;do {
                    var h = f.shift(),
                        g = h[0],
                        h = h[1];
                    if (!(0 > g || 0 > h || 400 <= g || 300 <= h)) {
                        if (!P(g, h)) {
                            c = {
                                x: g,
                                y: h
                            break a
                        e[g - 1 + 400 * h] || (f.push([g - 1, h]), e[g - 1 + 400 * h] = 1);
                        e[g + 1 + 400 * h] || (f.push([g + 1, h]), e[g + 1 + 400 * h] = 1);
                        e[g + 400 * (h - 1)] || (f.push([g, h - 1]), e[g + 400 * (h - 1)] = 1);
                        e[g + 400 * (h + 1)] || (f.push([g, h + 1]), e[g + 400 * (h + 1)] = 1)
                } while (0 < f.length);c = {
                    x: c,
                    y: d
            k = c.x;
            l = c.y
        if (k != p || l != s) c = ea(k, l, p, s), k = c.x, l = c.y;
        fa(F, G, a, b) && !fa(F, G, k, l) && (J(a, b), J(k, l));
        a: {
            for (a = 0; a < m.length; a++)
                if (b = m[a], 2 == b.type && !(k < b.x || l < b.y || k >= b.x + b.width || l >= b.y + b.height)) {
                    a = !0;
                    break a
            a = !1
        a && J()

    var countlevels=-2;
    function Z() {
        m = [];
        D = [];
        L = []

    function wa() {

    function ya(a) {
        console.log("Socket closed: " + a.reason)

    function za(a) {
        console.log("Socket error")

    function Da(a, b) {
        for (var c = "", d = 0, f = 0; 0 != (f = a.getUint8(b)); ++b) d <<= 8, d |= f, f & 128 || (c += String.fromCharCode(d), d = 0);
        0 != d && (c += String.fromCharCode(d));
        return [c, b + 1]

    function Ea(a, b) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            var c = a.getUint16(b, !0),
                d = 0;
            a: for (; d < c; d++) {
                for (var f = a.getUint16(b + 2 + 4 * d, !0), e = a.getUint16(b + 4 + 4 * d, !0), h = 0; h < K.length; h++) {
                    var g = K[h];
                    if (g[0] == f && g[1] == e) {
                        K.splice(h, 1);
                        continue a
                D.push([f << 1, e << 1, t])
        }, 100);
        return b + 2 + 4 * a.getUint16(b, !0)

    function Fa(a, b) {
        !C.checked && setTimeout(function() {
            for (var c = a.getUint16(b, !0), d = 0; d < c; d++) {
                var f = a.getUint16(b + 2 + 8 * d, !0),
                    e = a.getUint16(b +
                        4 + 8 * d, !0),
                    h = a.getUint16(b + 6 + 8 * d, !0),
                    g = a.getUint16(b + 8 + 8 * d, !0);
                L.push([f << 1, e << 1, h << 1, g << 1, t])
        }, 50);
        return b + 2 + 8 * a.getUint16(b, !0)

    function xa(a) {
        a =;
        var b = new DataView(a);
        switch (b.getUint8(0)) {
            case 0:
                ga = b.getUint32(1, !0);
            case 1:
                var c;
                ha = c = b.getUint16(1, !0);
                ia = 100 <= c;
                var d = [],
                for (f in v) v.hasOwnProperty(f) && d.push(f);
                for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) {
                    f = b.getUint32(3 + 8 * e, !0);
                    var h = b.getUint16(7 + 8 * e, !0),
                        g = b.getUint16(9 + 8 * e, !0);
                    if (f != ga)
                        if (null != v[f]) {
                            for (var r = 0; r < d.length; r++)
                                if (d[r] == f) {
                                    d.splice(r, 1);
                            f = v[f];
                            f.oldX = f.getX();
                            f.oldY = f.getY();
                            f.newX = h;
                            f.newY = g;
                            f.time = t
                        } else v[f] = new ja(h, g)
                for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) delete v[d[e]];
                c = Ea(b, 3 + 8 * c);
                f = b.getUint16(c, !0);
                c += 2;
                for (d = 0; d < f; d++) {
                    a: for (h = b.getUint32(c, !0), e = 0; e < m.length; e++)
                        if (m[e].id == h) {
                            var k = m[e];
                            if (1 == k.type)
                                for (var h = k.x | 0, g = k.y | 0, r = k.width | 0, k = k.height | 0, l = g; l < g + k; ++l)
                                    for (var p = h; p < h + r; ++p) --Q[p + 400 * l];
                            m.splice(e, 1);
                            break a
                        }c += 4
                f = b.getUint16(c, !0);
                c += 2;
                for (d = 0; d < f; d++) {
                    a: {
                        e = b.getUint32(c, !0);
                        for (h = 0; h < m.length; h++)
                            if (m[h].id == e) {
                                e = m[h];
                                break a
                        e = {
                            id: e
                    c += 4;c = ka(b, c, e)
                c = Fa(b, c);
                if (a.byteLength < c + 4) break;
                $ = b.getUint32(c, !0);
            case 4:
                U(b.getUint16(1, !0), b.getUint16(3, !0));
                f = b.getUint16(5, !0);
                c = 7;
                for (d = 0; d < f; d++) e = {}, = b.getUint32(c, !0), c += 4, c = ka(b, c, e), m.push(e);
                a.byteLength >= c + 4 ? u = Math.max(u, b.getUint32(c, !0)) : a.byteLength >= c + 2 && (u = Math.max(u, b.getUint16(c, !0)));
            case 5:
                U(b.getUint16(1, !0), b.getUint16(3, !0)), 9 <= b.byteLength ? u = Math.max(u, b.getUint32(5, !0)) : 7 <= b.byteLength && (u = Math.max(u, b.getUint16(5, !0))), Y()

    function J(a, b) {
        if (!y && !H && null != q && q.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN && ("undefined" == typeof a && (a = k), "undefined" == typeof b && (b = l), a != F || b != G)) {
            var c = new ArrayBuffer(9),
                d = new DataView(c);
            d.setUint8(0, 1);
            d.setUint16(1, a, !0);
            d.setUint16(3, b, !0);
            d.setUint32(5, u, !0);
            F = a;
            G = b

    function ua(a, b) {
        if (!y && null != q && q.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {
            var c = new ArrayBuffer(9),
                d = new DataView(c);
            d.setUint8(0, 2);
            d.setUint16(1, a, !0);
            d.setUint16(3, b, !0);
            d.setUint32(5, u, !0);

    function ka(a, b, c) {
        function d() {
            c.x = a.getUint16(b, !0);
            b += 2;
            c.y = a.getUint16(b, !0);
            b += 2;
            c.width = a.getUint16(b, !0);
            b += 2;
            c.height = a.getUint16(b, !0);
            b += 2

        function f() {
            for (var d = a.getUint32(b, !0).toString(16); 6 > d.length;) d = "0" + d;
            b += 4;
            c.color = "#" + d
        var e = a.getUint8(b);
        b += 1;
        c.type = e;
        switch (e) {
            case 255:
            case 0:
                c.x = a.getUint16(b, !0);
                b += 2;
                c.y = a.getUint16(b, !0);
                b += 2;
                c.size = a.getUint8(b);
                b += 1;
                c.isCentered = !!a.getUint8(b);
                b += 1;
                e = Da(a, b);
                c.text = e[0];
                b = e[1];
            case 1:
                var h = !c.color;
                var e = c.x | 0,
                    g = c.y | 0,
                    k = c.width | 0,
                    l = c.height | 0;
                if (h)
                    for (h = g; h < g + l; ++h)
                        for (var m = e; m < e + k; ++m) ++Q[m + 400 * h];
            case 2:
                c.isBad = !!a.getUint8(b);
                b += 1;
            case 3:
                c.count = a.getUint16(b, !0);
                b += 2;
            case 4:
                c.count ? c.count > a.getUint16(b, !0) && (c.lastClickAt = t) : c.lastClickAt = 0;
                c.count = a.getUint16(b, !0);
                b += 2;
                throw Error("Unknown object type " + e);
        return b

    function la() {
        a.clearRect(0, 0, 800, 600);;
        if (null != q && q.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN || H) {
            var n;
            if (null == q) n = "Click to begin";
            else switch (q.readyState) {
                case WebSocket.CONNECTING:
                    n = "Connecting";
                case WebSocket.CLOSING:
                case WebSocket.CLOSED:
                    n = "Lost connection to server";
                    n = "Click to begin"
            a.font = "60px NovaSquare";
            a.fillText(n, 400 - a.measureText(n).width / 2, 315);
            a.font = 20 + "px NovaSquare";
            f = "-> show player ids with F8 <-";
            a.fillText(f, 400 - a.measureText(f).width / 2, 345);
        } else {
        a.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            a.fillStyle = "#000000";
            a.globalAlpha = 1;
            for (n = 0; n < m.length; n++) {
                var b = m[n];
                if (0 == b.type) {
                    a.font = b.size + "px NovaSquare";
                    var c = b.x << 1,
                        d = b.y << 1;
                    b.isCentered && (c -= a.measureText(b.text).width / 2);
                    a.fillStyle = "#000000";
                    a.fillText(b.text, c, d)
                } else if (1 == b.type) a.fillStyle = b.color, a.fillRect(b.x << 1, b.y << 1, b.width << 1, b.height << 1), a.strokeStyle = "#000000", a.globalAlpha = .2, a.lineWidth = 2, a.strokeRect((b.x << 1) + 1, (b.y << 1) + 1, (b.width << 1) - 2, (b.height << 1) - 2), a.globalAlpha = 1;
                else if (2 == b.type) a.fillStyle = b.isBad ? "#FF0000" : "#00FF00", a.globalAlpha = .2, a.fillRect(b.x << 1, b.y << 1, b.width << 1, b.height << 1), a.globalAlpha = 1;
                else if (3 == b.type) {
                    var c = b.x << 1,
                        d = b.y << 1,
                        f = b.width << 1,
                        e = b.height << 1;
                    a.fillStyle = b.color;
                    a.globalAlpha = .2;
                    a.fillRect(c, d, f, e);
                    a.globalAlpha = .5;
                    a.fillStyle = "#000000";
                    40 > b.width || 40 > b.height ? (a.font = "30px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + f / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 10)) : (a.font = "60px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + f / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 20));
                    a.globalAlpha = 1
                } else if (4 == b.type) {
                    c = b.x << 1;
                    d = b.y << 1;
                    f = b.width << 1;
                    e = b.height << 1;
                    a.fillStyle = b.color;
                    a.strokeStyle = b.color;
                    a.globalAlpha = 1;
                    a.fillRect(c, d, f, e);
                    a.globalAlpha = .2;
                    a.fillStyle = "#000000";
                    a.fillRect(c, d, f, e);
                    a.globalAlpha = 1;
                    a.fillStyle = b.color;
                    var h = 150 > t - b.lastClickAt,
                        g = h ? 8 : 12;
                    a.fillRect(c + g, d + g, f - 2 * g, e - 2 * g);
                    a.strokeStyle = "#000000";
                    a.globalAlpha = .1;
                    a.moveTo(c, d);
                    a.lineTo(c + g, d + g);
                    a.moveTo(c + f, d);
                    a.lineTo(c + f - g, d + g);
                    a.moveTo(c, d + e);
                    a.lineTo(c + g, d + e - g);
                    a.moveTo(c + f, d + e);
                    a.lineTo(c + f - g, d + e - g);
                    a.moveTo(c, d);
                    a.rect(c, d, f, e);
                    a.rect(c + g, d + g, f - 2 * g, e - 2 * g);
                    a.fillStyle = "#000000";
                    a.globalAlpha = .5;
                    50 > b.width || 50 > b.height ? (a.font = "35px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + f / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 13)) : (a.font = "45px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + f / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 16));
                    h && (a.fillStyle = "#000000", a.globalAlpha = .15, a.fillRect(c + g, d + g, f - 2 * g, e - 2 * g));
                    a.globalAlpha = 1
            y || (a.font = "12px NovaSquare", a.strokeStyle = "#000000", a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF", a.lineWidth = 2.5, n = ia ? "Area too full, not all cursors are shown" : 30 < ha ? "Area too full, drawing is disabled" : "Use shift+click to draw", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(n, 10, 590), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(n, 10, 590), 0 != $ && (n = $ + " players online", b = a.measureText(n).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(n, 790 - b, 590), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(n, 790 - b, 590)));
            if (countlevels>0) {
                f = "level: "+countlevels, b = a.measureText(f).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 790 - b, 560), a.globalAlpha = 1;
                a.fillText(f, 790 - b, 560);
            if (!C.checked) {
                a.strokeStyle = "#000000";
                a.lineWidth = 1;
                t = +new Date;
                for (n = 0; n < L.length; n++) b = L[n], c = 10 - (t - b[4]) / 1E3, 0 >= c ? (L.splice(n, 1), --n) : (1 < c && (c = 1), a.globalAlpha = .3 * c, a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(b[0] - .5, b[1] - .5), a.lineTo(b[2] - .5, b[3] - .5), a.stroke());
            for (var po in v) {
                v.hasOwnProperty(po) && a.drawImage(M, qa(v[po].getX()) - 6, ra(v[po].getY()) - 6, 23, 30);
                if (showcursorsid) {
                        a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( po, qa(v[po].getX()) - cp + cursorIDX, ra(v[po].getY()) + cursorIDY );
                        a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( po, qa(v[po].getX()) - cp + cursorIDX, ra(v[po].getY()) + cursorIDY );
                    else {
                        a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( po, qa(v[po].getX()) + cursorIDX, ra(v[po].getY()) + cursorIDY );
                        a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( po, qa(v[po].getX()) + cursorIDX, ra(v[po].getY()) + cursorIDY );

            if (showcursorsid) {
                    a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( ga, qa(k) - cp + cursorIDX, ra(l) + cursorIDY ) ;
                    a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( ga, qa(k) - cp + cursorIDX, ra(l) + cursorIDY ) ;
                else {
                    a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( ga, qa(k) + cursorIDX, ra(l) + cursorIDY ) ;
                    a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( ga, qa(k) + cursorIDX, ra(l) + cursorIDY ) ;


    function ma() {;
        a.strokeStyle = "#000000";
        t = +new Date;
        for (var n = 0; n < D.length; n++) {
            var b = D[n],
                c = (t - b[2]) / 1E3,
                d = 1 - 2 * c;
            0 >= d ? (D.splice(n, 1), --n) : (c *= 50, a.beginPath(), a.globalAlpha = .3 * d, a.arc(b[0], b[1], c, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), a.stroke())

    function na(n) {
        if (y), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.drawImage(M, A - 5, B - 5);
        else {
            var b = 0,
                c = 0;
            p != k || s != l ? (, n && (a.globalAlpha = .2, a.fillStyle = "#FF0000", a.beginPath(), a.arc(A + 2, B + 8, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), a.fill()), a.globalAlpha = .5, a.drawImage(M, A - 5, B - 5, 23, 30), a.restore()) : (b = A & 1, c = B & 1);
            n && (a.globalAlpha = .2, a.fillStyle = "#FFFF00", a.beginPath(), a.arc((k << 1) + b + 2, (l << 1) + c + 8, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), a.fill());
            a.globalAlpha = 1;
            a.drawImage(Ha, (k << 1) + b - 5, (l << 1) + c - 5, 23, 30)

    function ja(a, b) {
        this.oldX = this.newX = a;
        this.oldY = this.newY = b;
        this.time = t

    function oa(a) {
        return a * a * (3 - 2 * a)

    function ea(a, b, c, d) {
        a |= 0;
        b |= 0;
        c |= 0;
        d |= 0;
        if (P(a, b)) return {
            x: a,
            y: b
        if (a == c && b == d) return {
            x: c,
            y: d
        var f = a,
            e = b;
        c = c - a | 0;
        d = d - b | 0;
        var h = 0,
            g = 0,
            k = 0,
            l = 0;
        0 > c ? h = -1 : 0 < c && (h = 1);
        0 > d ? g = -1 : 0 < d && (g = 1);
        0 > c ? k = -1 : 0 < c && (k = 1);
        var m = Math.abs(c) | 0,
            p = Math.abs(d) | 0;
        m <= p && (m = Math.abs(d) | 0, p = Math.abs(c) | 0, 0 > d ? l = -1 : 0 < d && (l = 1), k = 0);
        c = m >> 1;
        for (d = 0; d <= m && !P(a, b); d++) f = a, e = b, c += p, c >= m ? (c -= m, a += h, b += g) : (a += k, b += l);
        return {
            x: f,
            y: e

    function fa(a, b, c, d) {
        a = ea(a, b, c, d);
        return a.x == c && a.y == d

    function P(a, b) {
        return 0 > a || 400 <= a || 0 > b || 300 <= b ? !0 : Q[a + 400 * b]
    var Aa = "file:" == w.location.protocol,
        E, a, x, ha = 0,
        p = 0,
        s = 0,
        A = 0,
        B = 0,
        k = 0,
        l = 0,
        F = -1,
        G = -1,
        I = null,
        C = null,
        M = new Image;
    M.src = "img/cursor.png";
    var Ha = M,
        y = -1 !="editor"),
        D = [],
        L = [],
        t = 0,
        ba = 0,
        q = null,
        ga = -1,
        v = {},
        $ = 0,
        ia = !1,
        W = !1,
        N = 0,
        O = 0,
        da = 0,
        V = !1,
        H = !y && !0,
        Q = new Uint8Array(12E4),
        m = [],
        K = [],
        R = w.devicePixelRatio,
        cp = 0;
    Array.prototype.remove = function(a) {
        a = this.indexOf(a);
        return -1 != a ? (this.splice(a, 1), !0) : !1
    var u = 0;
    ja.prototype = {
        oldX: 0,
        oldY: 0,
        newX: 0,
        newY: 0,
        time: 0,
        getX: function() {
            var a = this.newX - this.oldX,
                b = (t - this.time) / 100,
                b = oa(0 >= b ? 0 : 1 <= b ? 1 : b);
            return this.oldX + b * a
        getY: function() {
            var a = this.newY - this.oldY,
                b = (t - this.time) / 100,
                b = oa(0 >= b ? 0 : 1 <= b ? 1 : b);
            return this.oldY + b * a
    var pa = function() {
            function n() {
                var a = 0,
                    b = 0,
                    c = p / 10,
                    d = s / 10;
                h < c ? (c = Math.ceil(c), a = Math.floor(h)) : (c = Math.floor(c), a = Math.ceil(h));
                g < d ? (d = Math.ceil(d), b = Math.floor(g)) : (d = Math.floor(d), b = Math.ceil(g));
                if (a > c) var e = c,
                    c = a,
                    a = e;
                b > d && (e = d, d = b, b = e);
                return {
                    sx: a,
                    sy: b,
                    fx: c,
                    fy: d

            function b() {
                e = !0;
                h = p / 10;
                g = s / 10

            function c(a) {
                return "0x" + parseInt(a.slice(1), 16).toString(16).toUpperCase()

            function d(a, b, c, d, e) {
                a = {
                    x: 10 * ~~(k / 10) - ~~(a / 2) + c,
                    y: 10 * ~~(l / 10) - ~~(b / 2) + d,
                    width: a,
                    height: b
                for (var f in e) e.hasOwnProperty(f) && (a[f] = e[f]);
                return a

            function f(a, b) {
                for (var c = null, d = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, e = 0; e < m.length; e++) {
                    var f = m[e];
                    if (f.hasOwnProperty("x") && f.hasOwnProperty("y") && f.hasOwnProperty("width") && f.hasOwnProperty("height")) {
                        var g = f.x + f.width / 2,
                            h = f.y + f.height / 2,
                            g = (a - g) * (a - g) + (b - h) * (b - h);
                        g < d && (d = g, c = f)
                return c
            var e = !1,
                h = 0,
                g = 0,
                r = 1,
                q = 200,
                t = 150,
                v = new Uint8Array(1200),
                u = "#000000 #FF9999 #9999FF #FFFF99 #99FFFF #FF99FF #3333FF".split(" ");
            z.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
                if (e) {
                    for (var a = n(), b = r, c =; c < a.fy; ++c)
                        for (var d =; d < a.fx; ++d) v[d + 40 * c] = b;
                    e = !1
            z.addEventListener("mousemove", function() {});
            w.generateCode = function() {
                for (var a = "class Level? : public Level {\npublic:\n\tLevel?() : Level(" + q + ", " + t + "){}\n\n\tvoid OnInit(){\n", a = a + ("\t\tstd::vector<LevelObject*> wallByColor[" + u.length + "];\n"), b = new Uint8Array(1200), d = [], e = 0; 30 > e; ++e)
                    for (var f = 0; 40 > f; ++f)
                        if (!b[f + 40 * e]) {
                            var g = v[f + 40 * e];
                            if (0 != g) {
                                for (var h = f; 40 > f && v[f + 40 * e] == g && !b[f + 40 * e];) b[f + 40 * e] = !0, ++f;
                                var k = f--,
                                    n = k - h,
                                    l = e++;
                                a: for (; 30 > e;) {
                                    for (var p = h; p < k; ++p) {
                                        if (v[p + 40 * e] != g) break a;
                                        if (b[p +
                                                40 * e]) break a
                                    for (p = h; p < k; ++p) b[p + 40 * e] = !0;
                                k = e - l;
                                e = l;
                                    x: 10 * h,
                                    y: 10 * l,
                                    width: 10 * n,
                                    height: 10 * k,
                                    color: g - 1
                for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) e = d[b], 0 == e.color ? a += "\t\tAddObject(new ObjWall(" + e.x + ", " + e.y + ", " + e.width + ", " + e.height + ", 0x000000));\n" : (f = c(u[e.color]), a += "\t\twallByColor[" + e.color + "].push_back(AddObject(new ObjWall(" + e.x + ", " + e.y + ", " + e.width + ", " + e.height + ", " + f + ")));\n");
                for (b = 0; b < m.length; b++) d = m[b], 0 != d.type && (2 == d.type ? a += "\t\tAddObject(new ObjTeleport(LevelManager::GetNextLevel(this), " +
                    d.x + ", " + d.y + ", " + d.width + ", " + d.height + "));\n" : 3 == d.type ? (a += "\t\tAddObject(new ObjAreaCounter(wallByColor[" + d.colorCode + "], " + d.x + ", " + d.y + ", " + d.width + ", " + d.height + ", ", a += d.count + ", " + c(d.color) + "));\n") : 4 == d.type && (a += "\t\tAddObject(new ObjClickBox(wallByColor[" + d.colorCode + "], " + d.x + ", " + d.y + ", " + d.width + ", " + d.height + ", ", a += d.count + ", 1000, " + c(d.color) + "));\n"));
                return a += "\t}\n};\n"
            z.addEventListener("keydown", function(a) {
                if (y) {
                    var b = a.keyCode;
                    65 == b ? (--r, 0 > r && (r = u.length)) : 83 == b ? (++r, r > u.length && (r = 0)) : 66 == b ? 1 >= r || m.push(d(40, 40, 5, 5, {
                        type: 4,
                        color: u[r - 1],
                        colorCode: r - 1,
                        count: 5
                    })) : 90 == b ? m.pop() : 87 == b ? m.push(d(50, 50, -5, -5, {
                        type: 2,
                        isBad: !1
                    })) : 79 == b ? (q = k, t = l) : 78 == b ? 1 >= r || m.push(d(40, 40, 0, 0, {
                        type: 3,
                        color: u[r - 1],
                        colorCode: r - 1,
                        count: 1
                    })) : 37 == b ? (b = f(p, s), null != b && (a.shiftKey ? b.width -= 10 : (b.x -= 10, b.width += 10), 0 == b.width && m.splice(m.indexOf(b), 1))) : 39 == b ? (b = f(p, s), null != b && (a.shiftKey ? (b.x += 10, b.width -= 10) : b.width += 10, 0 == b.width && m.splice(m.indexOf(b), 1))) : 38 == b ? (b = f(p, s), null != b && (a.shiftKey ? b.height -= 10 : (b.y -= 10, b.height += 10), 0 == b.height && m.splice(m.indexOf(b), 1))) : 40 == b && (b = f(p, s), null != b && (a.shiftKey ? (b.y += 10, b.height -= 10) : b.height += 10, 0 == b.height && m.splice(m.indexOf(b), 1)))
            return {
                renderEditor: function() {
                    if (y) {
                        a.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
                        a.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
                        a.lineWidth = 1;
                        a.globalAlpha = .09;
                        for (var b = 0; 400 > b; b += 10) a.moveTo((b << 1) + .5, 0), a.lineTo((b << 1) + .5, 600);
                        for (var c = 0; 300 > c; c += 10) a.moveTo(0, (c << 1) + .5), a.lineTo(800, (c << 1) + .5);
                        a.lineWidth = 2;
                        a.moveTo(400.5, 0);
                        a.lineTo(400.5, 600);
                        a.moveTo(0, 300.5, 0);
                        a.lineTo(800, 300.5);
                        a.lineWidth = 1;
                        a.globalAlpha = 1;
                        a.fillStyle = "#000000";
                        for (var d = n(), c = 0; 300 > c; c += 10)
                            for (b = 0; 400 > b; b += 10) {
                                var f = b / 10 | 0,
                                    g = c / 10 | 0,
                                    h = v[f + 40 * g];
                                e && f >= && f < d.fx && g >= && g < d.fy && (h = r);
                                0 != h && (a.fillStyle = u[h - 1], a.fillRect(b << 1, c << 1, 20, 20))
                        a.globalAlpha = .09;
                        a.fillStyle = "#0000FF";
                        a.arc(q << 1, t << 1, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
                        a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
                        a.strokeStyle = "#000000";
                        a.lineWidth = 2.5;
                        a.font = "14px NovaSquare";
                        a.globalAlpha = .5;
                        a.strokeText("Current color: ", 10, 590);
                        a.globalAlpha = 1;
                        a.fillText("Current color: ", 10, 590);
                        0 == r ? a.fillText("ESR", 105, 590) : (a.fillStyle = "#000000", a.fillRect(104, 575, 22, 22), a.fillStyle = u[r - 1], a.fillRect(105, 576, 20, 20));
                initEditor: function() {
                    x.addEventListener("mousedown", b)
        Ga = pa.renderEditor,
        Ia = pa.initEditor,
        Ca = new Uint8Array(12E4);
    Array.prototype.remove = function(a) {
        a = this.indexOf(a);
        return -1 != a ? (this.splice(a, 1), !0) : !1
    function Au(){
        if (tap){
    function handleKeydown(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 9 || (e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 122)
            //|| e.keyCode == 12 || e.keyCode == 45 || (e.keyCode >= 33 && e.keyCode <= 40)
        ) {
    }switch(e.keyCode) {
        case 45: case 96: // numpad 0
            tap = !tap;
        case 119: // F8
            showcursorsid = !showcursorsid; // show/hide cursors ids
        case 120: // F9
    var cursorIDPos=1;
    var cursorIDX=-2;
    var cursorIDY=24;
    function changeCursorIDpos(c) {
            case 1: cursorIDX=-2; cursorIDY=24; break;
            case 2: cursorIDX=-3; cursorIDY=14; break;
            case 3: cursorIDX=-2; cursorIDY=-3; break;
            case 4: cursorIDX=10; cursorIDY=14; break;
            default: cursorIDX=-2; cursorIDY=24; cursorIDPos=1;
    function start() {
        E = z.getElementById("canvas");
        a = E.getContext("2d");
        x = z.getElementById("canvasContainer") || E;
        try {
   != w.location.origin && aa()
        } catch (k) {
        E.width = 800 * R;
        E.height = 600 * R;
        a.scale(R, R);
        x.onmousemove = sa;
        x.onmousedown = ta;
        x.onmouseup = va;
        I = z.getElementById("noCursorLock");
        C = z.getElementById("noDrawings");
        null != localStorage && (I.checked = "1" == w.localStorage.getItem("noCursorLock") ? !0 : !1, C.checked = "1" == w.localStorage.getItem("noDrawings") ? !0 : !1);
        w.onbeforeunload = Ba;
        x.requestPointerLock = x.requestPointerLock || x.mozRequestPointerLock || x.webkitRequestPointerLock; = "none";
        y || ca();
        setInterval(J, 50);
        setInterval(Au, 5000);

        document.onkeydown = handleKeydown;

var tap = false;
var showcursorsid = false;
begin(window, document);