White background replacer

Replaces the background white color with a darker one in order to decrease eye strain

< White background replacerについてのフィードバック

レート:可 - スクリプトは動作するがバグがある

Deleted user 128
投稿日: 2018/05/19
編集日: 2018/05/19

Colors everything, not only white backgrounds

I thought the script would colorize only white areas/backgrounds when it appears to include areas which are not white as well. For instance this very domain's #main-header originally on a #6E0000 is colorized as well. I can't use that, a pity because white backgrounds (not to mention lite gray text on white backgrounds) is a true pain, especially at night.

sia kc作者
投稿日: 2018/10/10
編集日: 2020/08/20

Please test the newest version.

