Disable YouTube Video Ads

Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.

< Disable YouTube Video Adsについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2024/01/16

Version 1.3.35 worked better for me than the newest version 1.3.37

I had to downgrade, since the latest version (1.3.37) conflicts with extensions like "Enhancer for YouTube", etc.

投稿日: 2024/02/01

how do you downgrade, could you explain please? I have the same problem

投稿日: 2024/02/04

beelzl: Here are the steps:
(1) Go to the "History" tab (which is to the left of the Feedback tab)
(2) Select the version you are interested in installing/downgrading
(3) Go ahead and click on the "Downgrade..." button
(4) On your local TamperMonkey extension, disable automatic updating for the downgraded script in the tampermonkey settings.

