Who Downvoted Me!?

Find out who downvoted your StackOverflow answer.

< Who Downvoted Me!?についてのフィードバック

レート:不可 – スクリプトが動かない

投稿日: 2016/08/30

What a stupid way to determine who downvotes

"it will check the reputation of every other user who posted an answer or comment on the page every n seconds and if your vote has gone down it will tell you the name of any users who's reputation has gone down since the vote."

this leaves so many holes in just the logic. first off with so many people of any SE Site a downvote can occur at the same time as anything else. it's just checking for any rep decrease so someone could be picked as being a downvoter for having their own question/answer downvoted on at the same time, giving a downvote somewhere else or posting a bounty

secondly why would you want to know unless you want the downvoter to explain they they downvoted? in that case they didn't leave a comment so unless they posted an answer (which likely wont be the case) or your answer is the only one this script will fail to find the downvoter.

finally using this script is shown here http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/333392/1028804 to be a violation of the terms of services and since you have to log in to use this script you agreed to those terms

投稿日: 2016/11/18
編集日: 2016/12/20

I've asked the mods myself, you can point to any post on meta bitching about downvotes but SO is not governed by mob rule. The script is legal. Get the fuck over it. It exists because of assholes like you who try to hide behind anonymity. Further, the script works. Try it. It's very reliable - despite a few improvements that could be made.

