MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< MTurk HIT Database Mk.IIについてのフィードバック


Duplicate code snippet?

I've invoked this a couple of times, but for the life of me I can't find it now. Can you repost please?

I know it was burried in one of these discussions, and I've found references to it, but I can't seem to actually find it now.
Did a "discussion" get removed?

Even after running it (twice in the past) my CSV export shows I still have a number of problems like this:


Is it possible you build in something to chop off this extra junk on those Hit IDs permanently,
or give us a "code snippet" for this? (See below ... I think a script would be better)
I wonder if it may also affect the "remove duplicate" attempts.
I think your internal code ignores this extra junk, but the export certainly doesn't remove it. I use Libre Calc to try to read the CSV file that is produced, and it fails for me. Somehow the formatting gets screwed up and it gives up part way through and attempts to cram the rest of the file into one huge entry where the resulting cell is "too large to fit." I have over 13000 HITS in my DB. I've done a little digging trying to isolate the issue, but it's a pain and I haven't figured it out yet. Even for the ones it manages to read, the cell size for HITIDs is greatly expanded as a result which slows down viewing and examining the results.

On a related topic, can you provide a way (maybe even a separate script) to remove a database such that you can import that doesn't just add and not let you "subtract." This code snippet thing for this (or as above) is not the best approach as its easily to lose it as I did or just never see it. I understand you don't want to make it easy to totally remove your database as people will use it and then blame you for doing what they asked you to, or fat-finger the wrong button on the main script. But if it's a separate script, then they have to have real intension, and you print lots of warnings to immediately disable or remove the script.

