Snag HITs. mturk.

< HIT Scraper WITH EXPORTについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2016/11/21

Please Help!

My hit scraper was acting up and so I deleted it and tried reinstalling it but when I click open after installing I get a pop up that says windows script host code 800A03EA source Microsoft JScript compliation error. How do I get my hit scraper back?!?

投稿日: 2016/11/21

I've never seen that before. I'd need more information. How exactly are you installing it? Where are you clicking 'open'? You should never need to click anything that says 'open'.

投稿日: 2016/11/21

I'm going here https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10615-hit-scraper-with-export and clicking the green install button. When it downloads and I click on it a pop up that has an open button on it comes up and I click on that and that is when I get the error. I've tried going to see if it worked and the hit scraper doesn't come up...just the mturk page.

投稿日: 2016/11/21

The popup has a button that says 'install'. Do you have the tampermonkey extension installed? It seems like you don't and are trying to run the script locally as an executable.

投稿日: 2016/11/21

I have tampermonkey installed

投稿日: 2016/11/21

Now when I tried I noticed a notice at the top of the page that says Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website.

投稿日: 2016/11/21
編集日: 2016/11/21

So to confirm:

  • you have tampermonkey both installed and enabled
  • you are clicking on the green install button
  • the tampermonkey popup as show in the above screenshot does not appear
投稿日: 2016/11/21


投稿日: 2016/11/21

I don't know what to tell you. I would suggest you seek help somewhere else because it seems to me like you have a problem with your configuration, settings, or system.

Hopefully someone else has encountered your issue and knows how to solve it.

