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Happy は通報済み。2024/04/10。以下を許可なくコピーしたことによる: Xero-Bots | .io Bots 2022 DISCONTINUED SUPPORT

Xero-Bots | .io Bots 2022 DISCONTINUED SUPPORT にはライセンスの指定がありません。つまり明示的な許可がない限り、複製物の配布は許可されていません。


They pretty blatantly stole my code from my script and are trying to circumvent unauthorized copies by renaming their variables, all they did was take code from my script and then reformat it so it works for a specific game, doesn't hide it as some varibles and globals are named "xero", functions and function names, even the way they're called (onopen, send, writeString, {'op': 'clientVersion','protocolKind': 'TsOgarRx','protocolSig': 'P2NWmM','protocolRev': 'orx108'} etc) are ripped straight from my script too, a lazy copy and paste of my code by simply renaming things.

Script Author License Created Updated
Reported Happy Happy Happy 😂 不明 2024-04-08 13:50:47 UTC 2024-04-08 14:43:31 UTC
Original Xero-Bots | .io Bots 2022 DISCONTINUED SUPPORT djaye 不明 2021-10-02 04:08:52 UTC 2022-09-28 16:24:34 UTC


Happy Happy 😂 (通報されたユーザー) の活動:
