BadgeZee JS - Custom badges for anyone you want that won't disturb others!
Munzee Garden Pin Checker JS - Verify Munzee Garden Pins!
MHQ ago JS - Show timestamps
IBmiles JS - Show miles instead of meters on IB
Zandboxee JS - Want better control of your Munzee sandbox? Here you go!
ZeeFilter+ JS - A way to clear capture and deploy page filters
MySpecialZee JS - New layout for better view with filter
ReprintZee JS - Reprint Munzee with number and type
zeeSpecialTypes JS - Show if physical or virtual for all special types.
Eeznum Dark JS - A dark theme for Eeznum
MunzeeMap Filter JS - filter for munzee map
TempZee JS - Give a warning when you have undeployed temporary virtual Munzees, so they don't expire before deployed
dk+ JS - Improve the look of a little
Show Virtual Munzee Name JS - Show the virtual munzee names
zeeTreehouses JS - More details of myths currently hosted in treehouses. Expiry times powered by sohcah's CuppaZee
zeeMailBuddy JS - Draw more attention to waiting messages!
MVGP++ JS - Add fine tuned garden rotation, custom garden sizes, and show/hide buttons for toolbox/type box!
MVGP++ß JS - Add fine tuned garden rotation, custom garden sizes, type count/"swap" buttons, and show/hide buttons for toolboxes!
Refresher JS - Automatically reload the page at ?interval=
getSpecialsSSG JS - Create a ShoeBot !specials list