Neverwinter Gateway - Professions Robot

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

< Valutazione su Neverwinter Gateway - Professions Robot

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 19/11/2014

Frankenscript, for mod5

I figure other people will be having some trouble combining everything together so I thought I'd go ahead and post my frankenscript mesh of various edits.

Start with bluep's update of the script
+ edit back in the leadership asset priority (my edit)
+ edit in the new Jewelcrafting profession with mod 5 using kakoura's list
+ edit the default leadership tasks to focus on AD instead of speedy leadership progress. Feel free to change this back to the original if you need it.

This script still needs the older greasemonkey 1.15 to work in Firefox. GM 2.x+ is totally incompatible.
I use a FF extension called ReloadEvery which is very useful to set to reload the script every hour or two in case it freezes up. I haven't tested it with all these edits much though.

Hopefully thing work out. Post if you use it and things seem broken. I'm hardly a JS coder and I'm still not very familiar with this script but I'll give it shot.

Pubblicato: 19/11/2014

i only checked (nothing else) leadership tasks order in lvl 20 and that is not the correct order if you focus on AD.
try instead:

this is order in pure ratio AD/min.

Pubblicato: 20/11/2014

Im using the Greasemonkey 1.15 and the last version of FireFox 33.1.1, the script does the login but nothing else...

Pubblicato: 20/11/2014

@kakoura: Thanks! I may have mixed up an old version of my script... thanks for the correction though!

@thlagotw: Did you close your browser? Or hold shift when hitting reload? Did you install the updated script correctly? Or copy/paste it over the existing in edit? Are all your characters setup?

I've tried the script on two accounts across Firefox/Greasemonkey 1.15 on Ubuntu & Windows as well as Chrome/Tapermonkey on Windows. I haven't had any issue so far so I don't know what to tell you.

Pubblicato: 21/11/2014

@numberb thx for the answer i got it running now, it works when i set the 2nd character name and wait a few seconds to its start ^^ btw, there is a way to make it keep doing only the 10 minutes job on leadership for example? thx again

Pubblicato: 21/11/2014

You only get one or two ten minute jobs at the start and those are done by the script. Once those are completed you only have jobs that takes several hours to choose from.

Pubblicato: 07/12/2014

Hi, I added (for my own pleasure and comfort) a simple diamonds counter. It will count the diamonds of all your toons and tell you how much total diamonds you have. If anyone is interested here's what I changed

Pubblicato: 07/12/2014
Modificato: 07/12/2014

Im testing this,

and this "diamond checker" was asked for one other Bot so testing it too and as I mentioned before like others did too "we must soon make new thread for Mustex/Bunta/Bluep -NW Gateway Bot" so users get easy install for it and all features are then added in it.

Still I must remind that I lack JAVA -skills so maintaining script is not possible for me but I can use my time for testing etc. what needs just some patiance and some communications.

Added AD stuff and it works, "chest opener" cause disconnection, but not interfere script itself, look here (it is test only so use it with portable chrome)

Pubblicato: 19/12/2014
Modificato: 19/12/2014

I am trying to figure out how to modify this script to limit a profession to use only one slot until that profession reaches level 3. I am very unfamiliar with this script and am having a hard time making heads or tales of what variable has what information.

I have figured out how to move the priority of Leadership to last, so that if I want to have one or more slot of another profession, I can still leave leadership set for 9 slots and all remaining slots are then used by leadership instead of being taken up first.

I have also incorporated the diamonds counter and repaired it so that it will also count ad that has just been refined.

Pubblicato: 19/12/2014

Look here, many new features,

Mustex/Bunta´s orinal script works now as template, where to rollback if something fails.

There is two features what script needs for perfection,

+ open rewards (this are in script but something is missing)
+ sell items, because if you open 400x rewardchests you need get rid all trash

Look link.

Pubblicato: 19/12/2014
Modificato: 19/12/2014

Yeah, I have seen that just recently. I actually just got done editing that because the ad counter was not working properly in it after ad is refined. I don't entirely know what I am doing, but I have been able to figure out how to fix a few of the problems I have found, such as the counter not updating to reflect refined ad.

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