Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

< Valutazione su Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation


Pubblicato: 30/06/2015
Modificato: 30/06/2015

MAX leadership EXP setup from lvl 1-20

Can someone with a little bit of knowledge help me and set it up? I'm currently around ~10, but I think a lot of us could use a template for exp rushing to 20. Thank you in advance!

Pubblicato: 30/06/2015

Advice nro. 1,

  • open all slot you can
Pubblicato: 02/07/2015

I know about that one, but it's constantly queuing up Gather astral diamonds, and I would much rather level my leadership quicker.. is there any way to change the script to the most optimal leveling quests?

Pubblicato: 02/07/2015

If you use Leadership then use "LeadershipXP", but still it gives you really slow forward.

Only Leadership leveling is good for those who make xx -amount accounts(I mean "many"), but if you have 5 - 20 accounts (chars) then it is good to optimize each and then start with some other profession and get it up lvl20 etc.

Pubblicato: 02/07/2015

Thank you! Haven't noticed LeadershipXP. Thanks for the other tip too. :) Appreciate it!

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