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URL Modifier for Search Engines

Modify URLs in search results of search engines

Versione datata 25/01/2024. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.


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This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites. Allows a more customized and efficient browsing experience.

URL modification uses Regular Expression.

Search result without URL modification:
Search result after URL modification:

Search Engine Support

You can manually add more custom DOM selector to support other search engines.

Can't support Bing, because it only provide intermediate links.

Built-in Redirection

You can add more custom redirection rules into the script yourself.

Remember to backup your own settings, in case updates will overwrite all the changes. Or, you could create an issue on GitHub to commit your own settings, and I will add them into this script.

Other alternatives privacy friendly frontends, see:


  1. Add supports for more search engines.
  2. Refactor the code to make it easier to read and modify.



URL modification rules in regular expression

Variable Description
matchRegex regular expression for matching original URLs
replaceWith regular expression for replacement


Selector rules for the DOM elements needs updating for search engine results

Variable Description
selector selector for DOM element
updateText flag for whether to update the text or href value of the element
childSelector selector for child DOM element under parent element
updateChildText flag for whether to update the inner text of the child element
containProtocol flag for whether to contain protocol (e.g. https://) in the domain
displayMethod required, URL display method
method 1: breadcrumb format
method 2: full URL
method 3: full URL without protocol
multiElementsForUrlDisplay flag for whether the displayed URL is separated into multiple DOM elements


User-defined list of search engine domains

Variable Description
hosts search engine's domain
resultContainerSelectors optional, set search result container DOM, to narrow down the range of dynamic observation
attribute specify additional URL link attribute in <a> other than 'href' (e.g. 'data-target')
no need to specify this if all the link attributes are 'href'