GGn Title and Screenshots Formatter

Formats title, sets alias if applicable and has buttons to undo. Removes screenshots until they are a multiple of 4. Adds buttons in edit page to format name and alias. Exposes title case function to other scripts

queste sono le versioni di questo script in cui il codice è stato aggiornato Visualizza tutte le versioni.

  • v25 29/07/2024

    work on upload new platform page and restart formatter after changing type

  • v24 25/07/2024

    exclude ’ as a separator

  • v23 27/04/2024

    fix title case and editor helper button

  • v22 26/04/2024

    add button for ZeDoCaixao's editor helper

  • v21 25/04/2024

    add buttons to edit page

  • v21 25/04/2024

    add buttons to edit page

  • v20 21/04/2024 Imported from URL
  • v19 20/04/2024
  • v18 01/04/2024
  • v17 30/03/2024
  • v16 14/03/2024
  • v15 17/02/2024
  • v14 16/02/2024
  • v13 08/02/2024
  • v12 05/02/2024
  • v11 02/02/2024
  • v10 14/01/2024
  • v9 10/01/2024

    fix freeze with KSS PostImg it

  • v8 05/01/2024
  • v7 03/01/2024
  • v6 27/11/2023
  • v5 22/11/2023
  • v4 21/11/2023
  • v3 21/11/2023
  • v3 21/11/2023
  • v2 14/11/2023
  • v2 14/11/2023
  • v2 14/11/2023
  • v1 14/11/2023
  • v1 14/11/2023
  • v1 13/11/2023
  • v1 13/11/2023