Sort TikTok profiles in search results by number of followers

Click on the "Accounts" tab header from the TikTok search account page to sort loaded accounts by descending number of followers. Click again to restore the default sort.

// ==UserScript==
// @name               Sort TikTok profiles in search results by number of followers
// @namespace
// @version            0.1.1
// @description        Click on the "Accounts" tab header from the TikTok search account page to sort loaded accounts by descending number of followers. Click again to restore the default sort. 
// @match    *
// @icon     
// @grant              none
// @license            MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const multiplierMap = {
    k: 10 ** 3,
    m: 10 ** 6,
    b: 10 ** 9,

const sortAccountsByNumberOfFollowers = () => {
    const container = document.querySelector("*[data-e2e='search-user-container'").parentElement; = "flex"; = "column";

    const items = Array.from(container.children)
    items.forEach(item => {
        // The string that indicates the number of followers is in the form "X
        // Followers" where X is "432" or "12.1K" or "35.3M" etc.

        const nbFollowersString = item.querySelector('[data-e2e="search-follow-count"]').textContent.trim().replace(/([^ ]*) .*/, "$1");

        const multiplier = multiplierMap[];

        const numberString = multiplier ?
            nbFollowersString.substring(0, nbFollowersString.length - 1)
            : nbFollowersString;

        item.nbFollowers = parseFloat(numberString) * (multiplier || 1);
    const sortedItems = items.toSorted((a, b) => b.nbFollowers - a.nbFollowers);

    const alreadySorted = items.every(item =>

    sortedItems.forEach((item, index) => { = alreadySorted
            ? ''
            : String(index + 1)

const sleep = time => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, time))

const main = async () => {
    while (true) {
        await sleep(500);
        const accountsTab = document.evaluate("//div[@data-e2e='tab-item' and contains(., 'Accounts')]", document).iterateNext();

        if (!accountsTab || accountsTab.sortByFollowersListenerAdded) continue;

        accountsTab.addEventListener('click', sortAccountsByNumberOfFollowers)
        accountsTab.title += "Sort by number of followers / Restore default sort"
        accountsTab.sortByFollowersListenerAdded = true;