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X to Twitter

Get our Twitter back from Elon.

< Valutazione su X to Twitter

Recensione: Male - lo script non funziona

Pubblicato: 22/08/2023


Full disclosure: I'm biased, because I'm comparing this script to my script Twitter: bring back old name and logo.

Test results

Tested on Firefox on the desktop. Interface in English language.

What gets renamed/replaced correctly (✅), what doesn't (❌), and what kinda works, but incorrectly (🟡):

  • General
    • ✅ tab icon
    • tab name (e.g. ✅ 'Notifications / Twitter' and ❌ 'Jane Doe on Twitter: "hello"')
    • ✅ logo on the loading screen and logo in the header
  • Sending tweets
    • button to send tweets
    • ✅ "Post" → "Tweet"
    • 🟡 "Post all" gets incorrectly renamed to "Tweet", instead of "Tweet all"
    • ❌ Button "Reply" gets incorrectly renamed to "Tweet" (it has been called "Reply" looong before X)
    • ❌ placeholder "Add another tweet!" when tweeting several tweets at once
    • ❌ placeholder "Tweet your reply!" when replying (both inline and in a popup)
    • ❌ popup ("toast") message "Your tweet was sent."
  • Profile pages
    • ❌ counter of tweets on profile pages ("123 posts" → "123 tweets" and "14.2K posts" → "14.K tweets")
    • 🟡 tab "Posts" gets renamed to "Tweet", missing the "s"
  • Tweets in a timeline/profile/thread
    • ❌ tooltip of the retweet button ("Retweet" and "Undo retweet")
    • ✅/🟡 menu item "Retweet" in the dropdown for retweet button (see note about jumpy text below)
    • ❌ menu items in dropdown "More" under three dots button (top right corner)
    • ❌ menu items in dropdown "Share" under Share button (bottom right corner)
  • Timeline
    • ❌ Popup "pill" with "X, Y, Z posted" and "See new posts"
  • Individual tweet's page
    • ❌ retweets counter ("42 Reposts" → "42 Retweets")
    • ❌ "Post" → "Tweet" in the header
    • ❌ text in the header of the popup "Retweeted by"
  • Notifications page
    • ❌ mentions of tweets and retweets (e.g. "retweeted your tweet")

setInterval is not good

On the technical side, the approach with setInterval is not a good idea, because:

  1. The text "jumps", because the interval has to catch up to whatever Twitter's native JS is doing. Most noticeable on:
    • the dropdown (popup menu) of the "Retweet" button – the user sees the text "Repost"
    • when switching between tabs ("Tweets", "Replies", "Media", "Likes") on a user profile
  2. It wastes CPU. The script does something in the background all the time, even when the page is idle.
Pubblicato: 23/08/2023

At least the script works lmao

For page title, use

It works for all languages.

For title icon, if you want to have customization by yourself, use
(of course you can customize it with the blue bird, see

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