GitHub: PR author avatar as tab icon

Sets GitHub PR tab icon (favicon) to author's avatar

< Valutazione su GitHub: PR author avatar as tab icon

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 26/08/2023


On my side, I don't see any favicon like the screenshot shows...

On your side, it works or do you have any idea what's going on please ?

Example :

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey

Pubblicato: 26/08/2023

Hello, Cool722. Thank you for the report. This is indeed a bug in version 5 of the script.

The bug has been fixed in version 6. Could you please upgrade and check if the fix works on your side?

Pubblicato: 27/08/2023

Thank you so much because it's really working very well now ;-)

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